circular patch antenna with feedline

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International Journal of Electromagnetics and Applications 2020, 10(1): 19-29

DOI: 10.5923/j.ijea.20201001.03

Performance Analysis of an Inset-Fed Circular Microstrip

Patch Antenna Using Different Substrates by Varying
Notch Width for Wireless Communications
Md Ziaur Rahman1,*, Kartik Chandra Deb Nath2, Mohammed Mynuddin3

Department of Civil Engineering, Dhaka International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Department of Physics, Govt. Shah E-Tebaria College, Talora, Bogura, Bangladesh
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Southern University, GA, USA

Abstract This paper demonstrates the effect of using different dielectric substrates on the performance of an inset fed
circular patch microstrip antenna with the variation of notch width for 5 GHz wireless communications. The design frequency
and the thickness of the substrates were kept constant while different substrate materials were used and the notch width was
varied to obtain the maximum performance. Four Substrate materials like Arlon AD 350A with dielectric constant of 3.5,
FR-4 with dielectric constant of 4.3, Preperm L500 with dielectric constant of 5 and Lead glass with dielectric constant of 6
were taken to investigate their effects on the performance by simulating the antenna at 5GHZ. It was seen that among the four
dielectric materials, the substrate with the low dielectric constant has the highest directivity with a wide beam radiation
pattern while FR 4 has the least gain. Maximum negative return loss of -57.32 was obtained for Preperm L500 dielectric
material. The proposed antenna can efficiently be used in C band applications like in satellite communication, WiMAX,
WLAN, Wi-Fi, WiMAX and so on for transmitting and receiving signals and information over the long distances by
dissipating less amount of power.
Keywords Inset-fed, Circular patch, Notch width, Return loss, VSWR, Patch antenna, Directivity, CST MWS

[10]. The Patches of the radiating elements of printed

1. Introduction antennas have different shapes like triangular, rectangular,
square, elliptical and circular [11-12]. However, circular
In recent years, the microstrip patch antenna has widely
structures have been found to be smaller dimensions related
been used for various specific applications in satellite
to the operations of the frequency [13]. It is very easy and
communications, aerospace, radars, biomedical applications,
simple to design and control the radiation patterns in circular
mobile communication for GSM, and remote sensing
patch antenna as compared to the rectangular antenna where
applications [1] because of its special features like ease of
length and width of the patch are used to control and design
analysis and fabrication, low cost, light weight, easy to feed,
[14]. Moreover, at the same design frequency the circular
capability of dual, triple and several frequency operations
patch antenna is about 16% smaller in size than that of the
and attractive radiation [2]. Although the patch antenna has
rectangular patch antenna [15]. The patch of antenna is a thin
several advantages but it has some limitations like narrow
metal strip mounted on the ground plane under which the
bandwidth [3]. The need for wideband antennas operating at
thickness of the metal strip is limited by t <<λ0 and the height
higher frequencies is significantly increasing as the various
is restricted by 0.00033 λ0 < h < 0.053 λ0 to reduce the
wireless applications require more and more bandwidth
fringing effect and the range of dielectric constants are
[4]. To meet the growing demands of the communication
usually in the range of 2.2 <εr <12 [16-17]. For this reason,
systems, researchers have continuously developed new
it is extensively being used for the various wireless
and effective methods to improve the different features of
applications. Thicker substrates with lower values of
microstrip patch antennas like bandwidth [5]-[7],
dielectric constant provide better efficiency, larger
polarization [8], gain [9], return loss, directivity etc. The
bandwidth, increase the fringing field of the patch and thus
microstrip antennas are predominantly a broadside radiator
the radiating power, but it increases weight and surface wave
* Corresponding author:
losses [18]. Higher dielectric constants of thin substrates are
[email protected] (Md Ziaur Rahman) attractive for microwave circuitry since they need tightly
Received: Oct. 12, 2020; Accepted: Oct. 28, 2020; Published: Nov. 15, 2020 bound fields to minimize undesirable radiation and coupling,
Published online at which lead to smaller element sizes; however, they are less
20 Md Ziaur Rahman et al.: Performance Analysis of an Inset-Fed Circular Microstrip Patch Antenna
Using Different Substrates by Varying Notch Width for Wireless Communications

