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Engineering Guide

Socket Products
UNBRAKO® Socket Screw Products

Quick Selector Guide – Inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Socket Head Cap Screws. . . . . . . Alloy Steel and Stainless Steel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Low Heads – Alloy Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Shoulder Screws . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Flat Head Socket Screws . . . . . . Alloy Steel and Stainless Steel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 16
Button Head Socket Screws . . . . Alloy Steel and Stainless Steel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 16
Square Head Set Screws . . . . . . . Knurled Cup Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Socket Set Screws . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Steel and Stainless Steel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Pressure Plugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dryseal Pressure Plugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
LEVL-SEAL® Pressure Plugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
PTFE/TEFLON*-coated Levl Seal Pressure Plugs . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Dowel Pins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Standard and Pull-Out Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Hexagon Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Short Arm and Long Arm Wrenches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Size Selector Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Thread Conversion chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Metric Table of Contents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Metric Socket Head Cap Screws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Metric Flat Head Cap Screws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Metric Button Head Cap Screws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Metric Shoulder Screws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Metric Dowel Pins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Metric Socket Set Screws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Metric Low Head Cap Screws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Metric Hexagon Keys and Size Selector Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Metric Tolerances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Metric Conversion Chart. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Technical Section Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

NOTE: The proper tightening of threaded fasteners can have a significant effect
on their performance.
Many application problems such as self-loosening and fatigue can be minimized
by adequate tightening.
The recommended seating torques listed in the catalog tables serve as guidelines
Even when using the recommended seating torques, the induced loads obtained
may vary as much as ±25% depending upon the uncontrolled variables such as
mating material, lubrication, surface finish, hardness, bolt/joint compliance, etc.

LEVL-SEAL®, AND UNBRAKO® are registered trademarks of Unbrako Group

SPS Technologies
*Reg. Du Pont T.M.


TYPES APPLICATIONS/FEATURES hardness (unplated) page

Square Head Half-dog or self-locking cup points

only. Use where maximum tighten- Rc 45 (min.) 450° F 17
Set Screws ing torques are required

Socket Set Fasten collars, sheaves, gears,

knobs on shafts. Locate machine
Screws Rc 45-53 450°F 18–23
parts. Cone, half-dog, flat, oval, cup
Alloy Steel and self-locking cup points standard

Socket Set Use stainless for corrosive, cryo-

Screws genic or elevated temperatures 18–23
Rb96-Rc33 800°F
Stainless environments. Plain cup point stan-
Steel dard. Other styles on special order

Rc 34-40 550°F
Pressure Features common to 3/4” and 7/8”
Plugs tapers: Dryseal threads for positive 800°F
seal without sealing compound; 24, 26
3/4” Taper controlled chamfer for faster Rb 82 400°F
Dryseal starting Typical Brass

LEVL-SEAL® plug features: con- Rc 35-40 550°F

7/8” Taper trolled 7/8” tape in 3/4” taper hole
LEVL-SEAL® seats plug level, flush with surface 25–27
Pressure Plug within 1/2 pitch. LEVL-SEAL plug is Rb 82 400°F
an UNBRAKO original Typical Brass

PTFE/TEFLON coated plugs seal at

PTFE/ 60% lower seating torques without
tape or compound; install faster at 450°F
TEFLON** Rc 35-40 26–27
lower cost; smaller sizes can be (uncoated)
Coated power installed; LEVL-SEAL plug
type for 100% flush seating

Tough, ductile, for high torquing; torsional shear

accurate fit in all types socket
Hex Keys Rc 47-57 in-lb. min. 32–33
screws; size marked for quick
identity 1.2 to 276.000

Formed ends, controlled heat treat;
shear psi surface
Dowel Pins close tolerances; standard for die core:
(Standard) work; also used as bearings, gages, Rc 50-58 8 micro-
precision parts, etc. 150,000 inch

For use in blind holes. Easily

Dowel Pins removed without special tools. surface: 8 micro-
Reusable, Save money. No need for Rc 60 150,000 inch
Pull-Out 30–31
knock-out holes. Same physicals,
Type finish, accuracy and tolerances as (min.) (max)
standard UNBRAKO dowel pins.

NOTE 1: Performance data listed are for standard production items only.
Non-stock items may vary due to variables in methods of manufacture.
It is suggested that the user verify performance on any non-standard parts
for critical applications.

