Midsem QP

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Birla Institute of Technology and Science-Pilani

KK Birla Goa Campus F214)

First Semester (2023-2024) Mid-Semester Examination Electronic Devices (EEEIECE/INSTR
Closed Book
Date: 12-10-2023 Time: 90 mins Maximum Marks: 60
Instructions: Average: 14.30/60
() Answer all the questions (ii) Use the blue/black pen only (ii) Answer written without or wrong unit will be marked as
Wrong (v) Make the index to avoid penalty of -5 marks and (v) Subparts of the guestions answered separately will not
Question 1
(a) In asemiconductor material, the probability of electron ocCupving the states at an energy kT above the
bottom of the conduction band is e10, Determine the position of theatoms fermi level (in ev).
and 101" cm recombination
(0) Prior to processing, a Si sample contains 1014 cm³ of donor
Np = 1017 cm and 101" cm R-G
generation (R-G) centers. After the processing, the sample containsdecreases)
centers. Comment on the minority carrier lifetime (ie. increases or after the processing and
(c) A lightly doped (No < 1014 cm) Si sample is heated up from room temperature to 400 K.
Assume Nb >>
increase or decrease? why?
nË at both the temperatures. Is the resistivity of the sample expected to the electrostatic potential
(d) The energy band profile of asemiconductor material is shown below. Sketch
and electric field for the given sample as a function of x and label it.

Consider a junction diode maintained at 300 K. Assume that the relative position of theeVfermi level with
(e) and 0.15 eV,
respect to valence band on the p-side and conduction band on the n-side is
respectively. If Si bandgap is 1.1 eV, draw the equilibrium energy band diagram and find Vai (in V).
1.542 A.
Question 2 A sample of InAs is analyzed by x-ray difraction using Cu Kg-radiation, for which g, =
alternating sites.
The unit cell of InAs has a zinc blend structure with indium and arsenic atoms occupying
radius of In and As atoms
a. Find the packing fraction of the unit cell if the lattice constant is 6.11Åand
are 1.56Aand 1.14A, respectively. Assume the atoms are hard spheres and touches each other.
of diffracting
b. Determine and fill in the table (draw the table in the answer booklet) with hkl values
planes corresponding to the given 20 angles considering the lattice constant from part (a).
29 Intensity (hk)
(deg) (a.u)
41.837 74.12
49.501 46.72
96.629 15.46
128.707 16.83

Question 3Consider n-type gallium arsenide at T = 300K doped with silicon atoms. Given, E=1.43eV,
N=4.7x1017 cm, and Ny=7.0x1018 cm3.
a. Determine the intrinsic carrier concentration at 300K.
b. Determine the maximum doping at which the Maxvwel-Boltzmann approximation is still valid.
Assume the limit is such that Ep-EF =3kT and donor ionization energy is 0.0058eV.
c. Draw the energy band diagram and mark the position of Fermi level and donor level with respect to
the conduction band minimum.
below 4 The steady state carrier concentration inside a pn iunction diode at room temperature is shown
orP (cm)
(log ecale)



21x I0- cm -l.6x 10-2cm
a) Witn proper reason explain weather the diode is forward or reverse biased?
b) Do low level injection condition prevail inside the diode? Why?
C) Determine the built-in-voltage and extension of depletion width on the n-side of a diode under
equilibrium condition.
a) For the Fig. shown, determine the minority carrier concentration on the n-side at x = 1.6x10 cm and
find the diffusion length of the minority carriers. (2+2+3+3)

Question 5 (a) Design a 1kQ photoresistor based on a P-type semiconductor doped with NA = 101® cm
when 5.21x10 cm photons per second with a wavelength of 1033 nm is incident on it. Assume complete
absorption of incident photons. The following technological parameters are known: the thickness of the
semiconductor film is 5 um, the minimum width of the semiconductor strip is 500 um, the electron mobility is
Un = 250 cm²N s,the hole mobility is up =50 cm?Vs, and the minority-carrier lifetime is Tn 20 us. (6)
(b)What is the resistance in the dark? (4)

Question 6 After 1 hof phosphorus diffusion into silicon, the concentration of phosphorus at and around 1
um from the surface can be expressed as shown in below table.

16l x I0

L.07 x 10

a. Knowing that the diffusion coefficient at the diffusion temperature is D=3.43 x 10-1 cm²ls, estimate
the phosphorus current density at x =0.975 um and x=1.025 um. (6)
b. Number of atoms entering the segment 1+0.25 um is higher than the number of atoms leaving the
segment and hence there is accumulation of atoms over time in the segment. If number of atoms
entering per second is 1.98x 10° and number of atoms leaving per second is 1.71x 10°. Estimate how
long it will take for the concentration to rise by1% if the diffusion is performed through a 100 um x10
umwindow. (4)
At 300K, kT =0.0259 eV
k=8.62x105 eV/K [(Si) = 11.8[0
&o =8.854x1014 F/cm Eg= 1.1 eV
q= 1.6x10-19 C Ne(Si) = 2.8X1019 cm:3
Ho(Si) =480 cm²/V-s N,(Si) = 1.04x1019 cm3
a(Si) = 1350 cm²/V-s h=6.26X1034 J-s
n(Si)=1.5x1010 cm3
Allthe best...!!!
Formula Sheet

r= pa + gb + sc 1/p Ry
J.B,= R/, Rå = 1
qPo 4Po qPo q(1/qRu)

d =a•(h? + K+ )/2 2d sin 6 = nà no =

A = h/p= h/mv n'2

p= h/A= (h/2m)(2m/A) = k 2mL?
&n(t) = Ane ,Pol = Anet
a,(n, t Po)

[E) = 1+ e(E-Ep)/kT n= nela-E)/kT p= nelE-F)/kT

1 Ao = 4Sop(Tntn t Tptp)
Sn = p = SopTn
1 eterE)JkT
1 -f(E,)=1 1+ e(E,-E)JkT dn(x) dp(x)
x) = -D, d

no N,e (E-EpfKT N, = 2( J(diff.) tqD,dn(x) J(diff.) -qD dp(r)

2mmkT)32 ôn Sn
Po Ne (ErE)JET N, 2 ( )
dy? DTn L? d? D,fp L
D kT P(*) = Po + Ape
n;= VNN, eT 4, ) = sp (x)
neerE)kT Vo =
©p(x) = Ape
Po =
Sn(*) = An,e *ll, n,(ekT - 1)e ,/4

Po + NË = ng + N,
Sp(z) = Apgy=p(ekT 1)e/i,
- 1)
J, = q(npn t pup)8, = o&,
R= PL L1 1 +1 Pp = Vo/kT

N, + Na N, + NË

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