2. One of the choices depicts the optimal sequence for systematically building entrepreneurship
a. Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Imagination, Creativity
b. Creativity, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Imagination
c. Imagination, Creativity, Innovation, Entrepreneurship
d. Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Imagination, Creativity
4. Which one of the following is NOT a myth of entrepreneurship Commented [1]: Annswer choice was confusing with
a. Entrepreneurs are born, not made the following as right answer:
"Entrepreneurs always want to take high risks"; has
b. Entrepreneurs are not disciplined been changed now
c. Entrepreneurs take calculated risks
d. Entrepreneurs like to work in/as a a team
4. One of the below choices does not encompass the entrepreneurial mindset
a. Creativity, Dealing with failure, Adaptability
b. Curiosity, Growth, Courage
c. Teamwork, Persistence, Opportunity Seeking
d. Avoid Facing Failure, Giving up when frustrated
10. Good founders in a startup environment support the team when they fail
a. True
b. False
● A) Ideation
● B) Empathy
● C) Prototype
● D) Test
Correct Answer: B) Empathy
Correct Answer: B
EIE M4-Session_End_Quiz
(Opportunity Identification and Ethics)
Request: Jumble the questions & responses when administering the quiz on PESU Academy
Question 1:
What is the term used to describe the process of identifying and evaluating ideas for new
businesses or products?
● A. Market segmentation
● B. Feasibility analysis
● C. Opportunity screening
● D. Business planning
Answer: C. Opportunity screening
Question 2:
Which of the following is the best option for a successful entrepreneurial opportunity?
Question 3:
Question 4:
● A. To maximize profits
● B. To comply with legal requirements
● C. To make ethical decisions in business operations
● D. To avoid negative publicity
Answer: C. To make ethical decisions in business operations
Question 5:
Question 6:
What is the term used to describe the ethical principle that businesses should be transparent
and honest in their dealings?
● A. Integrity
● B. Sustainability
● C. Accountability
● D. Fairness
Answer: A. Integrity
Question 7:
Question 8:
The value of a good opportunity is ______ to the level of satisfaction with current
● A. directly proportional
● B. inversely proportional
● C. equal
● D. greater than
Answer: B. inversely proportional
What is the
● A. Always
● B. Never
● C. Maybe
● D. None of the above
Answer: C. Maybe
Question 10:
● A. Timing, Importance of the problem/need to the customer, Profitability of the solution, Can be
solved by the startup faster/better than competitors
● B. Idea and funding availability
● C. Idea and size of the founding team
● D. Idea and a prototype
Answer: A. Timing, Importance of the problem/need to the customer, Profitability of the
solution, Can be solved by the startup faster/better than competitors
EIE M5-Session_End_Quiz
(Team and Leadership)
Request: Jumble the questions & responses when administering the quiz on PESU Academy
Question 1:
Which of the following is NOT a key characteristic of a successful startup
● A. Diverse skills and experiences
● B. Strong communication and collaboration
● C. Shared vision and goals
● D. Lack of conflict
Question 2:
What is the term used to describe the informal rules and expectations that
govern a startup team's behavior?
● A. Team culture
● B. Company policy
● C. Leadership style
● D. Organizational structure
Question 3:
Which of the following is NOT a common characteristic of a successful
startup team?
● A. Diverse skill sets
● B. Shared vision
● C. Lack of trust
● D. Complementary strengths
Question 4:
Which leadership quality is essential for building trust and credibility
within a startup team?
● A. Intelligence
● B. Integrity
● C. Creativity
● D. Experience
Answer: B. Integrity
Question 5:
What is the term used to describe a leader's ability to recognize and
respond to the needs and emotions of others?
● A. Empathy
● B. Assertiveness
● C. Delegation
● D. Vision
Answer: A. Empathy
Question 6:
What is the term used to describe a leader's ability to delegate tasks and
responsibilities effectively?
● A. Empowerment
● B. Vision
● C. Charisma
● D. Empathy
Answer: A. Empowerment
Question 7:
Which of the following emotional intelligence competencies is crucial for
effective conflict resolution in a startup team?
● A. Self-awareness
● B. Empathy
● C. Social skills
● D. Self-regulation
Question 8:
What is the significance of empathy in a startup team?
● A. It helps team members understand each other's perspectives
● B. It prevents conflicts from arising
● C. It ensures that everyone agrees on decisions
● D. It guarantees the success of the startup
Question 9:
How can self-awareness contribute to the success of a startup team?
● A. By helping team members identify their strengths and weaknesses
● B. By preventing team members from making mistakes
● C. By ensuring that everyone is happy and satisfied
● D. By eliminating the need for feedback
Question 10:
According to the video you watched by Linda Hill, what are the 3 functions
that leaders need to fulfill
● A. Architect, Contractor, Engineer
● B. Logical, Emotional, Social
● C. Architect, Builder, Catalyst
● D. Designer, Builder, Contractor