Sample Paper 3
Sample Paper 3
Sample Paper 3
1. If a =3i +2j +Sk and b =6i - j-Sk, then find (b) decreasing in (; , 1t)
➔ ➔ ➔ ➔
'• ---· - .
- - ..--:- ~--- ---- _--: -· ---· -:-· ··-_-..
/,,: : cy + d; and 1[ (
l SuC 'cee ,I
.._---.- --- ., ---~--. -···- -·---:·~--=-=-.::.:: -_-
14.1 1,cv nluc ofta n- 2sin 2co s- - 2
Mathematics Cla
--- ~-- --- --- --~
' '•
(c) •a•+ f\" :el
If v = l,1n x--l f98. \"--,
d11 .
(d) 1111' + «• e - I
(a) {; : ::] (b {! =::] 17. J;'8tan (2x) dx is equal to
4+ 1t
(a)( -2,- 6,5 ) (b)( -2,5 ,-6) • 18• If a· b = - Ia 11 b I, then the angle between a
(c) (5, -2, -6) (d) (-6, -2, 5)
and 7J is
2x+ 1 -sx -1 (b) 30° (c) 60° (d) 90°
(a) 0°
10. J- -- -- dx is equal to
1 (2-x ) 2(5- x)
Assertion-Reason Based Questions
(a )-- --- --- +C
5 log2 log5 In the following questions, a statement of
Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of
(b) ~log (2-x )-21 og 5(5- x)+ C
. Reason (R). Choose the correct answer out of
the following choices. •
(c) ~log (2-x )+ 3log 5(5- x)+ C ect
5 (a) Both A and R are true and R is the corr
(d) Non e of the abo ve
exp lana tion of A.
7 7y- 137 • (b) Both A and Rar e true but R is not the
2x+ y 4.x]
11. [ Sx- 7 4x =LY x+ 6 then the 1
valu e of J correct exp lana tion of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(x+ y)is
(b) 2 (d) A is false but R is true.
(a) 1
(c) 4 (d) 5 19. Assertion (A) A 2 x2 matrix A= [a;i l whose
• b • •• 2] .
elem ents are give n y a;i = 1 x }, 1s 2 4
12. The integrating factor2of. the differential
. dy
equ atio n x - +2y =x 1s •
Rea son (R) If A is a 4 x 2 matrix, then the
(b) x
2 elem ents in A is 5.
(a) x
(d) xy 20. Ass erti on (A) We can writ e
(c) 3x 1
sin-1 x = (sinx)- . .
13. If y = cos - x, then (1-x_ )y2 is equ al to
Rea son (R) Any value in the range of
(a) xy (b) XYJ principal value branch is called ~rindpa~
value of that inverse trigonometric function
(c) xy2 (d) x y
, ·-
~ Very
sarnple Question Paper o1
Short Answer Ty --0- - ====·==~=---==-=---=
. .... .,.. pe uestions (£ h --
2 . find Ia I and IId if 111= 21 -, a< Que. c.wries 21
M) 0
..., _,,b)• (a..., - b),. 12
1 (a+ bland 23.Show thatlh • if X ~ 0 \s
Or Find the unit vecto; perpend"
/ (:t) • I ~;: ; if :c :s o
the. vectors
.., . . 4i + 31" + f a=
ICU ar to ('BCh of
and 1
2,Aat x • O.
40 • ass'
42 ~ Su~ceed Mathem~Ctass
. -··- _.. ___
·- ·--- - - ·•~ --- --. -..:
7•(b) We have, 1
13. (b) We have, y=cos- x
2 ~ On differentiating w.r.t. x, we get
y=tan x-!Jog x- -1
3 X
Yi = .J1-x2 ···(i)
On differentiating both sides w.r.t. x, we get
1) Again, on differentiating w.r.t x, we get
1 ·1-2x ( ---.-
!!l__-sec2x--x- 1
dx 3 X X~ c.J1-x 2)x0-( -1) 2.J1-x2 (-2:r)
~ -2=sec2x_..!..+ 2 Yi= (1-x 2)
dx 3x ?
