Jiayin Jin∗ 1 Jiaxiang Ren∗ 1 Yang Zhou 1 Lingjuan Lyu 2 Ji Liu 3 Dejing Dou 3 4
classified into two categories: (1) Server adaptive meth- This work aims to develop novel adaptive optimization
ods. FedOpt is a generalization of FedAvg that allows the methods for FL from the perspective of the decomposi-
clients and the server to choose different optimization meth- tion of ODEs of centralized optimizers. We establish an
ods (Reddi et al., 2021a). Although FedOPT is a generic analytic framework to connect the federated optimization
framework that can use adaptive optimizers as client or methods with the decompositions of ODEs of correspond-
server optimizers, the core section (Section 3) of the Fe- ing centralized optimizers. The centralized gradient descent
dOPT paper only considers the setting that ClientOPT is (CGD) is utilized as a warm-up example to briefly illus-
SGD, which fails to make full use of the strength of the trate our underlying idea. The CGD reads W (t + 1) =
PM i
adaptive methods for improving the convergence (Wang W (t) − i=1 NN Li (W (t)) ∗ η, where W (t) is the global
et al., 2021b); (2) Client adaptive techniques. Local AdaAl- parameter, M is the number of clients,PN i is the number
ter proposes a novel SGD variant based on AdaGrad, and M
of training samples on ith device, N = i N i is the total
adopt the concept of local SGD to reduce the communi- i
number of training samples, L is the loss function on ith
cation (Xie et al., 2019). Mime uses a combination of PM
client. It is straightforward to check that i=1 NN Li (W (t))
control-variates and server-level optimizer state (e.g. mo- is the total loss of centralized training. Therefore, the CGD
mentum) at every client-update step to ensure that each local is the numerical solution of an ODE system dτ d
W (τ ) =
update mimics that of the centralized method run on i.i.d. PM N i i
− i=1 N L (W (τ )). One way to decompose the ODE
data (Karimireddy et al., 2021). However, Local AdaAl- PM N i i
ter and Mime use the same optimizer states (momentums system is as follows: W̄ (τ ) = i=1 N W (τ ), where
and pre-conditioners) on all clients, which is similar to W i (τ ) solves dτ W i (τ ) = −Li (W i (τ )), i = 1, · · · M .
server adaptive methods in FedOpt and does not exploit Thus, W̄ (τ ) is an approximate solution to the above ODE
local adaptivity (Wang et al., 2021b). FedLocal is the first system. The numerical solution of the decomposed sys-
real client adaptive approach that employs adaptive opti- tem is W i (t + 1) = W i (t) − ∇Li (W i (t)) ∗ η, and then
PM i
mization methods for local updates at clients (Wang et al., W̄ (t + 1) = i=1 NN W i (t) is an approximate numerical
2021b). It restarts the update of client optimizer states (i.e., solution to the ODE system of CGD. This scheme can be
momentums and pre-conditioners) at the beginning of each extended to the SGD case by replacing full batch gradients
round. This restart operation fails to inherit and aggregate with mini-batch gradients, which is exactly the update rule
the states from previous rounds and may loss the strength of FedAvg (McMahan et al., 2017a). This example illus-
of adaptive optimization methods in centralized models, trates how to derive federated optimization methods based
which aggregate the states from previous rounds to speed on the decomposition of ODEs of centralized optimizers.
up the convergence. For the standard FL models, applying Moreover, this example also demonstrates the rationality
adaptive optimization methods to local updates may come of FedAvg, since FedAvg is an approximation of the above
with the cost of a non-vanishing solution bias: instead of ODE system of CGD and the convergence of the CGD guar-
using current gradient to update local parameters in the antees the convergence of FedAvg if the approximation error
standard SGD, the adaptive methods utilize the aggrega- is well controlled. In the same spirit, to design adaptive op-
tion of client optimizer states (i.e., momentum aggregates timization methods for FL, it is crucial to discover suitable
previous and past gradients) in multiple client-update steps decompositions of ODEs of centralized adaptive optimizers.
to update local parameters. In this case, the heterogene-
Based on the above analytic framework, we develop a mo-
ity property in federated settings results in large deviations
mentum decoupling adaptive optimization method for FL.
among uploaded local gradients as well as makes the con-
By decoupling the global momentum from local updates, the
verge point far away from the global minimizer and slow
equation of global momentum becomes a linear equation.
down the convergence, compared with the standard SGD.
Consequently, we can decompose the equation of global
FedLocal proposes correction techniques to overcome this
momentum exactly and distribute the update of global mo-
bias issue and to complement the local adaptive methods for
mentum to local devices. The aggregation of the portions of
FL. However, the correction techniques that are essentially
the global momentum on local devices is exactly equal to
heuristic post-processing methods without knowledge of
the global momentum without any deviation. Particularly, in
previous client optimizer states on the server are hard to
our FedDA method: (1) the global momentums are updated
solve this problem fundamentally for stochastic optimiz-
with local gradients in each local iteration; (2) all global mo-
ers, such as SGDM, Adam, AdaGrad, etc. Therefore, the
mentums updated through local iterations will attend global
above techniques often follow manually-crafted heuristics
training to update global model. This is an analogy to cen-
to generalize centralized adaptive optimization methods to
tralized training, which fully utilizes the global momentum.
the federated settings. There is still a paucity of theoret-
Notice that momentums can provide fast convergence and
ical principles on where to and how to design and utilize
high accuracy for centralized training. The global momen-
adaptive optimization methods in federated settings.
tum in our FedDA method makes the best effort to mimic
Accelerated Federated Learning with Decoupled Adaptive Optimization
the role of momentum in centralized training, which can 3. Decomposition of ODEs and FL
accelerate the convergence of FL training. We theoretically
demonstrate that (1) local momentum deviates from the cen- In this section, we establish the connection between the
tralized one at exponential rate; (2) global momentum in decomposition of ODEs of centralized optimizers and FL.
FedDA deviates from the centralized one at algebraic rate. As a warm up, we start with the most simple centralized
optimizer Gradient Descent. In particular, we demonstrate
Adaptive optimization methods for FL are often faced with that relation between the decomposition of the ODE for GD
convergence inconsistency in training (Wang et al., 2021b). and FedAvg, and explain why FedAvg works from ODE
We propose to utilize full batch gradients of clients to mimic theory.
centralized optimization in the end of the training process to
ensure the convergence. Based on our proposed framework Centralized training and FL share the same goal, that is to
of decomposing ODEs, if local devices only iterate once minimize the total loss L.
with full batch gradients in a training round, then our FedDA
method is in agreement with centralized training in that X Ni
round. Take the advantage of this, by reducing the iteration L(W ) = Li (W ). (2)
number to 1 in the end of training, our FedDA method
is able to mimic centralized training, which ensures the The most classical centralized optimization method is Gra-
convergence and overcome the inconsistency. dient Descent (GD):
Empirical evaluation on real federated tasks and datasets
demonstrates the superior performance of our momentum W (t + 1) = W (t) − ∇L(W (t)) ∗ η. (3)
decoupling adaptive optimization model against several
A more popular optimization is Stochastic Gradient Descent
state-of-the-art regular federated learning and federated opti-
(SGD). It updates the model with the gradient of the loss
mization approaches. In addition, more experiments, imple-
of a mini-batch at each step, which accelerates the training
mentation details, and hyperparameter selection and setting
process comparing to GD. Denote the loss of mini-batch
are presented in Appendices A.4-A.5.
