Marzieh Fadaee
arXiv:2409.11378v1 [cs.CL] 17 Sep 2024
Cohere For AI
[email protected]
Finetuning large language models on instruction data is an important step in enriching the knowledge
learned during pre-training and improving instruction-following capabilities. As the number of
instruction datasets continues to grow, selecting the right data to achieve optimal results becomes
increasingly important. In this work, we ask a prominent question: How can we determine the optimal
subset of data for effective training? While much of the existing research primarily emphasizes local
criteria, such as instance quality, for subset selection, we argue that a global approach focused on
data diversity is more critical. Our approach utilizes k-means clustering to ensure that the selected
subset effectively represents the full dataset. We propose an iterative refinement method inspired
by active learning techniques to resample instances from clusters, with the importance and sampling
weight of each cluster being reassessed in every training iteration. This method allows us to reduce
the effect of outliers and automatically filter out clusters containing low-quality data. Through
extensive evaluation across natural language reasoning, general world knowledge, code and math
reasoning tasks, and by fine-tuning models from various families, we observe consistent improvements,
achieving a 7% increase over the random selection and a 3.8% improvement over state-of-the-art
sampling methods. Our work highlights the significance of diversity-first sampling when finetuning
LLMs to enhance performance across a broad array of evaluation tasks.
Our code is available at https://github.com/for-ai/iterative-data-selection.
1 Introduction
Large language models are trained on vast amounts of data scraped from the internet, containing
a wide range of content qualities. (Penedo et al., 2023; Chen et al., 2023; Laurenccon et al., 2023;
Marion et al., 2023). Models develop a broad understanding of language and acquire general
knowledge from the unstructured data in this pretraining phase (Da et al., 2021; Chang et al., 2024)
and align with user intent in the finetuned stage using instruction datasets which consists of a more
structured format of question and response pairs (Chung et al., 2022; Taori et al., 2023; Li et al.,
2023; Üstün et al., 2024). Recent years have seen substantial efforts to create datasets using various
manual (Conover et al., 2023; Köpf et al., 2024; Singh et al., 2024) and synthetic (Taori et al.,
Equal contribution.
Corresponding authors: Simon Yu, Liangyu Chen, Marzieh Fadaee
2023; Wang et al., 2022; Shimabucoro et al., 2024) methods, making it increasingly challenging
to determine which dataset is best suited for downstream tasks. A crucial question regarding the
scalability of finetuning LLMs is: “what is the optimum subset of data that allows for efficient
training and captures aspects of the data relevant to downstream tasks? ”
Instances in a dataset contribute to a model’s learning process with varying degrees of impact,
affecting the model’s performance and generalization (Sorscher et al., 2022; Chen et al., 2022).
While recent research has predominantly emphasized local features, such as the quality of individual
instances for subset selection, we argue that prioritizing a global feature —diversity—yields greater
benefits. When selecting a subset of instances, we manage computational complexity while balancing
the trade-off between diversity and representativeness (Zhou et al., 2023), ensuring that the subset
captures the underlying data distribution (Ivison et al., 2023; Wang et al., 2024b). Preserving a
high level of sample diversity during finetuning is crucial for improving generalization capabilities
(Zhang et al., 2024; Yue et al., 2024). Wang et al. (2024b) revealed that using a range of instruction
datasets can boost downstream tasks. Wang et al. (2024a) provided a theoretical analysis using
determinantal point processes to underscore the significance of diversity in the selection of subsets.
However, ensuring diversity during sampling is difficult, and current methodologies fall short of fully
addressing this challenge. Most scoring-based subset selection methods prioritize sample quality and
characteristics and subsequently apply a diversity filter (Liu et al., 2023; Xia et al., 2024). Still, since
diversity is inherently a global property, addressing it only in the second step limits its effectiveness
because it lacks a comprehensive view of the entire collection. This limitation often arises because
assessing the data collection globally is computationally expensive (Bukharin & Zhao, 2023).
