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International Services Unit

Canberra Institute of Technology

Application Form
RTO Code 0101 | CRICOS No. 00001K

Application Checklist
This application checklist must be submitted along with the completed application form, student declaration, and
required documentation. We will be unable to process your application if all the required documentation is not
included at the time of lodgement.

Documentation for offshore applicants A completed GTE form. Please refer to to download this
Please submit a fully completed application document. Please note: If you or your family
form accompanied by the following members have been refused a visa for any
country including Australia, please include refusal
supporting documentation:
Certification of completion of the highest level
of study and related academic transcripts. Portfolio (if applicable). Please check course entry
(Not required for English language programs only) requirements at

Passport (identification pages) or Birth Certificate.

Additional required documents if applying
Your current curriculum vitae (CV) or résumé.
from onshore in Australia
This information must be from at least 5 years
current. Detailed information should include If you are a current international student in Australia,
(where applicable): additional supporting documents required will be:
• full employment history A copy of your current visa.
• most recent employment A copy of all Confirmation of Enrolments (COEs) for
• volunteer work or relevant activities studies in Australia.
• educational history.
All academic transcripts for past and current studies
Please also include accurate dates, positions held and in Australia.
level of studies completed. Supporting evidence must
accompany your CV. These documents might consist Completion Certificates for studies completed
of payslips or a contract, employment references, in Australia.
academic transcripts, and completion certificates.
Proof of current Overseas Student Health Cover
English test results (if applicable) – less than (OSHC) with clear expiration date.
two years old. For example IELTS, TOEFL or
PTE Academic. Refer to the application form for Please note: English translation must be supplied where
further information. original documents are in another language.

A statement of purpose. Please refer to the All supporting documentation must be submitted with
Statement of purpose guide on the following page.

Canberra Institute of Technology – International Services Unit

PO Box 226 Jamison ACT 2614 Ph: 61 2 6207 4662 | Fax: 61 2 6207 4666 Page 1 of 8
RTO Code 0101 | CRICOS No. 00001K Email: [email protected] | RTO No 0101, CRICOS No 00001K
International Services Unit Canberra Institute of Technology Application Form
Application Checklist—This application checklist must be submitted along with the completed application form,
student declaration, and required documentation. We will be unable to process your application if all the required
documentation is not included at the time of lodgement.

Now, just to make sure....

Have you filled out ALL applicable fields in the application form?

Have you provided an address and email address that we can send correspondence to?

Have you attached a copy of your passport or birth certificate?

Have you supplied your English results (if applicable)?

Have you attached your academic certificates and transcripts?

Have you signed the declaration on the final page of the applicaiton?

Have you completed the Confirmation of Third Party Authorization if you would like to nominate a family
member that is acting on your behalf?

Have you completed the GTE form and attached requested documents?

Have you prepared a Statement of purpose?

Have you prepared a 5 year current Curriculum vitae and attached supporting employment references?

Have you completed an application form for accommodation (if applicable)?

the application.

More Information
Refer to the following websites for further
immigration information:

Canberra Institute of Technology – International Services Unit

PO Box 226 Jamison ACT 2614 Ph: 61 2 6207 4662 | Fax: 61 2 6207 4666 Page 2 of 8
RTO Code 0101 | CRICOS No. 00001K Email: [email protected] | RTO No 0101, CRICOS No 00001K
International Services Unit Canberra Institute of Technology Application Form
This application form must be submitted along with the completed declaration, application checklist, and required
documentation. Failure to do so will delay the processing of your application.


STEP 1: Application Type

Are you applying for a joint offer with a University?  Yes  No
If yes, please indicate which University?*  Charles Sturt University  Other........................................................................
*If applying to Charles Sturt University, a completed university application and GTE form will need to be submitted with
this application. If other, a completed university application will need to be submitted with this application.
How are you applying to CIT?  Agent Representative  Direct

Agent Representative Details

Company Name.....................................................................................................................................................................................................

Representative/Counselor Family Name .......................................................................................................................................................

Given Name (s) .....................................................................................................................................................................................................

Street address (not PO Box) .............................................................................................................................................................................

Suburb .............................................................................. Postcode ............................................... Country ..................................................

Telephone ............................................................................... Email ....................................................................................................................

