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1st Term Evaluation Exam - 2022

Grade : 7 Civic Education Time : 2.00 Hours

Index Number: ...............................................................

Part I
Choose the most suitable answer for questions 01 to 20.
01. Smallest unit in the society
1) Society 2) Family 3) Association 4) Relationships
02. Collection of families form.
1) Village 2) School 3) City 4) Society
03. The relationship does not included in a nuclear family.
1) Mother 2) Father 3) Grandfather 4) Children
04. ................. is very much important to build up a successful life and to ensure a successful way of living.
1) Religious Institutions 2) Family
3) Objectives 4) Organization
05. It is important for the development of your life
1) Good friends 2) Electronic devices 3) Sports 4) Leisure
06. A family with three or more generations
1) Nuclear family 2) Extended family 3) Village 4) Community
07. The institution that provide education as well as making a good citizens
1) School 2) Religious Institutions 3) Family 4) Community Center
08. A place of worship for Muslims
1) Mosque 2) Church 3) Temple 4) Viharai
09. It is much suitable for a successful life.
1) To follow a religious life 2) To get good education
3) Helping friends 4) Engaging in social activities
10. One of the weak characteristics found in human.
1) Treating with love 2) Helping others financially
3) Impatience 4) Helping others materially
11. One of the physical reaction of sadness.
1) Laughing 2) Jumping 3) Dancing 4) Sighing
12. Being a printed media.
1) Newspaper 2) Radio 3) Television 4) Telephone
13. If the description of goods displayed, consumer purchase.
1) Purchase of goods in bulk 2) Buy goods at higher prices
3) You can buy quality products at low prices 4) You can buy items for free
14. Which is highly contribute to meet our food needs.
1) Agriculture, Fishing 2) Fishing, Manufacture of Tailored Garments
3) Agriculture, Tourism 4) Fisheries, Tourism

1 Jaffna Hindu College Civic Education Grade 07

15. One of the benefits of having sufficient income from an occupation is
1) Becoming poor 2) Improvement in standard of living
3) Ablity to get credit cards in banks 4) Being able to get loans from relatives and friends
16. To fulfill food and nutritious needs is the ............................ of parents.
1) Duty 2) Right 3) Incentive 4) Virtue
17. Relationship of your father's sister's son.
1) Brother 2) Uncle 3) Cousin 4) Relative
18. Rituals followed in different occasions in the life of the family members are called.
1) Customs 2) Rituals 3) Religious Observances 4) Festivals
19. One of the factors affecting the social life of neighbors.
1) Appropriate disposal of garbage 2) Engaging in legal professions
3) Proper disposal of waste pellets 4) Using radio, television with too much 'loudness'
20. The King who crowned after the death of Queen Elizabeth II of England.
1) William 2) Andrew 3) Charles 4) Edward

(20 x 2 = 40 Marks)
Part II
Answer only five questions.

01. 1) Give 04 advantages of living as a family.

2) Mention four relative who live in an extended except father, mother and children.
3) Mention four techniques to be followed to achieve the highest marks in the examination.
(3 x 4 = 12 Marks)
02. 1) Mention two personal identities found in an individual.
2) Give four good qualities to be develop a person as a member of family.
3) Give four institutions that contribute to the betterment of your life.
(3 x 4 = 12 Marks)
03. 1) Give four organizations that function for the benefit of society.
2) Give four qualities that a person improves by engaging in sports.
3) Give four aesthetic activities.
(3 x 4 = 12 Marks)
04. 1) Mention four challenges faced in the families at present.
2) Mention four emotions arise in human minds.
3) Mention four activities that can be followed to control unfavourable emotions.
(3 x 4 = 12 Marks)

05. 1) Mention four information that must be printed on the products that are in packages.
2) Mention two challenges faced by families when parents leave the motherland for employment
3) Mention four rights that you get from the family.
(3 x 4 = 12 Marks)
06. 1) Mention four qualities that are necessary for you to lead an exemplary life.
2) What are customs?
3) Mention four instances families working cordially with neighbours.
(3 x 4 = 12 Marks)

2 Jaffna Hindu College Civic Education Grade 07

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