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Importing GNSS Data

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Trimble Business Center

Importing GNSS Data


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About this tutorial

About this tutorial

In this tutorial, you will import control and static GNSS data into a new project, merge points, and download
reference and precise orbit data. You will also import a georeferenced image into the project.

Note: If you need additional help at any time you are using the software, press F1 to display the online help.

Step 1. Open the project

For this tutorial, you will use the project file Importing GNSS Data.vce. Project settings have been specified,
but no data has been imported into the project.

Note: The downloaded ImportingGNSSData folder contains this PDF file, a Data folder, and the Importing
GNSS Data.vce project file. You will import data from the Data folder later in this tutorial.

1. In TBC, select File > Open.

2. In the Open File dialog, browse to ..\ImportingGNSSData\Importing GNSS Data.vce

and click Open.

The project opens in the Trimble Business Center window. Since no data has been imported into the
project, the Plan View is empty.

The project file is read-only. You can perform the tutorial steps without saving the project file. However,
if you are interrupted while performing the tutorial, you can save it with a new name by selecting File > Save
Project As. Then, you can re-open the project to continue the tutorial at a later time.

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Step 2. Import GNSS control data

You are now ready to import GNSS control data into your project.

Step 2. Import GNSS control data

1. Select Home > Data Exchange > Import.

The Import pane opens on the right side of the Trimble Business Center window.

2. Check the Close command after import check box located at the bottom of the

3. In the Import pane, click the Browse button.

4. In the Browse for Folder dialog, browse to ..\ImportingGNSSData\Data and click OK.

The Data folder contains the NGS Data Sheet file that will be used in this project. It was previously
downloaded from the NGS website. Access to this site is available using the Survey > GNSS >
Internet Download menu option.

The content of the Data folder displays in the Select File(s) list in the Import pane.

5. In the Select File(s) list, select B 412 ds.txt and click the Import button.

The selected file is imported into your project and the computed point is displayed on the Plan View.

6. Click point B 412 in the Plan View to select it. Then right-click and select Properties
to display the Properties pane for the selected point.

In the Properties pane, you can see that the horizontal values are set to Unknown Control quality ;
the heights are set to Survey Grade quality (geoid derived) ; the elevation is set to Control quality .

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Step 3. Import GNSS static data

7. In the Project Explorer pane, right-click the Points icon and select Expand in the
context menu. Then right-click the Imported Files icon and select Expand.

You can now view the newly imported file and the resulting point.

You are now ready to import GNSS static data into your project.

Step 3. Import GNSS static data

Raw GNSS data for this project is contained in multiple T01 files contained in the Static
Data.zip file and five GNSS data files.

1. Select Home > Data Exchange > Import to re-open the Import pane.

2. Uncheck the Close command after import check box.

3. Select Static Data.zip in the Select File(s) list and click the Import button.

The Receiver Raw Data Check In dialog displays.

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Step 3. Import GNSS static data

You can select any of the tabs in the lower-left corner of the dialog to verify information is
correct, and make changes as necessary. For example, you could correct a point ID or feature
code on the Point tab; or, change the antenna height or measurement method on the Antenna tab.

For instructions on editing antenna types, measurement methods, and measured values, press F1 to
display the "Check-In Raw GNSS Data" online Help topic. In step 4 of the topic, click the Editing Multiple
antenna heights link.

For this tutorial, this information is correct and does not require changes.

4. In the Receiver Raw Data Check In dialog, click OK.

The T01 data is imported into your project and displayed on the Plan View.

5. Click Close to close the Import pane.

For this project, you will need to merge some points, as explained in the next procedure.

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Step 4. Merge points

Step 4. Merge points

The points fsi 16406 a and fsi have been imported with slightly different name variations.
Therefore, the points must be merged.

1. Select Survey > COGO > Merge Points.

The Merge Points panel displays.

2. Because fsi is located close to fsi 16406 a, use your mouse wheel to enlarge the
display on the Plan View to see both points.

3. In the Merge Points pane, click in the Data field and then select fsi and fsi 16406 a
on the Plan View by drawing a box around them.

4. In the Selected Points list, click to expand the fsi 16406 a node and ensure the Final option and the
Include check box are selected for fsi 16406 a. Then select the Include check box for fsi.

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Step 5. Download reference station data

Before clicking the OK button, note how the two point nodes are displayed in the Project Explorer.

5. Click the OK button to merge the points and close the Merge Points pane.

In the Project Explorer pane and Plan View merged. , note how the points have been

Since you have merged points, the red Compute Project Needed indicator (located in the status bar at
the bottom of the Trimble Business Center window) is lit to indicate you must compute the project.

6. Click the red Compute Project Needed indicator or press F4 to compute the project.

You are now ready to download data for reference stations.

Step 5. Download reference station data

In this procedure, you will use the Internet Download command to download reference station data from a
local CORS site.

1. Select Survey > GNSS > Internet Download.

The Internet Download pane displays.

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Step 5. Download reference station data

2. Click the Internet Download Configuration icon located in the pane's toolbar.

3. In the Internet Download Configuration dialog, click the New Site button.

The New Site dialog displays. For this project, you will select from a provider list available from the
Trimble website.

