Cannabis remains the most frequently used illicit drug overcome the effects of cannabis intoxication on
worldwide. It produces a broad range of acute effects, such performance accuracy. Factors that may account for the
as euphoria, increased heart rate and perceptual alterations. variation in results are the extent to which a paradigm
Over the last few decades, a substantial number of involves attentional processes, differences between
experiments have been conducted to provide insight into studies in administration methods
the acute effects of cannabis on cognition. Here, we and variation in the patients’ history of cannabis use.
systematically review studies that investigated the impact Behavioural Pharmacology 29:605–616 Copyright © 2018
of administration of cannabis or Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol, Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
the main psychoactive constituent of cannabis, on human Behavioural Pharmacology 2018, 29:605–616
executive function, in particular, on the three principal
domains of inhibition, working memory and reasoning/ Keywords: association, cannabis, endocannabinoid system,
executive function, human, inhibition, reasoning, Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol,
association. Our findings suggest that cannabis use results working memory
in acute impairment of inhibition, with the strongest effects
Department of Psychiatry, Brain Center Rudolf Magnus, University Medical Center
after pulmonary administration of higher doses of Δ9- Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands
tetrahydrocannabinol. Results from neuroimaging studies
Correspondence to Matthijs G. Bossong, PhD, Department of Psychiatry,
indicate that these effects are predominantly modulated Brain Center Rudolf Magnus, A01.126, University Medical Center Utrecht,
through neural processes in the inferior frontal gyrus. Heidelberglaan 100, 3584 CX Utrecht, The Netherlands
E-mail: [email protected]
Working memory and reasoning/association are less
clearly affected by cannabis administration, possibly Received 31 May 2018 Accepted as revised 12 August 2018
because of compensational neural mechanisms to
Cohen and Weinstein, 2018). In terms of the residual findings on inhibition, 42 studies included measures of
effects of cannabis use, that is, those that persist after acute working memory and 21 studies examined reasoning or
intoxication, meta-analyses found evidence for mild cogni- association (one study can include several assessments).
tive impairments, including executive function, which were A short description of all of the cognitive paradigms used
particularly associated with frequent or heavy cannabis in these studies is provided online in Supplementary
use. Importantly, these effects attenuated with prolonged Table 1 (Supplemental digital content 1, http://links.lww.
abstinence, suggesting recovery from the residual cognitive com/BPHARM/A24). Because papers report the potency
impact of cannabis use (Grant et al., 2003; Schreiner and of the administered drug either as milligrams of Δ9-THC,
Dunn, 2012; Scott et al., 2018). percentage of Δ9-THC or microgram Δ9-THC per kilo-
gram body weight, for all studies, the potency of the drug
Over the last few decades, a substantial number of studies
was converted into milligrams of Δ9-THC. If it was not
have been carried out to provide insight into the acute effects
possible to calculate this from information provided in
of cannabis on human executive function. Here, the term
the paper, it was done on the basis of the characteristics
executive function describes a set of high-level cognitive
of standard cannabis cigarettes supplied by the National
functions that are essential for goal-directed behaviour. They
Institute on Drug Abuse (Chait and Pierri, 1989).
include basic cognitive processes such as inhibitory control,
working memory, reasoning, planning and cognitive flexibility
Acute effects of cannabis on inhibition
(Chan et al., 2008; Diamond, 2013). The network of brain
areas that sub serves executive function most prominently
Thirty-three studies reported findings on neuropsycho-
includes the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and the parietal
logical paradigms that examined inhibition, including a
cortex (Seeley et al., 2007; Sridharan et al., 2008). Importantly,
total of 61 assessments. The characteristics and results
impaired executive function is considered a fundamental
are summarized in Table 1. Forty of the 61 (66%)
cognitive deficit in neurological and psychiatric disorders such
assessments showed impairment of inhibition, whereas
as psychosis, Alzheimer’s disease and attention-deficit and
21 (34%) measures did not show any significant effects.
hyperactivity disorder (Perry and Hodges, 1999; Biederman
None of the five (0%) assessments after intravenous
and Faraone, 2005; Fioravanti et al., 2005).
