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Sudan black B dye degradation in aqueous solution by Fenton oxidation process: Kinetics and
cost analysis
Keywords The presence of dyes in effluents discharged from the textile industries is one of the major concerns of water-
Fenton living organisms. This study aimed at investigating the Fenton degradation of Sudan black B (SBB) dye in an
Wastewater aqueous solution. The effects of initial dye concentration, Fe2+ concentration, and H2O2 concentration were
Sudan black B
evaluated based on the removal of color and dye from the solution. Operating costs and kinetics study of the
Dye degradation
Operating costs
Fenton process were assessed. The optimum conditions were determined as [Fe2+] of 150 mg.L− 1, [H2O2] of 100
Kinetics mg.L− 1, and a reaction time of 30 min. Dye and color removals for the different combinations of the process were
on average > 80% and >75%, respectively. However, the process was not effective for the excess amount of Fe2+
and H2O2 due to their scavenging effect on hydroxyl radicals (•OH). The degradation process of SBB dye fol
lowed a pseudo-second-order kinetic model, and the rate constant was varied from 0.0012 to 0.0036− 1.
min− 1 for the dye adsorption range of 333–769 mg.g− 1. The total operating costs were found in the range of
$1.78–6.28 per kg of dye removal in 1 m3 of wastewater. Finally, the outcome of this study proved that the
Fenton process is a good option for the treatment of dye-containing wastewater for the sustainable development
of the textile industries.
Received 15 April 2021; Received in revised form 14 August 2021; Accepted 25 August 2021
Available online 27 August 2021
2666-0164/© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
M.B.K. Suhan et al. Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering 4 (2021) 100126
study has been performed for the degradation of SBB by the Fenton auto-decomposition of H2O2 appears at high pH and thus, the activity of
process. Fenton reagent is reduced with increasing pH due to the lack of active
Therefore, the study considered optimizing the degradation of SBB Fe2+ where the produced inactive iron oxyhydroxides and ferric hy
dye using the Fenton process to address the treatment of a large quantity droxide are precipitated [41]. Thus, the efficiency of the Fenton process
of textile wastewater which is discharged after ineffective or without to degrade organic compounds is reduced both at high and low pH. Most
treatment in most of the developing countries. The generated •OH and of the researchers suggested taking pH > 2.7 and < 3.5 (Fischbacher
HO2• radicals from the Fenton process react with dye fastly and can et al., 2017; [41]. In the current study, pH was selected at 3 for the
mineralize the dye to CO2 and H2O [39,40]. The findings from the study efficient degradation of dye concentration and color.
will significantly assist the readers to correlate the dye degradation and Dye concentrations in textile wastewaters are varied in a wide range
cost required per unit dye in a Fenton process with other treatment with a typical concentration range of 40–100 mg.L− 1. Therefore, 50, 70
methods. Thus, the main objective of this research was to investigate the and 100 mg.L− 1 dye concentrations were selected for the current study
degradation of SBB dye using the Fenton process. The other objectives [3,42]. According to previous research, effective degradation was found
were: optimization of the dosage of Fe2+ to degrade SBB dye at different while Fe2+ and H2O2 concentration were in the range of 25–300 mg.L− 1
concentrations, optimization of the dosage of H2O2to degrade SBB dye at and 50–600 mg.L− 1, respectively (Neppolianet al., 2004;Yalfani et al.,
different concentrations, study of the degradation kinetics of SBB dye, 2009; [43,44]. Therefore, in the current study, experiments were carried
andoptimization of the operating costs for the effective degradation of out to evaluate mainly three findings consist of (a) Effect of initial Fe2+
SBB dye for different dosage of Fe2+ and H2O2. The performances of the concentration, b) effect of initial H2O2 concentration, and c) effect of
Fenton processes were evaluated based on dye and color removal. initial dye concentration. Finding (a) was conducted under 50, 100, 150,
and 200 mg.L− 1 of Fe2+, while H2O2 concentration was kept constant at
2. Materials and methods 100 mg.L− 1, finding (b) was conducted under 100, 200, 300, and 400
mg.L− 1 of H2O2, while Fe2+ concentration was kept constant at 100 mg.