efficient and have relatively smaller bandwidths [18]. There iv) Calculation of Length of the Microstrip transmission
are different types of feeding techniques of a patch antenna line (TL):
like: probe feed, microstrip line feed, aperture coupled feed The microstrip transmission line length (TL) is calculated
and proximity coupling feed [19]. The proposed antenna is as
fed by 50Ω microstrip transmission line [2] since it is most TL=2a.
commonly being used and very easy to design. The fed is
v) Calculation of Inset feed Depth (Fi):
inserted into the circular radiating element for proper
impedance matching. In our study, by introducing a slot into As shown in the fig.1, a microstrip transmission line is
the circular patch we have varied the notch width g using used to feed the circular microstrip antenna. The feed is
various dielectric substrates to improve the performance of inserted deep into the circular radiating element for the
circular patch antenna. Ideally, the distance between the two proper impedance matching. This arrangement for the
slots should be λ/2, where λ is the wavelength in the feeding a microstrip antenna is known as the “inset-feeding”.
dielectric (substrate). But the actual separation of the two It has been shown that the resonant input resistance can be
slots is kept slightly less than λ/2. The basic structure of an varied by using an inset feed distance (Fi) [2]. The resonance
inset feed circular patch antenna is shown in figure-1: input impedance is calculated by the equation according to
𝑅𝑖𝑛 = (3)
2(𝐺1 +𝐺12 )

The inset feed introduces a physical notch, which in turn

introduces a junction capacitance. The junction capacitance
G1 and G12 can be calculated using the following equations
𝐺1 = (4)
120𝜋 2
k W
π sin 2 cos θ
Where, I1 = 0 cos θ
𝑘0 =
And G12 is calculated as
Figure 1. Basic structure of an inset feed circular patch antenna 𝑘 𝑊
1 𝜋 𝑠𝑖𝑛 2 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃
𝐺12 = 2 0
𝐽0 (𝑘0 𝐿𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃) sin3 𝜃𝑑𝜃 (5)
120𝜋 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃

2. Design Equations of the Circular Where, J0 is the Bessel function of the first kind of order
Patch Antenna zero. The resonance frequency is affected about 1% by the
notch and its corresponding junction capacitance. The
i) Calculation of radius of the circular patch: minimum value (zero) occurs at the center of the patch (Fi =
The radius of the circular patch is calculated according to [2] L/2) where the voltage is zero and the current is maximum.
using the following equation: As the inset feed point moves from the edge toward the
𝐹 center of the patch the resonant input impedance decreases
𝑎= 1 (1) monotonically and reaches zero at the center. When the value
2ℎ 𝜋𝐹 2
1+ ln +1.7726 of the inset feed point approaches the center of the patch
𝜋 𝜀𝑟 𝐹 2ℎ
(Fi = L/2), then cos2 ( ) function varies very rapidly and
Where, 𝐹 = the inset feed distance Fi is calculated as:
𝑓𝑟 𝜀 𝑟
ii) Calculation of length and width of the substrate: cos −1
𝐹𝑖 = 𝜋 (6)
According to [20], the length and width of the substrate 𝐿

are normally taken two times the radius of the circular patch. vi) Calculation of feed line width (Wf):
L = 2 × Patch Diameter = 2 × (2a) To obtain 50Ω characteristic impedance (Z0), the required
W = 2 × Patch Diameter = 2 × (2a) 𝑊𝑓
feed line width to height ratio can be calculated using the
iii) Calculation of effective dielectric constant (εreff):
formula [21]:
ε r +1 ε r −1 h 2 8𝑒 𝐴 𝑊𝑓
εreff = + 1 + 12 (2) when ≤2
2 2 W 𝑒 2𝐴 −2 2
Where, in the rectangular patch antenna W is taken equal = 2 𝜀 𝑟 −1
ln 𝐵 − 1 + 0.39 (7)
𝐵 − 1 − ln 2𝐵 − 1 + 0.61
to the width of the patch but in our circular patch antenna we 𝜋 2𝜀 𝑟 −
have taken W=4a and length L=4a.
International Journal of Electromagnetics and Applications 2020, 10(1): 19-29 21

