Glazed Aluminium Curtain Walls Specs
Glazed Aluminium Curtain Walls Specs
Glazed Aluminium Curtain Walls Specs
A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Special Conditions and Division-
1 Specification sections, apply to this section.
A. This Section includes a stick- framed structural glass aluminum curtain wall system with interior metal
B. This Section includes a preassembled-framed-unit type structural glass aluminum curtain wall system
of prefabricated nesting or stacking frames.
C. Primary components of the structural glass curtain wall system include:
1. Structural glass aluminum curtain wall framing system.
2. Internal steel reinforcement.
3. Metal spandrel panels and other non-glass panels.
4. Glazing gaskets.
5. Column covers, soffit, sills, copings, trim, and similar border and filler items.
6. Interior curtain wall that matches the exterior curtain wall.
7. Anchors shims, fasteners, inserts, accessories, and support brackets.
8. Insulation and fire stopping within the curtain wall system.
9. Joint sealing within the curtain wall system; refer to Division 7 sections 07900 “Joint sealants” for
10. Operable aluminum windows included as part of the structural glass aluminum curtain wall
system; refer to Division 8 Section 08490 – “Aluminum doors and windows” f o r requirements.
11. Glass and glazing included as part of the curtain wall system; refer to division (8) 08800 “Glass
and Glazing “ for requirements.
Provide the manufacturer’s stock curtain wall system, adapted to the application indicated, that
complies with performance requirements specified as demonstrated by testing the manufacturers
corresponding stock systems according to test methods indicated.
1. Design wind velocity at the project site is 113 km/h.
C. Structural Performance
Design, engineer, fabric ate, and install the structural glass aluminum curtain wall system to withstand
the effects of a wind load of 1675 pa acting inward and 1436Pa acting outward, normal to the plane of
the wall, when tested in accordance with ASTM E 330, with no material failures or permanent
deformation of structural members.
1. Structural test pressure shall be equal to 150 percent of the inward and outward acting
design wind pressures.
2. Deflections: The curtain wall system shall be capable of withstanding building movements including
wind loading and of performing within the following limitations:
4 member immediately below to less than 3 mm.
The structural glass aluminum curtain wall system shall be capable of withstanding thermal
movements resulting from an ambient temperature differential of 67 C deg. which may result in a metal
surface temperature range of 100 C deg. within the curtain wall framing without causing buckling,
stresses on glass, failure of joint sealants, damaging loads on fasteners, or other detrimental effects.
The structural glass aluminum curtain wall system shall be of non-thermal-break construction that has
been tested in accordance with AAMA 1502.7 and certified by the manufacturer to provide a
condensation resistance factor (CRF) of at least 45.
The average sound transmission loss through the structural glass aluminum curtain wall system shall
be a minimum of 30 dB for the standard frequency range of 125 to 4000 Hz when tested in accordance
with ASTM E 90 with the glass type indicated.
Submit the following in accordance with Conditions of the Contract and Division 1 Specification
Include manufacturer’s specifications for materials and fabrication, installation instructions, and
recommendations for maintenance. Include test reports showing compliance with project
requirements where test method is indicated.
Show adaptation of manufacturer’s standard structural glass aluminum curtain wall system to the
project; include typical unit elevations at 1:25 scale and details at 1:4 scale. Show dimensions,
profiles of members, anchorage system, interface with building construction, and glazing.
1. Include setting drawings, templates, and directions for the installation of anchor bolts and other
anchorage’s installed as a unit of work under other sections.
2. Indicate where and how the system deviates from contract drawings and specifications. Show
section module of wind-load-bearing members and calculations of stresses and deflections.
Provide material properties and other information needed for structural analysis including
computations, prepared, signed, or, and sealed by a professional engineer licensed to practice
in the jurisdiction where the project is located.
Provide Pairs of samples of each aluminum finish type and color on 300-mm-long sections of
extrusions or formed shapes and on 150-mm squares of aluminum sheet or plate. Include 2 or more
units in each sample set showing the extreme limits of variations expected in color and texture of
1. The Engineer reserves the right to require fabrication samples showing the following:
a. Prime members.
b. Joinery.
c. Anchorage.
d. Expansion provisions.
e. Glazing and similar details.
f. Profiles.
g. Intersections.
h. Hardware
Provide test reports from a qualified independent testing laboratory that show compliance of the
manufacturer’s stock structural glass aluminum curtain wall system with performance requirements
indicated based on comprehensive testing of the system by the laboratory within the last 3 years
current production of the system by the manufacturer.
10 years guarantee on system & fixation has to be submitted by the Contractor.
Engage an experienced Installer who has successfully completed installation of structural glass
curtain wall systems similar in material, design, and extent to that indicated for the Project and who is
acceptable to the curtain wall manufacturer.
