- IP Datagram Format: Consists of header (source and destination addresses) and data.
- SNAT (Source NAT): Changes the source IP in packets leaving the network.
- DNAT (Destination NAT): Changes the destination IP in packets entering the network.
- NAT and Firewalls: NAT enhances security by hiding internal network structure.
4. IPv6
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Unit 2: Traditional Routing and Transport
1. Routing Protocols
- OSPF (Open Shortest Path First): Link-state protocol using cost as a metric.
- IEEE 802.11:
2. Mobile IP
- I-TCP (Indirect TCP): Splits the connection between wired and wireless parts.
- M-TCP (Mobile TCP): Maintains end-to-end semantics with low energy consumption.
2. Cellular Networks
2. M-Commerce
Suggested Strategy:
• Prioritize Unit 3 (Wireless LAN, Mobile IP) and Unit 4 (Mobile Transport, GSM) as they are core
to wireless and mobile computing.
• Spend some time on basic concepts from Unit 1 (IP addressing, NAT) and Unit 2 (TCP/UDP).
• Quickly review Unit 5, focusing on Mobile OS and M-Commerce security.
Focus on these key topics to efficiently prepare for your Wireless and Mobile Computing exam.
Good luck!
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