at step t by Lt , then the training process of SGD can be
expressed by
2. Preliminaries and Notations
Federated learning aims to solve the following optimization W (t + 1) = W (t) − ∇Lt (W (t)) ∗ η. (4)
From the point of view of ODEs, the training process of GD
in Eq.(3) is the numerical solution of the autonomous ODE
X Ni d
min L(W ) = Li (W ) W (τ ) = −∇L W (τ ) ≤ 0. (5)
W ∈Rd N dτ
1 X The training process of SGD in Eq.(4) is as the numerical
where Li (W ) = lk (W ) solution of the non-autonomous ODE
W (τ ) = −∇Lτ W (τ ) .
where lk (W ) = l(xk , yk ; W ) denotes the loss of the pre- dτ
diction on example (xk , yk ) made with model parameters
W . There are M clients over which the data is partitioned, In fact, Eq. (5) is a gradient system, i.e., the vector field
with Pi the set of indexes of data points on client S i , with of the equation −∇L W (τ ) is in the gradient form. As a
Ni = |Pi |. W i , Li , Gi , g i , and N i denote the local model gradient system, it is typical that the loss L descends along
parameter, loss function, full batch gradient, mini-batch gra- the solutions until it reaches local minimum. This is because
dient, number of training data on client S i respectively. N is
the total number of training data, i.e., N = N 1 + · · · + N M L W (τ ) = −|∇L W (τ ) |2 .
and η represents the learning rate. In each round, there are dτ
K clients participating in the training (K ≤ M ). The decentralization of the training process onto local de-
This work aims to derive the theoretical principle on where vices in FL is an analogy to the decomposition of Eq.(5)
to and how to design and utilize adaptive optimization meth- into a system of ODEs. Theoretically, a precise decompo-
PM i
ods in federated settings. Based on the theoretical principle, sition of Eq.(5) is W (τ ) = i=1 NN W i (τ ), where W i (τ )
it tries to propose an effective and efficient framework to satisfies
generalize adaptive optimization methods in centralized set- d i
W (τ ) = −∇Li W (τ ) , i = 1, · · · , M.
tings to FL with fast convergence and high accuracy. (8)
Accelerated Federated Learning with Decoupled Adaptive Optimization
Numerical solutions to the above decomposed ODE system Comparing the above equation with Eq.(5), one has
is M
d X Ni
∇Li (W (τ ))
W (τ ) − W̄ (τ ) = −
W i (t + 1) = W i (t) − ∇Li W (t) ∗ η, i = 1, · · · , M.
dτ i=1
N (15)
− ∇Li (W i (τ ) .
X Ni It is clear W (0) = W̄ (0). Integrating Eq.(15) from 0 to tη,
W (t + 1) = W i (t). (9b)
N it arrives
W (tη) − W̄ (tη)
Eq.(9a) is the local update rule and Eq.(9b) is the global
Z tη XM
aggregation rule. These update rules guarantees the training Ni (16)
∇Li (W (τ )) − ∇Li (W i (τ ) dτ.
process is equivalent to centralized GD. When local devices =−
0 i=1
are updated with mini-batch gradients, i.e.,
By a very rough estimate, we have that for t = 1, · · · , T
W i (t + 1) = W i (t) − g i W (t) ∗ η,
|W (tη) − W̄ (tη)| ≤ 2supk∇Li kL∞ tη, (17)
then this framework agrees with centralized SGD. Moreover,
if only part of the devices participate the training (either full which yields that W̄ (τ ) is a good approximation of W (τ )
batch or mini-batch) each round and aggregate after one iter- for τ ≤ T η when T η is small. Therefore, FL framework
ation as above, then it is also indistinguishable to centralized has to aggregate local models periodically and reset all
SGD. These optimization methods are essentially identical local and global parameters to be identical. By doing so,
to centralized optimization though they are in FL framework, the aggregations of local models are always stay close to
which theoretically are able to produce a global model as the centralized one. Since the centralized GD and SGD
good as centralized one. However, in Eq.(9a) ∇Li must be converge to local minimum of the total loss function, so
evaluate at W (t), i.e, global parameters W (t) are necessary does the one for FL. This method that performs SGD or GD
for the local update W i (t + 1) at any step t. Therefore, local on local devices and aggregates periodically is exactly the
models have to aggregate after each iteration, which will FedAvg. The above arguments also yields the underlying
cause expensive communication costs and poor efficiency. mechanism of FedAvg, which agrees with the essential idea
A redemption is to trade some accuracy for efficiency. To of the proof of convergence of FedAvg.
reduce communication cost, more local iterations have to Notice that the purpose of Eqs.(16) and (17) is to illustrate
be operated each round. Accordingly, Eq. (9a) is modified the idea of how to connect decomposition of ODEs to FL
to following approximate decomposition of Eq.(5) so that optimizations. We only used rough estimates instead of
more local iterations are admited. sharp ones to illustrate the underlying ideas more straight-
forwardly. Our FedDA method has never used the estimate
d i
W (τ ) = −∇Li W i (τ ) , in Eqs.(16) and (17) for attending any computations.
dτ (11)
W i (0) = W (0), i = 1, · · · , M. The superb performance of adaptive optimization methods,
such as SGDM, Adam, AdaGrad, have been demonstrated
Let T denote local iteration number. The corresponding for centralized training. Naturally, successful extensions of
numerical solution of Eq.(11) is these adaptive methods to FL are mostly desired.
m is a fast variable cause its derivative dτ m(τ ) is O(1/η) local training directly, it buffers local gradients generated in
and η is small. Therefore the rate of change of m is much each local iteration. We propose the following decoupled
faster than that of W . It is easy to check Eq.(18) is the decomposition of Eq.(19).
numerical solution of Eq.(19) using Euler’s scheme.
