Question Paper Code:: Reg. No.

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Reg. No.

Question Paper Code :


B.E./B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2009 Third Semester Mechanical Engineering ME 2203 KINEMATICS OF MACHINERY (Regulation 2008) Time : Three hours Marks Sketches to be drawn neatly A3 size drawing sheet will be issued if required Answer ALL Questions PART A (10 2 = 20 Marks) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. State Grueblers criterion for spatial mechanism. Define Mechanical Advantage. What is coriolis acceleration? What is meant by virtual centre? Why is a roller follower preferred to knife edge follower? Define Under cutting in cam. State the law of gearing. Write the mobility of differential mechanism. What do you mean by self-locking screws? Give the effect of centrifugal tension in belt drives. Maximum : 100

PART B (5 16 = 80 Marks) 11. (a) (i) Define transmission angle. Sketch a drag-link mechanism in maximum transmission angle and minimum transmission angle positions and explain. (10) Sketch and explain Whitworth quick return mechanism. Or (b) (i) (ii) 12. (a) Describe various inversions of double slider crank-mechanism with sketches. Discuss about the straight line generators. (6) (6)


In a simple steam engine, the lengths of the crank and the connecting rod are 100 mm and 400 mm respectively. The weight of the connecting rod is 50 kg and its centre of mass is 220 mm from the cross head centre. The radius of gyration about the centre of mass is 120 mm. If the engine speed is 300 rpm and the crank has turned 45 from (i) The angular velocity and acceleration of the connecting rod (ii) Kinetic energy of the connecting rod. (16) Or


PQRS is a four bar chain with a fixed link PS. The lengths of the links are : PQ = 62.5 mm, QR = 175 mm, RS = 112.5 mm and PS = 200 mm. The crank PQ rotates at 10 rad/s clockwise. Draw the velocity and acceleration diagram when angle QPS = 60 and find the angular velocity and angular acceleration of the links QR and RS. (16) A disc cam used for moving a knife edge follower with SHM during lift and uniform acceleration and retardation motion during return. Cam rotates at 300 rpm clockwise direction. The line of motion of the followeroffset 10 mm to the right angle of cam shaft axis. The has an minimum the cam is 30 mm. The lift of the follower is 40 mm. radius of The camangles are: lift 60, dwell 90, return 120 and remaining rotation angle for dwell. Draw the cam profile and determine the maximum velocity and during the lift and return. acceleration Or




What is tangent cam? Derive the expressions for the velocity and acceleration of a roller follower in the tangent cam. (16) 2 T




A pair of spur gears with involute teeth is to give a gear ratio of 3:1. of approach is not to be less than the circular pitch and smaller arc The wheel driver. The angle of pressure is 20 is the (i) What is the least number of teeth that can be used on each

wheel? (ii) What is the addendum of the wheel in terms of circular pitch? Or (b) In an epicyclic gear train, an annular wheel A having 54 teeth meshes with a planet wheel B which gears with a sun wheel C, the wheels A and C being rotates about the axis of the wheels A and C. If the wheel A makes 20 rpm in a clockwise sense and the arm rotates at 100 rpm in the anticlockwise direction and the wheel C has 24 teeth, determine the speed and direction of rotation of wheel C. (16) (i) (ii) Derive the condition for maximum efficiency of screw. (8)



A bicycle and rider of mass 100 kg are travelling at the

rate of 16 km/hr on a level road. A brake is applied to the rear wheel which is 0.9 m in diameter and this is the only resistance acting. How many turns will it make before it comes to rest? The pressure applied on the brake is 100 N and = 0.05. (8) Or (b) A rope drive is required to transmit 230 kW from a pulley of 1 m diameter running at 450 rpm. The safe pull in each rope is 800 N and the mass of the rope is 0.4 kg per meter length. The angle of lap and the groove is 160 and 45 respectively. If = 0.3, find the number of ropes required. (16)

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