Bacterial cloning inside a plasmid involves introducing a gene or DNA fragment into a plasmid
vector, which is then introduced into bacteria (usually E. coli) for replication and possibly
protein expression. Here is a step-by-step breakdown of the process:
1. Plasmid Isolation
2. Genomic DNA isolation
3. PCR of both insert (genomic DNA) and vector (plasmid)
4. Agarose gel electrophoresis
5. PCR purification
6. Restriction digestion of PCR purified product
7. Agarose gel electrophoresis of digested product
8. Gel purification
9. Ligation reaction
10. Transformation
11. Media transfer
12. Plasmid isolation
13. Colony PCR
14. Restriction digestion (to confirm cloning)
1. Plasmid isolation:
(SPINeasyTM Plasmid Miniprep Kit)
Quick-Start Protocol
Inoculate bacteria into 1-5 mL LB medium containing the appropriate selective antibiotic.
Incubate overnight (approximately 16 hours) at 37 °C with vigorous shaking at 180-250
Harvest the cells by centrifugation for 5 mins @ 5,000 g or for 3 mins @ 10,000 g. Discard
the supernatant.
Column preparation
Pipette 200 μL Equilibration Buffer into Column SN with collection tube. Incubate for 1
min at room temperature and centrifuge for 30 sec @ 14,000 g. Discard flow through and
reuse collection tube.
Keep the columns aside for later use.
6. Resuspend bacterial cell pellet in 250 μL Resuspension Buffer SN1. If the cells are in a
culture tube, transfer the suspension to a microcentrifuge tube.
7. Add 250 μL Alkaline Lysis Buffer SN2 and mix well by gently inverting the tube several
times. Do not vortex or pipette vigorously.
8. Incubate at room temperature for 2 mins. Do not exceed 5 mins.
9. Add 350 μL Neutralization Buffer SN3 and mix well by gently inverting several times.
Do not vortex or pipette vigorously.
10. Centrifuge for 10 mins @ 10,000 g.
11. Transfer all of the lysate supernatant to a Column SN with collection tube.
12. Centrifuge for 1 min @ 14,000 g. Discard flow through and reuse collection tube.
13. Add 500 μL Wash Buffer NW1 to the column.
Centrifuge for 1 min @ 14,000 g. Discard flow through and reuse collection tube.
Add 750 μL Wash Buffer NW2 to the column. Incubate at room temperature for 1 min. 16.
Centrifuge for 1 min @ 14,000 g. Discard flow through and reuse collection tube.
Centrifuge for an additional 1 min @ 14,000 g to dry column.
(Optional: Incubate at 55 °C for 3-5 mins to dry column completely.)
18. Remove collection tube and place column into a clean 1.5 mL microcentrifuge tube. 19.
Add 50 μL Elution Buffer SN to the center of the membrane. Incubate at room temperature
for 1 min.
20. Centrifuge for 1-2 mins @ 8,000 g to elute plasmid DNA.
21. Eluted plasmid DNA will be collected in the microcentrifuge tube.
Key components:
1. Template DNA (gDNA)- 2.5ul
2. Forward primer- 2.5ul
3. Reverse primer- 2.5ul
4. dNTP- 1ul
5. Buffer Taq- 5.6ul
6. Nuclease-free water- 34.9ul
Lebel every PCR tube.
Take template DNA (gDNA) in a PCR tube.
Add forward primer and reverse primer.
Add dNTP, Buffer Taq (NEB) and nuclease-free water.
(Note: all the components should be taken out in ice and the enzyme in ice box)
After adding all the components place the PCR tubes in cool box
Set the PCR machine (for 35 cycles)
- 5mins denaturation step at 94°C
- 94°C for 30sec
- 70°C for 30sec (Annealing step)
- 72°C for 30sec
- Final 1min extension step at 72°C
- Hold at 4°C
Place the PCR tubes carefully.
Close the lid.
Start the machine.
Weigh 0.8g of agarose powder in a conical flask and add 100 ml of TAE buffer
Heat the mixture carefully until it become a clear mixture
Cool down the mixture
Add 3ul of EtBr when the conical flask is touchable carefully
In the mean time set the casting tray
After adding EtBr, immediately pour the gel mixture in the casting tray
Note: after adding EtBr the vapour should not be inhaled while pouring also, as EtBr is
Within 30-45min gel should be set
Carefully remove the comb
Take out the DNA ladder in ice and take 5ul of the ladder using micropipette and load in
a well
Taka a paraffin, add 2ul of loading dye and mix 2ul of PCR product with it, take the
whole mixture with micropipette and load into the well
Set the machine at 150mV for 30min
After 30min take out the gel and see the bands under UV to confirm the PCR products
5. PCR purification:
Using Kit manual
6. Restriction digestion:
Restriction digestion is crucial in molecular cloning because it allows for precise cutting of
DNA at specific sequences using restriction enzymes, generating compatible sticky or blunt
ends. This enables the insertion of DNA fragments into plasmid vectors at defined locations.
The vector and plasmid both should be cut with same restriction enzymes.