Similar to GD case, the numerical solution of a precise
d i
decomposition of SGDM is W (τ ) = −g i (W i (τ )),
mi (t + 1) = β ∗ mi (t) + (1 − β) ∗ g i (W (t)), d X Ni i
η m(τ ) = −(1 − β)m(τ ) + (1 − β) g (W i (τ ))
W i (t + 1) = W i (t) − η ∗ mi (t + 1), dτ i=1
Ni d
W (τ ) = −α ∗ m(τ ),
m(t + 1) = mi (t), (20) dτ
i=1 (22)
M i
W (t + 1) = W i (t). where W i is the parameters of local devices, m is the global
N momentum, W is the parameters of global model and α is a
parameter to concede that local and global employ different
Again, the drawback is the local iteration number must be 1.
learning rates. Note that in Eq.(22), the local update of W i
To allow more local iterations, the most naive approach is
is independent of the global momentum m, this is why we
to perform SGDM on local devices directly
name this method decoupling method. The crucial point
mi (t + 1) = β ∗ mi (t) + (1 − β) ∗ g i (W i (t)), of our decoupling method is that since the the equations
(21) of W i (τ ) are independent of the global momentum m, the
W i (t + 1) = W i (t) − η ∗ mi (t + 1). equation of m is totally linear and can be precisely decom-
PM i
Then aggregate the above local updates periodically. This posed as m(τ ) = i=1 NN mi (τ ), where mi τ solves
method is indeed an approximation of centralized SGDM for d i
the same reason as in FedAvg case, and therefore this naive η m (τ ) = −(1 − β)mi (τ ) + (1 − β)∇g i (W i (τ )).
method may converge. However, the performance of this
naive method is not satisfying in experiments. The reasons Therefore, the system in Eq.(22) is exactly equivalent to
are twofold. First, the momentum is used to buff the devi-
ation of gradients. Decomposing the global momentum m d i
W (τ ) = −g i (W i (τ )),
onto local devices as in Eq.(21) will incapacitate it because dτ
PM N i i d
i=1 N m (t) is deviated from the momentum of central- η mi (τ ) = −(1 − β)mi (τ ) + (1 − β)g i (W i (τ )),
ized optimizer. Second, since the aggregated momentum is dτ
not accurate enough, it may also harm the local training if d
W (τ ) = −α ∗ m(τ ).
it is inherited by the local devices. This is why the restart dτ
local adaptive method works better (Wang et al., 2021b).
Therefore, though the Eq.(21) could be an approximation of That is we can calculate the global momentum m by pre-
centralized SGDM, it may need a rather small learning rate cisely decomposing it to local devices and the aggregation
to ensure the quality of approximation, which results in un- of the portion of the global momentum on local devices
satisfactory training performance. Local training generates mi will be exactly the global momentum. The numerical
local gradients deviating from the global ones, therefore a solution to Eq.(23) is
global momentum is favorable to control the deviations of
the gradients uploaded by local devices. FedOpt updates W i (t + 1) = W i (t) − g i (W i (t)) ∗ η, (24)
global momentum one time after the server receiving local i i i i
m (t + 1) = β ∗ m (t) + (1 − β) ∗ g (W (t))η, (25)
gradients generated by several local iterations each round.
Though it achieves great performance, it does not fully take X Ni i
the advantage of global momentum. In FedOpt the global m(t + 1) = m (t), (26)
momentum buffs the total gradients of multiple iterations.
However, for centralized SGDM, the momentum buffs the W (t + 1) = W (t) − m(t + 1) ∗ α ∗ η. (27)
gradient in each iteration. To let the global momentum fully
plays its role and accelerate the training of the global model, This numerical solution demonstrates our underlying ideas
we propose a decoupling adaptive technique (FedDA) to better. Eq.(24) yields that local update does not depend on
approximately mimic centralized SGDM. In our FedDA the global momentum m. However, the global momentum
method, though the global momentum does not participate buffs local gradients in each local iteration as shown in
Accelerated Federated Learning with Decoupled Adaptive Optimization
Eq.(26). Based on the numerical solution Eqs.(24)-(27), the Our proposed momentum decoupling adaptive optimization
algorithm of our FedDA+SGDM method is as follows. method has potential be extended to other federated learning
algorithms, e.g., FedProx, etc. Due to space limit, we only
At round E, pick participating clients S 1 , · · · , S k . For each
use FedDA+SGDM as an example to show how to apply
S i , i = 1, · · · , K, initialize P i = 0, W i (0) = W (E),
the FedDA optimization to FedProx. At round E, pick par-
mi (0) = m(E). For t = 0, T − 1,
ticipating clients S 1 , · · · , S k . For each S i , i = 1, · · · , K,
initialize P i = 0, W i (0) = W (E), mi (0) = m(E). For
W i (t + 1) = W i (t) − g i (W i (t)) ∗ η,
t = 0, · · · , T − 1, W i (t + 1) = W i (t) − g i (W i (t)) + µ ∗
mi (t + 1) = βmi (t) + (1 − β)g i (W i (t)), (28) (W i (t) − W (E) ∗ η, mi (t + 1) = β ∗ mi (t) + (1 − β) ∗
i i i
P = P + m (t + 1). g i (W i (t)) + µ ∗ (W i (t) − W (E) , P i = P i + mi (t + 1).
The global update rule is the same as the one in Eq.(29). By
The global update rule is: following the similar strategy, other two versions of FedDA
(FedDA+ADAM and FedDA+AdaGrad) can be added to
P = aggregation of P i , FedProx and other regular FL algorithms, which demon-
m(E + 1) = aggregation of mi (T ), (29) strates the applicability and generality of FedDA.
W (E + 1) = W (E) − P ∗ α ∗ η.
5. Experiments
Notice that P is the summation of global momentums up- In this section, we have evaluated the performance of our
dated during local iterations, and global parameter W is FedDA model and other comparison methods in serval rep-
updated by P . This mimics the centralized SGDM. We resentative federated datasets and learning tasks to date. We
theoretically demonstrate that (1) local momentum deviates show that FedDA with decoupling and full batch gradient
from the centralized one at exponential rate O(eλt ); and (2) techniques is able to achieve faster convergence and higher
global momentum in FedDA deviates from the centralized test accuracy in cross-device settings against several state-
one at algebraic rate O(t2 ). Please refer to Appendix A.3 of-the-art federated optimization methods. The experiments
for detailed proof. exactly follow the same settings described by a recent feder-
ated optimization method, FedOpt (Reddi et al., 2021a).
Full batch gradient stabilization. Adaptive optimization
methods for FL are often faced with inconsistency of conver- Datasets. We focus on three popular computer vision and
gence in training (Wang et al., 2021b). When the training natural language processing tasks over three representative
is almost finished, i.e, W is close to the local minimum benchmark datasets respectively: (1) image classification
point of loss function, the gradient has to be more accurate over CIFAR-100 (Krizhevsky, 2009). We train ResNet-18
to ensure the convergence to local minimum point. Not by replacing batch norm with group norm (Hsieh et al.,
sufficiently accurate gradients will lead to unstable conver- 2020); (2) image classification over EMNIST (Hsieh et al.,
gence and inconsistency. Based on our framework, if local 2020). We train a CNN for character recognition; and (3)
devices only iterate once with full batch gradients in a train- text classification over Stack Overflow (TensorFlow, 2019).
ing round, then our FedDA method is in agreement with We perform tag prediction using logistic regression on bag-
centralized training in that round. Therefore, by reducing of-words vectors. We select the 10,000 most frequently
the iteration number to 1 in the end of training, our FedDA used words, the 500 most frequent tags and a one-versus-
method mimics centralized training, which ensures the con- rest classification strategy, by following the same strategy
vergence and overcomes the inconsistency of training. Last in FedOpt (Reddi et al., 2021a). The detailed descriptions
but not least, since this full batch method is utilized only of the federated datasets and learning tasks are presented in
in the end of the training when the parameter W is fairly Appendix A.5.
close to local minimum point, the training converges and Baselines. We compare the FedDA model with nine state-
stabilized rather quickly. Therefore, it is a bargain to employ of-the-art federated learning models, including five regu-
this full batch method in the end of the training to guarantee lar federated learning and four federated optimization ap-
the convergence of the training to local minimum point.
