Effluent Treatment2
Effluent Treatment2
Effluent Treatment2
The purpose of primary treatment is to remove suspended solids and floating material. In many
situations in some countries, primary treatment with the resulting removal of approximately 40 to 60%
of the suspended solids and 25 to 35%of BOD, together with removal of material from the wastewater,
is adequate to meet the requirement of the receiving water body.
If primary treatment is not sufficient to meet the regulatory effluent standards, secondary treatment
using a biological process is mostly used for further treatment due to its greater removal efficiency and
less cost than chemical coagulation.
Second objective
The second objective of secondary treatment is the reduction of ammonia toxicity and nitrification
oxygen demand in the stream. This is achieved by oxidation of most of the ammonia to nitrate during
treatment (nitrification). This utilizes modified conventional biological treatment process.
Biological treatment processes provide similar biological activities to waste assimilation, which would
take place in the receiving waters, but in a reasonably shorter time.
The microorganisms are able to decompose the organic matter through two different biological
processes (metabolism process):
Generally, the bacterial growth can be explained by the following simplified figure:
CE-333: Lecture-4: Wastewater Treatment (Part-2) /Prepared by: Snigdha Afsana, Assist Prof, Dept. of Civil Engineering, BUET
Several bioenvironmental factors affect the activity of bacteria and the rate of biochemical reactions,
e.g, temperature, pH, F/M ratio etc. Therefore for efficient biological treatment design it is essential to
have detail information on the microorganisms involved in the treatment process.
Microbiology of Sewage
The microorganisms important for biological treatment of sewage and other biodegradable wastewater
are – bacteria, fungi, algae, protozoa, rotifers, crustaceans etc. Carbon is the basic building block for
microbial cell synthesis. A source of energy must be obtained from outside the cell to enable synthesis
to proceed. The relationship between the source of carbon and the source of energy for the
microorganism is important.
The goal in wastewater treatment is to convert both the carbon and the energy in the wastewater into
the cells of microorganisms, which can be removed from the water by settling or filtration. Therefore,
the processes are designed and operated to encourage the growth of organisms that use organic
material for both their carbon and energy source.
Classification of Microorganisms
(A) Classification by Energy and Carbon Source (metabolism)
These are further grouped into two categories- i. heterotrophs & ii. autotrophs
i) Heterotrophs –
A heterotroph is a group of organisms that obtain their food from other organisms and are not capable
of producing their own food. These organisms use organic material as a supply of both carbon (food)
and energy. Heterotrophs include all animals and fungi, some bacteria & many parasitic plants.
Some heterotrophs directly depend on autotrophs for their food like herbivores feeding on plants. Other
heterotrophs indirectly depend on the producers by feeding on the first type of heterotrophs. Most
heterotrophs depend on the process of photosynthesis in a number of different ways. In addition to
providing the energy and food, photosynthesis also provides oxygen tot eh heterotrophs. Heterotrophs
have greater importance in sewage treatment as they breakdown organic matter for their use.
Heterotrophs are further divided into two types based on the source of their energy- a)
photoheterotrophs which obtain their energy from light but depend on producers for their carbon source
and b) chemoheterotrophs, in turn, obtain both their energy and carbon from other producers.
ii) Autotrophs
An autotroph is a group of organisms capable of producing their own food by utilizing various
substances like water, sunlight, air, and other chemicals and use CO2 to supply their carbon needs.
The most commonly known autotrophs are plants; however, several other varieties of autotrophs are
found in nature, ranging from algae, phytoplankton, and some bacteria. Autotrophs are capable of
producing complex chemical structure from basic inorganic materials. Most autotrophs use
photosynthesis to convert solar energy to chemical energy, but various autotrophs also utilize other
processes like phototrophy and chemotrophy. Autotrophic organisms are of limited importance in
sewage treatment as they do not dependent on organic wastes for their metabolism.
