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Beyond Wavelets 1st Edition Grant Welland


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Beyond Wavelets 1st Edition Grant Welland Digital
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Author(s): Grant Welland
ISBN(s): 9781435631991, 1435631994
Edition: 1
File Details: PDF, 14.30 MB
Year: 2003
Language: english

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The themes of classical wavelets include terms such as compression and effi›
cient representation. Important features which play a role in analysis of functions
in two variables are dilation, translation, spatial and frequency localization and
singularity orientation. Singularities of functions in more than one variable vary in
dimensionality. Important singularities in one dimension are simply points. In two
dimensions zero and one dimensional singularities are important. A smooth singu›
larity in two dimensions may be a one dimensional smooth manifold. Smooth sin›
gularities in two dimensional images often occur as boundaries of physical objects.
Efficient representation in two dimensions is a hard problem and is addressed in
the first six chapters. The next two chapters return to problems of one dimen›
sion where new important results are given. The final two chapters represent a
transition from harmonic analysis to statistical methods and filtering theory but
the goals remain consistent with those of earlier chapters. We have chosen to
title "Beyond Wavelets". We could have used the title, "Pursuing the Promise of
Wavelets". We briefly describe each chapter.
The lead chapter, "Digital Ridgelet Transform based on True Ridge Functions"
by David Donoho and Georgina Flesia addresses the problem of analyzing the
structure of a function of two real variables. It extends work of Donoho and an
associated group of co-workers. Special credit is due to Emmanuel Candes. Donoho
and Candes have constructed a system called curvelets which gives high-quality
asymptotic approximation of singularities. Passage from their continuum study
to one appropriate for applications requires development of digital algorithms to
implement concepts of the continuum study faithfully. A less obvious proposal
than a standard tensor product basis was made earlier by Donoho emphasizing
"wide-sense" ridgelets with localization properties in radial and angular frequency
domains. Wide-sense ridgelets are no longer of strict ridge form but allow the
possibility of an orthonormal set of elements. The theory is related to that of
the Radon transform and to rotation and scaling of images. At the continuum
level these are natural but for digital data issues are problematic. In this chapter a
definiton of digital ridgelet transform is given. The digital transform has structural
relationships strongly analogous to those of the continuum case. The transform
takes a n-by-n array of data in Cartesian coordinates and expands it by a factor
of 4 in creating a coefficient array. This leaves room for further improvements.

Chapter 2 is a companion chapter to Chapter 1 and continues the study of digi›

tal implementation of ridgelets with ridgelet packets. The two principal approaches
given are the frequency-domain approach and the Radon approach. In the first
approach a recursive dyadic partition of the polar Fourier domain produces a col›
lection of rectangular tiles followed by a tensor basis of windowed sinusoids in
the angular and radial variables for each tile. In the Radon approach transforma›
tion to the Radon domain is followed by using wavelets in the angular variable and
wavelet packets in the second Radon variable. The Radon isometry is important in
this case. The notion of pseudopolar Fast Fourier Transform and a pseudo Radon
isometry called the normalized Slant Stack are discussed and used. In both cases
analysis of image data relies on directionally oriented waveforms. The wavelet
packet and the local sinusoidal packet bases are generalizations of the original
wavelet systems of elements. Ridgelet packets which follow in the spirit of these
systems are highly orientation selective and bear much the same relationship to
ridgelets as do wavelet packets to wavelets.
In Chapter 3, Frangois Meyer and Raphy Coifman create brushlets to address
the problem of describing an image with a library of steerable wavelet packets.
By careful design of the window of the local Fourier basis, brushlets with very
fast decay are obtained. They note that other directionally oriented filter banks
have been constructed which a redundancy factor of 2 or 4. This presents a major
hurdle to computing a sparse image representation. By use of a construction in the
Fourier domain they create wavelet packets which are complex valued functions
with a phase. A key ingredient of the construction is a window used for local
Fourier analysis. The window is required to have very fast decay.
Do and Vetterli study image representation in Chapter 4. An observation that
the curvelet transform is defined in the frequency domain leads to the question: "Is
there as spatial domain scheme for refinement which at each generation, doubles
the spatial resolution as well as the angular resolution?" They propose a filter
bank construction that effectively deals with piecewise smooth images with smooth
contours. The resulting image expansion is a frame composed of contour segments,
which are named contourlets. Their work leads to an effective method to implement
the discrete curvelet transform.
Chan and Zhou open discussion of the ENO-wavelet construction in Chapter 5,
by discussing oscillations which emulate the classical Gibbs’ phenomenon. It has
be discovered that the wavelet Gibbs’ phenomenon is generated by using differ›
ence filters across boundaries of discontinuity. ENO is the acronym for the phrase
essential non-oscillatory which represents an approach for suppression of unwanted
oscillations encountered at discontinuities. Rigorous approximation error bounds
are found to depend on the smoothness of function away from discontinuities when
the ENO approach is used. Several applications of the ENO method are given which
include function approximation, image compression and signal denoising.
An explicit model for Bayesian reconstruction of tomographic data is given by
S. Zhao and H. Cai in Chapter 6. Their approach to image analysis is based on an
interesting analogy to classical mechanics. The intensity of each pixel of an image
is modelled by a transverse motion of a "pixtron". The energy for Bayesian tomo-

graphic reconstruction is interpreted as the total kinetic energy of the collection

of pixtrons and log-likelihood is interpreted as potential energy restricting motion
of pixtrons. Finally, the use of the minimization of a log-posterior is analogous to
the principle of least action of classical mechanics. The analogy allows them to
show that a Gaussian Markov random field prior can viewed as the kinetic energy
of free motion of pixtrons. The analogy leads to a novel image prior for Bayesian
tomographic reconstruction based on level-set evolution of an image driven by the
mean curvature motion. Their methods are accompanied by applications to brain
slice images which demonstrate algorithms produced by the model.
Chui and Stockier give extensive description of recent developments of spline
wavelets and frames in Chapter 7. Splines have many of the natural features
required in the original design of I. Daubechies for wavelets which result in beauti›
ful formulas. Vanishing moments reflect smoothness. Design of wavelet frames with
vanishing moments requires a series of new ideas. The authors explain why early
design approaches fail to create wavelets with higher orders of vanishing moments
and then provide steps to recover vanishing moments. The method involves the
notion of vanishing moment recover functions. The theory is extended in the direc›
tion of tight spline-wavelet frames with arbitrary knot sequences that allow stacked
knots. Knot Stacking provides local increase in smoothness and can be applied at
the boundaries of bounded intervals and half line segments. This gives greater
flexibility overcoming standard rigid design features of classical wavelets in which
supports are closely tied to the dilation factor of wavelet families. Multi-wavelets
represent a special case of this more general construction.
Chapter 8, "Afl^ne, Quasi-afl[ine and Co-affine Wavelets", by Washington Uni›
versity the group of researchers, is devoted to fully understanding results of Ron
and Shen. Dilations and translation are two characteristic operators used to define
the wavelet pyramid. The question studied asks whether the order in which dila›
tion and translation are applied is important. A subset of the affine group, used in
the wavelet definition, is the set translations followed by dilation. A second subset
of the aflfine group is the set for which dilation is applied first which is followed
by translation. The effects are dramatically diflferent. Ron and Shen found that by
reversing the order of these operators at a ’half-way’ point in the wavelet pyramid
results in a diflferent set of functions and yet they are sufficient to solve the rep)-
resentation problem. This chapter is devoted to understanding this phenomenon
and it is discovered that the choice of Ron and Shen is essentially optimal.
Benichou and Saito search for relations between the related criteria in Chap›
ter 9. Two studies motivate them. Olshausen and Field pioneered an approach
to imaging which investigates representation of natural images emphasizing spar-
sity of representation using a large library of photographs of natural images and
computer experiments to derive a set of basis elements for eflficient representation.
Bell and Sejnowski conducted similar studies in which statistical independence
was the major criterion. The pair of studies suggests both the basis derived for
sparse representation and the basis derived under the independence criterion pro›
duce elements eflficient for capture of edges, orientation and location; all features
prominently studied by image researchers. Their study is based on a modest goal

