Marijuana: Billyr - Martin Williaml - Dewey Vincenzodimarzo
Marijuana: Billyr - Martin Williaml - Dewey Vincenzodimarzo
Marijuana: Billyr - Martin Williaml - Dewey Vincenzodimarzo
Marijuana continues to garner considerable attention and As the debate concerning potential therapeutic benefits
is the subject of intense public debate and scientific scrutiny. and health consequences of acute and chronic exposure to
It is unquestionably one of the most frequently used illicit marijuana continues, considerable new scientific evidence
drugs throughout the world. In Western countries, the pat- is emerging regarding the nature of cannabinoid effects both
tern of use among age groups has not deviated significantly in vivo and in vitro and the endogenous system through
since the mid-1970s. The most prevalent use occurs in per- which marijuana acts. The emphasis of this chapter is to
sons who are in their late teens and early twenties. Despite summarize recent discoveries of the endogenous system as
modest declines from the pinnacle of its use in the mid- they relate to both putative adverse effects and therapeutic
1970s, there was an upsurge in use during the 1990s. Mari- uses of marijuana and its psychoactive constituent, ⌬9-tetra-
juana smoking is prevalent regardless of age, ethnicity, and hydrocannabinol (THC). During the 1990s, numerous
sex. Epidemiologic data reveal that the rates of use during breakthroughs occurred that greatly increased our under-
the year 2000 by United States students in grades 8, 10, standing of the cannabinoids. It is now evident that an
and 12 were 17%, 32%, and 38%, respectively (1). There endogenous cannabinoid system exists. A receptor has been
was a steady increase in daily marijuana use (defined as use characterized and cloned, second messenger systems identi-
on at least 20 occasions in the past 30 days) in all three fied, a putative endogenous ligand isolated and synthesized,
age groups. For example, 2% of high school seniors used and biochemical pathways for both synthesis and degrada-
marijuana daily in 1991, with this figure rising to 6% in tion of endogenous ligands described.
1999. Two factors that undoubtedly contribute to the prev-
alence of marijuana use are the declining perception that
marijuana produces harmful effects and the relative ease of PHARMACOLOGY
acquiring marijuana.
Although marijuana has long been a subject of folklore Marijuana has prominent effects on the central nervous sys-
medicine, interest as a potential therapeutic agent has inten- tem as well as numerous peripheral effects in humans that
sified in recent times, likely as a result of numerous factors. are well recognized and were reviewed in the previous edi-
The marijuana debate has increased, correlated with a pe- tion of this book. Acutely, cannabis produces an altered state
riod in our history marked by increased interest in nontradi- of consciousness characterized by mild euphoria, relaxation,
tional medications, increased awareness of several disease perceptual alterations including time distortion, and the en-
states not readily treated by current medications, and in- hancement of ordinary sensory experiences. Cognitive ef-
creased discourse about the public policy concerning recrea- fects are also marked, such as impaired short-term memory.
tional use of marijuana. Proponents cite a plethora of self- Motor skills and reaction time are also altered, so skilled
reports regarding the effectiveness of medical marijuana for activity of various kinds is frequently disrupted. Peripher-
a wide range of disorders, whereas opponents question its ally, marijuana produces prominent effects on the cardiovas-
efficacy and point to potential deleterious effects of smoked cular system characterized by tachycardia, and at high doses
marijuana. The scientific rationale for deciding the fate of it can produce orthostatic hypotension. There are several
marijuana as a therapeutic agent is often ignored. other effects, such as antiemesis, analgesia, anticonvulsant
action, and intraocular pressure lowering, discussed later.
However, THC has provided most of the evidence for can-
Billy R. Martin and William L. Dewey: Department of Pharmacology nabinoid effects in laboratory animals. As for chronic mari-
and Toxicology, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia.
Vincenzo DiMarzo: Istituto per la Chimica di Molecole Di Interesse juana use in humans, concerns arise because of potential
Biologico, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Naples, Italy. long-term consequences on cognition and the development
1520 Neuropsychopharmacology: The Fifth Generation of Progress
of tolerance and dependence. There has been considerable been proposed that chronic marijuana use in adolescents
interest in cannabinoid effects on performance, cognition, may result in long-term memory impairment (6). There are
and the development of dependence, discussed in the fol- also indications that persons with learning disabilities may
lowing sections. be more susceptible to memory deficits (6). Almost all stud-
ies have shown that marijuana has no effect on retrieval of
already-learned material. THC reliably alters the perception
of time, with subjects overestimating elapsed time or experi-
Cannabinoids affect sensory, psychomotor, and cognitive encing an increase in the subjective rate of time (2). Evi-
function and the ability to perform certain tasks. There dence has emerged from several studies that chronic mari-
is little dispute that high doses of marijuana can disrupt juana use after many years produces subtle cognitive
performance when the task is difficult. As may be expected, changes, specifically with regard to attention, as well as orga-
the effects of marijuana on performance become more vari- nization and integration of complex information (8).
able as the complexity of the task is simplified and the dose These effects on memory have been supported by canna-
of marijuana is reduced. In a comprehensive review, Chait binoid-induced deficits in several animal models. The natu-
and Pierri concluded that marijuana, at doses that produce rally occurring cannabinoids as well as a wide range of syn-
moderate levels of intoxication, can affect a wide range of thetic compounds have been demonstrated to impair
learned and unlearned behaviors, including simple motor learning and memory in numerous laboratory animal mem-
tasks, and more complex psychomotor and cognitive tasks ory tasks . Lichtman and Martin found that many synthetic
(2). Cannabinoid-induced impairment of flying and driving cannabinoids impaired spatial memory in rats, as assessed
has been documented in numerous studies, although inter- by the eight-arm radial maze, and retarded completion time
pretation of the results remains controversial. THC is fre- (9). Direct injection of cannabinoids into the hippocampus
quently found in the blood of drivers involved in automo- impaired memory, and this appeared specific to cognition
bile accidents, and marijuana use has been associated with because no other pharmacologic effects were produced (10).
impaired field sobriety test performance.
