Heat Transfer Analysis of Components of Construction Exposed To Fire

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A Thesis submitted for

The Degree of Doctor of Philosophy



Department of Civil Engineering and Construction

University of Salford
Manchester, M5 4VVT

April, 1995




1.1 General Introduction 1

1.2 Scope and Contents 5


2.1 The Governing Equation 10

2.2 Explicit Formulation of FDM for a Multi-layer Panel 12
2.3 Unexposed Side Heat Transfer Coefficient 18
2.4 Fire Boundary Conditions 21


3.1 1-D Formulation of FDM for a Multi-layer Pipe 27

3.2 2-D Formulation of FDM for a Multi-layer Pipe 31
3.3 Internal Heat Exchange 34



4.1 Introduction 39


4.2 Model for WR Glass Polyester Laminate 43

4.3 Special Treatment for WR Phenolic Laminate 50

4.4 Model to Predict the Thermal Response of GRP Pipes 55
4.5 Model for Intumescent Coatings 60



5.1 Conventional Thermal Properties 65

5.2 Effects of Moisture Content 69
5.3 Kinetic Parameters for Pyrolysis 78



6.1 'Traditional' Fire Resistant Panels 89

6.2 WR Glass-Fibre Reinforced Polyester Laminates 95

6.3 VVR Glass-Fibre Reinforced Phenolic Laminates 101

6.4 Glass-Reinforced Plastic Pipes 103

6.5 GRP Pipes with Intumescent Coatings 105

6.6 Conclusions 107



8.1 Introduction 128

8.2 Finite Element Computer Program Development 129
8.3 Composite Concrete/Steel Deck Slab Exposed to Fire 130
8.3.1 Boundary Conditions 132


8.3.2 Moisture Effects 134

8.3.3 Thermal Properties of Materials 136
8.4 Numerical Results and Comparisons 137



9.1 Fire Resistance Tests 149

9.2 Computational Approach 152


10.1 Present Study 156

10.2 Future Development 164





The author wishes to express his grateful thanks to Professor John M. Davies,
for his supervision, guidance and encouragement throughout the period of
study, also for the review of this thesis.

Sincere thanks are due to Dr. John McNicholas and Dr. Raheef Hakmi for their
helpful advice and support.

Acknowledgement is made to the multi-sponsor research programme on "The

Cost Effective Use of Fibre-Reinforced Composites Offshore", which is
supported by the UK Marine Technology Directorate Ltd, EPSRC and a
consortium of companies, for their financial support. These industrial sponsors
are: Admiralty Research Establishment, AGIP(UK), Amerada Hess, Ameron by,
Amoco Research, Balmoral Group, Bow Valley Petroleum, BP Exploration, BP
Research, Brasoil, British Gas, Ciba-Geigy, Conoco, Defence Research Agency,
Dow Rheinmunster, Elf(Aquitaine), Elf(UK), Enichem(SPA), Exxon, Fibreforce
Composites, Hunting Engineering Ltd, Kerr McGee Oil(UK) Ltd, MaTSU, Marine
Technology Directorate Ltd, Mobil Research and Development, Mobil North Sea
Ltd, Norsk Hydro, UK Ministry of Defence(Navy), UK Offshore Supplies Office,
Phillips Petroleum, Shell Expro, Statoil, Total Oil Marine, UK Department of
Energy, VSEL and Vosper Thornycroft.

Also the author wishes to express his thanks to those members of the technical
staff of the Department of Civil Engineering and Construction for their
assistance in the preparation of experimental work.


None of the material contained in this thesis has been submitted in

support of an application for another degree or qualification of this
or any other university or institution of learning.

Hong-Bo Wang

April 1995


This thesis describes a theoretical, numerical and experimental heat transfer study

of components of construction exposed to fire.

Within the computational aspects of the work, one and two-dimensional finite

difference and finite element methods have been developed to determine the

transient temperature distributions in the cross-section of elements of construction

subject to furnace fire tests. Either Cartesian or cylindrical polar coordinates

can be used in order to conform to the shape of the element to be analyzed.

The convective and radiative heat transfer boundary conditions at the exposed and

unexposed sides of components can be simulated. Structures may comprise

several materials each having thermal properties varying with temperature. They

could be made of traditional construction materials, for example steel, concrete,

plasterboard, or novel fire-resistant composite materials, for instance Glass-

Reinforced Plastics (GRP) or intumescent coatings. The critical role of the

thermal properties of materials with respect to the heat transfer rate was reviewed

and the factors which significantly affect the heat transmission, such as the

moisture content in hygroscopic materials and the decomposition of plastic

matrices, have been investigated in considerable detail.

A large number of experimental furnace tests have been conducted in order to


reveal the fire-resistant performance of various materials and to verify the

numerical modelling. Both the standard cellulosic and hydrocarbon

time/temperature regimes have been used to simulate cellulosic and hydrocarbon

fires. The comparison between the computational simulation and experimental

measurements is generally excellent. In addition, a number of user-friendly,

interactive computer programmes have been developed which may be used to

predict the behaviour of building elements exposed to a specified fire


The general issues and relevant problems associated with the experimental and

computational approaches to fire safety design are discussed. Some

recommendations for the further improvement of the existing fire resistance

standards are proposed and further required research in the subject areas are



1.1 General Introduction

Once human beings had learned how to create a fire, the struggle to control and

fight it was started. Unexpected and uncontrolled fire can hazard our

communities in a savage and extensive way, both in terms of its harm to life and

its economic impact. Fire can cause fatalities and injuries, property damage, and

both direct and indirect losses from fire. Design of the structure against fire

attack is therefore of paramount importance in engineering practice. It demands

increasing attention as the activities of humankind expand to more harsh

circumstances, for example, the creation of offshore oil fields and the exploration

of outer space.

There are currently two basic ways for fire fighting: active and passive measures.

Active fire fighting is commonly provided by automatic detectors, water sprinklers,

deluges and sprays, and the use of fire suppressive foam and gas. Although it is

quite efficient in some situations, active fire fighting systems cannot be relied upon

fully because the active system could be destroyed by fire or explosion. In

addition to the above active measures, passive fire protection is now being

increasingly used as the primary element of the overall safety strategy to minimise
CHAPTER 1 Introduction 2

the consequences of a fire. Passive fire resistance can be achieved either by the

structure itself, or by a cladding, coating or free-standing system that provides fire

protection and impedes the spread of fire. The choice between active and

passive systems (or their combination), will be influenced by the protection

philosophy, the anticipated fire type and duration, the equipment or structure

requiring protection, and the time required for evacuation. In some applications,

the use of passive fire protection alone will be cost-effective, and in other cases,

a minimal residual protection must be provided in case the active systems fail to

operate. Since structural engineering design is mainly concerned with passive fire

protection, in this thesis, the computational and experimental heat transfer studies

were solely concerned with the fire resistance of construction. There is no

consideration of active fire fighting.

It is well known that a high temperature caused by fire can lead to the loss of

strength and stability of a structure to the extent that structural collapse is

possible. Between temperatures of 450°C and 750°C, most structural elements

will lose their load-bearing capacity. Furthermore, this is not the only perilous

hazard which may be caused by fire. Other potential problems include smoke,

toxic gas and heat release, and even possible explosion. Therefore, evaluating

the thermal response of structures during fire in order to minimize the hazard is

of considerable concern for safety and reliability assessments in both onshore and

offshore industries.

Conventionally, the building codes and regulations in the UK and internationally

have relied on standardized test procedures[1.1,1.2] to specify fire resistance

requirements. The regulations require that, depending upon their use, building
CHAPTER 1 Introduction 3

components or structures should conform to given standards of fire safety. The

term 'fire resistance' is associated with the ability of an element of building

construction to withstand exposure to a standard temperature-time and pressure

regime without loss of its fire separating function or loadbearing function or both

for a given time (as defined in BS 476:part 20 [1.1]). In general they involve

placing a prototype element in a furnace (under load, if appropriate) and

subjecting it to a heat onslaught, such that temperatures recorded by

thermocouples placed in specific locations within the furnace follow a specified

temperature-time relationship through control of the rate of fuel supply (gas or

oil). The heat flux usually is not directly measured in such tests. This fire

testing concept was first introduced in 1916, based on the observations of the

temperatures of wood fires used in early ad hoc testing [1.3,1.4].

However, the determination of the fire resistance of a component of construction

is a complicated process because of the many variables involved. These

variables include fire growth and duration, temperature distributions in the

components, alterations in material properties, interaction between the building

elements, and the influence of mechanical loads on the structural system. Thus,

although the standard test method provides a reasonably simple solution to an

otherwise complex problem, its outcome can not be generalized and utilized

effectively when there is a lack of an appropriate analytical tool. Furthermore,

the design procedure usually involves a process of iterative redesign and testing,

and the full-scale test which is required by the standards is extremely costly and


With the rapid increase in computer power and technology, many designers and
CHAPTER 1 Introduction 4

product developers look towards computer modelling as an economic method to

supplement fire testing as a means of performance verification. Based on heat

flow studies and structural analysis, and on the knowledge of the behaviour of

materials at elevated temperatures, the computer-generated approach may

provide the engineer with a solution of considerable practical value. The

development of computational techniques in fire safety engineering has previously

been somewhat ignored, but the general level of awareness in the area of

numerical modelling is growing. An increasing demand has emerged for better

predictive techniques based on sophisticated analysis to determine the fire

resistance of the components of construction, especially those incorporating novel

composite materials. Currently, non-linear structural analysis techniques are

increasingly allowing engineers to predict the structural performance under a given

set of time-varying temperature and mechanical loads. This will enable the most

sensitive members to be identified. However, if the design is not to be over-

conservative, it is necessary to be able to forecast the temperature distribution in

all structural members with a reasonable accuracy.

The major part of the current information on the performance of passive fire

protection materials and systems has been derived from standard fire tests.

Faced with this situation, there has been ongoing research with the aim of

analyzing the behaviour of elements of construction in fire by studying their fire

resistance in the standard furnace tests and developing adequate techniques for

interpolation and extrapolation. As understanding increases, a natural

progression is the development of analytical procedures for the optimal design of

construction elements to provide a specified fire resistance. This is the main

objective of this study.

CHAPTER 1 Introduction 5

As a number of issues are investigated in this thesis, the summary of previous

research work will not be presented here. Instead, the state of the art will be

outlined in each related chapter.

1.2 Scope and Contents

The exposure of a component of construction to transient heating conditions in

a furnace results in the exposed surfaces receiving heat at increasing rates by

radiation supplemented by convective heat transfer. The increase in the surface

temperature of the components causes heat to flow to the interior and leads to

physical and chemical changes in the material. Organic materials such as wood

and GRP might burn, materials with a low softening temperature melt and others

may suffer some physical disruptions; most will be distorted and almost all

undergo a reduction in strength. Even for a fire protected structure, the

structure will eventually heat up to temperatures which lead to a serious loss in


As specified above, the performance of building components under fire

conditions has a critical safety implication. Research and development work

continue with the aim of providing the fire engineer with a design tool for

obtaining a prescribed level of fire safety based on heat transfer principles. Heat

transfer is concerned with the physical processes underlying the transport of

thermal energy due to a temperature difference or gradient. The objective of

heat transfer analysis in this thesisNs then focused on the determination of the
CHAPTER 1 Introduction 6

temperature distribution history within a component of construction exposed to

a hostile fire environment. All three distinct heat transfer modes, conduction,

convection, and radiation, were given full consideration. Based on the transient

temperature profile, other information such as the internal heat flow, thermal

expansion/contraction, thermal stresses and potential damage to unexposed

portions can be estimated.

A nonlinear transient equation which governs the heat transmission must be

solved in order to predict the temperature profile in a component of construction.

Since closed solutions for such equation exist only for very simple cases, numerical

approaches that incorporate either the Finite Difference Method (FDM) or Finite

Element Method (FEM) have generally been employed to address heat transfer

problems. It is believed that FEM has advantages when dealing with complex

geometry and loading but its formulae and programming are more complicated.

The formulae for FDM are relatively simple, and the execution of FDM

programmes is rapid. As the configurations of components under investigation

are not so complicated, the finite difference method is applied in the main part

of this thesis. Nevertheless, a two-dimensional finite element model is also


The materials considered encompass various currently used construction materials

and insulation materials, such as concrete, mineral wool, plasterboard, GRP and

intumescent coatings. These inorganic and organic materials display diverse

behaviour under fire conditions. For example, the heat transfer rate in a

hygroscopic material will be influenced significantly by moisture evaporation, while

for combustible polymeric material, the rate of decomposition will be crucial.

CHAPTER 1 Introduction 7

One or two-dimensional Cartesian or Polar coordinates were used to

accommodate various configurations of components. Whereas the thermal

response and mechanical behaviour of structures subject to a heating process may

be interrelated, this coupling has been neglected in this stage. Initially, it is the

accuracy of the thermal modelling which normally presents the major problem.

The finite difference formulation for a multi-layer panel system is derived in

Chapter 2. The modelling of the boundary conditions on the unexposed and

exposed sides due to radiative and convective heat exchange are established.

In Chapter 3, the one and two-dimensional finite difference equations for multi-

layer pipe systems are formulated. The internal heat transfer coefficient is

calculated for the case of a pipe filled with flowing fluid. For two-dimensional

problems, the formulae for heat exchange in the inside of an empty pipe are also


The use of polymeric materials in building or construction is steadily increasing.

As a consequence, the potential for these materials to be exposed to fire is also

increased. Because plastic materials are organic in nature and are inherently

combustible, they will decompose or burn in a fire environment. Unfortunately,

our knowledge of conduction theory, both theoretical and empirical, is very limited

when material decomposition is present. There is, therefore, the necessity for a

further understanding of the potential fire hazards and fire behaviour under these

circumstances. Chapter 4 provides several extended models for decomposing,

expanding glass-fibre reinforced plastic laminates and pipes, and intumescent

coatings respectively.
CHAPTER 1 Introduction 8

The decisive role of the thermal properties of material relating to the heat

transfer rate is reviewed in Chapter 5. These include the conventional thermal

properties, moisture content and kinetic parameters of decomposition. Those

values which were used in the numerical calculations are enumerated. The

significant influence of moisture content on heat transfer is investigated and a new

model is developed.

The experimental verification of the FD formulations and the modelling of the fire

boundary conditions, moisture effects and decomposition are presented in Chapter

6. In order to reduce the cost and time, a model-scale technique is used. The

specimens include traditional construction panels, sandwich panels, GRP

laminates, GRP pipes, and GRP pipes with intumescent coatings. Their

performances under standard fire tests are obtained and experimental and

theoretical results are compared.

Chapter 7 presents a description of the development of user-friendly, interactive

computer programmes. The functions and capabilities of these fire-dedicated

programmes are also illustrated.

Another powerful and popular numerical method, finite element analysis, is

exploited for two dimensional problems in Chapter 8. An excellent agreement

is obtained between the computational results and test results on representative


Chapter 9 is devoted to a discussion of the general issues and relevant problems

associated with experimental and computational approaches to fire resistant

CHAPTER 1 Introduction 9

design. The main aim is to assure the fire safety at a reasonable cost.

The summary and conclusions of thesis are given in Chapter 10. Some

recommendations for further investigation are proposed, and the requirements in

the subject areas for further research are also identified.


Finite Difference Modelling of a Panel

2.1 The Governing Equation

In order to evaluate the fire resistance performance of a component of

construction, it is necessary to know the temperature history of the component

during exposure to fire. The natural starting-point for discussion about

temperature distribution calculation in a structure is Fourier's Partial Differential

Equation for heat flow by conduction. The general unsteady-state equation

governing heat conduction in Cartesian coordinates is[2.1]:

OT 0 ar 0 07' (3 8T
P Cp at = — kM—)+—ac(D—)+--(1c(D—) (2.1)
8c (3x ay ay az az


T(x,y,z,t) is temperature (°C);

k(T) is temperature dependent conductivity(W/m°C);
is density (kg/m3);
Cp is specific heat (J/kg°C);
is time (sec);
x,y,z are the Cartesian coordinates.
CHAPTER 2 FDM of a Panel 11

The right hand side of equation (2.1) represents the net heat conduction in a

solid, while the left hand term represents the sensible energy accumulated. The

materials are assumed to be homogeneous and isotropic. The study of

conductive heat transfer is principally concerned with the solution of (2.1). As

mentioned above, with complicated geometries and boundary conditions, the

solution can be obtained only by an approximate numerical method.

The finite difference method is comparatively simple in conception and inherently

suited to the approximate solution of heat conduction through sections subjected

to a prescribed rate of heat impact. FDM replaces the derivatives in equation

(2.1) with approximations in the form of finite-sized differences between values

at particular locations. The following two approaches can be used[2.1] to

transfer the governing partial differential equation into the corresponding finite

difference equation:

a). Mathematical replacement technique

b). Physical energy balance technique

Both techniques will lead to the same algebraic finite difference equation (FDE)

system when thermal conductivity is a linear function of temperature. The

energy balance method is employed in this study since it is convenient and easy

to apply, especially to variable grids and convective boundary conditions. This

method considers a control cell for a particular time-step, and the temperature

of the cell is calculated in the time-step by considering both the heat flow into and

out of the cell. When this is based on the temperature of the adjacent cells in

the last time-step, an explicit scheme is obtained. The change of temperature

CHAPTER 2 FDM of a Panel 12

of the point is then computed, based on the specific heat and mass of material

in a particular cell:

Mass of control cell x Specific heat x Rate of change of node temperature

= Net heat flow to cell (22)

2.2 Explicit Formulation of FDM for a Multi-layer Panel

The FDM approaches to heat transfer problems can be classed as either explicit

or implicit methods. The implicit method has to solve a simultaneous system of

algebraic equations at each time step, whilst the explicit method yields the

temperature at a given time level directly from previously computed values. The

explicit finite difference method provides an especially simple and effective

procedure although it suffers from a restriction on the length of the time-step in

order to maintain numerical stability. However, this does not cause significant

problems in fire resistance analysis as a short time-step is necessary in order to

model the very rapid temperature increase of the hot face during fire testing.

Furthermore, a short time-step also results in an increase in accuracy when

temperature-dependent properties are quasi-linearised.

If the thickness of the panel is small compared to the other dimensions, the

problem is one-dimensional (ie the heat flow is perpendicular to the face except
CHAPTER 2 FDM of a Panel 13

near the edges). The one-dimensional transient governing equation of (2.1) is:

0T(x,t) _ 0 „— 071x,t) (23)

pCp a a oc(i) a )

where 0 x L, for t> 0.

It is subject to the boundary conditions on x=0 or x=L for t>0:

T = Tg(t) (24)

where T (t) is the known temperature on the boundary;

Or, if the boundary is losing heat to or gaining heat from an ambient

temperature condition[2.1]:

51' (25)
k(7)— = h(7)(T.,-7) + FEcr[(T.,+273) 4 -(T+273)4]


• is the temperature(°C) on the boundary;

• is the ambient temperature(°C);

h(T) is the surface heat transfer coefficient W/m 2°C which

is dependent on the condition of problems and this

will be discussed later;

• is a geometrical factor;

CHAPTER 2 FDM of a Panel 14

E is the emissivity;

a is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant (5.67x10- 8WW2K4).

The formulation of (2.5) is obtained by the energy balance technique. The first

term of (2.5) on the right hand side represents the convection and the second

term represents the radiation.

The initial boundary condition is:

T = To(x) for t =0 in Osx sL (26)

where To is the known initial temperature distribution.

Transferring the partial differential equation to a finite difference equation(FDE)

in both space and time domains by the energy balance technique results in the

explicit FDE for a multi-layer panel. The reason for the consideration of multi-

layer construction is that the use of passive fire protection normally leads to a

sandwich structure. The advantages of sandwich construction include good fire

insulation and corrosion resistance, weight reduction with increased strength and

stiffness, substantial cost savings and the more efficient provision of increased

safety and reliability.

Three typical FDEs need to be derived, one for the internal nodes on each

material layer, one for interface nodes between the two material layers, and one

for the boundary nodes. Perfect contact at the interface between two material

layers is assumed.

CHAPTER 2 FDM of a Panel 15

(i) For a typical node m within one material layer:

Tv 2(km _ionTmi _i, +km +1,m Tmi .1) i 1

= F0[ + T m(— —2)]
km _tm +km +1,m F0

where superscript i indicates the time level and Fo is Fourier number which

defined by

(k 1 +k 1 )At
F0— (2.8)
2p Cp(Ax)2

To preserve the stability of calculation and in order not to violate thermodynamic

principles, the coefficient (1/F0 -2) in equation (2.7) should be greater than zero.

Then Fo should be less than 0.5 and this provides a restriction on the time step

At. The conductivity km_/,,,, (and similarly kni+t,n) is evaluated for each step as

T i 1 + Tmi (2.9)
km _ i,m — k ( ni-2 )

(ii) For an interface node m between two material layers

2(ICIAX2Ti +k2 Axi T„ti +1) 1 (2.10)

T ' F
= 0[ + T,in(- -2)]
kiAx2+k2Axi F0

CHAPTER 2 FDM of a Panel 16


k1 Ax2 +k2 Ax 1 x At
F0 - (2.11)
Ax1 p 1 Cp1 +Ax2 p2Cp2 AxiAx2

and subscripts 1,2 indicate the two materials respectively. This formula canAused

for two material layers with different Ax.