In this work, we propose a scalable iterative sampling and refinement method to efficiently select a
subset of instruction data and maximize the diversity of samples. We iteratively refine the sample
selection using early training signals from the fine-tuning model and proceed with continued fine-
tuning. With the same training budget, we achieve substantial improvements over fixed sampling
approaches and previous state-of-the-art data selection methods. We evaluate the finetuned models
on a wide range of tasks, including question answering, math, reasoning, and code, and show
consistent improvements over baselines. Overall, our experiments and analyses demonstrate that by
sampling a small subset of data, we achieve performance improvements of up to 7% over random
selection and 3.8% over the previous sampling methods on a wide variety of tasks. In summary, our
contributions are as follows:
• We systematically analyze various clustering and sampling methods and demonstrate that k-
means clustering is particularly effective for selecting an optimal, diverse subset of instruction
data, especially when paired with a quality sampling step.
• Our simplest variant, which involves efficiently clustering data points and randomly sampling
from each cluster, already achieves performance on par with advanced state-of-the-art sampling
techniques, without the need for costly LLM scoring. This supports our hypothesis on the
importance of diversity and the representativeness of the sampling process.
k-Means Quality Sampling (kMQ)
Pooling Clustering Scoring and Sampling
Dataset 1:
Dataset 2:
Dataset 3:
Dataset m:
Score: quality
Budget: B finetune
Figure 1: Our proposed clustering (kMQ) and two sampling methods: We visualize our
static data selection with kMQ, as proposed Section 2.1 and the iterative data selection pipeline
where we refine the selection criteria and resample new instances in each iteration, as proposed in
Section 2.2.
We release the code and the data artifacts used in our experiments to facilitate reproducibility and
future research.
2 Methodology
2.1 Static Data Selection
Given a large and diverse set of instruct data D = {x1 , x2 , . . . , xn }, we select a subset D′ with budget
b ∈ N+ , where b = |D′ | ≪ |D| and finetune a language model and evaluate a selection of downstream
tasks. This subset should be a representative sample of the training data, maintaining high quality
and offering a diverse range of examples. We propose to define the problem of sample selection for
training data of a language model as a clustering problem with clustering objectives where we want
to group similar samples together and separate dissimilar samples into different clusters. We explore
various sampling methods to ensure the inclusion of optimal samples from different clusters.
For clustering purposes, we consider two main clustering objectives: k-center and k-means. Both of
these two objectives are metric clustering where we are given a set of points D with distance metric
d : D × D → R≥0 and the goal is to pick a set of centers C = {c1 , . . . , ck } ⊆ D of size at most k. For
k-center, we want to pick C such that the maximum distance of data points to centers is minimized.
More precisely, in k-center, we want to minimize
max d(xi , C) (1)
xi ∈D
where d(xi , C) = mincj ∈C d(xi , cj ) is the distance of point i to the closest center in C. The k-means
objective is similar to k-center objective but instead of looking at the l∞ norm of the vector that
defines the distance of points to C, we look at the l2 norm of this vector. More precisely, in k-means,
we want to minimize X
d2 (xi , C)
xi ∈D
Based on this objective and given the set of centers C = c1 , . . . , ck , we define Dj as the subset of
data points in D that are closest to center cj and belong to the j th cluster:
Beyond the clustering, the next step concerns how to sample data from the clusters with a fixed
budget of m. We investigate both random sampling and a more informed, quality-based sampling
approach. For the quality-based sampling, inspired by the previous approaches (Liu et al., 2023;
Bukharin & Zhao, 2023), we propose k-means-quality (kMQ), where we first perform the traditional
k-means by clustering the instruction data into k centroids, in which k ≪ b, and sample data
from each cluster to form D′ . Note that we assign each cluster a budget proportional to its size
|X |
(bj = |X|j · b) and draw samples within each cluster based on the probability weighted by the quality
score. We use the same scoring method introduced by Liu et al. (2023) to obtain quality scores,
enabling a fair comparison of the hypotheses regarding the importance of diversity-first versus
quality-first sampling. More concretely, we sample:
where {x1 , x2 , . . . , xbj } is the data sampled from cluster Dj with replacement, bj is the budget
assigning to the j th cluster and p(x | q) is the probability of picking x, weighted by its quality q.
Additionally, we take a systematic approach to studying the role of diversity and show the importance
of the choice of k in affecting downstream performance, which has been overlooked in previous works
(see analysis in Section 4.3).