that begin s with an artificial stochastic process , the spike process , from which
they obtain theorem s which give precis e condition s on the sparsit y and statistical
independenc e criteri a to select the same basis for the spike process .
S. Akkarakaran and P.P. Vaidyanatha n provid e a new directio n from previou s
work in Chapter 10. Standard filter banks fall unde r the theor y of design and uni›
form filter banks. A nonunifor m filter bank is one whose channe l decimatio n rates
need not all be equal . Most nonunifor m filter bank design s resul t in approximatio n
or near-perfec t reconstructio n which leaves open theoretica l issues for nonunifor m
filter banks. Their stud y is restricte d to filter banks with integer decimatio n rates.
A set, S, of integer s satisfies maximal decimatio n if the reciprocal s of the inte›
gers sum to unity. They only stud y filter banks with integer decimatio n rates.
Their stud y searche s for necessar y and sufficien t condition s on S for existence of
a perfect-reconstructio n filter bank belongin g to some class which uses S as its set
of decimators . They presen t examples with condition s which are either sufficien t
or necessar y but unfortunatel y different . They focus on rational filter banks and
strengthe n known necessar y condition s providin g an importan t step to solvin g the
problem . However , the basic proble m remain s unresolved . Necessary and sufficien t
condition s remai n unknown . Thus they open an importan t proble m and provid e
insigh t toward solvin g it.
This volum e is a produc t which was conceive d durin g a conferenc e funde d
by the National Science Foundatio n and the Conferenc e Board of Mathematical
Sciences at which David Donoho was the principa l speaker in May of 2000 at the
Universit y of Missouri - St. Louis. The title "Beyond Wavelets" is due to David
Donoho. I thank the NSF and the Universit y of Missouri - St. Louis and the suppor t
staff of the Mathematics Departmen t there . A very special thank s is extended to
David Donoho for his continue d suppor t and understanding .
Many contribute d to the success of that conferenc e and to the origina l idea to
develo p "Beyond Wavelets". I give thanks to Charles Chui, Raphy Coiftnan, Ingrid
Daubechies , and Joachim Stockier and Shiying Zhao. I thank the contributor s to
the volum e both for their efforts and understanding . I take responsibilit y for the
delays encountere d and beg your forgiveness . Many more deserv e to be mentione d
to whom I extend my thank s anonymously .
Grant Welland
St. Louis, MO
February , 2003.

V Preface v
1 Digital Ridgele t TVansfor m
base d on Tru e Ridg e Function s

D.L. Donoho and A.G. Flesia 1

1.1 Introduction 2
1.1.1 Ridgelets on the Continuum 2
1.1.2 Discretization of Ridgelets 3
1.2 Digital Ridgelets 4
1.3 Relation to Fast Slant Stack 10
1.4 Structural Analogies 13
1.4.1 Two Continuum Radon Transforms 13
1.4.2 Analogies between Polar and Pseudopolar Fourier
Domains 14
1.4.3 Analogies between Radon Isometrics 15
1.4.4 Analogies between Ortho-Ridgelet Analyses 16
1.4.5 Analogies Between Frequency-Domai n Tilings 16
1.5 Example: HalfDome 17
1.6 Sparsity of the Frame Kernel 19
1.6.1 Analysis of a Coarse-scale ridgelet 20
1.6.2 Remarks on Decay 20
1.6.3 Edge Effects 21
1.7 Comparisons 21
1.7.1 Comparison with Zp-ridgelets 21
1.7.2 Comparison with earlier ridgelets 23
1.8 Discussion 26
Reference s 29
2 Digital Implementatio n of Ridgele t Packets

A.G. Flesia, H. Hel-Or,

A. Averbuch , E.J. Candes ,
R.R. Coifman and D.L. Donoho 31
2.1 Introduction 32
2.2 Fourier Preliminaries 36


2.3 Radon Preliminaries 39

2.4 The Ridgelet Construction, and its Properties 40
2.5 Ridgelet Packet Construction 42
2.5.1 General Procedure 42
2.5.2 Bases of Ridgelet Packets 43
2.5.3 Radon Approach: Wavelets in both Ridge and Angular
Directions 43
2.5.4 Radon Approach: Wavelet Packets in the Ridge Direc›
tion 45
2.5.5 Polar Fourier Approach: Wavelet (g) Cosine Packet 47
2.6 Implementation on Digital Data 48
2.6.1 Fast Slant Stack 48
2.6.2 Pseudopolar F FT 48
2.6.3 Digital Radon Domain 49
2.6.4 Strategy for Digital Implementation 50
2.6.5 Digital Ridgelet Packets 50
2.6.6 Digital Implementation 51
2.6.7 Examples of Digital Implementation 52
2.6.8 Synthesis from Tiles 52
2.6.9 Analysis 53
2.7 Adaptation 55
2.7.1 Background on Best Basis 55
2.7.2 Application to Ridgelet Packets 56
2.8 Discussion 57
2.8.1 Improvements in the Digital Implementation 57
2.8.2 Limitations on the Ridgelet Packet Scheme 58
Reference s 59
3 B r u s h l e t s : S t e e r a b l e Wavele t P a c k e ts

Francoi s G. Meyer an d Ronal d R. Coifma n 61

3.1 Introduction 61
3.2 Biorthogonal windowed Fourier bases 65
3.2.1 Implementation by folding 67
3.3 Choice of the bell function 69
3.3.1 The orthonormal bell of Wickerhauser 69
3.3.2 Optimized bell of Matviyenko 69
3.3.3 Modulated Lapped Biorthogonal Transform (MLBT) 71
3.4 Biorthogonal brushlet bases 72
3.4.1 One dimensional case 72
3.4.2 Discrete implementation of the brushlet expansion 74
3.4.3 Two-dimensional case 75
3.5 Conclusion 81
Reference s 82

4 Contourlet s

M. N. Do and M. Vetterli 83
4.1 Introduction and Motivation 83
4.2 Representing 2-D Piecewise Smooth Functions 85
4.2.1 Curvelet construction 85
4.2.2 Non-linear approximation behaviors 85
4.2.3 A filter bank approach for sparse image expansions 87
4.3 Pyramidal Directional Filter Bank 89
4.3.1 Multiscale decomposition 89
4.3.2 Directional decomposition 90
4.3.3 Multiscale and directional decomposition 91
4.3.4 PDFB for curvelets 93
4.4 Multiresolution Analysis 93
4.4.1 Multiscale 94
4.4.2 Multiple Directions 95
4.4.3 Multiscale and multidirection 98
4.5 Numerical Experiments 100
4.6 Conclusion 104
Reference s 104
5 ENO-wavelet Transform s
£Uid Some Application s

Tony F. Chan and Hao-Min Zhou 107

5.1 Introduction 107
5.2 The ENO-Wavelet Algorithm HI
5.2.1 ENO-wavelet at Discontinuities 111
5.2.2 Locating the Discontinuities 116
5.2.3 A Simple Example 118
5.3 Theory: Error Bound and Stability 119
5.4 Application 121
5.4.1 Function Approximation 121
5.4.2 Image Compression 125
5.4.3 Signal Denoising 130
Reference s 131
6 A Mechanica l Imag e Model for
Bayesian Tomographi c Reconstructio n

Shiying Zhao and Haiyan Cai 135

6.1 Introduction and Background 136
6.1.1 Introduction 136
6.1.2 Positron Emission Tomography 137
6.1.3 Bayesian Tomographic Reconstruction Method 138

6.2 Materials and Methods 140

6.2.1 A Mechanical Image Model 140
6.2.2 Kinetic Energy Induced from Level-Set Evolution 142
6.2.3 Numerical Implementations 143
6.3 Results and Discussion 145
6.3.1 Simulation Results 145
6.3.2 Discussion 146
6.3.3 Conclusion 149
Reference s 149
7 Recen t Developmen t of Splin e
Wavele t Frame s wit h Compac t Suppor t

