Study of Affect of Branding On Consumer Purchase Decision of Durable Goods
Study of Affect of Branding On Consumer Purchase Decision of Durable Goods
Study of Affect of Branding On Consumer Purchase Decision of Durable Goods
As the traditional marketing tools and techniques has been replaced by the modern marketing tools and
techniques as there are the producers are generally the factories for the production of goods and services and
the buyer purchase that goods for its use or to eliminate the problem that is being faced by buyer. As time
passes the producer tries to make their product different from the other producer of the same product. These
things give a birth to a new marketing dimension and new era of marketing by the emergence of branding.
In olden days the Brands were just a mark, sign or some sort of number to differentiate their goods. The brand
then builds many function which creates the value in the mind of the customer. Like the advertisement which
is the function of the branding and it creates a unique association and memory link in the minds of customer
on one side and on other hand it creates the demand for your goods and services as it attracts the customer, it
creates awareness about your production and also educate to the customer about the use of the goods and
The unique place in the minds of customer attracts and sometime it retains the customer on your goods and
services. As the consumer buying behaviour has the second step of information search in this step customer
got attracted towards your product by advertisement. This advertisement creates the perception in your
customer mind. Customer expect many things from your product before using it only by the brand image and
brand association.
Brand image can be positive and creates many customers and build strong customer relationship with them
and maintain loyalty. But if the brand image is negative it will be a harmful as no customer repetition and
retention. So firms pay a huge investment on advertisement to maintain the brand image and brand equity
management programs. As brand image create perception in customer mind so after post purchase if cognitive
dissonance occurred due to customer unhappy then customer buying behaviour changed.
Brand association will impact the consumer buying pattern and behaviour. These associations will affect your
decision positively if the brand image is positive, from this way the customer purchase the product again and
again and repeat its purchase. Brand loyalty reduce the cost for the firm to retain the customer forever. A loyal
customer is helpful for the firm to create new customers. When a loyal customer buying goods and services
when you have a number of brands in shop of same product you will definitely choose that brand about which
you have association and are loyal to the brand.
Generally, brand has greater impact on consumer buying behaviour. But at local level, behaviour of consumer
has also changed due to branded product and services. Customers are people who purchase the product.
Consumer buying behaviour is the study of actions of consumer toward planning, purchasing and consuming
goods and services. Consumer buying decision consists of seven steps, 1) need recognition, 2) information
search, 3) Pre-Purchase 4) choose alternative 5) Purchase consumption, 6) post consumption evaluation and 7)
feedback. Brand management become the most important from traditional
Brand management. To manage the brand of the firm has to full fill the desires and wishes of their consumers,
in this way the firm manages the brand. Recently there are many kind of brands for one product. Consumer
not only attracted towards brand by their attitudes and values but with trend environment they spend their
life. It has changes the consumer life style also. So the brand is the factor which have greater impact on
consumer buying behaviour.
Now market has become too much competitive due to hyper competition in the market. The best way is to
compete these conditions to develop strong brand image. Brand image means a brand is easily too
remembered by people. The key driver of brand equity is simply brand image. By easily remembering brand,
quality production increased which leads to sales increases and makes more profits which leads to gain high
goodwill and market share enhanced and leading towards more brand equity. It is the way which leads
towards maximizing market share and to sustain competitive advantage and strong position in the market.
This study is classified into different sections in which section 2 is explains the literature review. Section 3 is
about theoretical framework in which clearly define the relationship between four independent variables and
one dependent variables. Data and methodology is defining in section 4 in which section 4.1 is about the
selected product class and the brand 4.2 is the selection of brands 4.3 is about data Collection 4.4 is about
Analysis of data and their interpretations are described in section 5. This section has three tables the table 1
shows the result of descriptive statistics results. The table 2 is about the corelational result, the third table
shows the t-value and the significance percentage. The conclusion of this study is to define under section 6.
The main goal of this paper is to find the impact of branding on consumer decision process in buying behaviour
. Review of Literature:
Production that is produced in a factory it may be the goods or services are product and a brand is
unique something that differentiate itself from same products it is conveyed by a customer. A
product is common & can easily copied but a brand is somehow unique. By time products can be
old-fashioned but one successful brand may be for entire life (McQuiston 2004).
The market management team states brands as being valuable objects including intangible
characters covering from sign or logo, product or bundle of unique features to the entire corporation
(Kotler,1991;Aaker,1996) (Park and Srinivasan 1994, Hatch and Schultz 2001, Leitch and Richardson
2003, Kapferer 2012). Brand meaning is often used for the people or group which may be the
member of brand interest group (Sherry, 2007).
