Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Problems: Received: 30 November 2021 Accepted: 9 June 2022
Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Problems: Received: 30 November 2021 Accepted: 9 June 2022
Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Problems: Received: 30 November 2021 Accepted: 9 June 2022
Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technology Department, Yanbu Industrial College, Yanbu 46452, Saudi Arabia ABSTRACT
Received: 30 November 2021 Economic dispatch (ED) is one of the most important topics in power system operation
Accepted: 9 June 2022 and planning. The main purpose of this paper is to develop simple and effective
mathematical models for the ED problem. Two stages were considered to solve this
Keywords: problem. First, the ED problem is formulated using linear piecewise functions and then
economic dispatch, TuringBot, linear optimally solved using the LP technique at various load values. The effectiveness of the
programming, mathematical models LP in optimally solving the ED problem is verified by applying it to two different test
systems. The results are compared with those obtained using other ED optimization
techniques. The LP optimization performance of the proposed method is found to be
similar to those of the reported techniques. In the second stage, the data collected from
the optimization process in the first stage are transferred to TuringBot software. This
software is adopted to build efficient mathematical models for the optimal power
generation (output parameters) as functions of the load values (input parameters). The
main objective of these models is to easily evaluate the optimal power sharing of the
generators in an online fashion under rapid variable loading conditions without the need
to solve the ED-LP based problem. Optimization techniques, including the LP,
generally require considerable simulation times for linearization and optimization code
execution, particularly under fast load variations. Thus, the main features of the
developed models in this paper are simplicity, accessibility, as well as the ability in
obtaining an efficient and optimal solution with a faster execution time.
from different energy sources rather than only one developed models in this paper can be executed instantly
conventional source. Examples of DG sources include wind, without a need to any iterative algorithms or trial and error
solar, battery storage and fuel cell. Thus, adopting such operations, hence leading to considerable time saving.
sources add more complexity to the ED optimization model as In this paper, all quadratic cost functions are first linearized
each DG source has its own limitations and constraints that using piecewise linearized cost functions. After the linearized
have to be considered in the optimization process. Various model is formulated, two ED test systems are solved using the
approaches have been proposed to optimize the power LP optimization model. Accurate mathematical models are
generated by different DG systems in smart grid environment then developed using TuringBot software for each generating
[15-17]. unit based on the ED simulations and data collected from the
In the field of LP, a quick and effective LP algorithm has LP model. The main objective of such mathematical models is
been applied to solve the ED problem where there are several to accurately and rapidly determine the optimal solution under
interconnected micro-grids [18]. Computational experiments fast load variations without having to solve the ED-LP based
demonstrated the accuracy and speed of the LP model [18]. An algorithm for each load value. The computational analysis in
algorithm to solve the ED problem while integrating this study was carried out using MATLAB environment on a
renewable energy resources has been described [19]. The PC with a 64-bit operating system and a 2.6 GHz processor.
algorithm adopts LP owing to its flexibility and reliability. An The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2
LP-driven multi-criteria decision making approach has been discusses the ED problem and the linearization approach.
presented for a multi-objective ED in smart grids [20]. In Section 3 explains how the general optimization mathematical
another study, LP based hybrid method for the ED of both models are formulated. TuringBot software is briefly
energy and reserve is discussed. Assuming the reserve presented in section 4. The simulation results and comparative
requirement is evaluated in the optimization process, the analysis are discussed in section 5 and 6 for the ED-LP based
technique is used to estimate the optimal power flow and the solution and the mathematical models performance,
reserve assigned to each generating unit. This methodology respectively. Finally, the conclusions of this study are given in
combines LP with two meta-heuristic algorithms: mean- section 7.
variance mapping optimization (MVMO) and evolutionary
particle swarm optimization (EPSO) [21].
In general, the complexity of the ED optimization problem 2. OPTIMAL ECONOMIC DISPATCH USING LINEAR
depends mainly on the objective function and the operational PROGRAMMING
system constraints. For example, this would include ignoring
or considering transmission line losses. In addition, various This section discusses the ED problem concept and explains
other constraints may be added in the problem including the in detail the linearization methodology of the quadratic cost
prohibited zone, ramp rate limits, valve point effect, and functions of the generators in order to be appropriately used in
consideration of environmental issues and carbon emissions. the optimization process using the LP concept.
