pert and cpm (1)mmmm
pert and cpm (1)mmmm
pert and cpm (1)mmmm
1. Optimistic Time (To): The estimator thinks that everything goes on well and he will not come across any sort of
uncertainties and estimates the lowest time as far as possible
2. Pessimistic Time (Tp): The estimator thinks that everything goes wrong and expects all sorts of uncertainties
and estimates highest possible time
3. Most Likely Time (Tm): This time is between optimistic and pessimistic. The estimator expects, he may come
across some sort of uncertainties and many a time the things will go right.
➢ This formula gives a weighted average, with the most likely time (tm) having the highest weight.
➢ The standard deviation measures the uncertainty or spread of the activity duration
❑ Variance (σ²):
➢ The variance is the square of the standard deviation and reflects the degree of variability in the
activity duration.
❑ Range:
The range is simply the difference between the pessimistic and optimistic times, representing the overall
spread of possible outcomes.
Dr. Rishi Kumar, Chanakya Post Doctoral Fellow 5
Difference between PERT and CPM
PERT network deals with uncertainties CPM does not take uncertainties
and hence three-time estimates are involved in the estimation of times. The
considered. time required is deterministic and hence
only one time is considered.
i j To Tm Tp
10 20 5 12 17
10 30 8 10 13
10 40 9 11 12
20 30 5 8 9
20 50 9 11 13
40 60 14 18 22
30 70 21 25 30
60 70 8 13 17
50 80 14 17 21
70 80 6 9 12
10 20 5 12 17 10 12 2 4
10 30 8 10 13 10 5 0.83 0.69
10 40 9 11 12 11 3 0.50 0.25
20 30 5 8 9 8 4 0.66 0.44
20 50 9 11 13 11 4 0.66 0.44
40 60 14 18 22 18 8 1.33 1.78
30 70 21 25 30 25 9 1.5 2.25
60 70 8 13 17 13 9 1.5 2.25
50 80 14 17 21 17 7 1.16 1.36
70 80 6 9 12 9 6 1.0 1.0