administration of Δ9-THC showed an impairment of
The aim of the current review is to provide a detailed and up- inhibition. Three of the nine (33%) measures after oral
to-date systematic literature overview of studies that investi- administration showed a significant negative effect on
gated the impact of cannabis or Δ9-THC administration on task performance, whereas 37 of the 47 (79%) assess-
human executive function. To examine the effects of can- ments after pulmonary administration showed impaired
nabis on different aspects of executive function, we focused inhibition. The mean pulmonary dose of Δ9-THC used
on three principal domains: inhibition, working memory and in the assessments that showed impairment was sig-
reasoning/association (Chan et al., 2008; Diamond, 2013). The nificantly higher than the Δ9-THC dose of the measures
results of neuropsychological and functional neuroimaging that did not show an effect on inhibition (21.8 ± 14.9 vs.
studies are reported separately. Methodological and con- 11.1 ± 7.8 mg; P = 0.036). Frequently used measures of
ceptual issues are discussed, and implications of the findings inhibition included the Stop Signal Task (n = 10),
will be considered. Divided Attention Task (n = 8) and Stroop Colour and
Word Test (n = 6). Impairment of inhibition was reported
Literature review in seven assessments with the Stop Signal Task (70%), all
Search strategy of the measures of the Divided Attention Task (100%)
An electronic literature search was performed using and three assessments with the Stroop Colour and Word
the following criteria in the PubMed database: (cannabis Test (50%). Finally, a significant increase in the number
OR THC OR marijuana OR marihuana OR tetra- of false alarms was reported in 10 out of 13 (77%) para-
hydrocannabinol) AND (inhibition OR working memory digms. These results suggest that inhibition is impaired
OR reasoning OR association). Reports in English with after cannabis administration, with the strongest effects
human participants published before April 2018 were after pulmonary administration of higher doses of Δ9-
included. In addition, references of selected papers were THC.
examined to ensure the inclusion of other relevant stu-
dies. Review articles, commentaries and preclinical stu- Neuroimaging
dies were excluded. This review was restricted to the Four functional MRI studies examined the acute effects of
acute effects of Δ9-THC or cannabis on one of the fol- Δ9-THC on brain activity patterns associated with inhibi-
lowing domains of executive function: inhibition, work- tion (Table 1). Ramaekers et al. (2016b) related the effects
ing memory and reasoning/association. of Δ9-THC on performance of the matching familiar figures
test to those on resting-state functional connectivity with
Results the nucleus accumbens. They showed a significant nega-
A total of 75 studies were identified and included in the tive correlation between cognitive impulsivity scores and
current systematic review. Thirty-six studies reported functional connectivity strength between the nucleus
Cappell et al. (1972) 24 Male/female 21–28 Cannabis 4 mg pulmonary Temporally Controlled Operant Task −
8 mg pulmonary −
16 mg pulmonary −
Carlin et al. (1972) 40 Male 24 (21–32) Cannabis 7.5 mg pulmonary Stroop Colour and Word Task =
15 mg pulmonary −
