raja_sekhar (1)
raja_sekhar (1)
raja_sekhar (1)
Submitted By
MARCH 2021
under my supervision.
Department of Civil engineering, Assistant Professor,
BharathNiketan Engineering College, Department of Civil engineering,
Aundipatti-625 536. BharathNiketan Engineering College,
Aundipatti-625 536.
We are very much grateful to our college and our managing chairman
Shri.S.MOHAN for enabling us to complete this work successful.
The experimentation has been done to find out the impact of the fire
on reinforcement steel bars by heating the bars to 100°,300°,600°,900°
centigrade of 6 samples each. The heated samples are rapidly cooled by
quenching in water and normally by air cooling. The change in the mechanical
properties are studied using universal testing machine (UTM) and the
microscopic study of grain size and grain structure is studied by scanning
electron microscope (SEM).
1.1 Experience of fires 11
1.2 What happens to concrete in a fire 12
1.3 Changes of concrete in fire 13
1.4 List of tests to be conducted 19
1.5 Damage classification of structural 20
1.6 Method of representing class of damages 23
in the drawings
1.7 Objective 24
2.1 Introduction 26
2.2 Equipment 26
2.3 UTM Testing 26
2.4 Tensile testing 28
2.5 SEM 28
2.6 Electric furnace 30
Chapter 1
With the increased incidents of major fires and fire accidents in buildings; assessment,
repair and rehabilitation of fire damaged structures has become a topical interest. This
specialized field involves expertise in many areas like concrete technology, material science
and testing, structural engineering, repair materials and techniques etc. Research and
development efforts are being carried out in these related disciplines. Any structure can
undergo fire accident, but because of this the structure cannot be denied neither abandoned.
To make a structure functionally viable after the damage due to fire has become a challenge
for the civil engineering community. The problem is where to start and how to proceed. It is
vitally important that we create buildings and structures that protect both people and property
as effectively as possible. Annual statistics on losses caused by fires in homes and elsewhere
make for some unpleasant readings and sadly through these events we learn more about fire
safety design.
We are all aware of the damage that fire can cause in terms of loss of life, homes and
livelihoods. A study of 16 industrialized nations (13 in Europe plus the USA, Canada and
Japan) found that, in a typical year, the number of people killed by fires was 1 to 2 per
100,000 inhabitants and the total cost of fire damage amounted to 0.2% to 0.3% of GNP. In
the USA specifically, statistics collected by the National Fire Protection Association (USA)
for the year 2000 showed that more than 4,000 deaths, over 100,000 injuries and more than
$10bn of property damage were caused by fire. UK statistics suggest that of the half a million
fires per annum attended by firefighters, about one third occur in occupied buildings and
these result in around 600 fatalities (almost all of which happen in dwellings). The loss of
business resulting from fires in commercial and office buildings runs into millions of pounds
each year. The extent of such damage depends on a number of factors such as building design
and use, structural performance, fire extinguishing devices and evacuation procedures.
Although fire safety standards are written with this express purpose, it is understandably the
safety of people that assumes the greater importance. Appropriate design and choice of
materials is crucial in ensuring fire safe construction. Codes and regulations on fire safety are
updated continually, usually as a result of research and development.
Wei Lin et al [8] by using scanning electron microscope and stereo microscope for the
concrete which has been heated to a temperature of 900°C to get the visual information that
would otherwise be impossible to see with the naked eye will help to understand the behavior
of concrete in fire. A case of assessment of the structure of Novi Sad Open was presented by
R. Folic et al [6]. Strength and durability recovery of fire damaged concrete after post-fire-
curing was presented by Chi-Sun poon et al [5] in 2001. M. A. Riley from Sir William
Halcrow & partners Ltd has presented a ape on possible new method for the assessment of
fire-damaged concrete [4]. N. R. Short et al [2] worked in the area of assessment of fire
damaged concrete using color image analysis. The effects of rapid cooling by water
quenching on the stiffness properties of fire-damaged concrete was studied by A. Y Nassif et
al [13] of Londan University in the year 1999.
Fig 1.2: concreting of fire damaged slab
1. Most of the structures were repaired. Of those that were not, many could have been but
were demolished for reasons other than the damage sustained.