when ≥2 350A with dielectric constant of 3.5, FR-4 with dielectric
constant of 4.3, Preperm L500 with dielectric constant of 5
Z0 𝜀 𝑟 +1 𝜀 𝑟 +1 0.11
Where, A = + 0.23 + and Lead glass with dielectric constant of 6 are determined
60 2 𝜀 𝑟 −1 𝜀𝑟
377𝜋 and the antenna performances are investigated by varying the
and 𝐵 = notch width for the circular patch antenna. The bandwidth of
2𝑍0 𝜀 𝑟
The above equations are solved using Matlab and the the antenna is defined for that range of frequencies over
antenna dimensions are determined. which the RL is less than -10dB corresponds to the value of
VSWR keeping less than 2 and it is calculated according to
3. Results and Discussions
3.1. Performance Anlysis Using Arlon AD 350 Dielectric
In this paper an inset fed circular microstrip patch antenna Material with Dielectric Constant 3.5
using different dielectric substrates is designed and
For the dielectric material of Arlon AD 350 the radius of
simulated using CST. This program analyzes the 3D and
the patch is calculated as 8.8656 mm and the inset feed
multilayer configurations general form. It is commonly used
distance is Fi=6.7822 mm. The width of the microstrip
for the design of different types of antenna. It may be used to
transmission line (Wf) is taken equal to 3.644mm. The
calculate and plot the return loss, standing wave ratio from
dimensions of the proposed antenna for Arlon AD 350
Smith charts, Real power Vs Frequency, VSWR, E-field and
dielectric material is shown in table-1.
H-field distribution, gain as well as radiation patterns. The
antenna dimensions for the dielectric materials of Arlon AD
Table 1. Design Parameters of the Patch Antenna

Description Dimensions (mm)

Radius of the patch 8.8656
Substrate Length (Lg) 35.4624
Substrate Width (W) 35.4624
Length of the inset (Fi) 6.7822
Length of the Microstrip transmission line 17.7312
Dielectric constant of substrate (εr) 3.5
The height of the dielectric substrate (h) 1.6
The height of the conductor (t) 0.035
The width of Microstrip feed line (Wf) 3.644

Figure 2. The return loss, S11 of the designed antenna at resonant frequency 5.415 GHz with varying g for the dielectric constant 3.5

The notch width g is varied while keeping all other mm where the impedance is perfectly matched. At this point
parameters constant and the performance parameters of the less amount of energy is reflected back and most of the
antenna are shown in table-2. It is observed that the return power is transferred to the radiating patch. After attaining
loss S11 and VSWR at first started to decrease with the minimum value, S11 and VSWR again start to increase.
increasing the value of notch width g that means the input The gain and directivity also increase with increasing g and
impedance begins to match with the impedance of the finally a limit arrives where it again decreases with the
radiating patch. In order to obtain the better impedance variation of g. The antenna is simulated at 5 GHz but the
matching g is varied as shown in table-2 and the lowest value resonant frequency and bandwidth shifted from 5.38 GHz to
of S11 (-42.13) and VSWR (1.02) are obtained at the 5.815 GHZ and 1.5% to 2.27% respectively with changing g
resonant frequency 5.4 GHz for the value of g equal to 1.3 for dielectric constant of 3.5. It is also observed that using
22 Md Ziaur Rahman et al.: Performance Analysis of an Inset-Fed Circular Microstrip Patch Antenna
Using Different Substrates by Varying Notch Width for Wireless Communications

equation (6) proper impedance matching can be obtained by and fig-8 illustrate the power accepted and the total
varying g to obtain the maximum performance of a circular efficiency of the proposed antenna with varying g for Arlon
patch antenna when Arlon AD 350 dielectric dielectric AD 350. From fig.3, for g≥2 the VSWR is high greater than 2
material is used. The maximum directivity (fig.4), gain (fig.5) which is not acceptable and according to [1] it must be
and bandwidth obtained for Arlon AD 350 dielectric material within 1 and 2. The return loss is also very high for these
are 5.174 dB, 7.03dB and 2.27% respectively. Fig.6 shows values of g due to proper impedance matching.
the various farfield radiation patterns of the antenna. Fig-7
Table 2. Performance parameters of the antenna with Arlon AD 350 dielectric material (3.5) by varying g

