Course outline for EM for EnvEngineerring (ChEg 6303)

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Addis Ababa University

Addis Ababa Institute of Technology

Environmental Engineering Postgraduate program

ChEg. 6303 Environmental Microbiology (3 Credit Hrs)

Instructor: Dr Seyoum Leta

Course outline
1. The microbial metabolism and growth
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Micro-organisms and the environment
1.3 Microbial metabolism and their environmental significance
1.4 Metabolic classification of micro-organisms
1.5 Microbial growth kinetics
1.6 Environmental effects of microbial growth
2. Role of micro-organisms in biogeochemical cycles
2.1 The Nitrogen Cycle
2.2 Microbiology of the Nitrogen Cycle
2.3 Nitrogen removal in wastewater treatment plants
2.4 Adverse effects of Nitrogen discharges
2.5 The Phosphorus cycle
2.6 Microbiology of the phosphorus cycle
2.7 Phosphorus removal in wastewater treatment plants
2.8 Enhanced biological removal of phosphorus
2.9 The Sulphur cycle
2.10 Microbiology of the sulphur cycle
2.11 Environmental and technological problems associated with sulphur
oxidation or reduction
3. Biological Wastewater Treatment
3.1 Introduction to Wastewater Treatment
3.2 Sources of contaminants and their environmental impact
3.3 Why treat wastewater?
3.3 Levels of wastewater Treatment
3.4. Wastewater Treatment Processes
 physical and chemical processes
 Biological Treatment processes
 Aerobic Treatment systems
 Anaerobic Treatment processes
 Anaerobic Biological Treatment Systems
 Anaerobic Digestion Process
 Advantages of Anaerobic Treatment Technologies
 Lagoon Systems
 Stabilization Ponds
 Treatment in Wetland systems

4. Microbiological Aspects of Drinking water treatment

4.1 Microbiological quality of source water
4.2 Overview of processes involved in water treatment plants
4.3 Process microbiology and fate of pathogens and parasites in water
treatment plants
5. Biodegradation and bioremediation
5.1 Introduction
5.1 Biodegradation in Aquatic Environments
5.2 Fate of xenobiotics in wastewater treatment plants
5.3 Removal of toxic organic pollutants by anaerobic and anoxic
biological processes
5.4 Biodegradation in Biofilms
5.5 Metal bio transformations
5.6 Biodegradation of hazardous wastes
6. Bioremediation and bio-augmentation for treating polluted environments
6.1 Conceptual overview of bioremediation
6.2 Definitions and relationships between bioremediation and
6.3 Intrinsic and engineered bioremediation
6.4 Techniques of bioremediation and biodegradation
6.5 Bio-augmentation
7. Phytoremediation
7.1 Overview of Phytoremediation
7.2 Current applications of Phytoremediation
7.3 Advances in Phytoremediation Technologies


1. G. Bitton (1999).Wastewater Microbiology, 2nd edn, Wiley series in ecological

and applied microbiology
2. Samir Kumar Khanal (2008) Anaerobic Biotechnology for Bioenergy
Productioon: principles and applications. Jone wiley & Sons Inc.
3. Vogeli Y, Lohri C.R., Gallardo A., Dieners S., Zurburgg C. (2014) Anaerobic
Digestion of Biowaste in Developing Countries: Practical Information and Case
Studies. Swiss FIAST, Switzerland
4. 2. Hurst, C.J. et al. (eds) (2002) Manual of Environmental Microbiology, 2nd edn.
American Society for Microbiology, ASM Press, W.DC.
5. 3. Cloete, TE and Muyima, NYO (1997). Microbial Community analysis: the Key
to the Design of Biological Wastewater Treatment Systems, IWAQ, England.
6. 4. Burlage, R:S, et al., eds. (1998) Techniques in Microbial Ecology..Oxford
University Press, Inc.
7. 5. Madigan, M.T, Martink, J:M:, Parker, J (2003) Brock Biology of Micro-
organisms, 1oth edn. Prentice Hall, USA

Wetlands systems for wastewater treatment

1. Cooper,P.F., and B.C. Findlater. 1990. Constructed wetlands in water pollution

control. Pergamon press Oxford
2. Kadlec, R.H. and R.L. Knight. 1996. Treatment wetlands. Lewis publishers, Boca
Raton, FL.
3. Hammer, D.A. (eds.) 1990. Constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment:
municipal, industrial, and agricultural. CRC Press.

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