Is this your first application to study at CIT? If not, did you originally apply through a CIT Agent Representative? Would
you like to nominate them to act on your behalf for this application?

 Yes  No

STEP 2: Personal Details (as written/featured in your passport)

 Male  Female Date of Birth ......../......../................... (DD/MM/YYYY)

Family Name ........................................................................... Given Names(s) ...............................................................................................

Applicants Postal Address (not PO Box) ......................................................................................................................................................

Suburb ............................................................................. Postcode .............................................. Country ...................................................

Telephone (Australian) ................................................................Telephone (International) .....................................................................

Email ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................

STEP 3: Passport - Visa Details

Country of Birth .................................................................................... Citizenship .......................................................................................

Passport number .................................................................................... Expiry Date ......../......../................... (DD/MM/YYYY)

Are you currently in Australia on a visa?  Yes  No

If yes, what type of visa are you on?  Student  Dependent on a student visa  Diplomatic  Tourist

 Working Holiday  Other .......................................................................................................................................................................

Canberra Institute of Technology – International Services Unit

PO Box 226 Jamison ACT 2614 Ph: 61 2 6207 4662 | Fax: 61 2 6207 4666 Page 3 of 8
RTO Code 0101 | CRICOS No. 00001K Email: [email protected] | RTO No 0101, CRICOS No 00001K
International Services Unit Canberra Institute of Technology Application Form
This application form must be submitted along with the completed declaration, application checklist, and required
documentation. Failure to do so will delay the processing of your application.

Current visa expiry date ......../......../...................(DD/MM/YYYY)

What type of visa will you be studying on at CIT?  Student  Dependent on a student visa  Diplomatic
 Tourist  Working Holiday  Other ..........................................................................................................................................
In which country will you be applying for your visa? ................................................................................................................................

Are you a sponsored student? (i.e. Australian Award Holder or own government sponsored)  Yes  No
If yes, please indicate who your sponsor is:..................................................................................................................................................

Will you be applying for a scholarship? (i.e. Australian Award Holder, Endeavour Award or own government sponsored)
 Yes  No If yes, please indicate which scholarship you are applying for: ..................................................................

PART 4: Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)

Are you arranging your own health cover?  Yes  No
If no, please select from the following options:
Single policy: Covers only the valid student visa holder

Dual family policy: Covers one valid student visa holder plus either one adult spouse or recognised de-facto
partner or one or more dependant children

Multi family policy: Covers one student visa holder plus more than one dependant which can only include one
adult spouse or recognised de-facto partner and one or more dependant children.

PART 5: English Language Proficiency

Have you studied at secondary/tertiary level with English as the medium of instruction?  Yes  No
Have you undertaken a test in English?  Yes  No
If yes, please indicate test and score: IELTS ....................................... TOEFL .................................. Pearson’s ...................................

Other ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................

You must attach to your application evidence of your studies in English, certified copies of your English test results or
other proof of your proficiency in English.

PART 6: Course Selection

Have you studied at CIT previously?  Yes  No If yes, please provide CIT Number: ......................................................

English Course

Are you applying for an English course?  Yes  No Start Date (refer to course) ........./......../.........................
If yes, please tick number of weeks:

 5 wks  10 wks  15 wks  20 wks  25 wks  30 wks  35 wks  40 wks

 50 wks  55 wks  60 wks

Canberra Institute of Technology – International Services Unit

PO Box 226 Jamison ACT 2614 Ph: 61 2 6207 4662 | Fax: 61 2 6207 4666 Page 4 of 8
RTO Code 0101 | CRICOS No. 00001K Email: [email protected] | RTO No 0101, CRICOS No 00001K
International Services Unit Canberra Institute of Technology Application Form
This application form must be submitted along with the completed declaration, application checklist, and required
documentation. Failure to do so will delay the processing of your application.

Academic Courses
Which intake are you applying for?  February  April  July  October  Year 20..............
Please check course prior to selection.

List in order of preference the academic courses you wish to study. Use the correct course title listed in the guide
or website. If your application is successful, ONLY one course offer will be made. Please refer to the website for start date and availability.

1. ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................

2. ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................

3. ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................