Key components:
1. PCR purified products
2. Two restriction enzymes
3. Cut smart buffer
4. Autoclaved water
Take out the restriction enzymes and cut smart buffer in cool box
Add PCR purified insert, restriction enzymes, cut smart buffer and autoclaved water in a
1.5ml eppendorf and same with the PCR purified vector
Keep the eppendorf at 37°C for 2 hours
8. Gel purification:
Cut the gel bands carefully using the UV light.
Purification-using Kit manual
9. Ligation reaction:
The principle of ligation involves the covalent joining of DNA fragments using the enzyme
DNA ligase. DNA ligase catalyses the formation of phosphodiester bonds between the 3'-
hydroxyl and 5'-phosphate ends of adjacent DNA strands. This process effectively stitches
together the sticky or blunt ends of DNA fragments, allowing for the creation of continuous,
recombinant DNA molecules. The ligation reaction relies on the presence of ATP (or similar
energy sources) in the buffer to drive the formation of these bonds, facilitating the assembly of
DNA constructs for various applications in molecular cloning and genetic engineering.
Key components:
1. Gel purified products
2. T4 DNA ligase
Add gel purified insert and vector with the T4 DNA ligase in a 1.5 eppendorf.
Keep the entire mixture in X°C for overnight
10. Transformation:
The recombinant plasmid is introduced into competent bacterial cells (e.g., E. coli) through a
process called transformation using heat shock method.
Key components:
1. Cloning vector (E. coli)
2. Ligated product
Take out the E. coli strain from the freezer and mix it with the ligated product and keep
the eppendorf in ice for 30 minutes
Set the water bath at 42°C
After 30 minutes hold the eppendorf in the water bath for 30 sec
After 30 sec immediate place the eppendorf in ice for 20min
Take the agar plate
Sanitize the desk, agar plate cover and spreading rod with alcohol and heat
After 20min of ice incubation take out the whole mixture using a micropipette
Place drop wise over the agar plate
Spread the drops using spreading technique
Keep the agar plate upside down at 37°C incubator overnight
11. Media transfer:
LB broth preparation:
i. Weigh n gm of LB powder and add n ml of distilled water in conical flask
ii. Cover it up with cotton ball and foil
iii. Autoclave the conical flask
Under the laminar flow, carefully open the cotton ball and foil, and add n ul of
Take out the observed the colony using micropipette tip and put it into the lb media under
the laminar flow
Keep the conical flask at shaker incubator at 37°C for overnight
Preparation of gel:
Key elements:
1. Acryl mix
2. 1M Tris (pH 6.8 for stacking gel, pH 8.7 for resolving gel)
3. 10% SDS
4. Autoclaved water
5. 10% APS
6. Temed
7. Isopropanol
Wash the notched alumina & rectangular glass plates thoroughly and dry them.
Insert the alumina plate, and glass plate one by one into the polythene pouch. (The notch of
the alumina plate should be facing the top.)
Insert a spacer in between the notch and rectangular plates. Move to the edge.
Insert another spacer and move to the other side.
Clamp this arrangement onto the gel casting stand with the dummy plate.
Prepare the following separating gel mix (12%) in a small vial:
Degas the solution for 5 minutes and add TEMED 7ul. (14μl for 2gel)
rotate the flask gently and pour the gel mix into the polythene bag.
Immediately add 100ul of n-butanol over the gel mix and leave the arrangement for 20 min
undisturbed. Appearance of interface between the top unpolymerized solution and the bottom
separating gel-indicates the completion of polymerization.
Remove the top Butanol & un polymerized layer by inserting a filter paper and wash briefly
with D. water.
Prepare the following Stacking Gel mixture (5%)
Take samples in different concentrations in 10ul volume and add 10ul 2x Sample Treatment
Keep the samples in boiling water (95°C) bath for 3 minutes.
Gel running:
Cut open the polythene pouch and take the gel.
Remove the comb slowly, if there is buffer in the wells remove by filter paper.
Clamp the sandwich on the tank, the notched alumina plate facing the notch of the tank.
Apply samples & standard MW marker (protein ladder) to the wells and slowly layer the tank
buffer on to each sample.
Pour tank buffer 35ml to each Bottom and top buffer reservoir slowly.
Connect the apparatus to the power pack and run at cc-mode of 10-15 mA till BPB dye
reaches the separating gel. Then at CV mode of 10-150V till the BPB tracking dye reaches the
bottom of the gel.
Gel staining:
After the run, take out the gel plate, remove the side spacers and lift the alumina plate using a
Take a gel developing tray and pour about 25ml of stain.
Slowly tilt the rectangular glass plate and drop the gel in to the stain.
Gently agitate the gel in stain for 30 minutes (200 rpm).
Decant the stain and add 25 ml of Destain-I and gently agitate for 30 minutes.
Decant the Destain-1, and add 25 ml of Destain- II and agitate slowly for 30 minutes till a
clear background appears.
Take a photograph and analyse the images in a gel doc system. MW determination &
densitometric scanning can be done.