Resonance frequency S11 Gain Direct-ivity Band-width

Notch Width (mm) VSWR
(GHz) (dB) (dB) (dB) (%)
0.2 5.415 -8.861 2.13 5.056 6.997 -
0.3 5.405 -11.11 1.77 5.015 7.002 1.5
0.5 5.375 -15.00 1.43 5.05 7.007 2.14
0.8 5.38 -20.67 1.20 5.105 7.015 2.27
1 5.39 -25.78 1.11 5.166 7.023 2.26
1.2 5.405 -36.30 1.03 5.174 7.030 2.22
1.3 5.4 -42.13 1.02 5.154 7.03 2.18
1.4 5.425 -34.61 1.04 5.063 7.032 2.15
1.5 5.435 -28.97 1.074 4.992 7.029 2.10
1.8 5.47 -22.57 1.161 4.528 7.016 2.0
2 5.5 -20.19 1.22 4.342 6.992 1.93
2.5 5.58 -16.92 1.33 4.432 6.921 1.77
3 5.68 -15.08 1.43 3.826 6.748 1.63
3.644 5.815 -12.99 1.58 3.591 6.592 1.69

Figure 3. VSWR of the designed antenna at resonant frequency 5.415 GHz with varying g for the dielectric constant 3.5

Figure 4. Directivity of the designed antenna at resonant frequency 5GHz Figure 5. Gain of the designed antenna at resonant frequency 5GHz for
for g=1.3mm g=1.3mm
International Journal of Electromagnetics and Applications 2020, 10(1): 19-29 23

Figure 6. Farfield radiation pattern of the designed antenna: a) gain b) directivity c) H-field d) E-field e) Power field and f) Smith chart at resonant
frequency 5GHz

inset feed length is found equal to 6.2782. While increasing

the notch gap g from 0.1 mm, it is found that return loss S11
and VSWR significantly started to decrease gradually and
after reaching at a value these parameters experienced the
reverse case with further increase in g. The resonating
frequency varies from 5.39 GHz to 5.55 GHz and the lowest
values of S11=-37.22 and VSWR=1.03 are found at the
resonating frequency of 5.32 GHz which is little smaller than
for that of the Arlon AD 350 dielectric material.
Table 3. Design Parameters of the Patch Antenna for εr=4.3

Description Dimensions (mm)

Figure 7. Accepted power of the antenna with varying g
Radius of the patch 8.0523
Substrate Length (Lg) 32.2092
Substrate Width (W) 32.2092
Length of the inset (Fi) 6.2782
Length of the Microstrip transmission line 16.1046
Dielectric constant of substrate (εr) 4.3
The height of the dielectric substrate (h) 1.6
The height of the conductor (t) 0.035
The width of Microstrip feed line (Wf) 3.137

Figure 8. Total efficiency of the proposed antenna with varying g

According to the analysis of [21], this phenomenon is also
valid for the rectangular patch antenna designed using FR-4
The main lobe magnitude for farfield gain, farfield material as the dielectric substrate. When the notch width
directivity and farfield E-field are 5.15dBi, 7.04 dBi and 12 is increased from 0.5 mm to 2.5 mm then the resonant
dB(v/m) respectively which are good for various wireless frequency increases due to the impedance mismatching with
communication applications. Fig.7 and fig.8 show the the radiating patch. There is a little increase in directivity
accepted power and the total efficiency of the design antenna. followed by decreased in gain due to the variation of g. The
For g=1.3mm the accepted power and the efficiency are maximum value of gain and bandwidth obtained using Fr-4
0.0243 W and 0.0177 respectively. The farfield-P and substrate are 1.508dB and 3.84% respectively. The 3D
H-field are taken at phi=90. radiation pattern and the polar plot of the designed antenna
are shown in fig.-10 and fig.-11.
3.2. Performance of the Antenna Using FR-4 Dielectric
From fig.9 it is seen that the maximum negative value of
Material with Dielectric Constant 4.3
return loss is found to -37.22 dB for g=0.5 mm. As g is
The dimensions of the antenna for FR-4 substrate is shown further increased above this point, the power loss started to
in table-3. The radius are calculated as 8.0523 mm and the increase while transferring it to the radiating circular patch
24 Md Ziaur Rahman et al.: Performance Analysis of an Inset-Fed Circular Microstrip Patch Antenna
Using Different Substrates by Varying Notch Width for Wireless Communications