Comply with the following requirements:
1. Preconstruction testing service: The Employer will employ and pay a qualified independent
testing laboratory to perform the preconstruction testing indicated.
2. Preconstruction Testing Service: The Contractor shall employ and pay a qualified independent
testing laboratory to perform the preconstruction testing indicated.
3. Construct mock-up units of the structural glass aluminum curtain wall system for testing at the
laboratory’s test facilities. Mock-up shall be complete with all components, finishes, and details of
construction identical with those proposed for use in the building. Do not take special precautions
or use techniques that do not represent those to be used on the building.
a. Do not begin installation of mock-ups until testing laboratory proposed for use has been
b. Mock-up shall be of sufficient size and configuration to demonstrate adequately the
system’s performance capabilities.
c. Personnel assembling mock-ups at the laboratory shall be the personnel that will perform
this work at the project site.
d. Include mullions, panels, vision glass, copings, and fascia where applicable. Provide
corners, splice joints, sealants anchors, and other components necessary.
4. Schedule testing with sufficient time for analysis of results and to prevent delay in the progress of
the Work.
5. Test the structural glass aluminum curtain wall system for compliance with requirements specified
for performance and test methods. Conduct tests with assembly’s representative of actual
materials and construction proposed for incorporation in the work.
Comply with recommendations of Flat Glass Marketing Association (FGMA) “Glazing Manual” and
“Sealant Manual” except where more stringent requirements are indicated. Refer to those publications
for definitions of glass and glazing terms not otherwise defined in this section or referenced standards.
Provide structural glass aluminum curtain wall system for the project from one source from a single
Before installing the curtain wall system, erect a full-size sample curtain wall panel mock-up, including
mullions, panels, vision glass, and other elements of the system, to verify selections made under
sample submittals and to represent the completed system for aesthetic effects and qualities of
materials and installation. Build the mock-up to comply with the following requirements, using materials
indicated for the final installation.
1. Construct the mock-up on site in the location and sizes indicated or, if not indicated, as directed
by the Engineer.
2. Demonstrate the proposed range of aesthetic effects and workmanship.
3. Obtain the Engineer’s acceptance of the mock-up before starting final erection of the structural
glass aluminum curtain wall system.
4. Maintain the mock-up in undisturbed condition during construction as a standard for judging
completed curtain wall installation.
a. When directed, demolish and remove mock-ups from the site.
b. If acceptable to the Engineer, accepted mock-ups on the building in undisturbed condition at
time of Substantial Completion may be incorporated into the Work.
The drawings indicate sizes, profiles, and dimensional requirements of the curtain wall system.
Curtain wall systems having equal performance characteristics with deviations from indicated
dimensions and profiles may be considered, provided deviations do not change the design concept of
intended performance.
Welding shall be executed by skilled licensed works, according to the structural welding code of
Take field measurements before fabrication; show recorded measurements on final shop drawings.
Coordinate fabrication schedule with construction progress to avoid delay.
1. Submit a written warranty signed by authorized representatives of the Contractor and installer
warranting that portions of the Work involving structural glass aluminum curtain wall are of good
quality, free from defects, and in conformance with the requirements of the Contract Documents
and further promising to repair or replace defective Work during a 5-year period following
completion of that portion of the Work.
(1) Defective is defined to include the following:
a. Glass breakage
b. Failure of operational parts to function normally
c. Deterioration or discoloration of finishes.
d. Failure of the system to meet performance requirements.
2. The Warranty submitted under this section shall not deprive the Employer of other rights or
remedies that the Employer may have under other provisions of the Contract Documents and is
in addition to and runs Concurrent with other warranties made by the Contractor under
requirements of the contract documents.
Provide alloy, temper, and thickness recommended by the manufacturer for the type of use and finish
indicated and with not less than the strength and durability properties of the alloy and temper
designated below for each aluminum form required.
1. Extruded Bar and Shapes: Comply with requirements of ASTM B 221M.
2. Plate and sheet: Comply with requirements of ASTM B 209M.
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Provide glass of types and thicknesses indicated. Fabricate glass to sizes required for openings
indicated with edge clearances and tolerances complying with manufacturer’s recommendations.
Refer to Division 8 section 08800 “Glass and Glazing” for requirements.
1. Float Glass: Comply with requirements of the “Glass and Gazing” Section, including those
specified by reference to ASTM C1036.
2. Uncoated, Heat Treated, fully tempered Glass: Comply with requirements of the “Glass and
Glazing” Section, including those specified by reference to ASTM C 1048.