One study compared the effects of marijuana on equilib-
Tolerance and Dependence
rium and simulated driving (3). Marijuana smoking that
produced a ‘‘high’’ also increased body sway and increased There is convincing evidence for the development of toler-
brake latency to a degree comparable to that found in per- ance to THC in humans (11). Tolerance developed to a
sons with breath alcohol concentrations near 0.05%. Mari- variety of THC’s effects, after oral administration, including
juana smoking also acutely produces decrements in smooth- cannabinoid-induced decreases in cardiovascular and auto-
pursuit eye tracking (4). Although robust acute effects of nomic functions, increases in intraocular pressure, sleep dis-
marijuana were found on subjective and physiologic mea- turbances, and mood changes (11). High doses of ⌬9-THC
sures, and on smooth-pursuit eye tracking performance, no were required for a sustained period of time to achieve be-
effects were evident the day after administration, a finding havioral tolerance. If the doses of ⌬9-THC were sufficiently
indicating that the residual effects of smoking a single mari- small and infrequent, little behavioral tolerance seemed to
juana cigarette are minimal. Furthermore, perceptual motor develop.
speed and accuracy, two very important parameters of driv- Although it is well known that cessation of chronic mari-
ing ability, seem to be impaired immediately after marijuana juana exposure does not result in severe withdrawal symp-
use (5). toms, numerous case reports attest to the development of
dependence (12). Several early reports came from countries
where potent marijuana was used for long periods of time.
On deprivation of marijuana, users experienced auditory
There is lack of consensus regarding the effects of ⌬9-THC and visual hallucinations and irritability. The development
on memory and learning in that results are often inconsis- of tolerance and dependence has been studied under rigor-
tent and test specific (2,6). Hall et al. concluded from clini- ous and controlled conditions (12,13). In one study, high
cal observations and cross-cultural studies that chronic mari- doses of marijuana extract or ⌬9-THC were administered
juana use does not appear to produce severe gross for up to 21 days, and the most prominent subjective symp-
impairment, but rather it may produce subtle cognitive defi- toms were increased irritability and restlessness. Other
cits (7). The most frequently mentioned deficits were slower symptoms included insomnia, anorexia, increased sweating,
psychomotor performance, poorer perceptual motor coordi- and mild nausea, although they were variable. Objective
nation, and memory dysfunction. During the past few years, symptoms were increased body temperature, weight loss,
greater attention has been directed toward investigating spe- and hand tremor. Readministration of a marijuana cigarette
cific cognitive deficits and relating these effects directly to or oral ⌬9-THC alleviated the objective and subjective ef-
marijuana use. Whereas THC appears to produce its great- fects, a finding suggesting the establishment of a withdrawal
est decrement in free recall or short-term memory, it has symptom. Similar findings were reported by Georgotas and
Chapter 106: Marijuana 1521
Zeidenberg in abstinent subjects who had smoked high More recently, Budney et al. reported that most mari-
quantities of marijuana on a long-term basis (13). One study juana users seeking treatment for marijuana dependence had
(14) found that lower doses of THC (80 and 120 mg/day, experienced symptoms consistent with either moderate or
orally, each for 4 days) initially produced ratings of ‘‘high,’’ severe dependence (23). These investigators also reported
increased food intake over baseline by 35% to 45%, and that marijuana-dependent persons exhibit substantial prob-
decreased verbal interaction among participants (14). Toler- lems (24). Comparison of marijuana- and cocaine-depen-
ance developed to the subjective effects of THC but not to dent patients revealed comparable substance-use histories
its effects on food intake or social behavior. Abstinence from and a range of impairments in both groups. However, the
THC produced anxious, depressed, and irritable symptoms, marijuana-dependent patients showed less severe depen-
decreased the quantity and quality of sleep, and decreased dence. The marijuana group was more ambivalent and less
food intake (14). A similar study conducted with marijuana confident about stopping their marijuana use than the co-
cigarettes resulted in similar effects and led to the conclusion caine group was about stopping their cocaine use. The au-
that abstinence symptoms may play a role in maintaining thors concluded that treatment-seeking, marijuana-depen-
daily marijuana use, even at levels of use that do not produce dent persons exhibit substantial problems and urged
tolerance (15). development of effective treatments for this population
Epidemiologic data support marijuana dependence as re- (24).
viewed by Hall et al. (7). There are numerous cases in which Some predisposing factors may contribute to marijuana
persons seek treatment for dependence of which marijuana dependence in some persons. Crowley et al. reported that
is the primary cause (16). These patients typically com- juveniles diagnosed with both substance abuse and conduct
plained of being unable to stop or to decrease their mari- disorders have serious problems related to cannabis, and
juana use despite experiencing sleepiness, depression, inabil- most met standard adult criteria for cannabis dependence
ity to concentrate, and memorization difficulties that they (25). Two-thirds of these cannabis-dependent patients re-
directly attributed to marijuana exposure. Kandel and Dav- ported withdrawal. The data indicate that for adolescents
ies reported similar problems in daily users of marijuana with conduct problems, cannabis use is not benign. Genetic
(17). Several groups of investigators have used DSM-III-R risk factors may also contribute. Kendler et al. examined a
and DSM-IV criteria to diagnose marijuana dependence large female twin population for lifetime cannabis use, heavy
(18–20). With regard to prevalence of marijuana abuse and use, abuse, and dependence as defined by DSM-IV criteria
dependence, the strongest evidence was provided by the (26). These investigators concluded that in women, genetic
Epidemiological Catchment Area study involving 20,000 risk factors have a moderate impact on the probability of
persons in five geographic areas of the United States (21). ever using cannabis and a strong impact on the liability to
Approximately 4.4% of the population were diagnosed for heavy use, abuse, and, probably, dependence. By contrast,
marijuana abuse or dependence, and three-fifths of these the family and social environment substantially influences
met the criteria for dependence. After an extensive review risk of ever using cannabis but plays little role in the proba-
of the literature, Hall et al. concluded that the risk of devel- bility of developing heavy cannabis use or abuse (26).