CE-333: Lecture-4: Wastewater Treatment (Part-2) /Prepared by: Snigdha Afsana, Assist Prof, Dept. of Civil Engineering, BUET
i) Obligate aerobes
Obligate aerobes are microorganisms that must have oxygen for their metabolism process. Most
eukaryotes are obligate aerobes and cannot survive without oxygen.
v) Microaerophiles
Microaerophiles are bacteria that require a minimum level of oxygen for growth, about 1%–10%, well
below the 21% found in the atmosphere.
CE-333: Lecture-4: Wastewater Treatment (Part-2) /Prepared by: Snigdha Afsana, Assist Prof, Dept. of Civil Engineering, BUET
Bacteria are capable of storing food particles outside the cell by means of extracellular enzymes and
hence can remove soluble, colloidal and solid organic matter from wastewater. Bacteria are very
sensitive to light, air, water, food, temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen, etc. Among these, temp and
pH play a vital role in the life and death of bacteria. Most bacteria cannot tolerate pH levels above 9.5
or below 4.0.and optimum pH for growth lies between 6.5 and 7.5. The rate of reaction increases with
increase in temperature- doubling with about 100C rise in temperature depending on bacterial
Classification of Bacteria
1. Depending on Shape-
They have one of three basic shapes:
i. Bacillus (Rod shaped) : Width 0.5 to 1.0 μm, and length 1 to 3 μm
ii. Coccus (Spherical) : Diameter 0.5 to 1.0 μm
iii. Spirillum (Spiral) : Width 0.5 to 5 μm, and length 6 to 15 μm
Temperature (ºC)
Range Optimum
-2 to 30 12 to 18
Or Psychrophilic
Mesophilic 20 to 45 25 to 40
Thermophilic 45 to 75 55 to 65
60 to near
Hyperthermophiles 70 to 85
Bacteria will grow at slower rates over a larger range of temperatures and will survive at a very large
range of temperatures. For example, Escherichia coli, classified as a mesophile, will grow at
temperatures between 200C and 450 C and but will reproduce, although very slowly, at temperatures
down to 00C. If frozen rapidly, they and many other microorganisms can be stored for years with no
significant death rate. Once the optimum temperature range is exceeded, growth rate drops off rapidly
due to the denaturation of key proteins.
Metabolism of Bacteria
The sum total of all the chemical processes of the cell is called metabolism
It may be separated two components:
Both the catabolic processes and the anabolic processes are very complex and carried out through a
series of reactions catalyzed by enzymes. e.g. The general stages of catabolism of fats,
carbohydrates, and proteins Hydrolysis occurs in stage -1, which is the process of splitting of a polymer
by adding water to a covalent bond. The reaction is catalyzed by a hydrolyase enzyme.
3. Autolysis Process
When a microorganism cell has depleted its food reserves, it starts to oxidize itself, this process is
known as autolysis (=self-destruction), which leads to the death of bacteria.
Autolysis does not proceed to completion since approximately 20-25% of the cell mass is resistant to
aerobic degradation. From the metabolism process diagram shown below it is noted that one-third of
BOD is used in catabolic reactions and two-thirds in anabolic reactions.
CE-333: Lecture-4: Wastewater Treatment (Part-2) /Prepared by: Snigdha Afsana, Assist Prof, Dept. of Civil Engineering, BUET
These qualities make fungi very important in biological treatment of some industrial waste, and
composting of solid waste. Being relatively large and filamentous shape, fungi tends to settle poorly
and undesirable in biological treatment process.
Algae are unicellular or multi-cellular, autotrophic photosynthetic microorganisms. Because of the
chlorophyll contained in most species, they produce oxygen through photosynthesis. In the presence of
sunlight, the photosynthetic production of oxygen is greater than the amount used in respiration. .
CO2 + 2H2O CH2O + O2 + H2O
CH2O + O2 CO2 + H2O
If the daylight hours exceed the night hours by a reasonable amount, there is a net production of
Algae are of benefit in stabilization lagoons for wastewater treatment when they supply oxygen in
excess of respiration. Other than production of oxygen, they do not contribute to the stabilization of
waste because they use carbon dioxide or bicarbonates as a source of carbon rather than organic
carbon. Moreover, they are a liability when they leave in the lagoon effluent because they contribute to
the total suspended particulate concentration and may cause discharge limits to be exceeded.