2.1. Materials L− 1 and finding (c) was conducted for 50, 70 and 100 mg.L− 1 of dye
All chemicals and reagents such as Sudan Black B(also known as During the experiment, sequentially four samples of 10 mL were
Solvent Black 3) dye (formula C29H24N6, dye absorption ≥20,000 at taken at 15 min intervals and the last sample was taken after 120 min.
596–603 nm in ethanol, molar mass 456.54 g/mol), H2O2 solution [30% The speed of the mixing was selected at 80 rpm. Every sample was
(w/v)], sodium acetate (C2H3NaO2), sodium hydroxide (NaOH), ferrous allowed to settle for about 5 min before filtration. The samples were
sulfate (FeSO4.7H2O) were purchased from Sigma Aldrich. Reagent filtered using a 0.45 μm nylon filter to remove coagulated substances.
grade sulfuric acid (H2SO4) was used to maintain pH. All the solutions Since SBB dye is mostly used for its lucrative color property, for analysis
were prepared using demineralized water. The structure of Sudan Black color and dye concentration were selected. The absorbance and color of
B dye is shown in Fig. 1. the samples were analyzed using SHIMADZU UV-2600 UV–Vis Spec
trophotometer and HACH DR6000TM UV–Vis Spectrophotometer,
respectively. The maximum peak of SBB dye was observed at 598 nm
2.2. Methods wavelength. Therefore, absorbance was measured at this wavelength,
and the color was measured in the Co–Pt unit. The dye removal % was
2.2.1. Preparation of wastewater determined using the following equation [12,45]:
500 mL of dye solution of each concentration (50 mg.L− 1, 70 mg.L− 1,
and 100 mg.L− 1 dye) was prepared before each experiment.The initial % removal =
C0 − Ce
× 100
pH of sample water was adjusted to the desired value 3 with 6 N H2SO4, C0
where the buffer solution of NaOH and C2H3NaO2 was added to main
where Co (mg.L− 1) and Ce (mg.L− 1) are the initial dye concentration and
tain the pH around 3. The prepared dye solution was then treated.
equilibrium dye concentration, respectively.
2.2.2. Experimental
2.3. Degradation kinetics
The dye degradation experiment was performed using a beaker (as a
reactor) equipped with a glass bar. A predetermined amount of solid
The kinetics of the degradation of SBB dye by different combinations
FeSO4.7H2O and H2O2 solution was added. All experiments were carried
of Fe2+ and H2O2 in the Fenton process was studied for zero-order, first-
out at room temperature ranged from 22 to 25 ◦ C. These steps were
order, second-order, pseudo-first-order, and pseudo-second-order
repeatedly done for several parametric changes to assess the effects on
models with respect to time. During the calculation of pseudo-first-
absorbance and color removal efficiency.