Algorithm 1 Iterative Data Selection Pipeline
Require: Dataset D, Budget b, Iteration N , base model F, Scorer S
1: D ′ = {} ▷ Selected Data Subset
2: w0 = {w00 , w10 , . . . , wk0 } = { k1 , k1 , . . . , k1 } ▷ the weights (wj ) of each of k clusters
| {z }
3: for it = 1 to N do
4: bit = Nb ▷ Compute iteration budget
5: D = D ∪ Pick bit from D\D with w
′ ′ ′ it−1 ▷ Select new subset with budget bit
6: F n = Finetune(F, D′ ) ▷ Finetune the model for epochs
7: {(xi , ygen , ygold )}n = Inference(F i , D′ ) ▷ Generation J it based on the eval instruct
8: s = {s1 , s2 , · · · , sk } ▷ Normalized score for each cluster (Eq. 5)
9: wit = {w1it , w2it , · · · , wkit } ▷ Adjust selection weight (Eq. 6)
10: end for
11: return D′ , F n ▷ Return the optimal subset D′ and finetuned model F n
incorporating early training feedback into the selection process. We accomplish this by periodically
increasing the weight of clusters from which the model learns well while decreasing the weight of
clusters that the model finds difficult to generalize.
The motivation is twofold: (1) Not all data clusters possess the same level of quality and impact. We
further analyze the distribution and quality scores across clusters, revealing significant disparities
(see analysis in §4.4). This indicates that some clusters are notably better quality, while others
predominantly consist of low-quality data. (2) From a curriculum learning perspective, models can
develop different skills and knowledge at varying rates (Xu et al., 2020; Xu & Tewari, 2021; Feng
et al., 2023). Increasing the selection from challenging clusters for models to learn can enhance their
generalization capability.
1. Initialization Given a fixed training budget of b, we use kMQ as described in the previous
section to cluster and sample an initial set of instances of the size Nb . Next, we finetune the base
model for one epoch by going over the sampled data once, using this checkpoint to guide the iterative
2. Estimation of Sample Difficulty Using the latest checkpoint, we perform one round of
inference on the prompts on which the model is trained. Specifically, given the prompt xi from the
initial sampled set, we generate a new completion yi from the original seed data, forming the tuple
(xi , ygen , ygold ) ∈ J i . We then evaluate the quality difference between ygen and ygold using a scorer S.
We compute the score for each instance by the following:
where ⊕ is the concatenation operator. We explore the effectiveness of different scoring methods in
section 4.2.
3. Resampling By aggregating and normalizing the scores of samples within each cluster, we
modify the sampling weight of each cluster in the next iteration. The goal is to assign a higher
weight to the clusters containing higher-quality data while reducing the number of instances selected
from lower-quality clusters. We define the score and weight of the j th cluster as follows:
|Dj |
1 X
sj = S(xi , ygen , ygold ) (5)
|Dj |
wjit = Pk wjit−1 (6)
c=1 sc
where sj is the score of the j th cluster, wjit is the weight of the j th cluster at iteration it. it is the
iteration number, where it ∈ {0, 1, . . . , N }. N is the maximum number of iterations and k is the
total number of clusters.
We adjust the cluster weights and select Nb new candidates based on these updated weights. We
then train the model and return to step 2. This process continues until the entire training budget is
utilized. The pseudocode summarizing our iterative data selection method is shown in Algorithm 1.
3 Experiments
3.1 Training setup
Source Datasets We focus on two large and widely used instruction datasets that include
prompts on a diverse set of topics: Alpaca (Taori et al., 2023) and WizardLM (Xu et al., 2023). The
Alpaca dataset includes 52K prompts and uses the self-instruct framework to evolve seed human
instruction datasets and generate a large collection. WizardLM includes 196K prompts where they
used Evol-Instruct to automatically augment instruction tuning datasets (Alpaca, ShareGPT) to
make their instructions more complex (in-depth evolution) and more diverse (in-breadth evolution).