PART 7: Previous Education and Employment Details

Secondary Education
(attach a certified copy of subjects attempted and results)
School .................................................................................... Certificate obtained .........................................................................................

Country .................................................................................. Year completed .................................................................................................

Post-Secondary Education
(including any current studies in your home country or Australia)
School .................................................................................... Certificate obtained ..........................................................................................

Country ................................................................................. Year completed ..................................................................................................

Attach a certified copy of subjects attempted and results.

If still studying, date of likely completion: Month .................................................Year ..........................................................

(attach copies of employers’ reference if available)
Provide details of your employment especially where relevant to the course for which you are applying.




PART 8: International Emergency Contact

In case of emergency please provide international details of a family member/next of kin/guardian

 Male  Female Date of Birth ......../......../...................(DD/MM/YYYY)

Family Name ................................................................... Given Names (s) .....................................................................................................

Telephone (Australian) ...............................................................Telephone (International) ......................................................................

Email .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Canberra Institute of Technology – International Services Unit

PO Box 226 Jamison ACT 2614 Ph: 61 2 6207 4662 | Fax: 61 2 6207 4666 Page 5 of 8
RTO Code 0101 | CRICOS No. 00001K Email: [email protected] | RTO No 0101, CRICOS No 00001K
International Services Unit Canberra Institute of Technology Application Form
This application form must be submitted along with the completed declaration, application checklist, and required
documentation. Failure to do so will delay the processing of your application.

PART 9: Confirmation of Third Party Authorization

Would you like to nominate a relative or friend to correspond with CIT regarding your application on your behalf?

 Yes  No
If yes, please provide details:

 Male  Female Date of Birth ......../......../...................(DD/MM/YYYY)

Family Name ................................................................... Given Names (s) .....................................................................................................

Telephone (Australian) ...............................................................Telephone (International) ......................................................................

Email .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Please note that a Third Party nomination does not allow someone to sign documents on your behalf.

PART 10: How did you hear about CIT?

How did you hear about CIT? (Please tick one or more)

 Relative/Friend  Exhibition  Agent  Educational Publication  Social Media  Website*

*Which one? ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................

 Magazine/Newspaper Advertisement  Other ...............................................................................................................................

Canberra Institute of Technology – International Services Unit

PO Box 226 Jamison ACT 2614 Ph: 61 2 6207 4662 | Fax: 61 2 6207 4666 Page 6 of 8
RTO Code 0101 | CRICOS No. 00001K Email: [email protected] | RTO No 0101, CRICOS No 00001K
International Services Unit Canberra Institute of Technology Application Form
This application form must be submitted along with the completed declaration, application checklist, and required
documentation. Failure to do so will delay the processing of your application.

Student Declaration
This student declaration must be completed, signed and submitted along with the application check list, completed
application form and required documentation. We will be unable to process your application if all the required
documentation is not included at the time of lodgement. Please confirm your response by ticking the appropriate box.