SOCKET SET SCREWS  Dimensions  Application Data  Seating Torques


.63 and over .63 over 2”
Diameter under to 2” to 6” over 6”
A C 118°
All ±.01 ±.02 ±.03 ±.06


45° 45° 45°

C C P 90° C

118° 118°

basic threads per inch A C P
nom. screw
size diameter UNRC UNRF max. UNRC UNRF max. min. max. min.
#0 .060 – 80 .0600 – .0568 .033 .027 .040 .037
#1 .073 64 72 .0730 .0692 .0695 .040 .033 .049 .045
#2 .086 56 64 .0860 .0819 .0822 .047 .039 .057 .053
#3 .099 48 56 .0990 .0945 .0949 .054 .045 .066 .062
#4 .112 40 48 .1120 .1069 .1075 .061 .051 .075 .070
#5 .125 40 44 .1250 .1199 .1202 .067 .057 .083 .078
#6 .138 32 40 .1380 .1320 .1329 .074 .064 .092 .087
#8 .164 32 36 .1640 .1580 .1585 .087 .076 .109 .103
#10 .190 24 32 .1900 .1825 .1840 .102 .088 .127 .120
1/4 .250 20 28 .2500 .2419 .2435 .132 .118 .156 .149
5/16 .312 18 24 .3125 .3038 .3053 .172 .156 .203 .195
3/8 .375 16 24 .3750 .3656 .3678 .212 .194 .250 .241
7/16 .437 14 20 .4375 .4272 .4294 .252 .232 .297 .287
1/2 .500 13 20 .5000 .4891 .4919 .291 .207 .344 .334
9/16 .562 12 18 .5625 .5511 .5538 .332 .309 .390 .379
5/8 .625 11 18 .6250 .6129 .6163 .371 .347 .469 .456
3/4 .750 10 16 .7500 .7371 .7406 .450 .425 .562 .549
7/8 .875 9 14 .8750 .8611 .8647 .530 .502 .656 .642
1 1.000 8 12 1.0000 .9850 .9886 .609 .579 .750 .734
1 1/8 1.125 7 12 1.1250 1.1086 1.1136 .689 .655 .844 .826
1 1/4 1.250 7 12 1.2500 1.2336 1.2386 .767 .733 .938 .920
1 3/8 1.375 6 12 1.3750 1.3568 1.3636 .848 .808 1.031 1.011
1 1/2 1.500 6 12 1.5000 1.4818 1.4886 .926 .886 1.125 1.105

NOTE: Performance data listed are for standard production items only. Non-stock
items may vary due to variables in methods of manufacture. It is suggested that
the user verify performance on any non-standard parts for critical applications.

Dimensions  Application Data  Seating Torques

Deep socket – Key fits deeply into socket to provide extra wrenching area for
tighter tightening without reaming the socket or rounding off corners of key

Continuous grain flow – Flow lines of rolled threads follow closely the contour
of the screw

Fully formed threads – are rolled, not cut or ground. Metal is compressed, making
it extra strong. Threads resist shearing, withstand higher tightening torques
Class 3A threads – Formed with closest interchangeable fit for maximum cross-
section with smooth assembly. Assure better mating of parts

Counterbored knurled cup point

Material: ASTM F912 – alloy steel 1. When length equals nominal diam-
ASTM F880 – stainless steel eter or less, included angle is 118°.
Dimensions: ASME/ANSI B18.3 (#4 x 1/8 and #8 x 3/16 also have
118 angle)
Hardness: Rc 45-53 (alloy steel only),
Rb 96-Rc 33 (stainless steel) 2. When length equals nominal diam-
eter or less, included angle is 130°.
Thread class: 3A