Training Recipes For all experiments, we finetune Table 1: Detailed information of our evalu-
the llama-2-7B base model (Touvron et al., 2023). We ation settings. For each evaluation dataset,
train for 3 epochs to achieve convergence and optimal we present the number of few-shot examples
instruction-following performance. We use an AdamW and metric adopted for evaluation.
optimizer (Loshchilov & Hutter, 2017), with a learning
rate of 1e-5 and 1,000 warming-up steps. The maximum token size is 2048, and the effective batch
size is 64. Additionally, in section 4.5 we study the transferability of our findings to other base
models and experiment with fine-tuning Mistral (Jiang et al., 2023) and Llama-3-8B (Dubey et al.,
Natural Language Reasoning We use HellaSwag (Zellers et al., 2019), and TruthfulQA (Lin et al.,
2022). HellaSwag is a test of commonsense inference. TruthfulQA measures a model’s propensity to
reproduce falsehoods.
World Knowledge We evaluate on MMLU (Hendrycks et al., 2021) and ARC (Clark et al., 2018).
MMLU consists of a range of multiple-choice academic questions. ARC is a set of grade-school
science questions.
Code Generation We use the extensively utilized HumanEval (Chen et al., 2021) benchmark
consisting of 164 coding problems to evaluate LLMs’ code-writing capabilities at the function level
by reporting the pass@10 metric.
Math Reasoning We use GSM8k (Cobbe et al., 2021) to evaluate the mathematical abilities of
models; GSM8k contains 1319 grade school math test data. We adopt 8-shot testing and report the
exact matching.
3.3 Baselines
We implement two strong data selection methods, Deita (Liu et al., 2023) and QDIT (Bukharin
& Zhao, 2023) and compare our methods against them. Additionally, we explore other clustering
and sampling methods: k-center clustering (k-Center), where k equals the number of data points,
k-means-closest (kM-Closest), which selects samples based on the closest distance, and k-means-
random (kM-Random), which selects randomly from each cluster, both with the same budget as our
proposed approach kMQ. We also compare our methods to the random selection of data points.
Table 2: Data selection performance of kMQ and baseline methods. All methods sample
10K (5%) from the full WizardLM (196k) dataset. kMQ-k denotes k-means-quality with k clustering
centroids. For both kM-Closest and kM-Random, we show the results of the optimal k.
4 Results and Discussion
4.1 Main Findings
Table 2 presents the performance of the proposed methods for instruction data selection compared
to several baselines across various tasks. Our first observation is that by clustering data points
using the k-means method and randomly sampling instances (kM-Random sampling) we already
outperform random sampling and achieve comparable results to strong baselines: Deita and QDIT.
This is significant because this sampling method is significantly more efficient than both Deita and
QDIT and does not depend on costly LLMs for scoring. The success of this simple and efficient
method highlights the impact of prioritizing diversity in sampling.
Next, we observe that by replacing the random selection step with the quality-based approach
(kMQ) we can improve model performance on all downstream tasks. kMQ outperforms strong
sampling approaches, Deita (Liu et al., 2023) and QDIT (Bukharin & Zhao, 2023), on all tasks.
Next, we observe that the iterative sampling approach (Iterative kMQ), which leverages early
training signals to refine the selected subset, outperforms all previous baselines on most tasks. This
suggests that the iterative process of resampling and finetuning based on cluster performance can
effectively identify and prioritize high-quality instruction data, leading to better task performance.
Overall, our findings highlight the impact of a diversity-focused sampling approach, which selects a
compact yet representative subset of the data through clustering and weighted sampling from the
clusters. We find that it is also crucial to consider a feedback loop from the finetuning model and
understand how it perceives and learns from the data. By incorporating this feedback we ensure
that the sampling process aligns with the model’s learning behavior for optimal results.
44.0 random
1 (3.33%) 2 (6.66%) 3 (10%)
Iteration (percentage of data)
Figure 2: Comparison of iterative selection approach using different sample-scoring
methods: perplexity, GPT-4, reward model. Note that both random and kMQ selection methods
use 10% of data and train for three epochs. The iterative feedback runs are performed with the same
budget at iteration 3, ensuring a fair comparison. Iterative sampling using a reward model achieves
the best performance.