2 -x => y2(1-x 2)
dx 2
~ l=f{{1!Y-i1d)}x d2y
= 25Ae5x + 25 Be-S.r
[ Sx - 7 4x y X +6 j ~~-----~-+-,:----+X
On comparing the elements of both matrices, we get ftx) •-1
4x=x+ 6 r
=> 4x-x=6=>3x=6 Clearly, f (x) is continuous for all values of x.
=> x =2 and 2:r + y= 7 Hence, no discontinuous point exist.
=> 2x2+ y=;f·:x=2J ff/8
~ y=7-4 17.(a)Let I= ftan (2x)dx
.~ y=3 ff/8
~ x+y=2 +3=5 ~ I= f (sec (2x)- l)dx
• d d 2 0
12. (b) We have, x..Y.. + 2y=x2 => -1 +-y=xdx x
J!dx 1 l=[t~2 :c -xr8
:. Integrating factor =e x = e2 og x
=elog.r2 =x2 ~ I =(tan1t/4 -~)-(O -O)= l- 1t = 4-ff
2 8 2 8 8
sample Question Pap~r ~~ --
19, (c)
Glv rn,
➔ 1 -· ~•
n, t, • 2In II/, I
"i(6 ♦ l)•i f~- 2) ► i(-- ,-(, )
.. 7; "; ~ mi
(1/2 )
....._. ]
In I 111 lros 8 = 2In II h I
_. .... "'J,s,~ ► JI. ► WO .. /lW l
,t ,r.
. h (71. -;1. - JOk,. l
-- ~
:. RNJ ttlr" d uni t vuf M • ~
-;-• • t 1 5
l lit) (bl CO
ros 0=-
th.i f 6 l1 divl -ilb le by 2.
8= 6(1' 22. (f) For ~ym m.- try We oh'lcrve
:::> I:, not divl ~lb lc by 6
➔ ....
Thf!l mc;in~ th;tt (2. 6) e R but 2
:. Angle betwC'Cn a and b is (,OD. mctric. Cl}
i.e. ( 6, 2) f. R. So, R 1, not !'lym
( ord l'r 2 x 2 Rt z l.!t
. (c) Assertion In gcncrnl, the matrix Ao (ii) For transitivity let (x, y) E Ran d (y,
z) e then
19 llt2]
divisible by x. i.e. (x, z) e R
. e3 =-s.m-
41 bl2 - Ibl = 12 (1) 6.
3lb l =12 2 '•
sm .
• e3 =sm (-n
lbl2 =4
2' 27tJ
⇒ r-7 t
➔ 03 =6 e (1/2)
lb 1=2
➔ 1 1 1 1
tan - (1)+ cos - ( ~ )+s in- 1( ~ )
la 1=2lb 1=2(2)=4 (1)
Or 1t 21t 1t 31t
➔ A A A
4 3 6 4 (1/2)
Given vectors are a = 4i + 3j + k
➔ A A A sinx
and b = 2i - j + 2k 23. We hav e, J(x ) = -x - + cos x, x .t 0
n vector is {
Now, perpendicular vector to the give 2, x=O
ax b = 4i 3 1
➔ ➔ J kl Here, Jim f(x) = lim [sin x + cos
x ➔O x ➔O X (1)
2 -1 2
~44~~~-:-::::::::~--"'."'---=:-:::-:-:":"'- -----=---=· :=-::.=:= --== ==- :== === 1,==Su==c=
=c==ee==d=M~at~he::m;:atics Clas
=lim ~+ limcosx=l+ 1=2 eY =3x+ 3-2
x ➔O X x ➔O eY =3x + 1
·: Um sin h =1 and cos 0° = 1] y= log(3x + 1)
[ h-+0 h Or
and /(0)=2 Given, differential equation can be written
:. lim /(x)= /(0) ~ __1_
-=y ~
: ... o
Hence, /( x) is continuous at x = 0. (1) dx . x sin(!}
24. We have, /(x)= (x-1) 1 + 1,
On differentiating w.r.t. x, we get Now, F('Ax,Ay)= AY - 1
=Ao Y _ 1
f'(x)= (x-1) I+ l AX sin( AY) x sin Y
AX ' X
~ J'(x)= xl (1)
For all .r >0~ f'(x)> 0 =A°F(x,y)
It is a homogeneous differential equation. (1/2)
:. /( x) is an increasing function for all x >0 . (1)
Now, on putting y =vx, we get
Common Mi~take
Incorrect sign of f'(x)to identify the increasing/ dy =v+x dv
dx dx
decreasing functions.
