Amendments notice: April 2015
Accessing current QCAA resources
Resources referred to in this document may have been updated or replaced.
Please always check the QCAA website for the most current resources to support the
implementation of the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics:
Summary of amendments, April 2015
• Section 2.2.1 Year 10 standards elaborations
Table 4: The Year 10 standards elaborations removed; replaced with link to updated
standards elaborations on the QCAA website; subsequent tables renumbered.
• Appendix 1: Mathematics standards elaborations terms table removed.
Updated term definitions are available as part of the standards elaborations web
• Table of contents updated.
Amendments notice: April 2015 .............................................................................................. ii
1. Overview ................................................................................. 1
1.1 Rationale ............................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Aims .................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Mathematics in Queensland K–12 ....................................................................... 2
2. Curriculum .............................................................................. 4
2.1 Australian Curriculum content .............................................................................. 4
2.1.1 Australian Curriculum: Mathematics Year 10/10A content
descriptions .......................................................................................................5
2.1.2 General capabilities ...........................................................................................9
2.1.3 Cross-curriculum priorities ..............................................................................15
2.2 Achievement standards ..................................................................................... 16
2.2.1 Year 10 standard elaborations ........................................................................17
2.3 Planning in the Mathematics learning area ........................................................ 18
2.3.1 Time allocation ................................................................................................18
2.3.2 Principles for effective planning ......................................................................18
2.3.3 Elements of effective planning for alignment ..................................................19
2.3.4 Identifying curriculum ......................................................................................20
2.3.5 Developing assessment ..................................................................................20
2.3.6 Sequencing teaching and learning ..................................................................21
2.3.7 Educational equity ...........................................................................................23
3. Assessment .......................................................................... 24
3.1 Standards-based assessment............................................................................ 24
3.2 School-based assessment ................................................................................. 24
3.3 Developing an assessment program .................................................................. 25
3.4 Year 10 Mathematics assessment folio .............................................................. 26
3.4.1 Assessment techniques, formats and categories ...........................................27
3.4.2 Assessment conditions....................................................................................29
3.4.3 Developing assessments ................................................................................30
3.5 Making judgments.............................................................................................. 32
3.6 Using feedback .................................................................................................. 33
4. Reporting .............................................................................. 34
4.1 Reporting standards .......................................................................................... 34
4.2 Making an on-balance judgment on a folio ......................................................... 36
4.2.1 Making an on-balance judgment for mid-year reporting ................................. 37
4.2.2 Applying the Australian Curriculum achievement standards .......................... 38
4.3 Moderation......................................................................................................... 39
Appendix 1: Glossary .................................................................................... 40
Appendix 2: Principles of assessment ......................................................... 42
1. Overview
Year 10/10A Mathematics: Australian Curriculum in Queensland provides an overview of
the Australian Curriculum learning area within the context of a Kindergarten to Year 12
approach. It supports teachers’ capacity by providing clarity about the focus of teaching and
learning and the development of assessment to determine the quality of student learning. It
maintains flexibility for schools to design curriculum that suits their specific contexts and
scope for school authorities and school priorities to inform practice.
Requirements are taken directly from the Advice, guidelines and resources are based on
Australian Curriculum: Mathematics (v4.1) the Australian Curriculum Year level descriptions
developed by the Australian Curriculum, and organisation sections. They have been
Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA). developed by the Queensland Studies Authority
(QSA) to assist teachers in their planning and
This material is presented in blue text. assessment and include links to
Links to Australian Curriculum support materials Queensland-developed supporting resources,
are also provided where appropriate. exemplars and templates.
1.1 Rationale
Learning mathematics creates opportunities for and enriches the lives of all Australians.
The Australian Curriculum: Mathematics provides students with essential mathematical
skills and knowledge in Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics
and Probability. It develops the numeracy capabilities that all students need in their
personal, work and civic life, and provides the fundamentals on which mathematical
specialties and professional applications of mathematics are built.
Mathematics has its own value and beauty and the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics
aims to instil in students an appreciation of the elegance and power of mathematical
reasoning. Mathematical ideas have evolved across all cultures over thousands of years,
and are constantly developing. Digital technologies are facilitating this expansion of ideas
and providing access to new tools for continuing mathematical exploration and invention.