(iii) For the boundary node, for instance node 1, when it corresponds to the

boundary condition (2.5)

hAx 1 hAx i
71 +1 = 2F0[T2i + — T.+(- -1-- )7.1 ]
K1 2F0 ki
2A t


Fo (2.13)
p Cp(Ax)2

The method is explicit as the temperature T at node m at a time step i+1 is

immediately determined from equations (2.7), (2.10) and (2.12) when the

temperature of node m and its neighbouring points at the previous time step i

are available. The most critical stability criterion usually occurs in the FDEs for

the boundary node, which requires the Fourier number Fo to be restricted by

CHAPTER 2 FDM of a Panel

[1 _,_ h Ax 4_ FEcy Ax . (T11+273)4

Fo s 0.5 (2.14)
ki i l-1

In order to check the above treatment on the temperature - dependant thermal

properties of material, a typical test problem is solved. It is a designed problem

which has been used by some researchers to investigate an efficiency of numerical

methods for the solution of nonlinear transient heat conduction problems[2.2,2.3].

The question is to find the temperature distribution along the thickness of a wall

with temperature-dependent thermal conductivity. The wall is assumed to be

20cm long, lcm high, and is initially at 100°C. The temperature of the surface

of the left hand end is suddenly raised to 200°C and kept at this value for 10

second, after which it is decreased to 100°C again; the temperature of the surface

of the right hand end is kept at 100°C, while the other surfaces are presumed to

be insulated. The thermal conductivity is k = 2 + 0.01T W/cm°C and the

specific heat capacity is pC = 8 J/cm 3°C. Two available numerical results were

given by the relatively complicated FEM or BEM (Boundary Element Methods)

with an iteration process at each time step[2.2,2.3]. The time step for our finite

difference analysis is 1 sec and the length of wall is divided by 21 nodes. A

comparison of the results obtained using the three alternative numerical methods

is shown in Table 2.1. The values in the table are temperature distributions in

the wall at time t = 10 sec. The agreement between the results is very good.

This demonstrates that, although the explicit FDM is a simple algorithm, it is

also an effective method.

CHAPTER 2 FDM of a Panel 18

Table 2.1 Temperature distribution of the wall at time t = 10 s

x/(cm) FEM BEM FDM

0 200.00 200.00 200.00
1 176.16 175.29 176.36
2 153.21 151.48 153.50
3 133.47 131.74 133.68
4 118.60 117.63 118.69
5 108.98 108.94 108.95
6 103.72 104.27 103.64
7 101.29 102.01 101.22
8 100.37 100.97 100.32
9 100.08 100.50 100.06
10 100.01 100.27 100.01

2.3 Unexposed Side Heat Transfer Coefficient

In a general case, an insulating panel has an exposed side subjected to fire and

an unexposed side losing heat to an ambient environment. Radiation and

convection heat exchanges take place on both sides.

Convective heat transfer results in the movement of whole groups of molecules.

It is normally concerned with the heat exchange between a fluid and a solid
CHAPTER 2 FDM of a Panel 19

surface. When the motion of the fluid is induced by buoyancy forces, such as a

hot panel in air, and where a change of density of air near the panel occurs due

to temperature increases, the mode of heat transfer is called free (or natural)

convection. When the motion of the fluid is externally induced, as with flowing

water in a pipe, which will be considered in next chapter, then although a small

amount of free convection may be present, the mode is called forced convection.

Since in standard test condition, only free convection is encountered on the

unexposed face, the calculation of its heat transfer coefficient is presented here.

For natural convection adjacent to a heated vertical or horizontal panel, the

following empirical formula applies [2.4]:

k. (2.15)
h(T)---- c —a- (G Pr
H rH r

where for a vertical panel

c = 0.59 and n = 0.25 for 10 4 < G,.HP,. <109 ;

c = 0.10 and n = 0.33 for 10 9 < Gail', <i013.

kair is the conductivity of air which depends

on temperature: t

H is the height of vertical panel;

kair = -1.56x10-8T2 +7.43x10-5T+ 0.023 (2.16)

Gdi is the Grashof number defined as

CHAPTER 2 FDM of a Panel 20

Grit- (2.17)


g is the acceleration due to gravity, 9.8m1s2;

Tb = (T T)12, is the average boundary layer absolute


v is the kinematic viscosity of air:

V = 6.75x10 -6T2 + 9.55x10-3T+1.29 (2.18)

Pr is the Prandtl number of air which approximately

equals 0.7.

For the upper surface of a heated horizontal panel

c = 0.54 and n = 0.25 for 105 < Grip, <2x107;

c = 0.15 and n = 0.33 for 2x10 7 < Gri,Pr <1011.

In the above equation, the characteristic length L is defined as L = A/P, where

A is the surface area and P is the perimeter of panel.

The properties of air should be evaluated at the average boundary layer

temperature. The value of h(T) is increased as the difference between the

surface and environment temperature increases. A typical value is around 5

W1m2°C for a vertical panel with 300x300 mm 2 area.

CHAPTER 2 FDM of a Panel 21

When the heat transfer coefficient is known, the boundary condition (2.5) can be

applied to the unexposed side. The geometrical factor ( = 1.0 in most cases)

and the emissivity of the surface should also be determined.

2.4 Fire Boundary Conditions

Conventionally, fire can be classified as a 'Cellulosic' or 'Hydrocarbon' fire

depending on the type of fuel. The standard cellulosic fire test was developed

during the early part of the twentieth century and simulated the type of fire which

may be experienced in commercial, residential and general industrial construction,

while the fire which may occur in the petrochemical industry is appreciably

different. In the latter, the fuel is liquid or gaseous in nature. On the other

hand, the cellulosic type of fire is characteristic of a fire fuelled by solid

combustible materials which is generally in a contained space with limited air

movement. Specifiers in the hydrocarbon processing industry have long

recognised that the standard cellulosic fire test is less than effective in predicting

the performance of fire resistant materials in large scale hydrocarbon-fuelled fires.

Nevertheless, cellulosic fires should not be excluded offshore as cellulosic

materials are not insignificant, eg, within an accommodation module.

In actuality, there are many different fire scenarios that can occur in the real

world. For instance, hydrocarbon fires, which feature a very rapid initial

temperature increase together with fierce burning and a high release of heat flux,
CHAPTER 2 FDM of a Panel 22

in petrochemical industry may include:

. Jet fire: when a stream of fluids burns with some

significant momentum

• Pool fire: when a spill of liquid fuel burns
. Running fire: a fire from a burning liquid fuel which

flows by gravity over surfaces.

Fireball or BLEVE: expanding buoyant ball of

flaming gas or a Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapour

Explosion caused by a catastrophic failure of a

pressure vessel containing liquid or gaseous fuel.

The duration of these different fire types can vary from seconds to days.

The standard fire has been adopted to unify test procedures and to enable

materials and construction elements to be compared and classified, although the

temperature development described by the currently standard time-temperature

curve does not necessarily agree with the temperature development experienced

in a real fire.

Currently, there are two basic types of time-temperature curve according to

BS476 and AMD 6487[1.1]:

1. Cellulosic time-temperature curve:

T = 345 1og10(8t+1) + 20 (2.19)

CHAPTER 2 FDM of a Panel 23

2. Hydrocarbon time-temperature curve:

T = 1100[ 1 - 0.345 EXP(-0.167 t)

- 0.204 EXP(-1.417 t) (2.20)

- 0.471 EXP(-15.833 t) ]


T is the mean furnace temperature in (°C);

t is the time (in min) up to a maximum of 360 min.

The graphs of both curves are shown in Fig.2.1. During the first 170 minutes,

the defined hydrocarbon curve has a steeper rise and a higher fire temperature.

After 170 minutes, although the duration of most tests usually does not last so

long, the temperature given by cellulosic curve is higher than that given by the

Temperature (Deg C)
Hydrocarbon Curve
Cellulosic Curve



1 i 1 i I I 1 1 1 III

20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260

Time In mins
Fig.2.1 The Standard Cellulosic and
Hydrocarbon Fire Test Curves 11.11

hydrocarbon curve.
CHAPTER 2 FDM of a Panel 24

The expression (2.20) for the representative hydrocarbon fire test,

notwithstanding that it is not yet fully accepted by industry, is the most widely

recognized curve of this type.

The level of total heat flux could range from 35 KW/m 2 to 400 KW/m2 under

standard tests. Whilst a lot of researches have ignored the convective heat

transfer because the radiative heat flux is the dominant component of total heat

flux, it is not considered that this is a universally correct approach. For

engulfed conditions this may be a reasonable assumption. However, outside the

fire, the level of radiation drops away and the assumption becomes less valid. The

assumption is also less valid for surfaces that are highly reflective. As the

magnitude of the received radiation lowers, then the significance of convection

increases and convection may make a considerable difference to the fire

endurance of the element.

The heat transfer into a construction on the exposed side depends not only on the

temperature of the gas and flames but also on the heat transmission

characteristics of both the heating environment and the surface which is receiving

heat. The heat transfer and gas temperatures vary strongly during fire exposure.

As the phenomena associated with heat transfer in the turbulent environment of

a fire are difficult to model exactly, the following alternative schemes are


i). Direct method: this measures the actual exposed face temperatures of
elements during fire test. These measured temperatures can be used in

two ways. One is that they can be applied as the Dirichlet boundary
CHAPTER 2 FDM of a Panel 25

condition (2.4) in numerical modelling. This excludes the uncertainties

with regard to the parameters describing the heat transmission from the

furnace to the specimens. In the experimental validations of this

research, this method is used first to examine the numerical model.

Secondly, it can also be used to validate the heat transfer parameters (see

following ii).

ii). Heat transfer parameters: although the exact modelling of the heat transfer

from fire to specimen is extremely difficult, eventual consideration should

be given to the possibility of including the appropriate heat transfer

parameters to predict the heat transfer rate from the fire to the specimen.

The heat transfer rate from the fire compartment to the panel could be

described as a boundary condition using equation (2.5). Here T., should

be assumed to be the mean furnace temperature, and E represents the

resultant emissivity. The resultant emissivity could be calculated

approximately with the equation for radiation between two infinitely large

parallel planes[2.4], so that:

E- (2.21)
11E1+11E5 - 1


Ef is the emissivity of gases, flames and walls in furnace;

Es is the emissivity of surface material of specimen.

Ef should be experimentally determined for the furnace. Since this experiment

CHAPTER 2 FDM of a Panel 26

for the furnaces used in the tests has not been performed, an estimate is made

which is based on an educated assumption and a series of calculations. Usually

the both the emissivities of the furnace and the heat transfer coefficient are

assumed to be constants[2.5]. A considerable error was encountered if this

assumption was adopted for the gas-fired furnaces. It was found that the both

emissivities of furnace and the heat transfer coefficient should be high at the

starting stage, and that they then declined as the temperature increased. The

declining trend of Ef is consistent with the research results on the emissivity of

gas[2.6], insulating brick[2.7] and ceramic fibre linings[2.8]. For the convective

heat transfer coefficient, the reason for the decline is that, at the starting stage

of a test, the temperature of the furnace is increased very quickly so that the

extent of fire turbulence is high at first.

In the environment of the furnace used for Cellulosic fire test, it is assumed that

.E1 = 0.9 at the beginning of the testing and then linearly declines to Ef = 0.15.
The average of both values is close to the conventional value of 0.5. The -. ,

heat transfer coefficient is h1 = 60 WIm 2 °C at beginning of the test and this

decreases to h2 = 2 WIm2 °C at 1000°C. The numerical results based on these

parameters give a good correlation with experimental results(see Chapter 6).

For hydrocarbon fires, similar results can be obtained. The slight difference is

that at initial stage, the heat transfer coefficient should be higher than with a

cellulosic fire.

The experimental verification of the aforementioned formulas will be described

in the subsequent chapters.



Finite Difference Modelling of a Pipe

Another extensively used component of construction in onshore and offshore

constructions is pipework. A cylindrical polar coordinate model is needed for the

heat transfer analysis of pipes under hostile thermal impact. Usually the heat

loading is around the outside of the pipe and the following analysis is based on

this assumption. Only a slight modification is needed to deal with the reverse

case, i.e., heat loading from the inside of a pipe, such as the chimney problem.

3.1 1-D Explicit Formulation of FDM for a Multi-layer Pipe

Assuming that the pipe is subject to a uniform heating condition and that the heat

transfer occurs only in the radial direction of the pipe, the general one

dimensional heat conduction equation can be written as:

1 5 OT (3.1)
aT = — - (07)r— ) in Ri  rs1?2, for t>0
pC —
P at r ar ar

r is the polar coordinate.

kr is the thermal conductivity in the radial direction.

RpR 2 are the inside and outside radii respectively.

The boundary and initial conditions are similar to equations (2.4), (2.5) and (2.6).

The boundary condition on r=R i or r=R 2 for t>0, is either:

T = Tg(t) (3.2)

where Tg (t) is the known temperature given on the inside boundary or outside

boundary; Or, if the boundary is losing heat to or gaining heat from an ambient

temperature condition:

k(7)— = h(7)(To.-7) + FEaHT.,+273) 4 -(T+273)4] (3.3)

The initial boundary condition is:

T = To(r) for t = 0 in R 1 srsR2 (3.4)

where To is the known initial temperature distribution.

The appropriate explicit finite difference equations for a multi-layer pipe can also

be obtained by the energy balance technique. The advantages offered by the use
CHAPTER 3 FDM of a Pipe 29

of sandwich design in pipelines include enhanced insulation capability, double

integrity containment and leak or failure protection. The problem requires four

different types of FDE to be derived:

a) the interior nodes within one material layer;

b) the interface nodes between two material layers;

c) the external boundary node;

d) the internal boundary node.

(a) For an interior node m within one layer:

Ti #1 = T i +
m Or2 2 "1+

+ km _i,m(r„,-1)(Tni,

The evaluation of the conductivity k„,_ /, „, or km+im is same as in equation(2.9).

The Fourier number is

[k i (r /Or ÷0.5 ) + -1,m(r „, /Or -0.5)7 dt

F- 'mn" (3.6)

(b) For the interface node m between two material layers

CHAPTER 3 FDM of a Pipe 30

T.1+1 = 7' 1 + +1
p Spi (rni -Ori/4)6r 1/2 +p 2Cp2 (r.+6r2/4)6r2 /2 .1-k" (3.7)

(r„, /6r2 +0.5)(Tm1 #1-T,;)+1c._4.(r„, gr 1 -0.5)(Tml _1-7;)]

The Fourier number is now

m /Or, -0.5) At
F =min+ i(rm /6r2 +0.5) +km _i,m(r (3.8)
° p Spi (rm -Or /4)Sr + p 2Cp2 (r.+6r2 /4)6r2

where subscripts 1,2 indicate the two materials respectively.

(c) For the outside boundary node m:

At [km_im(r. / Or -0.5)(T.1
Tmi#1 Tin +
pC p(r.-6r/4) 6r/2. '

h(T)r.(Tfire -t) + FE ard(Tfire +273)4 -(t +273)4)]

where Tfire is the furnace temperature. The Fourier number is

(r /Or -0.5) +hr m +FE arm(Tm +273)4/Tm] At

F - nim m m (3.10)

These Fo 's should be less than 0.5 in order to preserve the stability of the

CHAPTER 3 FDM of a Pipe 31


(d) For the inside surface node 1:

2 At
Tii #1 = + fki 2 (ri + 0.5 Or)(T2i -7'1) +hr Or(Ta -Td] (3.11)
pCp(ri +0.2. 5 Or)(Or)2

where is inside heat transfer coefficient

Ta is the temperature of inner flow

3.2 2-D Explicit Formulation of FDM for a Multi-layer Pipe

When the heat loading is no longer uniform along the circumferential direction

of a pipe, the problem becomes two dimensional. In this case, the general two-

dimensional heat conduction equation can be written as:

r, 87' 1 8 , r,,,, 8T, 1 8 „e,,„ OT

--i n, ( A 1-1 (3.12)
-a r r 2 09 80

in R 1 r R 2 , 0 0 27r


r,0 are the polar coordinates;

CHAPTER 3 FDM of a Pipe 32

kr is the thermal conductivity in the radial direction;

ke is the thermal conductivity in the circumferential direction;

R1 ,R2 are the inside and outside radii respectively.

The boundary and initial conditions are similar to equations (3.2),(3.3) and (3.4).

There are four different types of FDE to be derived as well:

a) the interior nodes within one material layer;

b) the interface nodes between two material layers;

c) the external boundary nodes;

d) the internal boundary nodes.

(a) For the interior nodes within one material layer:

At i
=+ 40(r+0.5)(Ti+m-Tin)
pC r.drA0 Ar
P g

ri LIT (3.13)
+ A 0(— k°
• ..;„_1;,
" dr "" "'ride

e Ar
(Tij-1 -7 i) ÷ ki. w q)rede(Tii+l-Tu)]

where a prime ' denotes the temperature at next time step.

(b) For the interface nodes between two material layers

CHAPTER 3 FDM of a Pipe 33

u = T1, + 2 At pnC pn(r L -0.25 Ar ft)Ar n + pn+IC;+1

(ri +0.25 Ar n+1)Ar"1] A 0) -1 f Ic(27.1) .A 6( g +0.5)(T. +1 — Tij)

+ k r' n A 0(-. —0.5)(T.1-1j
—7) (3.14)
AT n

• an Arn+jiTij
Ar n +k"+I 1
J ÷I) i,Cij +1) •
2riA 0

on +1 A n#1) ( Tii -1 —7; ) ]

+ (Ic e'n Ar n +ic4u-4D r 2ri A 0

where the superscripts n,n+1 indicate materials.

(c) For nodes on the inside surface:

1J . = T
2 At
pC p(r +0.25 Ar) A r A 6 '
kzI 0(1-e:f' r +0.5) •
(_ij) A r 0(7, . _7 4_ke (3.15)
(T2j-7i) + kie 11
J-) I • 1,(ij +1)
2r1 A

(Ti . #1 -7.1 ) + r 1 7A 01
2r I A 6 '1

where 7 is the unit net heat flux due to radiation and convection. The

evaluation of 7 will be presented in section 3.3.

(d) For outside boundary nodes:

CHAPTER 3 TDM of a Pipe 34

2A1 r ,
ru = —.au/
pC Jr.-02511r) 1414141A 9( r

2ir (3.16)
keoj „,i) A r -Tij)
ka4-1.42reir 4j-1 2riA 0 4+1

) 4 )1
hifirgitifTfre -Td FaerKA OffTfire -1-273) 4 -(T +273

33 Internal Heat Exchange

For one-dimensional analysis, if the inside of pipe is empty, eg, the pipe is filled

with air, I II e heat capacity of air can be neglected due to the small mass of air

inside. If the pope is filled with flowing water, forced convective heat dissipation

is encoomtered. For a flow inside a circular tube, the rate of heat transfer

depends on e type of flow, le, laminar or turbulent flow. When the flow

through ii ye pipe is stre mlined and in consequence little mixing takes place, the

heat transfer is relatnely poor. When the flow becomes turbulent and there is

very rapid mixing action, much higher convection rates then take place.

The Reynolds number, defined as Re = un, D v is used as a criterion for defining

the chance from laminar to turbulent flow[3.1]. In this definition, Urn is the mean

flow velocity, D is the inside diameter of pipe, and V is the kinematic viscosity

CHAPTER 3 FDAI of a Pipe 34

- = T - kr .11,A -0.5)(Ti 4-Ti.j)
pC'p(r.-0.25 Ar) Ar A 0 141 - Ar

k Ar .) Ar (T. .
4'4 ZriAr (14.1) 2r i ll 0 4+1

h(T)rgiO(Tfre -Tv) Facri A Oarfire +273)4 -(Tij+273)411

33 Internal Beat Exchange

For one-dimensional analysis, if the inside of pipe is empty, eg, the pipe is filled

with air, I e heat capacity of air can be neglected due to the small mass of air

inside. If the pipe is in ied with flowing water, forced convective heat dissipation

is encountered_ For a flow inside a circular tube, the rate of heat transfer

depends on e type of flow, ie, laminar or turbulent flow. When the flow

through , oe pipe is streamlined and in consequence little mixing takes place, the

heat transfer is relatively poor. When the flow becomes turbulent and there is

very rapid mixing action, much higher convection rates then take place.

The Reynolds number, defined as Re = un, D v is used as a criterion for defining

the change from laminar to turbulent flow[3.1]. In this definition, um is the mean

flow velocity, D is the inside diameter of pipe, and V is the kinematic viscosity
CHAPTER 3 FDM of a Pipe 35

of the fluid. The range of Re value in the transition stage is around 2000 R e <

4000. Since in most practical cases the values of Re are greater than 4000,

turbulent flow inside the pipe is assumed. The empirical formula which was

proposed by Nusselt is employed to calculate the internal heat transfer coefficient

h(T)[ 2. 4 ] :

L (3.17)
h(7) = 0.036ReasPrifi(D/4"551- for 10<— <400

L is the length of the pipe;

D is the inside diameter of the pipe;

k is the conductivity of the fluid;

Pr is the Prandfl number of the fluid.

