3. Healthcare
Versatility - is one of the most wonderful features of computers.
✓ Healthcare continues to be revolutionized by computers. As
This means that the computer has the ability to perform
well as digitized medical information making it easier to store
completely different kinds of works with the same accuracy and
and access patient data, complex information can also be
efficiency at the same time. It is not a calculating machine
analyzed by software to aid discovery of diagnoses, as well as
anymore. E.g.; for one moment it can be used to create invoices
search for risks of diseases. Computers control lab equipment,
or bills, and the next moment it can be used for inventory
heart rate monitors, and blood pressure monitors. They enable
management or any multimedia task, etc.
doctors to have greater access to information on the latest
drugs, as well as the ability to share information on diseases
Reliability - The results obtained by the computer are very
with other medical specialists.
reliable. But this is true only when the data given to the
computer is correct and reliable.
4. Retail and Trade
✓ Computers can be used to buy and sell products online - this
Consistency - The computer is so consistent that it can perform enables sellers to reach a wider market with low overheads, and
trillions of processes without errors for several hours. This buyers to compare prices, read reviews, and choose delivery
means that we can use a computer 24 hours a day or 365 days a preferences. They can be used for direct trading and advertising
year continuously. Furtheremore, it provides consistent results too, using sites such as eBay, Craigslist, or local listings on
for the same set of data, that is, if it is given the same set of data social media or independent websites.
multiple times, it will give the same result each time.
5. Government
Memory - computer has a built-in memory, where it can store ✓ Various government departments use computers to improve
instant data immediately. Here, we are referring to the RAM the quality and efficiency of their services. Examples include city
(primary memory) that holds data as long as the planning, law enforcement, traffic, and tourism. Computers can
computer is connected to a power source. Data is erased from the be used to store information, promote services, communicate
memory after shutting down the computer. In addition, the internally and externally, as well as for routine administrative
computer includes the TROM, the cache memory of different purposes.
levels, virtual memory and others thereby speeding up the
6. Marketing 15. Military
✓ Computers enable marketing campaigns to be more precise ✓ Computers are used extensively by the military. They are use
through the analysis and manipulation of data. They facilitate for training purposes. They are used for analyzing intelligence
the creation of websites and promotional materials. They can be data. They are used to control smart technology, such as guided
used to generate social media campaigns. They enable direct missiles and drones, as well as for tracking incoming missiles and
communication with customers through email and online chat. destroying them. They work with other technologies such as
satellites to provide geospatial information and analysis.
7. Science
✓ Scientists were one of the first groups to adopt computers as a 16. Social and Romance
work tool. In science, computers can be used for research, ✓ Computers have opened up many ways of socializing that
sharing information with other specialists both locally and didn't previously exist. Social media enables people to chat in text
internationally, as well as collecting, cate gorizing, analyzing, or audio in real time across large distances, as well as exchange
and storing data. Computers also play a vital role in launching, photographs, videos, and memes. Dating sites and apps help
controlling, and maintaining space craft, as well as operating people to find romance. Online groups help people to connect
other advanced technology. with others who have similar interests. Blogs enable people to
post a variety of views, updates, and experiences. Online forums
8. Publishing enable discussions between people on specialist or general topics.
✓ Computers can be used to design pretty much any type of
publication. These might include newsletters, marketing 17. Booking Vacations
materials, fashion magazines, novels, or newspapers. Computers ✓ Computers can be used by travelers to study timetables,
are used in the publishing of both hard-copy and e-books. They examine route options, and buy plane, train, or bus tickets.
are also used to market publications and track sales. They can be used to explore and book accommodation,
whether traditional hotels, or through newer services, such as
Air BnB. Guided tours, excursions, events, and trips can also be
9. Arts and Entertainment
explored and booked online using computers.
✓ Computers are now used in virtually every branch of the arts,
as well as in the wider entertainment industry. Computers can be
18. Security and Surveillance
used to create drawings, graphic designs, and paintings. They can
✓ Computers are increasingly being combined with other
be used to edit, copy, send, and print photographs. They can be
technologies to monitor people and goods. Computers
used by writers to create and edit. They can be used to make,
combined with biometric passports make it harder for people to
record, edit, play, and listen to music.
fraudulently enter a country or gain access to a passenger
airplane. Face-recognition technology makes it easier to
10. Communication
identify terrorists or criminals in public places. Driver plates
✓ Computers have made real-time communication over the
can be auto scanned by speed cameras or police cars. Private
internet easy, thanks to software and videoconferencing services
security systems have also become much more sophisticated
such as Skype. Families can connect with audio and video,
with the introduction of computer technology and internet
businesses can hold meetings between remote participants.