Applicable only to nominal minimum lengths shown or longer
Q T* J R
nom. min. min. key
max. min. min. nom. basic alloy steel stainless screw length engagement
.017 .013 .035 .028 .045 1.0 .4 3/32 .050
.021 .017 .035 .035 .055 1.8 1.2 1/8 .060
.024 .020 .035 .035 .064 1.8 1.2 1/8 .060
.027 .023 .060 .050 .074 5 4 5/32 .070
.030 .026 .075 .050 .084 5 4 5/32 .070
.033 .027 .075 .0625 .094 10 7 5/32 .080
.038 .032 .075 .0625 .104 10 7 3/16 .080
.043 .037 .075 .0781 .123 20 16 3/16 .090
.049 .041 .105 .0937 .142 36 26 3/16 .100
.067 .059 .105 .125 .188 87 70 5/16 .125
.082 .074 .140 .1562 .234 165 130 3/8 .156
.099 .089 .140 .1875 .281 290 230 7/16 .188
.114 .104 .190 .2187 .328 430 340 1/2 .219
.130 .120 .210 .250 .375 620 500 9/16 .250
.146 .136 .265 .250 .422 620 500 5/8 .250
.164 .148 .265 .3125 .469 1,325 980 11/16 .312
.196 .180 .330 .375 .562 2,400 1,700 3/4 .375
.227 .211 .450 .500 .656 3,600 3,000 3/4 .500
.260 .240 .550 .5625 .750 5,000 4,000 7/8 .562
.291 .271 .650 .5625 .844 7,200 5,600 1 .562
.323 .303 .700 .625 .938 9,600 7,700 1 1/8 .625
.354 .334 .700 .625 1.031 9,600 7,700 1 1/4 .625
.385 .365 .750 .750 1.125 11,320 9,100 1 1/4 .750

*CAUTION: Values shown in column T are for minimum stock length cup point screws. **See Note, page 1.
Screws shorter than nominal minimum length shown do not have sockets deep enough
to utilize full key capability which can result in failure of socket, key or mating threads.

SOCKET SET SCREWS  Point Selection According to Application
Socket set screws offer three types of deepest penetration, give the greatest
holding power: torsional (resistance increase; oval points, with minimum
to rotation); axial (resistance to lateral penetration, the least. Making 1 the
movement); and vibrational. index for cup point, holding power
Size selection is an important factor values from tables on pages 22 and
in holding power. The screw diameter 23 can be multiplied by 1.07 for cone
should be roughly 1/2 that of the point, 0.92 for flat or dog points, and
shaft as a rule-of-thumb. (For more 0.90 for oval point.
specific size data see pages 18–19.) Relative hardness between set screw
Additional design considerations and shaft is also a factor. A 10-point
appear below. differential between the screw’s nor-
Holding power is almost directly pro- mal Rockwell C 50 and shaft should
portional to seating torque in a cup, be maintained for full holding power.
flat, and oval point screws. Holding As much as 15% loss in holding
power can be increased by increasing power can result from a lower differ-
seating torque. Greater holding ential.
power reduces the number of screws Vibration resistance can be achieved
required and the assembled cost of by correct size and proper tightening.
the application. The UNBRAKO knurl cup set screw
By its penetration, the set screw point offers additional mechanical locking
can add as a much as 15% to total resistance when required.
holding power. Cone points, with

According to Application
Point selection is normally determined by knurled cup plain cup
the nature of the application – materials, their
relative hardness, frequency of assembly For quick and permanent Use against hardened
and re-assembly and other factors. Reviewed location of gears, collars, shafts, in zinc, die castings
here are standard point types, their general pulleys or knobs on shafts. and other soft materials
features and most frequent areas of application Exclusive counterclockwise where high tightening
of each type. locking knurls resist screw torques are impractical.
loosening, even in poorly
tapped holes. Resists most
severe vibration.

Point Selection According to Application


 Corrosion resistance, Wide temperature range (–300° F to +800° F), Freedom
from scaling or oxidation.
 Non-magnetic, a valuable property in certain electrical and electronic applica-
tions. (Maximum permeability is 1.2 and can be reduced to 1.02 by bright
annealing.) Corrosion-resistance useful where cleanliness is important.
 Standard processing of these socket set screws includes a passivation treat-
ment which neutralizes surface contamination.

flat oval cone half dog

Use where parts must be Use for frequent adjust- For permanent location of Used for permanent loca-
frequently re-set, as it ment without deformation parts. Deep penetration tion of one part to another.
causes little or no damage of part it bears against, gives highest axial and Point is spotted in hole
to part it bears against. also for seating against holding power. In material drilled in shaft or against
Can be used against hard- an angular surface. over Rockwell C15 point is flat (milled). Often replaces
ened shafts (usually with Circular U-grooves or spotted to half its length dowel pins. Works well
ground flat for better con- axial V-grooves sometimes to develop shear strength against hardened members
tact) and as adjusting put in shaft to permit across point. Used for or hollow tubing.
screw. Preferred for thin rotational or longitudinal pivots and fine adjustment.
wall thickness and on soft adjustment.