order and pseudo-second-order, it was assumed that all SBB dye
The schematic of the reactor configuration is shown in Fig. 2. The
removal was happened due to adsorption on the iron oxide flocs. The
oxidation potential of the generated radicals (i.e., •OH) increases with
expressions for the above specified kinetic models are presented as fol
decreasing pH [27], however, iron complex species [Fe(H2O)6]2+ and
lows (Eqns. (1)–(6)) [46,47]:
stable oxonium ion [H3O2]+ may form at very low pH values, which
Zero-order kinetics:
reduces the reactivity between Fe2+ and H2O2. In addition,
C − Co = k o t (1)
First-order kinetics:
ln = k1 t (2)
Second-order kinetics:
1 1
− = k2 t (3)
C C0
Pseudo-first-order kinetics:
M.B.K. Suhan et al. Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering 4 (2021) 100126
V(C0 − Ce )
Qe = (4) Po d 5 N 3 ρt
m Pw = (8)
1000CMO XV
ln(Qe − Qt ) = ln Qe − k3 t (5)
d2 N ρ
Pseudo-second-order kinetics: Re = (9)
t t 1
= + (6) where, Po is the power number (unitless, calculated from power number
Qt Qe k4 Q2e
chart with Re), Re is Reynolds number [48], N is the speed of rotation
where k0 (mg.L− 1.min− 1), k1 (min− 1), k2 (mg− 1.L.min− 1), k3 (min− 1) and (1.33 s− 1), d is impeller diameter (0.35 m), ρ is the density of the water
k4 (− 1.min− 1) represent the apparent kinetic rate constants of zero, (kg.m− 3), μ is the viscosity of the water (Pa.s), t is the treatment time (h),
first, second, pseudo-first and pseudo-second-order model respectively. CMO is the initial dye concentration (kg.m− 3) and X is the fraction
Co (mg.L− 1), C (mg.L− 1), and Ce (mg.L− 1) are the initial dye concen removal for the treatment time and V is the volume of wastewater (m3).
tration, dye concentration at time t (min), and equilibrium dye con
centration, respectively. Qe and Qt is the amount of dye absorbed in mg. 3. Results and discussion
g− 1onto a unit mass of Fe2+ at equilibrium and at time t, respectively,
where m(g) is the mass of the adsorbent added in V(L) volume of treated 3.1. Effect of initial H2O2 concentration on color and dye
solution. It is to mention that pseudo-first-order parameters, Qe (exp.)
and Qe (calc.) are found from experimental data and fitted straight line H2O2 plays a crucial role in the Fenton process, as it is the main
equation, respectively. source of hydroxyl radical (•OH). Since H2O2 is considered as one of the
major expenses of the Fenton process, excess amount of it not only raises
2.4. Cost analysis the cost of the treatment but also decreases the treatment efficiency
[49]. From Table 2 (Eqn. 17) it can be seen that an excess amount of
Cost analysis is a very effective medium to compare different types of H2O2 can act as •OH scavenger causing a reduction in the performance
processes and to implement change in a process variable. In this study of the process.
cost analysis has been performed for operating costs only to compare the •OH + H2O2 → H2O + HO2• (10)
different combinations of the Fe2+/H2O2 ratio. The operating cost of the
Fenton process has been evaluated based on power cost, chemical con The influence of H2O2 dosage on the degradation of SBB dye was
sumption, and other parameters for the treatment of 1 m3 wastewater monitored by maintaining a constant 100 mg.L− 1 concentration of Fe2+.
per kg dye removal. Costs of the chemicals, power and others were Previously, it was found that 100 mg.L− 1 concentration of H2O2 has
collected from previous literature studies [3]. The total operating cost better removal efficiency in Fenton and Fenton-like processes than lower
(OC) includes power cost of mixing, chemical consumption cost and concentration value [50,51]. Thus, in this study concentration of H2O2
other costs like labor, maintenance, etc. (Eqn. (7)). was selected 100, 200, 300, and 400 mg.L− 1 to improve the efficiency as
well as to evaluate the optimum dosage of H2O2 among them. However,
OC = a × Pw + b × Ch + other costs (7) in all the conditions, the effect of a particular dosage of H2O2 was found
− 3 − 1
Where, OC is the operational cost ($ m .kg dye removal), Pw is the insignificant as similar decolorization and dye removal efficiencies were
energy consumption by the impeller (kWh.m− 3kg− 1 dye removal), Ch is observed in all concentrations of H2O2. From Fig. 3 it can be seen that
the chemical consumption (kg.m− 3kg− 1 COD removal). Coefficients a the trend of degradation of color and dye concentration was similar to all
and b are the prices of power cost ($.kWh− 1) and chemicals ($kg− 1), the curves that nearly coincided with each other.