2. Almost without exception, the structures performed well during and after the fire.
Fires are caused by accident, energy sources or natural means, but the majority of fires in
buildings are caused by human error. Once a fire starts and the contents and/or materials in a
building are burning, then the fire spreads via radiation, convection or conduction with
flames reaching temperatures of between 600°C and 1200°C. Harm is caused by a
combination of the effects of smoke and gases, which are emitted from burning materials, and
the effects of flames and high air temperatures.
Fig1.3: Concrete against fire
Concrete does not burn – it cannot be ‘set on fire’ like other materials in a building
and it does not emit any toxic fumes when affected by fire. It will also not produce smoke or
drip molten particles, unlike some plastics and metals, so it does not add to the fire load. For
these reasons concrete is said to have a high degree of fire resistance and, in the majority of
applications, concrete can be described as virtually ‘fireproof’. This excellent performance is
due in the main to concrete’s constituent materials (i.e. cement and aggregates) which, when
chemically combined within concrete, form a material that is essentially inert and,
importantly for fire safety design, has a relatively poor thermal conductivity. It is this slow
rate of heat transfer (conductivity) that enables concrete to act as an effective fire shield not
only between adjacent spaces, but also to protect itself from fire damage. The rate of increase
of temperature through the cross section of a concrete element is relatively slow and so
internal zones do not reach the same high temperatures as a surface exposed to flames. A
standard ISO 834/BS 476 fire test on 160 mm wide x 300 mm deep concrete beams has
shown that, after one hour of exposure on three sides, while a temperature of 600°C is
reached at 16 mm from the surface, this value halves to just 300°C at 42 mm from the surface
– a temperature gradient of 300 degrees in about an inch of concrete! Even after a prolonged
period, the internal temperature of concrete remains relatively low; this enables it to retain
structural capacity and fire shielding properties as a separating element.
Table 1.1: concrete in fire – physiochemical process
Table 1.2: Changes caused by heating various types of stone
The surface appearance of structural members give an idea on the extent of heat to which
these members might have been subjected to during the fire. The structural conditions as
observed give a great deal of information on its physical condition and help to assess the
physical damage suffered by the members. As stated earlier, these information are very vital
for assigning the appropriate damage classifications and planning the repair techniques. It is
however to be kept in view that these are subjective observations and results would depend
upon the experience and skill of the person carrying out the investigations. Inspite of these
drawbacks, this information is necessary and when examined with the information received
from other methods, provide a valuable tool taking decisions on type of repairs to be carried
out. The various aspects covered by the spread sheets are briefly discussed below.
A) Condition of plaster and finish
The reinforced concrete structural members are either kept exposed or rendered with
cement mortor which, in general in this building is 1:3 (1 cement :3 sand) in some
locations these members have also been cladded with other materials (wood/marble).
The condition of these finishes are catogerised and recorded into five groups;
unaffected, peeling, substantial loss, total loss and destroyed.
B) Color
The color of concrete may change as a result of heat due to fire may and may give an
idea of the maximum temperature attained. A correlation between the decolouration
due to fire and a possible temperature attained is available in technical report
no.33:assessment and repair of concrete structures by concrete society, U.K. Due to
fire decolouration takes place and the possible change in concrete is normal, pink,
whitish grey and puff.
Fig 1.5: temperature vs proportion of strength at room temperature
C) Crazing
The development of fine cracks on the surface of the concrete due to sudden cooling
of surface with water is termed as crazing. These fine cracks are restricted to surface
layer and no structural significance on material has been accounted for. These are
recorded in spread sheets under four categories; unaffected,slight, moderate, extensive
and surface lost.
D) Spalling of concrete
Spalling is the deteriotion process in which a portion of concrete (particularly cover)
has separated and fallen out from the bidy of the concrete member. Due to spalling,
the reinforcement gets exposed, composite action between concrete and steel
reinforcement is reduced. The spalling seriously affects strength, stiffness and
durability of member and is important parameter in deciding the degree of damage.
Five types of spalling considered; unaffected, minor, localized to corners,
considerable to corners and all surface spalled.
