Application For Admission: Please Note: This Entire Form Is To Be Completed by The Applicant. Please Print Clearly
Application For Admission: Please Note: This Entire Form Is To Be Completed by The Applicant. Please Print Clearly
Application For Admission: Please Note: This Entire Form Is To Be Completed by The Applicant. Please Print Clearly
Legal surname/family name (must match government issued ID): Date of Birth: __________/_________/__________
Students who withdraw from the course two weeks before the start date will receive a refund less a 20% administrative fee. Students who
withdraw after the course start date will not receive a refund.
Qawsain Higher Education collects and uses personal information to provide you with the best educational services as outlined in our Mission
Statement. The personal information on these forms is required in order to be registered at Qawsain Higher Education and to assist Qawsain
Higher Education in making informed decision and to respond immediately to an emergency. Qawsain Higher Education commits to using and
storing this information responsibly and will not release this information to a third party without your written or verbal consent. If you have
questions about Qawsain Higher Education’s use, storage or disclosure of personal information, please contact us at
[email protected]
I consent to having Qawsain Higher Education collects personal information that may include student identification information, birth
certificate, academic and health information, emergency contact name and number, doctor’s name and number, health insurance number and
any similar information needed for registration.
I further consent to the use and disclosure of information contained in this form and otherwise collected by or on behalf of Qawsain Higher
Education (1) for the purpose of establishing, maintaining, and terminating the student’s relationship with Qawsain Higher Education, (2) for
additional purposes identified when or before personal information is collected, and (3) as otherwise provided in Qawsain Higher Education’s
Personal Information Privacy Policy, a copy of which is available on request. I also consent to the collection, use and disclosure of such personal
information by and to agents, contractors and service providers of Qawsain Higher Education.
I hereby give permission to Qawsain Higher Education to have pictures taken of me for general record keeping purposes and for Qawsain
Higher Education’s website, brochures, Facebook and Instagram.
• All statements on this application and supporting documents are true and complete.
• I authorize Qawsain Higher Education to verify any information provided as part of this application.
• I understand the evidence of falsified documents or misrepresentation will result in the cancellation of my admission or registration.
• I understand the information about falsified documents is shared with other Canadian colleges and universities.
• I understand and acknowledge that it is my responsibility of be aware of, and comply with all Qawsain Higher Education policies and
• For Non-BC Residents, I agree to purchase medical insurance if needed to cover my period of study in Vancouver.
July 2018
Application Fee
Completed application form
Full course payment via Paypal
Scanned copy of medical insurance coverage during length of study in Vancouver (Non-Residents only)
Scanned copy of Government issued ID
To expedite the application process, students may submit electronic (scanned) copies of application forms and official documents for
consideration to [email protected]. All scanned official documents must be in PDF format, in colour, show the entire page,
and include both sides (front and back, even if blank) of all pages. Original documents may be requested at any time. Students who fail to
provide official documents as requested may have their application canceled, and/or blocked from further registration.
Insurance provider:
MSP - Personal Health Card Number: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Private – Name of company: ____________________________________________________
Please provide a copy of your Plan or a proof of insurance for the length of your study.
Use this space if there is anything else you want us to know about yourself that will enable us to plan for and better assist you should a medical
emergency occur:
July 2018