12. Transport
20. Robotics
✓ Road vehicles, trains, planes, and boats are increasingly
✓ Robotics is an expanding area of technology which combines
automated with computers being used to maintain safety and
computers with science and engineering to produce machines
navigation systems, and increasingly to drive, fly, or steer. They
that can either replace humans, or do specific jobs that humans
can also highlight problems that require attention, such as low
are unable to do. One of the first use of robotics was in
fuel levels, oil changes, or a failing mechanical part. Computers
manufacturing to build cars. Since then, robots have been
can be used to customize settings for individuals, for example,
developed to explore areas where conditions are too harsh for
seat setup, air-conditioning temperatures.
humans, to help law enforcement, to help the military, and to
assist healthcare professionals.
13. Navigation
✓ Computers combined with satellites mean that it's now easy to
pinpoint your exact location, know which way that you are Earliest Computers originally calculations were computed by
moving on a map, and have a good idea of amenities and places humans, whose job title was computers.
of interest around you.
✓ These human computers were typically engaged in the
14. Working From Home calculation of a mathematical expression.
✓ Computers have made working from home and other forms of ✓ The calculations of this period were specialized and expensive,
remote working increasingly common. Workers can access requiring years of training in mathematics.
necessary data, communicate, and share information without ✓ The first use of the word "computer" was recorded in 1613,
commuting to a traditional office. Managers are able to monitor referring to a person who carried out calculations, or
workers' productivity remotely. computations, and the word continued to be used in that sense
until the middle of the 20th century.
d. Punch Card Loom
a. Tally Sticks ✓ also called Jacquard loom is a
✓ A tally stick was an ancient memory mechanical loom, invented by
aid device to record and document Joseph-Marie Jacquard in 1801.
numbers, quantities, or even messages. ✓ It is an automatic loom
controlled by punched cards
Software – Organized information in the form of operating Installation - is simply to prepare or set in, both hardware and
systems, utilities programs, and application programs that software into the computer for use.
enable computers to work. A set of instructions, stored digitally ✓ Hardware Installation - is the term used to describe the
within the computer's memory, which tells the computer system process of physically connecting correctly a component
what to do. within a computer.
✓ Software Installation - is the process or creating and
Types of Software: moving all of the necessary files to run a software program
1. System Software (Operating Systems) – is the software used on a computer hard drive.
to manage and control the hardware components and which
allow interaction between the hardware and the other types of Types of Software Installations
software. The most obvious type of system software is the • Manual software installation - When you download, what
computer's operating system. e.g. DOS, Windows, Linux, Unix you get is the software program itself, complete and ready
to run. This software will run from anywhere - from the
2. Application Software – handles multitudes of common and Desktop, from a floppy, or from a USB memory stick.
specialized tasks a user wants to perform, such as accounting, • Imaged Installation - This type of installation is very useful if
communicating, data processing, word processing database there has been some data loss or corruption because what
management and the like. e.g. MS WORD, MS EXCEL Imaged Installation does is it creates a disk image (computer
file, usually an ISO) containing the complete contents and
Others: structure of a data storage medium or device. It is also good if a
a. Network Software – enables the group of computers to user wants to “ghost” their computer back to its original state -
communicate. similar to a reformat.
e.g. Windows NT, Client for Microsoft Network, Novell • Software-assisted installation - This is usually where you have
b. Language software – provides programmers the tools access to a setup file (installer) and have to execute it, run
they need to write programs. e.g. Visual Basic, Turbo Pascal, through its GUI instructions, and then it will finish installing
Fox Pro, Clipper, C++ itself (usually requires a restart of a computer). This is the most
c. Utility software - These programs are designed to help you commonly used type of installation.
manage the computer or diagnose or fix problems. • Scripted installation - this type of installation is done using the
e.g. anti-virus, firewalls, disk defragmenters command prompt and a series of scripts. Advantages are that it
d. Driver Software - a special type of program that allows can be quicker and more customizable when installing an
specific hardware to work. This type of software comes with the application this way. Disadvantages are that this type of
hardware it supports. e.g. web cam driver, print driver, NIC installation is only recommended for more experienced users.
