1. How important is it for MoGen to get $5 billion of external funding in 2006? Could
the company cut back on its share repurchase program, for example, to reduce the
funds needed?
2. What are the pros and cons of issuing convertible debt via straight debt or equity?
3. Use the Black-Scholes model to estimate the value of the conversion option with a
25% conversion premium for one share of MoGen stock? Be prepared to explain your
choice for the stock price, exercise price, risk-free rate, time to maturity and volatility.
Note: For simplicity you should assume dividend-yield is zero
4. What coupon rate should Manaavi propose in order for the convert to sell at exactly
$1,000 per bond? What discount rate did you use to value the straight bond
component? What would happen to the coupon rate if Manaavi were to propose a
15% and a 40% conversion premium?
1. Be aware there isn’t a “correct answer” to the case. You will have to make some
assumptions that should be clearly justified to improve your final mark.
2. Your case solution (Excel file called “Mogen CS - Template”. Please add your name
to the file name) should be sent by e-mail until 4.30 pm of November 20
([email protected]).
3. I am available to help you regarding any doubt you will have during your work.
Good work!