Purpose –
This paper is to examine the relationship between consumer buying behaviour and some marketing
variables namely advertisement, brand image, brand association and brand loyalty in footwear
industry. The primary focus of this paper is to understand impact of branding on consumer buying
behaviour in foot wear industry.
Methodology –
Primary data used for this study the data was analysed with using multiple regression and Pearson’s
co-relation run on SPSS to check the relationship between consumer buying behaviour and other
marketing variables. Data collection – For analysis purpose, the primary data were collected through
questionnaire 170 respondents are selected and 16 questions are asked from them to measure the
impact and the relation between both dependent variables and independent variables. Random
sampling and Likert scaling technique used for this study.
Findings –
Model was good fit and reveals strong relationship between dependent variable and independent
variables. Research restraintsThe study is limited in selection of sample size. Data can also be taken
for larger sample sizes to increases the generalizability of the findings.
This study may help the future researcher to find the impact of branding on consumer behaviour,
advertisement impact in the region of Punjab on consumer behaviour. Keywords – Branding,
Consumer Behaviour, Brand, Brand Association, Brand Performance
Research Methodology
This research deals with three components such as attribute level search, product verification from
consumers’ opinion, and item choices. A framework has been developed to predict the search
patterns which are associated with purchase for a particular attribute. The aim of the proposed
model is to identify the personalized products and to float the effective advertisement or product
recommendation to the customers. In order to transform the online consumers’ purchase behavior
in a structured form, sentiment analysis, and social network mining are subjected to prepare the
training and testing dataset of the prediction model. Consequently, an attribute level prediction
model has been developed with the help of linear and nonlinear regression analysis to predict the
chosen attribute.
To test hypothesis, footwear industry was studied. The focus of the survey was to find the impact of
brand on customer buying process within footwear industry by using a quantitative method of
questionnaire. The brands that were selected has strong brand image. They are well engaged in the
advertisement and the customers are loyal towards their brands due to the brand association
dimensions. For this study we select the following brands that has all the above mentioned
attributes the names of the brands are Bata, Starlet, Service, Borjaan, Hush Puppies, Stylo, Lisa, and
Selection of Brands:
The process of brand selection is as follow firstly we 100 individuals are interviewed to made the list
of the brands that are known to the consumer. The respondents are asked about the brands that
they have used and have knowledge about the brand complete features. The brands are as follow
Bata, Starlet, Service, Borjan, Hush Puppies, Stylo, Lisa, and ECS.
Data Collection:
The data was collected in the market of Punjab through questionnaire. Total 250 questionnaires
were filled from which 170 are valid and were selected for the analysed.
Random sampling technique were used for this study. Sample size was based on the
The questionnaire has the 13 questions and all the questions are analysed on Likert’s scale ranging
from 1) strongly agree to 5) strongly disagree the 5-point scale. The first five questions measures
Consumer behaviour by asking respondent about the likeness towards brand, preference towards
brand, and trust towards the brand and its quality. The second variable advertisement was
measured by the questions four in number and relevant to the advertisement by media, print,
internet and increase in awareness by advertisement. The next two questions were relevant to the
brand image and measures the impact by asking about the brand image and the easiness of recalling
the brand during purchase decision. The next two questions are relevant to the brand association
and measure it by covering the attitude of customer and the association of customer due to brand
features. Brand Loyalty is relevant to the last three questions and is measured by asking the
suggestion of brand towards customer and the ratio to suggest to other and purchase of the brand.
1. Are you a brand loyal customer?
Yes No
2. Which attributes did attract you to purchase branded products? Rank these attributes in order of their
importance to you.
Brand Name Transparent
Price Cleanliness
Easy Availability Others
3. What was the reason for the delay between the purchase decision and the actual purchase?
Financial constraints
Waiting for more innovative product
Waiting for market response
4. What influenced you to buy the above stated brand(s) ?
Advertising Shop Display
Word of mouth Family/Friend/Relatives
Attractive packaging Any Other
5. Influence of Brand name on purchasing decision
Agree Disagree
Strongly Agree Strongly disagree
6. Influence of Quality on Purchase Decision
Agree Disagree
Strongly Agree Strongly disagree
7. Influence of Price on Purchase Decision
Agree Disagree
Strongly Agree Strongly disagree
8. Influence of Product features on Purchase Decision
Agree Disagree
Strongly Agree Strongly disagree
9. Influence of Family members on Purchase Decision
Agree Disagree
Strongly Agree Strongly disagree
10. Influence of Peer group on Purchase Decision
Agree Disagree
Strongly Agree Strongly disagree
11. Influence of Advertisement on Purchase Decision
Agree Disagree
Strongly Agree Strongly disagree
12. Will you like to switch your brand preference if you get some promotional scheme with another brand?
Yes No
13. Do you think branded products are better than unbranded products?
Yes No