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Charles L.

Charles L. Kane (Charles Lewis Kane; born January
12, 1963) is a theoretical condensed matter physicist Charles L. Kane
and is the Christopher H. Browne Distinguished
Professor of Physics at the University of Pennsylvania.
He completed a B.S. in physics at the University of
Chicago in 1985 and his Ph.D. at Massachusetts
Institute of Technology in 1989. Prior to joining the
faculty at the University of Pennsylvania he was a
postdoctoral associate at IBM's T. J. Watson Research Kane receiving the Physics Frontiers prizes in
Center working with his mentor Matthew P. A. Fisher, 2013

among others. Born January 12, 1963

Alma mater Massachusetts Institute of
Kane is notable for theoretically predicting the
Technology, University of
quantum spin Hall effect (originally in graphene) and
what would later be known as topological
Spouse Suzanne Amador Kane
Awards Dirac Prize (2012)
He received the 2012 Dirac Prize, along with Oliver E. Buckley Prize (2012)
Shoucheng Zhang and Duncan Haldane, for their Physics Frontiers Prize (2013)
groundbreaking work on two- and three-dimensional Franklin Medal (2015)
topological insulators.[3][4] In the same year he was Fontiers of Knowledge Award
also chosen for the inaugural class of Mathematics and (2018)
the Physical Sciences Simons Investigators.[5][6] He Breakthrough Prize in
also shared one of the 2013 Physics Frontiers prizes Fundamental Physics (2019)
with Laurens W. Molenkamp and Shoucheng Zhang John Scott Medal (2019)
for their work on topological insulators.[7] In 2018, he
Scientific career
shared the Frontiers of Knowledge Award with Eugene
J. Mele. In 2019, was recognized with Breakthrough Fields Theoretical condensed matter
Prize in Fundamental Physics with fellow University physics

of Pennsylvania professor Eugene Mele, again for Institutions University of Pennsylvania

work on topological insulators.[8] Academic Patrick A. Lee

1. Brumfiel, Geoff (2010-07-01). "Topological insulators: Star material". Nature News. 466
(7304): 310–311. doi:10.1038/466310a ( ISSN 1476-
4687 ( PMID 20631773 ( S2CID 11864273 (
2. Hasan, M. Zahid; Kane, Charles L. (2010-11-08). "Topological Insulators" (https://link.aps.or
g/doi/10.1103/RevModPhys.82.3045). Reviews of Modern Physics. 82 (4): 3045–3067.
arXiv:1002.3895 ( doi:10.1103/RevModPhys.82.3045 (http
s:// ISSN 0034-6861 (https://search.worldcat.or
g/issn/0034-6861). S2CID 16066223 (
3. "Dirac prize citation - 2012" (
Archived from the original (
edallists-%281%29/dirac-medallists-2012.aspx) on 2015-06-23. Retrieved 2013-02-06.
4. Durrani, Matin (2012-08-08). "Condensed-matter trio scoop Dirac prize -"
rize). Retrieved 2013-02-06.
5. Simons Investigators (
6. Penn’s Charles Kane Named Simons Investigator and Awarded $500,000 Grant (http://www.
7. Hamish Johnston (2012-12-11). "Higgs hunters and Stephen Hawking bag new $3m prizes -" (
d-stephen-hawking-bag-new-3m-prizes). Retrieved 2013-02-06.
8. Baillie, Katherine Unger (17 October 2018). "Eugene Mele and Charles Kane to share
Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics" (
ne-and-eugene-mele-share-breakthrough-prize-fundamental-physics). Retrieved

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