Copyright r 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
Chait and Perry (1994) 14 Male/female 25 (21–34) Cannabis 30.6 mg pulmonary Divided Attention Task
Crockett et al. (1976) 81 Male/female 23 (19–31) Cannabis 7.2 mg pulmonary Thematic Apperception Test (sexual content and control) =
13.6 mg pulmonary =
D’Souza et al. (2004) 22 Male/female 29 Δ9-THC 2.5 mg intravenous Hopkins Verbal Learning Test (false positives) =
5 mg intravenous =
2.5 mg intravenous Verbal Fluency Task (perseverations) =
5 mg intravenous =
Desrosiers et al. (2015) 25 Male/female 29 (18–45) Cannabis 54 mg pulmonary Divided Attention Task −
Drew et al. (1972) 24 Male 21 Cannabis 1.75 mg pulmonary Stroop Colour and Word Task =
Henquet et al. (2006)b 74 Male/female 27 (18–56) Cannabis 21 mg pulmonary Stroop Colour and Word Task −
Hooker and Jones (1987) 12 Male 22 (19–26) Cannabis 10.7 mg pulmonary Randt Memory Battery (word list) −
Randt Memory Battery (short story) =
Stroop Colour and Word Task −
Hunault et al. (2009) 24 Male 24 (18–33) Cannabis 29.3 mg pulmonary Divided Attention Task −
49.1 mg pulmonary −
The acute effects of cannabis on human executive function Oomen et al. 607
69.4 mg pulmonary
Ilan et al. (2004) 10 Unknown 27 (23–31) Cannabis 29.3 mg pulmonary Word Presentation Memory Task (false positives) −
Lawn et al. (2016) 17 Male/female 26 (18–70) Cannabis 8 mg pulmonary Effort-related decision-making Task −
MacAvoy and Marks (1975) 32 Male/female 25 Cannabis 2.6 mg pulmonary Central and Peripheral Light Flashes Task =
5.2 mg pulmonary −
McDonald et al. (2003) 37 Male/female 23 (18–45) Δ9-THC 7.5 mg oral Delay Discounting Task =
15 mg oral =
7.5 mg oral Go/No-Go Task =
15 mg oral =
7.5 mg oral Stop Task =
15 mg oral −
Metrik et al. (2012) 136 Male/female 21 (18–30) Cannabis 23.8 mg pulmonary Stroop Colour and Word Task −
Stop Signal Task −
Miller et al. (1977b) 34 Male 21–28 Cannabis 14 mg pulmonary 15 Item Word List Learning (false alarms) =
Miller and Cornett (1978a) 16 Male 21–28 Cannabis 5 mg pulmonary 40 Item Word List Learning (false alarms) −
10 mg pulmonary −
15 mg pulmonary −
Miller et al. (1978b) 12 Male 21–30 Cannabis 10.5 mg pulmonary 30 Item Word List Learning (false alarms) −
Miller et al. (1979) 12 Male 21–30 Cannabis 10 mg pulmonary 15 Item Word List Learning (false alarms) −
Mokrysz et al. (2016) 20 Male 17 (16–17) Cannabis 8 mg pulmonary Stop Signal Task −
25 (24–28) =
Moskowitz (1974) 23 Male 24 (21–32) Cannabis 3.5 mg pulmonary Digit Recall with Signal Detection Task (false alarms) −
7 mg pulmonary −
14 mg pulmonary −
Pfefferbaum et al. (1977) 16 Male 18–35 Δ9-THC 21 mg oral Word Recall Test (false alarms) −
Ramaekers et al. (2009) 24 Male/female 23 Cannabis 34.6 mg pulmonary Stop Signal Task −
Divided Attention Task −
Ramaekers et al. (2011) 21 Male/female 23 (19–38) Cannabis 28 mg pulmonary Stop Signal Task =
Divided Attention Task −
Ramaekers et al. (2016a) 122 Male/female 23 (18–39) Cannabis 21 mg pulmonary Stop Signal Task −
Divided Attention Task −
Ramaekers et al. (2016b) 122 Male/female 23 (18–40) Cannabis 31.5 mg pulmonary Matching familiar figures test −
Ranganathan et al. (2012) 30 Male/female 27 (18–55) Δ9-THC 1.75 mg intravenous Stroop Colour and Word Task =
608 Behavioural Pharmacology 2018, Vol 29 No 7
Results accumbens and the thalamus and striatum. The three other
functional MRI studies applied the same Go/No-Go para-