Protozoa are motile, microscopic microorganisms that are usually single-celled.
The majority of protozoa are aerobic chemo-heterotrophs, although a few are
anaerobic. Protozoa are generally an order of magnitude larger than bacteria in
size, and often consume bacteria as an energy source. The protozoa act as
polishers of effluent from biological waste treatment processes by consuming
bacteria and particulate organic matter. They reproduce by binary fission.
Rotifers are aerobic, chemo-heterotrophic and multi-cellular organisms/animal.
These are multicellular organisms with well-developed tissues and organs. The
rotifer derives its name from the apparent rotating motion of two sets of cilia on
its head. The cilia provide mobility and a mechanism for catching food. For this
they are sometimes called "wheel animals".
CE-333: Lecture-4: Wastewater Treatment (Part-2) /Prepared by: Snigdha Afsana, Assist Prof, Dept. of Civil Engineering, BUET
Rotifers are very effective in consuming dispersed and flocculated bacteria, protozoa and small
particles of organic matter. Presence of rotifers indicates efficient aerobic purification process
Crustaceans are heterotrophic and multi-cellular animal with hard
body or shells that includes shrimp, lobsters, and barnacles. .
They are normal occupants of natural waters and are a source of
food for fish and are not present in noticeable extent in biological
treatment of wastewater systems except in under-loaded lagoons.
Thus, but their presence is indicative of an effluent low in organic
matter and high in dissolved oxygen.
Viruses are smallest biological unit containing all the information
necessary for their reproduction.
They are inter-cellular parasites and as such they require a host to
live in. Once they have a host, they redirect their complex
machinery to produce new viruses and eventually the host cell
ruptures releasing new viruses which go on infecting other cells.
Viruses are found in sewage and wastewater and are required to
be controlled by effective sewage treatment.
Pathogens are disease producing microorganisms . Some examples are given below:
The ideal formula for determining the nutritional needs of microorganisms, expressed in a ratio of
BOD:Nitrogen: Phosphorus (B:N:P) is 100:10:1. If any of these nutrients are lacking, operational
problems can result.
Temperature affects the growth of bacteria by various ways. Below minimum temperature cell
membrane solidifies and become stiff to transport nutrients in to the cell, hence no growth occurs.
Whereas, above maximum temperature, cellular proteins and enzymes denatures, so the bacterial
CE-333: Lecture-4: Wastewater Treatment (Part-2) /Prepared by: Snigdha Afsana, Assist Prof, Dept. of Civil Engineering, BUET
growth ceases. Reactions are slower in colder temperatures and faster in warmer temperature.
Therefore more bacteria are required to do the same job during the winter
Most bacteria grow best around neutral pH values 6.5 - 7.0, but some thrive in very acid conditions
(alkaliphiles bacteria) and some can even tolerate a pH as low as 1.0 (acidophiles bacteria). Basically,
enzymes in bacteria are very much dependent on pH. Therefore, for effective microbial growth rapid
pH changes should be avoided.
Toxic elements
Presence of toxic elements (Chlorine compounds, Cr, Pb, Hg, Ag, etc) stops microbial growth
Dissolved Oxygen
This is the vital need for survival of aerobic microorganisms. Aerobic bacteria require 0.1 to 0.3 mg/L of
oxygen to function properly. Since the floc is made up of bacteria, a DO of around 2 mg/L should be
maintained in the bulk fluid surrounding the floc so that sufficient DO is available for bacteria in the
center of the floc. The floc solids will begin to break up and unfavorable bacteria that thrive under low
DO conditions may begin to develop.
