Sri Jaladurga Parameswari Temple Anekkal
Sri Jaladurga Parameswari Temple Anekkal
Sri Jaladurga Parameswari Temple Anekkal
In the Western boarder of Karnataka State, by the side of the river which
separates the state of Karnataka from Kerala, in Karopadi village of Bantwal
taluk. Evidence of ruined Durga Paramaeswari temple was found on 22-12-2013
in the property originally belonged one Seethamma. Advocate O. Shama Bhat
and his wife Smt. Aditi found the said place in their search for a ruined religious
place connected to their lives. Now a beautiful temple of Goddess Sri Jaladurga
Parameswari is constructed in the said place. Some of the spiritual Sadhaks
revealed that, in ancient times Rishi Agastyar had brought the said energy of
Devi from ancient temples from South Kerala from a river side. I came in contact
with the trustees of the trust which had been form for the construction of the
temple Sri Jaladurga Paramaeswari. I advised them to take correct guidance from
Rishi Agastyar himself in respect of the development of the temple and the
divine presence of the energy of Agastyar himself. Quite amazingly, the Nadi
readings revealed the presence of the very strong energy of Rishi Agastyar in the
said place. Later, the vigrahams of Lopamudra and Agastyar got installed in the
temple yard. Adv. O. Shama Bhat was greatly drawn to Agastyar. He being a
persuader of knowledge took lot of interest about studying about Agastyar’s
contribution to the entire world. He came in contact with late Dr. Karthigayan,
the author of the books titled “History of Medical and Spiritual Science of
Siddhars of Tamilnadu.” On getting lot of information from Dr. P. Karthigayan, O.
Shama Bhat felt the need of getting all the works of Agastyar getting translated
from Tamil to English and other languages. He formed another study group in
Mysore in support of such a goal. We approached Bhartiya Language Committee
requesting for arranging for the collection of the entire literatures of Agastyar
and translation of the same. With the greatest sankalpa of Rishi Aga a big
decision was taken by the Central Govt. for the exploration of Agastyar
Knowledge system. Central Institute of Classical Tamil is specially involved in this
task. A great progress is being made in the direction of translating Agastyar work
and strengthening Indian Knowledge system.
In the Nadi revelations, Rish Agastyar has declared that Jaladurga Parameswari in
Anekkal is a Maha Sankalpa Kshetra. The place is also being specially blessed by
lot of spiritual masters who did tapas in the ancient times. It is also revealed
that the place is also blessed by the visit of Lord Srikrishna which had brought
Pandavas in the ancient times and made Arjuna to pray Jaladurga Parameswari
befor the commencement of Mahabharata war.
Perunool Kavyam 12000 also supports the aspect of Agastyar visit to the West of
Thalakaveri. Sri Jaladurga Parameswari temple is also situated at the foot of
Kalenji Male hill region. In Perunool Kavyam, we can see a lot of details of places
situated to the North West of Thalakaveri. Agastyar also mentions about the visit
of Lord Srikrishna and Pandavas in the said place. Even now, the local people of
that region identify several places with the stay of Pandavas during their
In Perunool Kavyam 12000, Agastya refers about his co- travellers in his spiritual
journey. They include Siddhars, rishis and masters of Natha tradition. Nandi
Devaru is one of the Gurus of Siddha tradition. The energy of Nadi devaru is
identified with the energy of Nandi, the vahana of Lord Shiva. Recently, that’s on
09-11-2024, one Siddha Guruji Nandeeswar Peetham of Karur Tamilnadu visited
Jaladurga Parameswari temple and entered into the river water and brought out
an ancient Shivalinga which was submerged several centuries ago. In the Jeeva
Nadi of Nandi devaru, it is revealed that, the said Shivalinga was under the
worship of Sri Macchindranath, father of Natha Panth tradition. Jeeva Nadi further
revealed that the said Shivalingam was worshipped by Gorakhnath, Agastyar,
Viswamitra and Gowtham Rishi. It is also revealed that a number of Siddhars and
people of Natha tradition worshipped that Shivalingam. Until recently, about
three to four decades ago, there were a lot people belonging to Jogi community
residing in that area who considered Macchindranath as their Guru. Jeeva Nadi
also revealed that now there is a very strong presence of Agastyar is there in the
said place. It is further reveal that Agastyar had composed a great spiritual book
in the said place called Jnana Kaivalyam 300. Now Sri Jaladurga Parameswari
trust is preparing to construct a temple there to install the Shivalingam. The said
temple has also become a centre for Cultural education.