Date: ___________________
DLP No: 4 Learning Area: Physical Science Grade Level: 11 Quarter: 1st
Duration: 60 mins
Code: S11/12PS-
Write the nuclear fusion reactions that take place in IIIa-3
stars, which lead to the formation of new elements
Key Concepts / 1. the formation of the elements during the Big Bang and during stellar
Understandings evolution
to be Developed
2. the distribution of the chemical elements and the isotopes in the universe
1. Objectives
Knowledge Describe the nuclear fusion reaction that take place in stars
Skills Write out fusion reaction involves
Attitude Initiate interest in the video-viewing activity
Values Demonstrate responsibility in doing the activity
2. Content
3. Learning Physical Science Teaching guide, paper and pen, chalkboard, video clips,
Resources projector, laptop
4. Procedures
-Request two volunteers from the class to recapitulate the previous topic.
- Communicating the learning objectives
( mins.)
- Ask the class about their idea of the word fusion. The teacher will write their
ideas on the board.
Activity The students will engage in learning the lesson through video clips
( mins.) viewing about the formation of elements in the Universe.
Essential Questions:
What was the video all about?
How do you find the video presentation?
What have you learned from the video?
Nuclear fusion is a type of reaction that fuses lighter elements to
form heavier ones.
Hydrogen burning is the stellar process that produces energy in the
stars. There are two dominant hydrogen burning process, the proton-
( mins.)
proton chain and carbon-nitrogen-oxygen (CNO) cycle.
Proton-proton chain is a sequence of thermonuclear reactions in the
stars. It is the main source of energy radiated by the sun and other stars.
Carbon-nitrogen-oxygen cycle is a catalytic cycle of gamma emission
and beta decaythat converts hydrogen into helium.
1. Look at the periodic table of elements. Which elements are formed
during the big bang nucleosynthesis? Which elements are formed during
Application stellar nucleosynthesis?
( mins) 2. Using a provided periodic table, allow students to write out all the
equations involved in the alpha ladder.
Assessment Modified True or False: If the statement is true, write True. Else, replace the
( mins) underlined portion with the correct word or phrase.
a. A star gets lighter as time goes on.
b. The heavy elements in a star are found in its core.
c. In stellar nucleosynthesis, heavier elements are formed from combining
lighter ones.
d. Fusion resulted in the formation of nuclei of new elements. These reactions
inside stars are known as stellar nucleosynthesis.
e. is part of the alpha ladder.
Preparation for the next topic: Let students research about supernova and
supernova explosion
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