digm. First, in the absence of Δ9-THC-induced effects on
reaction time or inhibition errors, Borgwardt et al. (2008)
Thematic Apperception Test (thought process – sexuality)
Go/No-Go Task
Go/No-Go Task
Go/No-Go Task
31.5 mg pulmonary
21 mg pulmonary
18 mg pulmonary
10 mg oral
10 mg oral
10 mg oral
22 (18–40)
23 (18–40)
20 (18–25)
23 (18–32)
20 (21–26)
26 (20–42)
27 (20–42)
Belgrave et al. (1979) 25 Male/female 22 (18–35) Δ9-THC 22.5 mg oral Boggle Word Construction Test −
Caswell (1975) 24 Male/female 19–31 Cannabis 4.0 mg pulmonary Serial addition/subtraction Task =
9.2 mg pulmonary Serial addition/subtraction Task −
Chait and Perry (1994) 14 Male/female 25 (21–34) Cannabis 30.6 mg pulmonary Digit Span (Backward) =
Curran et al. (2002) 15 Male 24 (18–30) Δ9-THC 7.5 mg oral Serial addition/subtraction Task =
Copyright r 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
15 mg oral
D’Souza et al. (2004) 22 Male/female 29 Δ9-THC 2.5 mg intravenous Matching to Sample Task (easy task) −
5 mg intravenous −
2.5 mg intravenous Matching to Sample Task (hard task) =
5 mg intravenous =
D'Souza et al. (2008) 28 Male/female 18–55 Δ -THC
2 mg intravenous Spatial Working Memory Task (CANTAB) −
Darley et al. (1973) 12 Male Unknown Cannabis 20 mg oral Sternberg Memory Scanning Task −
Desrosiers et al. (2015) 25 Male/female 29 (18–45) Cannabis 54 mg pulmonary Spatial N-Back Task =
Dornbush and Kokkevi (1976) 20 Unknown 44 Cannabis 78 mg pulmonary Digit Span (Backward) =
Cannabis 90 mg pulmonary Digit Span (Backward) =
Cannabis 100 mg pulmonary Digit Span (Backward) =
Cannabis 180 mg pulmonary Digit Span (Backward) =
Cannabis 78 mg pulmonary Serial addition/subtraction Task =
Cannabis 90 mg pulmonary Serial addition/subtraction Task =
Cannabis 100 mg pulmonary Serial addition/subtraction Task =
The acute effects of cannabis on human executive function Oomen et al. 609
Cannabis 180 mg pulmonary Serial addition/subtraction Task −
Englund et al. (2013) 48 Male/female 26 (21–50) Δ9-THC 1.5 mg intravenous Digit Span (Backward) −
Englund et al. (2016) 10 Male 24 (21–35) Δ9-THC 1 mg intravenous Digit Span (Backward) =
Evans et al. (1976) 11 Male 21–30 Cannabis 3.5 mg pulmonary Delayed Auditory Feedback Device =
Fant et al. (1998) 10 Male 27 (24–31) Cannabis 15.6 mg pulmonary Digit Recall Task =
25.1 mg pulmonary =
15.6 mg pulmonary Serial addition/subtraction Task =
25.1 mg pulmonary =
Foltin et al. (1993) 12 Male 21–45 Cannabis 13–27 mg pulmonary Sternberg Memory Scanning Task =
Freeman et al. (2015)b 121 Male/female 30 (21–50) Δ9-THC 1.5 mg intravenous WAIS 3 Digit Span and Letter Number Test −
Greenwald and Stitzer (2000) 13 Male/female 21 (19–27) Cannabis 30 mg pulmonary – 3 puffs Digit Span (Backward) =
30 mg pulmonary – 9 puffs =
30 mg pulmonary – 18 puffs =
Hart et al. (2001) 11 Male/female 25 (21–35) Cannabis 15.3 mg pulmonary Alphabet Task =
33.2 mg pulmonary =
15.3 mg pulmonary Digit Span (Backward) =
33.2 mg pulmonary =
15.3 mg pulmonary Mental Calculation Task =
33.2 mg pulmonary −
15.3 mg pulmonary Story Recognition Task =
33.2 mg pulmonary −
Heishman et al. (1989) 12 Male 31 (23–43) Cannabis 12 mg pulmonary Digit Span (Backward) =
21 mg pulmonary −
Hooker and Jones (1987) 12 Male 22 (19–26) Cannabis 10.7 mg pulmonary Digit Span (Backward) =
Hunault et al. (2009) 24 Male 24 (18–33) Cannabis 29.3 mg pulmonary Sternberg Working Memory Scanning Task −