respectively. Pw was calculated using the Eqns. 8-9 [48]. From Table 1 it can be seen that for the same dye and the same
concentration of Fe2+ (100 mg.L− 1), a few percentage degradations of
color and concentration were increased by increasing H2O2. This is due
M.B.K. Suhan et al. Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering 4 (2021) 100126
Fig. 3. Effect of initial H2O2 concentration on color and dye removal keeping constant concentration of Fe2+ (100 mgL− 1); a) and b) 50 mgL− 1 dye; c) and d) 70
mgL− 1 dye; e) and f) 100 mgL− 1 dye. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
M.B.K. Suhan et al. Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering 4 (2021) 100126
Table 1
Fenton process performances and cost analysis.
Dye Conc. Fe2+ H2O2 Color removal efficiency, % Dye conc. removal Cost analysisa Basis: 1 m3 wastewater per kg dye removal in 30 min
Conc. Conc. efficiency, % treatment
After 30 After 120 After 30 After 120 Power ($ × Fe2+ H2O2 Other costs Total cost
min min min min 104) ($) ($) ($) ($)
1 1
50 mg.L− 50 mg.L− 100 mg. 50 61 77 82 4.85 0.57 0.86 1.63 3.06
100 mg. L− 1 73 80 85 90 4.39 1.03 0.78 1.48 3.29
L− 1
150 mg. 85 88 95 98 3.93 1.38 0.70 1.33 3.41
L− 1
200 mg. 75 80 93 97 4.01 1.88 0.71 1.35 3.95
L− 1
100 mg. 200 mg. 74 80 86 91 4.33 1.02 2.03 1.46 4.51
L− 1 L− 1
300 mg. 76 82 89 91 4.21 0.99 2.96 1.42 5.37
L− 1
400 mg. 77 84 90 92 4.16 0.98 3.90 1.40 6.28
L− 1
− 1 − 1
70 mg.L 50 mg.L 100 mg. 45 55 69 70 5.39 0.45 0.68 1.30 2.43
100 mg. L− 1 69 75 78 79 4.78 0.80 0.60 1.15 2.55
L− 1
150 mg. 78 85 90 93 4.15 1.04 0.52 1.00 2.57
L− 1
200 mg. 76 83 86 92 4.32 1.45 0.55 1.04 3.03
L− 1
100 mg. 200 mg. 74 78 81 82 4.64 0.78 1.17 1.12 3.07
L− 1 L− 1
300 mg. 77 80 83 85 4.53 0.76 1.71 1.09 3.56
L− 1
400 mg. 78 81 84 86 4.44 0.74 2.24 1.07 4.06
L− 1
− 1
100 mg. 50 mg.L 100 mg. 35 45 66 68 5.65 0.33 0.50 0.95 1.78
L− 1 100 mg. L− 1 67 71 76 79 4.95 0.58 0.44 0.83 1.85
L− 1
150 mg. 79 83 87 90 4.30 0.76 0.38 0.73 1.86
L− 1
200 mg. 69 75 84 89 4.43 1.04 0.39 0.75 2.18
L− 1
100 mg. 200 mg. 67 74 77 78 4.85 0.57 0.86 0.82 2.24
L− 1 L− 1
300 mg. 72 76 78 80 4.76 0.56 1.26 0.80 2.62
L− 1
400 mg. 73 78 80 82 4.67 0.55 1.65 0.79 2.99
L− 1
a 5
costing data extracted from Refs. [3,49] study: Power cost: 0.06 $/kWh; FeSO4 .7H2O cost: $ 8.8 × 10− g− 1; H2O2 cost: $ 3.3 × 10− 4
g− 1; Other costs: Maintenance
cost: $ 0.003 m− 3 & Labor cost: $ 0.06 m− 3.