3. Coated, Heat-Treated, fully Tempered Glass: Comply with requirements of the “Glass and Glazing”
Section, including those specified by reference to ASTM C 1048.
a. Class: Clear.
b. Class: Blue tinted, heat absorbing, and light reducing.
c. Class: Bronze tinted, heat absorbing, and light reducing.
d. Class: Grey tinted, heat absorbing, and light reducing.
4. Ceramic Coated Heat –Treated, spandrel Glass: Comply with requirements of ASTM C 1048,
Condition B, with ceramic coating applied to the second surface, and the “Glass and Glazing
Manufacturer’s standard sealed corner pressure glazing or wedge lock dry glazing system of black,
resilient elastomeric glazing gaskets, setting blocks and shims or spacers as required, hardness as
selected by manufacturer.
1. Gasket Material: Extruded polyvinyl chloride gaskets complying with requirements of ASTM D
2. Gasket Material: Extruded or molded neoprene gaskets complying with requirements of ASTM D
3. Gasket Material: Extruded or molded EPDM synthetic rubber gaskets, Compound as
recommended by the manufacturer.
Dead-soft 0.5 mm stainless steel concealed flashing of type selected for compatibility by the
Rigid closed cell polyiscoyanurate core with aged RSI-values for 25.4-mm thickness of 1.27 and 1.41
at 4 and 24 deg C, respectively.
Rigid closed cell extruded polystyrene core with aged RSI – Values for 25.4-mm thickness of 0.95 and
0.88 at 4 and 24 deg C, respectively.
Rigid glass-fiber is insulating board core with a RSI-value for 25.4 – mm thickness of 0.73 at 14 deg C.
1. Face sheets: Not less than 0.6 mm thick and finished to match curtain wall framing.
2. Concealed Back Sheets: Aluminum or galvanized steel.
3. Stabilizer sheets: - 12.7 mm thick gypsum board.
4. Core Material: Rigid closed cell extruded polystyrene.
5. Edge Condition: Prepared for glazing into framing and either sealed or vented to the exterior only.
B. Window units are specified in “Window” section; match finish of the curtain wall framing.
C. Brackets and Reinforcements: Manufacturer’s standard high strength aluminum units.
D. Brackets and Reinforcements: Manufacturer’s standard nonmagnetic stainless steel.
1. Brackets not exposed to weather or abrasion may be hot dip galvanized steel complying with
ASTM A 123.
2. Provide nonfattening nonferrous shims for installation and alignment of curtain wall work.
Nonmagnetic stainless steel window cleaner bolts complying with ANSI A 39.1.
Fabricate curtain wall system at the manufacturer’s shop to the fullest extent possible and before
applying finishes. Provide concealed fasteners. Make provisions to weep penetrating water and
condensation to the exterior.
1. Match exposed work to produce continuity of line. Fit joints accurately and secure rigidly.
2. Where feasible, install nonstructural glass panels in prefabricated frames at the manufacturer’s
3. Where feasible and at the Contractor’s option, install glass in prefabricated frames at the
manufacturer’s shop.
A. The curing sequence in a thermosetting powder coatings shall be applied by Heating melting of the
powder, flowing, setting and curing (cross linking hardening).
B. While the work piece temperature increases, the powder particles melt into a liquid film .At the same
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time the crosslinking of the polymer starts causing the viscosity to increase and within few minutes the
melt is transformed into a solid film.
C. Generally thermosetting powders melt between 75-85 C. Hardening and curing between 140-200 C.
A. Furnish inserts at proper times for setting in concrete formwork, masonry, and similar work indicated to
support curtain wall work.
A. Comply with manufacturer’s instructions for protecting, handling, and installing fabricated curtain wall
components, with particular care and attention of preservation of applied finishes, Discard or remove
and replace damaged members.
B. Anchor components securely in place in the manner indicated. Shim and allow for movement resulting
from changes in thermal conditions. Provide separators and isolators to prevent corrosion, electrolytic
deterioration, and freeze up of moving joints.
C. Fire stopping: Clean debris from behind curtain wall during erection and provide temporary closures to
prevent accumulation of debris. Install fire stopping to comply with governing regulations and AAMA
TIR-A3. Install fire stopping with securely anchored metal flanges or make equivalent provisions to
prevent dislocation. Comply with requirements of Division 7 section “Insulation.”
A. Clean the completed system, inside and out, promptly after erection and installation of glass and
sealants, allowing for nominal curing of liquid sealants, the installer shall advise the Contractor of
proper and adequate procedures for protection and cleaning during the remainder of the construction
period so that the system will be without damage and deterioration at the time of acceptance.
B. At the time of substantial completion, clean curtain wall system thoroughly and polish glass.
Demonstrate proper cleaning methods and materials to the Employer’s maintenance personnel.