49.1 mg pulmonary −
69.4 mg pulmonary −
Ilan et al. (2004) 10 Male/female 27 (23–31) Cannabis 29.3 mg pulmonary Spatial N-Back Task (low load) =
Spatial N-Back Task (high load) −
Word Presentation Memory Task (number colours correct) =
Word Presentation Memory Task (number words correct) =
Ilan et al. (2005) 24 Male/female 26 (21–45) Cannabis 15.3 mg pulmonary Spatial N-Back Task −
30.6 mg pulmonary Spatial N-Back Task −
610 Behavioural Pharmacology 2018, Vol 29 No 7
Table 2 (continued)
References N Sex Age Drug Δ9-THC dose and method Taska Results
Kiplinger et al. (1971) 15 Unknown Unknown Cannabis 0.4 mg pulmonary Delayed Auditory Feedback Device =
0.9 mg pulmonary −
1.75 mg pulmonary −
3.5 mg pulmonary −
Klonoff et al. (1973) 81 Male/female Unknown Cannabis 7.2 mg pulmonary Picture Recognition Test =
13.6 mg pulmonary −
Copyright r 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
Lane et al. (2005) 5 Male/female 21–34 Cannabis 9.4 mg pulmonary Delayed Match to Sample Task −
33 mg pulmonary −
Leweke et al. (1998) 19 Male 27 (24–37) Δ -THC
10 mg oral Visual Continuous Word Recognition Task −
Makela et al. (2006) 7 Female 22 Δ9-THC 5 mg oral Spatial Working Memory Task +
12 Male −
Manno et al. (1971) 12 Male 20–30 Cannabis 2.5 mg pulmonary Delayed Auditory Feedback Device −
5 mg pulmonary −
Mcdonald et al. (2003) 37 Male/female 23 (18–45) Δ -THC
7.5 mg oral Digit Span (Backward) −
Δ9-THC 15 mg oral −
Miller et al. (1977a) 40 Male 21–28 Cannabis 10.5 mg pulmonary Cued Recall of Story Test −
Miller et al. (1977b) 34 Male 21–28 Cannabis 14 mg pulmonary 15-Item word List – Word list Learning – Input Serial Position Effect −
Miller et al. (1979) 12 Male 21–30 Cannabis 10 mg pulmonary 15-Item word List – Word list Learning – Input Serial Position Effect −
Mokrysz et al. (2016) 20 Male 17 (16–17) Cannabis 8 mg pulmonary Spatial N-Back Task =
25 (24–28) −
Morrison et al. (2009) 22 Male 28 (21–50) Δ9-THC 2.5 mg intravenous Digit Span (Backward) −
Morrison et al. (2011) 20 Male/female 26 (21–50) Δ9-THC 1.25 mg intravenous Spatial N-Back Task −
Pearl et al. (1973) 12 Male 26 (21–33) Cannabis 4.5 mg pulmonary Conceptual Clustering Memory Test −
8.7 mg pulmonary −
4.5 mg pulmonary Word Anagram Solution Task =
8.7 mg pulmonary =
Peeke et al. (1976) 14 Male 21–30 Cannabis 18 mg pulmonary Matching to Sample Test =
Ranganathan et al. (2012) 30 Male/female 27 (18–55) Δ9-THC 1.75 mg intravenous Spatial Working Memory Task (CANTAB) =
Tunbridge et al. (2015)b 78 Male/female 32 (21–50) Δ9-THC 1.5 mg intravenous Digit Span (Backward) −
Wesnes et al. (2010) 24 Male 29 Δ9-THC (nabilone) 3 mg oral Numeric Working Memory Task −
2 mg oral −
1 mg oral =
Böcker et al. (2010) 16 Male 18–45 Cannabis 29.3 mg pulmonary Sternberg Working Memory Scanning Task
49.1 mg pulmonary
69.4 mg pulmonary
Bossong et al. (2012) 17 Male 21 (18–27) Δ9-THC 9 mg pulmonary Sternberg Item-Recognition Paradigm
Ilan et al. (2004) 10 Male/female 27 (23–31) Cannabis 29.3 mg pulmonary Spatial N-Back Task (low load)
Spatial N-Back Task (high load)
Word Presentation Memory Task (number colours correct)
Word Presentation Memory Task (number words correct)
Ilan et al. (2005) 24 Male/female 26 (21–45) Cannabis 15.3 mg pulmonary Spatial N-Back Task
30.6 mg pulmonary Spatial N-Back Task
Δ9-THC, tetrahydrocannabinol.
