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Tourism Management System

Software Design Specification


Table of contents

1. Introduction........................................................................................................................ 6
1.1 Purpose........................................................................................................................ 6
1.2 General Overview.........................................................................................................6
1.3 Development Methods & Contingencies...................................................................... 6
2. System Architecture.......................................................................................................... 7
2.1 Subsystem decomposition........................................................................................... 7
2.2 Hardware/software mapping........................................................................................ 8
3. Object Model......................................................................................................................8
3.1 Class Diagram..............................................................................................................8
3.2 Sequence Diagram.....................................................................................................10
Figure: x Figure: Sequence Diagram for `Add to Cart`.....................................................16
4. Detailed Design................................................................................................................ 16

List of Tables

Table : Detailed design ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16

Table 1: Admin class -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16

Table 2: Visitor class --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18

Table 3: Hotel class ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20

Table 4: Booking class -----------------------------------------------------------------------------22

Table 5: Payment class------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23

Table 6: Wishlist class ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25

Table 7: Comment class------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27

List of figures

Figure 1: SUb-system decomposition-------------------------------------------------------------- 7

Figure 2: Hardware and Software mapping ----------------------------------------------------- 8

Figure 3: Class diagram ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9

Figure 4: Sequence diagram ---------------------------------------------------------------------10

1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
This document outlines the system design for a tourism management system. The system is designed
to provide a comprehensive solution for managing the various aspects of a tourism business, such as
customer(visitor) management,package management, and booking management. The system will be
used by tourism businesses to manage their operations and provide a better customer experience.

1.2 General Overview

TOUR.ET(Tourism management system) is a comprehensive system designed to manage the
operations of a tourism business. It is designed to provide a comprehensive view of the business,
from package management to customer relation. The system is organised into modules that cover
different aspects of the business, such as customer relation, booking, payment, and operation. Each
module is designed to provide the necessary tools and information to manage the business
effectively. The system also provides a centralised platform for data storage and analysis, allowing
for better decision-making. The system is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, allowing for
easy access to the necessary information.

It’s software architecture designed to provide a comprehensive solution for managing the operations
of a tourism business. The system will be built using a three-tier architecture, consisting of a
presentation layer, a business layer, and a data access layer. The presentation layer will be
responsible for displaying the user interface and handling user interactions. The business logic layer
will be responsible for processing user requests and performing business log. The data access layer
will be responsible for connection to the database and performing data operations. It is designed to
provide a unified platform for managing all aspects of the tourism business. The system is designed
to be highly scalable and customizable, allowing businesses to tailor the system to their specific
needs. The goal of it is to provide a comprehensive, integrated solution for managing the operations
of a tourism business.

1.3 Development Methods & Contingencies

The method used for the system and software design of the TOUR.ET is UML(Unified Modeling
Language). This method is used to create a visual representation of the system and its components. It
is used to model the system’s structure, behaviour, and interactions. UML includes diagrams such as
class diagrams, sequence diagrams, and deployment diagrams.These diagrams are used to represent
the system’s components, their relationships, and the flow of data and control. The diagrams are used
to identify the system’s objects, their attributes, and the operations that can be performed on them.
The diagrams also help to identify the system’s use case and the interactions between the system’s
use cases and the interactions between the system's components. It is also used to identify the
system’s architecture and the components that make up the system. The diagrams allow to identify
the system’s requirements and the design of the system, and the system's interfaces and the
interactions between the system's components.

2. System Architecture
2.1 Subsystem decomposition

2.2 Hardware/software mapping

3. Object Model
3.1 Class Diagram

Figure. Class diagram

3.2 Sequence Diagram
Show how processes operate with one another and in what order. Depict the objects and classes
involved in the scenario and the sequence of messages exchanged between the objects needed to
carry out the functionality of the scenario.

Figure:Sequence diagram for login

Figure:Sequence diagram for sign up

Figure: Sequence Diagram for `Search Package`

Figure: Sequence Diagram for `Explore Package`

Figure: Sequence Diagram for `view Package`

Figure: Sequence Diagram for `Write Review`

Figure: Sequence Diagram for `Create User`

Figure: Sequence Diagram for `Logout`

Figure: Sequence Diagram for `Reserve package`

Figure: x Figure: Sequence Diagram for `Add to Cart`

4. Detailed Design
Here show the identified class in detail for example: -Assume a system has a Mobile Client Class
then describe about the class in the following manner.