E) Exposure condition of reinforcements correlation
The extent of exposure condition of the main reinforcement and links (stirrups) of
structural members are recorded in the spread sheets with the classifications of
exposure as 25%, 50% and 50% with the indication of the buckling condition of the
main reinforcements.
F) Cracks
Concrete members exposed to high temperature during fire may develop severe
cracks which may extend across the body of the member. These cracks observed
during visual inspections are recorded in spread sheets and also in the sketches of the
members. Cracking is classified as minor and major with the recording of length of
G) Distortion
The extent of distortion of the structural members affected by fire in the form of
deformations (deflections, twisting etc) are also recorded into three categories; none,
slight but insignificant and severe and significant.
H) Delamination of concrete
Delamination of concrete means that a layer or some part of concrete has separated
out from the parent body but still not fallen out. The delamination can be detected by
tapping of concrete surface with light hammer. A ‘dull thud’ sound of concrete would
indicatedelamination. In the spread sheets extent of delamination in terms of surface
area has to be recorded.
Table 1.3: Delamination of concrete
Laboratory Tests
1) Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA): Thermo gravimetric analysis consists of
finding change in weight of a material with increase in temperature. This plot is
called a Thermogram. The loss of weight indicates decompostition or evaporation
of the material. This technique allows to find out the temperature range in which a
material will remain stable and the temperature at which it would undergo
2) Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA): The principle on which DTA is based is
that when a material is slowly heated, its temperature rises but when the material
undergoes any endothermic reaction viz. losing water, losing CO 2, change in
crystalline structure or decomposition, its temperature remains constant. The
results of DTA are presented in the form of DTA curves. The sample and an inert
material are heated in separate crucibles and the difference of temperature
between the two is recorded by means of thermocouples which generates an
electrical signal whenever there is a temperature difference between the reference
and the sample. When there is no endothermic reaction in a sample, there would
not be any difference of temperature between the reference and the sample and
hence no electrical signal would occur.
Based on the information collected from the spread sheets indicating the condition of
surface appearance of concrete (plaster/finish, colour, crazing), structural conditions and
further correlated with the results of NDTS and laboratory tests, the structural members have
been designated with various damage classifications. Combined with the personal experience
of the expert, the visual inspection and the various tests present a fairly accurate condition of
the damaged structural element. Since the reinforced concrete is a highly variable matrix,
sometime the results of different tests appear to give somewhat contradictory results but with
experience, these can be reconciled. Based on the damage classifications, the repair
classification and repair requirements are given below;
Table 1.5: Damage classification of structural members
The information on class of damage, is tabulated in the grid sheets in the form of
drawings for the site references The grid drawing plans are prepared in conformity with the
original structural drawings for each floor i.e the same column nos. beam nos. and slab nos.
are adopted as had been done in the original structural drawings. Each structural member like
column, beam and slab is marked with class of damage in different colour for each floor in
grid drawing and then these are consolidated in tabulated form under schedule of damage
classification i.e. separately for columns, beams and slabs and members having same class of
damage are grouped together. The grid drawing for a particular floor show damage
classification of beams and slabs of that particular floor as seen from the bottom and of the
columns supporting that particular floor.
The damage classification for columns, beams and slabs have been marked in red ink,
black ink and green ink respectively on the grid drawings. The members unmarked are
unaffected and members marked ‘O’ are also unaffected. Reference to spread sheet numbers
are also indicated in the grid drawings for each floor. Similarly, reference of grid drawing is
also shown in spread sheets for the co-relation of the data. Another grid drawing(plate 3.6) of
the same floor is prepared in which class of repair corresponding to the class of damage is
marked in different colours as per the legends mentioned below:
Structurally unaffected Left as it is
Superficial repairs yellow colour
General repairs Green colour
Principal repairs Red colour
Major repairs Shaded black
Beam & column members
Superficial repairs ○
General repairs ●
Principal repairs
Major repairs *
With above approach, the grid drawings have been prepared which, at a glance, reveal the
damage identification of structural members and its solution for repair and rehabilitation.
1.7 Objective:
The present work includes
i. To study the impact of fire on the reinforcement bars heated at various temperatures,
cooled rapidly by quenching in water and normalized b cooling in the atmospheric
ii. Study the characteristic changes in the mechanical properties of the bars by Tensile
strength testing using Universal Testing Machine.
iii. Study of micro structure of the bars using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM).
