380511738-high-school-transcript (1)
380511738-high-school-transcript (1)
380511738-high-school-transcript (1)
Academy of Michigan High school Official Transcript Student Number: 1000025216 Grade: 10
School CEEB Code: 053880 School Code: 0105734 Generated on 05/29/2009 06:11:29 PM Page 1 of 1
Tel: (951)294-6450 Fax: (951)294-6477
32555 Deer Hollow Way, Temecula, CA 92592
Student Information #0105734 Great Oak park High School Credit Summary
Course Mark Weight Credit Curriculum Program: HS Graduation w/ PE Waiver (5
Student Number: 1000025216 Grade: 10 Credits)
Birthdate: 05/08/1991 Gender: M 2007-2008 Grade 09 Term 2
State ID: 3163178507 1524 AP Human Geog B A 5.0000 5 *High School
Counselor: Shepherd, Craig College Code: A History/Social
Science Credit Earned Required
3006 Bio (PreAP) B B 5.0000 5 English 15.000 40.000
GPA Summary College Code: D Laboratory Science World History 5.000 10.000
1097 Engl 9 PreAP B A 5.0000 5 US History 0.000 10.000
College Code: B English
Government 0.000 5.000
Cumulative GPA (Weighted) 3.9778 2082 Geometry B A- 5.0000 5
College Code: C Mathematics Economics 0.000 5.000
Class Rank 14 of 797
2712 Physical Education S2 A 5.0000 5 Mathematics 15.000 30.000
Cumulative GPA (Unweighted) 3.9444 4032 Spanish 3B A 5.0000 5 Physical Ed 10.000 15.000
College Code: E Language other than Life Science 10.000 10.000
CA Cal Grant GPA 3.6000 Credit: 30.000 GPA: 3.0000 U/W GPA: 3.8333
Science 5.000 10.000
2008-2009 Grade 10 Term 1 Fine Art 20.000 10.000
Weighted 10-12 A-G GPA 4.1667 Elective 10.000 75.000
2091 Algebra 2A A- 5.0000 5
College Code: C Mathematics Total 90.000 220.000
Unwghtd 10-12 A-G GPA 3.5000 1101 AP Engl Lang A A- 5.0000 5
College Code: B English
4041 AP Span Lang A A 5.0000 5
Weighted 9-12 A-G GPA 4.3125 College Code: E Language other than
1508 AP World Hist A A 5.0000 5
Unwghtd 9-12 A-G GPA 3.9375 College Code: A History/Social
3521 Chemistry A A+ 5.0000 5
Enrollment Summary College Code: D Laboratory Science
IB4143 French IB HL 1A A 5.0000 5
Start/End Date Grade School College Code: E Language other than
08/10/2007-06/02/2008 09 Great Oak park high School
Credit: 30.000 GPA: 3.6667 U/W GPA: 3.0000
08/16/2008-06/08/2009 10 Great Oak park high School
08/15/2009- Great Oak park high School 2008-2009 Grade 10 Term 2
2722 PE2 S2 X 0.0000 0
#0105734 Great Oak High School Credit: .000 GPA: 0.0000 U/W GPA: 0.0000
Course Mark Weight Credit
Work In Progress
2007-2008 Grade 09 Term 1
1523 AP Human Geog A A 5.0000 5 2092 Algebra 2B 5.000
College Code: A History/Social
Science 1102 AP Engl Lang B 5.000
3005 Bio (PreAP) A A- 5.0000 5 4042 AP Span Lang B 5.000
College Code: D Laboratory Science 1509 AP World Hist B 5.000
1096 Engl 9 PreAP A A 5.0000 5 3522 Chemistry B 5.000
College Code: B English
IB4144 French IB HL 1B 5.000
2081 Geometry A A- 5.0000 5
College Code: C Mathematics
2711 Physical Education S1 A 5.0000 5
4031 Spanish 3A A 5.0000 5
College Code: E Language other than
Credit: 30.000 GPA: 3.9667 U/W GPA: 3.9000
Official's Signature