. dv vx
.. v+x -=-- ___ 1 dv
_,- => v+x 1
-=v ·--
25. Given, direction ratios are (2, -1, 2), i.e. a = 2, b= -1 and dx x sin(:) dx sinv
:. ✓.---a2_+_b2_+_c2 = ✓(2)2 + (-1)2 +(2)2 ~ ✓9 =3 =>. sinvdv=-..!.dx
(1) X
Now, direction cosines are On integrating both sides, we get
a 2 • -cosv =-log lxl-C
l=--; === =-
.Ja2 + b2 + c2 -3' _ => -cos( !) =-loglxl-C
b -1
m .Ja2 + b2 +c2 = 3 • ·' ~ cos(~) =loglxl+ C ... (i) (1)
C 2 Given that x ~ ], when y = 1t
and n= .Ja2 + b2 + c2 = 3 1
' 2.
26. Given, differential equation is :. cosG )=log lll+ C
(x+ 1) dy =2e-y + 1 => 0=0+ C
dx , · => C=O
' .
=> ( l)dy_2+eY - ••• On putting C=0 in Eq. (i), we 'get
x+ ----
dx eY
cos(!)=loglxl+ O ,
eY dx
=> eY + 2dy= x + • [seperate the variables]
1 => cos(!)=loglxl ,
On integrating both sides, we get (1)
f eY fdx J~
2i Let I= x(l-x )" dx
eY +2 dy= x+ 1
=> I= J~(l-x)0-(1-x)}" dx
=> log(eY + 2) =log( x + 1) + log C
log( eY .+ 2) = log qx + 1)
(1) , [·.-J: /(x)dx =fa /(a-.r)dx]
eY+2=c.(x+l) 1
... (i) r (1-x)x" dx =Jor\x"-xn+l)dz
Also given, y = 0, when x = o • (1)
On putting x = 0 and y = 0in Eq. (i), we get xn+l_ !n+2]l
= _ _ _[ 1 1 ]
e + 2=C(O+ l)=>C=l+ 2=3 (1)
[ n+ 1 n+ 2 o- n+ 1 -Ml -0
On putting the value of Cin Eq. (i), we get • _ (n+ 2)-(n+ 1) _ 1
. eY+2=3(x+l) - (n+ l)(n+ 2) = (n+ l)(n+ 2)
Question Paper 01
samPIe _--, ---= --- -
1 du 1 l
Or = --
u dx
=x· - + logx •
n xsin x dx ... (i) 1 du
J 2
Let I= 1+cos x
=> - - :: J + Jog X
11 dx
'\n -x)s in(n -x) dX = -=u (I+ Jogx )
- J
1+ cos (n -x)
[·: u=x ,.j ... (ii) (1/2)
n(n -x)s inxd x ... (ii)
- l+co s 2 x Now, consider, v=( smx t
On taking Jog both sides, we get
On adding Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get
n sinx dx
Jog v= Jog( sinx t
==> log v= x log(sinx) [·: log mn = nJog mJ (1/2)
2/= nf I+co s2x
On differentiating both sides w.r.t
. x, we get
1t .
nf - -smx d d (x )
• x ) •-d
• x) + log(sm
[-- ..-- X 1 dv = x . -d Iog(sm
- 2 l+co s 2 x (1) __
vdx dx x
2a a [using prod uct rule of derivative]
On using J f(x) dx = 2J f(x) dx, if f(2J J-x) = f(x) ,
l dv l .
d ( . ) + logsm x (l/ )
0 0 ==> · - - · - smx
- - = xsinx 2
v dx dx
1t Tt/2 sin x l dv l .
l=- X2
f l+cos ---= --d
2 X
==> - - = x •- - •cos x + log sm x
v dx sinx
. l dv I .
--= xco tx + ogsm x
l=n J l+co
smx dx
s x 2
==> 0
dv =v(x cotx + logs inx)
On utting cosx =t, ==>-sinxdx =dt1t dx
t =0 dv =(si nx)x (xco tx + Iogs inx) ... (Ill)
Whenx=O, then t =lan d whe nx= 2 , then (1)
o -dt -1 o [·: v=( sinx l]
=-n [tan t]1
I =1t J
l+t 2
Now, from Eqs. (i), (ii) and (iii), we get
d . .