Category of Software:
What is Software Copyright?
a. Open Source Software – refers to something that can be
✓ When someone creates an original piece of software, that
modified because its design is publicly accessible. This software
person then holds something called the copyright for that
the source code is available for modification or enhancement by
software. (This is also true when people create books, films
anyone. Thus, it is not exclusive property or design of particular
and songs.)
vendor. e.g. UNIX, LINUX, Open office
✓ It is used by proprietary software companies to prevent the
unauthorized copying of their software.
b. Proprietary Software– software products are designed for
✓Holding the copyright for software means that you have the
particular systems and cannot be used with other hardware.
protection of the law if anyone tries to steal your software.
These software are exclusive property of their developers or
publishers, and cannot be copied or distributed without
Under copyright law, people must not:
complying with their licensing agreements. e.g.. MAC OS X,
✓ Copy the software for other people
Android, Photoshop
✓ Lend the software to other people
✓ Rent the software to other people
Peopleware – represents the personnel involved in systems
✓ Install the software on a network when other users can access
analysis, programming, computer operations, systems
it (unless it is a special ‘network’ version)
maintenance and the like.
What is a Software License?
✓ is a document that provides legally binding guidelines on the
LESSON #3: web and the internet
use and distribution of software. Web and the Internet are two things that works hand in hand
✓ software licenses typically provide end users with the right to to allow the exchange of information globally, a web is simply
one or more copies of the software without violating copyrights. a subset of internet.
The license also defines the responsibilities of the parties
entering into the license agreement and may impose restrictions WEB
on how the software can be used. ✓an interconnected system of public webpages accessible
through the Internet.
✓The World Wide Web
Types of Licenses
✓ Freeware - Freeware software is created by an author and put
into the public domain; there are no copyright restrictions. It
✓the “Net" is a worldwide system of computer network
can be copied and distributed freely.
✓The “information superhighway”
✓ Shareware - software that the developer encourages you to
copy and distribute. This permission is explicitly stated in the OVERVIEW
documentation. In today era, everybody turns to internet in their everyday
✓ Limited License (LL) - an agreement whereby software is activities. To search for an answer of things around us the
purchased with limits and/or restrictions on the number of internet is there for us to assist and help what we are looking
copies available for installation or use. for. Basically, internet is just a global interconnection of
✓ Unlimited Site License (USL) - an agreement whereby computers that are link to one another. Which such
software is purchased with no limit on the number of copies technology, people are able to communicate, access and
available for installation. search anywhere as long as it is connected in the net. Internet
✓ Volume Purchase Agreement (VPA) - an agreement whereby is also defined as an information superhighway, to access
software is purchased in large volume at a reduced price. information over the web. However, it can be defined in
many ways, internet is a world-wide global system of
interconnected computer networks.
4. Domain Name System (DNS) – is the phonebook of
The Internet enables the selling of goods and services in online
internet. We access information online through domain names.
mode. Many e-commerce platform vendors like Amazon and
Ola aggregate several products/services available in the market
5. Internet Service Provide (ISP) – is an organization that
and sell them through their portal to customers.
provides services for accessing, using or participating in the
Cashless Transactions
Two types of ISP:
Bill Payment at merchandise outlets through debit cards and
➢ National ISP – provided internet access to a specific
credit cards is increasing. Cash circulation gets reduced in the
geographic area
system to the extent of the growth of these transactions. It’s
➢ Regional ISP – business that provides internet access in
growing by more than 50% yearly and is expected to grow by
cities and towns nationwide
10 times over the next 5 years.
Example of ISP: Sky Broadband, PLDT, Converge
✓ Internet - A global network of thousands of computer Netiquette and the Computer
networks linked by data lines and wireless systems. Ethics
✓ Web – a collection of billions of webpages that you can view
with a web browser What is Ethics?
✓ Email – the most common method of sending and receiving ✓ The word "ethics" is derived from the Greek word ethos
messages online (character), and from the Latin word mores (customs).
✓ Social Media – websites and apps that allow people to share
comments, photos, and videos What is Computer Ethics?
✓ Online Gaming – games that allow people to play with and ✓ addresses the ethical issues and constraints that arise from the
against each other over the Internet use of computers.
✓ Software Updates – operating system and application updates
can typically downloaded from the Internet What is Netiquette?