The curriculum focuses on developing increasingly sophisticated and refined mathematical
understanding, fluency, logical reasoning, analytical thought and problem-solving skills.
These capabilities enable students to respond to familiar and unfamiliar situations by
employing mathematical strategies to make informed decisions and solve problems
The Australian Curriculum: Mathematics ensures that the links between the various
components of mathematics, as well as the relationship between mathematics and other
disciplines, are made clear. Mathematics is composed of multiple but interrelated and
interdependent concepts and systems which students apply beyond the mathematics
classroom. In science, for example, understanding sources of error and their impact on the
confidence of conclusions is vital, as is the use of mathematical models in other disciplines.
1.2 Aims
The Australian Curriculum: Mathematics aims to ensure that students:
• are confident, creative users and communicators of mathematics, able to investigate,
represent and interpret situations in their personal and work lives and as active citizens
• develop an increasingly sophisticated understanding of mathematical concepts and
fluency with processes, and are able to pose and solve problems and reason in Number
and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability
• recognise connections between the areas of mathematics and other disciplines and
appreciate mathematics as an accessible and enjoyable discipline to study.
* Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs 2008, Melbourne Declaration
on Educational Goals for Young Australians, viewed October 2012,
Content descriptions:
Disciplinary learning
(section 2.1.1)
The Australian Curriculum: Mathematics is
organised around the interaction of three
content strands and four proficiency strands:
• content strands: Number and Algebra,
Measurement and Geometry, and
Statistics and Probability. They describe
what is to be taught and learnt
• sub-strands: a sequence of development
of concepts through and across year levels
within the content strands
• proficiency strands: Understanding,
Fluency, Problem Solving, and Reasoning.
They describe how content is explored or
developed, that is, the thinking and doing
of Mathematics.
Content elaborations: illustrate and exemplify
content. These elaborations are not a
requirement for the teaching of the Australian
The 10A content is optional and is intended for students who require more content to enrich
their mathematical study while completing the common Year 10 content. It is NOT
anticipated that all students will attempt the 10A content. A selection of topics from the 10A
curriculum can be completed according to the needs of the students.
Content elaborations
Content elaborations illustrate and exemplify content and assist teachers in developing a
common understanding of the content descriptions. The elaborations are not a requirement
for the teaching of the Australian Curriculum. They are not individualised teaching points
intended to be taught to all students.
Codes included with the Australian Curriculum content descriptions relate to hyperlinks into the Australian
Curriculum website <>. Each unique
identifier provides the user with the content description, content elaboration, and links to general
capabilities, cross-curriculum priorities and modes.
See also:
P–10 Numeracy Indicators
The QSA P–10 Numeracy Indicators are aligned to the Australian Curriculum (v4.1) and
informed by data from Queensland performance on national assessment. The Indicators
are organised as Year level descriptions and provide specific detail to support planning for,
and monitoring of, students’ numeracy knowledge, understanding and skills across the
learning areas. For further information, see:
Literacy Students become literate as Literacy is an important aspect of mathematics. Students ACARA Literacy capability
they develop the knowledge, develop literacy in mathematics as they learn the vocabulary continua
skills and dispositions to associated with number, space, measurement and mathematical www.australiancurriculum.
interpret and use language concepts and processes. This vocabulary includes synonyms
confidently for learning and (minus, subtract), technical terminology (digits, lowest common s/Literacy/Introduction/Intr
communicating in and out of denominator), passive voice (If 7 is taken from 10) and common oduction
school and for participating words with specific meanings in a mathematical context (angle, QSA Literacy Indicators
effectively in society. Literacy area). They develop the ability to create and interpret a range of
involves students in listening to, texts typical of Mathematics ranging from calendars and maps to 9.html
reading, viewing, speaking, complex data displays.
writing and creating oral, print, Students use literacy to understand and interpret word problems
visual and digital texts, and and instructions that contain the particular language features of
using and modifying language mathematics. They use literacy to pose and answer questions,
for different purposes in a range engage in mathematical problem solving, and to discuss,
of contexts. produce and explain solutions.
