Student Information #0102475 West Ranch High School #0102475 College of the Canyons
Course Mark Weight Credit Course Mark Weight Credit
Student Number: 99014521 Grade: 11
Birthdate: 12/16/2000 Gender: F 2015-2016 Grade 09 Term 4 2016-2017 Grade 10 Term 20
State ID: 4141528920 9243 Acdmic Seminar A 5.0000 5 2993 MATH 140 COC A 10.000010
Diploma Type: 3542 AP Biology B A 5.0000 5 Credit: 10.000 GPA: 5.00 U/W GPA: 4.00
Diploma Date: 1432 H English 9B A 5.0000 5
2652 H Geom IB A+ 5.0000 5 Standard Tests
GPA Summary 7424 Orchestra B A+ 5.0000 5
5412 PE 9B A+ 5.0000 5 AlgebraMet:STATE ALGEBRA REQUIREMENT
6412 Spanish IB A+ 5.0000 5 Date:06/05/2015
Cumulative GPA (Weighted) 4.55
Credit: 35.000 GPA: 4.43 U/W GPA: 4.00 AlgebraMet:STATE ALGEBRA REQUIREMENT
Class Rank 29 of 681
Cumulative GPA (Unweighted) 4.00 2016-2017 Grade 10 Term 2 AP-BIOL:AP Biology
Class Rank 1 of 681 9243 Acdmic Seminar A+ 5.0000 5 Score:4 Date:05/15/2016
3631 AP Chemistry A A+ 5.0000 5 AP-CHEM:AP Chemistry
4451 AP Euro Hist A A 5.0000 5 Score:5 Date:05/15/2017
CA Cal Grant GPA 4.00
2719 H Alg II/Trig A A+ 5.0000 5 AP-EURH:AP European History
1531 H English 10A A+ 5.0000 5 Score:5 Date:05/15/2017
Weighted 10-12 GPA 4.67 7423 Orchestra A A+ 5.0000 5 PSAT15+:PSAT 2015+
6417 Spanish IIA A 5.0000 5 Score:1470 Date:10/19/2016
Unweighted 10-12 GPA 4.00 Credit: 35.000 GPA: 4.57 U/W GPA: 4.00 PSAT15+M:Math
Score:750 Date:10/19/2016
2016-2017 Grade 10 Term 4 PSAT15+RW:Evidence-Based Reading and Writing
#0102467 Rancho Pico Junior High School Score:720 Date:10/19/2016
9243 Acdmic Seminar A+ 5.0000 5
Course Mark Weight Credit
3632 AP Chemistry B A+ 5.0000 5 SAT II CH:SAT II Chemistry
4452 AP Euro Hist B A+ 5.0000 5 Score:750 Date:06/03/2017
2014-2015 Grade 09 Term 1
2720 H Alg II/Trig B A 5.0000 5 SAT II MB:SAT II Biology
2621 Algebra IA A+ 0 Score:800 Date:06/04/2016
1532 H English 10B A+ 5.0000 5
Credit: .000 GPA: 0.0000 U/W GPA: 0.0000
7424 Orchestra B A 5.0000 5 SAT16+:SAT 2016+
Score:1560 Date:08/26/2017
2014-2015 Grade 09 Term 2 6418 Spanish IIB A 5.0000 5
Credit: 35.000 GPA: 4.57 U/W GPA: 4.00 SAT16-M:Math
2621 Algebra IA A+ 0 Score:780
Credit: .000 GPA: 0.0000 U/W GPA: 0.0000
2017-2018 Grade 11 Term 2 SAT16-RW:Reading and Writing
2743 AP Calc BC-A A 5.0000 5 Score:780
2014-2015 Grade 09 Term 3
1621 AP Lang & Comp A A 5.0000 5
Credit Summary
2622 Algebra IB A+ 0
Curriculum Program: High School Graduation-Classes
Credit: .000 GPA: 0.0000 U/W GPA: 0.0000 3451 AP Physics 1A A 5.0000 5
of 2019 and on
4716 AP Psychology A A+ 5.0000 5
2014-2015 Grade 09 Term 4 4551 AP US History A A+ 5.0000 5
2622 Algebra IB A+ 0 7423 Orchestra A A+ 5.0000 High School
5 Attempted Earned Required Remaining
Credit: .000 GPA: 0.0000 U/W GPA: 0.0000 Credit: 30.000 GPA: 4.83 U/W GPA: 4.00 Amer
Government 0.000 0.000 5.000 5.000
#0102475 West Ranch High School Biological
#1996263 Opportunities For Learning
Course Mark Weight Credit Course Science 10.000 10.000 10.000 0.000
Mark Weight Credit
Economics 0.000 0.000 5.000 5.000
2015-2016 Grade 09 Term 2 Electives 45.000 45.000 72.500 0.000
2015-2016 Grade 09 Term 20
9243 Acdmic Seminar A 5.0000 5 English 25.000 25.000 40.000 15.000
9421 HEALTH A A+ 5.0000 5
3541 AP Biology A A 5.0000 5 Fine Arts 25.000 25.000 10.000 0.000
5413 PHYSICAL EDUCATION 1 A 5.0000 5
Health 5.000 5.000 2.500 0.000
1431 H English 9A A 5.0000 5 Credit: 10.000 GPA: 4.00 U/W GPA: 4.00
Mathematics 35.000 35.000 30.000 0.000
2651 H Geom IA A+ 5.0000 5
2016-2017 Grade 10 Term 20 Modern World
7423 Orchestra A A+ 5.0000 5
Hist 10.000 10.000 10.000 0.000
5411 PE 9A A+ 5.0000 5 5413 PHYSICAL EDUCATION 2 A+ 5.0000 5
6411 Spanish IA A 5.0000 5 Credit: 5.000 GPA: 4.00 U/W GPA: 4.00
Education 20.000 20.000 20.000 0.000
Credit: 35.000 GPA: 4.43 U/W GPA: 4.00
#0102475 College of the Canyons Science 15.000 15.000 10.000 0.000
Course Mark Weight Credit Practical Arts 5.000 5.000 5.000 0.000
US History 5.000 5.000 10.000 5.000
2016-2017 Grade 10 Term 3 Total 200.000 200.000 230.000 30.000
8993 BUS 100 COC A 5.0000 5
Credit: 5.000 GPA: 5.00 U/W GPA: 4.00
Page 2 of 2 Transcript for Sakharkar, Mitali Rajendra cont. West Ranch High School
Student Number: 99014521 Grade: 11 Gender: F Birthday: 12/16/2000 02/16/2018 08:46:18 PM