✓ HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) - is a coding language ✓ blend of "net" (as in “network,”) and "etiquette”
used to tell a browser how to place pictures, text, multimedia and ✓ often referred to as etiquette for the internet.
links to create a web page.
✓ URL (Uniform Resource Locator) - is a web address used to OVERVIEW
connect to a remote resource on the world wide web.
✓ Bit - is a single digit in the binary numbering system . As we use the internet in our day to day activities, we need to
✓ Byte – is made up of consecutive bits, generally consists of observe the correct or acceptable way of communicating on the
eight bits. internet. So Netiquette, is simply stated, it’s network etiquette
✓ Upload - to upload is to transfer data from your computer to that is the etiquette of cyberspace and “etiquette” means the
another computer. forms of required by good breeding or prescribed by authority
✓ Download - to download is to transfer data from another to be required in social or official life. In other words, netiquette
computer to your compute. is a set of rules for behaving properly online. Netiquette, or
✓ HTTP - is the acronym for Hypertext Transfer Protocol, the network etiquette, is concerned with the "proper" way to
data communication standard of web pages. communicate in an online environment. Consider the following
✓ HTTPS - is the acronym for Hypertext Transfer Protocol "rules," adapted from Virginia Shea's the Core Rules of
Secure. This indicates that the web page has a special layer of Netiquette, whenever you communicate in the virtual world.
encryption added to hide your personal information and When you use e-mail, instant messenger, video calls, or
passwords from others. discussion boards to communicate with others online, please be
✓ Router or router-modem - combination is the hardware device sure to follow the rules of professional online communications
that acts as the traffic cop for network signals arriving at your known as netiquette. REMEMBER THE GOLDEN RULE
home or business from your ISP. A router can be wired or Even though you may be interacting with a computer screen,
wireless or both. you are communicating with a real person who will react to
✓ Encryption - is the mathematical scrambling of data so that it is your message. Make a good impression treat others with the
hidden from eavesdroppers. same respect that you would like to receive and avoid
✓ Web Bot - A term that applies to programs/applets (macros confrontational or offensive language.
and intelligent agents) used on the Internet.
✓ Search Engine - specialized software, such as Google and
✓ it describes the rules of conduct for respectful and appropriate
Yahoo, that lets www browser users search for information on
communication on the internet.
the web by using keywords, phrases
✓ Netiquette is often referred to as etiquette for the internet.
✓ Browser - A Web browser such as mozilla firefox, Microsoft
These are not legally binding rules, but recommended rules of
edge, internet explorer, chrome etc, is a client program that uses
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) to make requests of Web
✓ it represents the importance of proper manners and behavior
servers throughout the Internet on behalf of the browser user.
✓ Chatroom - a site on the internet, or another computer
✓ In general, netiquette is the set of professional and social
network, where users have group discussions by electronic mail,
etiquettes practiced and advocated in electronic communication
typically about one subject
over any computer network. This word was first posted in the
✓ Cookie - a piece of data downloaded to a computer by a
Usenet forum in 1982. The same year the word internet was first
website, containing details of the preferences of that computer's
used. Netiquette was created as a joke. It was then used to
user which identify the user when revisiting that website.
describe effective email communication.