The classes represented here are the ones identified on your class diagram. But you must add the
methods and classes identified in sequence and state chart diagrams.

Table: Admin class

Admin class

- Name:String
- id:String
- email:String
- password: String
- phone_no: int

- logIn(password: String, email: String):void

- signUp(Name, Password, email):void
- createUser():void
- removeUser(user_id:String):void
- createPackage():void
- updatePackage(package_id:String):void
- removePackage(package_id:String):void
- logOut(); void

Table: x Attributes description for Admin class

Attribute Type Visibility Invariant

Name String Private Name <> NULL and must contain first, middle and last name
and shouldn’t contain special characters and integers.
id String Private Id<> NULL and must be unique.

email String Private Email <> NULL

✔ Must contain @

✔ Must contain. (dot)

✔ Position of @ >1

✔ Position of (dot)>position of @ + 2

✔ Position of (dot)+3<= total length of email address and

the total character of the Email is at least 5 characters

password String Private Password <> NULL

# Must contain letters
# Must contain numbers

# Must contain special characters
# Must be 8 or above characters in total
phone_no int Private PhoneNumber <> NULL must be 10 digits and must start by

Table: Operation description for Admin class

Operation Visibility Return Argument Pre-Condition Post Condition

logIn Public void Email and The Admin’s Admin should
Password personal access admin
information should page entirely
signUp Public void Name, Admi should have Admin will
Password, internet connection access admin
email page

createUser Public void Username, The Admin should Admin will be

Email, log in. able to create new
Password users
removeUser Public void user_id The Admin should Admin could
log in. delete existing

createPackage Public void - The Admin should Admin will be

log in. able to create new

updatePackage Public void package_id The Admin should Admin will be

log in. able to send patch
requests to the
removePackage Public void package_id The Admin should Existing packages
log in. will be removed
by the admin

logOut Public void - The Admin should Admin will be

log in. redirect to the
login page

Table: Visitors class


+ ID:String
+ Name:String
+ Username:String
+ PhoneNumber:Integer
- Email:String
- Password:String
logIn(Email, Password):void
signUp(Username, Password, email):void

Table: Attributes description for Visitors class

Attribute Type Visibility Invariant

ID String Public ID <> NULL and must be numbers to identify the visitor
clearly from others.
Name String Public Name <> NULL and must contain first, middle and last name
and shouldn’t contain special characters and integers.
Username String Public Username <> NULL and must contain a name or a string and
shouldn’t contain special characters.
PhoneNumber Integer Public PhoneNumber <> NULL must be 10 digits and must start by
Email String Private Email <> NULL
✔ Must contain @

✔ Must contain. (dot)

✔ Position of @ >1

✔ Position of (dot)>position of @ + 2

✔ Position of (dot)+3<= total length of email address and

the total character of the Email is at least 5 characters

Password String Private Password <> NULL
# Must contain letters
# Must contain numbers
# Must contain special characters
# Must be 8 or above characters in total

Table: Operation description for Visitors class

Operation Visibility Return Argument Pre-Condition Post Condition

logIn Public void Email/User The clients personal The clients
name information should should access
and exist booking and add
Password to cart
signUp Public void Username, The clients personal The clients
Email, information personal
Password shouldn’t exist information
should exist
addToCart Public void Package_id The clients should The package
select a package should be stored
as a potential
checkout Public void - The client should The client should
log in. access packages

logOut Public void - The client should The client

log in. shouldn’t able to
access bookings
and add to cart.
explorePackage Public void - The client should The client should
log in. access packages

giveReview Public void The client should The review

log in should be

Table: Hotel class

Hotel class
- Location:String
-Available room:Integer
-create ():void
-update ():void
-delete hotel ():void
-update room():void

Table: x Attributes description for Hotel class

Attribute Type Visibility Invariant

Name String Private Name <> NULL and must contain first, middle and last name
and shouldn’t contain special characters and integers.
Location String Private Address <>NULL and it must be between 6 to 20 characters

Description String Private Description <>NULL and it must be between 20 to 120

Available room Integer Private Available room <> NULL and it contain digit between 1 to

Service String Private Service <> NULL and it must contain 4 to 20 list it consists

Table: 7 Operation description for Hotel class

Operation Visibility Return Argument Pre-Condition Post Condition


Create hotel private void . No inserted value to Add hotel or hotel
the hotel exist

Update hotel private void . No change to the Change is exist in

hotel or change the hotel
does not exist
Delete hotel private void - Hotel is available to Hotel is not
the customer available to the

