The term fuzzy refers to things that are not clear or are vague. In the real world many times we
encounter a situation when we can’t determine whether the state is true or false, their fuzzy
logic provides very valuable flexibility for reasoning. In this way, we can consider the
inaccuracies and uncertainties of any situation.
Fuzzy Logic is a form of many-valued logic in which the truth values of variables may be any
real number between 0 and 1, instead of just the traditional values of true or false. It is used to
deal with imprecise or uncertain information and is a mathematical method for representing
vagueness and uncertainty in decision-making.
Fuzzy Logic is based on the idea that in many cases, the concept of true or false is too
restrictive, and that there are many shades of gray in between. It allows for partial truths,
where a statement can be partially true or false, rather than fully true or false.
Fuzzy Logic is used in a wide range of applications, such as control systems, image
processing, natural language processing, medical diagnosis, and artificial intelligence.
The fundamental concept of Fuzzy Logic is the membership function, which defines the degree
of membership of an input value to a certain set or category. The membership function is a
mapping from an input value to a membership degree between 0 and 1, where 0 represents
non-membership and 1 represents full membership.
Its Architecture contains four parts :
RULE BASE: It contains the set of rules and the IF-THEN conditions provided by the
experts to govern the decision-making system, on the basis of linguistic information.
Recent developments in fuzzy theory offer several effective methods for the design and
tuning of fuzzy controllers. Most of these developments reduce the number of fuzzy rules.
FUZZIFICATION: It is used to convert inputs i.e. crisp numbers into fuzzy sets. Crisp
inputs are basically the exact inputs measured by sensors and passed into the control
system for processing, such as temperature, pressure, rpm’s, etc.
INFERENCE ENGINE: It determines the matching degree of the current fuzzy input with
respect to each rule and decides which rules are to be fired according to the input field.
Next, the fired rules are combined to form the control actions.
DEFUZZIFICATION: It is used to convert the fuzzy sets obtained by the inference engine
into a crisp value. There are several defuzzification methods available and the best-suited
one is used with a specific expert system to reduce the error.
Membership function
Definition: A graph that defines how each point in the input space is mapped to membership
value between 0 and 1. Input space is often referred to as the universe of discourse or universal
set (u), which contains all the possible elements of concern in each particular application.
There are largely three types of fuzzifiers:
Singleton fuzzifier
Gaussian fuzzifier
Trapezoidal or triangular fuzzifier
What is Fuzzy Control?
It is a technique to embody human-like thinkings into a control system.
It may not be designed to give accurate reasoning but it is designed to give acceptable
It can emulate human deductive thinking, that is, the process people use to infer
conclusions from what they know.
Any uncertainties can be easily dealt with the help of fuzzy logic.
Advantages of Fuzzy Logic System
This system can work with any type of inputs whether it is imprecise, distorted or noisy
input information.
The construction of Fuzzy Logic Systems is easy and understandable.
Fuzzy logic comes with mathematical concepts of set theory and the reasoning of that is
quite simple.
It provides a very efficient solution to complex problems in all fields of life as it resembles
human reasoning and decision-making.
The algorithms can be described with little data, so little memory is required.
Disadvantages of Fuzzy Logic Systems
Many researchers proposed different ways to solve a given problem through fuzzy logic
which leads to ambiguity. There is no systematic approach to solve a given problem
through fuzzy logic.
Proof of its characteristics is difficult or impossible in most cases because every time we do
not get a mathematical description of our approach.
As fuzzy logic works on precise as well as imprecise data so most of the time accuracy is
It is used in the aerospace field for altitude control of spacecraft and satellites.
It has been used in the automotive system for speed control, traffic control.
It is used for decision-making support systems and personal evaluation in the large
company business.
It has application in the chemical industry for controlling the pH, drying, chemical
distillation process.
Fuzzy logic is used in Natural language processing and various intensive applications in
Artificial Intelligence.
Fuzzy logic is extensively used in modern control systems such as expert systems.
Fuzzy Logic is used with Neural Networks as it mimics how a person would make
decisions, only much faster. It is done by Aggregation of data and changing it into more
meaningful data by forming partial truths as Fuzzy sets.