oping marijuana dependence was probably similar to that One of the difficulties in establishing the presence of
of alcohol, and daily use over a period of weeks to months cannabinoid dependence was the lack of a reliable animal
results in the greatest risk of dependence development (7). model. Early attempts to demonstrate spontaneous with-
Kandel and Davies estimated that the risk of dependence drawal after cessation of chronic marijuana or THC treat-
in near-daily marijuana users was one in three (17). Hall ment resulted in equivocal findings. However, the develop-
et al. estimated that the risk of developing dependence is ment of a specific cannabinoid antagonist, SR 141617A,
10% for those who ever used marijuana, with the risk rising made it possible to precipitate withdrawal in rats (27,28),
to 20% to 30% for those using more than five times (7). mice (29), and dogs (30) treated chronically with THC.
Factors that have been associated with marijuana depen- The physical withdrawal syndrome for cannabinoids and
dence include poor academic achievement, deviant behav- opioids in rodents shares many of the same characteristics. It
ior, rebelliousness, maladjustment, difficult parental rela- is also clear that, in humans, THC is an essential reinforcing
tions, early initiation of drug use, and family history of drug component in marijuana (31). Contrary to most drugs
use (7). The major complaints by marijuana-dependent per- abused by humans, it has been difficult to train animals to
sons are loss of control over drug use, cognitive and motiva- self-administer cannabinoids. Although the physical charac-
tional impairments, lowered self-esteem, depression, and teristics of cannabinoids probably contribute to this diffi-
spousal discord. The risk of cannabis abuse and dependence culty, the general opinion persists that cannabinoids lack
was found to increase with the frequency of smoking occa- rewarding effects and therefore are devoid of dependence
sions and slightly decreased with age (22). More severe com- liability. However, Martelotta et al. demonstrated that the
orbidity was associated with dependence compared with synthetic cannabinoid agonist WIN 55,212-2 was intrave-
abuse, a finding suggesting that cannabis may be used to nously self-administered by mice in a concentration-depen-
self-medicate major depression. dent manner according to an inverted U-shaped curve (32).
1522 Neuropsychopharmacology: The Fifth Generation of Progress
Therefore, it appears that WIN 55,212-2 elicits both re- release. Virtually all striatal projection neurons contain CB1
warding and aversive effects, depending on the concentra- mRNA, which is also expressed in putative GABAergic in-
tion used. It may well be that these dual properties have terneurons that enable functional interactions between the
hindered the development of a THC model of self-adminis- direct and indirect striatal output pathways (41). CB1
tration. Nevertheless, these studies clearly demonstrate that mRNA is found in striatonigral neurons that contain dynor-
cannabinoid self-administration is not confined to humans. phin and substance P and striatopallidal neurons that con-
tain enkephalin, whereas local circuit neurons in striatum
that contain somatostatin or acetylcholine do not synthesize
The presence of CB1 receptors in sensory (42) and auto-
Cannabinoid Receptors
nomic peripheral fibers (43,44) has been reported. CB1 re-
It is now widely recognized that most of the neurobehavioral ceptors seem to be mostly restricted to spinal interneurons,
and peripheral actions of marijuana and THC result from rather than at the axonal level (45), thus possibly accounting
activation of selective receptors, two of which, named CB1 for spinal mechanisms of pain control ascribed to psycho-
and CB2, have been cloned and characterized (33,34). The tropic cannabinoids. However, indirect evidence also exists
development of transgenic mice lacking the genes encoding for the presence of CB1 receptors in peripheral sensory affer-
for either of these two receptors, the CB1 and CB2-receptor ents (46), a finding thus supporting the concept that canna-
knockout mice (35–37), have provided conclusive evidence binoids may also exert analgesia at the peripheral level. The
that the effects of THC on motor behavior, body tempera- presence of CB1 receptors in parasympathetic and sympa-
ture, cardiovascular function, and nociception, on the one thetic fibers, on the other hand, may be at the basis of
hand, and on some immunologic responses, on the other the vascular and smooth muscle–relaxing activity of THC
hand, are mediated by CB1 and CB2 receptors, respectively. through inhibition of norepinephrine and acetylcholine re-
CB1 receptors are widely distributed throughout mam- lease, respectively (43,44). There is no evidence for the pres-
malian tissues and have been found not only in the central ence of CB2 receptors in the central nervous system, except
and peripheral nervous systems, but also in both male and for their expression in microglia. Clearly, given that CB2
female reproductive organs, immune cells, the gastrointesti- receptors seem to be mostly confined to cells of the immune
nal tract, the liver, and the heart (38). In the central nervous system (34), it would not be surprising to find these proteins
system, CB1 receptors are most abundant in the hippocam- only in those central nervous system cells deputed to im-
pus (i.e., the dentate gyrus and CA pyramidal cells), the mune defense, such as the microglia and resident mast cells.
basal ganglia (namely, the substantia nigra pars reticulata, This finding may explain some of the neuroprotective activi-
globus pallidus, caudate putamen), and the cerebellum and ties of cannabinoids in vivo (see later).