=-n [tan -1 0-ta n-1 1] -1.= xx(l + Iogx )+ (sin xl(x cotx + logs
2 (1)
l=- n[ 0-: ]= : (1)
29. Given, rotte n apples = 3 and fresh appl es
.. rn-,t,at,ility di~tributi,m
. i~ as foJJow!!: So, the line is passing through the points (0,si (Jr.
2 3 and (JO, 0~ (4,3) '
X 0 J
On putting (0, 0) in the inequality x + 2ys IO
P(A") -3,.1
JOO() 0 + 0 S 10, which is true. ' \Ve &et
(1) So, the half plane is towards the origin.
Table for line 2x + y= 14is
Now, mean(µ)sIX • I'(X)
Ox.343 Jx4-4J 2x 189 3x 27 X 4 6
=--+--+--+- y 6 2
) cro 1ooo 1ooo 1000
441 378 81
1000 l 000 l 000 So, the line is passing through the points(4,6),( (½
900 9 6
and (7, 0). ,i)
=-=- (1)
1000 ]0 On putting (0, O) in the inequality 2x + ys 14, we
Or O+ Os 14, which is true. get
Let &=Getting ghee from Shop X So, the half plane is towards the origin.
Bi =Getting ghee from Shop Y The intersection point of lines corresponding to
A =Getting Type Bghee Eqs. (i) and (ii) is B(6, 2).
I On shading the common region, we get the feasible
:. P( &)=P( E;.) = -
2 region OABDO.
[·: both shop have equal chances] -l" y
-1,.J; x=O
P( Al,&)= Probability that Type Bghee is purchased ~o
D(0 5) 2x+y=14
fromShopX 5 . ' (4, 6)
40 4 4
=-=- 3 . ·' • , C(4, )
70 7 (1) B(6, 2)
P(A/ £i)=Probability that Type B ghee is 1
purchased from Shop Y X·'+~-t-r-::!:~-±-~~--t-:~-.. X
(0, 0) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
60 6 A(7, 0)
=-=- Y'
110 11 (1)
Now, by Baye's theorem, we get The comer points are 0(0, 0), A(7, 0), B( 6, 2) and
P( r:_/ A)- P(£i) P(A/ E;.) D(0,S). (1)
"-2 - P(£i)P(A/£i)+P(E;_)P(A/E;.) 1 2 2 1
P (n, 0) ⇒ (a,c)eR
X'+- 0 So, R is transiti ve.
Thus, R is reflexive, symmetric and transitive.
B (a/, -a/ Hence, R is an equivalence relation. (2)
X ""a/ Or
Here; R = {( P, Q): distance of point P from the origin is
:Iearly, required region_is APdBthCA, whichd~s t f same as the distance of point Q from the origin}.
etrical about X-aXIs. an e x-coor ma e o Clearly, ( P, P) e R, since the distance of point P from
ymm dlin . a
oint of intersection curve an e is .J2' the origin is always the same as the distance of the
same point P from the origin.
uired area =Area of region APBCA (1)
row, req Therefore, R is reflexive.
= 2 (Area of region APCA)
Ja /,--2~2 Now, let(P,Q )E R
=2 Ja/.fi. y dx =2 ,,. va - x dx as
a/v2 . ⇒ The distance of point P from the origin is same
the distance of point Qfrom the origin.
=2[x Ja2-x2 + a2 sin-1 x]a => The distance of point Q from the origin is same as
2 2 a_!!_
.fi. the distance of point P from the origin.
=> (Q, P)e R
=2[(o+ ~ sm- 1
: J (2) Therefore, R is symmetric. (1)
5m-1(l> J- sm- => The distance of points P and S from the origin is
2 2 (P, S)e R
a n a a a n]
=2 [ 2. 2 - 2✓'2. • .J2 - 2 •4 Therefore, R is transitive.
Therefore, R is an equivalence relation. (1)
=z[ :2 _ : _ a:rr] =";2 _ ~2 _ ":2
The set of all points related to P * ( 0, 0) will be those
2 points whose distance from the origin is the same as
- 2a
- na
=na 2
- 2a = a n - 2)
. i
~!--~-~~~~~~~~ i Succeed Mathematics
~==- ·=--·•-=··=-- =- =- --= =~ =~
~ .
