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ISSN: 2523-0417(Online), 2521-5876 (Print)

University of Wah Journal of Management Sciences

Volume 4, Issue 1, March 2020, pp. 40-52

Factors Influencing Consumers’ Preference for Purchasing Footwear Brands

1*Aamir Abbas, 2Saqib Qamar, 3Muhammad Shahzad

Article History: ABSTRACT

Received: Objective: Objective of the present study was to analyze the key factors influencing
consumers’ preference and selection for purchasing footwear brands.
09 Aug, 2019
Methodology: In order to assess the factors influencing consumers’ footwear brands
preference, Students of three departments i.e. Institute of Health Management; Dow
13 Mar, 2020 College of Pharmacy and Institute of Medical Technology of Dow University of Health
Sciences were selected for the data collection. A sample size of 150 respondents was
Accepted: recruited by using convenience sampling technique. Data was analyzed with the help
of Statistical Package of Social sciences (SPSS 22). Correlation, Anova and
10 May, 2020 Regression analysis was applied to analyze the relationship of independent variables
and the dependent variable.

Results: Results of correlation, anova and regression analysis shows that there is a
significant relationship between price, product quality and consumers’ preference.

Recommendation: Present study is beneficial for the footwear manufacturing

industry. They have to incorporate product quality in their product since this variable
is more influential on the consumers’’ preference. Particularly, they have to build the
name of the brand which is recalled in their consumers’ subconscious mind, in terms
of features and perceived quality which fulfill their functional benefits.

Keywords: Factors; Consumers’ Preference; Purchasing; Footwear Brands

1. Introduction
Globalization has changed every aspect of our lives; previously consumers’ were focused
on price of the product but now consumers’ have knowledge and they compare different footwear
brands with each other. The consumer focus on quality has led to the fashion constituting the
purchase of expensive brands which are of better quality. Present study explores factors that
influence consumers’ when they make decision for purchasing footwear. Ladies want an attractive,
stylish footwear which feels comfortable to them to create a good impression on others. Footwear
1*College Of Education, Air University Islamabad, Pakistan E.mail: [email protected]
2Institute of Health Management, DOW University, Karachi) E.mail: [email protected]
3Institute of Health Management, DOW University, Karachi) E.mail: [email protected]
ISSN: 2523-0417(Online), 2521-5876 (Print)
Factors Influencing Consumers’ Preference for Purchasing Footwear Brands

is a major and lucrative industry resulting in many competitors offering low prices which switch
consumers from one brands to other brand (Nasar et al., 2012).
Different competitors have different strategies for selling the product. Some are offering
discounted prices and some are making loyal consumers’ by providing quality footwear. In the
footwear industry the method for promotion is providing a quality product which will create an
excellent image in the minds of consumers’. Now a day’s females wear different types of footwear,
not only to shield and comfort their feet but also to convey good representation through stylish
footwear (Wang, 2014). Shoes industry creates a rank character for people and they accept it easily
(Guzel, 2013).

1.1 Problem of the Statement

There are various types of factors which were used by marketers and manufacturing
industry to influence the consumers’ purchasing decisions. The problem this research addresses is
to analyze and determine the factors that affect the consumers’ preference in purchasing the
footwear brands. Present study also concludes that which are the most significant factors that
influence consumers’ preference of the footwear brands. The findings of this study will be greatly
beneficial for the marketers and manufacturing industry alike.

1.2 Research Objective

Objectives of the present study are as following;
 To find out the socioeconomic conditions of the respondents
 To analyze the key factors which affect the consumers’ preference for purchasing
brand footwear in Karachi
 To find out the consumers’ perceptions about purchasing brand footwear

1.3 Justification of Study

There are many footwear brands available in the market. Additionally, many factors are
involved to attract the consumers’ attention, through which consumers’ are influenced for the
selection or preference to that footwear brand. This research was mainly focused on the analysis of
those factors that affect the consumers’ selection or preference towards those footwear brands.
The outcome of this research will be beneficial for marketers, apparel or clothing companies and
footwear brands. This research also assists the footwear brands on how they should expand their
strategies, which affects the consumers’ selection preference.

ISSN: 2523-0417(Online), 2521-5876 (Print)
Aamir Abbas, Saqib Qamar, Muhammad Shahzad

1.4 Scope
 This research is beneficial for companies’ financial growth and increasing their
market share.
 This research will be helpful for upcoming footwear brands and existing footwear
brands to improve their strategy.
 This research will be helpful for marketers to enhance the quality of their products to
grab the attention of their consumers’.