4.2 Comparing different scoring methods in iterative feedback
To study the impact of how we score samples during training in our iterative selection approach,
we compare three methods: calculating the perplexity score of generations, using GPT-4 to obtain a
quality score, and using a reward model’s1 output. In Figure 2 we observe that all three variants
effectively improve the average performance over random selection. It is important to note that
during the first and second iterations, the iterative methods have been exposed to fewer data points
compared to the random and kMQ baselines. It is only at the third iteration that all methods
have had the opportunity to process an equal amount of data. While both perplexity-based and
GPT-4-based scoring achieve similar performance to kMQ and improve over random sampling, the
reward model variant largely outperforms a single-run kMQ. For this experiment, we arbitrarily
selected an iteration value of 3, which can be modified in future experiments.
Silhouette score
Elbow score 20
46 19
Average performance
Silhouette score
45 18
64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192
Number of clusters (k)
Figure 3: Average performance on downstream tasks (bar plots) for different number of
clusters k. There is a correlation between downstream performance and both Silhouette and Elbow
scores. The silhouette score is an efficient and effective proxy to estimate the number of clusters
eliminating the need to explore the hyperparameter space.
In k-means data selection, an important question is how to choose the appropriate value for the
parameter k (the number of clusters). Increasing the value of k results in more fine-grained clusters
and by ensuring that we sample from each cluster, we can increase the diversity of the selected
subset. However, overly large values of k would also inevitably create outlier clusters that consist
entirely of low-quality, noisy data. Since we ensure each cluster is represented in the final selection,
this results in noise being included. There is no one-size-fits-all answer, as the optimal k depends on
the characteristics of the pool of data. Exploring the optimal parameter value is costly, as it must
be conducted with each new dataset. Here we use established heuristics in the clustering literature
to guide this decision and study the correlation of these metrics with downstream performance of
We use FsfairX-LLaMA3-RM-v0.1 (Xiong et al., 2024).
language models. Namely we investigate two methods:
Elbow method is a popular approach (Ahmed et al., 2020), where the objective value is plotted
against different values of k. The goal is to identify the elbow point, where increasing k yields
diminishing returns in the performance.
Silhouette Score (Vardakas et al., 2024) provides another perspective by evaluating how well each
data point fits within its assigned cluster (cohesion) compared to other clusters (separation), ranging
from -1 (poor fit) to 1 (excellent fit). A high score indicates the object is similar to others in its
cluster and dissimilar to those in neighboring clusters.
Although both approaches for identifying the ideal number of clusters are frequently employed, the
Silhouette score is generally preferred to the Elbow method in k-means clustering due to its clear
interpretability, robustness to noise and outliers, and suitability for high-dimensional data. More
importantly, the Elbow method is a post-hoc evaluation metric after the instruction tuning is done
and is more expensive; while Silhouette score can be computed prior to any sampling and training
and is very cheap.
We study how the choice of k affects performance on downstream tasks and if we can identify an
optimal k based on the dataset’s properties. To investigate this, we first fix our training pool (using
WizardLM) and run a series of experiments with different numbers of clusters k. For each value
k, we cluster the training candidates and sample from the clusters to create subsets of instruction
data. We then finetune a model on each of these subsets. A full evaluation is conducted for every
finetuned model (see detailed results in Appendix B).
tasks and observe that the average performance
changes dramatically when we change the num- 30
Number of Clusters
score. We find that the Silhouette score can
be used to estimate the number of clusters re-
Figure 4: The percentage of clusters with an ag-
quired before performing the expensive pipeline
gregated quality score below the threshold of 0.3.
of clustering, sampling, finetuning, and evalua-
tion. This estimation step enables us to adapt our approach efficiently to new datasets and collections,
ensuring optimal performance and reducing computational costs associated with trial-and-error
methods to find the best hyperparameters.
Figure 4 shows the number of clusters with average quality scores below a certain threshold (0.3)
for different values of k. We observe that by increasing the number of clusters, the percentage of
the clusters dominated by low-quality data also increases. This increases the likelihood of sampling
low-quality data when attempting to ensure that every cluster is represented in the final selection.
In our iterative sampling approach, we adjust cluster weights during each training iteration and
prevent noisy clusters from being over-represented in the sampled data.