Charle s Chu i and Joachim Stockier 151

7.1 Introduction 152
7.2 Characterization of Wavelet Spline Frames 155
7.2.1 Tight frames with dilation factor 2 158
7.2.2 Non-tight sibling frames with dilation factor 2 166
7.2.3 Frames with integer dilation factor 171
7.3 Wavelet Frames of Splines with Multiple Knots 175
7.4 The Common Link: Approximate Duals 184
7.4.1 Background on univariate 5-splines 186
7.4.2 A particular polynomial 190
7.4.3 Explicit form of an approximate dual 191
7.5 Tight Spline Frames with Non-uniform Knots 199
7.5.1 Piecewise linear tight frames 203
7.5.2 Piecewise cubic tight frames with equidistant simple
knots 205
7.5.3 Tight frames of cubic splines with equidistant knots of
multiplicity 2 208
Reference s 212
8 Afiine , Quasi-Affin e an d Co-Affine Wavelet s

Philip Gressman , Demetri o Labate, Guid e Weiss and Edwar d

N. Wilson 215
8.1 Introduction _ 215
8.2 Frames and the three systems X{ip),X*{ip), and X{ip) 219
Reference s 222
9 Sparsit y vs . Statistical
Independenc e in Adaptiv e
Signal Representations :
A Case Stud y of th e Spike Process

Bertran d Benicho u and Naoki Saito 225

9.1 Introduction 226
9.2 Notation and Terminology 227
9.3 Sparsity vs. Statistical Independence 228
9.3.1 Sparsity 228
9.3.2 Statistical Independence 229
9.4 Two-Dimensional Counterexample 230
9.5 The Spike Process 230
9.5.1 The Karhunen-Loev e Basis 231
9.5.2 The Best Sparsifying Basis 232
9.5.3 Statistical Dependence and Entropy of the Spike Process 232
9.5.4 The LSDB among 0(n) 233
9.5.5 The LSDB among GL(n,R) 233
9.6 Proofs of Propositions and Theorems 236
9.6.1 Proof of Proposition 236
9.6.2 Proof of Theorem 9.5.1 237
9.6.3 Coordinate-wise Entropy of the Spike Process 239
9.6.4 Proof of Theorem 9.5.3 242
9.6.5 Proof of Theorem 9.5.4 246
9.6.6 Proof of Proposition 9.5.2 247
9.6.7 Proof of Corollary 9.5.5 247
9.7 Discussion 248
9.8 Appendices 250
9.8.1 Appendix A: Proof of Lemma 9.6.1 250
9.8.2 Appendix B: Proof of Lemma 9.6.3 252
9.8.3 Appendix C: Proof of Lemma 9.6.5 253
Reference s 255
10 Nonunifor m Filter Banks :
New Result s and Open Problem s

Sony Akkarakara n and P.P. Vaidyanathan 259

10.1 Introduction 260
10.1.1 Relevant earlier work 261
10.1.2 Outline 263
10.1.3 Notations, definitions and assumptions 263
10.2 Background: Equivalent Uniform FBs; PR Equations 264
10.2.1 PR for uniform FBs, and the nonuniform to uniform
transform 265
10.2.2 The general PR conditions for nonuniform FBs 266
10.2.3 Relation between the nonuniform and uniform PR
designs 268
10.3 Problem Statement, and Unconstrained FBs 269
10.3.1 Problem statement 269

10.3.2 FBs with unconstrained complex and real coefficient fil›

ters 270
10.4 Tree Structures 271
10.4.1 Basics and terminology 271
10.4.2 Uniform-trees: An incomplete PR theory for nonuniform
FBs 273
10.4.3 Using trees to improve PR conditions on the decimators 275
10.5 Delay-chains 276
10.5.1 PR condition on the set of decimators 277
10.5.2 Testing the PR condition 277
10.5.3 Delay-chains vs. uniform-trees 278
10.6 The Class of Rational FBs 280
10.6.1 Previously known necessary conditions on decimators 280
10.6.2 The pairwise gcd test 281
10.6.3 Tree version of strong compatibility 281
10.6.4 The AC-matrix test 282
10.7 Conditions Based on Reductions to Tree Structures 285
10.8 Summary and Comparison of Necessary Conditions 289
10.9 Concluding Remarks 290
10.10 Appendices 291
lO.lO.lAppendix A: Proof of Nonuniform Biorthogonality Con›
dition (2.3) 291
10.10.2Appendix B: Derivability of Decimator-sets from a
Uniform-tree 292
10.10.3Appendix C: Proof of Fact 3 293
10.10.4Appendix D: Proof of Fact 4 294
10.10.5Appendix E: Testing Tree Version of Strong Compati›
bility 296
10.10.6Appendix F: Algorithm for the AC Matrix Test 297
10.10.7Appendix G: Proofs of Theorems 6,7 297
10.10.8Appendix H: Proof of Theorem 8 300
Reference s 301
Inde x 303
Beyond Wavelets
G. V. Welland (Editor)
' 2003 Elsevier Science (USA) All rights reserved


Department of Statistics, Stanford University
Sequoia Hall, 390 Serra Mall, Stanford, CA 94305-4065
[email protected], edu [email protected], edu

A b s t r a ct
We study a notion of ridgelet transform for arrays of digital data in which
the analysis operator uses true ridge functions, as does the synthesis oper›
ator. There are fast algorithms for analysis, for synthesis, and for partial
reconstruction. Associated with this is a transform which is a digital analog
of the orthonormal ridgelet transform (but not orthonormal for finite n). In
either approach, we get an overcomplete frame; the result of ridgelet trans›
forming an n X n array is a 2n x 2n array. The analysis operator is invertible
on its range; the appropriately preconditioned operator has a tightly con›
trolled spread of singular values. There is a near-parseval relationship.
Our construction exploits the recent development by Averbuch et al.
(2001) of the Fast Slant Stack, a Radon transform for digital image data;
it may be viewed as following a Fast Slant Stack with fast 2-d wavelet
transform. A consequence of this construction is that it offers discrete
objects (discrete ridgelets, discrete Radon transform, discrete Pseudopo-
lar Fourier domain) which obey inter-relationships paralleling those in the
continuum ridgelet theory (between ridgelets. Radon transform, and polar
Fourier domain).
We make comparisons with other notions of ridgelet transform, and we
investigate what we view as the key issue: the summability of the kernel
underlying the constructed frame. The sparsity observed in our current
implementation is not nearly as good as the sparsity of the underlying
continuum theory, so there is room for substantial progress in future imple›

1.1.1 Ridgelets on the Continuum
Recently, several theoretical papers have called attention to the potential benefits
of analyzing continuum objects /(x, y) with (x, y) R^ using new bases/frames
called ridgelets [3], [4] and [12]
A ridge function p(x,y) = r{ax -f- by), that is to say, it is a function of two
variables which is obtained as a scalar function r{t) of a synthetic scalar variable
t = ax+hy [20]. Geometrically, the level sets of such a function are lines ax-i-by = t
and so the graph of such a function, viewed as a topographic surface, exhibits
ridges. The function r{t) is the profile of the ridge function as one traverses the
ridge orthogonally to its level sets.
In Candes’ thesis [3], a ridgelet is a function pa,h,e{x,y) xjj{{cos{9)x-f
sin(^)y - b)/a)/a^/’^ where V’(t) is a wavelet - an oscillatory function obeying
certain moment conditions and smoothness conditions. The continuous Ridgelet
transform Rf{a,b,0) = {f,Pa,b,9)is defined on functions / in L^ and extends by
density to L^. This transform obeys a parseval relation and an exact reconstruc›
tion formula. Candes also showed that discrete decompositions were possible, so
that for L^ spaces of compactly supported functions one could develop a frame
of ridgelets - a discrete family (^an,6n,^n(^)) serving the role of an approximating
The "classic ridgelets" of Candes are not in L^(R^), being constant on lines
t = xi cos 9 -h X2sin^ in the plane. This fact seems responsible for certain tech›
nical difficulties in the deployment and interpretation of discrete systems based
on Candes’ notion of ridgelet. In [12] Donoho proposed to broaden the concept of
ridgelet somewhat, allowing ’Svide-sense" ridgelets to be functions obeying certain
localization properties in a radial frequency x angular frequency domain. Under
this broader conception, ridgelets no longer are of strict ridge the form pa,b,u{^)y
so the elegant simplicity of formulation is lost. However, in exchange, it becomes
possible to have an orthonormal set of "wide-sense" ridgelets. These orthonormal
ridgelets are believed to be appropriate L^-substitutes for ridge functions, and to
fulfill the goal of a constructive and stable system which although not based on true
ridge functions are believed to play operationally the same role as ridge functions,
compare [12, 13].
For either classic ridgelets or orthonormal ridgelets, the central issue is that
such systems should behave very well at representing functions with linear singu›
larities. As a prototype, consider the mutilated Gaussian :