Numeracy Students become numerate as Mathematics has a central role in the development of numeracy ACARA Numeracy
they develop the knowledge and in a manner that is more explicit and foregrounded than is the capability continua
skills to use mathematics case in other learning areas. It is important that the Mathematics www.australiancurriculum.
confidently across all learning curriculum provides the opportunity to apply mathematical
areas at school and in their lives understanding and skills in context, both in other learning areas s/Numeracy/Introduction/I
more broadly. Numeracy and in real world contexts. A particularly important context for ntroduction
involves students in recognising the application of Number and Algebra is financial mathematics. QSA Numeracy Indicators
and understanding the role of In Measurement and Geometry, there is an opportunity to apply
mathematics in the world and understanding to design. The twenty-first century world is 9.html
having the dispositions and information driven, and through Statistics and Probability
capacities to use mathematical students can interpret data and make informed judgments about
knowledge and skills events involving chance.
ICT capability Students develop ICT capability Students develop ICT capability when they investigate, create ACARA ICT capability
as they learn to use ICT and communicate mathematical ideas and concepts using fast, continua
effectively and appropriately to automated, interactive and multimodal technologies. They www.australiancurriculum.
access, create and employ their ICT capability to perform calculations, draw graphs,
communicate information and collect, manage, analyse and interpret data; share and s/Information-and-
ideas, solve problems and work exchange information and ideas and investigate and model Communication-
collaboratively in all learning concepts and relationships. Technology-
areas at school, and in their capability/Introduction/Intr
Digital technologies, such as spreadsheets, dynamic geometry oduction
lives beyond school. ICT software and computer algebra software, can engage students
capability involves students in and promote understanding of key concepts.
learning to make the most of the
technologies available to them,
adapting to new ways of doing
things as technologies evolve
and limiting the risks to
themselves and others in a
digital environment.
Critical and Students develop capability in Students develop critical and creative thinking as they learn to ACARA Critical and
creative thinking critical and creative thinking as generate and evaluate knowledge, ideas and possibilities, and creative thinking capability
they learn to generate and use them when seeking solutions. Engaging students in continua
evaluate knowledge, clarify reasoning and thinking about solutions to problems and the www.australiancurriculum.
concepts and ideas, seek strategies needed to find these solutions are core parts of the
possibilities, consider Mathematics curriculum. s/Critical-and-creative-
alternatives and solve problems. thinking/Introduction/Intro
Students are encouraged to be critical thinkers when justifying
Critical and creative thinking are duction
their choice of a calculation strategy or identifying relevant
integral to activities that require questions during a statistical investigation. They are encouraged
students to think broadly and to look for alternative ways to approach mathematical problems,
deeply using skills, behaviours for example, identifying when a problem is similar to a previous
and dispositions such as one, drawing diagrams or simplifying a problem to control some
reason, logic, resourcefulness, variables.
imagination and innovation in all
learning areas at school and in
their lives beyond school.
Personal and social Students develop personal and Students develop and use personal and social capability as they ACARA Personal and
capability social capability as they learn to apply mathematical skills in a range of personal and social social capability continua
understand themselves and contexts. This may be through activities that relate learning to www.australiancurriculum.
others, and manage their their own lives and communities, such as time management,
relationships, lives, work and budgeting and financial management, and understanding s/Personal-and-social-
learning more effectively. The statistics in everyday contexts. capability/Introduction/Intr
personal and social capability oduction
The Mathematics curriculum enhances the development of
involves students in a range of students’ personal and social capabilities by providing
practices including recognising opportunities for initiative taking, decision making,
and regulating emotions, communicating their processes and findings, and working
developing empathy for and independently and collaboratively in the Mathematics classroom.
understanding of others,
establishing positive
relationships, making
responsible decisions, working
effectively in teams and
handling challenging situations
Ethical Students develop the capability There are opportunities in the Mathematics curriculum to ACARA Ethical
understanding to behave ethically as they explore, develop and apply ethical understanding in a range of understanding capability
identify and investigate the contexts, for example through analysing data and statistics; continua
nature of ethical concepts, seeking intentional and accidental distortions; finding www.australiancurriculum.
values, character traits and inappropriate comparisons and misleading scales when
principles, and understand how exploring the importance of fair comparison; and interrogating s/Ethical-
reasoning can assist ethical financial claims and sources. understanding/Introductio
judgment. Ethical understanding n/Introduction
involves students in building a
strong personal and socially
oriented ethical outlook that
helps them to manage context,
conflict and uncertainty, and to
develop an awareness of the
influence that their values and
behaviour have on others.
