HDR Candidature and Scholarship Application
HDR Candidature and Scholarship Application
HDR Candidature and Scholarship Application
The Higher Degree Research Candidature and Scholarship Application Form is to be used by potential students
wishing to apply for candidature and scholarship (if applicable) to higher degree research courses at the University
of New England. Course options are listed on page 7 of this application form.
For information and assistance completing this application form, please refer to the Candidature and Scholarship
You are required to attach the following documents in order for your application to be processed:
Proof of Citizenship
If you are an international applicant, you must provide a certified/notarised copy of your current
passport. If you are an Australian Permanent Resident, or have been granted a Permanent
Humanitarian Visa in Australia, you must provide a certified/notarised copy of your residency visa.
Change of Name (if applicable)
If any of your qualifications were gained under another name, you will need to provide
documentary evidence of your change of name.
English Language Requirements (if applicable)
International applicants who have completed an English Language Requirements (ELR) test within
the last two years must provide a copy of their test results. Please see UNE’s English Language ☐
Requirements for Admission Rule for further information.
Previous Qualification Documentation
You are required to provide a certified/notarised copy of your official transcript(s) and certificate(s)
for all previous secondary and tertiary study. You do not need to provide transcripts for any
previous study completed at UNE. ☐
For information on getting your documents certified/notarised, please refer to the Document
Certification Guidelines webpage.
Evidence of Supervision
You are required to provide evidence that at least one UNE academic staff member has agreed to
support your application/supervise your research, such as email communication with your ☐
proposed supervisor or letter of support.
Research Proposal
You will need to include a copy of your research proposal. This is to be inserted on page 9 of this
application form. Your proposal must not be longer than 3 A4 pages. Please refer to the HDR ☐
Application Guidelines for the suggested format for the research proposal.
Referee Report
You are required to nominate two people (preferably external to UNE and not your Principal
Supervisor) on your application who can testify to your academic achievements. You will need to
contact your referees prior to lodging your application and request that they complete the online
HDR Referee Report form. UNE will not request these reports on your behalf.
Please attach any other relevant documentation to support your application (e.g. CV, portfolios,
Supervisor Statement of Support etc.)
Phone: +61 2 6773 3715
Email: Contact us through AskUNE
Date of Birth Gender Male ☐ Female ☐ Binary ☐
Day Month Year (Please tick the appropriate box)
Country: Postcode:
NOTE: If details change unexpectedly while this application is being processed, please advise Graduate Research
School immediately.
Former Name if Applicable (e.g. Maiden
NOTE: If qualifications were gained in former name, certification of name change must be provided.
Special Needs
Do you have any other special needs or consideration that we should know about? ☐ Yes ☐ No
If Yes, please contact our Student Access and Inclusion Office to discuss support options.
New Zealand citizen or a diplomat or consular representative – If you tick this box you must provide a
☐ certified/notarised copy of your passport and visa.
Australian Permanent Resident (excluding New Zealand citizens). Please enter the date you became a
☐ permanent resident below. – If you tick this box you must provide a certified/notarised copy of your passport
and visa.
International Applicants
Please indicate below which country you hold citizenship in. – If you tick this box you must provide a
☐ certified/notarised copy of your passport) Please also provide your country of birth.
Have you undertaken an IELTS test within the past 2 years? ☐ Yes ☐ No
Please attach a certified copy of each qualification and transcript. Please note that they key to grade (which is often
on the reverse side of transcript) is also required.
Employment History
If you are using work experience as an entry qualification you must supply verified or original documentation from
your employer and a detailed resume. It is the applicant’s responsibility to provide proof of their work experience and
the relevance of that experience to their proposed higher degree research program. (If sufficient space, please
attached further information – 1 page maximum.)
If you have published, please list your top 6 publications.
☐ Yes ☐ No
Please list the awards you have received with information about the award. (If insufficient space, please attach further
☐ Master of Philosophy
☐ Full-Time ☐ On Campus
Off Campus Study (If you plan to undertake research work off campus, please specify where you plan to carry out your research (e.g. CSIRO))
Proposed School/Faculty
Proposed Research Title (Max 20 words) - Candidates are strongly encouraged to discuss projects with prospective supervisors before
submitting their application.
Brief Summary of Research Problem (What are you trying to address/problem you are trying to solve?)
Name School
For students wishing to study their degree by Creative Practice, please submit your Research Proposal using the
Creative Practice Research Proposal Template.
Do you want to transfer from another institution? ☐ Yes ☐ No
If you want to transfer master of doctoral research candidature from another institution, please provide details as
requested below:
Name of Course Estimated FTE Days
Institution Date Commenced
(e.g. Master of Philosophy) Consumed (To Date)
Note: Please attach official documentation from your institution showing your commencement date and any
intermissions or changes of candidature status that may have occurred during your candidature.
☐ Yes ☐ No
NOTE: Please attach certified proof of your commencement date at this institution.
If you are seeking credit towards the research degree for previous studies, please indicate the details in the table
Name of the Unit(s) of study Which UNE Unit(s) do
on which Advanced Standing Has the unit counted you nominate as
is to based (or in-House Name of Awarding Institution towards a completed those for which you
Program or Significant qualification? are seeking credit (e.g
Learning) EDLT583) – If known
Please note: Scholarship applications can only be received during the rounds. Please refer to the HDR Scholarship
website for the round dates.
Candidature at UNE
Have you already been offered a place or already commenced in a Higher Degree Research (HDR) program at
☐ Yes ☐ No
Principal Supervisor
Research Topic
Are you applying to transfer your scholarship from another institution?
☐ Yes ☐ No
If you are applying to transfer your scholarship with masters or doctoral research candidature from another
institution, please provide details as requested below.
Current Scholarship & HDR Candidature Details Date Commenced
Course of Study
(Please provide certified proof of your scholarship commencement date, as well as intermissions or changes of
HDR Scholarship and Candidature status that may have occurred during your candidature)
Are you applying for, or will you receive any other externally funded Scholarship or Sponsorship?
☐ Yes ☐ No
If ‘Yes’, and you have already received a Scholarship or arranged Sponsorship, please provide the following
Name of Scholarship or
Sponsorship (e.g.
Government Sponsor)
☐ Yes ☐ No
If yes, please indicate below how you plan to fund your studies:
Referee 1 Referee 2
Postal Address
Phone Number
E-mail Address