The fluid properties are evaluated at the bulk mean fluid temperature. A typical

illustration of the influence of fluid speed on the inside temperature rise in a GRP

pipe under the standard hydrocarbon fire test is shown in Fig.3.1.

If the pipe is filled with stagnant water, the problem will be more complicated

because a mixture of conduction and convection occurs. At low temperature, the

heat transfer through the water may be considered to be by conduction only,

while, as the water temperature increases rapidly in a fire environment,

convection will occur.

For the two dimensional analysis of an empty pipe, the heat exchange between
CHAPTER 3 FDM of a Pipe 36

the different parts of the inside surface should be taken into account. Although

many construction components and assemblies enclose voids, no general

procedure which may be used to calculate heat exchange by radiation and

convection through a void has been available[3.2]. Thus some simplifying

assumptions are normally needed. One of these is to consider the conduction

and specific heat of the internal air to be negligible. The inside curved surface

is replaced by a finite number of discrete straight zones. The convective heat

transfer to an enclosure boundary is written as

qc = fi(Ti - T . )7 (3.18)


13,y are the convection factor and convection power;

Ti is the surface temperature of the zones;

Tair is the fictitious inner air temperature.

The air temperature is assumed to be uniform over the inside of the void and

there is presumed to be no flow of air either in or out of the void. The total heat

transfer to the air from the enclosure surfaces must be zero at any given time in

order to conserve the energy. The total heat transfer to the enclosed air is

zirc, =' qc, Ai = 0 (3.19)


N is the number of zones;

Cid is the heat flux per unit area;
CHAPTER 3 FDM of a Pipe 37

is the area of zone i.

If all of the temperatures T i are known, T air can readily be computed by iteration

and the local heat transfer to zone i can be calculated.

Regarding radiation, only diffuse-grey surfaces are considered. This means that

the directional spectral emissivity and absorptivity do not depend on either angle

or wavelength, but only on surface temperature. Although most materials are

not truly diffuse-grey, this assumption simplifies enclosure radiation theory and

is often made. The inside surface of the pipe is divided into a number of zones.

The temperature and heat flux of each zone are assumed to be uniform. The

Hottel's crossed-string method[3.3] may then be employed to calculate view

factors for the two-dimensional configuration. Radiation heat flow and absolute

surface temperature for an enclosure with N zones can be related by the following


-e. 11 ,
1 N
Z(- 41 - 1 = E(Fki - (5k) cal
=1 5 eI A


where, corresponding to each zone surrounding the enclosure, k is one of the

values 1,2,...,N, Trj is radiative heat transfer, Fkj are view factors and S ki is the
Kroneker delta. When the surface temperatures are specified, the right hand

side of Eq.(3.20) is known and there are N simultaneous equations for the

unknown Tr The sum of 'P c and Tr will be the required T in the Eq.(3.15).
CHAPTER 3 FDM of a Pipe 38

Temperature (Deg C)







o 3 6 9 12 15
Time in mins
Fig.3.1 Inside Surface Temperature Rise
in a GRP Pipe (5mm) with Flowing Water
Hydrocarbon Fire, Computer simulations

Models for Polymeric Composites

4.1 Introduction

The use of fibre reinforced polymer composites, and in particular Glass-fibre

Reinforced Plastics (GRP), is increasing now owing to their inherent advantages

in material characteristics, such as good corrosion resistance, low weight and

cost, long service life and low thermal conductivity, typically 1/10Dof steel.

However, because plastic materials are organic in nature and are inherently

combustible, one of the key problems which needs to be overcome before they

are accepted for wider use relates to the need for improved understanding and

quantitative evaluation of their behaviour in fire. Accurate knowledge of the

thermal response of GRP at high temperature is therefore essential for the

reliable and economical design of composite structures in hostile fire environments

such as may be encountered on offshore oil platforms.

Let us look at what will happen when a typical GRP panel is exposed to fire.

When one surface of the GRP panel is exposed to an incident heat flux, the

initial temperature rise is a function of the rate of heat conduction into the

material and the boundary conditions. As heating continues, the surface

CHAPTER 4 Models for Polymeric Composites 40

temperature reaches a certain level (usually around 200-300°C) beyond which

decomposition begins to occur and the resin components degrade to form gaseous

products at a measurable rate. These gaseous products, initially trapped within

the composite matrix owing to its low permeability, attain very high internal

pressures and induce the solid matrix to expand. Once the decomposition

process begins, the thermal behaviour of the material is altered by the chemical

reactions, thermochemical expansion and variable thermal and transport

properties. Meanwhile, a considerable amount energy will be required in order

to break the constituent chemical bonds. As thermal decomposition proceeds,

a residual char layer then builds up as the pyrolysis front moves further into the

virgin solid. An advantage of thermosetting resins (which are generally used in

GRP) is that usually they do not melt when heated owing to their highly cross-

linked chemical structures. Initially, the char layer provides an increasing

thermal resistance between the exposed surface and the pyrolysis front as a

consequence of its low thermal conductivity and because it can only be ignited

with difficulty at normal oxygen concentrations. This is the one reason why GRP

can provide a useful fire barrier performance, despite it being an organic

material. However, after this initial phase, at a certain stage in the heating

process, a network of fissures develops in the carbonaceous char layer due to the

release of high pressure gasses. At very high temperature, the char is then

gradually oxidized and erodes away. Then the heat resistance of char layer will

be totally lost and the glass-fibre remains alone. Under extremely strong heat

flux, such as is experienced in a hydrocarbon fire, even the woven roving glass

plies will crimp and eventually crumble away.

This problem , some differences with the ablation problem experienced in the
CHAPTER 4 Models for Polymeric Composites 41

aerospace industry, which,usually associated with rocket nozzles or missile reentry

situations. Their major concern is the total energy which must be absorbed into

the surface body rather than a heat transfer rate. Another consideration is that

in their situation, a portion of surface body exposed to the hot, high speed fluid

flow is allowed to melt and rapidly blow away.

Over the past 50 years, several analytical models have been proposed which

consider heat transfer in decomposing materials [4.1 to 4.9]. All of these

procedures were basically a transient heat conduction calculation in conjunction

with the effect of decomposition. The differences existed in their assumptions,

approximations, the phenomena included and the property data used. Although

most of these studies were concentrated on wood, they provided a theoretical

basis for further investigation of the fire performance of other combustible


There are two basic ways to tackle the decomposition of material implicit and

explicit approaches. The implicit methods[4.4,4.9] include the effects of

decomposition by artificially increasing the specific heat for the temperature range

in which pyrolysis occurs. The author does not think that this is very appropriate

for such a complex problem. The comprehensive explicit methods[4.3,4.6,4.8]

model the decomposition as an exponential kinetic rate equation. The

conservation of mass and heat of reaction are therefore included. The diffusion

of volatiles is also considered. It is believed that this is a better approach.

Arising from the mathematical models proposed by Kung[4.3], Henderson et

a/[4.6,4.8] presented a numerical model for the thermal response of polymer

CHAPTER 4 Models for Polymeric Composites 42

composite materials together with an experimental verification. Most of the

essential processes relating to the temperature development in the process of

decomposition were included in the model. But, probably because of the test

assembly used, the fact that only a relatively low constant heat flux was imposed,

and due to the particular material used in their test, the profile of measured rate

of increase of temperature did not display as much variation as we have observed

in standard fire testing of GRP panels.

In this study, the solution of a more realistic problem is attempted, namely that

of a glass-fibre reinforced plastic panel and pipe exposed to the time-temperature

regime of a standard fire test. For the associated tests, the furnace temperature

was controlled by computer to follow the standard BS476 cellulosic fire or

hydrocarbon time-temperature curve 1.11.

The fire tests revealed that if the empty GRP pipes were exposed directly to a

hydrocarbon fire, they can only survive for a few minutes. Therefore it is

necessary to add additional protection to the plain GRP pipes. One method is to

use a polymer based flame-retardant intumescent coating.

In a fire, an intumescent coating undergoes several chemical changes in order to

act as a thermal barrier between the heat source and the substrate. Generically,

three main ingredients are necessary for this process: a catalyst, a carbonic (char-

former), and a spumific(blowing agent). The catalyst promotes decomposition

of the carbonific compound. Initially, an inert gas is liberated to provide

transpirational cooling at the surface. As the fire continues, other ingredients of

intumescence break down, expand and absorb heat. A low density carbonaceous
CHAPTER 4 Models for Polymeric Composites 43

char then forms and this is expanded by the spumific agent which provides a good

insulating blanket due to its low thermal conductivity. These reactions combine

to make intumescent coatings into a most efficient fireproofing material although

the labour involved and cost are relatively high.

To date, only a few mathematical models have been based on the fundamental

chemical or physical processes occurring in a complex intumescent coating system

such as heat transfer, kinetics, and swelling[4.10 to 14]. The various physical

processes were considered in mass and energy control volumes. Expansion has

been accounted for by assuming it to be a function of mass loss.

With the combination of„above models and the treatment which was originally

developed by J.B.Henderson and T.E.Wiecek[4.8] to predict the thermal response

of a polymer composite simultaneously undergoing decomposition and

thermochemical expansion, an analysis of the heat transfer problem associated

with intumescent coatings under hydrocarbon fire is carried out in this paper.

The accuracy of the model was evaluated by comparing predicted and

experimental temperature distributions in the intumescent coated GRP pipes.

4.2. Model for WR Polyester Laminate

The first GRP component to be used for the experimental and numerical fire
resistance study the woven roving glass-fibre reinforced polyester laminate.

Because of their low cost, ease of processing and good performance

CHAPTER 4 Models for Polymeric Composites 44

characteristics, unsaturated polyesters are the most extensively used type of

thermosetting resin. Woven Roving (WR) cloth is a popular fabric to produce

high directional strength characteristics. Bidirectional roving cloth laminate,

which was used in the present study, has high strength properties in two

directions at right angles to each other. The WR glass/polyester laminates were

made using a hand lay-up technique with a ply angle of zero. The thin
i i il 4. r eruc t ›) )
thermocouples (K type) were embedded insiore the central area at different

locations to measure the temperature profile history across the cross-section of the

laminates (Fig.4.1).

6 5 4321

I I I I I I 1 1

Fig.4.1 The layout of laminate and the location of thermocouples

Since the physical and chemical processes are concurrent, the problem of

interpreting and predicting the observed results is a task of awesome complexity.

It is considered that main task at . present is not to attempt to form a

'complete' model owing to the almost total absence of information concerning

CHAPTER 4 Models for Polymeric Composites 45

most of the material parameters involved. The most promising approach is to

form a mathematically viable but relatively simple model which can capture the

main features of the pyrolysis process and the consequent heat transfer behaviour.

Therefore, several idealizations are made:

a). The GRP material is assumed to be homogeneous and the

transport of heat and mass is perpendicular to the face of panel so
that the problem is assumed to be one dimensional.

b). The rate of decomposition is assumed to conform to a mean

reaction which is described by a single first-order Arrhenius

c). There is thermal equilibrium between the decomposition gases and

the solid material and there is no accumulation of these volatile
gases in the solid material.

d). The feedback of heat released by the flame of the combustible

volatile back to the panel in a small scale furnace test is neglected
owing to its relatively small contribution compared with the
enormous heat flux created by the furnace. However, it is
anticipated that in large or full scale fire tests, or in the case of
sustained combustion after removal of the heat source, its
contribution may not be ignored.

The governing principles on which the analytical model has been developed are

a combination of the principles of conservation of mass and conservation of

energy. The one-dimensional energy equation in a panel undergoing thermal

CHAPTER 4 Models for Polymeric Composites 46

decomposition expresses a balance between the transient energy accumulation

rate, with the sum of the rates of conduction, pyrolysed convection, and the

energy sink due to decomposition[4.6]

8 81' 0 ,
3 (ph) =—(k—) - —(m g hg) -Q
a (4.1)
a & dc c7x


p is density (kg/m3)

h is the enthalpy (J/kg) of .50 iicL

t is time (s)

T is the temperature (°C)

k is the thermal conductivity (W/m°C)

x is the spatial variable (m)

hg is the enthalpy of gas(J/kg)

m ' g is the mass flux of gas (kg/m2-s)

Q is the heat of decomposition (J/kg)

The specific enthalpies of the solid and volatile are

h CpdT , hg = f
_rCpgdT (4.2)
= Tor To

where T. is the ambient reference temperature.

Equation (4.1) must be solved simultaneously with the equations for the rate of

decomposition and the mass flux of the gas. The rate of decomposition of resin
CHAPTER 4 Models for Polymeric Composites 47

in GRP is assumed to conform to a mean reaction which is described by a single

first-order Arrhenius function

dt - -A prexp(-EA/R7) (4.3)

where p r is the instantaneous density of partially pyrolysed resin, E A is the

activation energy (J/mol), R is the gas constant (8.314J/K.mol) and T is the

temperature (K). The constant A is known as the pre-exponential factor and has

unit of s-1 . The relationship between the p and p r is:

p = prv + p g (1 -v) (4.4)

where p g is the density of glass-fibre and v is the volume fraction of glass-fibre.

The glass-fibre is assumed to be intact in the time zone of interest under fire.

Here, the resin pyrolysis is assumed to be a continuous process until it is totally

consumed. Some investigators have included the final density of the char in the

expression (4.3). This will cause two problems in practical application. One is

that the precise definition of the final char status is difficult to define. Another

point is that yet another expression for char pyrolysis will be then required if it

commences its final breakdown in the time zone of interest. Although much

research has been carried out into the thermal decomposition of polymers, in

view of the chemical complexity involved, combined with problems of interpreting

data from a variety of sources and experimental assemblies, the available data is

still very limited and not in a form suitable for warranting improvements to the
CHAPTER 4 Models for Po lymeric Composites 48

above relatively simple treatment.

Another facet which shows the complexity of the problem is the determination of

the heat of decomposition (sometimes called the heat of pyrolysis or heat of

reaction). It was reported that its value for wood, for instance, varies

greatly[4.15]; and that not only the magnitude but the actual sign of this property

has been the subject of debate for many years[4.16,4.17]. We prefer the

allegation which declares that the decomposition process itself is endothermic

overall. The exothermicity often noticed in the burning of wood and plastics is

a result of the reaction between the outflowing volatiles and oxygen. A minor

exothermic reaction might happen within the extremely complicated competing

reactions, or a local exothermic phenomenon appears due to the change of

specific heat. However, in most circumstances, the endothermic reaction is

believed to be dominant in the decomposing process for polymeric materials.

If the accumulation of gases and the effect of expansion on density change are

ignored, the conservation of mass may be written as:

am'g op (4.5)

and the mass flux, m , g, at any spatial location and time can be calculated by

integration of Equation (4.5).

Equation (4.1) is modified to its final form by expanding the first three terms,

substituting in the specific heat and the continuity equation, and rearranging.

This results in[4.6]

CHAPTER 4 Models for Polymeric Composites 49

OT 82T c
pC 2,c2 m g pg aT -!9
= k-4- .2(Q,
1 +h -h g ) (4.6)


is the specific heat of material (J/kg°C);

Pg is the specific heat of gas (J/kg°C).

Equations (4.3), (4.5) and (4.6) form a set of non-linear partial differential

equations which may be solved simultaneously for p, m ' g and T respectively.

The boundary conditions on the exposed and unexposed surfaces of a panel could

be either a prescribed temperature or a radiation and convection boundary

condition. To exclude the uncertainties of the heat transmission rate from the

fire to the samples under test, the measured temperature can be used as the

boundary condition at the exposed side. On the unexposed side, equation (2.5)

is again applied.

The initial conditions for 0 x L at t = 0 are

=Ti ; p = po ; m'g =0. (4.7)


Ti is the initial temperature (°C);

p 0 is the initial density (kg/m3).

The comparison of the measured and calculated results shows a good correlation

(see Chapter 6). It is shown that the above scheme can be straightforward to
CHAPTER 4 Models for Polymeric Composites 50

apply to the epoxy and vinyl ester systems. However, for phenolic resin

laminates, a more complex behaviour was observed. This requires a special

treatment which will be discussed in the next section.

4.3 Special Treatment for WR Phenolic Laminate

Phenolic (phenol-formaldehyde) resins, whose development was once superseded

by that of polyesters and epoxies, have experienced a recent recovery in

popularity which is mainly attributable to their good fire resistance and low smoke

emission (about 10% that of polyester-based GRP).

The test samples of woven roving glass/phenolic laminate were made in a similar

manner to the WR polyester laminates as shown in Fig.4.2.

6 5 4.4' 2,3' 2 1

1 1

1 1 1

1 i 1 1

i 1 1 1 1 1 .W
1 1 II 1 1 1 1 I 1

1 1 I II I I I I I
I in
1 I II I I I I I I

1 I
I I I I 1

1 I II I I I I I I

/I 11111111/

Fig.4.2 The Phenolic laminate with the location of the thermocouples

CHAPTER 4 Models for Polymeric Composites 51

The resin which was used for fire tests was Cellobond FRP liquid phenolic resole

resin J2027L which was supplied by BP Chemicals. According to the supplier,

this material has a high degree of fire resistance and excellent high temperature

mechanical properties with minimal smoke or toxic fume emission. In order to

obtain more information, there _ two embedded thermocouples within the

layers at the same nominal depth below the surface. After curing, the flat

samples were clamped in a vertical position over an opening cut into the door of

the fire testing furnace and were exposed to ambient air on the other face. The

size of each panel was 380x380 mm 2 with an area of 250x250 mm2 exposed within

the furnace. A typical hydrocarbon fire test result of WR phenolic laminate is

shown in Fig.4.3.

Temperature (C)
Hydrocarbon Curve4 Ave' Furnace Tame





Cold Face Tema..

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Time in mins

Fig.4.3 Experimental Results of Temperature Profile

Hydrocarbon Fire Test of WR Phenolic Laminate I (12.6mm)

CHAPTER 4 Models for Polymeric Composites 52

A first impression of Fig.4.3 suggests that the temperature response inside the

phenolic laminate was quite erratic. In the initial stages of the test, the

temperature rose at a moderate rate. Then, at about 200°C, there was a

sudden drop of temperature at most locations. After this sudden drop, the

temperature at each location concerned increased rapidly again. It was found

that this unusual behaviour is due to the delamination of the laminate.

Consider, for example, the output of measured temperature given by two

thermocouples at position 3 (see Figs.4.2 and 4.3, where 3 and 3' refer to two

different thermocouples in the same layer). Before the temperature reaches

200°C, both thermocouples indicated almost identical temperature values. Then,

at 200°C, the reading of one thermocouple suddenly dropped to 80°C. This

indicates that the cooler air was drawn into the interstice when a delamination

abruptly occurred. After delamination, the outcome of measured temperature

will be strongly dependent on the location of the thermocouple which introduces

a random element into the measurements. As illustrated by Fig.4.4, if the

thermocouple is attached to the surface B, its reading will be high. If the

thermocouple is attached to the surface B', its reading will be low. Evidently,

if the thermocouple is remote from the region of delamination, an intermediate

reading will be obtained. Furthermore, in volatile turbulence, the reading

given by a thermocouple in the region of a delamination is unlikely to remain

completely stable. This is illustrated by curve 4' in Fig.4.3.

The delamination is also demonstrated by observations made during the progress

of the tests. A lot of loud 'bang' sounds were heard which emanated from the

laminate during the fire test. This violent delamination is believed to be caused

CHAPTER 4 Models for Polymeric Composites 53

by the vaporization of intrinsic water (by-product of polymerisation[4.18]) in the

resin over 100°C. The water vapour, initially trapped within the composite

matrix owing to its low permeability, attains very high internal pressures as

heating continues. At about 200°C, a sudden release of high pressure tears the

laminate. A subsequent examination of the tested sample also reveals the

appearance of deaminations.


Fig.4.4 Heat transmission through a delaminated surface

Although delamination causes a detrimental effect on the structural integrity of

the laminate, it may be beneficial in term of heat resistance as shown by cold

face temperature curve 6 in Fig.4.3. Due to the creation of a delamination in the

hotter part of the laminate, the mechanism of heat transfer from the hot side to

the cold side will be altered. Before the appearance of a delamination, the

internal heat transmission is mainly by conduction, whereas, within the interstice

caused by the delamination, radiation and convection will be dominant. Initially,

for example at point B' in Fig 4.4, the amount of heat transferred by radiation

and convection will be lower than that transferred by conduction. Then,

following the appearance of a discontinuity in the heat conduction path, the

CHAPTER 4 Models for Polymeric Composites 54

temperature at that point declines. It is clear that the heat transfer by conduction

is disturbed by delamination. This is one of reasons why the cold face

temperature of WR phenolic laminate can remain at a low and fluctuating level

for quite a long time. Another reason is the energy sink caused by the

decomposition of the resin as described for polyester resin in the previous section.

The fundamental equations for this problem are the same as those formulated in

section 4.2. However, a particular heat transmission equation will now be

established for the delaminated interfaces.

As shown in Fig.4.4, it is assumed that the layer AB is detached from the main

body of the laminate. Then an additional term should be included in the energy

conservative equation for points B and B' to take account of the heat transmission

by radiation and convection between B and B'. If these are assumed to be on

two infinitely large flat surfaces, the equation for the magnitude of heat flow G


G = Er aI(T B 4-273) 4 - ( TB /+273)4] + H (TB -TB!) (4.8)


Er is the resultant emissivity;

H is the heat transfer coefficient.