and S11 becomes 1.87 for g=2.5mm and the gain is negative
(-0.67dB) which is unexpected. At the resonating frequency
at 5.3 GHz, Both VSWR and S11 are so high for g≥2 mm due
to lack of impedance matching. From fig.11, the polar plot of
the farfirld radiation pattern shows that the antenna can be
used for various remote sensing applications.

Figure 9. VSWR of the designed antenna at resonant frequency 5.32 GHz

with varying g for the dielectric constant 4.3
Figure 10. Gain & Directivity of the designed antenna at resonant
frequency 5GHz for g=0. 5mm

Table 4. Performance parameters of the antenna for εr =4.3 with the variation of g

Resonance frequency S11 Gain Direct-ivity Band-width

Notch Width (mm) VSWR
(GHz) (dB) (dB) (dB) (%)
0.1 5.39 -10.43 1.86 1.850 6.653 1.69
0.2 5.35 -15.45 1.4 1.73 6.45 3.83
0.4 5.325 -32.16 1.05 1.569 6.467 3.84
0.5 5.32 -37.22 1.03 1.51 6.474 3.72
0.6 5.32 -27.09 1.09 1.431 6.479 3.58
0.8 5.325 -20.38 1.21 1.259 6.497 3.29
1 5.34 -17.35 1.31 1.054 6.520 3.02
1.3 5.365 -14.62 1.46 0.756 6.549 2.62
1.5 5.39 -13.42 1.54 0.562 6.568 2.32
2 5.465 -11.46 1.73 0.093 6.630 1.63
2.5 5.555 -10.36 1.87 -0.67 6.677 0.83

Figure 11. Farfield radiation pattern of the designed antenna: a) E-pattern b) H-field c) Power field e) directivity f) gain and d) Smith chart at resonant
frequency 5GHz
International Journal of Electromagnetics and Applications 2020, 10(1): 19-29 25

3.3. Performance of the Antenna Using Preperm L500 frequency is shifted but the parameters are taken at 5.475
Dielectric Material with Dielectric Constant 5.0 GHz. The smith chart of the designed antenna is shown in
fig.14 for g=1.9 mm. The main lobe magnitude (Phi=90) of
The radius of the antenna which is the only parameter to the far field directivity and E-field are 6.4 dBi and 7.68dB
design and to control the radiation pattern is calculated as (v/m) respectively which are good for the usage of the
7.5008 mm for Preperm L500 substrate. The antenna antenna in various wireless communication applications.
dimensions designed using for εr =5 is shown in table-5. It is The highest accepted power is found to be 0.499 W for the
noticed that for the thin dielectric material with higher value notch width, g=1.9mm. The polar plot of the proposed
of dielectric constant the radius, Wf and other parameters antenna suggests that is may efficiently be used for the
also decreases since these parameters depend on the radius of transmitting and receiving the signal and information to the
the circular patch. Likewise, Arlond AD 350 and FR-4 remote distances with the minimum loss of energy.
dielectric materials, using Preperm L500 as the dielectric
material the return loss S11 and VSWR decrease Table 5. Design Parameters of the Patch Antenna Preperm L500 dielectric
simultaneously with increasing g and after attaining at their
lowest level for a certain value of g, S11 and VSWR again Description Dimensions (mm)
start to increase with further increased in g. The lowest value Radius of the patch 7.5008
of the return loss and VSWR are found as -57.32 dB and Substrate Length (Lg) 30.0032
1.002 respectively as shown in table-6 for the notch width, Substrate Width (W) 30.0032
g=1.9 mm which indicates that the input impedance is highly Length of the inset (Fi) 5.9308
matched with the radiating patch and very less amount
Length of the Microstrip transmission line, TL 15.0016
of energy is lost while transferring the power to the patch
Dielectric constant of substrate (εr) 5.0
which is highly expected for the most of the wireless
communication applications. The return loss S11 and VSWR The width of Microstrip feed line (Wf) 2.794
are taken at resonant frequency of 5.475 GHz with the
variation of g shown in fig-12 and fig-13. But in table-6, the
antenna performance parameters are taken in accordance to
their individual resonant frequencies and for that reason the
values of S11 and VSWR are different than from fig.12 and
fig.13. The directivity also increases with the variation of g
and maximum value of it is observed as 6.342 dB. At
resonating frequency 5.39 GHz, the maximum gain and
bandwidth of 5.235 dB and 2.04 % are found for g=1.9 mm.
At resonant frequency 5.475GHz, the S11 and VSWR are
very high for the value of g from 0.3mm-1.5 mm and it again
becomes high when g is taken above 1.9 mm. This is because
in these ranges of g, the input impedance does not match Figure 12. The return loss, S11 of the designed antenna at resonant
frequency 5.32 GHz with varying g for the dielectric constant 4.3
with the radiating patch impedance and the resonant