1.5 Hypothesis
Following are the hypothesis of the present study.
H1: There is a significant relationship between footwear brands price and consumers’
H2: There is a significant relationship between footwear brands quality and consumers’
H3: There is a significant relationship between consumers’ brands conscious and
consumers’ preference
H4: There is a significant relationship between brand loyalty and consumers’ preference
H5: There is a significant relationship between brand’s store location and consumers’

1.6 Conceptual framework



Loyalty Consumers


ISSN: 2523-0417(Online), 2521-5876 (Print)
Factors Influencing Consumers’ Preference for Purchasing Footwear Brands

2. Literature Review
According to the study of Girma & Mulugeta, (2016) consumers’ demands and their
preferences have changed now towards the footwear industry. People are more conscious about their
outlook and they follow new trends of fashion industry. Consumers’ behaviors have also changed
towards new products. With the rapid advancement in the field of information communication
technology, people now a day are adopting different new fashion trends. Anand & Alekya, (2015)
determined in their research study that footwear industry has been generating more employment
opportunities, revenue and enhanced exports. According to their study the footwear industry’s
production increases their market share at a higher rate in the future from a current rate of 10-15%,
by incorporating advanced technologies.
A study on brand conscious buyers of India reveals that on the basis of quality, consumers
evaluate features of brands, their design and comfortably which make them loyal to specific brands
(Naushad et al., 2014). Previously Price was very important point in the mind of consumers’ but
now they focus on the quality of the product (Lim., Atik., & Aprianingsih, 2015). According to the
previous researches it is showed that most of the consumers’ considers the reduction in the price
and discount deals to transform their purchasing decision but most of them are the mature
consumers’ (Kumar & Advani, 2015). Another research study shows that the style, quality, variety,
brands consciousness, price of the product and durability are the most considerable factors that alter
the purchasing decision and the brand loyalty of the consumers (Ayandis, 2014). Most of the
researches showed that discounted prices or special deals negatively affect brand loyalty, as well as
the high price conscious consumers want to pay additional prices for better quality and they have
lower buying intention. Consumers’ preference decision has been based on the product quality rather
than the lower prices (Derakhshide & Emadzadeh, 2012).
Another research of (Al-Salamin & Al- Hassan, 2016) proposed, when consumers’ glance
his sight on a price of $4.99 since this being closer to four dollars than almost five dollars, this
triggers an enhanced consumers’ reaction towards such pricing strategy which is constructed on the
theory that prices have a psychological impact on the psyche of consumers’ buying preference.
Product quality has different features and uniqueness in service that has potential to convince
consumers. Previous research studies reviewed that quality of the product consists of such
components which include features, functions, services of the product, and material that create the
capability to satisfy the needs of the consumers (Lim & Aprianingsih, 2015). Product quality
includes the following elements such as material, size, color, fitting and the performance of the
product, which will affect the consumers’ preference for purchasing a single brand or switch around
to different brands (Mohan, 2014). According to Girma & Mulugeta, (2016) brands are symbolic
which provide all the information of product which is associated with the product such as product
features, characteristics, assistance and values, because it helps for developing the position of the
brands and positive self-image in consumer’s mind. Most of the latest researches state that brands

ISSN: 2523-0417(Online), 2521-5876 (Print)
Aamir Abbas, Saqib Qamar, Muhammad Shahzad

would be built through the name, symbol, its interior design or it would be integration of these
elements that will help the consumers’ to identify (Hussain & Ali, 2015).
For the marketing purpose loyalty concept is very important (Maheshwari & Jacobsen,
2014). Research in the clothing sector revealed that brand loyalty creates a positive result when it
comes to consumers’ preference and consumers’ purchase decision. The notion of brand loyalty is
considered as highly appropriate among researcher such as quality, right pricing, sales services and
store location for shoes manufacturers (Wang, 2014). Store environment creates huge impact on
consumers’ emotion and satisfaction, as well as convenient store location retail outlets influence the
consumers’ purchase decision (Hussain & Ali, 2015). Consumers’ preference is the decision
making process for buying product and services. Marketer should know if they want to satisfy the
consumers’ needs, make consumers’ loyal and retain the existing consumers’ they have to make a
strong strategy, therefore increase their competitive position. It is impossible today to continue being
cost competitive and present every feature wanted by consumers’ (Kocoglu, et al., 2015).