9{xuX2) = l(,,>o}e-^?-^’, X R2 . (1.1.1)

See Figure 1.1. This is discontinuous along the line X2 = 0 and smooth away
from that line. Due to the singularity along the line, this function has coefficients
of relatively slow decay in both wavelet and Fourier domains, so it requires large
numbers of wavelets or sinusoids to represent accurately. The rate of convergence of
best iV-term superpositions of wavelets or sinusoids cannot be faster than 0{N~^).
On the other hand, g can be represented by relatively few ridgelets: the rate of

Figure 1.1. 'Half Dome'- a Mutilated Gaussian

convergence of appropriate AT-term superpositions of ridgelets or ortho-ridgelets

can be faster than 0{N~’^) for any m > 0. And the situation is the same for
any rotation or translation of p so that the line 0:2 = 0 becomes a Une cos(^)a: -f-
sin{0)y = t.
While perfectly straight singularities are rare, many two-dimensional objects
concern imagery with edges, which may be regarded as curved singularities.
While ridgelets per se do not provide the right tool for such curved singu›
larities, Candes and Donoho have used ridgelets to construct a system called
curvelets which gives high-quality asymptotic approximations to such singulari›
ties. Curvelets are ridgelets that have been dilated and translated and subjected
to a special space/frequency localization explained in [6]. The rate of convergence
of an appropriate AT-term superpositions of curvelets is nearly 0(iV~^) in squared
error, whereas the comparable behavior for classical systems would by 0{N~^) or

1.1.2 Discretization of Ridgelets

The conceptual attractiveness of this theoretical work drives us to consider the
problem of translating it (if possible) from continuum concepts, useful in theo›
retical discussion, to algorithmic concepts capable of widespread application. It is
initially by no means obvious how to do this or whether it can really be done.
The theory of ridgelets is closely related to the theories of Radon transformation ,
and of rotation and scaling of images, all of which seem natural and simple on the
continuum, and for which it is widely believed that there is no simple, inevitable
definition for digital data.
A number of prior attempts at defining a digital ridgelet transform have been
made; these will be discussed in detail further below.
In this paper, we propose a definition of digital ridgelet transform with several
desirable properties. We believe that this definition is based on a clear understand›
ing of the fundamental opportunities and limitations posed by data on a Cartesian

grid, and has clear superiority over some other notions of discrete ridge let trans›
form which are, in our view, false starts.
Our definition offers:
Analysis and synthesis by true ridge functions. The underlying analysis and
synthesis functions depend on (u, v) as p{u + bv) or p{v + bu). This means that
the transform is geometrically faithful, and avoids wrap-around artifacts.
Exact reconstruction formula. There is an iterative algorithm which in the limit
gives exact reconstruction from the ridgelet transform.
Near-Parseval Relationship. There is a variant of the DRT, which we call the
(pseudo-) Ortho-Ridgelet Transform, in which the energy in coefficient space is
equal to the energy in original space, to within a few percent.
Fast algorithm. There is a fast algorithm requiring only 0{N \og{N))flops for
data sampled in an n by n grid, where N = ’n? \s the total number of data.
Continuum analogies. The transform and related objects have structural rela›
tionships bearing a strong analogy with all the principal relationships that exist
in the continuum case, between ridgelet transform. Radon transform, and Polar
Fourier transform.
Cartesian data structures. The transform takes data on a Cartesian grid and
creates a rectangular coefficient array indexed according to a semi-direct product
of simple integer indices measuring scale, location, and orientation.
Overcompleteness. The transform takes an n-by-n array and expands it by a
factor of 4 in creating the coefficient array.
We also compare properties of this DRT with its continuum counterpart, and
with other discrete counterparts, particularly as regards sparse representation of
objects with discontinuities along lines. We point out certain conceptual and practi›
cal advantages of the new transform, over, for example, the Z^ transform proposed
by Do and Vetterli [8], and certain advantages over straightforward discretizations
of the Fourier plane proposed by Donoho [9] and Starck et al. [22].
Our current implementation provides a frame whose kernel does not have,
in our view, sufficient sparsity to provide in the digital setting all the quantita›
tive advantages offered by the continuum theory, leaving ample room for further


Let ipj,k{t) = V^j,fc(^;^) be the periodic discrete Meyer wavelet for the m-point
discrete circle m/ 2 < t < m/2 with indices JQ < j < log2(m), and 0 < A; < 2^;
this is studied in, for example, Kolaczyk’s thesis [18]. This is actually defined as
the discrete inverse Fourier transform
m / 2 -l
’^jAt)= Yl 4;’’exp((i27r/m)ti;0

of a certain complex sequence (cj;’^) which can be derived, e.g. using arguments in
[1]. Since the formula makes sense for all t and not only for integers in the range

m/ 2 < t < m/2, the periodic discrete Meyer wavelet is unambiguously defined
not just at integral t, hut in fact for all real t. Figure 1.2 displays a Meyer Wavelet
of degree 2.
We will also have use for fractionally-differentiated Meyer wavelets, defined as
follows. For a certain sequence {6^})
r _ j y/2w/m w ^ 0
" " \ y/Tjt^ W = 0
we apply this as a multiplier to the Fourier coefficients of ipj^k, getting
m / 2 -l
V^j,fc(0 = Yl ^^’^w^ ’ exp((227r/m)ti;t).
w= m/2

(Equivalently, we could define ’ipj^k = ^-^’^j,k, where denotes m-point circular

convolution and A is the inverse discrete Fourier transform of (6)).This is equally
well viewed as a trigonometric polynomial defined at all t. Figure 1.2 displays a
d Meyer wavelet. For reasons that will be clear later, we
also call the ipj^k normalized wavelets. In this paper we consider images as n by



i ^V ^ (
' ^V i j 0 f^v-
^ M i! i
ll -0.5
y i

Figure 1.2. Left side: Meyer Wavelet of degree 2. Right side: Fractionally differenciated
Meyer wavelet of degree 2

n arrays indexed by coordinates (u, v) ranging in the square n/ 2 < u,v < n/2
centered at (0,0). Let 6^^ be defined so that

tan(^]. ) = 2£/n, -n/2 <£< n/2; cotan(^|.^) = 2£/n, n/2 < £ < n/2.
The lines v = ta.n{6j.^)u-ht we speak of as ’basically horizontal lines’ and the lines
u = cota.n{6f,^)v-{-twe speak of as ’basically vertical lines’. Each family of lines is
equispaced in slope, rather than angle. Figure 1.3 illustrates this family of angles.

Definition 1.2.1 Let n be given. A digital ridgelet Pj,k,s/ is an n by n array built

as ridge functions from Meyer wavelets by the formula

Pj,k,sA’^^’^)= ’^jA’^ -^ tan(^l)t’). s=h


Figure 1.3. Lines in frequency space corresponding to pseudopolar angles

p3,k,s,t{u,v) = ’0j,fc(v + cotan(^l)u), 5 = 2,

where the parameter m underlying the definition obeys m = 2n. We also call digital
ridgelet any function built as ridge functions from fractionally-differentiate
d Meyer
wavelets by the formula

Pj,k,s,t{u,v) = i)j^k{u+ tan(^|)i;), s = 1,

Pj,k,sA’^y^) = ’^jA’^ + cotan(^l)u), s = 2.

These definitions in fact guarantee that the resulting objects pj^k^s^ti’^-,’^)and

P3,k,s,i{u,v)are digital samplings of true continuum ridge functions. We note that
there are m = 2n wavelets and 2 x n angles ^|^. For future use, we write A =
(j, k, s, tj for quads occurring in this definition, and A for the set of all 4n^ quads.
Figure 1.4 gives a few examples of such ridgelets.

Figure 1.4. Digital Ridgelets

Definition 1.2.2 The digital ridgelet analysis operator applied to an n x n image

(/(li, v) : n/ 2 <u,v< n/2) is the array with 4n^ entries


We also call digital ridgelet analysis the corresponding normalized operator

Rl = {{irpx):XeA)

In either case, we conventionally think of the DRT as a 2n by 2n array, as

in Figure 1.5, which shows the analysis of an object with linear singularity. Fig›
ure 1.6(a) gives a map of the coefficient space.