Chapter 2
The specimens for testing were Sri TMT bar of 12mm diameter. 54 bars were cut to 40 cm
size. 6 Specimens were tested for the mechanical properties using UTM before heating at
normal temperature and the properties were tabulated. 12 specimens each were heated in the
electrical furnace at 100°, 300°, 600° and 900°C for an hour without any disturbance. After
heating, out of 12 specimens for each temperature 6 samples were quenched in water for
rapid cooling and the other 6 were kept aside for normal cooling at atmospheric temperature.
These specimens later were tested for mechanical properties with UTM and microstructure
study using SEM.
Fig 2.1: UTM testing setup
Tensile testing is performed in accordance with ASTM D-638 as well as ISO 527 combined
tensile and flexural procedure. Tensile properties are the most important single indication of
strength in a material. The force needed to pull the specimen apart is determined, along with
how much the material stretches before it breaks. The tensile modulus is the ratio of stress to
strain below the proportional limit of the material. This is the most useful tensile data as parts
should be designed to accommodate stresses to a degree well below it.
2.5 : SEM
Scanning Electron Microscopy has done by JSM- 6480LV at magnification of 5 microns
(x5000) and 10 microns (x1000). The specimens are made in a size of 12mm diameter and
10mm length. Before testing the specimens are to be finely polished in all the edges and
neatly cleaned with acetone for the clear view of the gain size and grain structure.
Fig 2.4:Inner view of SEM
2.6 Electric furnace:
The electric furnace is used to heat the specimens. The maximum temperature attained in this
furnace is 1000°C. The inner depth of the furnace is 45mm. initially the furnace is heated to
the required temperature by switching on it and when the required temperature is attained
then 6 specimens put inside with the doo closing tightly so that no air enter inside. The
specimens are kept for a duration of 1 hour inside the furnace and later 3 specimens are
quenched in water for rapid cooling and the other 3 are kept aside for atmospheric time. The
3 specimens which are quenched in water are removed after 15 minutes. Each time 6 bars are
kept at temperatures of 100°C, 300°C, 600°C, 900°C and the same is repeated.
Chapter 3
Results from computerized UTM:
For Rapid cooling conditions from table 3.1:
From the graph it can be observed that the ultimate load initially decreases from and then
gradually increases , this happens due to the microstructure of the bar. For high temperatures
the grain size decereases.
temperature vs ultimate stress
0 500 1000
Temperature vs
0.2 .2%Proof Stress
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Temperature ° C
For ordinary cooling conditions from table 3.2:
From the Fig 3.5, the ultimate load carrying ot the specimen was reduced drom the specimen
before heating.
Ultimate stress
Temperature vs
0.58 Ultimate Stress
0 500 1000
Temperature ° C
Temperature vs % elongation
Elongation (%)
29 Temperature
28.5 vs %
28 elongation
0 500 1000
Temperature ° C
Yield stress
0.46 vs Yeild Stress
0 500 1000
Temperature ° C
Temperature vs .2% Proof Stress
0.47 Temperature vs .2% Proof Stress
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Temeprature ° C
SEM Analyses:
Fig 3.11: 100° C Ordinary cooling at magnification of 10 microns
Fig 3.14: 300° C Rapid cooling at magnification of 10 microns
UTM under working condition
Specimen failed on UTM
Failed specimen
i. The impact of fire on the reinforcement bars heated at various temperatures of 100°
C, 300° C, 600° C, 900° C, cooled rapidly by quenching in water and normally cooled
in the atmospheric temperature were studied and it is observed that the ductility of
rapidly cooled bars after heating to high temperature to 900 ° C.
ii. Studying the characteristic changes in the mechanical properties of the bars by
Tensile strength testing using Universal Testing Machine shows that the increase in
ultimate load and decrease in percentage elongation of the specimen which mean that
there is significant decrease in ductility of the specimen.
iii. Study of micro structure of the bars using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) also
shows that the microstructure of highly heated specimens varies without varying the
chemical composition which would have negative impact on the structure.
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