Accelerated Federated Learning with Decoupled Adaptive Optimization
(a) SGDM (b) Adam (c) AdaGrad (a) SGDM (b) Adam (c) AdaGrad
Figure 1: Convergence on CIFAR-100 with Three Optimizers Figure 2: Loss on CIFAR-100 with Three Optimizers
16 FedLocal 16 FedLocal 16
14 FedLin 14 FedLin 14
FedAvg FedAvg
FedLocal FedLocal FedLocal 12 MFL 12 MFL 12 FedLocal
FedLin FedLin FedLin 10 STEM 10 STEM 10 FedLin
FedAvg FedAvg FedAvg MimeLite MimeLite FedAvg
0.4 0.4 0.4 FedDA FedDA
MimeLite MimeLite MimeLite 6 6 6 MimeLite
FedOpt FedOpt FedOpt FedOpt
0.2 FedDA 0.2 FedDA 0.2 FedDA 4 4 4 FedDA
2 2 2
0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
(a) SGDM (b) Adam (c) AdaGrad (a) SGDM (b) Adam (c) AdaGrad
Figure 3: Convergence on EMNIST with Three Optimizers Figure 4: Loss on EMNIST with Three Optimizers
proaches. FedAvg is a classical as well as practical method Local) proposes techniques that enable the use of adaptive
for the federated learning of deep networks based on iter- optimization methods for local updates at clients in feder-
ative model averaging (McMahan et al., 2017a). SCAF- ated learning (Wang et al., 2021b). To our best knowledge,
FOLD is a algorithm which uses control variates to correct this work is the first to certify the group fairness of classi-
for the client-drift in its local updates (Karimireddy et al., fiers with theoretical input-agnostic guarantees, while there
2020d). FedLin is an algorithmic framework to tackle the is no need to know the shift between training and deploy-
key challenges of objective heterogeneity, systems hetero- ment datasets with respect to sensitive attributes. All nine
geneity, and imprecise communication in FL (Mitra et al., baselines used in our experiments either do not use momen-
2021a). STEM is a stochastic two-sided momentum algo- tum, or use momentum without momentum aggregation,
rithm, that utilizes certain momentum-assisted stochastic or use momentum with aggregation but restart momentum
gradient directions for both the client and server updates (Mi- at each FL round (FedLocal). Our FedDA method keeps
tra et al., 2021a). CLIMB is an agnostic constrained learn- the momentum aggregation in the entire FL process, which
ing formulation to tackle the class imbalance problem in results in faster convergence but larger oscillation.
FL without requiring further information beyond the stan-
Evaluation metrics. We use two popular measures in fed-
dard FL objective (?). MFL performs momentum gradi-
erated learning and plot the measure curves with increasing
ent descent in local update step of FL system to solve the
training rounds to verify the convergence of different meth-
distributed machine learning problem (Liu et al., 2020a).
ods: Accuracy and Loss Function Values (Loss) (Karim-
FedOpt is a flexible algorithmic framework that allows the
ireddy et al., 2020d; Mitra et al., 2021a; Liu et al., 2020a;
clients and the server to choose different optimization meth-
Reddi et al., 2021a; Karimireddy et al., 2021; Wang et al.,
ods more general than stochastic gradient descent (SGD)
2021b). A larger Accuracy or a smaller Loss score indicates
in FedAvg (Reddi et al., 2021a). MimeLite uses a combi-
a better federated learning result. We run 1,500 rounds of
nation of control-variates and server-level optimizer state
training on the EMNIST and Stack Overflow datasets, and
at every client-update step to ensure that each local up-
4,000 rounds over the CIFAR-100 dataset. In addition, we
date mimics that of the centralized method run on i.i.d.
use final Accuracy to evaluate the quality of the federated
data (Karimireddy et al., 2021). Local Adaptivity (Fed-
learning algorithms.
Accelerated Federated Learning with Decoupled Adaptive Optimization
Table 4: Final Mean Squared Error on EMNIST for Autoen- Accuracy curves. In most experiments, our FedDA fed-
coder erated optimization method is able to achieve the fastest
convergence, especially, FedDA can converge within less
Optimizer SGDM Adam AdaGrad than 200 training rounds and then always keep stable on the
FedLocal 0.0169 0.0289 0.0168 EMNIST dataset. A reasonable explanation is that FedDA
FedAvg 0.0171 0.0171 0.0171 fully utilizes the global momentum on each local iteration as
MFL 0.0168 0.0290 0.0291 well as employ full batch gradients to mimic centralized op-
MimeLite 0.0183 0.0307 0.0287 timization in the end of the training process for accelerating
FedOpt 0.0175 0.0173 0.0145 the training convergence.
FedDA 0.0167 0.0166 0.0132 Final Accuracy on CIFAR-100 and EMNIST. Tables 2-
4 show the quality of ten federated learning algorithms
over CIFAR-100 and EMNIST respectively. Notice that
the performance achieved by five regular federated learn-
Convergence on CIFAR-100 and EMNIST. Figures 1 and ing algorithms, including FedAvg, SCAFFOLD, FedLin,
3 exhibit the Accuracy curves of ten federated learning STEM, and CLIMB, keep unchanged when using different
models for image classification over CIFAR-100 and charac- optimizers, such as SGDM, Adam, and AdaGrad, while
ter recognition on EMNIST respectively. It is obvious that five federated optimization approaches, including MFL, Fe-
the performance curves by federated learning algorithms dOpt, Mime, FedLocal, and our FedDA model obtain dif-
initially keep increasing with training rounds and remains ferent performance. We have observed that our FedDA
relatively stable when the curves are beyond convergence federated optimization solution outperforms the competitor
points, i.e., turning points from a sharp Accuracy increase methods in most experiments. FedDA achieves the highest
to a flat curve. This phenomenon indicates that most feder- Accuracy values (> 0.488 over CIFAR-100 and > 0.853
ated learning algorithms are able to converge to the invariant on EMNIST respectively), which are better than other nine
solutions after enough training rounds. However, among baseline methods in all tests. A reasonable explanation is
five regular federated learning and five federated optimiza- that the combination of decoupling and full batch gradient
tion approaches, our FedDA federated optimization method techniques is able to achieve faster convergence as well as
can significantly speedup the convergence on two datasets higher test accuracy in cross-device settings. In addition,
in most experiments, showing the superior performance of the promising performance of FedDA over both datasets
FedDA in federated settings. Compared to the learning re- implies that FedDA has great potential as a general feder-
sults by other federated learning models, based on training ated optimization solution to learning tasks over federated
rounds at convergence points, FedDA, on average, achieves datasets, which is desirable in practice.