Figure 1.5. Ridgelet analysis of an object with a linear singularity: Left sideiAmplitude Map
of Ridgelet coefficients. Right side: Amplitude Map of Ridgelet coefficients on a square root

1 = 3 4 5 6 7 3 4 5 6 7

Figure 1.6. Map of coefficient space: Left side: Ridgelets, Right side: Ortho-Ridgelets

Definition 1.2.3 The digital ridgelet synthesis operator takes a 2n by 2n coeffi›

cient array {ax : A G A) into an n x n array

R*a = Y^axpx.

We also call digital ridgelet synthesis the corresponding normalized operator


The notation J?* is meant to suggest the adjoint operation, and in fact /?* is
precisely the formal adjoint of R.
The first main result is that these transforms are in a sense invertible, and so
exact reconstruction is possible in principle.

Theore m 1.2.4 The operators R and R are one-one and so invertible on their

The second main result is that these transforms are rapidly computable.

Theore m 1.2.5 The operators R, R, R* and R* can all be computed exactly in

order 0{N\og{N)) exact arithmetic operations, where N = n^ is the number of
entries in the n by n image.

The next ’result’ is really a distillation of computational experience.

Empirica l Fact. The normalized transforms R, and R* have their^ nonzero
singular values within about 10% of each other. The generalized inverse can be
computed to seven digits accuracy in 4 iterations of a conjugate gradient solver.
As a corollary of this empirical result, we have that the system p\ makes a
frameJ with the ratio of frame bounds empirically smaller than 1.10 . Thus the
system (px)behaves nearly as well as would a tight frame or ortho basis.
It will also be important to consider a discrete analog of orthonormal ridgelets.
Let Wi^£{u)denote a discrete orthonormal Cohen-Daubechies-Feauveau-Jawert h
boundary adjusted wavelet for the discrete interval n/ 2 < tx < n/2. There are n
of these wavelets, with indices 0 < z < log2(n) and 0 < ^ < 2*. For real sequences
(Wu)and (V;,) indexed by -n/2 <u< n/2, let {W, V} denote the inner product

Definition 1.2.6 Given the normalized discrete Ridgelet transform array RI, we
define the (pseudo-) Ortho Ridgelet transform array UI by taking the wavelet
transform along the angular variable of RI:

Figure 1.7 shows the ortho-ridgelet transform of the same Halfdome object as
in Figure 1.5. It will be evident that the display is more sparse; the transform in 6
has compressed the laterally elongated features in Figure 1.5 into more point-like
features. Figure 1.6(b) gives a map of the coefficient space M for this transform.
There is, of course, a Riesz representer for each coefficient of UI. For later
use, let fjL = {j,k\i,£) denote the tuple indexing UI, and let u^ denote the Riesz
representer of {UI)^, i.e. the vector obeying

{UI)^ = {I,u^).


Figure 1.7. Ortho-Ridgelet analysis of an object with a linear singularity: Left side:Amplitude
map of Ortho-Ridgelet Coefficients. Right side.Ortho-Ridgelet Coefficients on a square root

Figure 1.8 gives an example of such a representer, which we will call a (pseudo-)
ortho ridgelet. Just like the ortho ridgelets for the continuum, these are no longer
true ridge functions; they crudely behave like fragments of ridgelets windowed by
circular windows depending on i. Now U and R are related by an ort honormal

Figure 1.8. Some (pseudo-) Ortho-Ridgelets

transformation of the space of 2n by 2n arrays, so it follows that all the injectivity

and frame bounds properties obeyed by R follow for U as well.

Corollar y 1.2.7 The An? elements {u^ : /i G M) make a frame with frame bounds
empirically within about 10% of each other.


The article [2] defined the notion of Fast Slant Stack a certain kind of discrete
Radon transform which is intimately connected to our notion of Ridgelet trans›
Given an array /(w, v), a slope a with |a| < 1, and an offset z, we initially define
the Radon transform associated with the basically horizontal line t/ = ax -h 6 via

Radon({y = ax-\- b}, /) = ^ /^ (u, au + b).


Thus, we are summing at n values (w, au H- 6) along the line y = ax -\-b. Since a
is not integral, the ordinates at which we are summing do not in general lie in the
original pixel grid on integer pairs. Therefore, the values we are summing come not
from the original image /, but instead an interpolant /^(u,y), which takes integer
values in the first argument, and real values in the second argument.
The interpolation "in y only", is performed as follows. Letting m = 2n, we
define the Dirichlet kernel of order m by

Dm{t) = cotan(7r^/m) sin(7ri)/m -f-1 sin(7rt)/m.

We then set

n/2- l

We note that Dm is an interpolating kernel, so that
I{u,v) = i^{u,v), - n /2 <u,v < n/2.


Figure 1.9. Left: Half Dome. Right: Slant Stack of Half Dome

In the case of basically vertical lines, we define the Radon transform similarly,
interchanging roles of x and y:

Radon({x = ay + 6}, /) = ^ P{av -\-b,v),


with the interpolant defined analogously:

n/2- l
P{X,V)= Yl I{u.v)Dm{x-u).

It is convenient to also have 0 to represent the angle associated to the slope s.

Definition 1.3.1 The Slant Stack operator 5 is defined by

(57) (t, e) = Radon({y = tan(^)x +1}, / ) ,
and, for^G [7r/4,37r,4),
{SI){t,9) = Radon({x = cotan(6>)y -f t}, I).
where the intercept ranges through -n < t < n, and the angles vary through
$1^ = arctan(2^/n), - n / 2 < £ < n/2 and Oj^ = n/A + arctan(2Vn).

We note that while 7 is n by n, 57 may be regarded as a 2n by 2n array.

Figure 1.9 depicts the slant stack of the Half Dome image. Recall the fractional

Figure 1.10. The Slant Stack of a point is a broken line. First row: Images with nonzero
entry at a single point. Second row corresponding Radon Transform, with break in slope at
n corresponding to ^ = n/4.

differentiation operator introduced in Section 2. We can apply this to t-slices of 5

to produce a normalized Slant Stack operator:
5 7 ( ; 5 , 0 = A * 5 7 ( ; 5 , /)
The following properties of the Slant Stack operator have been established in [2].

Theorem 1.3.2 The operator 5 is one-one and hence invertible on its range.

Theorem 1.3.3 The operators 5 and 5* can each he computed in order

0{N\og{N)) flops.

T h e o r e m 1.3.4 The operator S has r? nonzero singular values; the ratio of the
largest to smallest is hounded independently of n.

The next ’result’ summarizes the computational experience in [2] .

Empirica l Fact. The normalized transform S, and adjoint S* have all their
nonzero singular values within about 10% of each other. The generalized inverse
can he computed to seven digits accuracy in 4 iterations of a conjugate gradient
We can now exhibit the relevance of the Slant Stack to our notion of Ridgelet
transform. To do so, we let ((,}) denote the inner product purely in the ^-variable.

T h e o r e m 1.3.5 The Digital Ridgelet Transform is the 1-dimensional Meyer-

wavelet transform, in t, of the Slant Stack Radon Transform:

{RI){j,k,s,l) = {{SI{-,s,l),^j,ki-))).

The normalized Digital Ridgelet Transform is the 1-dimensional Meyer-wavelet

transform, in t, of the normalized Slant Stack Radon Transform:

(^/)0-,A:,5,/) = ({57(-;5,0,V^,-,fc(-))).

With this equivalence established, it is clear that all the results of the last
section follow immediately from the results quoted here. Since the Meyer wavelet
transform is an isometry, we have

||5/||2 = ||fl/||2, ||5/|l2 = \\RIh-

All the norm bounds and norm ratios for the ridgelet transform and for the normal›
ized Slant Stack transform are identical. Since the 1-dimensional Meyer transform
costs 0 ( n l o g ( n )) flops, and we perform this once for each column of S the con›
version from the 2n x 2n slant stack domain to ridgelet domain costs a total of
0 ( n 2 l o g ( n )) or 0{N\og{N)) flops.
It remains to prove Theorem 1.3.5. Let [, ] denote the inner product in the
2n X 2n slant domain, and let lso,io denote the Kronecker sequence indexed by
{s,£) which has a 1 in position s = SQ, I = IQ and is zero elsewhere. Then

{{SI{-;sJ),^j,k{-))) = [SI.^j,k^ls,i]-

Now, by the definition of adjoint,

[57 , t/;,-fc ^ U,i] = (/, 5*(V^,-fc 0 1,,0).

