70 37 3
77 43 10
83 50 17
90 57 23
97 63 30
Anova: Single Factor
Groups Count Sum Average Variance
Column 1 5 417 83.4 112.3
Column 2 5 250 50 109
Column 3 5 83 16.6 112.3
Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value
Between Groups 11155.6 2 5577.8 50.160071942446 1.48710478E-06
Within Groups 1334.4 12 111.2
Total 12490 14
reject Ho if the computed value of the test statistic is equal to or greater that than the critical value.
reject Ho if the P-value is less than the alpha (level of significance).
F crit
hat than the critical value.
Anova: Two-Factor With Replication
Count 5 5 10
Sum 276 218 494
Average 55.2 43.6 49.4
Variance 111.7 47.8000000000002 108.266666666667
Count 5 5 10
Sum 143 137 280
Average 28.6 27.4 28
Variance 10.3 85.8 43.1111111111111
Count 15 15
Sum 675 510
Average 45 34
Variance 198.714285714286 113.428571428571
Source of Variation SS df MS F
Sample 2328.2 2 1164.1 17.5801661213189
Columns 907.5 1 907.5 13.7050088094639
Interaction 452.6 2 226.3 3.41756858796879
Within 1589.2 24 66.2166666666667
Total 5277.5 29
a. Since the computed value of F = 17.58017 (race) is greater than the critical value=3
b. Since the computed value of F =13.70501 (for sex) is greater than the critical value
c. The p value (for interaction)= 0.049 is less than the alpha = 0.05, Ho is rejected.
a. there is a significant difference in the men reaction times of the different races
b. there is significant difference in the mean reaction times of the different genders
c. there is a significant interaction between the race and gender
P-value F crit
1.9868617486E-05 3.40282610535019
0.00111463919822 4.25967727269024
0.04942927981655 3.40282610535019
greater than the critical value=3.402826, we reject Ho
is greater than the critical value =4.259677, we reject Ho
alpha = 0.05, Ho is rejected.