On the right hand side of equation (4.8), the first term represents the radiation

and second term represents convection.

Since both the theoretical prediction and the explicit experimental measurement
CHAPTER 4 Models for Polymeric Composites 55

of above two parameters are difficult, they are determined by finding a

reasonable fit between the model and the observed results. In the final analyses,

Er is set as 0.9 and H is given the value 20 WPC. It is found that the radiation

energy provides the major component of G.

By introducing this equation, a good agreement between the experimental and

computational results was obtained (see chapter 6). It demonstrates that a good

explanation has been given for the bewildering outcome of the measured

temperature development in WR glass/phenolic laminate in a fire.

4.4 Model to Predict the Thermal Response of GRP Pipes

In the offshore industry, it is necessary to design key components of the

installation to withstand the effects of fire. One such component is the fire-water

system which supplies a deluge of water in the event of a fire-related emergency.

Traditionally, fire-water systems have used steel pipework but there is

considerable interest in replacing steel with GRP because of its corrosion

resistance and lighter weight[4.19]. In order to prove the viability of GRP dry

riser pipes in this context, it is necessary to demonstrate that they can withstand

the effect of the fire on the empty pipe until the pipe is full of water and the

deluge system is in operation.

This problem has been approached by a combination of fire testing and numerical
CHAPTER 4 Models for Polymeric Composites 56

analysis. A one-dimensional analytical model for GRP pipes subjected to a

vn1 as
prescribed time-temperature history applied by the furnace developed. The
explicit finite difference method employed to solve the transient heat conduction

equation in polar coordinates. The performance of GRP pipes under fire

condition is quite similar to that of GRP laminates. The two possible differences

could be

1. Although some blisters may be observed on the inside of the pipe

at the final stage of a fire test, wholesale delamination in GRP

pipes can not happen because the glass-fibre reinforcement is

wound helically into the cylindric shape.

2. The loss of heat from the cold face, i.e., the inside of pipe, is

restricted in the empty pipe. This means that the temperature

increase in the pipe will be more rapid.

The fundamental assumptions and principles described in above sections are still

applicable for pipe problems. The only thing that is required is to recast the

equations in a polar coordinate system. The transport of heat and mass is

assumed to be only in the radial direction of the cross-section.

Using the same principles that were used with the polymeric composite panels,

an analytical model for the pipe problem is developed. The one-dimensional

energy equation in a pipe undergoing thermal decomposition, expressed as a

balance between the transient energy accumulation rates, with the sum of the

rates of conduction, pyrolysed convection, • and the energy sink due to pyrolysis
CHAPTER 4 Models for Polymeric Composites 57

and the heat feedback by volatile combustion is now

0 1 0 dT 8 8p (4.9)
— (ph) = — — (Icr(T)r— ) - — (m'ghg)- (0
Ot r Or Or 8r 8t

in which R1  r  R2 , for t > 0.


P is the density (kg/m3)

h is the solid enthalpy (J/kg)

t is time (s)

r is the polar coordinate (m)

T is the temperature (°C)

kr is the thermal conductivity in the radial direction(W/m°C)

h g is the enthalpy of gas(J/kg)

m' g is the mass flux of gas (kg/m2-s)

cis is the heat of reaction (J/kg).

R1 and R2 are the inside and outside radii respectively. Probably due to the pipe

samples being enclosed inside the furnace during testing, it is found that the

influence of heat release by the combustion of volatiles is now significant. The

heat of reaction 0 is therefore defined as the offset of the endotherm heat of

decomposition and the heat feedback by volatile combustion.

Equation (4.9) must be solved simultaneously with the equations for the rate of

decomposition and the mass flux of the volatile. The formula for the rate of

decomposition is the same as equation (4.3).

CHAPTER 4 Models for Polymeric Composites 58

If the accumulation of gases and the effect of expansion on density change are

ignored, the conservation of mass can be written approximately as:

aneg _ _op (4.10)

ar at

The mass flux, m ' g, at any spatial location and time can be calculated by

integration of equation (4.10).

Equation (4.9) is modified to its final form by expanding the first three terms,

substituting in the specific heat and the continuity equation and rearranging. This

results in

1 0 ay. aT a (4.11)
pC —61' = — — (k (7)r—) - in C — --il.(0÷12-Its,)
P at r ar r Or g ' ar at


Cp is the specific heat of the material (J/kg°C);

Cpg is the specific heat of gas (J/kg°C).

Equations (4.3),(4.10) and (4.11) form a set of non-linear partial differential

equations in polar coordinate which may be solved simultaneously for p, m , g and

T, respectively.

The boundary conditions on the exposed and unexposed sides of a pipe may be
CHAPTER 4 Models for Polymeric Composites 59

a prescribed temperature or radiative and convective boundary condition. As

previously, in order to exclude the uncertainties of the heat transmission rate from

the fire to the samples, the measured temperature was used at the exposed outer

surface. While for the unexposed inside, an adiabatic surface is assumed due to

the heat capacity of the inside air being negligible.

The equation (4.11) was solved by a simple and effective numerical scheme,

namely the 1-D explicit finite difference method. By using the energy balance

technique, the finite difference equation for an interior node can be obtained:

2 At
Ti#1 = 1m+ lk 4
pCp [(rm -Ori/4)6r1 +(rm +Or2/4)6r21 m'm

- (5p(O+h-hs)/pCp

Since the thermal expansion is required to be included into the model, the spatial

interval between the nodes will change according to the temperature, despite the

nodes being initially uniformly spaced. Six mesh nodes across the thickness of

pipe were used. It is assumed that the inside surface does not move during

expansion at high temperature. The second term on the right hand side of

equation (4.11) can be ignored under the powerful heat impingement on the pipe

experienced during a furnace fire test.

For node 1 on the inside surface,

CHAPTER 4 Models for Polymeric Composites 60

Tr.i _ Tit 4. 21c1.2(r 1 +0.5 Or)dt 4(0 -/-h -hg)

(7.' (4.13)
pCp (r1 -i-a25Or)(6r)2 2 1 PCp

4.5 Model for the Intumescent coatings

As described above, the heat transfer analysis for the intumescent coating GRP

pipe under fire is a complex task due to the physical and chemical processes are
we e.
concurrent. Therefore, several idealizations .., made:

1). The intumescent material is assumed to be homogeneous and the

transmission of heat and mass is only in the radial direction of the

cross-section. Then, for a straight pipe, the problem is one


2). There is thermal equilibrium between the decomposition gases and

the solid material and there is no accumulation of these volatile

gases in the solid material.

3). The fissures that occur in the residual char are ignored in the

model. Only the average performance was taken into considered.

Based on these assumptions, a one-dimensional energy equation in a coated pipe

undergoing thermal decomposition is formulated which expresses a balance

CHAPTER 4 Models for Polymeric Composites 61

between the transient energy accumulation rate, with the sum of the rates of

conduction, pyrolysed convection, and the energy sink due to pyrolysis and the

heat released by volatile combustion

— d OT a
1(mh) = --(ki —WM --—(ne,h ) -0
alt (4.14)
at r dr ar ar 6 g at

in which R1  r .s. R 2 , for t > 0.


m is the mass (kg)

h is the solid enthalpy (J/kg)

t is time (s)

r is the polar coordinate (m)

T is the temperature (°C)

kr is the thermal conductivity in radial direction(W/m°C)

h g is the enthalpy of gas(J/kg)

m' g is the mass flux of gas (kg/m2-s)

4) is the heat of reaction (J/kg).

R I ,R 2 are the inside and outside radii respectively.

The mass of intumescent material is assumed to be composed of two parts


where ma is mass of active material and m c is the mass of residual char.

CHAPTER 4 Models for Polymeric Composites 62

The rate of decomposition of the active material is assumed to conform to a mean

reaction which is described by a single first-order Arrhenius function

la _ A rn a eXP( -E A/RT) (4.16)

If the accumulation of gases is ignored, the conservation of mass is given by

= (Ina -a (nt)drdA
Ot at Or

Following the treatment of [4.11], the amount of expansion of the intumescent

coating is associated with the mass loss:

M O -111 ) n1 (4.18)
zlr = Aro n +(E -1)(


mo is the original mass

mc is the char mass

is the current mass

E is the maximum expansion factor

is the exponent which describes the dependence of

expansion on the change in mass from mo.

Equation (4.14) is modified to its final form by expanding the terms, substituting

in the specific heat and the continuity equation, and rearranging. This results

CHAPTER 4 Models for Polymeric Composites 63

d aT k aT
mC —ar = — (k — )drtIA +
P at 8r r er r er
ffArAA 47 i
-171 g Pg Or at


C is the specific heat of material (J/kg°C);

is the specific heat of gas (J/kg°C).

The initial conditions for !at t = 0 are

T.Ti ; .. m 0 ; neg =0 • (4.20)

where Ti is initial temperature (°C);

Equations (4.16) to (4.19) form a set of non-linear partial differential equations

which may be solved simultaneously for m, m g and T respectively.

The boundary conditions on the exposed outer side of a pipe could be either a

prescribed temperature or a radiation and convection boundary condition. To

exclude the uncertainties of the heat transmission rate from the fire to the

samples under test, the measured temperature was used as the boundary

condition at exposed side. While for the unexposed inner surface, the adiabatic

condition is assumed because the ends of pipe were blocked and the specified

heat capacity of the inside air is negligible.

CHAPTER 4 Models for Polymeric Composites 64

The equation (4.19) was solved by a simple and effective numerical scheme,

namely the explicit finite difference method. By using the energy balance

technique, the finite difference equation for a typical interior node i in the

intumescent layer can be obtained:

= T f

k i#1 A0(ri /Ar1 +0.5)(7 —


• Cpg ,d0r.(T. -T.
s +I
y2 - (o+h-hg)1
At miCp

where a prime ' denotes the temperature at the next time step.

Effects of Intrinsic Properties of Materials

5.1 Conventional Thermal Properties

To understand the thermal response of the components of construction to the

high temperatures experienced in a fire, it is important to have a knowledge of

the thermal properties of materials and their changes with temperature. The

difference in performance of insulation materials is mainly determined by their

capability to attain a high surface temperature without conducting significant heat

into the substrate. For simple systems it may be adequate to say that it is the

rate of deterioration of the material properties which determines the fire

resistance that the construction is capable of providing. It is well known that the

values of the thermal properties of the constituent materials play a crucial role in

the numerical modelling of heat transfer in a construction element. A knowledge

of the variations of thermal properties with temperature and other circumstances

is essential for the prediction of the rate of heat transfer into the construction.

The conventional thermal properties which will be considered in this section refer

to thermal conductivity, specific heat and emissivity. For most materials, these

properties are temperature-dependent. Among them the thermal conductivity

of the material has the most significant effect on heat conduction. It is found
CHAPTER 5 Intrinsic Properties of Materials 66

that even a relatively slight variation of the conductivity can cause a substantial

change in the predicted temperatures.

Heat transmission solely by conduction can take place only in _ , non-

transparent solids. In porous solids (most construction materials) the mechanism

of heat transmission is a combination of conduction, radiation and convection.

The thermal conductivity for such solids is, in a strict sense, merely a convenient

empirical factor that makes it possible to describe the heat transfer process with

the aid of the Fourier law. In this sense, the thermal conductivity is sometimes

called the effective (or apparent) thermal conductivity. The effective thermal

conductivity of most materials is a sensitive property relating to many factors.

These factors could be the temperature, the density, its gradient, the moisture

content, the degree of crystallinity, the average grain size, the mix proportions for

heterogeneous materials and the conductivities of its constituents, the porosity of

porous materials, and the type of fluid within its pores, etc. Therefore, in spite

of the many efforts that have been devoted to the determination of the effective

thermal conductivity of various materials under different circumstances for about

a century, total success has yet to be achieved[5.1-3]. It is easy to understand

why there are so many existing diverse and disparate data for some materials.

The surface emissivity of the material is also important as this will determine how

much heat will be gained from or lost to surrounding environment. It may also

vary with temperature and material physical state. Some materials can achieve

their effectiveness against certain types of fire by reflecting most of the fire

radiation. For instance, aluminium can survive well in non-engulfed conditions

and will stay cool for a longer time.

CHAPTER 5 Intrinsic Properties of Materials 67

In order to determine the values of thermal properties directly and explicitly,

various delicate experimental techniques are demanded. Since the direct
experimental measurement is complicated and time-consuming (it is even
necessary to make a distinction between conduction studies under steady state
conditions and those under transient conditions), the current situation is that there
is very little information available regarding the actual values to be used in
analysis. It is therefore necessary to regard the determination of the material
properties to be used in the analysis as an important part of this study.

An attractive possible solution to this problem is to extract material properties by

numerical techniques through systematically fitting the results given by

computation to the results of standard fire tests. The strategy which has been
adopted here is that, at first, approximate thermal properties are assumed. These
may be derived form the literature or from the values provided by the
manufacturer. These are then refined in order to take into account variations
with temperature, moisture, decomposition etc and to achieve a good correlation

between the numerical model and the test results. Once the thermal properties
under varying circumstances have been determined and agreed, the thermal
behaviour of this material under a variety of environments and configurations can

be modelled.

b,2 eio
This prediction-correction method has. 'proved to be a successful procedure and

is an important application of numerical techniques as practical results can be

obtained at low cost and with remarkable speed.

The first material which was tested was mineral wool sheet. Mineral wool is

CHAPTER 5 Intrinsic Properties of Materials 68

manufactured from long, non-combustible rock fibres bonded with a high

performance binder. Mineral wool slabs are easy to handle, cut and install and

incorporate high levels of thermal efficiency. The manufacturer, Pilkington[5.4]

only supplied the values of thermal conductivity up to 300°C for the sheet used,

namely type LR80 with a density of 80kg/m 3. The actual thermal conductivity

which was derived from the test results is shown in Table 5.1 for temperature up

to 1000°C. The values at other temperatures that are not listed in Table 5.1 are

assumed to vary linearly between the two nearest temperatures given in the table.

The specific heat is assumed to be 1000 J/kg°C.

The second material to be considered was Supalux, a Calcium-Silicate board

reinforced with selected fibres and fillers. It is the product of the Cape Boards

Limited. The manufacturer only supplies one value of thermal conductivity,

namely 0.17 W/m°C[5.5]. It was found that the numerical simulation can not

provide a satisfactory result when based on this constant conductivity. For this

material, the piece-wise linear variation with values of 0.16 W/m°C at 10°C, 0.18

W/m°C at 500°C and 0.3 W/m°C at 800°C was found to give the best fit. The

specific heat of calcium silicate board was chosen to be 1300 J/kg°C at 10°C and

800J/kg°C at 800°C. The moisture content in the tested sample was small and

negligible. The emissivity of the surface was chosen to be 0.6.

The thermal properties of hygroscopic materials and combustible materials will

display more complex patterns and they are discussed in the following sections.
CHAPTER 5 Intrinsic Properties of Materials 69

5.2 Effects of Moisture Content

Most practical construction materials contain some water and this has a significant

influence on the heat transfer mechanism and thermal properties. However, the

mechanism of the combination of heat and moisture transfer in elements of

construction is quite complicated. The process strongly depends on the

temperature, moisture distributions, chemical reactions, multiphase mass transfer,

permeability and nonlinear material properties[5.6]. Over past decades, several

studies have been carried out which try to take the influence of moisture into

account. Both sophisticated[5.9-10] and simple analytical models[5.11-12] have

been proposed. Sophisticated models consider the convective and diffusive heat

and mass transfer on the basis of an evaporation-condensation mechanism driven

by pore pressure and moisture concentration gradients. Despite the much

important work that has been done, there is still not a comprehensive and

satisfactory theory of the subject, and the existing theories (to the best of the

authors' knowledge) have not yet been able to find application in practice. The

simple engineering approaches, which mainly concentrate on heat transfer and

disregard mass flow and moisture pressure build-up, simulate the influence of

moisture by considering the energy demand of evaporation. They are easier to

apply and have the potential to yield an acceptable solution for the heat

conduction problem. However, if these models were not set up or used properly,

significant errors between prediction and experiment were often found at a

temperature range of about 90°C to 150°C[5.7,5.8] for hygroscopic components

exposed to fire.

During the heating of . hygroscopic material, a process of dissociation

CHAPTER 5 Intrinsic Properties of Materials 70

(dehydration), vaporization and migration of moisture takes place. For the

moisture to be evaporated, a certain amount of energy is needed, thus suppressing

the temperature increase. The moisture content in the materials could be in the

form of chemically or physically trapped water. The extra energy needed to

vaporize the moisture then comprises two parts: the heat absorbed in dehydration

process for chemical bonded water and the energy needed to drive off the water

(including physically absorbed free water) from the material. Under atmospheric

conditions, the heat of vaporization of water is 2.25x10 6, J per kg of water[5.13].

For most previous investigators this value was the only extra energy needed to get

rid of the water. Since they neglected the energy needed to dissociate the

chemically combined water and the additional energy consumed in the

evaporation-condensation cycle, noticeable errors were incurred.

LA)Ai t ,-,,
In - . il with the finite difference and finite element technique, an

improved engineering approach was developed in this thesis. As a example,

Redland gypsum plasterboard[5.14] was considered first, in which the gypsum

(calcium sulphate dihydrate, CaSO 4 . 2H20) is of about 95% purity. Gypsum-

board is one of the cheapest fire protection materials available, and normally has

a high moisture content (more than 15% crystalline water and a small amount of

absorbed free water). As gypsum is heated to temperatures in excess of about

95°C it begins to undergo a chemical reaction known as calcination, in which the

chemically bonded water dissociates from the crystal lattice. The chemical

equation for first the step is[5.15]

CaSO4 - 2H2 0 - CaSO4 . 1/21120 +3/2112 0 (5.1)

CHAPTER 5 Intrinsic Properties of Materials 71

Calcium sulphate hemihydrate (CaSO4 . 1/2H20) is commonly known as plaster of

Paris. The energy absorbed in the this process is approximately 100KJ per kg of
gypsum[5.15]. With further continued heating, the remaining water in the plaster
is released as the hemihydrate undergoes dehydration to form anhydrous calcium
sulphate, CaSO4. Then an extra 50KJ per kg is further consumed. By the time
the material reaches a temperature of around 155°C calcination in the board is
usually complete.

According toproposed approach, it is assumed that the moisture evaporation
takes place during a temperature range, for example 95°C to 155°C at each point
in the gypsum, and the latent heat energy of evaporation is then added into the
specific heat of material. The average: . additional specific heat is obtained by

2 25 x .1°6e (5.2)
DCp - ' A (J/kg°C)


DCp is the average _ additional specific heat

is the moisture content expressed as a fraction by weight

AT is the magnitude of the given temperature interval

A is a correction factor.

Then for example, assuming the gypsum contains 20% water by mass, the energy
needed to vaporize this water according the heat of vaporization (2.25MJ per kg
water) is 450KJ per kg of gypsum. The additional energy required in the
dissociation reaction (5.1) is 150KJ per kg of gypsum. According to this, A =
1.33 is established. The numerical analysis showed that although the result is

CHAPTER 5 Intrinsic Properties of Materials 72

better than that with A = 1.0, the demanded energy is still under-estimated.

Actually, it is found that the results with A = 1.8 give a satisfactory correlation to

the experimental results. This means that extra energy is required for the

moisture evaporation-condensation migration under high pressure.

In order to conform with the experimental measurement of the apparent specific

heat[5.15] and in order to keep the numerical stability, a triangular variation of

the additional specific heat is adopted as shown in Fig.5.1. Nevertheless, the total

energy which is needed to evaporate the moisture, in fact, is not altered.

Fig.5.1 The variation of ACp in a temperature interval 60°C

In equation (5.2), the value of the temperature interval AT should be selected

based on experiment. However, the most important parameter for the successful

modelling is the total amount of absorbed energy and the final temperature

development of modelling is not very sensitive to the value of AT.

CHAPTER 5 Intrinsic Properties of Materials 73

Following this treatment, the rate of increase of temperature will be suppressed

(but not halted as in traditional models) in the range of temperature AT, and a

gradual increase of temperature during vaporization can be simulated.

No value of specific heat is given by Redland for their plasterboard. However

reference[5.15] gave 950 J/kg°C for the specific heat of plasterboard with 3.4%

free water of the mass of the gypsum specimens and 14.6% water of

crystallization. Normally, the specific heat of a heterogeneous material can be

weighted by the fractional extent of each component

n Fi C pi
C = Ei=1

where Fi is the weight fraction of each component and EFi = 1.

Then according to formula (5.3), with specific heat of water taken as 4200 J/kg°C,

the specific heat of dried plasterboard is 237 J/kg°C. This value is obviously too

low for dried plasterboard. It can be concluded that a modification of (5.3)

should be imposed for the chemical bonded water. Half of the weight fraction

of the chemically trapped water is tried. Then the specific heat of totally dried

plasterboard is set to be 629 J/kg°C.