Table 3: Performance of our best sampling methods on downstream tasks for two base
models: Llama-3-8B and Mistral-7B. We sample 10K (5%) from WizardLM (196k). The selection
is performed with Llama-2.
While the iterative refinement pipeline can select a dataset restricted to certain models, we do not
view this as a limitation. The primary contribution of this work is to propose a function that takes a
fixed dataset and model as input and outputs the most valuable subset for learning. This approach
aligns with similar works (Ilyas et al., 2022; Thrush et al., 2024). Specifically, the task is to extract
a subset of data that leverages early reward signals to enhance the targeted model’s post-training
5 Related Work
Data selection for LLMs. Previous works on data selection can be broadly categorized into
two key approaches: (1) removing undesirable examples, for instance, low-quality (Raffel et al., 2023;
Marion et al., 2023), toxic (Raffel et al., 2023), or duplicated instances (Zhang et al., 2022; Abbas
et al., 2023). (2) identifying the most optimal subset of data. While the definition of an optimal
subset varies across different works, the shared goal is to use a small portion of the data while still
maintaining strong performance. This subset selection approach has often been done by aiming
for selecting high-quality instances through a proxy: manual curation (Zhou et al., 2023), selecting
instances from human-authored datasets (Wang et al., 2024b), or hand-selecting datasets encouraging
complexity and diversity (Ivison et al., 2023). More recently, a line of work has used language models
to assess the quality of each data point and select the best ones. Xia et al. (2024) estimates data
influence and performs a low-rank gradient similarity search using a gradient datastore. Liu et al.
(2023) scores instances using a combination of complexity and quality scores using an LLM and
selects the final subset using diversity-based filtering. While individual sample quality is a crucial
factor, prioritizing this local criterion can limit the diversity of the final selection. However, diversity
in instances and tasks is essential for training high-performant models (Wei et al., 2021; Gudibande
et al., 2023). Our work differs from these studies by examining what constitutes an optimal subset
from a global perspective and by prioritizing representativeness. Closest to our work, Bukharin &
Zhao (2023) emphasized quality by encoding all data points in the selection pool using an embedding
model and selecting the final subset based on pairwise cosine similarity and a quality score from
an LLM. In contrast, our approach offers a significantly more efficient method for subset selection,
while also achieving improved performance. Our experiment covers multiple dimensions, including
various base models, different encoding and scoring methods, and extensive ablation studies with
recommendations for efficient parameter selection.
Active learning and language models. Active learning is based on the fundamental premise
that “not all data is equal”. This approach aims to identify the most informative data for pretraining
or adapting language models for specific tasks or capabilities, as well as pinpointing the most
valuable data for learning. Margatina et al. (2023) explored active learning for selecting in-context
examples in few-shot learning, demonstrating that similar examples outperform uncertain or diverse
in-context examples. Muldrew et al. (2024) proposed active preference learning, combining iterative
data acquisition with a DPO (Direct Preference Optimization) loop to reduce the frequency of
querying human annotators (Oracle). Their acquisition method relies on the model’s entropy during
generation. Our approach generalizes active instruction tuning (Kung et al., 2023) to instance-level
data selection, allowing for the co-evolution of the LLMs and instruction data using an external
reward signal.
6 Conclusion
In this paper, we present a novel approach to selecting a subset of data and optimizing the fine-tuning
of language models. Our method involved a scalable sampling technique that maximizes diversity and
efficiency in subset selection. Through our proposed k-means-quality (kMQ) algorithm and iterative
selection process, we demonstrated significant performance improvements over strong baselines while
maintaining a limited training budget. Our contributions include an efficient instruction selection
algorithm, the release of our encoded instruction dataset, and a systematic analysis of our method’s
effectiveness across a range of tasks. Our method outperforms existing baselines, achieving up to 7%
improvement in a wide range of evaluation tasks.
By addressing the challenge of optimal instruct data selection, our work paves the way for more
efficient and effective finetuning of language models, making them more accessible and affordable for
deployment, especially in resource-constrained settings. We believe that our findings will contribute
significantly to the ongoing research in language model optimization and their real-world applications.