3. Research Methodology
Present study is designed to determine the factors influencing consumers’ preference for
purchasing footwear brands. Researchers adopted a quantitative approach for the present study and
selected a sample for data collection, composed of girls who have purchased and used footwear
brands. A sample size of 150 respondents was selected through convenience sampling technique.
The research has been conducted in Institutes of Dow University of Health Sciences and data was
obtained from the respondents of three departments Institute of Health Management; Dow College
of Pharmacy and Institute of Medical Technology. 50 respondents were selected from each
department to assess the factors influencing consumers’ preference for purchasing footwear brands.
Data was collected using a 20 items questionnaire having 5 point Likert scale. (Citation/ Was the
questionnaire adopted/adapted?) SPSS version 22 was used for data analysis. Correlation, Anova
and Regression analysis was applied to analyze the relationship of independent variables and
dependent variable. The data is presented in the shape of appropriate tables.

4. Data Analysis

4.1 Reliability Test

Table: Reliability, Mean, and Standard Deviations Values

Variable Cronbach’s Alpha Mean Std. Deviation
Price .593 7.7000 1.86364
Quality .622 5.6533 1.92471
Brands loyalty .733 7.0933 2.13110

ISSN: 2523-0417(Online), 2521-5876 (Print)
Factors Influencing Consumers’ Preference for Purchasing Footwear Brands

Brands conscious .781 7.1467 2.64039

Store location .410 7.4067 2.03690

The value of Cronbach’s Alpha for the three items of price of footwear brands is 0.593, for
the variable of quality of footwear brands the value is 0.622, for the variable of brands loyalty the
value is 0.733. Similarly, the Cronbach’s Alpha for the variable of brand consciousness is 0.781 and
the value of the three items of the variable of store location is 0.410, which shows that data is reliable
and suitable for use in this research.

Table 4.2: Age of consumers’ - Frequency Percentage out of 150 samples

Age Frequency Percentage

18-22 Years 85 56.7%

23-28 Year 65 43.3%

Table 4.2 computes the variable of age of the consumers’, results show that the majority of
the respondents at 56.7% belong in the age group of 16-20 years and remaining 43.3% respondent’s
fall in-between 23-28 years.

Table 4.3: Brands selection of footwear brands by the respondents

Footwear Brands Frequency Percentage
Aero soft 10 6.7
Bata 37 24.7
English 24 16.0
Service 20 13.3
Borjan 2 1.3
Hush puppies 17 11.3
Stylo shoes 40 26.7

Table 4.3 computes the variable brands selection of footwear brands by the respondents,
results show that 6.7% respondents prefer Aerosoft, 24.7% prefer Bata, 16% EBH, 13.3% Service,
1.3% Borjan, 11.3% Hush Puppies and 26.7% respondents prefer Stylo shoes.

ISSN: 2523-0417(Online), 2521-5876 (Print)
Aamir Abbas, Saqib Qamar, Muhammad Shahzad

Table 4.4: Correlation of Dependent and Independent Variables

Pearson Correlation
CP 1.000 .293 .315 .281 .274 .280
PR .293 1.000 .057 .281 .540 .333
PQ .315 .057 1.000 .325 .327 .260
BL .281 .281 .325 1.000 .534 .399
BC .274 .540 .327 .534 1.000 .461
SL .280 .333 .260 .399 .461 1.000
Consumers’ Preference
. .000 .000 .000 .000 .000
(Sig 1 tailed)
PR .000 . .245 .000 .000 .000
PQ .000 .245 . .000 .000 .001
BL .000 .000 .000 . .000 .000
BC .000 .000 .000 .000 . .000
SL .000 .000 .001 .000 .000 .

In the table 4.4 results of the correlation analysis show that consumers’ preference was
found positively correlated to price of footwear brands; product quality; brands loyalty; brands
conscious and store location. Following are the results of dependent and independent variable
There is a significant relationship between price of footwear brands and consumers’
preference as values (Sig = .000; Pearson Correlation = .293), indicates that the relationship is
significant: p-value is below standard p-value of 0.01. There is a significant relationship between
brand quality of footwear and consumers’ preference as values (Sig = .000; Pearson Correlation =
.315), indicates that the relationship is significant: p-value is below standard p-value of 0.01. There
is a significant relationship between brand loyalty of footwear and consumers’ preference as values
(Sig = .000; Pearson Correlation = .281), indicates that the relationship is significant: p-value is
below standard p-value of 0.01. There is a significant relationship between brands conscious of
footwear and consumers’ preference as values (Sig = .000; Pearson Correlation = .274), indicates
that the relationship is significant: p-value is below standard p-value of 0.01. There is a significant
relationship between store location and consumers’ preference as values (Sig = .000; Pearson
Correlation = .280), indicates that the relationship is significant: p-value is below standard p-value
of 0.01.

