Intro to Dentistry Program Application 2024

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Introduction to Dentistry Summer Program

Application for Visiting Undergraduate Students

Fee: $300 (due upon acceptance into program)

Date: _____________________

Student’s Name: ______________________________________D.O. B _________Gender:___________

City of Birth: _______________________________________________________________________

Mailing Address: _______________________________________________________________________


Email Address: _______________________________________ Telephone # _____________________

Alternate Email Address: ________________________________________________________________

Undergraduate School in which you are enrolled or attended:


Address of School: _____________________________________________________________________


Emergency Contact Name: _______________________________________________________________

Emergency Contact #: ___________________________________________________________________

Current Status of Student: Undergraduate Level: ____________________ Post Bac:_______________

Ethnicity:*** ______________________

1st Generation College Student ___ Yes ___ No

Pell Grant Recipient ___ Yes ___ No

Do you consider yourself disadvantaged and why? ___________________________________________


Have you applied to any dental school ___Yes ___No

When do you anticipate starting dental school: ____ Year

Please attach a short essay separately (500-word limit) answering the following questions:

1. Why are you interested in the dental profession?

2. Tell us about any experience relevant to dentistry.
3. What do you hope to gain from this program?

By submitting my application:
1. I understand that my participation in this program in no way obligates Penn Dental Medicine to
guarantee acceptance into the dental program

Applicant signature: ______________________________________ Date: ________________________

“The applicant has HEALTH INSURANCE COVERAGE (please provide proof), has received all
APPROPRIATE IMMUNIZATIONS including the Covid-19 vaccine, and is in GOOD ACADEMIC
STANDING” (Please provide an official copy of your transcript).

Upon acceptance to the program, you will be sent a link to upload all relevant immunization records and
permission forms.

***Colleges and universities are asked by many groups, including accrediting associations, to describe
the ethnic/racial backgrounds of our students and employees. In order to fulfill these requests, we ask
this question. This information is confidential and completely voluntary. The University of
Pennsylvania does not discriminate with regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, sexual
orientation or handicap.

Please return your application by January 31st, by email to: Ms. Javita Lee
[email protected]

Transcripts can be mailed or sent electronically to the address or email address below:
Dr. Beverley A. Crawford
University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine
Evans 3rd Floor East
Office of Diversity and Inclusion-Student Initiatives
240 S 40th Street,
Philadelphia, Pa 19104
[email protected]
Phone #: (215) 898-2840

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