The growth of bacteria with varying oxygen requirements in thioglycolate tubes is illustrated in
Figure 17. In tube A, all the growth is seen at the top of the tube. The bacteria are obligate (strict)
aerobes that cannot grow without an abundant supply of oxygen. Tube B looks like the opposite of
tube A. Bacteria grow at the bottom of tube B. Those are obligate anaerobes, which are killed by
oxygen. Tube C shows heavy growth at the top of the tube and growth throughout the tube, a typical
result with facultative anaerobes. The aerotolerant anaerobes in tube D are indifferent to the presence
of oxygen. Tube E on are microaerophiles bacteria that require a minimum level of oxygen for growth.
Mixing is required to bring the bacteria, oxygen and nutrients in contact with each other. Without
sufficient mixing, proper treatment will not take place.
CE-333: Lecture-4: Wastewater Treatment (Part-2) /Prepared by: Snigdha Afsana, Assist Prof, Dept. of Civil Engineering, BUET
The Bacterial Growth Pattern
The stabilization (decomposition) of sewage and industrial wastewater is related to the growth of
bacteria. The carbon and energy sources (wastes) in the wastewater for bacterial growth are referred
to as substrates. Bacteria utilize substrates and reproduce by binary fission process which may vary
from 20 minutes - days. But bacteria would not continue to divide indefinitely because of various
environmental limitations.
Generation time:
It is the time required for a bacterium to give rise to 2 daughter cells under optimum conditions. It is
also referred as population doubling time. Different types bacteria require different doubling time. e.g., -
—- Escherichia coli – 20 mins.
—- Mycobacterium tuberculosis – 20 hrs.
—- M.leprae – 20 days.
Generation Time
= (Time in minutes to obtain the absorbance 0.4) – (Time in minutes to obtain the absorbance 0.2)
= 90 – 60 mins
= 30 minutes
When bacteria come in contact with wastewater, they enter in to a new environment. Bacteria then
take some time to get acclimatized with new environment before starting binary fission. The general
growth pattern of bacteria in a fixed substrate environment has few distinct phases – lag phase, log
growth phase, declining growth, stationary and death phase. A general growth pattern for fission-
reproduction bacteria in a batch culture is sketched in figure below.
1. Lag Phase:
The initial stage of bacterial growth to get adjust with the new environment is termed as lag phase.
During lag phase of growth, bacteria remain active but do not reproduce. Necessary enzymes and
metabolites are built up to degrade substrates. In lag phase, cells are increased in size, but the
bacteria are not able to replicate and therefore no increase in cell mass.
CE-333: Lecture-4: Wastewater Treatment (Part-2) /Prepared by: Snigdha Afsana, Assist Prof, Dept. of Civil Engineering, BUET
The length of the lag phase depends directly on the previous growth condition of the organism. When
the microorganism growing in a rich medium is inoculated into nutritionally poor medium, the organism
will take more time to adapt with the new environment.
4. Stationary Phase:
Growth ceases due to exhaustion of nutrients, accumulation of toxic metabolites and lowering of pH
and stationary growth or endogenous phase of growth is reached. This phase is indicates that the
bacterial population has reached the carrying capacity of the biological treatment unit.
At this stage bacteria start to produce secondary metabolites (a switch in energy and carbon flux away
from biomass production toward the production of small, bioactive molecules). Total cell count remains
same, i.e., the growth of new cells is offset by death of old cells and the number remains relatively
constant. As mobility ceases, bacteria bump into each other they stick together. At first they form small
clumps /flocs which eventually become large enough to settle.
5. Death Phase:
The depletion of nutrients and the subsequent accumulation of metabolic waste products and other
toxic materials in the media will facilitates the bacterium to move on to the Death phase. During this,
the bacterium completely loses its ability to reproduce. Individual bacteria begin to die due to the
unfavorable conditions.
The rate of death exceeds the rate of reproduction; cells also become old, die exponentially and lysis
(the disintegration of a cell by rupture of the cell wall or membrane) can occur in which the nutrients
from the dead cells diffuse out to furnish the remaining living cells as food.