This would add more complexity to the ED problem and more
advanced techniques are thus required to find the optimal 2.1 Economic load dispatch problem
solution. For example, several studies have analyzed the ED
problem in consideration of carbon emissions [22-24]. In The ED problem is an important optimization problem in
addition, the ED problem considering the valve point effect the area of power generation, operation and planning. In the
has been also discussed [25, 26]. ED problem, several generating units with their respective cost
This high number of research work in this field indicates functions are given. The objective of the ED is to evaluate the
that this area of study is still under consideration and produced power by each generating unit in order to minimize
investigation, and there is still an opportunity to improve the the total fuel cost while satisfying the generation-load balance
ED optimization process in terms of simplification and and other technical and operational constraints. In power
accuracy. Although the previously published algorithms have plants, the ED is considered as a major activity for power
shown efficient performance in solving the ED problem, they system operation and planning for engineers. Therefore, it is
are still in need for some requirements. The majority of such highly recommended to accurately estimate the optimal power
algorithms are not easy for anyone to understand. It is not a produced by each generating unit. This can lead to a significant
simple task to understand the algorithm, write the code and enhancement to the power system reliability.
tune the parameters and carry out the simulations. Special A typical power plant has several generating units. At any
software programs are also required to perform such instant of time, the available generating units should be able to
simulations. Such programs are usually costly and not easily meet the total load requirement. The ED optimization process
available in any PC. The main contribution of this work is to ultimately estimates the optimal power sharing by each
develop simple mathematical models that can easily evaluate generating unit to supply a certain load in the minimum
the optimal power sharing among all generators in very simple possible cost [27]. Therefore, the objective of the ED
and quick way. The models can be easily evaluated without optimization process is to find the optimal values of the
requiring to solve the ED problem. Moreover, the models can powers outputted by the generators which will minimize the
be easily implemented in any software such as Excel, total cost and satisfy the power demand, units capacity and
MATLAB or any other computational platform. other operational constraints.
Another issue in the optimization techniques is the need of Figure 1 shows the structure of a system composed of N
solving the ED problem and performing and executing the generating units connected to a common bus, supplying a
optimization process at each load value. The actual power certain load Pload. The input to each unit Ci(Pi) represents the
systems are usually subjected to rapid load variations. Thus, cost of power generation. The output Pi represents the power
carrying out the optimization process at each and every load produced by that unit. The total cost of the system is the
value may increase the simulation time. On other hand, the summation of the respective generation costs of all units. The
first constraint considered here is that the summation of the where, pi,min and pi,max are the minimum and maximum power
power generated by each unit must be equal to the supplied outputs of generator i, respectively.
load. The second constraint is the generating capacity limits of
each unit. These limits define the maximum and minimum 2.2 Linearization methodology and linear programming
powers that can be produced by each unit.
As discussed previously, the cost function presented in (2)
is in a quadratic form. Given this nonlinear cost equation for
generator i, it is possible to approximate the nonlinear curve
by a series of straight-line segments [28]. Figure 2 shows an
example of a linearized cost function represented by three
linear segments. The linearization methodology has been
explained in details in Ref. [28].
For simplicity, in the piecewise linearization approach, the
segment widths W are generally considered equal. Therefore,
Figure 1. ED problem representation with N generating units the segment width W can be obtained as follows:
Ci ( Pi ) = ai + bi Pi + ci Pi , i=1, …, N
(2) For generator i, the last point of segment k is evaluated by
the following equation:
where, Ci(Pi) is the total generation cost of generator i; ai, bi,
and ci are the cost constants of generator i; N is the number of p = p + k W , i = 1,...., N , k = 0,...., K (6)
ik i , min
generators; and Pi is the power output of generator i.
The following equality constraint is defined as the power
balance equation and is used to impose a balance between the where, pi0=pi,min and piK=pi,max.
total generation and demand. By ignoring the transmission line The linear segment slope, sik is evaluated by estimating the
losses, this balance is expressed in the form of the following cost values at the starting and end points of a segment (pi,k–1
constraint: and pi,k, respectively). Then the difference is divided by the
segment width. This is represented by the following equation:
Pi = Pload (3)
i =1
s = [C ( p ) − C ( p )] / W (7)
ik i ik i i , k −1
The following inequality constraints are the capacity Hence, the cost function for generator i can be re-written as
bounds of the power generator. Each unit i has a lower limit follows.
(pi,min) and an upper limit (pi,max) on the power generation.
These minimum and maximum limits represent the generation
C (P ) = C + s P + s P + .... + s P (8)
capacity of the generating unit which are related to the i i i , min i1 i1 i2 i2 iK iK
and A mathematical model for each generator can be formulated
using the data collected and recorded in the table. This model
P = P + P + P + .... + P (10) considers the load value as the input parameter and the optimal
i i , min i1 i2 iK
powers obtained using the LP as the output parameters. The
mathematical formulation for each generator takes the
Therefore, as shown from Eq. (8), this equation is a linear following forms:
function of the Pik values, which can be optimally evaluated
using the LP optimization technique. It is worth to note that
the fixed cost constants Ci,min are not considered in the LP Popt 1 = f ( L ) (12)
optimization process. However, these constants will be added
later after solving the optimization problem and evaluating the
optimal total cost. Popt 2 = f ( L ) (13)
The decision variables in the linearized problem include Pik, .
where Pik is calculated from the beginning of segment k. For .
each segment k, the value of the corresponding parameter Pik
is obtained as follows. PoptN = f ( L ) (14)
Output parameters
Load (kW) Popt1 (kW) Popt2 (kW) . . PoptN (kW)
L1 Popt11 Popt21 . . PoptN1
L2 Popt12 Popt22 . . PoptN2
L3 Popt13 Popt23 . . PoptN3
. . . . . .