Finally, we arrive at the key observation:

a digital ridgelet is the (slant-) Radon hackprojection of a wavelet living in a single

6-slice. In turn, this follows because trigonometric interpolation is exact on Meyer

n- l

Indeed, S* involves application of the trigonometric interpolation operator to
each column of ipj^k <8> !«,/ and this gives exactly the same result at a given
{v = tan(^)u -f z) as applying the formula for ijjj^k directly at that point. The›
orem 3.5 is established.


There are several analogies between the discrete ridgelet analysis proposed here
and continuum ridgelet analysis. We believe that these analogies further support
the correctness of our notion of digital Ridgelet analysis.

1.4.1 Two Continuum Radon Transforms

To understand our analogies it is important to introduce an important variant of
the traditional continuum Radon transform - the continuum slant stack.
It is convenient in this paper to denote the Radon transform operator using
the letter "X", as R has already been taken by ridgelet transform, and X suggests
X-ray. Set
{Xf){t,e)= f f{x)6{xicose + X2sme-t) dx , (1.4.1)

where 9 e [0,27r) and t e H.

Suppose we define, for 9 G [ 7r/4,7r/4 )

Y’f{t,9) = f f{x,y)S{t-x~-ytM^))dxdy, (1.4.2)

and for 9 [7r/4,37r/4)

Y’^f{t,9) = f f{x,y)6{t - cotan(<9)x - y)dxdy (1.4.3)

and encapsulate these in a single object Yf defined by

y . / , m _ / > ^ V ( ^ , ^ ) ^ e [ - 7 r / 4 , 7 r / 4)
^ J ^^^^)-\Y^f(t,9) 9 e[7r/^,37r/A) ’
Then, if / is a small pointlike ’bump’, a display of Yf will look like a broken line,
with a break at the transition angle 9 = 7r/4.
The continuum Slant stack transform originated in seismics [7, 23]. Another
field in which this continuum transform has been (independently) developed is
medical tomography, where Yf is called the Linogram [14, 15], in reference to
the fact that points map under Y into broken lines, whereas in the usual Radon
transform, points map into sinusoids; because of this in medical tomography, the
usual Radon transform is sometimes called the sinogram.

We remark that the continuum Slant stack and the continuum Radon transform
contain the same information: for 0 G [-7r/4,7r/4),
(X/)(t.cos(^),^) = (y/)(t,^);
a similar relationship holds for 9 e [7r/4,37r/4).
It should be evident that the continuum slant stack has a close relationship
to the discrete slant stack; hence, the above relationship between the continuum
slant stack and the continuum Radon transform, provides a connection between
the discrete slant stack and the continuum Radon, albeit with a certain amount
of relabelling.
This observation is responsible for the several analogies described in this sec›

1.4.2 Analogies between Polar and Pseudopolar Fourier Domains

To understand still better the underlying relationships, note that there are actu›
ally three important domains associated with traditional ridgelet analysis in the
continuum case: the ridgelet domain, the Radon domain, and the so-called polar
Fourier domain. To complete our understanding of the situation, we need to know
about all three.
The polar Fourier transform is defined in terms of the usual Fourier transform
by simple cartesian-to-polar transformation :
F(u;, 9) = f{Lj ’ cos{9),uj sm{9))
Through the well-known projection-slice theorem [7], many facts about -the
Radon domain can be translated isometrically into facts about the polar Fourier
domain, and vice versa. The projection-slice theorem says that the one-dimensional
Fourier transform in t of a fixed ^-slice of the Radon transform yields precisely a
slice of the Polar Fourier transform at the same 9. So, if f{x,y) is a function in
L ^ ( R 2) with Radon transform Xf{t,9) and polar Fourier transform F{uj,9) and
if Fi denotes 1-dimensional Fourier transform in the first variable
{F,xf){uj,e) = F{w,e). (1.4.4)
The digital ridgelet transform obeys comparable relationships, between ridgelet
domain, (slant-) Radon domain, and pseudopolar Fourier domain. The pseudopolar
domain is discussed in detail in [2]. It offers a notion of polar Fourier domain
better adapted to digital data. The digital Fourier domain is viewed as a sequence
of squares, not circles, and the "radial shells" picked out by the (pseudo-) "radial"
variable are squares.
Define the ordinary 2-d Fourier transform of / by
/(Ci,6) = ^ / ( x i , t ; ) e x p { - i ( u 6 + ^ 6 ) } -

The discrete pseudopolar Fourier transform P of the digital image / is defined for
n<k<n and - n /2 < i < n/2 by sampling the 2-D Fourier transform at the
collection of pseudopolar grid points illustrated Figure 1.11. Formally,

Figure 1.11. Pseudopolar grid points

(I{7rk/nta.n{0l),7rk/n) s=l
\ /(TT/C/TI, cotan(^|)7rA:/n) s = 2

The frequencies of evaluation in this relation do not lie in a Cartesian grid.

A discrete projection-slice theorem exists relating the (slant-) Radon transform
and the pseudopolar Fourier transform. The discrete projection-slice theorem [2]
says that if we take the 1-dimensional Fourier transform in t of the slant-Radon
data SI{t,9), we get samples of the two-dimensional Fourier transform of /.

(Fi5/)(a;,^) = P(a;,^), (1.4.5)

where now Fi denotes discrete Fourier transform of length 2n in the first variable
and u = nk/n, n<k<n and 6 = O^^. It follows that the (slant-) transform
of digital data is isometric to the pseudopolar Fourier Transform. We remark that
this situa,tion parallels a similar relationship for the continuum-domain Slant stack
transform Yf introduced above.

1.4.3 Analogies between Radon Isometries

An important consequence of (1.4.4) and (1.4.5): a simple postprocessing of the
Radon transform creates an isometry. Indeed, as the Fourier transform is an isom-
etry, we have that the norm of / is conveniently measured in the polar Fourier
domain by
-| /"oo /»27r

^ J-ooJo
oo /»27r /"Oo /»27r

/ \F{w, e)\^\ij\dwd9 = 2 / / | / ( r cos(6l), r sm(e))\’^rdrde
-oo Jo 2\\ff2
Jo Jo

= nf\\i

It follows that the object

F(uj,e) = \uj\F{uj,e)

is isometric with / , and equally that the new object

is a Radon-like object isometric with / , which we call the Radon isometry. Now
this object has an alternate definition. Let A denote the convolution operator on
smooth Z/^(R) functions g defined on the Fourier side by the multiplier relation

(Kicg){u;) = \uj\g{oj), u; € R.

It follows that
xf{;e)= A*xf{;e)
so that simple postprocessing of X by the Fourier multiplier |u;| creates an isometry.
SinceA*A = - ( ^ ) 2 , A is in an obvious sense a fractional differentiation operator.
The Radon isometry X bears a strong analogy with the normalized Slant Stack
S. Indeed, the fact that X is an isometry of L^, makes it comparable to a matrix
operator having all its singular values equal to one, while S has all its_singular
values within a reasonable percentage of each other. Moreover, X = {A (S)I)X
- i.e. a fractional differential operator is applied to the Radon transform; while
S = (A (g) / ) 5 - a discrete analog of fractional operator is applied to the Slant

1.4.4 Analogies between Ortho-Ridgelet Analyses

In the continuum case, the ridgelet orthobasis is built essentially as follows: we
create an orthobasis of wavelets {W\(t,0)) living in the Radon domain {t,6)
R X [0, 27r). We then apply the inverse Radon Isometry X~^ to the wavelet basis,
getting px = X~^Wx. In words, (ortho-) ridgelet analysis is wavelet analysis com›
posed with radon isometry.
In the discrete case, we do something entirely similar. We create an orthobasis
of wavelets living in the (slant-) Radon domain -n < t < n, 6}.^ = tan(2^/n),
^e;n cotan(2^/n), by taking the direct product ijjj^k <8) wfi. We then apply the
normalized (slant-) operator S^ to this, getting (pseudo-) ortho-ridgelets Tj^k^i.i-
In the digital ridgelet case, we have something similar, but based on concentric
squares rather than concentric circles, see Figure 1.12(b).