Intercultural Students develop intercultural Intercultural understanding can be enhanced in Mathematics ACARA Intercultural
understanding understanding as they learn to when students are exposed to a range of cultural traditions. understanding capability
value their own cultures, Students learn to understand that mathematical expressions use continua
languages and beliefs, and universal symbols, while mathematical knowledge has its origin www.australiancurriculum.
those of others. They come to in many cultures. Students realise that proficiencies such as
understand how personal, group understanding, fluency, reasoning and problem solving are not s/Intercultural-
and national identities are culture or language specific, but that mathematical reasoning understanding/Introductio
shaped, and the variable and and understanding can find different expression in different n/Introduction
changing nature of culture. The cultures and languages. New technologies and digital learning
capability involves students in environments provide interactive contexts for exploring
learning about and engaging mathematical problems from a range of cultural perspectives
with diverse cultures in ways and within diverse cultural contexts. Students can apply
that recognise commonalities mathematical thinking to identify and resolve issues related to
and differences, create living with diversity.
connections with others and
cultivate mutual respect.
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait In the Australian Curriculum: In the Australian Curriculum:
Islander priority provides Mathematics, the priority of Asia Mathematics, the priority of
opportunities for all learners to and Australia’s engagement with sustainability provides rich,
deepen their knowledge of Asia provides rich and engaging engaging and authentic contexts
Australia by engaging with the contexts for developing students’ for developing students’ abilities
world’s oldest continuous living mathematical knowledge, skills in number and algebra,
cultures. This knowledge and and understanding. measurement and geometry, and
understanding will enrich their The Australian Curriculum: statistics and probability.
ability to participate positively in Mathematics provides The Australian Curriculum:
the ongoing development of opportunities for students to learn Mathematics provides
Australia. about the understandings and opportunities for students to
The Australian Curriculum: applications of Mathematics in develop the proficiencies of
Mathematics values Aboriginal Asia. Mathematicians from Asia problem solving and reasoning
and Torres Strait Islander continue to contribute to the essential for the exploration of
histories and cultures. It provides ongoing development of sustainability issues and their
opportunities for students to Mathematics. solutions. Mathematical
appreciate that Aboriginal and In this learning area, students understandings and skills are
Torres Strait Islander societies develop mathematical necessary to measure, monitor
have sophisticated applications of understanding in fields such as and quantify change in social,
mathematical concepts. number, patterns, measurement, economic and ecological systems
Students will explore connections symmetry and statistics by over time. Statistical analysis
between representations of drawing on knowledge of and enables prediction of probable
number and pattern and how they examples from the Asia region. futures based on findings and
relate to aspects of Aboriginal These could include calculation, helps inform decision making and
and Torres Strait Islander money, art, architecture, design actions that will lead to preferred
cultures. They will investigate and travel. Investigations futures.
time, place, relationships and involving data collection, In this learning area, students
measurement concepts in representation and analysis can can observe, record and organise
Aboriginal and Torres Strait be used to examine issues data collected from primary
Islander contexts. Students will pertinent to the Asia region. sources over time and analyse
deepen their understanding of the data relating to issues of
lives of Aboriginal and Torres sustainability from secondary
Strait Islander Peoples through sources. They can apply spatial
the application and evaluation of reasoning, measurement,
statistical data. estimation, calculation and
comparison to gauge local
ecosystem health and can cost
proposed actions for
For further information and For further information and For further information and
resources to support planning to resources to support planning to resources to support planning to
include the cross-curriculum include the cross-curriculum include the cross-curriculum
priority Aboriginal and Torres priority Asia and Australia’s priority Sustainability, see:
Strait Islander histories and engagement with Asia, see:
cultures, see: u/CrossCurriculumPriorities curr_strategy_landing_page.html
Understanding dimension
By the end of Year 10, students recognise the
connection between simple and compound interest.