the olfactory bulb (39), findings in agreement with the in-
hibitory actions of THC on memory and cognitive func-
Transduction Mechanisms
tions, spontaneous activity, locomotion, motor coordina-
tion, and posture. Lower density of CB1 receptors is present Studies have revealed that activation of the ␣ subunits of Gi/
in discrete nuclei of other brain regions such as the hypo- Go proteins, with subsequent inhibition of adenylate cyclase
thalamus, brainstem, thalamus, and limbic forebrain, thus through both CB1 and CB2 receptors (47), blockade of volt-
possibly accounting for THC activity on body temperature, age-activated calcium (Ca2Ⳮ) channels of the N- and P/Q-
appetite, supraspinal mechanisms of pain perception, sen- type through CB1 receptors (48), and activation of inwardly
sory perception, and mood or reward. CB1 receptors are rectifying potassium channels through CB1 receptors (49),
associated with nerve fibers and axon terminals, but not may not be the sole intracellular signaling messages deliv-
in the neuronal soma. This pattern is consistent with the ered by psychoactive cannabinoids. There is now evidence
presynaptic inhibitory effects of cannabinoids on neuro- for the coupling of CB1, but not CB2 receptors, to Gs pro-
transmitter release in the brain (see ref. 40 for review). CB1- teins, with consequent activation of adenylyl cyclase. It is
expressing cells in mouse forebrain can be divided into dis- not clear yet whether this effect may explain the biphasic
tinct neuronal subpopulations. Most of the cells that highly nature of cannabinoid effects on behavior in several tests.
express CB1 are GABAergic neurons belonging mainly to Another typical consequence of CB1-receptor activation is
the cholecystokinin-positive type of interneurons (basket the modulation of nitric oxide (NO) release. In neurons,
cells). In the hippocampus, amygdala, and entorhinal cortex THC and synthetic and endogenous cannabinoids can
area, CB1 mRNA is present at low but significant levels either stimulate (50) or inhibit (51) NO formation. The
in many non-GABAergic cells that can be considered as former effect results in inhibition of dopamine release from
projecting principal neurons. These data are in good agree- invertebrate ganglia, whereas the inhibition of NO release
ment with the observation that cannabinoids act on princi- in granule cerebellar cells seems to result from inhibition
pal glutamatergic circuits as well as modulate local GABAer- of voltage-activated Ca2Ⳮ channels. In any case, modulation
gic inhibitory circuits by inhibiting glutamate and GABA of NO levels may result in changes in cyclic guanosine
Chapter 106: Marijuana 1523
monophosphate intracellular concentrations. Finally, pro- sients in HL60 cells through these receptors. Interestingly,
tein phosphorylation catalyzed by mitogen-activated pro- in this study, AEA was shown to be a very weak and partial
tein kinase is coupled to both CB1- and CB2-receptor stimu- agonist at CB2 receptors. Whatever its role as an endogenous
lation (52). This intracellular effect, together with agonist at CB2 receptors, AEA, and much more so its meta-
inhibition of the cyclic adenosine monophosphate bolically stable analogues (R)-methanandamide and 2′-flu-
(cAMP)–dependent protein kinase A, is at the basis of can- oro-2-methyl-arachidonoyl-ethanolamide, act as relatively
nabinoid action on the expression of several genes such as potent (Ki between 12 and 100 nM) and selective CB1-
krox-24 in HL60 cells (52) or the prolactin receptor and receptor agonists, and thus can be considered useful phar-
the high-affinity receptors trk for the nerve growth factor in macologic tools for studies on the bioactivity of endocan-
human breast cancer cells (53). Mitogen-activated protein nabinoids.
kinase activation by cannabinoids may occur independently AEA shows, in some cases, effects qualitatively and quan-
from inhibition of protein kinase A (52), or it may result titatively different from those of classic cannabinoids, possi-
in part from inhibition of cAMP formation (53). Likewise, bly in part because of the rapid metabolism of this com-
CB1-induced activation of focal adhesion kinase in hippo- pound both in vitro and in vivo (59), and because AEA is
campal slices, an effect suggested to lead to modulation by a partial agonist in some functional assays of CB1 activity
cannabinoids of synaptic plasticity and learning, results (60). In the brain, AEA was shown to exert inhibitory ac-
from inhibition of adenylate cyclase and protein kinase A. tions on learning and memory (61) and to modulate the
extrapyramidal control of motor behavior (62). These ef-
Endogenous Ligands (Endocannabinoids) fects probably result from the capability of AEA to induce,
by activation of CB1 receptors, modulation of neurotrans-
Since the mid-1990s, several fatty acid derivatives have been mitter (e.g., glutamate, GABA, dopamine) release, action
isolated from mammalian tissues and have been shown to or reuptake through intracellular signaling events similar to
mimic the pharmacologic properties of THC. Not all these those described earlier for THC (40). This neuromodula-
substances, however, can displace high-affinity cannabinoid tory action may also underlie AEA regulation of hormone
ligands from selective binding sites in membrane prepara- release at the level of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal
tions containing the CB1 or the CB2 receptor. Anandamide axis, as well as the antinociceptive effects of the compound
(arachidonoylethanolamide, AEA), the amide of arachi- through both spinal and supraspinal mechanisms (63).