Table 6. Performance parameters of the antenna with Preperm L500 dielectric material (5.0) by varying g

Resonance frequency S11 Gain Directivity Band-width

Notch Width (mm) VSWR
(GHz) (dB) (dB) (dB) (%)
0.3 5.415 -8.94 2.11 4.849 6.111 -
0.5 5.405 -11.51 1.72 4.804 6.116 1.41
0.8 5.375 -15.03 1.43 4.821 6.133 1.95
1 5.38 -17.47 1.31 4.976 6.158 2.03
1.3 5.39 -21.84 1.18 5.235 6.208 2.04
1.5 5.405 -26.22 1.10 5.210 6.245 2.02
1.8 5.4 -35.19 1.03 4.657 6.291 1.95
1.9 5.425 -57.32 1.002 4.541 6.299 1.92
2 5.435 -36.56 1.03 4.498 6.308 1.89
2.2 5.47 -31.04 1.06 4.846 6.329 1.85
2.3 5.5 -22.53 1.16 5.074 6.342 1.82
2.5 5.58 -9.76 1.96 4.846 6.329 -
26 Md Ziaur Rahman et al.: Performance Analysis of an Inset-Fed Circular Microstrip Patch Antenna
Using Different Substrates by Varying Notch Width for Wireless Communications

Figure 13. VSWR of the designed antenna at resonant frequency 5.475

GHz with varying g for the dielectric constant of 5.0

Figure 14. Smith chart of the designed antenna at resonant frequency

5GHz for g=1.9 mm Figure 15. Gain & Directivity of the designed antenna at resonant
frequency 5GHz for g=1.9 mm

Figure 16. Farfield radiation patterns of the designed antenna: a) directivity b) gain c) E-field d) H-field e) power field and f) accepted power of the
antenna designed with Preperm L500 dielectric material with dielectric constant 5.0

3.4. Performance of the Antenna Using Lead Glass significantly drops to -47.27dB. This is because at g=1.65
Dielectric Material with Dielectric Constant 6.0 mm better impedance matching is obtained and less amount
Using Lead glass as the dielectric substrate the radius and of energy is lost while transferring energy to the radiating
the width of the transmission line are fond to be as 6.811 mm patch. The return loss S11 and VSWR decreased up to a limit
and 2.4101 mm respectively as shown as in table-7. The with increasing the value of g and after this point of g the
resonance frequency is shifted from 5.29 GHz to 5.555 GHz return loss and VSWR started to increase due to mismatch of
with the variation of notch width g from 0.3 mm to 2.4 mm. the impedance. The radiation pattern and polar plot for
It is observed that at g=1.6 the return loss S11 is -40.03 dB g=1.65 is shown in fig-19 and fig-20. There is little increase
but with very little increase in g at 1.65 mm the return loss in directivity with increasing g and maximum value 6.009 dB
International Journal of Electromagnetics and Applications 2020, 10(1): 19-29 27

is found at g=2.4 mm. The maximum gain and bandwidth

obtained using lead glass as the dielectric substrate are 5.02
dB and 2.17 dB respectively. The characteristics of the
antenna are shown in table-8.