both color and dye decreased. The color and dye removals were 50–85% 3.4. Cost analysis for the different combinations of Fe2+/H2O2 in the
and 77–95% for 50 mg.L− 1 dye, 45–78% and 69–90% for 70 mg.L− 1dye, Fenton process
35–79%, and 66–87% for 100 mg.L− 1 dye, respectively. Similar result
has also been found by [58]. This decreasing concentration removal The average dye and color removals for the different combinations in
effect of dye was probably due to the non-availability of a sufficient the Fenton process were higher than 80% and 75%, respectively. It can
number of •OH to react with dye as the dye concentration increased [54, be seen from Table 1 that operating costs were affected by power cost to
59]. An important effect of initial dye concentration is also noticed in run mixer, chemical consumption cost, other costs (maintenance, labor
Table 3 that the rate constant decreased gradually for all orders when costs) and were in the range of 1.78–6.28 $/kg dye removal from 1 m3 of
dye concentration increased except zero order. For the treatment of wastewater. The treatment time was considered 30 min to evaluate the
pharmaceutical wastewater [60], obtained 74% TOC removal for the cost as >90% of total removal of color and dye was achieved within this
ratio of H2O2/Fe to be 150 (2500 mg.L− 1 H2O2). time. Moreover, we can see that the contribution of the power cost of
[61] applied a combined Fenton process in the degradation of 50 mg. mixers to the total cost is very little compared to any other costs due to
L− 1 reactive yellow 45 dye in an aqueous solution and reported the short reaction time of operation.
maximum dye removal of 95% within 240 min of treatment [61]. Chemical consumption cost was the prime operational cost due to the
Meanwhile, in this study, 98% removal of SBB dye was found within 50 higher cost of H2O2 ($ 3.3 × 10− 4 g− 1) and Fe2+ ($ 8.8 × 10− 5 g− 1) even
min for a 50 mg.L− 1 dye concentration (Table 1). Moreover, dyes in in bulk amount [3,49]. The most effective process condition based on
industrial effluent can be biodegradable but some recalcitrant com the cost analysis was found for 100 mg.L− 1 of dye, 50 mg.L− 1of Fe2+,
pounds remain after treatment which can be degraded further using the and 100 mg.L− 1 of H2O2 (1.78 $) while dye and color removals at this
Fenton process in integration [62,63]. Therefore removal efficiencies of condition were very less (color 35%, dye 66%) (Table 1). Thus, this
dye can be increased adequately if the Fenton process is performed after condition isn’t effective for the textile industry in reality. However, at
simplistic pretreatment of dyes using biological process. the condition of 100 mg.L− 1 dye, 150 mg.L− 1 of Fe2+, and 100 mg.L− 1 of
H2O2, the dye (87%), and color (79%) removals were acceptable. This
condition also has the highest capability to remove color among all other
conditions stated in Table 1. The cost for 1 m3 wastewater treatment at
M.B.K. Suhan et al. Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering 4 (2021) 100126
Chain initiation (Fe3+ Fe2+ + H2O2 ⎯⎯→ Fe3+ + (10) 40–80 Kinetic study of SBB dye degradation for zero-order, first-order,
generation) OH− + •OH second-order, pseudo-first-order, and pseudo-second-order models were
Fe3+ reduction by excess Fe3+ + H2O2 ⎯⎯→ Fe2+ + (11) 9.1 ×
H2O2 HO2• + H+ 10− 7
carried out. It was performed under six different conditions where Fe2+
Rate determining steps Fe2+ + •OH ⎯⎯→ Fe3+ + (12) 2.5–5 × concentration of 100 mg.L− 1, 150 mg.L− 1 were selected based on