4. Select the Select from the predefined list option, and ensure the check box beneath
it is selected. Then click OK.

The Add Predefined Reference Station Provider dialog displays showing the current list of reference
station data providers from the Trimble website. The providers are listed in sequence, starting with the
one that is closest to the center location of the project.

Note that you can click any column heading to sort the rows based on the column.

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Step 5. Download reference station data

5. In the Add Predefined Reference Station Provider dialog, select CORS, MARSHALL
FIELD (P041) in the list. Then click OK.

The site properties for this reference station display in the New Site Properties for
Group Reference Stations dialog. You do not need to make any changes.

6. Click OK.

The selected provider displays in the Internet Download Configuration dialog.

7. Click OK.

The selected provider displays in the Internet Download pane.

8. Double-click P041 – CORS, MARSHALL FIELD, or select the station and click the
Automatic button at the bottom of the pane.

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Step 5. Download reference station data

The Download Parameters dialog displays. If the project included multiple time
spans, you could select them in the drop-down list. But, since this project has only one
time span, you do not need to make a selection.

9. Click OK.

A new tab #1 displays in the Internet Download pane, showing the files that are
being downloaded and the files ready for import. The action associated with each file
is predefined and is displayed in the Action column. You can change any action by
selecting it.

Note: The log and readme text (.txt) files cannot be imported but they can be saved with
the project data. To do this, you would change the action from Delete to Save.

10. Click the Import button on tab #1 (done) to import the time frame.

The Receiver Raw Data Check In dialog displays. Typically, you would review the
data on all tabs to ensure it is correct. For this tutorial, everything is correct so there is no
need to perform this review.

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Step 6. Download precise orbit data

11. Click OK.

The newly imported reference station data is represented in the Project Explorer
pane and on the Plan View.

You are now ready to download precise orbit data into your project so that you can
process baselines.

Step 6. Download precise orbit data

To process baselines in your project, you can download and import the precise orbits for the
timeframe of the GNSS data. Because the data for this project was collected in the past,
you can use the final orbit data when you process the baselines.

1. In the Internet Download pane, right-click IGS Final Orbits and select Automatic

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Step 6. Download precise orbit data

The Download Parameters dialog displays.

If the project included multiple time spans, you could select them in the drop-down list. But, since this
project has only one time span, you do not need to make a selection.

2. Click OK.

The files are displayed for download on the #2 tab.

3. Repeat this procedure for IGS Final Glonass Orbits on the Start tab in the Internet Download pane.

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Step 7. Import a georeferenced image

4. In the Internet Download pane, click the Import button on tabs #2 and #3 to import
each timeframe.

Next, you will import an image that includes georeference data embedded in the image file
itself. The image will display in the Plan View based on the global coordinates
specified in the georeference data.

Note: You can also import an image file that does not include embedded georeference
data, but instead uses an associated world georeference data file. The associated file
must have the same file name as the georeferenced image, but with a different file
extension (for an example, .wld or .ini).

Step 7. Import a georeferenced image

1. Select Home > Data Exchange > Import.

The Import pane opens on the right side of the Trimble Business Center window.

2. In the Select File(s) list, select Westmoore2.tif and click Import.

Click No in the Import Errors message dialog. The photo image displays in the Plan View.

If the image does not display correctly (for example, the image displays as a black
box), you may need to change the display resolution for the image to minimize the
amount of memory required to display it. Changing to a lower display resolution will
degrade the quality of the image, but it will not change its image size in Plan View.
In many cases, you will not even notice the quality change.

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Step 7. Import a georeferenced image

Since Westmoore2.tif is a very high resolution image, you could change to a lower
resolution without losing appreciable quality by selecting Options in the Quick
Access toolbar. Then, in the Options dialog, you would select Images in the left
navigation pane and select the No tiles option in the Georeferenced Images group.
You could then select 512x512 in the Size (pixels) drop-down list.

However, for this tutorial, do not make any changes in the Options dialog.

3. Use your mouse wheel to zoom in on the image as shown here.

Note that you can select points and baselines, which are now superimposed on the

By default, the image itself is not selectable in the Plan View.

4. To make the image selectable in the Plan View:

to. Select Home > View > View Filter Manager.

b. In the View Filter Manager pane, click the Advanced View Filter Settings in the
pane's toolbar.

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Step 7. Import a georeferenced image

c. In the Advanced View Filter Settings dialog, select the Selectable check box for
Westmoore2.tif. Then click OK.

5. To view properties for the georeferenced image, click in the upper right corner of
the image in the Plan View to select it. Then, right-click and select Properties in the
context menu.

There are several settings in the Properties pane you can use to modify the display of
the image.

You are done importing GNSS data into your project.

6. Select File > Close.

The Save Changes dialog displays. If you saved the project to a new location or with a
new name, you can click Yes. Otherwise, click No.

Now that you have imported GNSS data into your project, you are ready to process
GNSS baselines. See the tutorial Processing GNSS Baselines for instructions.

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Step 7. Import a georeferenced image

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