✓ Bookmark - an address for a website stored on a computer so
that the user can easily return to the site
✓ Domain Name - a unique name, corresponding to one or more Some Inappropriate Actions:
numeric IP addresses, used to identify a particular web page or AVOID SLANG, ACRONYMS, AND TEXT TALK –
set of web pages on the internet Communicating effectively in college and business
✓ eBay - a website that people and companies can use to buy or environments requires the use of correct terminology, spelling,
sell goods; items may be bought for a fixed price, or sold to the and grammar that can easily be understood. For example, use
buyer who offers the highest price “your” instead of “ur”
✓ Generation C - the people who create and publish material such
as blogs, podcasts, videos, etc, on the internet AVOID “SCREAMING” IN TYPED MESSAGES – Typing
✓ Home page - (on a website) the main document relating to an an entire message using all capital letters is known as
individual or institution that provides introductory information “screaming”. It is distracting and generally frowned upon in
about a website with links to the actual details of services or professional environments. It is better to draw emphasis to
information provided. selected words or phrases by: using italic or bold text emphasis
using special characters (Example: **Important**)
THEM – Proofreading your messages before you send them is a
best practice for effective and efficient communication. Strive to In 1992, Ramon Barquin of the Computer Ethics Institute
make your communications concise and free of any: presented a paper outlining the basics of standardized, ethical
✓ Spelling and grammar errors computer conduct, dubbed the "TEN COMMANDMENTS OF
✓ Confusing terms or phrases that could be misunderstood COMPUTER ETHICS." This list mimicked the Biblical "Ten
✓ Errors of omission, such as missing content or recipients Commandments" as detailed in the language of the King James
✓ Errors in accuracy of information translation, using the words "Thou Shalt" and "Thou Shalt Not"
to preface each commandment. Barquin's outline has drawn
EXERCISE GOOD JUDGMENT WHEN SHARING criticism from the hacker and hacktivist community as being too
chat messages that you send or receive are considered private
and should not be forwarded or copied to others without I & II: Harm & Interference
gaining the consent of all involved participants. In general, • The 1st commandment of computer ethics is "thou shalt not use
messages posted to discussion boards and social media sites can a computer to harm other people." It's generally accepted that
be read by the public. You may never know who might read or hurting people in any way is wrong, and this first commandment
share what you post. It is a good practice to always ask a post’s reaffirms that this applies to harm inflicted using a computer.
author for permission before sharing a post with other parties.
✓ To protect your privacy and safety, do not share online any • The 2nd commandment states "thou shalt not interfere with
sensitive personal information such as: other people's computer work." Work with a computer can be a
✓ Your home address or phone number delicate and time consuming endeavor, and disrupting that work
✓ Personal conversations is not only rude and an invasion of privacy, but can potentially
✓ Social plans, such as vacations cause damage or loss of data.
RESPECT DIVERSITY IN VIEWPOINTS - Be constructive III & IV: Trespassing & Theft
and respectful when sharing opinions, beliefs, and criticisms, or • The 3rd commandment of computer ethics is "thou shalt not
responding to those of others in the conversation. snoop around in other people's computer files." Personal privacy
is important for everyone, and looking through someone's files
Virginia Shea’s Rules of Netiquette uninvited, whether in person or over the Internet, is a violation of
1. Remember the human on the other side of the electronic that privacy.
2. Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you • The 4th commandment reads "thou shalt not use a computer to
follow in real life. steal." Just as stealing in the real world is a crime, using a
3. Know where you are in cyberspace. computer as a means to steal money, data, copyrighted material
4. Respect other people’s time and bandwidth. and other information is not only disruptive and potentially
5. Make yourself look good online. damaging, it's often illegal.
6. Share expert knowledge.
7. Keep flame wars under control. V & VI: Lying & Software Theft
8. Respect other people’s privacy. • The 5th commandment of computer ethics states "thou shalt not
9. Don’t abuse your power. use acomputer to bear false witness." A computer should never be
10.Be forgiving of other people’s mistakes. used as an aid to medium for lying, perjury or fraud, regardless of
the method or reason.
What is Ethics?
✓ Ethics focuses on the care for the soul • The 6th commandment says "thou shalt not copy or use
✓ Area of philosophy that deals man’s pursuit of the “good life” proprietary software for which you have not paid." No matter
✓ Study and philosophy of human conduct with emphasis on how much it may cost to obtain legally, pirating or copying
the determination of right and wrong software you haven't purchased for any reason is like stealing
✓ Ethics as a concept suggest the notion of correct or incorrect money from developers and the programmers who write the
practices relative to various concerns or field study. software.
✓ Study of the morality of human actions.
✓ examines the rational justification for our moral judgments; it VII & VIII: Resource Use & Intellectual Property
studies what is morally right or wrong, just or unjust. • The 7th commandment of computer ethics states "thou shalt not
use other people's computer resources without authorization or
What is Computer Ethics? proper compensation." Stealing someone's bandwidth, software
✓ Computer ethics is the application of moral principles to the or even hardware is wrong. Always have permission to use such
use of computers and the Internet. resources, and if necessary, be willing to pay for them.
✓ is a part of practical philosophy which deals with how
computing professionals should make decisions regarding • The 8th commandment is "thou shalt not appropriate other
professional and social conduct. people's intellectual output." Plagiarism is a crime. Never take
✓ deals with the procedures, values and practices that govern someone's work, be it artwork, music, video, writing or any other
the process of consuming computing technology and its related product of someone's effort, and claim it is your own. Always get
disciplines without damaging or violating the moral values and permission, and give credit where it's due.
beliefs of any individual, organization or entity.