34.3% and 22.6% convergence improvement on two datasets
respectively. Impact of local iteration numbers. Figure 5 shows the im-
pact of the numbers of local iterations in our FedDA model
Loss on CIFAR-100 and EMNIST. Figures 2 and 4 with the adaptive optimizers over the datasets of CIFAR-
present the Loss curves achieved by ten federated learn- 100, EMNIST, and Stack Overflow respectively. The perfor-
ing models on two datasets respectively. We have observed mance curves initially raise when the local iteration number
obvious that the reverse trends, in comparison with the
Accelerated Federated Learning with Decoupled Adaptive Optimization
0.8 0.8
0.5 0.6 0.6
0.7 0.4 0.7
0.5 0.5
Final Accuracy
Final Accuracy
Final Accuracy
Final Accuracy
Final Accuracy
Final Accuracy
0.4 0.6 0.6
0.4 0.3 0.4
0.5 0.5
0.4 0.3 0.4 0.3
0.2 0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1 0.1
Adam 0.1 Adam Adam Adam 0.1 Adam Adam
AdaGrad AdaGrad AdaGrad AdaGrad AdaGrad AdaGrad
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 5 10 20 1 5 10 20 1 5 10 20 100 500 1000 1500 2000 10 50 100 500 1000 50 100 200 400 1000
Local Iteration Number Local Iteration Number Local Iteration Number Training Round Training Round Training Round
(a) CIFAR-100 (b) EMNIST (c) Stack Overflow (a) CIFAR-100 (b) EMNIST (c) Stack Overflow
Figure 5: Final Accuracy with Varying #Local Iterations Figure 6: Final Accuracy with Varying Training Rounds
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Accelerated Federated Learning with Decoupled Adaptive Optimization
A. Appendix
A.1. Related Work
Parallel, distributed, and federated learning have attracted active research in the last decade (Zhang et al., 2013; Lee et al.,
2013; Su et al., 2013; Palanisamy et al., 2014; Zhang et al., 2014; Su et al., 2015; Zhou et al., 2015a; Bao et al., 2015; Zhou
et al., 2015b; Lee et al., 2015; Jiang et al., 2016; Zhou, 2017; Zhou et al., 2018b;a; Palanisamy et al., 2018; Lee et al., 2019;
Zhou & Liu, 2019; Goswami et al., 2020; Zhang et al.; Zhou et al., 2022a; Yan et al., 2022b;a; Liu et al., 2022; Guimu Guo
& Zhou, 2022; Zhang et al., 2022). While it achieves much advancement in federated learning, FedAvg (McMahan et al.,
2017b) does not consider the adaptive optimization when aggregating the weights or gradients from devices, which makes
the training process inefficient and makes it difficult to tune or to achieve desired accuracy. SCAFFOLD (Karimireddy et al.,
2020c) exploits control variate to reduce the client drift problem, i.e., “over-fitting” to local device data, in order to reduce
the influence of the heterogeneity of non-IID data and to improve the performance (accuracy). The control parameters may
result in stateful devices (Karimireddy et al., 2020c; Acar et al., 2021), which is not compatible with cross-device Federated
Learning (FL) because of full participation of devices. The cross-device FL simultaneously deals with large amounts of
devices while each round only samples a fraction of the available devices for the training process in order to mitigate the
straggler problem (Kairouz et al., 2019; Liu et al., 2021). Although the contribution of the devices can be exploited to
dynamically update the global model (Wu & Wang, 2021), the contribution-based dynamic update cannot well address the
client-drift problem. The contribution can calculated based on the angle between the local gradient and the global gradient.
Adaptive optimization can be applied either at the server side to improve the performance (Reddi et al., 2021b) and to reduce
the communication and computation costs (Mills et al., 2021), using multiple adaptive optimization method, e.g., AdaGrad
(Duchi et al., 2011a), Yogi (Reddi et al., 2018), Adam (Kingma & Ba, 2014; Mills et al., 2019) and momentum (Rothchild
et al., 2020; Mills et al., 2021), or at the client side (Yuan et al., 2021b) to reduce the number of rounds (Mills et al., 2019)
utilizing momentum (Liu et al., 2020b; Gao et al., 2021; Wang et al., 2020), Adam (Mills et al., 2019). In contrast, the
single side application of existing adaptive optimization, i.e., the server side or the device side, may lead to insufficient
performance, due to incomplete adaptation of the adaptive optimization methods. While correction techniques can be
utilized to mitigate the bias of the convergence point for the application of AdaGrad at the device side (Wang et al., 2021c),
the application at both the server side and the device should be addressed at the same time to achieve better performance.
In addition, the application of momentum at the device side (Liu et al., 2020b) may incur severe client-drift because of
heterogeneity of non-IID data and law participation rate of devices. Moreover, the synchronization of the global momentum
parameters may incur extra communication costs (Wang et al., 2020). Momentum (Karimireddy et al., 2020b; Ozfatura et al.,
2021; Khanduri et al., 2021) and Adam (Leroy et al., 2019) can be utilized on both the server and the devices to achieve fast
training speed and high convergence accuracy, while the simple application may correspond to limited improvement.
The adaptive optimization methods can be combined with compression mechanism (Mills et al., 2019; Gao et al., 2021;
Rothchild et al., 2020; Li et al., 2020) to further reduce the communication costs. In addition, device selection methods
are utilized to achieve faster convergence (Xia et al., 2021) and higher accuracy (Chen et al., 2020), even with multiple
jobs (Zhou et al., 2022b). Furthermore, overlapping the local training process and the data transfer can improve the
communication efficiency (Zhou et al., 2022c). Sparsification (Mitra et al., 2021b) and quantization (Anonymous, 2022c)
can be exploited in FL to improve the communication efficiency, wherein the update at the device side relies on the gradients
of the last round of all the devices and more communication is required to configure the sparsification parameters (Mitra
et al., 2021b). Moreover, the combination of gossip protocol-based decentralized model aggregation, which is performed at
devices, and the centralized model aggregation, which is performed at the server, helps to speed up the training process of
FL (Anonymous, 2022d). Leading principal components (Anonymous, 2022g), low-rank hadamard product (Hyeon-Woo
et al., 2021), and progressive training (Wang et al., 2021a), i.e., the model progressively grows along with the training
process, can be exploited as well to reduce the communication costs and improve the performance. Some other methods,
e.g., communication-efficient ensemble algorithms (Hamer et al., 2020b), hierarchical architecture (Yang, 2021; Wu et al.,
2020), blockchain-based mechanism (Yapp et al., 2021), federated optimization (Pathak & Wainwright, 2020; Dai et al.,
2020), dual averaging procedure for non-smooth regularizer (Yuan et al., 2021b), agnostic constrained learning formulation
for class imbalance problems (Anonymous, 2022b), separation of unseen client data and unseen client distributions (Yuan
et al., 2021a), knowledge distillation for heterogeneous model structures (Afonin & Karimireddy, 2021), minibatch and local
random reshuffling (Yun et al., 2021), unlabeled data transformation for unsupervised LF (Anonymous, 2022h), multi-task
FL for image processing (Anonymous, 2022f), and personalization (Zhang et al., 2021; Oh et al., 2021; Hyeon-Woo et al.,
2021) or the trade-off between personalization and generalization (Chen & Chao, 2021), are proposed to further improve the
performance of FL. However, the above works are orthogonal to our approach and out of the scope of this paper.