OH− 108 effective dye removal efficiency and H2O2 concentration of 100 mg.L− 1
Fe2+ + HO2• ⎯⎯→ Fe3+ + (13) 0.72–1.5 was selected based on cost analysis (since dye removal efficiency nearly
HO2− × 106
the same for different H2O2 concentrations) in all dye concentration. The
Fe3+ + HO2• ⎯⎯→ Fe2+ + (14) 0.33–2.1
O 2 + H+ × 106 least-square method was followed to find out the best values of the ki
•OH and HO2• radicals •OH + •OH ⎯⎯→ HO2• + (15) 5–8 × 109 netic parameters [65,66]. The sum of squared errors (SSE) was mini
scavenging reaction OH− mized according to the methods for each specific dosage. Graphical
HO2• + HO2• ⎯⎯→ H2O2 (16) 0.8–2.2 comparison between the corresponding experimental results with the
+ O2 × 106
•OH + H2O2 ⎯⎯→ H2O + (17) 1.7–4.5
kinetic model has been utilized by finding out regression coefficient
HO2• × 107 values (goodness of model). Fig. 6 illustrates the plots of different kinetic
•OH + HO2• ⎯⎯→ H2O + (18) 1.4 × models and Table 3 shows the summarized results of regression co
O2 1010 efficients (R2), rate constants (k), amount of dye absorbed (for
H2O2 decomposition 2H2O2 ⎯⎯→ 2H2O + O2 (19) –
pseudo-first and second-order). Comparing the regression coefficients
(absence of organic
pollutants) (R2), it can be depicted that, Fenton process follows the
Treatment Attacking C29H24N6 + •OH (20) – pseudo-second-order kinetic model (R2 values were very close to unity
of organic dye ⎯⎯→H2O + C29H23N6• in all cases). Apart from the pseudo-second-order model, the
organic (i.e. sudan (chain propagation) pseudo-first-order model and second-order model were also fitted better
dyes black B) C29H23N6• + H2O2 ⎯⎯→ (21)
C29H23N6OH + •OH
based on the goodness of fit data. R2 values of pseudo-first-order were
C29H23N6• + O2 ⎯⎯→ (22) between 0.75 and 0.91, where for second-order they were between 0.3
C29H23N6OO• and 0.97. Therefore, it can be depicted that degradation of SBB dye by
C29H23N6• + Fe3+ ⎯⎯→ (23) Fenton process follows pseudo-second-order kinetics model mostly. The
C29H23N6+ + Fe2+
rate constant at this model was varied from 0.0012 to 0.0036− 1.
C29H23N6• + Fe2+ ⎯⎯→ (24) min− 1 and the amount of dye adsorbed was in the range of 333–769 mg.
C29H23N6− + Fe3+ g− 1. Previous studies of Fenton-like processes and combined processes
(reduction) also justified the credibility of the pseudo-second-order kinetics model
2C29H23N6• ⎯⎯→ (25) in organic compounds degradation [16,52,67]. Experimental Qe
C29H23N6– C29H23N6
(mgg− 1) for every case was very similar to calculated Qe in
Coagulants [Fe(H2O)6]3+ + H2O ↔ (26) pseudo-second-order kinetics which also proves the
Formation [Fe(H2O)5OH]2+ + pseudo-second-order to be the best-fitted model in dye degradation ki
(complexes) H3O+ netics. Within 30 min treatment time, >90% of total degradation
[Fe(H2O)5OH]2+ + H2O (27)
occurred, which indicated the adsorption was dominated in the degra
↔ [Fe(H2O)4(OH)2] +
H3O+ dation. Initially, availability of adsorbent was higher to adsorb SBB dye,
2[Fe(H2O)5OH]2+ ↔ [Fe (28) so does the rate of adsorption. Therefore, after scaling up the process
(H2O)8(OH)2]4+ + 2H2O additional power cost can be minimized by selecting optimum operating
[Fe(H2O)8(OH)2]4+ + (29) time. Moreover, the data demonstrated stronger pseudo-second order
H2O ↔
[Fe2(H2O)7(OH)3]3+ +
behavior. This may also imply the mechanism of removal is predomi
H3O+ nantly adsorption as opposed to oxidation. Finally, all the kinetic pa
[Fe2(H2O)7(OH)3]3+ (30) rameters have been determined for different models and placed in
+[Fe(H2O)5OH]2+ Table 3 for easy visualization and comparison among the model.