Endogenous respiration
During both the stationary and death phases there are a substantial proportion of cells which neither
die nor subdivide. They exist by utilizing the intracellular food reserves laid down during exponential
growth; this process is known as endogenous respiration. In the endogenous growth period, the
microorganisms compete for the limiting substrate even to metabolize their own protoplasm.
CE-333: Lecture-4: Wastewater Treatment (Part-2) /Prepared by: Snigdha Afsana, Assist Prof, Dept. of Civil Engineering, BUET
Significance of bacterial growth analysis
The study of bacterial growth pattern is important as it helps to determine the hydraulic retention time
of wastewater in treatment basin which in turn depends on –
In biological treatment, in addition to stabilization of biodegradable wastes newly created biomass also
need to be removed from the wastewater through sedimentation. Though substrate utilization is
maximum in exponential growth period, but as bacteria at this phase are highly active and motile –their
floc formation and sellting is very poor. During declining growth stage, activity ceases floc formation
increases which further grow in size during endogenous phase. Floc can settle out to the bottom of the
ASB, which leaves a clearer effluent with little BOD behind. Therefore a system should be run in the
―sweet spot‖ right between the declining growth phase and endogenous respiration phase for good
The Table below shows overall waste stabilization and biomass settling efficiency at different growth
stage of bacteria:
iii. TSS (total suspended solids) and VSS (volatile suspended solids):
It represents the biomass solids (insoluble) in the bioreactor.
iomass produced gm
iomass yield,
ubstrate utili ed consumed gm
Since wastewater contains a large number of organic compounds, the yield is expressed in terms of
measurable parameters such as COD or BOD. Thus the yield would be:
iomass gm
iomass yield,
D or D gm
( ) ( )
--------- (1)
( ) ( )
( ) ( )
( ) ( )
C --------- (2)
Oxygen Requirement
Stoichiometric relation shows - 8 moles of oxygen are required for 3 moles of glucose
CE-333: Lecture-4: Wastewater Treatment (Part-2) /Prepared by: Snigdha Afsana, Assist Prof, Dept. of Civil Engineering, BUET
Oxygen requirement for oxidizing per gm glucose-
2 used 8 32 gm 2 mol
0.47 gm
lucose 3 180 gm mol
Specific growth rate μ ----- (3)
μ = specific microbial growth rate, gm VSS/gm VSS - d
μm = maximum microbial growth rate, gm VSS/gm VSS -d
Maximum biomass growth rate can be obtained from laboratory experiments using 2-fold dilution
(2FD) method or the relative rate to detection (RRD) method
S = growth limiting (biodegradable o.m.) substrate concentration, mg/L
X = biomass (microorganisms) concentration mg/L
Ks= Substrate saturation constant
= substrate concentration at one half the maximum substrate consumption rate (rsu), mg/L
Yield Co-efficient
Yield coefficient is the ratio of maximum mass of cells formed to the mass of substrate utilized, mg/mg
Monod also related the yield coefficient (Y) to the specific rate of biomass growth (μ) and the substrate
utilization rate (rsu)
rsu = -
μm k
rsu - - ----- (6)
s s
k = max. specific substrate utilization rate, mg substrate/mg biomass – d
(μm = maximum microbial growth rate, gm VSS/gm VSS –d)
Ks= substrate concentration at one half the maximum growth rate , mg/L
CE-333: Lecture-4: Wastewater Treatment (Part-2) /Prepared by: Snigdha Afsana, Assist Prof, Dept. of Civil Engineering, BUET
Net growth rate
The relationship between cell growth rate and substrate utilization rate is given by: (not all subs. is
converted to cells)
rg = - Y rsu
But bacteria experience loss in growth rate due to decay and predation, this is termed as endogenous
decay. The death rate rd of cells is proportional to the cell concentration X, because cells die in
proportion to their number.
rd = k d X -----(7)
rg’ = rg - rd
CE-333: Lecture-4: Wastewater Treatment (Part-2) /Prepared by: Snigdha Afsana, Assist Prof, Dept. of Civil Engineering, BUET