✓ is a concept in ethics that addresses the ethical issues and
constraints that arise from the use of computers, and how they
can be mitigated or prevented.
✓ is the set of commonly agreed principles that govern the use
of computers.
IX & X: Responsible Design & Consideration Recap
• The 9th commandment of computer ethics states "thou shalt COMPUTER CRIME: or cybercrime, is any crime that involves
think about the social consequences of the program you are a computer and a network. The computer may have been used
writing or the system you are designing." When designing software in the commission of a crime, or it may be the target
or a computer system, always consider the ways it can affect Alternatively referred to as cyber crime, e-crime, electronic
downstream consumers. crime, or hi-tech crime. computer crime is an act performed by a
knowledgeable computer user, sometimes referred to as a hacker
• The 10th and final commandment of computer ethics is "thou that illegally browses or steals a company's or individual's
shalt always use a computer in ways that ensure consideration and private information. In some cases, this person or group of
respect for your fellow humans." Use computers responsibly, to do individuals may be malicious and destroy or otherwise corrupt
positive and productive things for yourself and the people around the computer or data files
you. Never use the computer in a way that might demean your
fellow human beings, or cause others to do so.
a. Copyright
✓ The exclusive legal right, given to an originator or an
LESSON #4 (part 2): CYBERCRIME assignee to print, publish, perform, film, or record literary,
artistic, or musical material, and to authorize others to do the
CYBERCRIME - is an act that is not moral and against the
norms punishable by law that uses computer and technology in
such an act.
Copyright infringement
CYBER - Cyber is a prefix that denotes a relationship with ✓ is the violation, piracy or theft of a copyright holder's
information technology. exclusive rights through the unauthorized use of a copyrighted
CRIME - An act that causes physical or psychological harm, material or work.
damage to or loss of property, and is against the law.
b. Plagiarism
What is Cyber? ✓ An act or instance of using or closely imitating the language
✓ It is the characteristics of the culture of computers, and thoughts of another author without authorization.
information, technology and virtual reality.
c. Computer Addiction
What is Cybercrime? ✓ Internet addiction is characterized by excessive or poorly
✓ computer crime and web crime are all terms that describe controlled preoccupations, urges or behaviours regarding
illegal activity that takes place over the Internet or within a computer use and internet access that lead to impairment or
computer or computer system. distress.
✓ is criminal activity that either targets or uses a computer, a
computer network or a networked device. Offline:
✓ Cybercrime is construed as using a computer as a weapon, or ✓ generally used when speaking about excessive gaming
instrument, to advance or secure something deemed illegal. behavior, which can be practiced both offline and online.
h. Others
➢ Child Pornography: Making or distributing child pornography
✓ Bluesnarfing is the use of Bluetooth connection to steal
➢ Cyber Terrorism: Hacking, threats, and blackmailing towards
information from a wireless device, particularly common in
a business or person
smartphones and laptops. Using programming languages that
➢ Cyberbully or Cyberstalking: Harassing others online
allow them to find Bluetooth devices left continuously on and in
➢ Creating Malware: Writing, creating, or distributing malware
“discovery” mode, cybercriminals can attack devices as far as
(e.g. viruses and spyware.)
300 feet away without leaving any trace.
➢ Denial of Service Attack: Overloading a system with so many
requests resulting the system can no longer serve normal requests
➢ Espionage: Spying on a person or business
✓ Botnets are compilations of any form of internet-connected
➢ Fraud: Manipulating data, e.g. changing banking records to
system that an attacker has compromised. Botnet is the
transfer money to an account.
compilation of software robots, or ‘bots’, that generates an
➢ Harvesting: Collect account or other account related
army of infected computers (also regarded as ‘zombies’) that are
information on other people.
distantly controlled by the inventor. It acts as a power
➢ Identity Theft: Pretending to be someone you are not
multiplier for cybercriminals to force an entry into their
➢ Intellectual Property Theft: Stealing another persons or
recipient device. The bots are dispersed because the attacker
companies intellectual property
uses several computers, together with yours, to lift off the
➢ Phishing: Deceiving individuals to gain private or personal
distributed denial-of-service attacks (DDOS).
information about that person.