SOCKET SET SCREWS  Torsional and Axial Holding Power


HOLDING POWER (percent of single set screw assembly)

The user of a set-screw-fastened assembly is
primarily buying static holding power. The
data in this chart offers a simplified means for
selecting diameter and seating torque of a set 200
screw on a given diameter shaft.
Torsional holding power in inch-pounds
and axial holding power in pounds are tabu-
lated for various cup point socket screws,
seated at recommended installation torques. 100
Shafting used was hardened to Rockwell C15.
Test involved Class 3A screw threads in Class
2B tapped holes. Data was determined experi-
mentally in a long series of tests in which
holding power was defined as the minimum
load to produce 0.010 inch relative movement 60 120 180
of shaft and collar.
From this basic chart, values can be mod-
ified by percentage factors to yield suitable
design data for almost any standard set screw

Tabulated axial and torsional holding powers are typical strengths and should be used accordingly, with specific safety factors appropriate
to the given application and load conditions. Good results have been obtained with a factor of 1.5-2.0 under static load conditions (i.e.,
where a collar is supporting a vertical load on a post) and of 4.0-8.0 for various dynamic situations.
Values in bold type in the chart indicate recommended set screw sizes on the basis that screw diameter should be roughly one-half shaft

TORSIONAL and AXIAL HOLDING POWER (Based on Recommended Seating Torques – Inch-Lbs.)
axial shaft diameter (shaft hardness Rc 15 to Rc 35)
seating holding 1/16 3/32 1/8 5/32 3/16 7/32 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 9/16
nom. torque power
size inch-lbs. (pounds) torsional holding power inch-lbs.
#0 1.0 50 1.5 2.3 3.1 3.9 4.7 5.4 6.2
#1 1.8 65 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.1 7.1 8.1 10.0
#2 1.8 85 2.6 4.0 5.3 6.6 8.0 9.3 10.6 13.2 16.0
#3 5 120 3.2 5.6 7.5 9.3 11.3 13.0 15.0 18.7 22.5 26.3
#4 5 160 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0
#5 10 200 12.5 15.6 18.7 21.8 25.0 31.2 37.5 43.7 50.0 56.2
#6 10 250 19 23 27 31 39 47 55 62 70
#8 20 385 30 36 42 48 60 72 84 96 108
#10 36 540 51 59 68 84 101 118 135 152
1/4 87 1,000 125 156 187 218 250 281
5/16 165 1,500 234 280 327 375 421
3/8 290 2,000 375 437 500 562
7/16 430 2,500 545 625 702
1/2 620 3,000 750 843
9/16 620 3,500 985
5/8 1,325 4,000
3/4 2,400 5,000
7/8 3,600 5,600
1 5,000 6,500

Torsional and Axial Holding Power

If you know set screws, you know can cause cracking, even at lower Rc 45-53 hardness for maximum
that the tighter you can tighten them, tightening torques. By eliminating the strength.
the better they hold and the more corners, the radii distribute tightening Finally, point style affects holding
they resist loosening from vibration. stresses to reduce the chance of split- power. As much as 15% more can be
But there’s a limit to how much you ting to a minimum. contributed, depending on the depth
can tighten the average socket set Controlled Manufacturing – The of penetration. The cone point (when
screw. If you’re not careful, you can fully-formed threads of UNBRAKO set used without a spotting hole in the
ream or crack the socket, and in some screws are rolled under extreme pres- shaft) gives greatest increase because
cases, even strip the threads. So sure to minimize stripping and handle of its greater penetration. The oval
you’re never quite sure whether or the higher tightening torques. Also, point, with the least contact area,
not it will actually stay tight. with rolled threads, tolerances can be affords the least. The cup point lies
With UNBRAKO set screws it’s a more closely maintained. UNBRAKO in between, but is by far the most
different story. A unique combination set screws have Class 3A threads, commonly used, because of the wide
of design and carefully controlled closest interchangeable fit, giving range of applications to which it is
manufacturing and heat treating maximum cross-section with smooth adaptable.
gives these screws extra strength that assembly. The thread form itself has However, there is one cup point
permits you to tighten them apprecia- the radiused root that increases the that can give you both a maximum of
bly tighter than ordinary screws with strength of the threads and resistance holding power and of resistance to
minimal fear of reaming or cracking to shear. vibration. It is the exclusive UNBRAKO
the socket. this extra strength repre- Controlled Heat Treatment – This knurled cup point, whose locking
sents a substantial bonus of extra is the third element of the combina- knurls bite into the shaft and resist
holding power and the additional tion. Too little carbon in the furnace the tendency of the screw to back out
safety and reliability that goes with it. atmosphere (decarburization) makes of the tapped hole. The chart on this
Design – Deeper UNBRAKO sock- screws soft, causing reamed sockets, page shows clearly how much better
ets give more key engagement to let stripped threads and sheared points the UNBRAKO set screws resist
you seat the screws tighter. Corners when screws are tightened. Too much vibration in comparison with plain
are radiused to safeguard against carbon (carburization) makes screws cup point set screws. UNBRAKO
reaming or cracking the socket when brittle and liable to crack or fracture. knurled cup point self-locking set
the extra tightening torque is applied. The heat treatment is literally tailored screws give you excellent perfor-
The sharp corners of other set screws to each “heat” of UNBRAKO screws, mance under conditions of extreme
create high stress concentrations and maintaining the necessary controlled vibration.