ISSN: 2523-0417(Online), 2521-5876 (Print)
Factors Influencing Consumers’ Preference for Purchasing Footwear Brands

4.5 Regression Analysis

Table: 4.5 Model Summary

Model R R2 Standard R2 F Change DF1 DF2 Sig
Error Change Level
1 .445 .170 .56696 .198 7.125 5 144 .000

a. Predictors: (Constant), Store Location, Product Quality, Price, Brands Loyalty, Brands

In the model Summary table, the value of “R” is .445 which shows the correlation or
strength of association is 44.5% between the independent variables that are store location; product
quality; price; brands loyalty; brands conscious and dependent variable is consumers’ preference. R
Square is the percentage of the variation on dependent variable due to change in independent
variable. The value of R Square is .170, which shows that 17% of variation in dependent variable
(consumers’ preference) is due to change in independent variables (Pr, SL, PQ, BL, BC). Likewise,
the value of Durbin Watson illustrates that no autocorrelation error in data exist.

Table 4.6: ANOVA Analysis

Model Sum of square df Mean square F Sig Level
1 Regression 11.452 5 2.290 50.125 .000a
Residual 46.287 144 .321
Total 57.739 149
Dependent Variable: Consumers’ Preference
Predictors: (Constant), (PR, PQ, BL, BC, SL)

In regression model ANOVA table 4.6 shows the overall significance of model. The
significance value is .000 less than .05, which shows that over all model is significant. The F Value
50.125 shows the combine effect of the model. The degree of freedom shows that the number of
independent variables that went into calculating the estimate. In regression, the value of df is 5
which indicate 5 independent variables that went into calculating the estimate. The value of df in
total that, there are 144 samples and in residual it is 149.

ISSN: 2523-0417(Online), 2521-5876 (Print)
Aamir Abbas, Saqib Qamar, Muhammad Shahzad

Table 4.7: Regression Coefficients - Values and Effects of each Independent Variable
Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta T Sig.
1 (Constant) .624 .261 2.392 .018
Price .235 .091 .234 2.591 .011
Product Quality .243 .079 .251 3.063 .003
Brands Loyalty .100 .080 .115 1.253 .212
-.034 .075 -.048 -.452 .652
Store Location .103 .080 .113 1.294 .198
a. Dependent Variable: Consumers’ Preference

Table 4.7 found the values and effects of each independent variable (PR, PQ, BL, BC, SL)
on dependent variable (CP). The beta of Price is .235, which shows this variable positively impact
on consumers’ preference and their impact is significant because sig. value is .011, which is less
than 5%. The beta of product quality is .243 which indicates that variable has a positive impact on
consumers’ preference and its impact is significant because the sig. value is .003, which is less than
The beta of brands loyalty is .100, which also shows the positive and insignificant impact
on consumers’ preference because their sig. value is .212, which is greater than 5%. The beta of
brand conscious is -.034, which shows the positive and insignificant impact on consumers’
preference because their sig. value is .252, which is greater than 5%. The beta of store location is
.103, which shows the positive but insignificant impact on consumers’ preference

Table 4.8: Mean, Standard Deviation

Factors Rank Mean St. dev.
1 Price
I usually prefer to purchase expensive footwear 2.7200 .98390
I prefer to purchase footwear which available on 2.6133

ISSN: 2523-0417(Online), 2521-5876 (Print)
Factors Influencing Consumers’ Preference for Purchasing Footwear Brands

Price is crucial determinant for me 2.3667 .82264

1st 2.56 0.944
2 Quality
I connect this brands with high quality 1.9600 .84250
I am willing to pay higher price for the 2.0600 .88409
guarantee of quality
Quality is important to me when i am 1.6333 .82264
purchasing footwear brands
5th 1.88 0.847
3 Brands loyalty
I repeatedly purchase this brands 2.2200 .83441
This brands is more prominent than their rival .84090
Quality is important to me when i am 2.6333 .95830
purchasing footwear brands
4th 2.36 0.877
4 Brands conscious
I usually prefer and buy well-known brands 2.2200 1.06102
Try to stick to certain footwear brands 2.3467 .93407
Pay more attention to the brands name 2.5800 1.08850
3rd 2.38 1.02
5 Store location
More store sell this brands shoe in comparison 2.6400 .92163
to their competing rivals
Stores offering sales/promotion 2.4000 .93407