I confirm that all information and documentation included I have read, understand and agree to abide by CIT’s
in and attached to this application to study at the “Terms and Conditions” as referred to on
Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT) is genuine.
I confirm that I have not provided fraudulent information I have read and understand the preparation I am required
or documents and understand if at any time the to undertake and information I am required to provide to
information or documents provided is found not to be the Australian Government Department of Home Affairs
genuine, this may lead to my application being denied by to apply for a Student visa and/or Streamlined visa as
the institute, offer being withdrawn by the institute or visa referred to on
being refused by the Australian Government Department
I understand if I am applying for a scholarship through
of Home Affairs. I understand providing fraudulent
my government or the Australian government I will be
information or documents may also jeopardise future visa
required to provide a financial guarantee before I am
applications for myself and my dependants resulting in
issued with a confirmation of enrolment (eCOE).
further exclusion from Australia.
I declare that neither I nor my relative/dependant has
I have read and understand the Genuine Temporary
received a visa refusal from the Australian Government
Entrant Requirements (GTE Requirements) as referred to
Department of Home Affairs.
Temporary-Entrant I declare that neither I nor my relative/dependant has
breached any visa held in Australia.
I understand CIT will assess my application with
consideration given to the GTE Requirements including I am aware if I study in Australia, I must comply with CIT
but not limited to academic entry requirements, terms and conditions, Australian laws and regulations
fraudulent information and documentation provided and visa conditions as referred to on www.homeaffairs.
by me, the value of the course to my future, potential including but not
circumstances in Australia and my home country, limited to work restrictions, academic performance, and
immigration history. For this purpose I have provided all satisfactory attendance.
information and documents in my application which may I understand that CIT may at any time if requested provide
impact on a genuine assessment. information regarding my application or studies to the
I confirm that I have the financial capacity to meet Australian Government Department of Home Affairs, CIT
the costs referred to on the Australian Government Educational Agent, Third Party nomination or Scholarship
Department of Immigration and Border Protection website provider. I understand I must advise CIT immediately if deemed
Living-Costs-and-Evidence-of-Funds for myself and my any information submitted or related to my application is
dependants (if any) for the total period of my visa. These incorrect or if any personal circumstances change which
costs would include but are not limited to living costs, may impact on my application including but not limited to
travel, tuition, accommodation, overseas health cover my financial capacity.
and school costs of any dependants. I understand that
when I apply for my visa I will have to provide evidence to I have read and I understand each of the above statements
demonstrate my financial capacity. and information provided above and I give my consent to
use my personal information to process my application to
I declare that I have genuine intention to study my chosen study with CIT. All data collected in this application is held
program with CIT, and have researched and considered using cloud based technology.
how studying this CIT program in Australia rather than my
home country will benefit my career or future education Date of Birth ............./............../.................. (DD/MM/YYYY)
upon my return to my home country.

Family Name ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................

Given Name(s) .....................................................................................................................................................................................................

Signature* ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................

Date ............../............../.................. (DD/MM/YY)

*To be signed by Applicant or Parent/Guardian if Applicant is under 18 years of age.

Canberra Institute of Technology – International Services Unit

PO Box 226 Jamison ACT 2614 Ph: 61 2 6207 4662 | Fax: 61 2 6207 4666 Page 7 of 8
RTO Code 0101 | CRICOS No. 00001K Email: [email protected] | RTO No 0101, CRICOS No 00001K
International Services Unit Canberra Institute of Technology Application Form
This application form must be submitted along with the completed declaration, application checklist, and required
documentation. Failure to do so will delay the processing of your application.

Statement of purpose guide

Please provide a detailed Statement of Purpose.
This information/documentation may be requested to be provided to the Department of Home Affairs in support of
your student visa application.
As stated on the Department of Home Affairs website, the statement must be written by the applicant even if using an

Your statement of purpose must include Evidence of independent research

the following information: 11. Provide evidence of the independent research you
have completed to find out more about your CIT
Personal information course content and subjects.
1. Your name and date of birth 12. What research have you done on alternate
study options:
2. Are you married? If yes:
• in your home country
• how long have you been married?
• at other providers in Canberra
• do you live together?
• in Australia
• do you have children?
• in other countries.
• will your spouse/children accompany you to study
in Australia?
Why CIT and Australia is a good fit for you
3. Do you have relatives in Australia? If yes:
13. Why did you choose to apply for the course with CIT
• where? rather than study at another Educational provider
that you have researched:
• how are they related to you?
for example: sister, brother, aunt, uncle, • in Canberra
mother, father
• in Australia
Your motivation for study in your chosen course • in other countries
4. What CIT course are you applying for? • in your home country.
5. What is your interest and motivation to apply for this 14. How does the cost of studies with CIT compare to
course with CIT? study elsewhere in:
6. How have you prepared for this field of study • in Canberra
with CIT? • in Australia
7. How does the CIT course you have chosen relate to • in other countries
your background (your work experience, previous
education or future career goals)? • in your home country.
8. What do you intend to do on completion of your 15. How do you plan to fund your study, accommodation
studies with CIT? and living costs in Australia?
9. What value will the completed course have on your 16. What do you know about Canberra as a
future career? study destination?
10. If you have completed your last educational
qualification more than a year ago, what have you
been doing since that time?

Canberra Institute of Technology – International Services Unit

PO Box 226 Jamison ACT 2614 Ph: 61 2 6207 4662 | Fax: 61 2 6207 4666 Page 8 of 8
RTO Code 0101 | CRICOS No. 00001K Email: [email protected] | RTO No 0101, CRICOS No 00001K

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