donic acid with ethanolamine, was the first of such com-
Endocannabinoid levels in tissues and cells can be modu-
pounds to be isolated (54). The other prominent endoge-
lated through the regulation of either their biosynthesis or
nous ligand is a glycerol ester, 2-arachidonoyl glycerol
inactivation. It is commonly accepted that the AEA and 2-
(2-AG) (55). These compounds share the ability to bind to
AG are not stored as such in cells, but rather are synthesized
and to activate CB1 and (particularly in the case of 2-AG)
and are directly released by cells ‘‘on demand,’’ after Ca2Ⳮ
CB2 receptors. Therefore, they induce a series of pharmaco-
influx into the cell (such as that occurring in neurons on
logic effects in vitro and in vivo that are, to some extent,
depolarization or in mast cells after IgE-mediated activa-
similar to those exerted by THC. Other fatty acid deriva-
tives, such as palmitoylethanolamide and oleamide, do not tion) and the hydrolysis of phospholipid precursors (40).
have high affinity for either CB1 or CB2 receptors, and For, example, AEA is produced in neurons and leukocytes
yet they exhibit pharmacologic actions that in some cases together with other N-acyl-ethanolamines (NAEs) from the
resemble those of THC (56). The molecular mode of action hydrolysis of the corresponding N-acyl-phosphatidyl-etha-
of these latter compounds is still a subject for investigation. nolamines (NAPEs) (64). This reaction is catalyzed by a
Several structure-activity relationship studies have been Ca2Ⳮ-independent phospholipase D, whereas a Ca2Ⳮ-de-
carried out on AEA and have revealed that this compound pendent trans-acylase catalyzes the formation of NAPEs
does share with THC some of the structural prerequisites form phosphatidylethanolamine and the fatty acids on the
necessary for interaction with the CB1 receptor. This rela- sn-1 position of phosphoglycerides. Several mechanisms for
tionship can be best appreciated with a successful conforma- the inactivation of endocannabinoids have been identified
tional model (57), in which AEA may assume a low-energy in neuronal and blood cells. A membrane-bound intracellu-
conformation resulting in the superimposition of its n-pen- lar hydrolase catalyzes AEA hydrolysis after its diffusion into
tyl chain, carbonyl amide group and ethanolamine hydroxyl neuronal cells and leukocytes (64). A mechanism for the
group, respectively, with the n-pentyl chain, the phenolic facilitated diffusion of AEA into cells according to its con-
hydroxyl group and the C-9 hydroxyl group in 9-nor-9- centration gradient across the plasma membrane has been
OH-hexahydrocannabinol, a potent THC analogue. Struc- partially characterized as a saturable, temperature-sensitive,
ture-activity relationship studies for the interaction with selective and sodium-independent ‘‘carrier’’ (64). This ‘‘car-
CB2 receptors have not been performed yet, the sole excep- rier,’’ probably a protein, may be used for both the reuptake
tion being the article by Sugiura et al. (58) on the structural by and the release from cells of AEA. The major enzyme
moieties necessary to 2-AG analogues to induce Ca2Ⳮ tran- responsible for AEA hydrolysis is the fatty acid amide hy-
1524 Neuropsychopharmacology: The Fifth Generation of Progress
drolase (FAAH), cloned so far in four different mammalian analgesia while leading to the release of AEA in microdialy-
species (65). sates from this region of the brainstem (74). Moreover, the
Because the biosynthetic precursors for AEA and 2-AG, injection of formalin into the paw induced a nociceptive
by being products of membrane phospholipid remodeling, response concomitantly to the release of AEA from the peri-
are likely to occur in most animal tissues, the two endocan- aqueductal gray and thereby established an correlation be-
nabinoids are probably to be found, at least in minute tween supraspinal nociception and endocannabinoid re-
amounts, as ubiquitous metabolites. However, for these lease. In fact, an earlier investigation had suggested that an
compounds to work as endogenous agonists of CB1 and endocannabinoid tone may down-modulate pain percep-
CB2 receptors, their tissue concentrations need to be in- tion through CB1 receptors in another region of the brain-
creased up to at least 50 to 100 nM after cell stimulation stem, the rostral ventromedial medulla, through the same
(e.g., neuronal depolarization, immune challenge) and sub- circuit previously shown to contribute to the pain-suppress-
sequent activation of the proteins involved in their biosyn- ing effects of morphine (75). However, other studies have
thesis and release. Furthermore, the inactivation of endocan- shown that blockade of the action or expression of spinal
nabinoids may be subject to regulation. In agreement with CB1 receptors by SR141716A or a CB1-receptor antisense
possible regulation of endocannabinoid levels under physio- oligonucleotide, respectively, leads to hyperalgesia (76), a
logic and pathologic conditions, the amounts of AEA or 2- finding thus suggesting the existence of an endocannabinoid
AG have been found to vary during brain development, to tone down-modulating nociceptive response also at the
be higher in some of the brain regions with the highest spinal level. The same group gained evidence for the pres-
density of CB1 receptors, such as the basal ganglia and the ence of CB1 receptors in peripheral sensory afferents in the
hippocampus (66), to decrease and increase in the striatum skin, and for their involvement in the control of inflamma-
and limbic forebrain, respectively, of rats after chronic treat- tory pain (77). It may well be that an endocannabinoid and
ment with THC (67), to be inversely correlated with spon- CB1/CB2 receptors mediate tone controlling pain at the
taneous activity in the globus pallidus of reserpine-treated peripheral level, because local administration of the antago-
rats (68), to vary during pregnancy in mouse uterus, levels nist for each receptor subtype leads to hyperalgesia and ex-
of these agents being maximal when the uterus is least recep- ogenous AEA blocks the painful response of mice to forma-
tive to embryo implantation (69), and to be enhanced dur- lin injection. Several studies, taken together with that by
ing septic or hemorrhagic shock in rat macrophages and Meng et al. (75) and Walker et al. (74), suggest that if
platelets (70,71). Indeed, several possible regulative mecha-
endocannabinoids tonically modulate inflammatory pain
nisms have been reported for both the biosynthesis and inac-
perception, they may do so at sites different from those of
tivation of AEA and 2-AG in isolated, intact cells.
