Inermediae Unit 3 Vocabulary

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Intermediate Vocabulary Unit 3

1. according to (prep.) ‫وفقا ل‬ in a way that agrees with
2. alliance (n.) ‫تحالف‬ a group of countries, parties/people who have agreed to work together because of
shared interests/aims
3. apothecary (n.) ‫صيدالني‬ a person who in the past made and sold medicines
4. art dealer (n.) ‫تاجر التحف‬ a person who trades in pictures, books and other art objects
5. asylum (n.) ‫اللجوء‬ protection or safety, especially that given by a government to foreigners who have
been forced to leave their own countries for political reasons
6. ban (v.) ‫ يحرم‬/‫يحظر‬ to forbid (= refuse to allow) , especially officially
7. banish (v.) ‫ينفي‬ to send sb away, especially from their country, and forbid them to come back
8. beg (v.) ‫يتسول‬ to make a very strong and urgent request
9. beloved (adj.) ‫الحبيب‬ loved very much
10. blind (adj.) ‫أعمى‬ unable to see
11. bury ( v.) ‫يدفن‬ to put a dead body into the ground
12. cemetery ( n.) ‫مقبرة‬ an area of ground in which dead bodies are buried
13. clumsy (adj.) ‫أخرق‬ describes sb who often has accidents because they do not behave in a careful,
controlled way
14. collection( n.) ‫مجموعة‬ a group of objects of one type that have been collected by one person or in one
15. comfort (v.) ‫يريح‬ to make someone feel better when they are sad or worried
16. commit (v.) ‫يرتكب جريمة‬ to do sth illegal or wrong
17. dagger (n.) ‫خنجر‬ a short pointed knife which is sharp on both sides, used especially in the past as a
18. dawn (n.) ‫الفجر‬ the period in the day when light from the sun begins to appear in the sky
19. declare (v.) ‫يعلن‬ to announce something clearly, firmly, publicly or officially
20. decline( v.) ‫يرفض‬ to refuse
21. depression (n.) ‫اكتئاب‬ the state of feeling very unhappy and without hope for the future
22. despite (prep.) ‫على الرغم من‬ without taking any notice of or being influenced by; not prevented by
23. dismiss (v.) ‫يقيل‬ to remove someone from their job, especially because they have done something
24. donate (v.) ‫يتبرع‬ to give money or goods to help a person or organization
25. dynasty (n.) ‫ساللة‬ a series of rulers or leaders who are all from the same family
26. embrace (n.) ‫ احتضان‬/‫عناق‬ hugging
27. enemy (n.) ‫عدو‬ a person who hates or opposes another person and tries to harm them or stop them

Pr. Hama Cheikh Bellamach
1. entire (adj.) ‫بالكامل‬ whole or complete, with nothing missing
2. exile (v.) ‫ينفى‬ to send someone away from their own country, village, etc., especially for political
3. explode (v.) ‫ينفجر‬ to (cause to) break up into pieces violently
4. fair (adj.) ‫عادل‬ treating someone in a way that is right or reasonable
5. fair enough( adj.) ‫عادل‬ sth you say to show that you understand why someone has done or said sth
‫بما فيه الكفاية‬
6. fall head over ‫يقع كليا في‬ completely in love
7. fancy (v.) ‫يقيم عالقة‬ to have a romantic relationship with someone
8. farewell ( n.) ‫وداعا‬ when someone says goodbye
9. fellow (adj.) ‫ زميل‬/‫صاحب‬ describes sb who has the same job or interests as you, or is in the same situation as
10. feud (n.) ‫عداوة‬ an argument existing for a long time between two people or groups, causing a lot of
anger or violence
11. fiercely (adv.) ‫بشراسة‬ in a frightening, violent or powerful way
12. friar (n.) ‫راهب‬ a man belonging to one of several Roman Catholic religious groups
13. genius (n.) ‫عبقري‬ a person who has very high level of intelligence, skill, or artistic ability
14. glad (adj.) ‫سعيد‬ pleased and happy
15. go out (v.) ‫ يخرج لغرض ما‬to want to have or do something
16. go weak at the knees lose your strength and feel you are going to fall over, usually because of seeing or
(v.) ‫الوقوف على‬ ُ ‫ ال يَستطيع‬talking about sb you are very attracted to or because of something unpleasant or
‫ قَ َد َميه من ال َمرض أو التَّ َعب‬frightening
‫أو الخ َْوف‬
17. grief (n.) ‫حزن‬ very great sadness, especially at the death of someone
18. hateful (adj.) ‫حاقد‬ very unpleasant
19. hatred (n.) ‫كراهية‬ an extrem ely strong feeling of dislike
20. heavily (adv) ‫بشدة‬ in a way which needs a lot of effort to move or lift
21. horrible (adj.) ‫فظيع‬ very unpleasant or bad
22. horrified (adj.) ‫مرعوب‬ very shocked
23. identify (v.) ‫يحدد‬ to recognize someone or something and say or prove who or what they are
24. insane (adj.) ‫مجنون‬ mentally ill
25. lifeless (adj.) ‫بال حياة‬ in away which needs a lot of effort to move or lift
26. liquor (n.) ‫خمر‬ strong alcoholic drink
27. madness (n.) ‫جنون‬ stupid or dangerous behaviour