Please see Supplementary Table 1 (Supplemental digital content 1, http://links.lww.com/BPHARM/A24) for a short description of each cognitive paradigm.
Population included participants who were vulnerable to paranoia.
Please refer for a summary of the results to the main text.
−, significantly reduced task performance; =, no significant effects on task performance; +, significantly improved task performance.
The acute effects of cannabis on human executive function Oomen et al. 611
showed impaired working memory. The mean pulmon- and results are summarized in Table 3. Sixteen of the 43
ary dose of Δ9-THC used in the assessments that showed (37%) assessments showed impairment of reasoning or
impairment was not significantly different from the Δ9- association, whereas 27 (63%) measures did not show any
THC dose of the measures that did not show an effect on significant effects. The only study with intravenous Δ9-
working memory (25.0 ± 36.3 vs. 35.7 ± 37.9 mg; P = 0.275). THC administration showed a significantly effect on the
Frequently used measures of working memory included Logical Reasoning Task. Four out of 10 (40%) assess-
the Digit Span (Backward) (n = 19), the Serial Addition/ ments after oral administration showed a significant
Subtraction Task (n = 10) and the Spatial N-Back Task reduction in task performance, whereas 11 of the 32
(n = 8). Impairment in working memory was reported in (34%) measures after pulmonary administration showed
six assessments with the Digit Span (Backward) (32%), impaired reasoning or association. The mean pulmonary
two measures of the Serial Addition/Subtraction Task dose of Δ9-THC used in the assessments that showed
(20%) and five assessments with the Spatial N-Back Task impairment was not significantly different from the Δ9-
(63%). These results suggest that working memory is THC dose of the measures that did not show an effect on
moderately affected after cannabis administration, with reasoning or association (13.8 ± 6.0 vs. 14.0 ± 9.2 mg;
only half of the measures showing significant impairments. P = 0.952). Frequently used tasks measuring reasoning or
association included the Logical Reasoning Task (n = 6)
Neuroimaging and the Halstead Category Test (n =5). Impaired task
Four studies have been published that examined the performance was reported in two assessments with the
impact of cannabis on brain activity related to executive Halstead Category Test (20%) and two assessments with
function (Table 2). Two studies by Ilan and colleagues with the Logical Reasoning Task (33%). Response times were
a spatial N-back working memory task showed increased significantly increased in two measures of the Logical
reaction times and decreased performance accuracy after Reasoning Task (33%). These results suggest that rea-
Δ9-THC administration, particularly for the two-back con- soning and association are mildly affected after cannabis
dition, which was accompanied by reduced alpha band administration.
EEG reactivity in response to increased task difficulty (Ilan
et al., 2004, 2005). Using a Sternberg item recognition Discussion
paradigm with four conditions (2–5 digits), Böcker et al. The current review provides a systematic literature
(2010) showed a linear increase in reaction times and overview of studies that investigated the impact of can-
decrease in performance accuracy as a function of both nabis administration on human executive function, in
memory load and the administered dose of Δ9-THC. This particular on inhibition, working memory, and reasoning
decline in working memory accuracy was significantly cor- and association. Our findings suggest that cannabis
related with the Δ9-THC-induced decrease in resting-state acutely impairs inhibition, with the strongest effects after
EEG theta power measured after task performance. Finally, pulmonary administration of higher doses of Δ9-THC.