UNBRAKO SOCKET SET SCREWS – UNRC or UNRF Thread – Seated Against Steel Shaft
axial shaft diameter (shaft hardness Rc 15 to Rc 35)
seating holding 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 1 1/4 1 1/2 1 3/4 2 2 1/2 3 3 1/2 4
nom. torque power
size inch-lbs. (pounds) torsional holding power inch-lbs.
#0 1.0 50
#1 1.8 65
#2 1.8 85
#3 5 120
#4 5 160
#5 10 200 62
#6 10 250 78 94 109
#8 20 385 120 144 168 192
#10 36 540 169 202 236 270 338
1/4 87 1,000 312 357 437 500 625 750
5/16 165 1,500 468 562 656 750 937 1125 1310 1500
3/8 290 2,000 625 750 875 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
7/16 430 2,500 780 937 1095 1250 1560 1875 2210 2500 3125
1/2 620 3,000 937 1125 1310 1500 1875 2250 2620 3000 3750 4500
9/16 620 3,500 1090 1310 1530 1750 2190 2620 3030 3500 4370 5250 6120
5/8 1,325 4,000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2500 3000 3750 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
3/4 2,400 5,000 1875 2190 2500 3125 3750 4500 5000 6250 7500 8750 10000
7/8 3,600 5,600 2620 3000 3750 4500 5250 6000 7500 9000 10500 12000
1 5,000 6,500 3500 4375 5250 6120 7000 8750 10500 12250 14000

LEVL SEAL TYPE Dryseal Thread Form with 7/8-inch per foot

Precision hex socket with maximum depth for positive

wrenching at higher seating torques

Heat treated alloy steel for strength

Roundness closely controlled for better sealing

High pressure is developed through a deliberate difference of

taper between the plug and the tapped hole having standard
3/4” taper

Flush seating is achieved through closer control of thread

forms, sizes and taper-improves safety and appearance.
Fully formed PTF dryseal threads for better sealing without
the use of a compound

Controlled chamfer for faster

See Application Data on page 27

nominal L E NOTES
thread A F G +.000 note 3
1. Material: ASTM A574 alloy steel, austenitic stainless
size ref. min. min. –.015 ref. steel or brass.
1/16 .062 .307 .052 .141 .250 .28118 2. Hardness: Rc 35-40 for steel.
1/8 .125 .401 .049 .141 .250 .37360 3. Basic pitch diameter: E-pitch dia. at a distance of
one-half pitch from large end of plug.
1/4 .250 .529 .045 .266 .406 .49163 PTF thread from 7/8-inch taper per foot.
3/8 .375 .667 .040 .266 .406 .62701 E0 – pitch diameter at small end of plug;
E1 – pitch diameter at L1 distance from end of plug;
1/2 .500 .830 .067 .329 .531 .77843 L1 – length of hand-tight engagement.
3/4 .750 1.041 .054 .329 .531 .98887 4. Bottom of plug to be flat within “X” T.I.R.
1 1.000 1.302 .112 .360 .656 1.23863 DRY-SEAL and LEVL-SEAL: Small end of plug to be
flush with face of standard NPTF ring gages within one
1 1/4 1.250 1.647 .102 .360 .656 1.58338 thread (L1, L2 and tapered ring).
1 1/2 1.500 1.885 .102 .360 .656 1.82234 Large end of plug to be flush with face of special 7/8
2 2.000 2.360 .084 .360 .656 2.29627 taper ring gages within one-half thread.
5. Undercut in socket at mfrs. option
See page 24 for threads per inch, w nom., and X. 6. Six equally spaced identification grooves (1/16-27
*Dimensions before coating for PTFE/TEFLON-coated LEVL-SEAL plug to have 3 identification grooves) on alloy steel
pressure plugs. plugs. (LEVL-SEAL)
7. Dimensions apply before plating and/or coating.