Since the presence of moisture also has a significant effect on the thermal

conductivity, the determination of the thermal conductivity of moist materials

under fire is complicated. The thermal conductivity of building materials rises

considerably when the materials are even slightly damp. It is not only because

that some of the gaps in the solid matrix bridged by water, which is a better
CHAPTER 5 Intrinsic Properties of Materials 74

conductor of heat than air, but also because additional heat can be transferred by

the migration of moisture. The general expression for thermal conductivity and

moisture content can be

k(M) = k(0) T(vr) (5.4)

where k(M) is the thermal conductivity at a moisture content M percentage by

volume and r(M) is the proportion factor.

The relationship between the proportion factor and the moisture content is not

a linear one, but an empirical formula can be derived to adjust the measured k-

value of masonry materials to an appropriate moisture content M based on a

relationship recommended by Jakob[5.16]:

r = 1.0819 +0.17675 xM -8.7812 x10 -3 xM 2 +1.7617 x10-5M3 (5.5)

To reduce the error of r, the value r = / when M = 0 is not used in curve


The thermal conductivity, therefore, at an arbitrary moisture content can be

determined by a simple mathematic algorithm manipulating equations (5.4) and

(5.5) in the case where one reference thermal conductivity is known at a certain

moisture content.

Three types of Redland plasterboard were examined[5.14]. They are Wallboard

Type 1, Firecheck Type 5 and Firecheck Coreboard Types 4. Redland

CHAPTER 5 Intrinsic Properties of Materials 75

plasterboard consists of a gypsum plaster core bonded between two strong liner

pulp boards. The thermal conductivity of Wallboard provided by the

manufacturer[5.14] is 0.20 W/m°C. The Firecheck plasterboard consists of a

gypsum plaster core with glass fibres and fillers. The thermal conductivity of

Firecheck according to the manufacturer is 0.24 W/m°C. Redland Firecheck

coreboard consists of a gypsum plaster core with glass fibres and moisture

resistant liner boards. The value of the thermal conductivity is 0.22 W/m°C.

This has been confirmed by the measurements conducted recently by Dr.

s A ,rc
A.Simson in _ university. The values of these thermal conductivities are close

to those quoted by another source[5.17] which gave the value of thermal

conductivity between 0.15 - 0.27 W/m°C.

Nevertheless, these are the values of conductivities at room temperature. In fact

the thermal conductivity will increase with increasing temperature at a certain

moisture content[5.2]. On the other hand, the total moisture content is gradually

reduced as heating proceeds during a fire. Therefore the final value of apparent
conductivity should be the resultant of both effects. For r plasterboard, it is

found by numerical analysis that the effective thermal conductivity only displays

a slight increase with temperature when in the moist state.

The thermal conductivity of a material in a dried state at room temperature could

also be derived from (5.4) and (5.5). For dried materials, the fire resistance

capacity usually degrades at elevated temperature. Then the value of

conductivity will increase with increasing temperature. For the problem analyzed,

a linear variation of thermal conductivity with temperature is considered as a

reasonable assumption. Hence, for dried plasterboard, it is found that

CHAPTER 5 Intrinsic Properties of Materials 76

k(T) = k(0) + 1.1 x10 -4 xT (W/m °C) (5.6)

gave the best fit with the test data.

An interesting observation is that the values of thermal conductivity of gypsum

board extracted by above analysis and numerical procedure, which was mainly

done in 1993[5.18], is quite consistent with the results which were discovered later

in reference [5.15] (1994) by using a commercially available thermal conductivity

meter, as shown in Fig.5.2. The capability and potential of the computational

technique is astonishingly exhibited in this representative example.

Thermal Conductivity (W/m C)


0.3 _

obtained by this paper

0.2 -
Given by ref.15.15

0.1 -

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900

Temperate (Deg C)

Fig.5.2 The Comparison of Thermal Conductivity of Gypsum Board

CHAPTER 5 Intrinsic Properties of Materials 77

The plasterboard is usually covered by paper so that surface emissivity selected

should be the value for liner boards manufactured from long fibre pulp. The

value 0.8 is chosen[3.1] for the unexposed face. On the exposed side, the value

of 0.4 is assumed due to the board burning away during fire exposure. The

density of plasterboard was measured before the test(see Table 5.2). The

numerical program calculates the new density automatically as water is driven off.

Based on the above-mentioned treatment and properties, a good correlation with

the experimental results was obtained (for details, see Chapter 6).

The second material which was tested is concrete. A two-dimension model based

on the finite element method for the concrete deck slabs will be described in

Chapter 8. For the present studies, only simple flat panels with low moisture are

considered. These were made from a mixture of ordinary Portland cement,

normal aggregate and febspeed by an undergraduate student. Before fire testing,

the concrete panels were dried in an oven to remove most of the moisture.

However there was still a small residual water content which was measured to be

0.9% by weight. Quite similar to the behaviour of gypsum, the hydrated cement

contains free calcium hydroxide which loses its water at high temperature, leaving

calcium oxide. Therefore extra heat for dewatering and dehydration is needed.

According to the guidelines given by the ECCS[2.5], the thermal conductivity of

concrete (with 0.9% moisture content) is chosen to be 1.5 W/m°C at room

temperature and approaches 1.02 W/m°C at high temperature. The values for

the completely dried concrete are 1.09 to 0.85 W/m°C. The specific heat is

between 900 - 1300 J/kg°C and surface emissivity is 0.8. An excellent agreement

between theory and test was again obtained (see Chapter 6).
CHAPTER 5 Intrinsic Properties of Materials 78

Another material which we tested with moisture content is Salford Voidfill. The

constituent materials are those known to have good fire resistance: namely perlite

and high alumina cement. Mixtures of 40% perlite filler, 60% cement and water

have been used to cast 50mm thickness samples which were fired up to 1125°C.

Because the thermal properties of this material are initially unknown, a

systematical calculation was conducted to determine these values. It was found

that the conductivity is around 0.07 W/mK with 10.6% water content at room

temperature and its maximum value is 0.24 W/mK at high temperature. While

the range of conductivity is 0.04 - 0.18 W/mK in a totally dried state. The specific

heat of dry material is 1000 J/kg°C approximately.

It should be noticed that the correction factor A may have a slight variation under

different circumstances. According to the previous explanation, the constituents

of the material and the configuration of the component may affect its magnitude.

Based on this modified treatment and chosen properties, reasonable agreements

with test results even at high levels of moisture content(up to 20% by weight)

have been obtained (see Chapter 6).

53 Kinetic Parameters for Pyrolysis

The thermal response of an organic material is significantly sensitive to the stage

of decomposition and the rate of density change. This is to be expected since the

rate of energy consumption and the thermal and transport properties of the

CHAPTER 5 Intrinsic Properties of Materials 79

material are functions of the constituents and the rate of decomposition. The

values of kinetic parameters A and E A in equation (4.3) will determine the

intensity and duration of decomposition corresponding to a given intensity of heat

flux. Since the in-situ measurement of parameters A and E A under the desired

thermal condition is intricate, the current practice is to use estimated values which

give good agreement between simulation and experiment. It is found that A

and EA depend on the rate of heating dT/dt. Therefore, for better modelling

without making the model unnecessarily complicated, two sets of values of A and

EA are assumed for inner hot and outer cold sections of panel respectively, as

shown in Table 5.3 and 5.4. The values of activation energy are generally

consistent with the results for plastic resin quoted by Samuel L. Madorsky in his


Despite the fact that the parameters A and EA have their own meaning, altering

either A or EA can give a similar result for mass loss rate, as shown in Figs.5.3-5.

As an example, the initial values A and E A are set as A = 800/s and EA =58000

J/mol (Fig.5.3). Then either by changing the A to 400/s or E A to 62000 J/mol,

almost identical results are obtained (Figs.5.4 and 5.5).

In reference[4.5], Hender.lson et al employed a distinct approach in which they

separated the pyrolysis ratings into two separate regions according to the ratio of

m/mo where m is the remaining mass and m o is the initial mass.

The variation of thermal conductivity will also display a rather more complicated

pattern because it will be changed with temperature and the stage of

decomposition. It also depends on the type of resin used and the ratio of resin
CHAPTER 5 Intrinsic Properties of Materials 80

and glass for GRP material. One reference[5.19] gave the values of thermal

conductivity of GRP from 0.2 to 0.3 W/m°C. Another reference[5.20] gave the

values of conductivity from 0.25 W/m°C at 20°C to 0.35 W/m°C at 1200°C. The

general expression for thermal conductivity is assumed to be a linear function of

temperature here

k = ko + aT (5.7)

for different stages of decomposition. For a tested GR polyester panel, from the

starting of the test to the point where the char was consumed, the value of k. is

0.26 W/m°C and a is —1.356x104 W/m°C2. The negative value of a indicates

that the thermal conductivity deceases due to the low conductivity of the char.

As heating continues, the char will be oxidized and eroded away, leaving the glass-

fibre alone. During this phase, k0 will retain its value at the end of the last stage

and a = 2.0x10-3 W/m°C2. The conductivity will now increase as the

temperature increases due to the char being lost and the crumbling of the glass


For phenolic laminate, the thermal conductivity is fixed as 0.28 W/m°C until the

char is totally consumed. After that, the thermal conductivity follows equation

(5.7) with a = 1.8x10-3 W/m°C2.

The actual variation of thermal conductivity is unknown and might be more

complicated, but for simplicity, it is assumed to be a linear function of

temperature during each stage.

CHAPTER 5 Intrinsic Properties of Materials 81

One reference[5.19] gave the specific heat of GRP as 950 J/kg°C and the

emissivity as 0.9. The specific heat of WR polyester laminate is also assumed to

be a linear function of temperature here: C p = 1000 + 0.8xT (J/kg°C). The

heat of decomposition is -2.5x10 6 J/kg and the emissivity of the panel is 0.8.

The specific heat of WR phenolic laminate is: C p = 1300 + 0.3xT (J/kg°C).

The heat of decomposition is -1.6x106 J/kg and the emissivity of the laminate is

0.85. The thermal expansion coefficient is chosen as 4x10 -4 (1PC) for both of

them. These data have been estimated on the basis of information either found

in the literature or by experiment.

For Ameron glass-reinforced epoxy 2000M pipes, the kinetic parameters which

were used in the calculation were: A = 800 s -1 , EA = 56,000 J/mol for cellulosic

fire and A = 1200 s-1 , EA = 52,000 J/mol for hydrocarbon fire. The thermal

conductivity is set as 0.24 W/m°C, until the char is totally lost. Then the

conductivity will follow the equation

k = 0.24 +1.2 x10 -3 T W/m °C (5.8)

The increase of conductivity in this stage is due to the char being lost and the

cracking of wound glass-fibre. The glass-fibre content in the pipe by volume is

about 41%. The variation of specific heat with temperature is

Cp = 1270 + 0.230 xT (.I/kg °C) (5.9)

The heat of reaction Q is chosen as -3x10 4 J/kg and the thermal expansion
CHAPTER 5 Intrinsic Properties of Materials 82

coefficient is 5x10 -4 (11°C).

The second type of GRP pipe which we tested were BP phenolic pipe. The

kinetic parameters which were used in the calculation were: A = 1500 s-1 and EA

= 50,000 J/mol. The conductivity is found to be 0.3 W/m°C until the char is

totally lost. Under hydrocarbon fire condition, the char will be oxidized and

consumed quickly, and leave wound glass-fibre alone. Then from that point, in

equation (5.7), the value of k 0 will be 0.3 W/m°C, and a will be 1.6x10 -3 W/m°C2.

The glass-fibre content in the pipe by volume is estimated to be 57%. The

specific heat of GR phenolic material is also assumed to be a linear function of


C,, 1115 + 0.484 xT (J/kg°C) (5.10)

The heat of reaction Q is chosen as -5x104 J/kg and the thermal expansion

coefficient is 4x10 4 (1/°C).

For intumescent materials, both the famous Pitt-Char and reinforced Pitt-Char

were tested. Pitt-Char is an epoxy based material and is sometimes reinforced

with glass fibre. From above analysis, it can be seen that the thermophysical and

kinetic properties of intumescent materials have a significant influence on the heat

transfer rate. Unfortunately, most of these data are not available. One possible

solution for this problem is to undertake the direct experiment measurement

individually for each parameter. However, from the work described in

reference[4.10], one conclusion is, although the authors tried to determine all
CHAPTER 5 Intrinsic Properties of Materials 83

thermophysical and kinetic properties of intumescent materials by experimental

measurement, the final results of temperature development given by the

theoretical analysis was still unsatisfactory. The problem might be caused by the

fact that these parameters are very sensitive to the heating rate, configuration and

ambient environment, and it is almost impossible to copy these conditions in

measurements recorded during real fire tests. Therefore, estimated values were

used and refined which can give good agreement between the experimental and

numerical results. The adopted thermophysical parameters which were used in

numerical calculation for Pitt-Char and reinforced Pitt-Char are listed in Tables

5.5 and 5.6.

The numerical simulations which were based on above quoted parameters all

present a satisfactory correlation with the experimental outcomes (see Chapter 6).
CHAPTER 5 Intrinsic Properties of Materials 84

Table 5.1 Thermal conductivity of mineral wool

Temperature Conductivity
(°C) (W/m°C)

10 0.034

50 0.037

150 0.054

200 0.066

250 0.080

300 0.097

350 0.108

400 0.113

450 0.150

550 0.320

600 0.520

650 0.820

700 1.000

1000 1.200

CHAPTER 5 Intrinsic Properties of Materials 85

Table 5.2 Data for plasterboard specimens

Sample Thickness Density Moisture Conductivity

(mm) (kg/m3) Content (%) (moist state)
(by weight) (W/m°C)

la 12.5 836.4 17.5 0.20

2b 15.0 825.2 20.2 0.24

3c 25.0 856.4 19.4 0.22

4c 25.0 726.2 6.4 0.164t

t Calculated by equ.(54) based on the reference conductivity 0.22W/m°C

Table 5.3 Kinetic parameters of GR Polyester panel

Cellulosic Fire Hydrocarbon Fire


outer cold section 400 70000 600 68000

,, inner hot section 1200 54000 1200 54000

CHAPTER 5 Intrinsic Properties of Materials 86

Table 5.4 Kinetic parameters for WR Phenolic laminate in

a hydrocarbon fire


outer cold section 600 60000

inner hot section 1200 58000

Table 5.5 Thermophysical Data of Pitt-Char (length=100cm)

mo mc kr(10°C) kr(1050°C) Cp (10°C) Cp(1050°C)

3.89 1.5 0.3 0.05 1380 1000

CPg 0 Em„ il A EA

2000 -6x105 3.33 0.2 2000 52000

Table 5.6 Thermophysical Data of Reinforced Pitt-Char (length=100cm)

mo mc kr(10°C) kr(1050°C) Cp (10°C) Cp(1050°C)

6.51 4.35 0.3 0.16 1300 900

CPg CI5 Erna., n A EA

2000 -6x1a5 1.56 0.2 2000 52000

CHAPTER 5 Intrinsic Properties of Materials 87

Density (kg/m3)

1700 -

1500 _

1300 -

1100 -

900 -

I I I 1 1 1 1 1
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Time in mins
Fig.5.3 The Mass Loss Rate at
A - 800/5, Ea - 58000 J/mol
CHAPTER 5 Intrinsic Properties of Materials 88

Density (kg/m3)

1700 -

1500 -

1300 -

1100 -


700 I I I I 1
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Time in mins
Fig.5.4 The Mass Loss Rate at
A - 400/8, Ea • 58000 J/mol

Density (kg/m3)

1700 -

1500 -

1300 -

1100 -

900 -

700 1
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Time in mins
Fig.5.5 The Mass Loss Rate at
A - 800/s, Ea - 62000 J/mol

Fire Test Results and The Verification of

Numerical Modelling

A description of the fire test facilities and the procedures used is given in a
supplement at the end of this thesis.

6.1 'Traditional' Fire Resistant Panels

To validate the accuracy of the numerical modelling and to determine the fire

performance of different materials, a number of standard fire resistance tests

were carried out for the materials which were described in Chapter 5. The

'simulated fire' tests were, and will continue to be, the principal means of

affirmation. Panels with different thicknesses and moisture contents have been

tested under the condition in which the temperature of a gas-fired furnace was

controlled to follow the BS476 cellulosic time-temperature curve[1.1]. The

computer program which controls the furnace uses a continuous PID three term

closed control loop system. The three terms are Proportional, Integral and

Derivative. By acting on an error signal E(t), which is the difference between the

instantaneously required temperature and the measured furnace temperature, the

PID method will achieve continuous control with a good accuracy[6.1].

The panels, most of them with an area of 300x300mm 2, were clamped in a

vertical position across an aperture in the door of the furnace with one side

exposed to the furnace environment, and open to the ambient air on the other
CHAPTER 6 Experimental Venfications 90

side. The ambient air temperature in the general vicinity of the test construction

fell into the interval of 5°C to 40°C specified by the standard[1.1]. The

temperatures of the exposed and unexposed sides of the panels and furnace were

recorded on hard disc every 20 seconds by the computer. The readings on the

centre of the exposed and unexposed sides were adopted to simulate the one-

dimensional heat transfer behaviour. According to BS476:part 20, there are two

fire resistance criteria for insulation failure based on the measured temperatures

on the unexposed face[1.1]. One criterion is that the mean unexposed face

temperature should not increase by more than 140°C above its initial value.

Another one is that the temperature recorded at any position on the unexposed

face should not exceed 180°C above the initial mean unexposed face temperature.

Because only the temperature at the centre of unexposed face, which is the

highest temperature on the surface, was measured, the second criterion was

adopted as an indication of material performance.

The thermal model was verified in two parts, separating the influence of two sets

of important parameters, namely the parameters describing conduction in the

panel and the parameters describing heat transfer from the furnace to the

specimen by convection and radiation. First, the heat conduction in the panel

was examined by applying the measured hot face temperatures as the hot side

boundary condition for the numerical simulation (first method specified in section

2.4). Secondly, the heat transfer rate from the furnace to the specimen was

calculated on the basis of the furnace temperature or the standard curve and the

assumed heat transfer parameters. In the numerical modelling, the cross-

section of each panel was subdivided to give six equally spaced nodal points.

Some typical results using the thermal properties quoted in Chapter 5 are
CHAPTER 6 Experimental Verifications 91

presented below.

Specimen 1. Mineral Wool Sheet

A Pilkington rockwool sheet with a thickness of 25mm was tested in the furnace.

The measured temperature profile is shown in Fig.6.1 (page 108). According to

the previous definition, the insulation failure time for this sheet is 15 minutes.

The recorded hot face temperatures were employed as prescribed boundary

conditions in numerical analysis. The cold face temperature of sheet was

calculated by both finite difference(FDM) and finite element methods(FEM).

The description of finite element method will be given in Chapter 8 later.

Fig.6.1 shows that the numerical results have a quite good agreement with the

experimental results.

Specimen 2. Calcium-Silicate Board

The fire test results for this material are shown in Fig.6.2 and insulation failure

time is now 9.68 minutes. Using the BS476 cellulosic temperature curve as the

furnace temperature, the cold face temperature history of a calcium silicate board

was again computed by FDM and FEM. The thickness of panel was 12mm and

the density of material was 949 kg/m 3. It can be seen that the numerical results

are consistent with the measured data and the adopted heat transfer coefficients

from the fire to the specimen are appropriate (Fig.6.2).

CHAPTER 6 Experimental Verifications 92

Specimens 3-6. Four Plasterboards

The proposed moisture model was verified by testing four plasterboards with

different thickness and moisture contents. The data for these panels are

summarised in Table 5.2 and their insulation failure times are shown in Table 6.1.

Table 6.1 Insulation Failure Time for Plasterboard Specimens

Sample Thickness Moisture Content Insulation Time (

(mm) (% by weight) (mins)

la 12.5 17.5 25

2b 15.0 20.2 32.4

3c 25.0 19.4 76

4c 25.0 6.4 45

ej t C IJ 4 ,
By comparison with the -; _ . 5: the insulation time is extended

considerably due to the moisture effect. The 'dwell' of temperature rising on the

unexposed face of the samples can be easily seen from the water loss plateau in

Figs.6.3 to 6.6.

In the finite difference calculations, the boundary condition on the exposed side

of samples was prescribed by the measured temperature. The computed

CHAPTER 6 Experimental Verifications 93

temperature history on the unexposed side was then compared to the measured

results (Figs.6.3 to 6.6). It can be concluded that the simulation of the moisture

effect is quite successful in these cases. This demonstrates that the influence of

different percentages of moisture on the fire resistance can be predicted


At the same times the selection of the associated thermophysical properties is also

validated by these specimens. The reason for the small deviation between the

calculated and measured data over 230°C on unexposed face is probably because

some small cracks begin to appear on the exposed side of plasterboard at that

temperature. Then the prerequisite of a continuum for the validity of equation

(2.1) no longer exists.

The modelling of the heat transfer from the fire compartment to the specimen

was also verified by plasterboard 3c. The selections of heat transfer parameters

to simulate the heat transmission from furnace to specimen are specified in

section 2.4. The computational temperature history of the exposed and

unexposed faces are compared with experimental results in Fig.6.7. A good

agreement is again noted.