They solve problems involving linear equations and
inequalities. They make the connections between
The Understanding dimension
algebraic and graphical representations of relations.
relates to concepts
Students solve surface area and volume problems
underpinning and connecting
relating to composite solids. They recognise the
knowledge in a learning area
relationships between parallel and perpendicular lines.
and to the ability to
Students apply deductive reasoning to proofs and
appropriately select and apply
numerical exercises involving plane shapes. They
knowledge to solve problems
compare data sets by referring to the shapes of the
in that learning area.
various data displays. They describe bivariate
data where the independent variable is time. Students
describe statistical relationships between two
continuous variables. They evaluate statistical reports.
Skills dimension
Students expand binomial expressions
and factorise monic quadratic expressions. They find
unknown values after substitution into formulas. They
perform the four operations with simple algebraic
fractions. Students solve simple quadratic equations The Skills dimension relates to
and pairs of simultaneous equations. They use the specific techniques,
triangle and angle properties to prove congruence and strategies and processes in a
similarity. Students use trigonometry to calculate learning area.
unknown angles in right-angled triangles. Students list
outcomes for multi-step chance experiments and
assign probabilities for these experiments. They
calculate quartiles and inter-quartile ranges.
Figure 4: The five elements for effective curriculum and assessment planning
(section 3)
Assessment is an
integral part of teaching
and learning. The
assessment provides the
evidence of student
learning on which
judgments can be made
Make judgments against the achievement
(sections 2.2, 3.5 and standard.
Judgment about evidence of
student learning is made
against the Australian
Curriculum content and
achievement standard. The
standard elaborations assist Sequence teaching and learning
teachers in making judgments (section 2.3.6)
A to E and in identifying the The selection and sequence of learning experiences
task-specific standards. and teaching strategies support student learning of
the curriculum content and work towards providing
evidence of achievement through assessment.
This technique is used to assess students’ This technique is used to assess students’ This technique is used to assess student This technique is used to assess student
abilities to respond to a specific task or abilities to respond to an authentic responses that are produced responses to a series of focused tasks
issue that highlights a real-life application challenge or a researchable context or independently, under supervision and in a relating to a single cohesive context.
of Mathematics. situation. set time frame. A supervised assessment
ensures there is no question about student
A modelling and problem-solving task may A mathematical investigation should be Supervised assessment items will be in Examples of presentation formats for a
require a response that involves conducted over an extended time frame. response to questions or statements. collection of work include:
mathematical language, appropriate Challenges, contexts or situations could Questions or statements are typically • worked solutions to mathematical
calculations, tables of data, graphs and include: unseen. If seen, teachers must ensure the problems
diagrams. • mathematical experiments purpose of this technique is not • labelled diagrams
When completing the modelling and • field activities compromised.
• written explanations
problem-solving task, students may: • case studies Stimulus materials may also be used.
• graphs and tables
• analyse information and data • feasibility studies
They may be seen or unseen.
• journal entries
• process information • proposals to a company or
Unseen questions, statements or stimulus
materials should not be copied from • reports on short practical activities
• interpret and synthesise data organisation.
information or texts that students have • mathematical analyses of real-world
• explain relationships to develop and scenarios
previously been exposed to or have
support mathematical arguments
directly used in class. • summaries and analyses of
• reflect on and evaluate data, mathematics and statistics in
propositions, results and conclusions newspaper or magazine articles
• communicate ideas. • oral, electronic or multimodal
The presentation format of a modelling The presentation format of a mathematical Examples of supervised assessment The presentation format of a collection of
and problem-solving task will typically be investigation will typically be written and presentation formats include: work will typically be written and should be
written and should be supported by the should be supported by the appropriate • questions supported by the appropriate use of
appropriate use of data, calculations, use of data, calculations, diagrams, – Items may also include multiple- calculations, diagrams, flowcharts, data,
diagrams, flowcharts, tables and graphics. flowcharts, tables and graphics. Examples choice, single-word, true/false or tables and graphics.