Accelerated Federated Learning with Decoupled Adaptive Optimization
As private data may be recovered with small malicious modifications of the shared model (Fowl et al., 2021) or sensitive
information may still be leaked from the gradients (Balunović et al., 2021), differential privacy (Anonymous, 2022e;
Triastcyn et al., 2021) and compression techniques (Triastcyn et al., 2021) are combined to improve the privacy and
communication efficiency of FL, while the encoding of gradient knowledge with the regularization of locally trained
parameters (Anonymous, 2022a) helps improve the performance and robustness at the same time. While gradient flips
are indicative of attacks, reputation-based weighted aggregation can help to improve the robustness of FL (Sharma et al.,
2021). Batch-normalization (Hong et al., 2021) and Bayes optimal method (Balunović et al., 2021) can be exploited to deal
with adversarial training attack, while bucketing methods can alleviate the impact of byzantine attacks (Karimireddy et al.,
2020a). These methods can be combined with our approach to improve the robustness and the privacy of FL.
This work presents a theoretical principle on where to and how to design and utilize adaptive optimization methods in
federated settings. We theoretically analyze the connection between federated optimization methods and decompositions
of ODEs of corresponding centralized optimizers. We develop a momentum decoupling adaptive optimization method to
make full use of the strength of fast convergence and high accuracy of the global momentum. We also utilize the full batch
gradients to mimic centralized optimization for ensuring the convergence and overcoming the possible inconsistency caused
by adaptive optimization methods.
Ni i
where g(W ) = i=1 N g (W ). The Adam optimizer is the numerical solution to the ODE system
η m(τ ) = −(1 − β1 )m(τ ) + (1 − β1 ) ∗ g(W (τ )),
η v(τ ) = −(1 − β2 )v(τ ) + (1 − β2 ) ∗ (g(W (τ ))2 ,
m̂(τ ) = m(τ )/(1 − β1τ ), (31)
v̂(τ ) = v(τ )/(1 − β2τ ),
d p
W (τ ) = −m̂(τ )/( v̂(τ ) + ) ∗ η.
The equilibria of the above is system are (m, v, W ) = (0, 0, W ∗ ), where W ∗ is local minimum point of the loss function,
i.e., g(W ∗ ) = 0. Therefore, the Adam optimizer trains the model to converge to local minimum point of the loss function.
Applying our decoupling method, we first decouple the global momentum and velocity m, v with local training, i.e.,
d i
W (τ ) = −g i (W i (τ )),
η m(τ ) = −(1 − β1 )m(τ ) + (1 − β1 ) ∗ g(W (τ )), (32)
η v(τ ) = −(1 − β2 )v(τ ) + (1 − β2 ) ∗ (g(W (τ ))2 .
Similar to the SGDM case, the equation of m(τ ) is totally linear and can be decomposed precisely as
d i
η m (τ ) = −(1 − β1 )mi (τ ) + (1 − β1 )g i (W i (τ )). (33)
Accelerated Federated Learning with Decoupled Adaptive Optimization
Unlike the equation of m which is linear, the equation of v is nonlinear due to the presence of the nonlinear term
PM N i i 2
(g(W ))2 = i=1 N g (W ) . It is apparent that
X Ni 2 X Ni i
g i (W ) 6= (g (W ))2 .
N i=1
PM i
Therefore, it is not possible to decompose the equation of v precisely. Moreover, i=1 NN (g i (W ))2 is not even a close
PM N i i 2
approximation of i=1 N g (W ) . An immediate counter example is that (1 − 1)2 6= 12 + (−1)2 . For centralized Adam,
the expectation of each component of m̂/ v̂ is approximately ±1 , which is a crucial point of Adam optimizer. Thus, when
attempting to generalize centralized Adam optimizer to FL, the key is that m, v must be highly synchronized as in centralized
Adam. There are two possible resolutions. First, as in previous arguments of precise decomposition, by reducing local
iteration number to 1, one obtains a precise decomposition of Eq.(31). Consequently, the FL training matches centralized
training. However, the communication cost is too expensive to be affordable for this approach. Another possible way is
to utilize Adam optimizer on server, i.e., local models are trained with SGDM and then server aggregates total gradients
uploaded by local devices and input the aggregation into a global Adam. This is the same as FedOpt method. However,
on second thought, though v cannot be precisely decomposed, the global momentum m can be decomposed precisely as
mentioned before and it still can be utilized fully. Therefore, we propose our FedDA+Adam method as follows. At round E,
pick participating clients S 1 , · · · , S k . For each S i , i = 1, · · · , K, initialize P i = 0, W i (0) = W (E), mi (0) = m(E). For
t = 0, T − 1,
W i (t + 1) = W i (t) − g i (W i (t)) ∗ η
mi (t + 1) = β1 mi (t) + (1 − β1 )g i (W i (t)) (34)
i i i
P = P + m (t + 1)
The global update rule is:
P = aggregation of P i ,
m(E + 1) = aggregation of mi (T )
G = P − β1 ∗ m(E) /(1 − β1 )
m̂(E + 1) = β1 ∗ m(E) + (1 − β1 ) ∗ G /(1 − β1E )
V (E + 1) = β2 ∗ V (E) + (1 − β2 ) ∗ G 2
V̂ (E + 1) = V (E)/(1 − β2E )
W (E + 1) = W (E) − m̂(E + 1)/( V̂ (E + 1) + ) ∗ η ∗ α
W i (t + 1) = W i (t) − g i (W i (t)) ∗ η
mi (t + 1) = β1 mi (t) + (1 − β1 )g i (W i (t)) (38)
i i i
P = P + m (t + 1)
P = aggregation of P i ,
m(E + 1) = aggregation of mi (T )
G = P − β1 ∗ m(E) /(1 − β1 ) (39)
V (E + 1) = V (E) + G
W (E + 1) = W (E) − G/( V̂ (E + 1) + ) ∗ η
By assembling all the pieces in Sections 4 and A.2, we provide the pseudo code of our FedDA algorithm with the adaptive
optimization of SGDM, Adam, and AdaGrad in Algorithms 1 and 2 respectively.
Algorithm 1 FedDA+SGDM
Input: W0 , m0
1: for r = 0, · · · , R − 1 do
2: Sample a subset S of clients
3: for each client S i ∈ S in parallel do
i i
4: Pr,0 = 0, Wr,0 = Wr , mir,0 = mr
5: for t = 0, · · · , T − 1 do
i i i i
6: Wr,t+1 = Wr,t − gr,t (Wr,t )∗η
7: mir,t+1 = β ∗ mir,t + (1 − β) ∗ gr,t i i
(Wr,t )
i i i
8: Pr,t+1 = Pr,t + mr,t+1
9: Pr = aggregation of Pr,T
10: mr+1 = aggregation of mir,T
11: Wr+1 = Wr − Pr ∗ η ∗ α
1. (Lipschitz Gradient). There exists a constant Lg such that kg i (W1 ) − g i (W2 )k ≤ Lg kW1 − W2 k for any W1 , W2 and
i = 1, · · · , m.