➢ Salami Slicing: Stealing tiny amounts of money from each
Browser Hijackers
✓ A browser hijacker is a malware program that modifies web
➢ Spamming: Distributed unsolicited e-mail to dozens or
browser settings without the user’s permission and redirects the
hundreds of different addresses
user to websites the user had not intended to visit. Often called a
➢ Spoofing: Deceiving a system into thinking you are someone
browser redirect virus because it redirects the browser to other,
you really are not
usually malicious, websites, a browser hijacker enables browser
➢ Unauthorized access: Gaining access to systems you have no
permission to access
➢ Wiretapping: Connecting a device to a phone line to listen to
Browser Security
High Orbit Ion Cannon
✓ The web browser is inarguably the most popular platforms
✓ High Orbit Ion Cannon is a limitless, open-source network
for people to gain access to the internet for any specified range
stress application which was developed to substitute the Low
of consumer or business intentions. There are different
Orbit Ion Cannon. It is used to dispatch DoS and DDoS
vulnerabilities which the web browser encounters which may
attacks, which intends to flood a target’s network with web
stem from poor implementation, poor design, or a diffident
traffic and close down the website. While the majority of the
configuration. Browser security serves as an application of the
malicious software tools involve a great point of technical skill,
internet security to web browsers in order to secure networked
the HOIC offers an easy and accessible interface and can be put
data and computer systems from violations of privacy or
on with the click of a button.
malware. It makes use of JavaScript with cross-site scripting
and also with a secondary payload through adobe flash.
✓ Hacking is a term used to describe actions taken by someone
Chat Clients
to gain unauthorized access to a computer. The availability of
✓ This is the software that resides in the user’s computer for
information online on the tools, techniques, and malware makes
handling instant messaging (IM) or chat rooms. It an
it easier for even non- technical people to undertake malicious
application that enables you to connect to an XMPP for instant
activities. The process by which cyber criminals gain access to
messaging with other people over the Internet. There are many
your computer
free clients you can use to do this, for many different devices
and operating systems.
IT Risk
✓ An it-related risk is any type of risk interconnected to
Countermeasure (computer)
information technology. While information has been
✓ In this perspective, a threat is a possible or real adversarial
appreciated as a valued and vital asset for a long time, the
event that may be malicious, which can compromise the assets
escalation of the information economy and the digital
of an organization or the reliability of a computer or network.
revolution has steered organizations in becoming gradually
A countermeasure is an exploit, system or device that is
dependent on information, information processing and
employed to stop, prevent or lessen various possible threats
particularly IT.
computers, servers, networks, operating systems (OS) or
information systems (IS) can face. Countermeasure implements
Image Spam
different tools such as anti-virus software and firewalls.
✓ Image spam is a type of spam, or rather, a spamming
technique, in which a spam message is delivered in the form of
Cyber Attack
an image. This is done to circumvent spam filters that scan for
✓ A cyber-attack is an intentional manipulation attack against
particular keywords. This works because a user can read an
computer systems, networks, and internet supported device. It
image, whereas many anti-spam systems cannot.
makes use of malicious code to change the computer code,
logic, or data causing troublesome outcomes that can
Internet safety
compromise data and result to cybercrime such as information
✓ Internet safety is the act of trying to be safe on the internet
and identity damage. It is also acknowledged as computer
and the understanding of exploiting the user’s personal safety
network attack (CNA).
and security threats to private information and assets associated
Cyberwarfare with using the internet, and the self-defense from computer
✓ Cyberwarfare is any simulated clash instigated as a driven crime as a whole.
attack on an opponent’s computer and information systems.
Conducted through the Internet, these attacks restrict financial
Internet security
and organizational systems by filching or changing confidential
✓ Internet security is a part of computer security particularly
data to destabilize networks, websites, and services.
interrelated to the Internet, which involves browser security and
also network security on a more universal level, as it pertains to
other applications and operating systems altogether. Its
✓ Cybercrime is any criminal activity that requires a computer,
intention is to create rules and measures to utilize against
networked gadget or a network. While most cybercrimes are
attacks over the Internet.
incorporated with the intention of generating profit for the
cybercriminals, some cybercrimes are carried out against
Key Logger
computers or devices openly to damage or deactivate them,
✓ A keylogger, sometimes called a keystroke logger or system
while others use it to distribute malware, illicit information,
monitor, is a type of surveillance technology used to monitor
images or other materials.