. . . . . . Figure 4. Descriptive block diagram of the general
Ln Popt1n Popt2n . . PoptNn optimization model
4. TURINGBOT SOFTWARE: OVERVIEW model. The MATLAB function linprog is employed to
determine the optimal solution to this problem. Table 2 lists
TuringBot is a desktop software that uses symbolic the optimal solutions found using the LP for a load value of
regression to find mathematical models from data values. This 200 kW. In addition, the table compares the ED-LP based
software is employed to determine mathematical relationships solutions with some other techniques including the QP using
that describe sets of measured inputs and outputs data in their the CPLEX solver and iterated-based algorithm (IBA) [30],
simplest form [29]. Figure 5 shows the block diagram of the LIA [27], and ALO [6].
basic function of TuringBot.
Table 2. Optimal solution of the three DG system microgrid
400 kW in steps of 1 kW. For the ten thermal units system, the 20, 90 L 95.75
load is varied from 800 kW to 3200 kW. It should be noted 0.6265L − 40.06, 95.75 L 143.25
that any load value out of this range gives an infeasible
P = 0.4284 L − 11.6868, 143.25 L 207.75 (17)
solution, as it would be beyond the sum of the minimum and opt 2
0.5753L − 42.18, 207.75 L 316.75
maximum generator limits. For each load value, the optimal
power generated by each generation unit is determined. This 140, elsewhere
process is repeated for all the selected load values and the
optimal solutions obtained in each case are recorded and stored. L − 70, 90 L 95.85
Figure 6 shows the trend in the optimal solutions obtained for
0.3735L − 9.9424, 95.85 L 143.25
each DG with respect to the response to the load variations. P = (18)
0.2554 L + 6.9778, 143.25 L 207.58
opt 3
Also, for the ten thermal units system, Figure 7 shows the
optimal solutions for demand values ranging from 800 kW to
60, elsewhere
3200 kW, obtained using the same approach as that applied to
the three-DG microgrid.
Thus, Eqns. (16)-(18) are employed here to determine the
optimal solution of the DG microgrid for any load value within
the feasibility range. These equations can be simply coded in
MATLAB or any other software to directly evaluate the
optimal solution. To check the validity of the developed
models, a set of new random load values are used as input
variables for both the ED-LP based algorithm and the
developed general optimization models. Figure 8 shows 50
new load values selected randomly within the feasibility range.
50, 90 L 143.25
0.3162L + 4.7084, 143.25 L 207.5 100, 800 L 1800
P = (16) P = L − 1700, 1800 L 2100 (21)
0.4247 L − 17.81, 207.5 L 316.75
opt 1 opt 3
400, elsewhere
L − 200, elsewhere
100, 800 L 2175 6.3 Discussion
0.4444 L − 866.7, 2175 L 2490
P = (22) Thus, for both test systems, the performance of the
L − 2250, 2490 L 2650
opt 4
mathematical models in estimating the optimal power
400, elsewhere generation is compared with the LP solution. Figure 10 shows
the comparison of the optimal solutions obtained using both
approaches for each DG, including the difference absolute
50, 800 L 2100 percentage error. Also, Figures 11 and 12 show the
L − 2050, 2100 L 2175 comparison between the optimal solutions found using the
P = (23) ED-LP based algorithm and the developed mathematical
0.5556L − 1080, 2175 < L 2490
opt 5
models for the ten thermal units system. The figures clearly
300, elsewhere show that the percentage error is very low for all cases, thus
verifying the high accuracy of the developed mathematical
100, 800 L 2650 models and the ability of such models in accurately
determining the optimal solutions for any load value within the
P = L − 2550, 2650 L 2850 (24) feasibility range without having to simulate the ED-LP based
opt 6
300, elsewhere algorithm.
Therefore, Eqns. (19)-(28) are used now as general Figure 10. Optimal solution comparisons between proposed
predictive models that can evaluate the optimal solution for ED-LP based algorithm and the developed general
any load value without the need to solve the ED-LP optimization models of the microgrid
optimization problem.
The validity of the proposed models is tested now using
some random and new input load values. Figure 9 shows the
randomly generated load profile selected from the feasibility
Figure 9. Randomly generated load profile within the Figure 11. Optimal solution comparisons between proposed
feasibility range of the 10 thermal units ED-LP based algorithm and proposed general optimization
models for units 1-5
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