Supporting Group Care Activities Last

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4;1 How do you contribute to agreeing with individuals and others the processes, roles and criteria
for assessing group care act ivies

1; clear communication –first we have to communicate with the service user if he wants to be
involved or to take part,

2We have to look that the activities suits the services user individual according to they care plan.

3does the activities benefits the service user mental, emotional and physical

4 set targets

5; Objective why are you doing the group

6 Distribute the task

4, 2; How do you carry out agreed role in contributing to the evaluation of the processes, effects and
outcomes of group activities

2; you need to report if the activities was successful or not successful, so that the information
recorded for the future.

4, 3 give detailed information on ways to ensure that individuals and others are actively involved in
the evaluation

Identifying a set goal for the group and asking for the individual contribution towards achieving that
goal. After the activities related to the goal are carried out group members will sit down and analyse
if the goal was met or not, what led the goal being met or not and ways to improve upon the
outcomes. Also identifying the major contributors which led to the goal being met and taking steps
to improve upon them

4; 4 how do you contribute to agree change to activities or processes to improve outcomes for the

Treat the resident who use your service with empathy and respect, ask them about their wishes

, their likes and dislikes and factors that will influence the care you provide

Agree on mutual expectations and sure to review these frequently, involving all parties in any

For example one of task would be a normal assist wash in the morning ,but we would make that
person centred ,by saying the bowl is in the kitchen, please use red flannel for the top .Mrs RHODES
Prefers to use X bubble bath


1; Increases an individual’s independence they making their own decision and being supported by
rather than dependent on others

2;improves an individual’s self-esteem ,self-confidence and self-awareness .being able to be control

of decision making gives people a sense of autonomy over their lives .they will feel valued know that
they have a voice and be able to influence the quality of their care

3; Enhance relationships between resident and their care staff as they have a say in matters of direct
concern to their lives rather than being passive recipient of what staff provides

By recreational or leisure- as an organisation where have activities like board games, cards and
playing music .resident can be grouped according to their abilities to play games at various level,
from Condland to yahtzee to poker and more .bingo is immensely popular with resident and they
can play for small treats and prizes.

Social activities=birthday parties, book club, gardening, sing groups, outing to local attractions
garden and family day

We as an organisation have a full calendar of social activities for residents in care home .for
example birthday parties of each of resident on their birthday were have cake and music playing
their favourite. By doing so it helps in both body and mind makes a huge impact to an individual’s
physical and emotional


Physical can improve resident brain health manage weight, reduce the risk of disease, strengthen
bones and muscles and improve ability to do every day activities. For example Mrs Rhodes prefer to
do his laundry an only. Going for a walk along the beach for an hour and watering flowers.

Emotional –resident who are emotionally well experts say ,have fewer negative emotions and are
able to bounce back from difficulties faster. Learning health ways tope and how to draw from
resource in a care home can help them to build resilience.

Social – social connections and good mental health are numerous. Proven link include low rates of
anxiety and depression, higher self-esteem greater empathy and more trusting cooperative
relationships. For example Mrs Rhodes everyday they go for shopping and also for coffeshop to
have a cup and for horse ride ,he will be meeting different people .-

SPIRITUAL- hosting regular religious services in residential care home gives the resident something to
look forward to. It helps them from routine which may minimise stress and help them claim and in
control. Being able to do an activity on their own those with dementia sense of independence. The
home will organise social events that reflect service users culture interest and back ground. As a care
home we provide different service because some a Roman Catholics and others are protestants

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