Update room private void The room is still The booked room
available or the are available or
room is still booked the available
room are booked

Table: Booking class

Booking class
- Id:String
- userId:String
+ date:Date
+ packageId:String
+ totalPrice :Integer
+ pay_method: Array List<string>
- placeBooking ():void
- cancelBooking ():void

Table: x Attributes description for Booking class

Attribute Type Visibilit Invariant

Id String Private Id<> NULL and must be unique.

userId String Private userId<>NULL and must refer to a valid user.

date Date Public date<>NULL must be a valid date, must be in the

packageId Integer Public packageId <> NULL and must correspond to a valid

totalPrice Double Public totalPrice <> NULL and totalPrice >= 0

pay_method Array List<String> Public pay_Method <> NULL , must be one of accepted
payment methods.

Table: 7 Operation description for Booking class

Operation Visibility Return Argument Pre-Condition Post Condition

placeBooking public booking Booking: A package with A `Booking`
booking Package Id exists in object is created
the database. and added to the
cancelBooking public void bookingId A booking with a The booking is
BookingId exists in removed from
database storage.

Table: Payment class

Payment class

- Id:String
- order_id:String
- paid:boolean
- detail:String
- pay_option :Array List<string>
- makeTransaction ():void
- confirmTransaction ():void
- getPaymentDetail():String

Attributes description for Payment class

Attribute Type Visibility Invariant

id string private id <> NULL and must be unique and shouldn’t contain
special characters

string private Order_id <> NULL and must be unique and shouldn’t
contain special characters

paid boolean private Paid <> NULL and it can be whether true or false

detail string private Detail <> NULL and it must be between 10 to 50 characters

Pay_option string private Pay_option <> NULL, must be one of the accepted payment

Table: 7 Operation description for Payment class

Operation Visibility Return Argument Pre-Condition Post Condition

makeTransaction() private void - User must provide Payment has

payment method been accepted
and personal and successfully
information processed

getPaymentDetail() Private void - Payment request User can see the

must have been payment detail
made that have been
stored securely

confirmTransaction() private String - Payment must have Confirmation

been processed message sent to
successfully and the user using
payment detail email or sms
must have been
successfully saved

Table: wishlist class






- create_wishlist ():void

- remove_wishlist ():void

Attributes description for wishlist class

Attribute Type Visibility Invariant

id <> NULL and must
Id String Private
be unique and
shouldn’t contain
special characters

userId String Private Order_id <> NULL and

must be unique and
shouldn’t contain
special characters

packageId String Public packageId <> NULL and

must be unique and
shouldn’t contain
special characters

packageName String Public packageName <> NULL

and shouldn’t contain
special characters and

Table: 7 Operation description for wishlist class

Operation Visibility Return Argument Pre-Condition Post Condition


create_wishlist public void - A package A `wishlist`

with Package object is
Id exists in the created and
database. added to the

remove_wishlist public Void A wishlist The wishlist is
exists in removed from
database storage.

Table: x Comment class



-user_id: String

-package_id: String

-user_name: String

-comment: String

-usefulness: boolean

-num_star: integer

-giveComment (text: String): void

-updateComment (user_id: String, text: String): void

Table: x Attributes description for Comment class

Attribute Type Visibility Invariant

id String Private id <> NULL

Is required to be distinct for every remark, which

means that no two comments may share the same

user_id String Private user_id <> NULL

Must belong to an actual user in the system.

package_id String Private package_id <>NULL

Must correspond to an existing package in the


user_name String Private user_name <> NULL

Must be a non-empty string

Must correspond to the user which the user_id is


comment String Private comment <> NULL

Must be a non-empty string

usefulness boolean Private usefulness

Must be boolean

num_star Integer Private num_star

Must be an integer

Table: 7 Operation description for Comment class

Operation Visibility Return Argument Pre-Condition Post

type Condition

giveComment Private void text: String The comment The

that comment
corresponds to that
the specified corresponds
package_id to the
and user_id specified
shouldn’t package_id
exist and user_id
should exist

updateComment Private void user_id:String, The comment The

that comment
text:String corresponds to that
the specified corresponds
package_id to the
and user_id specified
should'n exist package_id
without and user_id
updated should exist
content. with updated



(list of book used for referance)

Web resource

(list of web pages you used as reference//address + access date ) at May 5,2020(use this link for uml diagrams)


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