Under these assumptions, we theoretically demonstrate that (1) local momentum deviates from the centralized one at
exponential rate O(eλt ); and (2) global momentum in FedDA deviates from the centralized one at algebraic rate O(t2 ).
Local momentum deviates from the centralized one at exponential rate. Let (mi (τ ), W i (τ )) be the solution to the
decomposed system
d i
η m (τ ) = −(1 − β)mi (τ ) + (1 − β)g i (W i (τ )),
dτ (40)
d i
W (τ ) = −mi (τ ).
Let (m(τ ), W (τ )) be the solution to Eq.(19) with (m(0), W (0)) = (mi (0), W i (0)), i.e., centralized SGDm optimizer with
the same initialization as the decomposed optimizer. By direct calculations, we have
(mi (τ ) − m(τ )) = (1 − β) − (mi (τ ) − m(τ )) + g i (W i (τ )) − g i (W (τ )) + R(τ ) ,
dτ (41)
(W i (τ ) − W (τ )) = −(mi (τ ) − m(τ )),
N x
where R(τ ) = j6=i Nj g j (W (τ )) − g i (W (τ )) . One can check that ∇kxk = kxk for nay x ∈ Rn . Therefore, it holds
that k∇kxkk ≤ 1 and x · ∇kxk = kxk, where · means dot product. Taking the inner product of the first equation in Eq.(41)
with ∇kmi (τ ) − m(τ )k, we obtain
η kmi (τ ) − m(τ )k ≤ (1 − β) − kmi (τ ) − m(τ )k + Lg kW i (τ ) − W (τ )k + kR(τ ) . (42)
Similarly, take the inner produce of the second equation in Eq.(41) with ∇kW i − W k, we obtain
kW i (τ ) − W (τ )k ≤ kmi (τ ) − m(τ )k (43)
The system of Eq.(42) and Eq.(43) can be written as the following matrix form.
2η . Therefore keAt k ≤ CA eλ t for any t ≥ 0 for some constant CA . Note that λ+ > 0.
Applying variation of constants formula to Eq.(44), one has
Z tη
kmi (tη) − m(tη)k kmi (0) − m(0)k
Atη A(tη−τ ) kR(τ )k/η
≤e + (1 − β) e dτ. (45)
kW i (tη) − W (tη)k kW i (0) − W (0)k 0 0
Note that mi (0) − m(0) = 0 and W i (0) − W (0). Therefore, for any t, it holds
Z tη
kmi (tη) − m(tη)k
A(tη−τ ) kR(τ )k/η
≤ (1 − β) e dτ. (46)
kW i (tη) − W (tη)k 0 0
Accelerated Federated Learning with Decoupled Adaptive Optimization
Utilizing keAt k ≤ CA eλ t
for t ≥ 0 in the above inequality , we obtain
which implies that kmi (tη) − m(tη)k is exponentially growing. Essentially, the term g i (W i (τ )) − g i (W (τ )) in Eq. (41)
causes such exponential growth. More precisely, since g i (W i ) − g i (W ) = ∇g i (W )(W i − W ) + O(|W i − W |2 ), it
contributes a linear term ∇g i (W )(W i − W ) to Eq.(41). Consequently, the matrix A has a positive eigenvalue, which
implies that keAt k is exponentially growing. Thus, the difference of momentum kmi (tη) − m(tη)k is exponentially
growing. However, in our FedDA method, since momentum is decoupled with local training,there is no such a term as
i i i −(1 − β)/η 0
g (W ) − g (W ). Therefore, in our FedDA framework, the matrix analogous to matrix A is , whose
1 0
eigenvalues are 0, −(1 − β). Therefore, the momentum deviation in our FedDA method is only algebraic growing.
Global momentum in FedDA deviates from the centralized one at algebraic rate. Let (W̄ i (τ ), m̄(τ ), W̄ (τ )) be the
solution to Eq.(22) with α = 1. Let (m(τ ), W (τ )) be the solution to Eq.(19) with (m(0), W (0)) = (m̄(0), W̄ (0)). It is
straightforward to compute
d X Ni
η (m̄(τ ) − m(τ )) = −(1 − β) (m̄(τ ) − m(τ )) + g i (W̄ i (τ )) − g i (W (τ ))
dτ N
i (48)
(W̄ (τ ) − W (τ )) = −(m̄(τ ) − m(τ )),
By calculations similar to the above ones, we first have
d km̄(τ ) − m(τ )k km̄(τ ) − m(τ )k k i g i (W̄ i (τ )) − g i (W (τ )) k/η
≤ Ā + (1 − β) N (49)
dτ kW̄ (τ ) − W (τ )k kW̄ (τ ) − W (τ )k 0
−(1 − β)/η 0
where Ā = . One can check that the eigenvalues of Ā are 0, −(1 − β)/η, which implies that there exists
1 0
a constant CĀ such that keĀt k ≤ CĀ for any t ≥ 0, i.e., keĀt k is uniformly bounded without growth. Clearly,
It follows that
kW̄ i (τ ) − W (τ )k ≤ kg i kL∞ + supkm(s)k τ.
which implies that |m(τ )| ≤ |m(0)| + kgkL∞ for any τ ≥ 0. Therefore, we have
Z tη PM Ni
km̄(tη) − m(tη)k k i g i (W̄ i (τ )) − g i (W (τ )) k/η
≤ eĀ(tη−τ ) N dτ. (56)
kW̄ (tη) − W (tη)k 0 0
C ∗η 2
km̄(tη) − m(tη)| + kW̄ (tη) − W (tη)k ≤ C ∗ τ /ηdτ = t , (57)
0 2
where C ∗ = supk∇g i kL∞ kg i kL∞ + km(0)k + kgkL∞ ). Therefore, the momentum in our FedDA method deviates from
the centralized one in algebraic rate O(t2 ), which is much slower than that of local momentum.
0.7 0.7
FedLocal FedLocal FedLocal
FedLin 0.6 FedLin 0.6 FedLin
FedAvg FedAvg FedAvg
MimeLite 0.4 MimeLite 0.4 MimeLite
FedOpt FedOpt FedOpt
0.2 FedDA 0.3 FedDA 0.3 FedDA
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
10 10 10
0 0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Final Accuracy over Stack Overflow. Table 5 presents the final Accuracy scores of ten federated learning algorithms
on Stack Overflow. We have observed similar trends: the accuracy achieved by our FedDA is the highest in most tests.
Especially, as shown the experiment with SGDM as the optimizer, compared to the best competitors among ten federated
learning algorithms, the final Accuracy scores achieved by FedDA averagely achieves 22.3% improvement. A rational
guess is that the global momentum in our FedDA method makes the best effort to mimic the role of momentum in centralized
training, which can accelerate the convergence of FL training.