PRESSURE PLUGS  Application Data
Pressure plugs are not pipe plugs. possible tightening torque. Galling TYPES OF PRESSURE
Pipe plugs (plumber’s fittings) are and seizure are caused by metal PLUG THREADS
limited to pressures of 600 psi, are pickup on the mating surfaces and
sealed with a compound, and are are directly related to force on the Three thread forms are commonly
made of cast iron with cut threads surface, material hardness, lubrica- used for pipe plugs and pressure
and protruding square drive. tion used, and thread finish. plugs:
Pressure plugs are made to How Pressure Plugs Seal NPT: National Pipe thread, Tapered.
closer tolerances, are generally of This is the thread form commonly
Sealing is achieved by crushing the used for commercial pipe and fittings
higher quality, and almost all have crest of one thread against the root
taper threads. Properly made and for low pressure applications. A lubri-
of the mating thread. If too much cant and sealer are generally used.
used, they will seal at pressures to of compressive force is required to
5000 psi and without a sealing com- torque the plug, it will tend to gall ANPT: Aeronautical National Pipe
pound (pressure tests are usually at in the hole. Too little force will not thread, Tapered. Covered by MIL-S-
20,000 psi.) they are often used in deform the crest of threads enough 7105, this thread form was developed
hydraulic and pneumatic designs. to produce a seal. Increasing the for aircraft use. It is basically the
Performance Requirements hardness of the material will reduce same as the NPT thread except that
galling but will also increase the tolerances have been reduced about
Pressure plugs used in industrial 50 percent. Plugs made with this
applications should: required sealing force. Generally a
hardness range of Rc 30 to 40 will thread should be used with lubricants
 not leak at pressures to 5000 psi meet most requirements. The tighten- and sealers. They are not to be used
 need no sealing compounds ing force must be low enough to for hydraulic applications.
cause no galling in this range. NPTF: National Pipe thread, Tapered,
 be reusable without seizure
Cost Considerations Fuel. This is the standard thread for
 give a good seal when reused pressure plugs. They make pressure-
Dryseal plugs are more frequently tight joints without a sealant.
 seal low viscosity fluids used, especially where reuse is fre- Tolerances are about 1/4 those for
 require minimum seating torque quent. Reason: more threads are NPT threads. The standard which
 require minimum re-tooling or engaged and they therefore resist applies is ANSI B1.20.3. Applicable
special tools. leakage better. They are also pre- for fluid power applications.
ferred in soft metals to reduce of
For a satisfactory seal, the threads of over-torquing.
the plug and those in the mating hole
must not gall or seize up to maximum


threads tap tap recommended
Unbrako recommends using a tapered reamer with corresponding
nom. per drill drill torque
size inch size+ size ++ in.-lbs* size tap drill (see page 27).
+With use of reamer (taper thread).
1/16 27 15/64 1/4 150
1/8 27 21/64 11/32 250 ++Without use of tapered reamer.
1/4 18 27/64 7/16 600 *Recommended torques for alloy steel only. Multiply by .65 for
3/8 18 9/16 37/64 1200 stainless steel and .50 for brass.
1/2 14 11/16 23/32 1800 NPTF fully formed Dryseal threads achieve seal in tapped holes
3/4 14 57/64 59/64 3000 without need for sealing compounds.
1 11 1/2 1 1/8 1 5/32 4200
1 1/4 11 1/2 37.5mm – 5400
1 1/2 11 1/2 43.5mm – 6900
2 11 1/2 2 3/16 – 8500

PTFE/TEFLON-Coated LEVL-SEAL Type Dryseal Thread Form with 7/8-inch Taper per Foot

Deliberate difference in taper between the moving parts. Designed for use in hard
plug and the tapped hole. Idealfor use in materials and in thick-walled sections
assemblies where clearanceis limited and as well as for normal plug applications.
in hydraulic lines near

High pressure seal– Achieved through Flush seating– Design of LEVL-SEAL PTF fully formed Dryseal threads
metal-to-metal contact at the large end of plug permits seating within half a pitch in designed to achieve seal in tapped holes
the plug. High load placed on the few a normally tapped hole. Conventional without need for sealing com-pounds.
mating threads near the top of the hole. plugs have the greater tolerance of a full
pitch and usually protrude above the

