By Ms Nida Wafa
Verbal Communication
1 Face-to-Face 2 Phone Calls
Conversations Efficient for quick conversations,
Direct interactions offer immediate sharing information, and
feedback, allowing for clarification coordinating tasks. Phone calls
and understanding. They're ideal allow for real-time communication
for complex discussions, building while maintaining a professional
rapport, and resolving conflicts. tone.
3 Meetings 4 Presentations
Formal gatherings to discuss Delivering information to an
specific topics, share updates, and audience, showcasing ideas, and
make decisions. Meetings allow for persuading stakeholders.
structured communication and Presentations often utilize visual
collaborative problem-solving. aids and engaging storytelling to
deliver key messages effectively.
Non-Verbal Communication
Body Language Tone of Voice Personal Space
Gestures, posture, facial expressions, The pitch, volume, and pace of your Maintaining appropriate proximity to
and eye contact can convey emotions speech can affect the impact of your others can vary across cultures.
and attitudes, influencing how message. A calm and clear tone can Understanding cultural norms and
messages are perceived. It's important build trust and create a positive respecting personal space is crucial for
to be aware of both your own body atmosphere, while a rushed or overly effective communication and building
language and that of others. aggressive tone can create trust.
Written Communication
Emails Letters
Efficient for sharing information, Formal communication for official
sending updates, and initiating correspondence, proposals, and
discussions. Emails provide a written agreements. Letters are often used for
record and allow for asynchronous external communication and require
communication. careful wording and professional
Reports Memos
Comprehensive documents that Internal communication for conveying
analyze data, present findings, and specific information, announcing
offer recommendations. Reports are updates, or issuing instructions. Memos
often used for internal communication are concise and focused on a particular
and can be used to inform decision- subject.
Downward Communication
Manager to Employee
Downward communication flows from higher levels of the
organization to lower levels. It is used to provide instructions,
delegate tasks, give feedback, and share company announcements.
2 Progress Reports
Employees report on their accomplishments, challenges, and plans for future projects.
This helps managers monitor progress, provide support, and make informed decisions.
3 Problem Reporting
Employees bring to attention any issues or concerns they encounter. This ensures that
problems are addressed promptly and prevents them from escalating.
• Single chain network: Under this network, communication flows from every superior to his subordinate through
• Wheel Network: All subordinates communicate through one superior, who act as a central authority like a hub of
the wheel.
• Circular Network: In circular network, the communication moves in a circle. Each person can communicate with
his two adjoining colleague.
• Free flow Network: In this network there is no restriction on the flow of communication. Everyone is free to
communicate with anyone and everyone in the organisation.
• Inverted V Network: In this network a subordinate is allowed to communicate with his immediate supervisor but
in a limited way.
Networks of Informal Communication
Informal communication is unofficial and often takes place outside of formal channels. It can be verbal, nonverbal,
or written. It plays a significant role in shaping workplace culture and fostering relationships. Examples include:
conversation, lunch time chats, instant messaging.
• Single strand: Information passes from one person to other in ordered way.
• Gossip: One person passes information to others in non-selective way.
• Probability Network: The individual communication or passes the information randomly with other individual.
• Cluster: The individual passes or shares the information with those people whom he/she trust.