Figure 17. The return loss, S11 of the designed antenna at resonant
frequency 5.4 GHz using lead glass with varying g

Figure 19. Directivity & Gain of the designed antenna at resonant

frequency 5GHz for g=1.65 mm

Table 7. Design Parameters of the antenna with Lead glass as the substrate

Description Dimensions (mm)

Radius of the patch 6.8811
Figure 18. VSWR of the designed antenna at resonant frequency 5.4 GHz Substrate Length (Lg) 27.5244
with varying g for the dielectric constant of 6.0
Substrate Width (W) 27.5244
The return loss S11 and VSWR taking at resonant Length of the inset (Fi) 5.9308
frequency 5.4 GHz shown in fig.17 and fig.18 are very high Length of the Microstrip transmission line, TL 13.7622
for the range g=0.3mm-1.3mm and g≥2 due to improper Dielectric constant of substrate (εr) 6.0
impedance matching at these value of g. The main lobe The height of the dielectric substrate (h) 1.6
magnitude of the farfield gain and farfield directivity The height of the conductor (t) 0.035
(Phi=90) are 3.02 and 3.99 respectively. The width of Microstrip feed line (Wf) 2.4101

Table 8. Performance parameters of the antenna with Lead glass dielectric material (6.0) by varying g

Resonance frequency S11 Gain Directivity Band-width

Notch Width (mm) VSWR
(GHz) (dB) (dB) (dB) (%)
0.3 5.3 -9.54 2.00 4.780 5.765 -
0.5 5.29 -12.50 1.62 4.709 5.767 1.75
0.8 5.29 -17.33 1.31 4.607 5.778 2.14
1 5.325 -19.88 1.23 4.617 5.798 2.17
1.3 5.345 -26.27 1.10 4.789 5.819 2.12
1.5 5.37 -36.39 1.03 4.983 5.847 2.07
1.6 5.39 -40.03 1.02 5.02 5.865 2.04
1.65 5.4 -47.27 1.008 5.012 5.876 2.02
1.7 5.405 -35.81 1.03 4.936 5.884 2.00
1.8 5.425 -33.83 1.04 4.785 5.898 1.97
2 5.465 -27.44 1.09 4.336 5.917 1.9
2.4 5.555 -24.37 1.13 4.798 6.009 1.79
28 Md Ziaur Rahman et al.: Performance Analysis of an Inset-Fed Circular Microstrip Patch Antenna
Using Different Substrates by Varying Notch Width for Wireless Communications

Figure 20. Farfield radiation pattern (polar plot) of the designed antenna: a) directivity b) gain c) H-field d) E-field e) power field and of the antenna
designed using Lead glass with dielectric constant 6.0

impedance matching is very crucial. Since, in circular patch

4. Conclusions antenna the only controlling parameter is the radius of the
patch so for the required resonant frequency the substrates
The effect of using different substrates on the performance material should be selected at the proper way. The VSWR
of an inset feed circular microstrip antenna by varying their and the return loss are also dependent on the inset feed length,
notch width has been studied. The resonance frequency of transmission line length and the notch gap and its values also
the antenna showed negligible shift for different dielectric vary for various dielectric materials so it ought to be
materials. Likewise, rectangular patch antenna analyzed by calculated very cautiously for ensuring the proper impedance
[21], in circular patch antenna the return loss and VSWR at matching by using the above mentioned mathematical
first started to decrease up to a level with increasing the value formula.
of notch width g and above this value of g, the S11 and
VSWR started to increase again for further increased the
value of g. The dimension of the antenna also decreases for
the higher values of the dielectric constants. Among the used REFERENCES
four dielectric materials, FR-4 has the minimum gain
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