The vehicle must have failed its most recent Smog The vehicle must be a passenger vehicle, truck,
Check inspection (aborted, manual mode, and sports utility vehicle (SUV), or van with a gross
training mode tests do not qualify). vehicle weight rating of 10,000 pounds or less.
The vehicle must not be registered to a business, You must be the registered owner of the vehicle with
fleet, or non-profit organization. vehicle title issued in your name.
The vehicle must not be a dismantled or a total loss You may only retire one vehicle as a sole owner OR
salvaged vehicle that has not been re-registered with two vehicles as a joint owner through CAP within a
the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). twelve (12) month period.
If approved, the vehicle must pass an equipment and operational inspection (see page 3) at a BAR-
contracted dismantler.
Do not retire your vehicle until your application has been approved.
The State does not have authority to reimburse consumers.
Vehicles not exempt from the Smog Check Program The vehicle must have been registered in California
must have successfully completed a Smog Check for two consecutive years preceding the current
inspection (pass or fail) within 180 days prior to the registration expiration date and the registration must
date of application (aborted, manual mode, and not have lapsed for more than 120 days during those
training mode tests do not qualify. two years.
You must be the registered owner of the vehicle with The vehicle may also be eligible if proven to have
vehicle title issued in your name. been primarily driven in California for the last two
years and not have been registered in any other
You must have a household income that is less than state or country in the last two years. Documentation
or equal to two hundred twenty-five percent (225%) of operation in California must include the following:
of the federal poverty level, as published in the
Federal Register by the United States Department of • Proof of continuous insurance coverage in
Health and Human Services. California for the two consecutive years preceding
application, without lapses in insurance coverage
You may only retire one vehicle as a sole owner OR totaling more than 120 days; OR
two vehicles as a joint owner through CAP within a
twelve (12) month period.
• At least two invoices from an Automotive Repair
Dealer registered at the time of the repair with the
The vehicle must not be undergoing an initial Bureau pursuant to Section 9884.6 of the Business
registration or re-registration in California. and Professions Code showing the following:
- The Automotive Repair Dealer’s valid
The vehicle must not be registered to a business, registration number, as issued by the Bureau.
fleet, or non-profit organization.
- The name and address of the Automotive
The vehicle must not be a dismantled or a total loss Repair Dealer, as shown on the Bureau’s
salvaged vehicle that has not been re-registered with records.
the DMV. - Description of a repair or maintenance
operation performed to the vehicle.
Vehicles that hold a salvage title must be registered
- The vehicle year, make, model, and vehicle
at the time of application.
identification or license plate number matching
The vehicle must be a passenger vehicle, truck, the vehicle to be retired.
sports utility vehicle (SUV), or van with a gross - The date of the repair or maintenance visit.
vehicle weight rating of 10,000 pounds or less.
NOTE: Invoices submitted for the purpose of
The vehicle must be currently registered with the satisfying this requirement shall be from two
DMV with a valid, unexpired registration sticker OR separate calendar years. The oldest invoice may
have all fees paid to the DMV and not have a not be older than twenty-four months (24) prior
registration that has been expired more than 120 to the date of application.
If approved, the vehicle must pass an equipment and operational inspection (see page 3) at a
BAR-contracted dismantler.
Do not retire your vehicle until your application has been approved.
The State does not have authority to reimburse consumers.