PTFE/TEFLON CoatedLEVL-SEAL of tapes or sealing compounds, even with combination of extra hardness and
Type liquids of very low viscosity. Unbrako abrasion resistance which permit reuse
Typical thickness is 0.0005-inchLEVL- Laboratories have tested these plugs with up to 5 times without apprecia-ble loss of
SEAL precision coated with tough, surges up to 13,500 psi 8times in 5 seal.
corrosion-resistantPTFE/TEFLON. minutes, then held peak pressure for 6 full The coating is serviceable to +450°F
Installation of the new plugs is faster with hours without trace of leakage. without deterioration.

Temperatures lower than –100° F

the coating of PTFE/TEFLON which acts Flush seating improves appear-ance require the use of stainless steel plugs.
as a lubricant as well as seal. Power and adds safety. LEVL-SEAL plugs seat These are available in the same range of
flush because of a combi-nation of (1) sizes as the alloy steel plugs.
equipment can be used to install the With no tape or sealing compound
smaller sizes instead of the manual gaging procedures, and (2) a deliberate
wrenching required by higher torques of difference in taper between the plug and a involved, there is no danger of foreign
uncoated plugs. Suited for in assembly normally tapped NPTF hole. (The taper of matter entering and contaminating the
line production. the plug is 7/8” per foot , while that of the system or equipment. The coating
hole is 3/4” per foot.) reduces any tendency of the plug
Higher hydraulic and pneumatic
working pressures can be effectively PTFE/TEFLON was selected for the to“freeze” in the hole because of rustor
coating material because of its corrosion.
sealed. Seal is effective without use


recommended hole diameter tapping information Imperfect tap* drill recommended
nom. threads
tap projection thru L1 ring threads size torque (inch-lbs.)
size per inch
max. min. max. min. allowable alloy steel
1/16 27 .2374 .2334 .375 .250 4 15/64 150
1/8 27 .3271 .3271 .375 .250 4 21/64 250
1/4 18 .4249 .4209 .521 .397 4 27/64 600
3/8 18 .5655 .5615 .516 .392 4 9/16 1200
½ 14 .6905 .6865 .641 .517 4 11/16 1800
3/4 14 .8836 .8896 .627 .503 4 57/64 3000
1 11 ½ 1.280 1.1240 .772 .584 4 1 1/8 4200
1 1/4 11 ½ 1.4794 1.4754 .780 .592 4 37.5mm 5400
1½ 11 ½ 1.7165 1.7116 .793 .605 4 43.5mm 6900
2 11 ½ 2.1905 2.8165 .761 .573 4 2 3/16 8500

*For taper thread (using tapered reamer). For tap drill size **Maximum for PTFE/TEFLON-coated but can be reduced as
(without using tapered reamer) see table and corresponding much as 60% in most applications.
comment on page 26.
Unbrako provides a stock number for every standard, stocked item in its price list. However, there may be particular
sizes or optional features the user may desire. The following part numbering system allows the engineer or designer to
record a particular description for ordering.

Alloy Drilled Cadmium FINISH

Steel Head (3) #4 UNRC 1 1/2" Plate B – Chemical Black Oxide S – Silver Plate
C – Cadmium Plate – Silver U – Zinc Plate – Silver
20097 H3 -94 C -24 C D – Cadmium Plate – Yellow Z – Zinc Plate – Yellow
No letter indicates standard black finish (Thermal Oxide)
for alloy steel and passivation for stainless steel.
LENGTH in 16ths
THREAD TYPE C – coarse, F – fine
DIA. #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #8 #10 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 9/16
DASH NO. 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 98 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

DIA. 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 1 1/8 1 1/4 1 3/8 1 1/2 1 3/4 2 2 1/4 2 1/2 2 3/4 3
DASH NO. 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 28 32 36 40 44 48