There has been considerable interest in determining what
role, if any, opioids play in cannabinoid-induced antinoci-
ception. In one study, marijuana produced significant dose-
dependent antinociception (increased finger withdrawal
The finding of variations in AEA and 2-AG levels during latency) and behavioral effects. Naltrexone did not signifi-
physiologic or pathologic conditions, together with observa- cantly influence marijuana dose-effect curves, a finding sug-
tions of their pharmacological activity in vivo and in vitro, gesting no role of endogenous opiates in marijuana-induced
provide useful information on the possible biological role antinociception under these conditions (78). Conversely,
played by these compounds. Additionally, in vivo pharma- it has been shown that cannabinoids stimulate release of
cologic studies carried out by administering selective canna- endogenous opioids that contribute to cannabinoid anti-
binoid receptor antagonists may reveal a possible endocan- nociception (79). Meng et al. showed that the rostral ventro-
nabinoid-induced ‘‘tone’’ of CB1- and CB2-receptor medial medulla that contributes to the pain-suppressing ef-
activation during certain conditions, although the capability fects of morphine is also required for the analgesic effects
of the antagonists so far developed to behave as inverse of cannabinoids (75). Although cannabinoids produce anal-
agonists as well (72) should always be taken into account. gesia by modulating rostral ventromedial medulla neuronal
activity in a manner similar to morphine, their actions are
not identical. They also show that endogenous cannabinoids
Pain tonically regulate pain thresholds in part through the modu-
Extensive studies (see refs. 63 and 73 for review) have been lation of rostral ventromedial medulla neuronal activity.
carried out demonstrating the involvement of endocannabi- These authors concluded that analgesia produced by canna-
noids in the control of nociception and, in particular, binoids and opioids involves similar brainstem circuitry and
chronic and inflammatory pain. Electrical stimulation of that cannabinoids are indeed centrally acting analgesics with
the periaqueductal gray was shown to induce CB1-mediated a new mechanism of action.
Chapter 106: Marijuana 1525
Memory Movement
The effects of cannabinoids on memory in rats are also Central cannabinoid receptors are densely located in the
blocked by a specific cannabinoid antagonist, SR 141716A, output nuclei of the basal ganglia (globus pallidus, substan-
a finding providing strong evidence that these effects are tia nigra pars reticulata), a finding suggesting their involve-
mediated through cannabinoid receptors in the brain (9). ment in the regulation of motor activity. However, different
Mallet and Beninger used a two-component instrumental approaches have not managed to give a precise role of endo-
discrimination task, consisting of a conditional discrimina- cannabinoids in the inhibition of spontaneous activity and
tion, and a non–match-to-position to assess recent or work- induction of catalepsy in rodents, typical of all CB1-receptor
ing memory (61). These investigators found that both THC agonists (84). In fact, although CB1-receptor knockout mice
and anandamide impaired performance, an effect that could seem to have different baseline locomotor activity than wild-
be attenuated with the administration of the CB1-receptor type mice, it is not clear whether deletion of the CB1-recep-
antagonist SR141716A. These results suggest that anan- tor gene in these transgenic animals leads to hypermotility
damide-induced memory disruption is mediated by CB re- (35) or hypomotility (36). However, an endogenous canna-
ceptors. Studies have shown that THC produces memory binoid tone negatively controlling spontaneous activity and
deficits similar to those produced by neurochemical lesions motor behavior is supported by the finding that AEA, but
of the hippocampus. A possible role for cannabinoid recep- not 2-AG, is released in microdialysates from the dorsal
tors and endogenous cannabinoids may be to regulate the striatum of freely moving rats (85), and the levels of AEA
storage and retrieval of information (80). are also very high in the substantia nigra and external layer
As discussed previously, cannabinoid receptors are highly of the globus pallidus (68).
expressed in the hippocampus, a brain region that is believed In this latter brain region, endocannabinoid levels are
to play an important role in certain forms of learning and inversely correlated with spontaneous activity in the reser-
memory. The notion that endocannabinoids are involved pine-treated rat, an animal model of Parkinson disease, in
in the control of learning and memory processes at the level which dopamine and other catecholamines in the striatum
of the hippocampus is supported by several different types are depleted (68). AEA levels in the striatum of normal
of observations. First, both AEA and 2-AG inhibit hippo- rats are increased by selective stimulation of D2 dopamine
campal long-term potentiation (81) and modulate the re- receptors by quinpirole, whereas the CB1 antagonist
lease of glutamate or acetylcholine from hippocampal slices SR141716A strongly enhances quinpirole-induced move-
(40). Second, AEA modulates both short-term and long- ment in both normal and reserpine-treated rats (68,85).
term memory (61). Third, SR141716A enhances long-term These data suggest that the endocannabinoid system may
potentiation, a finding thus suggesting a CB1-receptor tone act as a brake on dopaminergic stimulation of movement
in the control of this process. Fourth, CB1-receptor knock- in the basal ganglia, and an exaggerated endocannabinoid
out mice exhibit enhancement of memory as well as of long- tone in this region may produce (or at least contribute to)
term potentiation (82). Finally, CB1 receptors, AEA, and parkinsonian symptoms in rats (68). Further evidence for
FAAH are found in high levels in the hippocampus of hu- such suggestions has been provided by the finding that toler-
mans, rats, and mice (66). These findings suggest that con- ance to the motor inhibitory actions of THC in rats chroni-
stitutive activation of CB1 receptors in this brain region cally treated with the cannabinoid is accompanied not only
leads to inhibition of learning and memory processes. by down-regulation of cannabinoid receptors in the stria-
There is evidence that memory deficits induced by can- tum, but also by a significant decrease of endocannabinoid
nabinoids may be mediated through cholinergic and dopa- levels in this brain area (67).