1.4.5 Analogies Between Frequency-Domain Tilings

For additional insights, we can consider the ortho-ridgelets in the frequency domain
rather than the Radon domain. The typical member p\{x\,X2) of the ortho-
ridgelets basis for L^(R^) can be defined in the frequency domain by

Figure 1.12. Ridgelet tiling and Digital Ridgelet tiling

Piio = ier*(v^;,fc(ieiK,w+V';fc(-ieiK,(^+7r))/2 (1.4.6)

Here {ipj,k{t): j G Z ,k Z) denotes an orthonormal basis of Meyer wavelets

for L2(IR), and {wl^{e), ^ = 0 , . . ., 2^ - 1; w}/e), i > IQ, ^ = 0 , . . ., 2^ - 1) an
orthonormal basis for L^[0,27r) made of periodized Lemarie scaling functions w^^^,
at level io and periodized Meyer wavelets w\^ at levels z > ZQ.
Now the 1-dimensional Fourier transform of a wavelet ipj,kW is a windowed
sinusoid, with window supported in A [|7r2^, f 7r2^]. Hence, the Fourier transform
of this ridgelet lives in a dyadic annulus of radius ^ 2K The wavelet w\^^{0)is
mostly concentrated to a window near Oi^e = 27r^/2*. Hence, the Fourier transform
of the ortho ridgelet lives in an angular wedge. Combining these remarks, we have
the pattern illustrated in Figure 1.12(a), which we call the ridgelet tihng of the
frequency plane.


We now use the HalfDome object to illustrate the relationships we have just dis›
cussed, and to underline the plausibility of ridgelet analysis. Figure 1.13 shows
the HalfDome object in Fourier space both with and without the Ridgelet tiling
superposed. It is evident that the energy in the object is concentrated near a
highly elongated sausage-shaped feature oriented at 90 to the orientation of the
discontinuity in the HalfDome object in original space. We of course hope that the
ridgelet tiling is well-adapted to the underlying distribution of energy in the object
under study - i.e. that only a few tiles are required to cover the bulk of the energy
in the object and that only a few coefficients per tile are needed to represent the
part of the object overlapping that tile. It is evident from the distribution of the
energy in frequency space that there is a strong possibility that things will work
out as hoped.
(a) (b)

Figure 1.13. Fourier Transform of Halfdome on log scale, (a) without (b) with ridgelet tiling

We now conside r the situation in the Radon domain . Figur e 1.14 reveal s that
the Slant Stack of the HalfDome objec t is smooth away from a singularit y at a
single (5, /, t) value . Now, the ridgele t coefficients of HalfDome are roughl y speak›
ing such wavele t coefficients of the Slant Stack. It makes sense that a 2 d wavele t
transfor m of this objec t will have sparse coefficients, with the large coefficients con›
centrate d at indice s associated with spatial position s near the singularity . Hence,
we expect the ridgele t transfor m to be sparse . However , to be rigorousl y correct ,
we must remembe r that the ridgele t coefficients arise from the wavele t transfor m
of the normalize d Slant Stack, which is portraye d in Figur e 1.14.


Figure 1.14. a) Normalized Slant Stack of HalfDome and b) Wavelet Transform of it

The normalize d Slant Stack exhibits - like the unnormalize d Slant Stack -
smoothnes s away from a singularit y at a single point . Consequently , it is clear that
we shoul d indee d have sparsit y of the 2-D wavele t transfor m and henc e sparsit y

in the ridgelet domain, as indeed we observe in Figure 1.5. For extra clarity, we
show the wavelet transform with nonlinear transformation .



Figure 1.15. Left: Half Dome, Right:Pseudopolar FT of HalfDome

Continuing in our chain of equivalences, suppose we now take the discrete

Fourier transform in t of each i-slice of the normalized Slant Stack. Then we are
viewing the (normalized) pseudopolar Fourier transform of HalfDome; this is dis›
played below. In this pseudo-polar coordinate system, the object of interest is
well-concentrated in a few tiles. Again, we see reason to expect a sparse represen›


Both ridgelet transforms defined here are expansive: they transform an n by n array
into a 2n by 2n coefficient array. Equivalently, each set of analysis and synthesis
functions, having 4n^ elements for representing objects with n^, is overcomplete.
As a result, it becomes important to study the frame kernel G(/x, v) = {p^, pu),
particularly as regards the sparsity of its rows kernel. If the ridgelet system were
orthonormal, each row would have a single nonzero element on the diagonal, and
hence be extremely sparse. In the overcomplete case, what we can hope for is
that the nonzero elements in each row, once rearranged in order of decreasing
amplitude, decay rapidly.
Owing to the obviously high inner products of true ridge functions oriented in
neighboring directions, we should not expect rapid decay of the coefficients if we
work in the ridgelet system, but should look instead to the ortho-ridgelet system.
To check the sparsity condition, we consider the following computational exper›
iment: we synthesize a single ortho-ridgelet and then analyze that ridgelet, inspect›
ing the resulting transform coefficients for rapid decay.
We give examples here in two ca^es.

Figure 1.16. Ortho-Ridgelet Synthesis and Analysis Planes: Left side: OrthoRidgelet Synthe-
sis. Right side:OrthoRidgelet Analysis on a square root scale

1.6.1 Analysis of a Coarse-scale ridgelet

Figure 1.16 shows the ortho-ridgelet synthesis plane - evidently a delta sequence
peaking at the appropriate place in coefficient space -, and the ort ho-ridgelet anal›
ysis plane. The analysis plane is considerably more spread out than the synthesis
plane. Figure 1.17 presents a close-up of the principal subband.The delta in the
synthesis plane is replaced by a blob in the analysis plane. Another display of

Figure 1.17. Close-up of principal subband of Ridgelet Analysis Plane

behavior in the analysis plane simply plots the sizes of coefficients in decreasing
order, as shown in Figure 1.18. Evidently, there are few "big" coefficients, followed
by a decaying tail.

1.6.2 Remarks on Decay

While the analysis plane is visually quite sparse, in fact the degree of sparsity
exhibited by the transform is disappointing. This is caused by the fact - seen in
Figure 1.18- that, after the initial quite rapid drop-off of coefficient amplitudes,
there is a rather slow decay in the tail region. This sort of phenomenon is well
known in the harmonic analysis of nonperiodic signals, and it is an interesting
open question whether some variant on the procedure could repair this slow decay.

Figure 1.18. Decreasing Rearrangement of Ridgelet Analysis Plane

1.6.3 Edge Effects

It seems important to note that the kernel decay becomes worse the more the
ridgelet in question is concentrated near the edges of the image. We consider a
ridgelet at a fine scale that happens to live near the corner of the image domain,
and again show its ten-term reconstruction, see Figure 1.19. We again show the

Figure 1.19. Left, Corner Ridgelet, and right, 10-term Reconstruction

analysis and synthesis planes. The analysis plane is dramatically more spread out
than before, exhibiting long stripes, see Figure 1.20. Figure 1.21 presents a close-up
of the principal subband.

1.7.1 Comparison with Zp-ridgelets
Do and Vetterli [8] have proposed a method of ridgelet analysis based on the
use of the Radon transform for Zp, the cartesian product of two copies of the
integers mod p, where p is a prime. At a formal level, this has much to recommend
it, including orthogonality. Essentially, one applies the Z^ Radon transform, and
then take the wavelet transform in the T direction.