Adsorption C29H24N6 + Fe(OH)n(s) (31) 3.6. Complex organic dyes degradation mechanism
→ [Sludge](s)
Fenton’s reagent has different treatment functions depending on the
H2O2/Fe2+ ratio. When the amount of Fe2+ exceeds H2O2, the treatment
this condition was found at 1.86 $/kg of dye removal which is relatively process is dominated by chemical coagulation. In contrast, when the
better than Bilińska et al.(2016), ozone-based treatment operating cost amount of H2O2 exceeds Fe2+, the treatment process is dominated by
study. Though [64] didn’t consider per unit removal basis cost, the chemical oxidation [68]. Therefore, the optimum dosage of both Fe2+
operating costs were between 2.2 and 2.4 $/m3 for O3/UV, and H2O2 can create a balance on the rate of coagulation and oxidation
O3/UV/0.005 M H2O2, and O3/UV/0.01 M H2O2 treatment process. for better degradation purposes. Table 2 depicts the overall mechanism
Recently, combined processes have become very popular for higher of the Fenton process to degrade organic compounds. The principal re
degradation capability along with lower sludge volume (e.g. action of the Fenton process is described in Eqn. 10, where H2O2 is
electrocoagulation-electrooxidation, advanced oxidation-membrane), catalyzed rapidly by Fe2+ to decompose into •OH that can oxidize the
but these processes are not cost effective. However, it has been found complex structure of the pollutants. This •OH has a strong oxidation
that the operating costs of the biological process combined with the capacity (standard potential = 2.80 V versus standard hydrogen elec
Fenton process (Fenton process as a post-treatment) is quite low trode). Fe3+ is also generated from Eqn. 10 which further can be reduced
compared with other combined processes [41]. Thus, it can be suggested by H2O2 to produce Fe2+ and HO2• by the so-called Fenton-like reaction
that the optimum process condition found in the current study with the at a very slow rate (Eqn. 11). Both •OH and HO2• radicals can oxidize
M.B.K. Suhan et al. Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering 4 (2021) 100126
Fig. 4. Effect of initial Fe2+ concentration on color and dye removal keeping constant concentration of H2O2 (100 mgL− 1); a) and b) 50 mgL− 1 dye; c) and d) 70
mgL− 1 dye; e) and f) 100 mgL− 1 dye. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
Table 3
Kinetic parameters of Sudan black B dye degradation by Fenton process.
Dye;Fe2+; H2O2 50 mg.L− 1;150 50 mg.L− 1; 100 70 mg.L− 1; 150 70 mg.L− 1; 100 100 mg.L− 1; 150 100 mg.L− 1; 100
mg.L− 1; 100 mg. mg.L− 1; 100 mg. mg.L− 1; 100 mg. mg.L− 1; 100 mg. mg.L− 1; 100 mg. mg.L− 1; 100 mg.