minergic systems (83). The systemic administration of
THC reduced hippocampal extracellular acetylcholine con-
centrations while impairing working memory in rats. Both Craving, Appetite Stimulation, and
effects were blocked by the CB1 cannabinoid and D2 dopa- Reward
mine receptor antagonists and potentiated by the D2 do- The finding of CB1 receptors in the arcuate nucleus and
pamine receptor agonist quinpirole. The inhibition of the medial preoptic area of the hypothalamus, the presence
hippocampal extracellular acetylcholine concentration of endocannabinoids and their biosynthetic precursors in
and working memory produced by the combination of the hypothalamus and pituitary, and the effect of endocan-
(ⳮ)- quinpirole and THC was suppressed by either CB1 nabinoids on body temperature, food intake, and pituitary
cannabinoid and D2 dopamine receptor antagonists. These hormone release suggest a role for endocannabinoids in the
researchers concluded that cannabinoid impairment of control of hypothalamic functions, and in particular on ap-
working memory and inhibition of hippocampal extracellu- petite and hormone release. Indeed, the CB1-receptor–se-
lar acetylcholine concentration are mediated by the con- lective antagonist, SR141716A, inhibits palatable food in-
comitant activation of D2 and CB1 receptors. take in rodents (86). It has not been established whether
1526 Neuropsychopharmacology: The Fifth Generation of Progress
this effect results from the inverse agonist properties of toxicity (or other pathologic conditions arising from high
SR141716A (72) or from its blockade of a food-intake stim- intracellular Ca2Ⳮ concentrations) by acting at CB1 recep-
ulatory tone by endocannabinoids. Another brain region tors, particularly because they do not share the antioxidant
possibly involved in the control of appetite and craving is effects of some synthetic cannabinoids. In conclusion, fur-
the limbic forebrain and, more particularly, the nucleus ac- ther studies are necessary to assess whether and through
cumbens. In this brain area, cannabinoids, by enhancing what mechanisms AEA and 2-AG prevent neuronal damage.
the release of dopamine from dopaminergic terminals origi-
nating in the ventral tegmental area, may exert reinforcing
actions on the effects of other drugs of abuse or, under more MEDICAL MARIJUANA
physiologic conditions, may participate in the regulation of
Scientific Justification
feelings of craving and reward (87). Furthermore, it was
found that chronic treatment of rats with THC causes an The nonmedical use of marijuana has a very long history,
almost fourfold increase of AEA levels (and no down-regula- primarily for its mind-altering effects and the sense of well-
tion of cannabinoid receptors) in the limbic forebrain (67). being that it can provide. Therefore, the potential use of
It is possible that dopamine released in the nucleus accum- marijuana for diseases of the brain is a logical extension of
bens on chronic treatment with THC triggers AEA forma- the popularity of the use of the material in producing mood-
tion, as previously shown for the dorsal striatum (85). Con- altering effects. The initial therapeutic uses proposed for
versely, dopamine may be released in this region after the marijuana included the treatment of mental disorders and
activation of CB1 receptors by AEA. Indeed, studies carried pain. As more information about the pharmacologic effects
out with CB1-receptor knockout mice showed reduced opi- of the plant material emerged, other potential therapeutic
oid dependence (35), as well as lack of morphine-induced uses became apparent. Since the 1970s, investigators have
dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens of these proposed many different therapeutic uses for marijuana in-
transgenic animals (88). Thus, contrary to the basal ganglia, cluding, but not limited to, nausea and vomiting induced
endocannabinoids released in the nucleus accumbens may by cancer chemotherapeutic agents, the wasting syndrome
act to enhance the action or release of dopamine, thereby accompanying AIDS, mental illness, convulsions, glau-
participating in reward, craving, and pleasure or in the rein- coma, cognition disorders, muscle spasticity, and neuro-
forcement of drug of abuse effects. There are indications pathic pain (90).
that withdrawal from chronic cannabinoid administration The consequences of the social use of marijuana, both
is associated with reduced dopaminergic transmission in the real and as often exaggerated by opponents and proponents,
limbic system, similar to that observed with other addictive have caused increased anxiety on both sides of the contro-
drugs, a finding consistent with a role in drug craving and versy over the medical use of marijuana. Strong proponents
relapse into drug addiction or in the reinforcing effects of of the use of smoked marijuana for the treatment of various
drugs of abuse. syndromes and diseases argue that smoking marijuana has
produced beneficial effects in at least one disease state that
could not be achieved by the oral administration THC or
by any other treatment modality. Opponents are concerned
The possibility that endocannabinoids may play a role in with the deleterious effects of the smoked marijuana, espe-
diminishing cellular or neuronal damage is of particular rele- cially the prolonged use of this plant material. The issue is
vance to neurodegenerative disorders. The suggestion that further complicated by the fact that many strong propo-
endocannabinoids may have a neuroprotective function nents of the use of marijuana in medicine also advocate for
during cell injury stems from the finding that a similar role its legal recreational use. Conversely, those who are opposed
was proposed also for other ethanolamide of fatty acids (89), to its use, especially by adolescents and young adults who
as well as for both psychoactive and nonpsychoactive canna- may be especially vulnerable to problems of abuse, effects
binoids. This hypothesis is supported by the finding that on energy, memory, and acquisition of interpersonal skills,
stimuli leading to high intracellular Ca2Ⳮ concentrations have not always considered the possible benefits with the
(e.g., glutamate-induced excitotoxicity) and noxious agents same degree of objectivity as would be afforded other poten-
such as ethanol and sodium azide lead to increased synthesis tial therapeutic agents. One of the major problems contrib-
of AEA and related compounds in neuronal cells. Canna- uting to this dilemma is the lack of well-controlled studies
binoid receptors do not appear to be involved in this eleva- attesting to the efficacy and the safety of marijuana in hu-
tion of Ca2Ⳮ. In fact AEA, via CB1 receptors, produces the mans. Such studies require a reasonable hypothesis to be
opposite effect. It inhibits Ca2Ⳮ influx into neurons tested and an appropriate investigation under conditions
through voltage-gated Ca2Ⳮ channels and counteracts that completely eliminate the possibility of subjectivity in
membrane permeability to Ca2Ⳮ through N-methyl-D-as- the measurements. This controversy is not likely to be re-
partate receptor–coupled channels. Therefore, endocannab- solved until such studies are forthcoming.