Specimen 7. Plasterboard and Calcium-Silicate Sandwich Panel

The verification of the modelling for a multi-layer panel was carried out for this

case. A Wallboard plasterboard, thickness 12.5mm with 6.4% moisture content,

was combined with a calcium-silicate board, thickness 6mm in the dry state. The
CHAPTER 6 Experimental Verifications 94

insulation failure time is now 26 minutes. Identical thermal properties-

temperature relationships as used in previous calculations were also applied in this

case. The actual furnace temperature history was used as the exposed side

boundary condition and the heat transfer parameters were the same as those in

previous examples. Fig.6.8 shows that the numerical prediction gives a

reasonable agreement with the measured result. The discrepancy might be

caused by the assumption of perfect contact at the interface between two material


Specimens 8-10. Three Concrete Panels

Three normal concrete panels, as described in the last chapter, were also tested.

They have three different thicknesses namely 53mm, 77mm and 102mm

respectively. The moisture content of the concrete was 0.9% by weight after oven

drying. The corresponding insulation times were extrapolated as 42, 77 and 120

minutes. The measured temperature on the exposed side was also applied as

the boundary condition in the numerical analysis. Excellent agreement was

obtained when the numerical predictions were compared with the test data, as

illustrated in Figs.6.9 to 6.11.

Specimen 11. Salford Voidfill Panel with thin steel sheets

In this sample, the combination of hygroscopic core material and impervious skins

is investigated. The core material was Salford Voidfill No. 7D. Its density was
CHAPTER 6 Experimental Verifications 95

325kg/m3 and its moisture content was 7.02%. Two thin (0.7mm) steel sheets

were used as the faces of the sandwich panel during fire testing. The insulation

time was extrapolated as 230 minutes. An excellent fire resistance time was

therefore obtained.

The numerical calculations showed that the heat resistance of the thin metal

sheets could be neglected. Nevertheless, the emissivity of these steel sheets

should be adopted as actual surface emissivity of sandwich panel on the

unexposed side. The measured furnace temperature was used as boundary

condition on exposed side. The calculated cold face temperature development

shows a reasonable agreement with experimental result (Fig.6.12).

An imperfection in this testing arrangement was that the periphery of the panel

was not insulated. The moisture might escape more easily from the edges of this

relatively small sample compared with large scale samples. Therefore, the

magnitude of the thermal conductivity which was derived from this test might

over-estimate the value that would be appropriate for an actual full scale panel.

6.2 VVR Glass-fibre Reinforced Polyester Laminates

The polyester and woven roving glass-fibre laminate was made with thermocouples

(K type) embedded inside the central region in order to measure the temperature

profile history across the cross-section of the laminate, as shown schematically in

CHAPTER 6 Experimental Verifications 96

Fig.4.1. The resin which was used for the baseline testing was Crystic e 489 PA

unsaturated polyester resin which based on isophthalic acid and supplied by Scott

Bader Company Ltd. The reinforcement was Owens Corning E-glass-fibre

woven roving at 600 gsm for the laminate. Since full-scale testing is very

expensive, model-scale testing has again been developed for material

characterisation tests of the type required for this investigation. The polyester

laminates were made using a hand lay-up technique and cured at room


Series of both simulated cellulosic and hydrocarbon fire tests have been canied

out. Since, in the small furnace that was used for these tests, it is impossible to

achieve the initial rapid rate of temperature increase needed for hydrocarbon fire

simulation, the furnace was first pre-heated to 900°C. During this heating period,

the blanking panel was in place with a dummy piece of material covering the

window opening. Immediately after switching off the furnace, the dummy piece

of panel was removed and replaced by the test piece and the furnace was

switched on again. A point on the hydrocarbon time-temperature curve was then

attained within a few seconds.

The size of each panel was 380x380mm 2 with an area 250x250mm2 exposed to the

furnace. In the cellulosic fire tests, the average thickness of the panels was

5.9mm and the polyester resin content was 31% by weight. In the hydrocarbon

fire tests, the average thickness of the panels was 6mm and the resin content was

33% by weight. The density of the resin was 1130 kg m3 and that of the fibre

glass was 2560kg/m3. The catalyst for the resin was 1.5% by weight of Catalyst M.

The number of glass plies in all of the panels was 13. Due to the scatter of
CHAPTER 6 Experimental Verifications 97

experimental data on a sample-to-sample basis, for both series of fire tests,

several samples with the same configuration were tested and the average test

results were compared with the analytical results. Normally the measured

deviation among the samples was within 10% if there was no local delamination.

The general trend of the temperature history, most noticeable on the unexposed

side, was that, at the beginning of test, the temperature increased at a moderate

rate. When the material started to decompose, the rate of temperature rise was

slowed down due to the energy absorbed in pyrolysis. However, after the cracks

appeared in the char and char was consumed, the temperature increased rapidly

again (see Figs.6.13 and 6.14)

The cellulosic fire test lasted for about 40 minutes whereas, in a hydrocarbon fire,

the 6mm thick panel can only survive for about 15 minutes. The lime lo

insulation failure in a cellulosic fire was 7.8 minutes, while, in a hydrocarbon fire

it was 5.3 minutes. This shows that, if thin GRP panels are used alone, they are

insufficient to supply a satisfactory performance in terms of heat insulation under

fire condition. Therefore, a good practice is to combine them with low density

fire resistant core material in a sandwich construction. For this reason the single

panel tests were sustained well beyond insulation failure until the cold face

temperature reached about 400°C.

In the finite difference analysis of these tests, eight mesh nodes across the

thickness of panel were used. The measured temperature-time history on the

exposed was used as the hot face boundary condition.

Several points of interest were discovered in the course of the numerical

CHAPTER 6 Experimental Verifications 98

investigation. The first one is that the second term of the right side of equation

(4.6) can be ignored. The physical meaning of this term depends on the

direction of the flowing volatile. The main part of the volatile flows outward and

has a cooling effect on the exposed side of panel while the inward flowing

component enhances the heat flow to the inside. It was found that the net effect

can be neglected by comparison with the powerful incident heat flux that was used

in the furnace tests. It seems that the endothermic pyrolysis and poor

conductivity of the char play a much more important role than internal

convection. The second point is that the accuracy of results will be improved if

the influence of thermal expansion is included into the model. The expansion

will increase the thickness of panel and this has an obviously beneficial effect on

the heat insulation of the panel. The thermal expansion coefficient was chosen

as 5 x 10 4 (vac) for the glass-reinforced polyester panels considered here. This

figure is obviously much larger then the value within the normal temperature

range. When this effect is included in the finite difference analysis, the spatial

interval Ax in the panel changes with temperature.

The reduction of resin density given by equation (4.3) can be seen from Figs.6.15

and 6.16 for both fire tests. Evidently that there are different mass loss rates for

the inner hot part and the outer cold part of the panel. This coincides with the

experimental observation of the two-peak shape of mass loss rate[6.2], and the

final amount of remaining mass in the tested samples generally agrees with the

numerical predictions.

The comparisons of the predicted and measured temperature profile histories for

both series of fire tests are shown in Figs.6.13 and 6.14. The dashed lines
CHAPTER 6 Experimental Verifications 99

represent the transient temperature given by the numerical analysis for the same

spatial location as the thermocouples. The agreement between them is

reasonably good.

In order to gain further confidence in the numerical modelling, an additional

verification test was designed using same basic materials but with a different resin

content and thickness. For this test the resin content was increased to 42% by

weight and the number of glass plies was 16. The final thickness of panel was

measured as 8.8mm. A hydrocarbon fire test was carried out and the time to

insulation failure was found to have increased to 7 minutes. As shown in

Fig.6.17, good correlation between theory and experiment was again obtained

by using the same thermal properties as previously.

Bearing in mind the rather steep thermal gradient inside the relatively thin

laminate tested, the calculated results gave a quite good correlation with

experimental measurements. It appears that the fire resistance of a GR

polyester laminate in a standard fire test can be predicted well by the proposed

computational treatment.

There are, nevertheless, some discrepancies between the calculated and

measured results and these might have been caused by following factors. First,

the numerical model does not account for all of the physical processes which

occur within the material. For example, both the heat exchange between the

volatile and solid material and the char shrinkage are partly neglected. .:;

Some processes, for instance moisture evaporation, were included in an implicit

way (the value of decomposition heat contains some energy needed for moisture
CHAPTER 6 Experinzental Verifications 100

evaporation). Secondly, there are some stochastic variations that effect the heat

transfer and which are difficult to control such as the delamination and cracking

in the material and the positions of the thermocouples relative to these effects.

Delamination is also an important feature associated with the fire resistance of

GRP laminates. However, for polyester laminate, it may be not so crucial as it

is for phenolic laminate with a high moisture content. But it should,

nevertheless, be mentioned as one possible reason for the discrepancies in

Figs.6.14 and 6.17. Thirdly, most input data of the thermal properties were

deduced on an empirical basis. It is well known that the value of the thermal

properties plays a crucial role in the numerical simulation of heat transfer and,

unfortunately, there are considerable practical difficulties in the explicit

determination of material parameters at elevated temperature. Besides, some

parts of the limited published data can not be used directly due to differences in

the sample's preparation, test assembly and heat loading level. Hopefully, the

need for such data will encourage more work to be carried out in this area. As

more accurate property values become available, ever better results may be given

by the proposed models.

An additional sandwich panel was tested with aim of achieving H120 fire

resistance (H120 means the fire resistance time is 120 minutes under hydrocarbon

fire test condition). It comprised two polyester laminate skins and a new

Vermiculux core. This new Vermiculux is an 'improved' version of the calcium

silicate board product by Cape Boards Ltd. Vermiculux readily absorbs water

and this can significantly extend the measured fire resistance. In order to limit

its influence, the 60mm thick Vermiculux panel was dried to constant weight

(504Kg/m3) at 110°C before the fire test. Nevertheless, it was found that 11.3%
CHAPTER 6 Experimental Verifications 101

of chemical bonded water was still held in the material. The polyester laminates

consisted of 12 layers of glass with 67% glass content by weight. The thickness

of the hot face skin was 6.4mm and the cold face skin was 6.2mm.

The fire test was conducted by another Ph.D student, David Dewhurst. The test

result gave a fire resistance time of about 180 minutes which is comfortably in

excess of the H120 target. The computational simulation was carried out by this

author. The theoretical treatment included the model for polyester laminate,

multi-layer configuration and moisture content. Excellent correlation between

the theory and experiment was again obtained (Fig.6.18).

63 'VVR Glass-fibre Reinforced Phenolic Laminates

Two phenolic laminate specimens designated I and II, with thicknesses of 12.6mm

and 11.7mm respectively, were tested under the hydrocarbon fire regime. The

specimens were laid up by hand and subjected to 5 hours post cure at 80°C. In

the numerical model, nine mesh nodes across the thickness of each laminate were

used. It is assumed that, at 200°C, each node will split into two separated

points in order to simulate delamination. Each time-temperature curve (except

that at the outside surface) will then split into two as well, as shown in Fig.6.19.

Due to the random position of the thermocouples relative to the position of the

interstices in the thickness as well as spatially, the analytical result is considered

to be acceptable if the measured temperature falls within the interval between the

two disjointed curves.

CHAPTER 6 Experimental Verifications 102

The measured and calculated transient temperature distributions in laminate I are

shown in Fig.4.3 and Fig.6.19, respectively. The comparisons of them are shown

in Figs.6.20 and 6.21. The broken curves in the figures represent the transient

temperatures measured by the thermocouples and the solid curves are the

temperatures given by numerical simulation. It can be seen that the insulation

time was increased to 30 minutes due to the delamination and the computational

results gave a reasonable agreement with the test results.

The reduction of resin density given by equation (4.3) is shown in Fig.6.22 for

different locations within the laminate. Due to the limitation of the test facility

used, it was not possible to monitor the instantaneous amount of mass in the

laminate. Nevertheless, the final amount of remaining mass of the specimen

was measured, and it generally agreed with the numerical result.

In order to obtain further confidence in the numerical modelling, an additional

validation was carried out for laminate II with a thickness of 11.7mm.

C Li t --p • c. A ye,,,s
Unfortunately, only the : _. -,r .., .. _ . at locations 1, 5 and 6(Fig.4.2) gave
temperature readings. This time the insulation time was found to be 28 minutes

due to the thickness being slightly reduced. Fig.6.23 shows a good agreement

between the numerical and measured results by using the same above quoted

thermal properties that were used for laminate I.

These comparisons proved that delamination is an important phenomenon which

is related to the fire resistance of phenolic laminate with a high moisture content

and which must be considered in the analysis model if a reasonable result is to be

obtained. A valid explanation has also been given for the somewhat bewildering
CHAPTER 6 Experiniental Verifications 103

outcome of the temperature measurements obtained when testing the phenolic-

woven roving glass laminate. It is evident that the fire resistance of GR phenolic

laminate in a standard hydrocarbon fire test can be predicted by the proposed

analytical treatment. The causes of the discrepancies are quite similar with

those in polyester laminate and will not be repeated.

6.4 Glass-Reinforced Plastic Pipes

For pipe problems, the one-dimensional model in polar coordinate has been

verified by the fire test results for Ameron glass-reinforced epoxy pipes and BP

phenolic pipes with different thicknesses. These pipes with a length of 0.5-0.8m

and with the two ends blocked by ceramic fibre were placed inside the large

furnace, which can simulate the hydrocarbon fire without preheating. For

hydrocarbon fire testing, the hydrocarbon time-temperature curve (Eq.2.20) was

followed for an initial five minutes, then the gas supply was cut off. This is to

simulate the start of a fire and the deluge response of the firewater system.

The outer and inner surface temperatures of the pipes were measured during the

test. The temperature inside the pipe is probably the best way to monitor pipe

performance under fire. The two dry Ameron pipes which were tested were a 3"

2000M pipe with an average thickness 5.7mm and a 4" 2000M pipe with an

average thickness of 5.4mm. The corresponding times for the inner temperature

to reach 200°C were 3.2 minutes for the 3" pipe in a cellulosic fire test and 1.7

minutes for the 4" pipe in a hydrocarbon fire test respectively (Figs.6.24 and 6.25).
CHAPTER 6 Experimental Verifications 104

The thermal properties which were used in calculation were specified in section

5.3. The measured temperatures on the outer surface was applied as a known

boundary condition. The comparisons of calculated and measured temperatures

on the inner surface for two pipes are shown in Figs.6.24 and 6.25. A good

correlation between both results is obtained.

Furthermore, three unprotected BP pipes were tested under hydrocarbon fire with

average thicknesses of 5.6mm, 7.7mm and 9.5mm respectively. The inside

diameter approximately was 75.8mm and density of the GRP was 1900kg/m3.

The corresponding times for the inside temperature to reach 200°C were 1.86,

2.75 and 3.5 minutes respectively. The thermal properties which were used in the

computation were also specified in section 5.3. The measured temperature

history on the outer surface was adopted as an essential boundary condition.

The comparisons of calculated and measured temperatures on the inner surface

for three different pipes are shown in Figs.6.26 to 6.28. The dashed lines

represent the transient temperature given by the numerical analysis. A good

agreement between calculated and measured results is again obtained.

Although, in order to keep the solution stable and to give good accuracy, the

time step At is chosen as 0.1 sec, the whole running time is less than 1 minute on

a PC486.

There are some deviations between the calculated and measured temperatures,

especially during the cooling stage. These might be caused by the following

factors. First, the numerical model does not precisely and explicitly account for

all of the physical processes which occur within the material, such as the
CHAPTER 6 Experimental Verifications 105

combustion of the volatiles and micro-cracks. Secondly, most of the input data

of thermal properties of material are given on an empirical basis and did not fully

account for the difference between the heating up and cooling down stages.

However, the results demonstrated that an appropriate set of data can produce

a consistent result for GRP pipes with different thicknesses.

After an initial five minutes fire impingement, either natural or forced cooling by

air was then commenced. It was noted that the pipe continued to smoulder or

burn during cooling and that this resulted in continuing damage to the pipe.

When the pipe had cooled sufficiently to be handled, its ability to hold water was

investigated. All the above type pipes failed to hold water under pressure after

fire testing. This revealed that the operable survival of unprotected thin GRP

pipes under the furnace hydrocarbon fire condition for more than 5 minutes is

unlikely. Therefore, an additional protection is needed and this can be achieved

by one of following methods: a coating of fire-retardant intumescent material,

mineral or ceramic wool wrapping, or by filling the pipe with stagnant or flowing

water. These methods have proved that they can considerably reduce the damage

to GRP pipes under fire as shown in next section typically for the intumescent


6.5 GRP Pipes with Intumescent Coatings

Two Ameron 4" epoxy pipes with the intumescent coating Pitt-Char and

reinforced Pitt-Char were tested under a hydrocarbon fire. The Pitt-Char is also
CHAPTER 6 Experimental Verifications 106

an epoxy based material which is sometimes reinforced with glass fibre. The

average thickness of un-reinforced coating was 7.5mm and reinforced coating was

11.5mm. These straight pipes with a length of 0.7m and the two ends blocked by

ceramic fibre, were placed inside the gas-fire furnace which followed the

hydrocarbon temperature-time regime(Eq.(2.20).

The outer and inner surface temperatures of the pipes were measured during the

tests(Fig6.29 and 6.30). It can be seen that the temperature increase in the inner

surface of GRP pipes was significantly delayed in comparison with the fire test

result on the unprotected GRP pipe (Fig.6.25).

Although the reinforced coating is thicker than the un-reinforced coating, both of

them gave the similar results. This is because, although the reinforcement

enhanced the integrity and adhesion of the intumescent char, it also impeded the

swelling of intumescence.

The adopted thermophysical and kinetic data for intumescent coatings were listed

in section 5.3. The exponent n = 0.2 (see Eq.(4.18)) indicates that the expansion

occurred early in the outgassing stage which is consistent with the experimental

observations. The comparison between the measured and calculated temperature

profiles on the inner surface of pipe shows that a good agreement is obtained

(Figs. 6.29 and 6.30).

A relatively simple approach was developed to simulate the temperature history

of GRP pipes with intumescent coatings under the standard hydrocarbon fire

condition. The famous intumescent material Pitt-Char was chosen which normally
CHAPTER 6 Experimental Verifications 107

expanded 2-4 times the original thickness. The favourable correlation was

obtained between the experimental and theoretical results. For different

intumescent systems, it is anticipated that only the thermophysical parameters

required adjusting in the modelling.

6.5 Conclusions

All above-mentioned numerical calculations were completed in a few minutes by

a PC 486. The computational time is short and the cost is low. The

convergence of the numerical results was proved to be satisfactory for mesh

refinement and shorter time-steps. It can be concluded that the numerical

results based on the proposed thermal models provided a favourable simulation

of the fire resistance of panels and pipes and the cost for the numerical prediction

is insignificant.
CHAPTER 6 Experimental Verifications 108

Temperature (DEG C)

Measured Hot Face Temp.

600 -

400 -


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 36
Time in minute
Fig.6.1 Fire Test of Mineral Wool Sheet
The thickness of sheet is 25mm

Temperature (DEG C)
BS476 Curve
800 - \

Calculated (FD and FE)
\ Neold Face Tema.

1 ,


5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Time in mins
Fig.6.2 Calcium-Silicate Board (12mm)
BS476 Fire Boundary Condition
CHAPTER 6 Experimental Verifications 109

Temperature (C)





0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time in mins
Fig.6.3 Fire Test of Plasterboard la
thickness 12.5mm, moisture content 17.5%
Computational and Experimental Results

Temperature (C)





0 10 20 30 40
Time in mins
Fig.6.4 Fire Test of Plasterboard 2b
thickness 15mm, moisture content 20.2%
Computational and Experimental Results
CHAPTER 6 Experimental Verifications 110

Temperature (C)

Hot Face Temo




200 Calculated
Cold Face Temo


20 40 60 80 100
Time in mins
Fig.6.5 Fire Test of Plasterboard 3c
thickness 25mm, moisture content 19.35%
computational and experimental results

Temperature (C)

800 x • 26mm
Hot Face Tem),
is • 20mm
.... .....-....

600 .......- ......., Wr2.0110

......., .../....
...... .../. ....,
.--- ../
..--- - • 10mm

400 7
..- -- --
--- -- ...--
7 -- Calculated 7
7 ..- ...-
7 7 ..--
7 7 ...-
....— ...- --
..-- ...-
7 -- , --
200 / - -
/ / /
/ .../ ...--- .-...---- _v..-
- ..---- \ M e a s u red
• ...---
-- .--
-- \ Cold Face Temo,

10 20 30 40 50 60
Time in mins
Fig.6.6 Fire Test of Plasterboard 4c
thickness 25mm, moisture content 6.36%
Computational and Experimental Results
CHAPTER 6 Experimental Verifications 111

Temperature (C)

1000 -
83476 Curve
\ /Furnace Te
800 - \Calculated
Hot Face Temo,
600 ^


200 Cold Face Temo, Calculated___,....„-----

----- \Measured
--------- 1
0 20 40 60 80 100
Time in mins

Fig.6.7 Fire Test of Plasterboard 3

fire boundary modelling

Temperature (C)






o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Time in mins

Fig.6.8 Fire Test of Multi-layer Panel

Plasterboard and Calsium-Silicate Board
CHAPTER 6 Erperinzental Verifications 112

Temperature (C)

Measured Hot Face Temp.