Figure 1.20. Corner Ridgelet: Synthesis and Analysis Planes

Figure 1.21. Corner Ridgelet: Principal subband of Ridgelet Analysis Plane

Unfortunately, the Z’^ Radon transform integrates over ’lines’ which are defined
algebraically rather than geometrically, and so the points in a ’line’ can be rather
arbitrarily and randomly spread out over the spatial domain. In consequence, the
Zp ridgelets that are defined in this way have a rather strange apppearance. Tyj)-
ical examples are shown on Figure 1.22. Such ’ridge functions’ have their support

i ' ' ' : ' ' ;

Figure 1.22. Examples of Zp Ridgelets

scattered haphazardly throughout the image plane, and resemble neither a a tra-

ditional ridge function, nor any spatially coherent object. As a consequence of this
behavior, partial reconstructions in the Zp system have errors which look very
much like textured random noise. Figure 1.23 compares reconstruction of Half-
Dome by 50 Zp ridgelet coefficients with reconstruction by 50 ridgelets based on
the transform developed here. The additional noisiness is clear. Figure 1.24 con-
(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 1.23. Reconstruction of HalfDome by Zp ridgelets, and digital ridgelets. (a) Recon-
struction by 50 Zp coefficients, (b) Reconstruction by 50 DR coefficients, (c) Reconstruction
by 100 Zl coefficients, (d) Reconstruction by 100 DR coefficients

siders an object used by Do and Vetterli [8] in their paper on Z’^ ridgelets, and
compares reconstruction by 50 Z^ ridgelet coefficients with reconstruction by 50
ridgelets based on the transform developed here. Again, the additional noisiness
in Z^ reconstruction is clear.
In summary, the Z’^ approach simply is not based on a geometrically faithful
notion of ridgelet, and suffers from textural artifacts.

1.7.2 Comparison with earlier ridgelets

We briefly mention three other notions of ridgelet transform we know about.
In [9] , an initial attempt was made to construct a discrete ridgelet transform
operating in order N\og{N) flops, where N = ’n? is the image size. The idea
was based on approximate cartesian-to-polar resampling. One would overlay a
true polar grid on the discrete Fourier transform, and approximately evaluate
the discrete Fourier transform at polar grid points by interpolation from nearby
cartesian grid points. It was shown that by this device one could obtain a Frame,
provided the polar grid were sufficiently dense. However, this approach had three
seeming drawbacks. First, it might be that it would require a very high degree
of oversampling to obtain the Frame property. Second, the kind of interpolation
required would involve considerable arithmetic for each desired polar grid point,
with frequent accesses to data in a near a corresponding pixel location, which, on

(a) (b)

# ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

d d
(c) (d)

Figure 1.24. Reconstruction by Zp ridgelets, and digital ridgelets. (a) Reconstruction by 128
Zp coefficients, (b) Reconstruction by 256 Zp coefficients, (c) Reconstruction by 128 DR
coefficients, (d) Reconstruction by 256 DR coefficients

modern hierarchical memory computers might cause frequent cache misses, and
correspondingly slow operations. Third, the method was inelegant to program, for
example, because of attempting to ’fit a round polar grid in a square cartesian
box’ the were annoying special cases arose at the corners of the grid.
In [10], the strategy described in this paper, based on the pseudo-polar grid,
was described and implemented, only with m n in the definition rather than
the choice vn ln used here. A key advantage of this approach is that the under›
lying pseudopolar FFT requires only one-dimensional FFT’s and so is completely
vectorizable; this is an advantage on modern hierarchical memory machines and
machines with 1-dimensional FFT’s as built-in operations. The difference between
the m n and m = 2n versions comes in boundary behavior. The m = n approach
has ridgelets which wrap around at the border, while the m = 2n approach does
not suffer from the wrap-around artifacts (seeFigure 1.28).

(a) (b)

Figure 1.25. Wrap around artifact of earlier ridgelets

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 1.26. Comparison between Wavelet reconstructions, earlier Ridgelet reconstruction
and OrthoRidgelet reconstruction of (a) Half Dome using, (b) 16 Wavelet coefficients, (c)
16 Earlier Ridgelet coefficinets, (d) 16 Ridgelet coefficients
(a) (b)


Figure 1.27. (a) Half Dome, (b)BandPassed HalfDome, (c) FT of Half Dome on square root
scale, (d) Windowed FT of Half Dome on a square root scale.

The above cited papers were not released at the time they were written because
of Stanford University’s patent fiUng in this area.
The paper [22], follows part of the strategy described in this paper, based on
the pseudo-polar grid. However, instead of exact evaluation of the trigonometric
polynomial / on the pseudo-polar grid, it uses a simple nearest-neighbor interpo›
lation scheme to evaluate pseudo-polar grid points in terms of nearby Cartesian
grid points. The frame bounds available by this approach are considerably broader
than those obtained by the exact interpolation used in this paper, although for

Figure 1.28. Ridgelet Analysis of BandPassed HalfDome. Left side:Amplitude Map of

Ridgelet coefficients. Right side:Amplitude Map of Ridgelet coefficients on a square root

(a) (b)

Rank order, m Number of Terms, m

Figure 1.29. Left side: Decreasing Rearrangement of Ridgelet Analysis Plane, Right side:
m-term aproximation errors

the image de-noising application described there, this factor does not seem to be
very important.
Yoel Shkolnisky has pointed out another possible variation on our approach,
discussed in [2] and forthcoming work. In extending the image we zero pad out to
length m = 2n-j- I rather than 2n, obtaining a corresponding expression for Dm
which is purely real, namely

m sin[7rt/m)
This fixes a slightly inelegant property of the choice m = 2n, namely that the
ridgelets with the highest radial index j are not purely real - they have a small
imaginary component, owing to the small imaginary component of the kernel D2n-
With m = 2n 4-1 this component goes away.

We have described a notion of ridgelet transform which is able to synthesize or
analyze using true ridge functions and which has various exact reconstruction

(a) (b)

Figure 1.30. Reconstructions from 16, 50 and 100 OR coefficients: (a) Band Passed Half
Dome, (b) Reconstructed by 16 coefficients, (c) reconstructed by 50 coefficients, (d) recon-
structed by 100 coefficients.

and frame properties. It also obeys a series of relationships with a notion of digital
Radon transform and a notion of digital polar Fourier transform which are precisely
analogous to corresponding relationships that exist in the frequency domain. At
its heart, the method is based on the use of pseudopolar F FT and Fast Slant Stack
described in [2] .
The principal disappointment of the existing implementation is the relatively
slow decay of the ortho-ridgelet coefficients of a ortho-ridgelet. Figure 19 shows
that, after an initially steep decline in coefficients, a kind of flat ’background’
sets in. The slow decay is reminiscent of the behavior one would see from Gibbs
phenomena in fourier analysis of discontinuities, or from critical sampling in Gabor
analysis. It is not hard to see why this behavior obtains, and to see that it is
intrinsically tied to our central assumption - the use of ridge functions in a digital
setting. Figure 1.31 illustrates the ridgelet analysis process; Figure 1.32 illustrates
its adjoint, the ridgelet synthesis process. The ridgelet analysis process works as
follows: an image is extended to twice its length, then sheared, then projected,
then wavelet analyzed. The ridgelet synthesis process works ’in reverse’: a delta
sequence in the wavelet coefficient domain is inverted into a wavelet, which is
then backprojected into a ridge function, which is then sheared into a tilted ridge
function, which is then mutilated.
This last step - mutilation - is the adjoint of extension by zero-padding, mean›
ing that digital ridgelets, when viewed as an array, amount to a series of columns
containing 1-d wavelets which have been brutally truncated from an n x 2n array
to fit in an n X n array. If the wavelets were not mutilated, their inner products
would decay rapidly with separation in index space; but the mutilation spoils the

Figure 1.31. Stages of Radon analysis: padding, shearing, projection

Figure 1.32. Stages of Radon synthesis (right to left): backprojection, shearing, mutilation

decay property. From this point of view, it is rather obvious what to try next. One
should develop analysis and synthesis transforms not based on ridge functions, but
instead based on windowed ridge functions. We have not explored this proposal
in detail here simply because although a straightforward and obvious extension, it
violates the initial assumption marking the origin of this project: the use of true
ridge functions.

This work has been partially supported by AFOSR MURI 95-P49620-96-1-O028,
by National Science Foundation grant DMS 98-72890 (KDI), and by DARPA
ACMP BAA 98-04. The authors would like to thank Amir Averbuch, Emmanuel
Candes, Raphy Coifman, Jean-Luc Starck, Yoel Shkolnisky, and Martin Vetterli
for helpful comments, preprints, and references. AGF would like to thank the
Statistics Department at UC Berkeley for its hospitality.

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