inoids should be able to inhibit glutamate-induced excito- The need for an approved medical use of marijuana itself
Chapter 106: Marijuana 1527
a consistent and correct dose of the active ingredient and thesizing new and, one hopes, more selective cannabinoids.
to establish a treatment regimen that is devoid of interfer- The hypothesis that each receptor subtype has its own spe-
ence from other chemicals in the preparation or made dur- cific ligand, as in the case of AEA preference for the CB1
ing the administration process. receptor, is a reasonable approach. These investigations will
be guided by the continued progress in the efforts of re-
searchers to identify and understand the cellular and molec-
Optimal Delivery ular effects of the cannabinoids. Mechanisms may be found
One of the major concerns with the potential use of mari- that will help to provide selectivity resulting from the effects
juana, and, for that matter with any of the cannabinoids, of the cannabinoids on an intracellular site of action. The
is the observation that these agents produce a multiplicity more detail we know about the genetic influences and the
of effects, and they all seem to occur at similar doses. One structural makeup of the receptors and other cellular ele-
possible way to overcome this problem is to develop a deliv- ments, the better we will be able to design cannabinoids
ery mechanism that limits the distribution of the drug to with selective activity.
the desired site of action. This is particularly difficult when Another approach to identifying cannabinoids with more
the site of action is in the brain, as it is with the cannabinoids selectivity of action is to investigate the interactions of exog-
and their potential usefulness in treating symptoms of men- enously administered substances with AEA and other en-
tal illness. One potential therapeutic use of the cannabinoids dogenous cannabinoids. If one were to hypothesize that an
is in the treatment of glaucoma. Local administration di- altered tonic activity of the endogenous cannabinoid system
rectly into the eye is the preferred mechanism of drug deliv- is at the basis of some neurologic disorders, there are again
ery. One of the problems of using cannabinoids in this two approaches that could be taken in the search for more
fashion is that they are insoluble and must be administered selective agents. One would be to alter either the synthesis
in a vehicle, which may have deleterious effects when it is or degradation of the endocannabinoids, and the other is
placed in the eye. An optimal delivery for this indication to modulate their actions. An example of the latter approach
would be to have a water-soluble cannabinoid (93) with would be to compete with or block the receptor or to inter-
good efficacy in lowering intraocular pressure that can be fere with the signaling events through which the endoge-
applied directly to the eye and not be irritating. The direct nous compound produces its effect. The advantage of these
application of such a drug would provide the intended ther- approaches would be that drugs interfering with endocan-
apeutic effect and would not produce the undesirable side nabinoid metabolism or action would exhibit higher effects
effects that would be observed if the drug were absorbed in those tissues where the levels and activity of endocannabi-
into the general circulation. noids are pathologically altered.
The reemergence on the debate of the use of marijuana
for medicinal purposes has also been the impetus for devel-
oping an acceptable delivery form of aerosolized cannabin- Selective Transport Blockers and Enzyme
oids. A nebulizer was used to generate an aerosol with suffi- Inhibitors
ciently small particle size such that exposure to rodents
produced pharmacologic effects, These results demonstrate Several blockers of AEA-facilitated transport have been de-
that the development of an aerosolized form of cannabin- veloped so far, but only two were shown to enhance the
oids for human medicinal use is feasible (94). actions of AEA in vivo or in vitro. The most widely used
one, AM404, potentiates AEA analgesic effects in the hot
plate test and inhibition of adenylate cyclase (97), although
Future Developments it also activates vanilloid receptors. Inhibitors of FAAH have
also been developed (98), a potent and selective one of
Selective Receptor Agonists and Selective
which, palmitylsulfonylfluoride (AM347), acts as a covalent
Pharmacologic Profiles inhibitor (99). The most potent irreversible FAAH inhibitor
Because the cannabinoids have multiple effects on so many developed so far is methylarachidonoylfluorophosphonate
different body functions at approximately the same dose, (100), which unfortunately also binds to CB1 receptors.
considerable effort continues to be directed toward identify- Future studies will have to establish whether defective bio-
ing the portion of the cannabinoid molecule that is most synthesis or exaggerated metabolism of endocannabinoids
responsible for each unique pharmacologic effect. The iden- contributes to pathologic conditions, and, therefore,
tification of multiple cannabinoid receptors and the obser- whether therapeutically useful drugs can be developed using
vation that certain cannabinoids have selectivity for one type these or more selective inhibitors of AEA degradation. These
of receptor over the other are encouraging (95,96). Further compounds are likely to act most efficaciously only at the
research into different receptor types and the identification site where AEA and 2-AG levels are pathologically altered,
of specific endogenous ligands for each of these receptor and, also for this reason, they will be devoid of undesired
types will provide guidance for the medicinal chemist syn- psychotropic side effects.
Chapter 106: Marijuana 1529
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