Bossong et al. (2012) studied the acute effects of Δ9-THC Results from neuroimaging studies indicate that these
inhalation (6 mg) in seventeen recreational cannabis users effects are predominantly modulated by neural activity in
who performed a parametric Sternberg item recognition the inferior frontal gyrus. Working memory and reasoning
paradigm with five difficulty levels. During the placebo and association are less clearly affected by cannabis
condition, brain activity increased linearly with increasing administration, possibly because of compensational
working memory load. Δ9-THC administration enhanced neural mechanisms to overcome the effects of Δ9-THC
activity for low working memory loads, and reduced the intoxication on performance accuracy.
linear relationship between working memory load and
Our findings are in line with the results of other recent
activity in a network of working memory-related brain
systematic reviews on the acute and chronic effects of
regions and in the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, the
cannabinoids on human cognition (Crean et al., 2011; Broyd
inferior temporal gyrus, the inferior parietal gyrus and the
et al., 2016; Cohen and Weinstein, 2018). Consistent with
cerebellum in particular. In addition, performance accuracy
our findings, Broyd et al. (2016) conclude on the basis of
after Δ9-THC was only reduced for moderately high
studies carried out in the decade before publication of their
working memory loads. These results suggest that patients
thorough systematic review paper that there is moderate
show enhanced brain activity during working memory tasks
evidence for acute impairment of inhibition, but mixed
that they perform at the normal level, possibly reflecting a
results on the acute impact of cannabis on working memory
compensational neural mechanism to overcome the effects
and reasoning and association. Both the reviews of Crean
of Δ9-THC intoxication on performance accuracy.
et al. (2011) and Cohen and Weinstein (2018) report general
impairment in executive functions associated with cannabis
Acute effects of cannabis on reasoning/association
use, including attention, inhibition, working memory and
cognitive flexibility.
Twenty-one studies reported findings on neuropsycho-
logical paradigms that examined reasoning or association, One possible factor that may have influenced the find-
including a total of 43 assessments. The characteristics ings of studies that investigated acute effects of cannabis
Abel (1971) 49 Male/female Unknown Cannabis Dose unknown, pulmonary Picture Arrangement Test =
Block and Wittenborn (1985) 36 Male 24 Cannabis 10 mg pulmonary Associative Processing Test (response rate) −
Block and Wittenborn (1985) 48 Male 23 Cannabis 10 mg pulmonary Associative Processing Test (category fluency) =
Block and Wittenborn (1984) 36 Male 24 Cannabis 10 mg pulmonary Categorization Task =
Block et al. (1992) 48 Male 21 (18–42) Cannabis 19 mg pulmonary Concept Formation Task =
Free and Constrained Associations Task −
Copyright r 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
Δ9-THC, tetrahydrocannabinol.
Please see Supplementary Table 1 (Supplemental digital content 1, http://links.lww.com/BPHARM/A24) for a short description of each cognitive paradigm.
−, significantly reduced task performance; =, no significant effects on task performance.
The acute effects of cannabis on human executive function Oomen et al. 613
on executive function is attention. Reduced subjective be important in the effects of cannabis (Iseger and
measures of attention or alertness are commonly reported Bossong, 2015; Colizzi and Bhattacharyya, 2017). For
after cannabis or Δ9-THC administration (van Hell et al., example, in a series of naturalistic studies, Morgan and
2011; Bossong et al., 2012, 2013; Jansma et al., 2013). colleagues showed that the use of cannabis with high
Significant decreases in alertness may be associated with CBD/Δ9-THC ratios was associated with fewer psychotic
the acute cannabis effects on executive function that we symptoms and better cognitive function (Morgan and
report in this systematic review. First, the strongest Curran, 2008; Morgan et al., 2010, 2012). However, when
effects of cannabis were found on tasks that examined Ilan et al. (2005) administered cannabis with varying
inhibition, good performance of which also relies on concentrations of CBD and Δ9-THC, performance on the
attentional processes. This is further supported by the spatial N-back was significantly impaired after cannabis,
fact that, in particular, performance on the Divided but this was not affected by the concentrations of either
Attention Task was reduced after cannabis administra- of the cannabinoids. Future studies may consider exam-
tion. Second, from the working memory paradigms, the ining the acute effects of cannabis with different CBD/
most impaired performance was on the spatial N-back Δ9-THC ratios on human cognition. Second, studies
task, which typically requires more attentional control applied different methods of administration with varying
than other working memory tasks such as for example doses of Δ9-THC, resulting in different pharmacokinetic
digit span or subtraction tasks (Kane et al., 2007). Third, and pharmacodynamic effects (Grotenhermen, 2003).