.r+2 y-3 z+l
a:- ---= ----
J 4 2 (1) d = (-r +SJ+ 6 k)•(-3i + 21)
.1· -1 11-2 z-J ,•,h('rc
DR's of the~ two lines Ki --
and 2 =3 a 4 ' ~ - 3 + 10 + 0 _ 13 13./6i
are (1, Z 4) and (2. ~, 4), ~pt'ctivdy. - ✓62 -K i= (il
.. . a+~+4c=O ... (ii)
Hence, the required shortest distanc
and 2a + 3~ + 4r= 0 . .. (iii) (1) e is ~ .
62 llnits.
(·:if h,-o linl'5 having DR's(ni, bi, q
)and (a2, b2, c2) are 21
prrpcndirular, then a1 a2 + bi b2 + ct 35. We have, A= [~ -: ~4]
C2 = O] (•
By ~-multiplication method, we 1 1 -2 ·.
~ c a b 2 -3 5
a - ~ -= -= c -
B-1 2= 8-4 -3- 4 -4 4 -1 Now, IAI= 3 ,2 -4 =2(-4+4)+
3(-6+4)+5( .
1 1 -2 3
:. OR's of line (i) are - 4, 4, - 1. '<)
:. The required cartesian equation of =2(0)+ 3(-2)+ 5(1)=-6+ 5= -1*
line (i) is 0
x-1 y-1
z-1 Thus, A-1 exist.
-=-= -
-4 4 -1 Now, cofactors of IA Iare (l)
and vector equation is r = i + j + k +
A AA 2 -4
A(-4i + 4j -k) .(1) C11 = l _ =-4 + 4=0
Again, let 8be the angle between the
given lines. Then, 3 -4
llx2 + 2x3 24+ 4x41 C12 = _ =-( -6+ 4)=2
cos 8- 24 1 2
- .J1+4+ 16.J4+9+ 16 = -~=--
..fij..fig ✓609
3 2
O=cos- 1 (✓~)
C13 :=
:. 1 l = 3-2= 1 \
(1) -3 5 f
~1 =- 1· -2 =-( 6-5 )=- 1
Given, equation of lines can be rew
ritten as 2 5
➔ AA
Ci3 =- 2l -3
a1 = 2i - 3j + 5k, b1 = i - 2 5
j + k, C32 =- -4 =-( -8- 15) =23
➔ ,., . ,.➔,
and a2 =- i - j + 5k, .,.,
• k
~= ~ -: = 4 + 9= 13
➔ ➔ l }
Now consider, bi x "2 = 1 -1
• [Cu Ci2 C13
2 4 -3
,. ,.
:.adj(A)= Cit Ci2 CiJ 1r
=i( 3- 4)- j(-3 - 2)+k(4 + 2) C31 • C32 C33
➔ ➔
,.,. ,.,.
tlt = (-i -j +Sk )- (2i - 3j + Sk)
,. ,.
=-3 i + 2j
,. ,.
:. A-1 = adj (A) =_!_[~
- 1 1 -5 13 ..
We know that shortest distance betw
. b d
een two lines is·
Pt- 2!2
3x + 2y- 4z = - 5 (iii) We hav e, A = 2
x+ y-2 z= -3 On differentiating w.r.t. /,
written in matrix
Given, system of equations can be dA 1
we get di= ( P- 41)
form as [2 _
3 5]
-4 , X =
y and B =
[ For max imu m area of floor, put
di = 0
AX== B, where A = 3 2 -3
1 1 -2 z
~( P-4 1) =0
0 1 -2] [11 ]
X= A- B= -2 9 -23 -5
⇒ P-4 1=0
[ -1 5 -13 -3 p
⇒ l= - (1)
0- 5 + 6 ] [~]: fro[~]Eq. (i)J (1) P
d A
⇒ y = 2 Clearly, at/= 4, d/2 =-2 <0
= -22 -45 + 69
[ -11 -25 + 39 z 3
:. Area is max imu m at/ = 4p (1)
elements, we get
On comparing the corresponding Or
x=t y=2 and z=3 We have, A= lxb