600 -
\ ---------

400 _

Cold Face Temp.

1 1

0 10 20 30 40 50
Time in mins

Fig.6.9 Fire Test of Concrete Pane' 1

Thickness of panel is 53mm

Temperature (C)

0 20 40 60 80
Time in mins

Fig.6.10 Fire Test of Concrete Panel 2

Thickness of panel is 77mm
CHAPTER 6 Experimental Verifications 113

Temperature (C)






0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time in mins

Fig.6.11 Fire Test of Concrete Panel 3

Thickness of panel is 102mm

Temperature (C)

1000 - \Furnace Tema.

800 -


Cold Face Temp.
200 _

50 100 150 200 250

Time in mins

Fig.6.12 Salford Voidfill Panel No.7D

Thickness of panel is 50mm

CHAPTER 6 Experimental Verifications 114

Temperature (C)

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Time in mine

Fig.6.13 The Comparison of Time-Temperature Profile

Between the Measured and Calculated Results
WR Polyester Laminate (5.9mm), Cellulosic Fire Test

Temperature (c)


800 '


500 _



o I I I 1 I 1

01 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Time in mins

Fig.6.14 The Comparison of Numerical and Measured Results

WR Polyester Laminate (6mm), Hydrocarbon Fire Test

CHAPTER 6 Experimental Verifications 115

Density (Kg/m3)





1000 1 _1
o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Time in mins

Fig.6.15 The Mass Loss Rate at Different

Locations of WR Polyester Laminate
Numerical Simulation for Cellulosic Fire

Density (Kg/m3)





1000I I I I I I I I _1

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Time in mins

Fig.6.16 The Mass Loss Rate at Different

Locations of WR Polyester Laminate
Numerical Simulation, Hydrocarbon Fire

CHAPTER 6 Experimental Verifications 116

Temperature (C)
Measured Hot Face Temo,

.6-.....---. a
-..... '-' ...... 4 .......-
.. ,
700 /
4 / / ..,'
/ ../
600 / a a .....-
/ ,--
/ 4-
---- -C alculated --
500 --4 ---
— - --
__--- ----4--- A
/ A// /
4- 4 ------ •
400 / et ------4 _---- "7
/ ,
/ --4--
/ /
/ ...--
300 ,,6 ,-,.• 4 ---M. ...
,,s,.. easured
..-.. ,- -.' ...- 4
...- ..- ..-
200 ---' "-- -.-- 0. '''. 4
/ „......--- ,.......------- a
ss -- -a"

5 10 15 20
Time in mins
Fig.6.17 Hydrocarbon Fire Test of
WR Polyester Laminate (8.8mm, 42% resin)

Temperature (C)

1000 - Furnace Temp


600 -

400 -

Measured Results\
200 _ Cold Face Temp,

\Numerical Results

20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Time in mins
Fig.6.18 Vermiculux (60mm) with two GR
Polyester Skins (6.4mm,6.2mm)
Hydrocarbon Fire Test
CHAPTER 6 Experimental Verifications 117

Temperature (C)

_ _ _bot Face Term.

1000 ,


600 '3


200 COld Face Terrier "

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Time in mine

Fig.6.19 Computational Time-Temperature Profile of

WA Phenolic Laminate I (12.6mm) In Hydrocarbon Fire Test

Temperature (C)



5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Time In mine

Fig.6.20 Comparison of Numerical and Measured Temperature Profile

Hydrocarbon Fire Test of WR Phenolic Laminate I (12.6mm)
CHAPTER 6 Experimental Verifications 118

Temperature (C)

,. ..





0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Time In mine

Fig.6.21 Comparison of Numerical and Measured Temperature Profile

Hydrocarbon Fire Test of WR Phenolic Laminate I (12.6mm)

Density (kg/m3)

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Time In mine

Fig.6.22 Declining Density at Each Location of WR

Phenolic Laminate I, Numerical Simulation
CHAPTER 6 Experimental Verifications 119

Temperature (C)

Not Face Temp.



Measured. 5
6 QS1S1.1,10_12.pm.

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65
Time In mins

Fig.6.23 The Comparison of Numerical and Measured Temperature Profile

WR Phenolic Laminate II (11.7mm) In a Hydrocarbon Fire Test
CHAPTER 6 Experimental Verifications 120

Temperature (C)

Gaa auoolv cut off

Ave. Furnace Temp, 1 \Cellulosic Curve

600 Calculated

Inner Temp. of Pipe

Outer Temo. of Ploe


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time In mine
Fig.6.24 Ameron 2000M 3 Epoxy Pipe
Cellulosic Fire Test

Temperature (C)






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Time in mine
Fig.6.25 Ameron 2000M 4' Epoxy Pipe
Hydrocarbon Fire Test
CHAPTER 6 Experimental Verifications 121

Temperature (DEG C)
Hydrocarbon Curve

Gee BUDDIV Cut Off



\Inside Temo,



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Time in mine
Fig.6.26 BP Phenolic Pipe, Hydrocarbon
Fire Test, Thickness of Pipe is 5.6mm

Temperature (DEG C)

Outside Temp,


inside Temo,


2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time in mine
Fig.6.27 BP Phenolic Pipe, Hydrocarbon
Fire Test, Thickness of Pipe is 7.7mm
CHAPTER 6 Experimental Verifications 122

Temperature (DEG C)






2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Time in mins
Fig.6.28 BP Phenolic Pipe, Hydrocarbon
Fire Test, Thickness of Pipe is 9.5mm
CHAPTER 6 Experimental Verifications 123

Temperature (C)






0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Time In mine
Fig.6.29 Ameron 4 2000M Epoxy Pipe with
Intumescent Pitt-Char (7.5mm)
Hydrocarbon Fire Test and Computation

Temperature (C)

\Outer surf temp.


Inner surf. temo,

200 Calculated

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Time In mine
Fig.6.30 Ameron 4' 2000M Epoxy Pipe with
Reinforced Pitt-Char (11.5mm)
Hydrocarbon Fire Test and Computation

Computer Program Development for FDM

Although, numerical heat transfer calculations can be performed by general

commercial packages, this would not meet the requirements of this study. The

first point is that calculations using such general purpose programmes will take a

considerable amount labour owing to the size of these programmes. Another

point is that if we want to study the particular behaviour of materials under fire,

such as moisture effect and decomposition of material, none of these

programmes have the required facilities, nor are the source codes available to be

modified. In general, the existing commercial software packages have not

included efficient fire - material models which usually tend to lag behind those

used for research purposes. It is therefore necessary to create an effective and

reliable program that can be executed within a PC environment, enabling a large

number of calculations to be made in a convenient way for this study.

Based on the finite difference formulae described before, a Numerical

Temperature Analysis Program - NTAP has been developed using the

FORTRAN language for one-dimensional analysis of heat transfer in either

Cartesian or polar coordinates, and two-dimensional analysis in polar coordinates.

The results obtained by using the program are the temperature profile of a

particular element of construction (panel, multi-layer panel or pipe) in a hostile

CHAPTER 7 FDM Programme Development 125

thermal environments of a specified intensity and time duration. NTAP is

designed to operate on a personal computer, although it can be executed on

other small computers or main frames. To make NTAP user friendly and

efficient, a simple data input by a pull-down menu management system and run-

time screen display have been established. In order to achieve this, the routines

and graphics facilities from the FTN77 (University of Salford) run-time library

were used. A high resolution graphics monitor with VGA screen type was

assumed and a mouse driver is required to make selections from the menus of the


The main menu is shown across the top of the screen when the program is

running. It contains the following items: Configuration, Heat Source,

Properties, Settings and Options. The menu option Configuration is used

to specify the geometric dimensions of the element and the number of material

layers. The Heat Source selection is used to define the nature and duration of

the thermal impact which causes the structure to be heated. Five types of

exposed side boundary conditions are available, which included most of the

possible types of fire exposure. These are:

1). Cellulosic temperature-time curve[1.1];

2). Hydrocarbon temperature-time curve[1.1];

3). Actual furnace temperature-time history as recorded during a test;

4). Heat flux loading; It includes radiative and convective heat flux in

unit of KW/m2. The jet fire may be included in this category.

5). Actual exposed side surface temperature history.

CHAPTER 7 FDM Programme Development 126

The Properties selection is used to define the thermal and physical properties of

the materials. If the thermal conductivity and specific heat are temperature-

dependent, their relationship can be supplied to the program. These values are

adjusted according to the temperature and moisture content as the program is

running. Some default data for commonly used materials are held in the program.

An additional property library of further materials is to be included in a

database. The Settings option is used to adjust or alter the parameters used in

the modelling. The last menu item, Options, is used to command the program

to do a general task such as to quit the execution, display the previous results,

re-run the problem after alteration of the data and to start the new run. The

detailed explanation of how to use the menu system is given in a user's manual.

The initial time-step is set by the user based on the requirement for accuracy.

Firstly, this time-step is checked by program for the stability requirement. If the

time-step does not meet the requirement, the program automatically reduces the

time-step to half of its previous value until it meets this requirement.

In the principle, there is no limitation on the minimum thickness of the elements.

Sometimes the user may wish to run a similar problem many times. Typing in

almost same data repeatedly from menu selection could be tedious. The

program provides a solution to this in that the input data can be read from an

existing data file which can also be edited.

When the user runs NTAP, the curves of the numerical solutions are

instantaneously displayed on the screen. The experimental data can also be

shown on the screen at the same time for comparison. The data and graphic
CHAPTER 7 FDM Programme Development 127

results are also written to an output file and can be printed to provide a

permanent record. As with other finite difference packages, the program predicts

the temperature at every node and time step. Output of the nodal temperatures

can be done at a specified time interval. It is considered that the resulting

program is both stable and user-friendly.

The verifications of the performance of these computer programmes were carried

out during every stage of development. The details have already been described

in the previous chapters.


Heat Transfer Calculation Using FEM

8.1 Introduction

In last two decades, another powerful numerical method - the Finite Element

Method (FEM), developed originally for the solution of structural problems, has

been applied to the solution of heat transfer problems[8.1, 8.2 and 3.1]. For

problems with complex geometries, the FEM has the potential to offer some

advantages over the FDM in the solution of heat conduction problems. Also, the

requirement for thermal-structural analysis raises a strong argument for using

finite element methods because they permit the use of a common discretization

for the thermal and mechanical analysis of structures. In this approach, either

the variational principles or, preferably, the Galerkin method is used to

transform the heat conduction problem to a set of algebraic equations. Then the

transient temperature field is obtained by the solution of these algebraic


In this study, a two-dimensional finite element model and computer program in

Cartesian coordinates have been developed to analyze the heat transfer problems

of elements of construction exposed to fire.

CHAPTER 8 Finite Element Methods 129

Since the principles of FEM for heat transfer problems are well known[8.1], the

details of its formulations will not be repeated here. A concise description of the

function of the developed FE program is presented in section 8.2, and a

representative problem is solved in sections 8.3 and 8.4 to show the capability of

FEM and the treatment of boundary conditions and moisture content.

8.2 Finite Element Computer Program Development

The developed 2-D FE program has a number of features that make it suitable

for the required purpose. The object structures may contain several materials

with thermal properties which vary with temperature. The heat transmission in

the enclosed voids by radiation and convection can be simulated as described in

section 3.3. Various boundary conditions can also be conveniently specified.

The traditional usc. :. of the enthalpy concept in the FE formulation[3.__] was

abandoned in our program. It is believed that the introduction of enthalpy in the

formulation is not a necessity and may cause unnecessary complexity in the

programming and application.

In the present version of the program, two-dimensional four-noded rectangular

and three-noded triangular elements are used. By input of the main geometry

data, the generation of the finite element mesh has been automated. Graphic

output is available; ie, a display of the colour contours of temperature distribution

during the calculation process is provided. This provides a quick check for both
CHAPTER 8 Finite Element Methods 130

the element mesh and temperature profile.

Although this is a two-dimensional program, it can also deal with one-dimensional

problems. First, the check for one dimensional modelling was carried out.

The results given by the program for mineral wool and calcium-silicate panels are

quite consistent with the results which were given by fire tests and finite difference

modelling (see Figs.6.1 and 6.2).

8.3 Test Example:

Composite Concrete/Steel Deck Slab Exposed to Fire

For two-dimensional modelling, a series of careful standard fire tests for

composite deck slabs, conducted by P.W.Haar et al[8.3], were utilised to verify

the validity of the numerical analysis. The experimental arrangement used by

Harr is described in a supplement at the end of the thesis. The time-dependant

temperature distribution in the cross-section of composite concrete/steel deck

slabs exposed to standard fire condition was calculated. Furthermore, the effects

of temperature-dependent thermal properties of material, moisture content and

boundary condition have all received a detailed study.

The composite concrete/steel deck slabs normally span in one direction, in which

profiled steel sheeting acts as a permanent formwork and as reinforcement to the

concrete placed on top, as shown in Fig.8.1. A rapid increase in the use of this

form of construction in the UK has occurred since 1980. This is due in part to

the possibility of demonstrating adequate fire resistance without the necessity of

any added fire protection. The overall slab depth is usually 100 to 150mm, with
CHAPTER 8 Finite Element Methods 131

spans ranging from 2.5 to 4.0m. The steel sheet, with thickness between 0.7 and

1.5mm, is galvanised for durability. A number of fire tests have been conducted

carefully with the primary object of verification of the numerical models[8.3,8.4].

Unlike some other test reports, sufficient information was provided for the

numerical analysis to be replicated. Although R. Hamerlinck, L. Twilt and J.

Stark have already published a finite difference comparison for part of these

results[8.5], there is scope for refinement of their theoretical evaluations,

particularly with respect the treatment of the influence of the moisture content of

the concrete. In reference [8.6], a brief mention was given to the numerical

calculation for a similar problem. Nevertheless, it did not take into account the

effect of moisture which means that the over-predicted temperatures in concrete

were displayed.

The finite element meshes for the analysis of floor decks using the Holorib and

Prins profiles are shown in Figs.8.2 to 8.4, where both rectangular and triangular

elements are used. Because of the periodic nature of this form of construction,

only part of cross-section was used in the calculation. It was shown by

measurements made during testing [8.4] that the heat transfer in the longitudinal

direction of slab can be neglected. It follows that the temperature distribution

is not significantly influenced by the presence of any additional reinforcement in

the form of longitudinal bars or mesh.

The elements are assigned thermal properties of the materials which depend on

the average nodal temperature. These thermal properties are specified at a

number of temperature levels and are assumed to vary linearly between these.

Owing to the rapid temperature rise specified in standard fire conditions, a rather
CHAPTER 8 Finite Element Methods 132

short time step is needed as the analysis proceeds. An explicit direct time

integration approach is therefore appropriate.

8.3.1. Boundary Conditions

In the tests, the slabs were positioned on the top of fire compartment with their

bottom face exposed to the fire. This represents a more severe situation than the

alternative with the fire burning above the floor. The temperature development

in the fire compartment was controlled to follow the ISO 834 standard time-

temperature curve as shown in Fig.8.5. A corresponding measured temperature

development in the fire compartment is used to generate an appropriate boundary

condition in the numerical modelling.

Both the radiative and convective heat transfer rates on the exposed and

unexposed sides can be described by equation(2.5). At the unexposed side of the

slab, a general formula for the free convection heat transfer coefficient in

horizontal plates is used, namely[8.4]

h ( T) = 1 . 52 . ( Ta — T) 1/3 (8.1)

This is the simplified form of equation (2.15) for the current case. Alternatively,

only a constant value of h (8 W/m°C) was used in [8.5]. The configuration factor

F is 1 and emissivity of E is assumed to be 0.8 here.

At the exposed side of the slab, although the heat transfer coefficient h and the
CHAPTER 8 Finite Element Methods 133

resultant emissivity E are supposed to be constant, a distinction needs to be made

between the lower flange, upper flange and web because the heat transmission

to upper flange and web is partially obstructed. After first making reasonable

assumptions, these parameters were adjusted in order to improve the fit with the

test results. The values used in the analyses quoted later are summarised in

Tables 8.1 and 8.2.

Table 8.1. Super Holorib Specimens

Specimen 1,8 (If) 1,8 (uf,wb) 11 (If) 11(uf,wb)

h 25 15 25 10

EF 0.2 0.08 0.52 0.12

Table 8.2. Prins PSV Specimens

Specimen 6(If) 6(uf) 6(wb) 12(1f) 12(uf) 12(wb)

h 25 20 20 25 10 20

EF 0.2 0.12 0.14 0.52 0.14 0.38

Specimen 1 is Super Holorib 51/Hb=70mm (Fig.8.3) with the steel deck in place

and Specimen 11 is similar but without the steel deck. Specimen 8 is Super

Holorib 51/Hb = 90mm (Fig.8.4) with the steel deck. Specimen 6 is Prins PSV

73/Hb=70mm (Fig.8.2) with the steel deck and Specimen 12 is without steel deck.
CHAPTER 8 Finite Element Methods 134

In the above tables, 'If' refers to lower flange, `uf refers to upper flange and

`wb' denotes web.

8.3.2. Moisture Effects

The concrete slabs were made using normal-weight concrete B25. Although they

were subjected to a long period of natural and forced drying, they still contained

about 3% moisture content on the day of test. The levels of moisture content for

each specimen derived from the test report[8.3] are given in Table 8.3.

Table 8.3. Moisture Content of Test Specimens

Specimen 1 11 6 12 8

Moisture Content' 2.8 3.0 3.6 2.9 3.67

1 mass percentage of dry weight

It is well known that the heat transfer in moist materials is influenced significantly

by the moisture content. A same simple engineering approach 'is used as

described in Chapter 5. Although the distribution of moisture throughout the

slab profile'is not necessarily uniform, it is assumed to be so in the current

numerical modelling.

According to this model, the moisture evaporation is assumed to take place

during a temperature interval, 100°C to 130°C. A = 1.5 in equation (5.2) is found

CHAPTER 8 Finite Element Methods 135

to give a satisfactory correlation with the experimental results for the cases

considered here.

Difficulties associated with numerical instabilities due to the abrupt variations in

CP were overcome by choosing a gentle change occurring over the 30°C

temperature interval in a way shown schematically in Fig.8.16.

Fig.8.16 The variation of DC p in a temperature interval

This was adopted solely to provide enhanced numerical stability and convergence

characteristics in the numerical calculations. The total energy which was needed

to evaporate the moisture was, in fact, not altered.

The thermal conductivity of concrete will be also influenced by the moisture

content. This will be discussed in the next subsection.

CHAPTER 8 Finite Element Methods 136

83.3. Thermal Properties of Materials

Since the thickness of the steel sheet forming the deck profile is small and its

thermal conductivity is high, the heat capacity and conduction resistance of the

steel deck may be neglected. Nevertheless, the emissivity of the galvanized steel

sheet has to be taken into account on the exposed side of specimens 1, 6 and 8.

This is the reason that the resultant emissivities on the exposed sides of specimens

1, 6 and 8 are lower than those for specimens 11 and 12 (see Tables 8.1 and 8.2).

The effective thermal conductivity of moist concrete will display an apparent

increase when the concrete is heated. Then the following relation between

conductivity and temperature shown in Table 8.4 is used for normal-weight

concrete (density = 2350 kg/m 3) with a moisture content around 3%. It may be

noted that the highest conductivity is at a temperature of 100°C.

Table 8.4. Thermal conductivity of concrete

Temperature (°C) 0 100 200 895 1200

Conductivity (W/m°C) 2.0 3.0 1.6 0.85 0.85

The specific heat for totally dried concrete is 900 J/kg°C at 0°C, and 1300 J/kg°C

at 1200°C. The actual specific heat of concrete with moisture content is

calculated by equation (5.3). The value of the final specific heat and conductivity

given by this procedure are consistent generally with the recommendations of the
CHAPTER 8 Finite Element Methods 137


8.4 Numerical Results and Comparisons

Numerical calculations were carried out for the five specimens mentioned above

using the finite element meshes shown in Figs.8.2 to 8.4. In order to obtain

coincidence between the positions of the thermocouples and element nodes, there

are slightly dimensional variations between the meshes for slabs with and without

the steel deck.

The comparisons of the observed and calculated time-temperature curves for

selected points are presented in Figs. 8.6 to 8.15. The 'No.' on the graphs

denotes 'Node Number' in the finite element mesh (see Figs.8.2 to 8.4). The

calculated results show good agreement with the test results. The calculation

time is just a few minutes with a PC 486 with time-step A t=2 sec.

The calculations for specimen 8 provide a particularly good confirmation of the

accuracy of the modelling. The shape of cross-section of specimen 8 is similar

to that of specimen 1, except that the concrete depth is increased to 90mm. All

input data for the numerical calculation for specimen 8 was therefore a copy of

that for specimen 1 except for the mesh generation and moisture content. An

excellent prediction was again obtained. This compares favourable with the 16

minute error in predicted insulation time found in[8.4].

In spite of the high thermal conductivity that was assigned to moist concrete at a

CHAPTER 8 Finite Element Methods 138

temperature around 100°C, the calculated temperature rise is still delayed in this

range as shown in Fig.8.10 and 14. This probably because the heat transmission

by diffusion of moisture was not fully considered. Nevertheless, the present

analysis gives better correlation with the test results than was obtained by the

authors of reference [8.4]. The total extra energy needed for vaporizing water

therefore seems to be correctly estimated.