Finally, while we considered diversity and difficulty crucial factors, other characteristics of instruction
data could be explored to enhance the finetuning process further. Addressing these limitations and
extending this research will contribute to more robust and adaptable language models, capable of
excelling in a wide range of real-world applications.
Broader Impact If the data selection process fails to capture important aspects of the full
dataset, it could lead to biased or inconsistent outputs from the finetuned models. There are also
broader societal risks around the misuse of large language models for generating misinformation,
perpetuating biases, or enabling privacy violations that could be exacerbated by making these models
more accessible through efficient finetuning techniques.
We would like to thank the Cohere For AI team for their valuable feedback and for providing generous
computing resources for conducting and analyzing our experiments. In our figures, we use “Robot”
icon by Andi Nur Abdillah, BEDESCHI LEONARDO, “iterative process” by cARTo, “growth” and
“decrease” by archer7 from thenounproject.com CC BY 3.0.
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A Training Details
A.1 Hyperparameters
For supervised fine-tuning, our training hyperparameters are presented in table 4.
Parameter Value
Precision BFloat16
Epochs 3
Selected Portion 10%
Gradient Accumulation Step 8
Batch Size 64
Max Seq. Length 4096
K-means Random Seed 42
B Impact of Number of Clusters
Method MMLU GSM8K HellaSwag ARC TruthfulQA HumanEval Avg. Silhouette Score
kMQ-64 43.1 13.9 80.2 54.3 44.8 29.5 44.3 17.4
kMQ-128 43.4 12.8 79.9 54.1 45.0 28.4 43.9 15.6
kMQ-256 42.3 13.1 80.0 53.2 44.3 28.1 43.5 14.1
kMQ-512 46.4 17.0 81.2 55.3 45.5 33.0 46.4 16.8
kMQ-1024 45.6 17.8 81.6 55.5 44.9 34.1 46.6 18.2
kMQ-2048 46.0 20.2 82.1 55.5 45.0 37.2 47.7 20.3
kMQ-4096 44.2 15.2 79.1 54.3 42.0 33.2 44.7 20.0
kMQ-8192 44.1 13.6 78.9 54.2 41.6 31.8 43.0 18.7
Table 5: Performance of models trained on different number of data clusters k. We sample 10K (5%)
for each experiment. Silhouette score correlates with downstream tasks and is an efficient proxy for
estimating the number of clusters before sampling.
Table 6: Additional experiments on Alpaca dataset (52k). We sample 5K (10%) for each experiment.
kMQ-k denotes k-means-quality with k clustering centroids. For both kM-Closest and kM-Random,
we show the results of the optimal k among all choices of k.
C Scorer Details
For perplexity, we pass the xi ⊕ ygen and xi ⊕ ygold to the model to compute the perplexity scores.
The scorer with Perplexity is as follows:
P P L(xi ⊕ ygen )
S(xi , ygen , ygold ) = − log( ) (7)
P P L(xi ⊕ ygold )
For GPT-4 direct scoring, we give the two completions to GPT-4 and ask it to give a rating between
1 and 5. We use the template as shown in Figure 6 to prompt GPT-4 for being the LLM-as-a-judge
and by replacing the reward scoring (R) by the GPT score in Equation (4). The template is inspired
by Zheng et al. (2023). For the reward model, we use an off-the-shelf model based on Llama-33 .
Figure 5: Impact of using different embedding models to cluster prompts. The Silhouette score
consistently predicts the overall cluster quality with different embedding models.
Table 7: Performance of our best iterative sampling method (using a reward model) on different test
sets. The training pool is WizardLM (196k). We plot the results in Figure 2. Best scores are bold.
Second bests are underlined.
Prompt Template for Judgment Annotation
Please act as an impartial judge and evaluate the quality of the response provided by an AI assistant to the user
question displayed below. Your evaluation should consider factors such as the helpfulness, relevance, accuracy,
depth, creativity, and level of detail of the response. Begin your evaluation by providing a short explanation.
Be as objective as possible. After providing your explanation, please rate the response on a scale of 1 to 10 by
strictly following this format: “[[rating]]”, for example: “Rating: [[5]]”.
Figure 6: Prompt template for requesting a response evaluation from GPT-4-turbo, where variables
${instruction} and ${response} are replaced with examples in our dataset.