Examples of modelling and problem- of mathematical investigation presentation sentence answers. These types of
solving task presentation formats include: formats include: questions are useful for assessing
• oral, electronic or multimodal • reports content knowledge and are difficult
presentations • brochures to construct if trying to elicit
• computer-generated simulations • journals meaningful high-order cognitive
• virtual models using computer software • graphic organisers responses.
• construction of 2-D or 3-D models. • oral, electronic or multimodal • prose
presentations Items may include responses to
• computer-generated simulations stimulus activities that require
• virtual models using computer software explanations longer than one
• construction of 2-D or 3-D models
responses to seen or unseen
• blogs and wikis
stimulus materials
• podcasts and short videos
• practical exercises and calculations
• peer and self-reflections.
Items may require students to
construct, use, interpret or
analyse primary or secondary
data, graphs, tables or
apply algorithms or
demonstrate mathematical
calculations and problem-
Responses can be written, spoken/signed or multimodal (integrate visual, print and/or audio features).
*The length of student responses should be considered in the context of the assessment.
Longer responses do not necessarily provide better quality evidence of achievement.
Face validity • Identify the specific content descriptions and aspects of the
The extent to which an achievement standard being assessed to determine what is
assessment appears to being assessed.
assess (on face value) • Consider whether student responses to the assessment will
what it intends to provide evidence of learning for the intended curriculum.
Language and layout • Identify specific terms students are required to know and
The extent to which the consider whether students are likely to understand the terms
assessment clearly or not.
communicates to • Check the level of language required to interpret the
students what is assessment and consider how well students will be able to
needed for producing understand what the assessment requires them to do.
their best performance. • Consider the clarity of the instructions, cues, format,
diagrams, illustrations and graphics and how well they assist
students to understand what they are required to do.
The key purpose of reporting student achievement and progress is to improve student
learning. The following principles underpin reporting school-based, standards-based
• Alignment of teaching, learning, assessment and reporting: what is taught (curriculum)
must inform how it is taught (pedagogy), how students are assessed (assessment) and
how the learning is reported. (See section 2)
• A collection of evidence or folio of student work: summative judgments for reporting
purposes are based on a planned and targeted selection of evidence of student learning
collected over the reporting period. (See section 3)
• On-balance judgments: professional decisions made by teachers about the overall
quality of a student’s work in a range of assessments that best matches the valued
features of a learning area described in the achievement standards at the time of
Term Description
Curriculum The Australian Curriculum sets out what all young people
should be taught through the specification of curriculum
content and achievement standards.
Curriculum content has three components: disciplinary
learning, general capabilities and cross-curriculum priorities.
Content strand The three strands in Mathematics are: Number and Algebra,
Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability.
They describe what is to be taught and learnt.
Term Description
Proficiency Description
Understanding Students build a robust knowledge of adaptable and
transferable mathematical concepts. They make connections
between related concepts and progressively apply the
familiar to develop new ideas. They develop an
understanding of the relationship between the ‘why’ and the
‘how’ of mathematics. Students build understanding when
they connect related ideas, when they represent concepts in
different ways, when they identify commonalities and
differences between aspects of content, when they describe
their thinking mathematically and when they interpret
mathematical information.
Fluency Students develop skills in choosing appropriate procedures,
carrying out procedures flexibly, accurately, efficiently and
appropriately, and recalling factual knowledge and concepts
readily. Students are fluent when they calculate answers
efficiently, when they recognise robust ways of answering
questions, when they choose appropriate methods and
approximations, when they recall definitions and regularly use
facts, and when they can manipulate expressions and
equations to find solutions.
Problem solving Students develop the ability to make choices, interpret,
formulate, model and investigate problem situations, and
communicate solutions effectively. Students formulate and
solve problems when they use mathematics to represent
unfamiliar or meaningful situations, when they design
investigations and plan their approaches, when they apply
their existing strategies to seek solutions, and when they
verify that their answers are reasonable.
Reasoning Students develop an increasingly sophisticated capacity for
logical thought and actions, such as analysing, proving,
evaluating, explaining, inferring, justifying and generalising.
Students are reasoning mathematically when they explain
their thinking, when they deduce and justify strategies used
and conclusions reached, when they adapt the known to the
unknown, when they transfer learning from one context to
another, when they prove that something is true or false and
when they compare and contrast related ideas and explain
their choices.