Store design encourage me to purchase more 2.3667 1.13762

2nd 2.46 0.99

5. Conclusion and Recommendations

5.1 Hypothesis Results

Hypothesis Statements Sig Level Results

Ha1: There is a significant relationship between 0.011< 0.05 Alternate Hypothesis is
price and consumers’ preference Accepted

ISSN: 2523-0417(Online), 2521-5876 (Print)
Aamir Abbas, Saqib Qamar, Muhammad Shahzad

Ha2: There is a significant relationship between 0.003< 0.05 Alternate Hypothesis is

quality and consumers’ preference Accepted
Ha3: There is a significant relationship between 0.212< 0.05 Alternate Hypothesis is
brands conscious and consumers’ preference Rejected
Ha4: There is a significant relationship between 0.652< 0.05 Alternate Hypothesis is
brands loyalty and consumers’ preference Rejected
Ha5: There is a significant relationship between 0.198< 0.05 Alternate Hypothesis is
store location and consumers’ preference Rejected

5.2 Conclusion
The present research will be supportive for footwear industry in discovering the preference
of consumers’ as to their inclinations in footwear brands and the factors affecting them
(preferences). The research was conducted in Dow University for student’s preference in selection
of footwear. The results show that the relationship between price and consumers’ preference
coefficient is of significance at a value of 0.011 which is less than 0.05, so existing alternate
hypothesis” There is a significant relationship between price and consumers’ preference” is
accepted. Relationship between quality and consumers’ preference coefficient is also of significance
at a value of 0.003 which is less than 0.05, so alternate existing hypothesis “There is a significant
relationship between quality and consumers’ preference” is accepted, Relationship between brands
consciousness price and consumers’ preference coefficient significance value 0.212 which is greater
than 0.05, So existing Alternate hypothesis “There is a significant relationship between brands
conscious and consumers’ preference” is rejected, Relationship between brands loyalty and
consumers’ preference coefficient significance value 0.652 which is greater than 0.05, So existing
alternate hypothesis There is a significant relationship between brands loyalty and consumers’
preference” is rejected, Relationship between store location and consumers’ preference coefficient
significance value 0.198 which is greater than 0.05, so existing alternate hypothesis “There is a
significant relationship between store location and consumers’ preference” is rejected.
Correlation between price and consumers’ preference level of Sig value is .000 and Pearson
Correlation is .293). There is also a significant relationship between product quality and consumers’
preference (Sig = .000; Pearson Correlation = .315), brands loyalty and consumers’ preference (Sig
= .000; Pearson Correlation = .281), brands conscious and consumers’ preference (Sig = .000;
Pearson Correlation = .274) as well as between store location and consumers’ preference (Sig =
.000; Pearson Correlation = .280).

5.3 Recommendation
This research study has been beneficial for the footwear manufacture industry; they have
to incorporate product quality in their product since this variable is more influential on the

ISSN: 2523-0417(Online), 2521-5876 (Print)
Factors Influencing Consumers’ Preference for Purchasing Footwear Brands

consumers’ preference. Particularly they have to build the name of the brands which is recalled in
their consumers’ subconscious mind, in terms of features, perceived quality which fulfill their
functional benefits.
Retailer and manufacture should create their brand value, which have to be incorporated with
emotional values, symbolic characteristics, and perceived brands status. Also the marketing strategy
such as promotion of the footwear manufacture should be tailored to specific consumers’ gender i.e.
that communication to the girls and ladies should focus on the comfort, durability, pricing strategy,
and product quality. This derives the long lasting features of the product, to develop their brands
loyalty relationship with their consumers’.
The manufacturer should understand their consumers’ preference variables which is built on the
brands name, develop effective brands strategy that influence consumers’. Additionally, the store
outlet interior designs and consumers’ friendly environment, create the impact on consumers’.

5.4 Future Implication

This study is limited to a particular industry and along with a limited sample size. Future
researchers should investigate other types of factors such as four marketing “P” and also analysis
should be done on the relationship between why product quality has a very strong relationship with
consumers’ preference, determinant the characteristics of brands quality and their implied element
which influence the consumers’ behavior. We have targeted only footwear sector as a category of
female respondent, there are other sectors such as luxury product, and brands clothing section and
daily FMGC products which can also be investigated.


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