Cross Drilled Heads: Self-Locking:
H1 – 1 Hole Thru E – LOC-WEL to MIL-DTL18240
H2 – 2 Hole2 Thru L – LOC-WEL (Commercial)
H3 – 3 Holes Thru P – Nylon Plug
K – Nylon Plug to MIL-DTL18240
20097 – socket head cap screw – alloy steel
20098 – socket head cap screw – stainless steel
72531 – low head cap screw
12705 – shoulder screw
16990 – flat head cap screw – alloy steel
16991 – flat head cap screw – stainless steel
38030 – button head cap screw – alloy
38031 – button head cap screw – stainless steel
05455 – square head cap screw – knurled cup
05456 – square head cap screw – half dog
Set Screws
Alloy Stainless
Steel Steel
28700 28707 flat point
28701 28708 cup point
28704 28709 knurled cup point
28702 28710 cone point
28705 28711 oval point
28706 28713 half dog point

* Shoulder screws are designated by shoulder diameter


B – Chemical Black Oxide

C – Cadmium Plate-Silver
S – Silver Plate
Basic Part No. Material 1/4" Finish FINISH
U – Zinc Plate – Silver
29466 A -4 C Z – Zinc Plate – Yellow
A – Austenitic Stainless
NOMINAL SIZE IN 16ths D – Aluminum
E – Brass
OPTIONAL FEATURES No letter – alloy steel

BASIC PART NUMBER 29466 – dry seal

** Standard stock available in austenitic stainless steel, brass, and alloy only *38194 – LEVEL-SEAL
** Standard stock available in austenitic stainless steel, and alloy only **69188 – PTFE/TEFLON coated

The Part number consists of (1) a basic part number describing

DOWEL PINS PART NUMBERS the item; (2) a dash number and letter designating diameter and
oversize dimension; (3) a dash number designating length.
dowel pin 1/4" .001 oversize 1/2"
28420 –250 B –8 LENGTH in 16ths

OVERSIZE A-.0002, B-.001, C-.002 (see below)

DIAMETER in thousandths

BASIC PART NUMBER 28420 – Standard Dowel Pins

69382 – Pull-Out Dowel Pins

The Part number consists of (1) a basic part number describing

HEX KEYS PART NUMBERS the item; (2) a dash number designating size and a letter denoting
long arm 1/4"
05854 –13 FINISH Standard Black Finish (Thermal Oxide)

See dash number in dimension table page 32

BASIC PART NUMBER 05853 – short arm wrench

05854 – long arm wrench
78950-6" – long arm wrench


Alloy Drilled 4MM Thread Cadmium FINISH

Steel Head (3) Dia. Pitch Length Plate B – Chemical Black Oxide S – Silver Plate
C – Cadmium Plate – Silver U – Zinc Plate – Silver
76000 H3 -M4 -0.7 -12 C D – Cadmium Plate – Yellow Z – Zinc Plate – Yellow
No letter indicates standard black finish (Thermal Oxide)
for alloy steel and passivation for stainless steel.
LENGTH in mm
Cross Drilled Heads: Self-Locking:
H1 – 1 Hole Thru E – LOC-WEL to MIL-DTL-18240
H2 – 2 Hole2 Thru L – LOC-WEL (Commercial)
H3 – 3 Holes Thru P – Nylon Plug
K – Nylon Plug to MIL-DTL-18240
76000 – metric socket head cap screw – alloy steel
76001 – metric socket head cap screw – stainless steel
76002 – metric low head cap screw – alloy
76032 – metric low head cap screw – stainless steel
76005 – metric flat head cap screw – alloy steel
76006 – metric flat head cap screw – stainless steel
76003 – metric button head cap screw – alloy
76004 – metric button head cap screw – stainless steel
76007 – metric shoulder screw – alloy
Metric Set Screws
Alloy Stainless
Steel Steel
76010 76016 flat point
76011 76017 cup point
76012 76018 knurled cup point
76013 76019 cone point
76014 76020 oval point
76015 76021 half dog point

* Shoulder screws are designated by shoulder diameter


The Part number consists of (1) a basic part number describing

HEX KEYS PART NUMBERS (METRIC) the item; (2) a dash number designating size.

long arm 5mm

76023 5 FINISH Standard Black Finish (Thermal Oxide)

Key size in mm

BASIC PART NUMBER 76022 – short arm wrench

76023 – long arm wrench

The Part number consists of (1) a basic part number describing

DOWEL PINS PART NUMBERS (METRIC) the item; (2) a dash number and letter designating diameter and
oversize dimension; (3) a dash number designating length.
dowel pin 6mm .0275 oversize 8mm
76024 –6 B –8 LENGTH in mm

OVERSIZE A-.0055, B-.0275mm


BASIC PART NUMBER 76024 – Standard Dowel Pins

76035 – Pull-Out Dowel Pins


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