Impact of client and server learning rates. Tables 6-11 report how the test Accuracy changes with server and client
learning rates on three datasets by fixing the server learning rates and changing the client learning rates, or by utilizing the
reverse settings. We have observed that the Accuracy scores oscillate within the range of 0.002 and 0.868 when changing
the client learning rates, while the Accuracy values fluctuate between 0.010 and 0.861. This demonstrates that it is crucial
to choose the optimal learning rates for the training on the clients and server to achieve the competitive performance. Please
refer to Table 12 for the implementation details of the server and client learning rates used in our current experiments.
Table 6: Final Accuracy with SGDM Optimizer and Varying Client Learning Rate
Table 7: Final Accuracy with Adam Optimizer and Varying Client Learning Rate
Table 8: Final Accuracy with AdaGrad Optimizer and Varying Client Learning Rate
Table 9: Final Accuracy with SGDM Optimizer and Varying Server Learning Rate
Table 10: Final Accuracy with Adam Optimizer and Varying Server Learning Rate
Table 11: Final Accuracy with AdaGrad Optimizer and Varying Server Learning Rate
2021a). First, instead of doing K training steps per client, we do E epochs of training over each client’s dataset. Second, to
account for varying numbers of gradient steps per client, we weight the average of the client outputs by each client’s number
of training samples. Since the datasets used are all public datasets and the hyperparameter settings are explicitly described,
our experiments can be easily reproduced on top of a GPU server. We promise to release our open-source codes on GitHub
and maintain a project website with detailed documentation for long-term access by other researchers and end-users after
the paper is accepted.
Datasets. We following the same strategy in FedOpt (Reddi et al., 2021a) to create a federated version of CIFAR-100
by randomly partitioning the training data among 500 clients, with each client receiving 100 examples. We randomly
partition the data to reflect the coarse and fine label structure of CIFAR-100 by using the Pachinko Allocation Method (Li &
McCallum, 2006). In the derived client datasets, the label distributions better resemble practical heterogeneous client datasets.
We train a modified ResNet-18, where the batch normalization layers are replaced by group normalization layers (Wu & He,
2020). We use two groups in each group normalization layer. Group normalization can lead to significant gains in accuracy
over batch normalization in federated settings (Hsieh et al., 2020).
The federated version of EMNIST partitions the digits by their author (Caldas et al., 2018b). The dataset has natural
heterogeneity stemming from the writing style of each person. We use a convolutional network for character recognition.
The network has two convolutional layers with 3 × 3 kernels, max pooling, and dropout, followed by a 128 unit dense layer.
Stack Overflow is a language modeling dataset consisting of question and answers from the question and answer site (Ten-
sorFlow, 2019). The questions and answers also have associated metadata, including tags. The dataset contains 342,477
unique users which we use as clients. We choose the 10,000 most frequently used words, the 500 most frequent tags and
adopt a one-versus-rest classification strategy, where each question/answer is represented as a bag-of-words vector.
Implementation. For four regular federated learning models of FedAvg 1 , SCAFFOLD 2 , STEM 3 , and CLIMB 4 , we
used the open-source implementation and default parameter settings by the original authors or the Google Research for our
experiments. For three federated optimization approaches of MimeLite 5 , FedOpt 6 , and FedLocal 7 , we also utilized the
same model architecture as the official implementation provided by the Google Research and used the same datasets to
validate the performance of these federated optimization models in all experiments. For other regular federated learning
or federated optimization approaches, including MFL and FedLin, to our best knowledge, there are no publicly available
open-source implementations on the Internet. All hyperparameters are standard values from the reference works. The above
open-source codes from the GitHub are licensed under the MIT License, which only requires preservation of copyright and
license notices and includes the permissions of commercial use, modification, distribution, and private use.
For our proposed decoupled adaptive optimization algorithm, we performed hyperparameter selection by perform-
ing a parameter sweep on training rounds ∈ {1, 500, 2, 000, 2, 500, 3, 000, 3, 500, 4, 000}, momentum parameter
β1 ∈ {0.84, 0.86, 0.88, 0.9, 0.92, 0.94}, second moment parameter β2 ∈ {0.984, 0.986, 0.988, 0.99, 0.992, 0.994},
fuzz factor ∈ {0.00001, 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1}, local iteration number ∈ {1, 2, 5, 10, 20}, and learning rate η ∈
{0.001, 0.003, 0.01, 0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 1, 3.3, 10, 33, 100, 333, 1, 000}. The above search process is often done using validation
data in centralized settings. However, such data is often inaccessible in federated settings, especially cross-device settings.
Therefore, we tune by selecting the parameters that minimize the average training loss over the last 100 rounds of training.
We run 1,500 rounds of training on the EMNIST and Stack Overflow, and 4,000 rounds over the CIFAR-100.
Hyperparameter settings.
Unless otherwise explicitly stated, we used the following default parameter settings in the experiments, as shown in Table
7 adaptivity
Accelerated Federated Learning with Decoupled Adaptive Optimization
Parameter Value
Training rounds for EMNIST and Stack Overflow 1,500
Training rounds for CIFAR-100 4,000
Momentum parameter β1 0.9
Second moment parameter β2 0.99
Client learning rate with SGDM on CIFAR-100 0.03
Client learning rate with Adam on CIFAR-100 0.03
Client learning rate with AdaGrad on CIFAR-100 0.1
Server learning rate with SGDM on CIFAR-100 3.3
Server learning rate with Adam on CIFAR-100 0.3
Server learning rate with AdaGrad on CIFAR-100 0.1
Local iteration number with SGDM on CIFAR-100 5
Local iteration number with Adam on CIFAR-100 5
Local iteration number with AdaGrad on CIFAR-100 5
Fuzz factor with Adam on CIFAR-100 0.1
Fuzz factor with AdaGrad on CIFAR-100 0.1
Client learning rate with SGDM on EMNIST 0.1
Client learning rate with Adam on EMNIST 0.1
Client learning rate with AdaGrad on EMNIST 0.1
Server learning rate with SGDM on EMNIST 1
Server learning rate with Adam on EMNIST 0.1
Server learning rate with AdaGrad on EMNIST 0.1
Local iteration number with SGDM on EMNIST 10
Local iteration number with Adam on EMNIST 10
Local iteration number with AdaGrad on EMNIST 5
Fuzz factor with Adam on EMNIST 0.1
Fuzz factor with AdaGrad on EMNIST 0.1
Client learning rate with SGDM on Stack Overflow 100
Client learning rate with Adam on Stack Overflow 100
Client learning rate with AdaGrad on Stack Overflow 100
Server learning rate with SGDM on Stack Overflow 10
Server learning rate with Adam on Stack Overflow 1
Server learning rate with AdaGrad on Stack Overflow 10
Local iteration number with SGDM on Stack Overflow 5
Local iteration number with Adam on Stack Overflow 1
Local iteration number with AdaGrad on Stack Overflow 5
Fuzz factor with Adam on Stack Overflow 0.00001
Fuzz factor with AdaGrad on Stack Overflow 0.00001