reductions in activity during response inhibition were Generally, oral consumption leads to slower absorption
particularly shown in the inferior frontal gyrus (Borgwardt and lower bioavailability of Δ9-THC, and a delay in the
et al., 2008; Bhattacharyya et al., 2015), which has been onset of acute behavioural effects compared with inha-
implicated in attentional processes (Corbetta and lation (Agurell et al., 1986; Grotenhermen, 2003). Third,
Shulman, 2002; Corbetta et al., 2008). Finally, decreases variation in the patients’ history of cannabis use between
in alertness after cannabis may have led to an increase in studies may have affected the findings as frequent can-
effort to keep task performance on par, which may be nabis use may result in blunted responses to acute effects
associated with the reported increased brain activity of cannabis (Colizzi and Bhattacharyya, 2018). Some of
during response inhibition (Borgwardt et al., 2008) and the studies included in this review addressed this issue.
during the processing of lower working memory loads For example, the impact of cannabis administration on
(Bossong et al., 2012). the performance of several executive function tasks has
A potential neurobiological mechanism underlying the been shown to be stronger in nonregular users than in
acute effects of cannabis as discussed in this review may regular users, including the Spatial Working Memory task
be found in the regulatory role of the endocannabinoid (D’Souza et al., 2008), the Stop Signal Task (Ramaekers
system in neurotransmitter release. The endocannabi- et al., 2009; Theunissen et al., 2012) and the Divided
noid system is a retrograde messenger system that reg- Attention Task (Ramaekers et al., 2009; Theunissen et al.,
ulates both excitatory glutamate and inhibitory GABA 2012; Desrosiers et al., 2015). Finally, because in
neurotransmission according to an ‘on-demand’ principle: approximately half of the studies included in the current
endocannabinoids are released when and where they are review only men were allowed to participate, findings
needed (Kano et al., 2009; Katona and Freund, 2012). may be confounded by possible sex differences in the
This endocannabinoid-mediated regulation of synaptic acute effects of cannabis on executive function. Although
transmission is a widespread phenomenon in the brain sex differences have been consistently reported in
and is considered to play an important role in higher brain cannabis-induced effects related to cannabis abuse and
functions, including executive function (Pattij et al., 2008; dependence (more evident in males) or anxiety,
Kano et al., 2009; Katona and Freund, 2012). It has been depression and psychosis (more evident in females)
shown that it can be disrupted by the administration of (Fattore and Fratta, 2010; Ketcherside et al., 2016), little
both Δ9-THC (Mato et al., 2004) and synthetic cannabi- is known about the impact of sex on the acute cognitive
noids (e.g. Wilson and Nicoll, 2001; for reviews, see Kano effects of cannabis. Only two of the included studies
et al., 2009; Katona and Freund, 2012). addressed this issue. McDonald et al. (2003) did not find
differences between males and females in the acute
Studies discussed in this review show important differ- effects of Δ9-THC on inhibitory control tasks including
ences in characteristics, which may account for the var- the Stop Signal task, the Go/No-Go task and the Delay
iation in results. First, in some experiments, participants Discounting Task. In contrast, Makela et al. (2006)
were administered cannabis, whereas in other studies, showed significant improvement in working memory
pure Δ9-THC was administered. Although Δ9-THC is performance after Δ9-THC in female participants only.
the main psychoactive ingredient, cannabis contains at More research on sex differences in the acute effects of
least 80 cannabinoid compounds, and therefore, the acute
cannabis on cognition is warranted.
effects of Δ9-THC and cannabis might be slightly dif-
ferent. In particular, the ratio between Δ9-THC and Impaired executive function is considered a fundamental
another cannabinoid compound, cannabidiol (CBD), may cognitive deficit in neurological and psychiatric disorders
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