and record each keystroke typed on a specific computer’s
keyboard. A keylogger can record instant messages, email, and
Denial-of-Service Attack (DOS)
capture any information you type at any time using your
✓ A Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack is an attack intended to close
keyboard, including usernames, passwords, and other
down a system or network, making it unreachable to its
personally identifiable information.
prospected users. DoS attacks achieve this plan by deluging the
target with traffic or sending an information that generates a
Low Orbit Ion Cannon
crash. The attack denies authentic users of the service or asset
✓ The Low Orbit Ion Cannon is a comprehensible tool used to
they anticipated.
launch DoS and DDoS attacks which overwork a server with
malicious traffic flow. It was initially built by Praetox
Email-Borne Viruses
Technology as a network stress-testing application, but it has
✓ Email-borne viruses are the malicious programs which are
subsequently turned into an open-source which is now applied
attached to the emails and are inflicted on the target computer or
with a malicious target.
computer system. These viruses may be carried with a spam or
phishing message from your friend who might also be unaware
that his computer system is inflicted with such viruses.
Man-in-the-Browser Rich Internet Applications
✓ Man in the browser is a security attack where the culprit set ✓ Rich Internet applications (RIA) are web-based applications
up a Trojan horse on a target’s computer that has the capacity that is designed to deliver some features of graphical desktop
of altering the user’s Web transactions as they take place in real applications. Put together with controlling development outfits,
time. The usage of this method has been narrowing to financial RIAs runs faster and can be more occupying. They provide users
fraud generally, due to the assets required. an enhanced visual experience and extra interactivity than
normal traditional browser applications that make use of only
Malware HTML and HTTP. RIAs usually divide the processing through
✓ Malware is any program that is detrimental to a computer the network by pinpointing the user interface and related
user. Malware consist of computer viruses, spyware, worms, activity, and also the data manipulation and processing of the
Trojan horses. These malicious programs can execute a selection application server side.
of functions, ranging from stealing, encoding or deleting
delicate data, modifying or hijacking essential computing Spam
tasks and monitoring users’ computer action without their ✓ It is a mass distribution of unwanted messages, advertising or
consent. Malware is one of the more common ways to infiltrate pornography to individuals which can simply be found on the
or damage your computer. Malicious software that infects your Internet such as social networking sites, company websites and
computer, such as computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses, personal blogs.
spyware, and adware
Mousetrapping ✓ Spoofing, in general, is a fraudulent or malicious practice in
✓ Mousetrapping is a technique used by some websites to keep which communication is sent from an unknown source disguised
visitors from leaving their website, either by launching an as a source known to the receiver. Spoofing is most prevalent in
endless series of pop-up ads known colloquially as a soggy communication mechanisms that lack a high level of security.
biscuit or by re-launching their website in a window that cannot
be easily closed (sometimes this window runs like a stand-alone Spyware
application, and the taskbar and the browser’s menu become ✓ Spyware is software that is installed on a computing device
inaccessible). Many websites that do this also employ browser without the end user’s knowledge. Such software is controversial
hijackers to reset the user’s default homepage. because it is sometimes installed for relatively innocuous reasons
as it can violate the end user’s privacy and has the potential to be
Overseas Money Transfer Scam abused. Software that collects personal information about you
✓ This type of scam is specifically tricky where the scammer without you knowing. They often come in the form of a ‘free'
sends you money under a guise of payment. Once a device is download and are installed automatically with or without your
compromised, hackers have access to everything on it: contact, consent. These are difficult to remove and can infect your
emails, passwords, photos, and any other information. To make computer with viruses.
matters worse, they can also leave victims with costly bills.
Pharming ✓ Scareware is a type of malware designed to trick victims into
✓ Pharming is another way hackers try to deploy users on the purchasing and downloading useless and potentially dangerous
Internet. Pharming is a tracking system in which malicious code software. Scareware, which generates pop-ups that resemble
is installed on a private computer or server, directing users to Windows system messages, usually purports to be antivirus or
fraudulent Web sites without their awareness or permission. antispyware software, a firewall application or a registry
Pharming is a common type of online fraud. A means to point cleaner. The messages typically say that a large number of
you to a malicious and illegitimate website by redirecting the problems such as infected files have been found on the
legitimate URL. Even if the URL is entered correctly, it can still computer and the user is prompted to purchase software to fix
be redirected to a fake website the problems.