L− 1 L− 1 L− 1 L− 1 L− 1 L− 1
Kinetic Zero order k0 (mg.L− 1. 1.0672 0.9757 1.4157 1.2216 1.9521 1.6971
parameter min− 1)
R2 0.2294 0.2669 0.2419 0.1960 0.2085 0.2186
First order k1 (min− 1) 0.0730 0.0471 0.0541 0.0342 0.0469 0.0321
R2 0.5643 0.4800 0.4552 0.2357 0.3058 0.2813
Second k2 (mg− 1.L. 0.0120 0.0033 0.0034 0.0012 0.0016 0.0007
order min− 1)
R2 0.9706 0.7889 0.7949 0.3004 0.4253 0.3791
Pseudo first k3 (min− 1) 0.0711 0.0737 0.0694 0.0821 0.0571 0.0655
order Qe (mg.g− 1) 133.22 235.36 190.80 172.47 290.41 201.04
Qe (mg.g− 1) 326.94 451.36 435.76 555.25 597.41 787.67
R2 0.8464 0.9113 0.8607 0.8096 0.7455 0.7639
Pseudo k4 (− 1. 0.0027 0.0012 0.0018 0.0036 0.0022 0.0014
second min− 1)
order Qe (mg.g− 1) 333.33 454.55 434.78 555.56 588.24 769.23
R2 0.9999 0.9997 0.9999 1.000 0.9999 0.9999
the organic compounds of dye but HO2• is less sensitive than •OH for reactions. A few researchers proposed some radical–radical reactions or
that purpose. Eqn. 11 further initialize the Eqn. 10 and both of these H2O2–radical reactions may occur, which have very high reaction rate
reactions mainly summarize the overall Fenton process (Fischbacher constants (Eqn. 15–18). The decomposition of H2O2 also occurs in the
et al., 2017; [41]. absence of organic compounds (Eqn. 19). Though the main target of the
Researchers also considered some other steps to happen during the Fenton reaction is to generate •OH, it can be scavenged by various re
main reactions. Eqn. 12–14 are reported rate-determining steps since actions i.e., Fe2+ (Eqn. 12), H2O2 (Eqn. 17), HO2• (Eqn. 18), and/or even
H2O2 is consumed and Fe2+ is regenerated from Fe3+ through these auto scavenged (Eqn. 15) [30,69].
M.B.K. Suhan et al. Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering 4 (2021) 100126
Fig. 5. Effect of initial SBB dye concentration on color and dye removal. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to
the Web version of this article.)
Fig. 6. SBB dye degradation kinetics using zero-order, first order, second order, pseudo-first-order and pseudo-second-order kinetic models.
•OH can oxidize organic dyes i.e SBB (C29H24N6) and produce highly by reacting with available H2O2 in the solution following Eqn. 21.
reactive free radicals (C29H23N6•) (Eqn. 20). This is the chain propa However, C29H23N6• may be oxidized by Fe3+, reduced by Fe2+, or
gation step of attacking organic dyes. C29H23N6• can also generate •OH dimerized later by following Eqn. 23–25. The generated Fe2+ in the
M.B.K. Suhan et al. Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering 4 (2021) 100126
oxidation reaction (Eqn. 23) competes with the generation of •OH (Eqn. communications with the office). He is responsible for communicating
10) and consumption of •OH (Eqn. 20). So, •OH can be produced with the other authors about progress, submissions of revisions and final
indirectly by the organic radicals present in the wastewater (Eqn. 10, approval of proofs. We confirm that we have provided a current, correct
Eqn. 23) and can degrade organic molecules to produce organic radicals email address which is accessible by the Corresponding Author.
further to continue chain reactions of Fenton chemistry (Eqn. 20) [30, [73–100].
70]; Shuchi et al., 2020). Meanwhile, Fe2+ reacts with hydroxide ions to
form ferric hydroxo complexes (Eqn. 26–27). Eqn. 26–30 represents the Declaration of competing interest
complex (Fenton reagent) formation and further steps (Eqn. 28–30,
when pH ranges between 3 and 7) that contribute to the coagulation The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
capability of the Fenton process. Dissolved suspended solids are then interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
captured and precipitated by the above Fenton reagents but small flocs the work reported in this paper.
are observed continually that takes a very long time, sometimes over
night for the settlement. Daneshvar et al. (2006) proposed that the flocs Acknowledgments
further adsorbed by Fe(OH)n with the surface complexation method and
removed from the process (Eqn. 31). Chemical coagulation using poly We acknowledge Bangladesh University of Engineering and Tech
mer is also necessary for further treatment [71,72]. Kinetic analysis of nology (BUET) for contributing financial support for the project and
this study in Section 3.5 also followed this adsorption mechanism where Department of Chemical Engineering, BUET, to provide lab facilities for
degradation data fits quite accurately to the pseudo-second-order kinetic conducting experiments and sample analysis.
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