Pr. Hama Cheikh Bellamach
1. move (v.) ‫يتحرك‬ to (cause to) progress, change or happen in a particular w ay or direction
2. nature (n.) ‫الطبيعة‬ all the animals, plants, rocks, etc. in the world
3. nightmare (n.) ‫كابوس‬ a very upsetting or frightening dream
4. nobleman (n.) ‫نبيل‬ a member of the nobility (= the highest social rank in a society)
5. on the mend ‫في تحسن‬ to be getting better after an illness or injury
6. overwhelm (v.) ‫يغمر‬ to cause someone to feel sudden strong emotion
7. pay attention (p.) ‫ينتبه‬ to watch, listen to, or think about something or someone carefully or with interest
8. peace (n.) ‫سالم‬ freedom from war/violence, especially when people live and work together happily
without disagreements
9. pleasurable (adj.) ‫ممتع‬ enjoyable
10. poison (n.) ‫السم‬ a substance that can make people or animals ill or kill them if they eat or drink it
11. porcelain (n.) ‫خزف‬ a hard but delicate shiny white substance, used to make cups, plates, decorations, etc
12. precious (adj.) ‫ثمين‬ something that is valuable and important and should not be wasted or used without
13. pretend (v.) ‫يتظاهر‬ to behave as if sth is true when you know that it is not, especially in order to deceive
14. priceless (adj.) ‫ال يقدر‬ describes an object which has such a high value, that the price of it cannot be
‫بثمن‬ calculated
15. psychiatrist (n.) ‫طبيب‬ a doctor who is also trained in psychiatry
16. psychology (n.) ‫علم‬ the scientific study of the w ay the human mind works and how it influences
‫النفس‬ behaviour
17. publish (v.) ‫ينشر‬ to make information available to people
18. pulse (n.) ‫نبض‬ the regular beating of the heart, especially when it is felt at the wrist or side of the
19. Quarrel (v.) ‫يتشاجر‬ to have an angry disagreement with someone
20. rancour (n.) ‫ضغينة‬ a feeling of hate and continuing anger about something in the past:
21. razor blade (n.) ‫شفرة‬ a thin flat piece of metal with a sharp edge for cutting that can be used in a razor
22. reciprocate (v.) ‫يتبادل‬ to share the same feelings as sb else, or to behave in the same way as someone else
23. recognize (v.) ‫يتعرف على‬ to know sb/sth because you have seen, heard or experienced them before
24. regrettable (adj.) ‫مؤسف‬ making you feel sad and sorry about something
25. reject (v.) ‫يرفض‬ to refuse to accept, use or believe something or someone
26. rescue (v.) ‫ينقذ‬ to help someone or something out o f a dangerous, harmful or unpleasant situation
27. sense of humour (n.) your ability to understand funny things
‫حس الفكاهة‬

Pr. Hama Cheikh Bellamach
1. shame ‫عار‬ an unlucky situation
2. slip ‫انزالق‬ to slide without intending to
3. slow motion ‫حركة بطيئة‬ away of showing pictures from a film or tv programme at a slower speed than
4. soul ‫روح‬ a person of a stated type
5. stab ‫يطعن‬ to injure someone with a sharp pointed object such as a knife
6. Stuff ‫أشياء‬ things (in general)
7. Stunned ‫مذهول‬ very shocked or surprised
8. Suicide ‫ينتحر‬ the act of killing yourself intentionally, or a person who has done this
9. Swear ‫يقسم‬ to promise that you are telling the truth or that you will do sth
10. shiny (adj.) ‫المع‬ bright because it reflects light
11. tension (n.) ‫توتر‬ a feeling of fear or anger between two groups of people who do not trust each other
12. testify (v.) ‫يشهد‬ to speak seriously about sth, especially in a court of law; to give or provide proof
13. tight (adj.) ‫ضيق‬ (held or kept together) firmly or closely
14. tomb (n.) ‫قبر‬ a large stone structure or underground room where an important person is buried
15. tragedy (n.) ‫مأساة‬ a very sad event or situation
16. tragic (adj.) ‫مأساوي‬ very sad, often involving death and suffering
17. treasure (n.) ‫كنز‬ worth a lot of money
18. unfortunate (adj.) ‫غير‬ unlucky or having bad effects
19. uninvited (adj.) ‫غير‬ not expected to come, happen etc; sudden
20. unite (v.) ‫يوحد‬ to join together as a group, or to make people join together as a group; to combine
21. unrecognized (adj.) not accepted ‫غير معترف به‬
22. upside down (adj.) ‫رأسا‬ having the part which is usually at the top turned to be at the bottom
‫على عقب‬
23. valuable (adj.) ‫ثمين‬ very valuable things, usually in the form of a store of precious metals
24. vial (n.) ‫قارورة‬ a small glass bottle, especially one containing liquid medicine
25. vineyard (n.) ‫ك َْرم‬ a piece of land on which grapes are grown
26. voluntarily (adv.) ‫طوعا‬ done, made or given willingly, without being forced or paid to do it
27. warring (adj.) ‫حرب‬ describes countries or groups of people that are at war or who are arguing violently
28. wed (v.) ‫يتزوج‬ (used especially in newspapers) to marry someone
29. weep (v.) ‫يبكي‬ to cry tears
30. windowsill (n.)‫حافة النافذة‬ a shelf below a window, either inside or outside a building
31. woe (n.) ‫ويل‬ great problems or troubles
32. wretched (adj.) ‫بائس‬ unhappy, unpleasant or of low quality
33. yoga (n.) ‫يوغا‬ a set of physical and mental exercises, to give control over the body and mind

Pr. Hama Cheikh Bellamach

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