Some discrepancies between the observed and calculated results occur on the

exposed side of slabs with steel sheets during the initial and final stage of testing.

In the initial stage, the relatively slow rise of measured temperature was

probably caused by the congestion of steam (Figs.8.8, 8.9, 8.12 and 8.13) while, irr

the final stage of the tests, the rapid rise of measured temperature might be a

consequence of debonding of the steel sheet (Fig.8.13). Cracks appearing in

concrete towards the end of fire testing also enhance the heat transmission in the


The numerical results presented above show that an accurate prediction oi tine

temperature development in a composite concrete/steel deck slab exposed to fire

is available. Its use requires the determination of a number of parameters,

namely, the moisture content and its distribution, the energy needed for

evaporation, the value of the thermal conductivity under the influence of moisture,

and the actual heat input from the fire compartment.

For a prescribed time-temperature development, the parameters that determine

the radiative and convective heat loading from the fire compartment to the

exposed side of test sample differ from case to case. With the extremely
CHAPTER 8 Finite Element Methods 139

complicated turbulence of hot gas inside the test furnace, it is difficult to give the

accurate values of them in advance. The comparisons give here suggest that the

values of both the emissivity of the fire compartment and the heat transfer

coefficient (Eq.(2.5)) are high at the start of the test when the temperature is

increasing rapidly. They then decrease as the rate of temperature increase

decreases. On the other hand, the galvanized steel sheet shows low emissivities

for low temperatures. When the temperature exceeds 400°C, however, the zinc

layer melts and surface blackens with the result that its emissivity increases. For

the combination of these two effects, a constant resultant emissivity appears to

provide a reasonable assumption for the radiative heat exchange between the steel

sheet and the fire compartment. For the concrete slabs alone, specimens 11 and

12, although a constant value was chosen for simplicity, the numerical results

will be improved if variable emissivity is used (Fig.8.10).

The use of a high thermal conductivity for moist concrete around 100°C gives a

good predictive of the behaviour as the moisture evaporates. An accurate value

of the extra energy needed for vaporization is also important.

CHAPTER 8 Finite Element Methods 140

ackitional reinforcatnant


Fig.8.1 Typical composite concrete/steel deck slabs [8.2]

1 2 346 e -

7 12

13 18


\\ 30

\ 38

42 —

Fig.8.2 Finite element mesh for Prins PSV 73

CHAPTER 8 Finite Element Methods 141








a- 03
.- •


CV W lp ao
n•n• • 04 Co







r... CI C0
CHAPTER 8 Finite Element Methods 142

Temperature (DEG C)
Compartment 1

\Compartment 2
180 834





25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200

Time in mins
Fig.8.5 The Measured Temperature in
Fire Test Compartment 18.21

Temperature (DEG C)


800 - ..—

600 _

400 _ No.12


I 1 i I I 1 I )

20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

Time in mins
Fig.8.6 The Comparison of Calculated
and Measured Temperature Distribution
Prins PSV 73 (without steel sheet)
CHAPTER 8 Finite Element Methods 143

Temperature (DEG C)






20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

Time in mins
Fig.8.7 The Comparison of Calculated
and Measured Temperature Distribution
Prins PSV 73 (without steel sheet)

Temperature (DEG C)
1000 - Measured
, \ Calculated
800 -

600 -

400 -

200 _

20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

Time in mins
Fig.8.8 The Comparison of Calculated
and Measured Temperature Distribution
Prins PSV 73 (with steel sheet)
CHAPTER 8 Finite Element Methods 144

Temperature (DEG C)






0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time in mins
Fig.8.9 The Comparison of Calculated
and Measured Temperature Distribution
Prins PSV 73 (with steel sheet)

Temperature (DEG C)






o 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Time in mins
Fig.8.10 The Comparison of Calculated
and Measured Temperature Distribution
Holorib 51/HB • 70mm (without steel sheet)
CHAPTER 8 Finite Element Methods 145

Temperature (DEG C)






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160
Time in mins
Fig.8.11 The Comparison of Calculated
and Measured Temperature Distribution
Holorib 51/Hb , 70mm (without steel sheet

Temperature (C)






0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Time in mins
Fig.8.12 The Comparison of Calculated
and Measured Temperature Distribution
Holorib 51/Hb • 70mm (with steel sheet)
CHAPTER 8 Finite Element Methods 146

Temperature (C)






0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Time in mins
Fig.8.13 The Comparison of Calculated
and Measured Temperature Distribution
Holorib 51/Hb-70mm (with steel sheet)

Temperature (C)






0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220
Time in mins
Fig.8.14 The Comparison of Calculated
and Measured Temperature Distribution
Holorib 51/Hb-90mm (with steel sheet)
CHAPTER 8 Finite Element Methods 147

Temperature (DEG C)

800 _

600 - No.19
n --
--- \Calculated
400 _ plo.13

20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220

Time in mins

Fig.8.15 The Comparison of Calculated

and Measured Temperature Distribution
Holorib 51/Hb • 90mm (with steel sheet)

Experimental and Computational Approaches

In the past, considerable research has been done and considerable advances have

been made in the determination of the fire resistance of components of

construction. Nevertheless, there is still a lack of appropriate regulations and

design codes concerning the use of some composite materials such as GRP.

Moreover, one of the major recommendations which was strongly endorsed by

the Lord Cullen report[9.1] on the Piper Alpha disaster, which occurred on 6 July

1989 and claimed 167 lives, was that the industry should move away from a

prescriptive, mechanistic approach to safety requirements, to those of a goal-

setting nature which ensure an adequate response. Then the one major problem

often confronted by designers and product developers is: " which is the best and

cost-effective way to satisfy such guidance? "

Currently, there are two fundamental ways to investigate the fire performance of

a structure, namely experimental and computational approaches. Both the

advantages and disadvantages of experimental and computational approaches are

discussed in this chapter. The main conclusion is that the best strategy to carry

on the optimisation of design for fire critical applications, is to obtain synergy

between the experimental and theoretical approaches. In fact, both approaches

are complementary to each other in nature.

CHAPTER 9 Experiment and Computation 149

9.1 Fire Resistance Tests

Although fire tests for materials and structures could include consideration of the

following aspects: fire resistance, fire propagation, heat release and smoke

release rate; fire resistance is the main concern of this thesis. As stated above,

the primary objective of the fire resistance test method is to determine the length

of time that an assembly of construction will satisfy certain criteria related to its

intended function under exposure to the test conditions. The fire resistance test

is used basically for three purposes:

to be able to claim fire resistance for a given construction and

hence to have it accepted by the regulatory bodies

. to assist with the development of new products and systems

. to establish the essential parameters to predict the fire behaviour

of elements of a structure.

Furthermore, fire resistance tests can be divided into the following categories:

full-scale standard tests, small-scale 'standard' tests and whole structure tests.

The required fire resistance rating is assigned by the building codes for various

portions of the assembly, depending on its relative significance to the overall

structural stability or the importance of it retains its function. The size of the

element for a full-scale standard test, for example for a vertical separating

element according to BS476:part 20[1.1], should be a full sized element of

building construction or if it exceeds the size that can be accommodated by the

furnace, the minimum size of element exposed to the heating conditions in the
CHAPTER 9 Experiment and Computation 150

furnace should be 3m high by 3m wide. These tests therefore require

considerable facilities, manpower, and material to conduct and thus they can be

expensive. The testing costs for a large research program can be appreciable

since many samples may be needed to evaluate alternative protection materials

with various thicknesses and construction details. Another problem is that the

number of existing furnaces which meet the size requirement is also limited.

However, the fire resistance rating is a basic property for which all products in

the market are tested, and it gives the user or specifier the first criterion for

selecting a suitable product.

The indicative small-scale test, which replicates the particular test specifications

but on a smaller sample, provides an alternative scheme for fire testing. It is

usually preferred for the research activities involved in developing a fundamental

understanding of the behaviour of a component and is the procedure used in this

thesis. Obviously this test method greatly reduces the costs and time. This

enables sensible assessments and indications for actual fire performance to be

made which is very useful in the development of a new material or in the

comparative evaluation of existing materials. It can also provide the data for the

calibration and validation of theoretical models.

Although the standard tests have their limitations, such as the consideration that

the applied thermal procedure may not represent an actual fire, they certainly

establish the points of comparison for the overall risk and behaviour, and provide

a measure of the relative performance of structures and materials within the

capabilities of fire testing furnaces. Therefore, they are the prescriptive testing

which is required in many countries. Full-scale tests can also supply the
CHAPTER 9 Experiment and Computation 151

information necessary for the development of reliable small-scale tests.

Once the confidence has been established in the design of a structure on the basis

of material and element fire tests, a whole-scale compartment test might be

needed to prove its performance conclusively with the provision of realistic fire

conditions. Sometimes, realistic dimensions are important in evaluating certain

effects, for example, the effects of continuity in continuous beams or of the

degree of fixity in beam-to-column connections, the effects of static loads on

structural elements exposed fire and the effects of specimen dimensions. In any

case, it is the real fire attack that has to be anticipated and to be withstood by

fire protecting structure. A whole-scale experiment may be the only resort for

some very complicated and critical cases, and most engineers have more

confidence in the results of such tests.

In these tests, the treatment of fire as a load condition requires that the fire type,

location, geometry, intensity and heat flow characteristics be defined. It is clear

that the design of this sort of experimental arrangement, which is a true

representation of the actual hazard, is by itself a fairly difficult process. It will

depend on the actual circumstances and requirements, and may require an

empirical approach to be designed by fire experts. Obviously, to test the whole

structure under realistic fire condition is also overwhelming costly.

Fire tests can also be classified according to the type of fire that they represent.

Typical examples are cellulosic furnace fire tests, cellulosic room fire tests,

hydrocarbon furnace fire tests, hydrocarbon jet fire tests and pool fire tests.

Except for the furnace tests, there are no well established individual standards for
CHAPTER 9 Experinzent and Computation 152

these tests.

Every fire test, if reproducible, is satisfactory for its own configuration and

scenario. However, it is unrealistic to expect that one small-scale test will

completely describe the fire risks of the real world. This problem exists even in

large-scale tests are used. Yet, properly interpreted small-scale tests offer the

most practical and economically reasonable method of evaluation the fire

behaviour of materials. Therefore, problems have arisen in using the results from

specific tests to predict fire behaviour in the unlimited configurations found in the

real world.

9.2 Computational Approach

The ever increasing cost of fire tests is contrasted to the failing costs of computer

software and hardware. The time scale associated with the running of a

computer programme can be significantly less than the time required to set up

and execute a fire test of the same problem. In addition, an advantage of a

computational analysis is that it enables the performance of a passive fire

insulation material to be assessed for applications which may deviate significantly

from those modelled in the standard tests. Numerical analysis can offer greater

flexibility in the choice of geometries, sizes, materials and boundary conditions,

then as a consequence, increasing the opportunities for flexibility in design. It

gives the designer more control over the performance of the system and a

considerable reduction in the need for involved fire tests. The modelling of
CHAPTER 9 Experiment and Computation 153

different possible alternatives by computational technique is of great help during

the planning stage.

The prime objective in passive fire protection is to reduce the temperature rise
in the components during the fire. The computational thermal models allow
the prediction of the temperature increase throughout a structure subject to a
heat flux. The constructional design can then be easily established for a range of
required thermal insulation at an appropriate thickness for particular heat loads

and fire durations.

Nevertheless, it is useful to be aware of the drawbacks and limitations of the

computational method. The limitations of the computational approach are that
some processes are not easily modelled and that the accuracy of a model depends
on the assumptions and approximations made in formulating it and in the material
properties adopted. In detail, the applicability of the thermal model is

dependent upon following factors:

a. A precise representation of the heat loading with time.

b. Thermal properties and pyrolysis data, including the:

1. Thermal conductivities of the material at various temperatures

(and moisture contents).
2. Specific heat capacities of the material at various temperatures.
3. Emissivity of the surfaces at various temperatures.
4. Kinetic parameters A and E A, as defined in Chapter 4.

c. Energy losses or gains associated with chemical reactions or changes of

state that may occur to materials at elevated temperature.

CHAPTER 9 Experiment and Computation 154

If these requirements are fulfilled, then the performance of a particular element

of construction subjected to a fire test will not be difficult to determine by a

computational approach.

Over the last two decades, research bodies in many countries have studied the

behaviour of construction elements in real fires and in fire resistance tests, and

thus obtained data on the effect of high temperatures on the properties of

material. This has consequently paved the way for the possibility of computing

fire resistance as part of the normal design process. Many national and

international committees are now engaged in refining procedures which can be

adopted by professional bodies, code preparing organizations and regulatory

authorities. Given the common research effort, the tendency to replace some

fire tests with fire-safety engineering calculations is now being accepted at official

and legal levels. For instance, the European Convention for Constructional

Steelwork published its European Technical Notes on a calculation method to

determine the fire resistance of centrally loaded composite steel concrete columns

exposed to the standard fire[2.5], and the 1992 Eurocodes contain clearly

separate chapters on structural fire design where calculation procedures are

accepted[9.2]. An American Concrete Institute Committee 216 even offered the

following revising statement to AC! 216R-81 'Guide for Determining the Fire

Endurance of Concrete Element' [9.3]: " As shown in the previous sections of

this Report, performing such (fire endurance) tests is not necessary for a large

number of concrete elements. Information on their fire endurance can be

derived by the application of calculation procedures based on heat flow

studies and structural analyses, and on the knowledge of the behaviour of

concrete and steel at elevated temperatures, rather than by fire test."

CHAPTER 9 Experiment and Computation 155

Nevertheless, the evaluation of the fire behaviour of components of construction

under real fire condition is a complex process. Risk depends not only on the

intrinsic properties of the material but also on the amount of material, its

configuration, and its exposure. Risk also depends critically on the environment

and usage. Research in numerical modelling has the potential to provide a more

fundamental understanding of heat transfer and fire resistance problems. In

principle, numerical modelling offers a rigorous framework because all the

interacting processes, if known and capable of accurate quantitative description,

can be included.

In order to obtain the desired level of accuracy and predictability, the fire test

arrangements also need improvement in order to provide more precise data to

verify and elaborate the numerical models. The harmonization of standard test

methods for different countries is also demanded. Efforts should be made to

standardize the construction of test furnace such as to dimension, materials used,

fuel, burner and exhaust arrangement, aiming at reducing the differences between

the various furnaces.

Looking ahead, the development of rigorous and intelligent computational tools

incorporating fire parameters to complement or replace the furnace tests will be

continuously pursued, with the aim of maturing the simplified design guidance to

meet the requirement of stipulations and even the prediction of the durability in

real fire scenarios. This is believed to be of considerable long-term value to the



Summary and Conclusions

10.1 Present Study

Major fires usually cause severe structural damage, even in areas remote to the

fire area. Fire could lead to partial or total collapse of an industrial installation

or domestic building resulting in loss of life, property and/or environmental

pollution, as happened in the North Sea Piper Alpha disaster. Considerations

should then be given in the design of the structure and its protection in order to

minimize the effects of these events. Preventive measures have historically been,

and will continue to be, the most effective approach in reducing the probability

of spread of a fire and the resultant consequences of the conflagration.

The industries have long relied on prior experience to provide 'expert judgment'

for evaluating fire hazards. This has worked reasonably well for traditional

materials used in the traditional manner, but when new materials are used or old

materials are used in new ways, hazards may be developed which are difficult to

anticipate if there is a lack of suitable analytical methodology. It is desirable that

the fire safety of products, including those using advanced composite materials,

should be treated by the same good engineering practices as are used for the

determination of strength and performance.

Chapter 10 Suninzary and Conclusions 157

The determination of the temperature distributions in the components of

construction, due to fire, is critical for the valuation of the passive fire protection

required in the construction. This thesis presents a methodology to study such

events, which involves a combination of theoretical, numerical and experimental


The design of building elements for a prescribed level of fire safety can be made

based on established engineering principles. Prediction of their fire endurance

can also be derived by the application of analytical procedures, rather then by

fire tests only. The complexity of the governing equations generally allows

analytical solutions to be obtained only for very simple cases, making it necessary

to use numerical techniques for most problems of practical interest. With the

expansion of the capability of personal computer and using computer codes, this

approach is becoming increasingly more practical. The growing need to optimize

fire protection systems has made it imperative to simulate the relevant thermal

transport phenomena numerically, since experimentation is usually too involved

and expensive. There has been a phenomenal increase in the use of

computational methods for heat transfer problems, as a result of their low cost,

remarkable speed, detailed and complete information. However, available

analytical and experimental results are of considerable importance in checking the

accuracy and validity of numerical results.

In the principle, the computational thermal models developed in this thesis can

be used for the design of the loadbearing and non-loadbearing elements of

construction for prescribed level of fire safety. However, for loadbearing

components, their deflection should be included in the calculation, provided that

Chapter 10 Sunimaly and Conclusions 158

the mechanical properties of the material at elevated temperature are known.

General speaking, there are three obstacles to the numerical heat transfer analysis

for an element of construction subject to fire. The first problem is to determine

the heat exchange between the outer surface of the element and the fire

environment. This includes the determination of the heat loading from the fire

and environment, the heat loss from the structure, the view factor and the

emissivity. The next question concerns that the inadequate information on the

thermal properties of material at elevated temperatures. The third problem is

the shortage of knowledge of the various processes that affect the heat transfer

during exposure to fire, such as moisture migration and material decomposition.

All of these problems and their influences have been investigated in this study.

Simulated cellulosic and hydrocarbon fire tests have been conducted for various

materials and configurations. Emphasis was laid on the development and

verification of one and two-dimensional finite difference and finite element

thermal models.

With the advances in material science, sandwich construction is increasing its

application in fire resistant structures. In Chapter 2, the explicit finite difference

formulations for multi-layer panels were derived. The spatial intervals for FD

analysis of the different material layers could be unequal. The realistic boundary

conditions on the exposed and unexposed sides of the panel have been formulated

from the normally established physical equations. The heat transfer coefficient

for convection and resultant emissivity for radiation are the decisive factors within

the formula.
Chapter 10 Summary and Conclusions 159

A similar treatment for the multi-layer pipes was described in Chapter 3. It also

includes the two-dimensional finite difference formulations for pipes and the

treatment of internal heat exchange.

One of the major concerns of the architect and engineer using materials

incorporating plastics resin in the construction industry is the problem associated

with fire. In Chapter 4, a blend of experimental, theoretical and numerical

techniques was used to exploit predictive capabilities for the thermal response of

fire resistant polymer composites. The approach included the correlation of

thermophysical properties as function of temperature and stage of decomposition.

These correlations are then used in a one-dimensional numerical model, with a

formulation based on major physical and chemical processes occurring in a

decomposing and expanding polymer composite. The initial attention was

focused on the performance of GRP laminates and pipes. The various factors

which influence the heat transmission were investigated in detail.

One discovery as a consequence of fire tests on GRP laminates is that the effect

of internal convection may be neglected due to the poorer contact between the

liberated gas and the fragments of the carbonaceous char.

Another finding is that the interlayer delamination is an important factor which

affects the fire resistance of woven roving glass-fibre/phenolic laminates. A new

model for delamination in a phenolic laminate was therefore proposed, and a

good agreement was then obtained between the theoretical prediction and

experimental measurement.
Chapter 10 Sumnzwy and Conclusions 160

Depending on the type of problem under consideration, either the heat absorbed

or the heat released by combustible materials in a fire environment may be critical

respectively. When the flashover point of a fire in a construction is considered,

the heat generated by the combustion of the volatiles should be known.

Conversely, if the fire resistance of a component in a standard furnace test is

simulated, the amount of absorbed heat for decomposition is important. In fact,

both the heat absorbed and heat released are two key factors in the progress of

a fire. They will determine the probability of ignition, fire spread and sustaining,

and the decay of a fire.

The characteristics of the intrinsic thermal properties and the kinetic parameters

of pyrolysis on heat transfer were discussed in Chapter 5. The values of these

parameters which were used in the numerical modelling were listed. The

significant influence of moisture content on thermal conductivity and specific heat

capacity was investigated in considerable detail. A new treatment for the

moisture influence on heat transmission was then proposed and the experimental

confirmation was given.

Chapter 6 provided the experimental verification of the theoretical analysis and

numerical calculation for various 'traditional' and innovative composite materials.

The dimensions and constitution of the specimens were described and the

comparisons of numerical and experimental results were performed.

On the basis of the developed models, a number of use-friendly finite difference

computer programmes were written. The description of these programmes was

outlined in Chapter 7. These programmes are capable of evaluating the

Chapter 10 Summary and Conclusions 161

temperature distribution history of various construction components under fire

impingement. Pre- and post-processors were integrated into the programmes

which allow fast and use-friendly input/output operations. The programmes

provide a convenient tool for the validation of innovative theoretical models and,

at same time, a valuable means for fire safety design.

Heat transfer analysis may be expected to be able to model realistic

environmental boundary conditions, to represent complicated geometry and to

analyze a variety of materials. Of the two, the finite element method is believed

to be superior to the use of finite difference methods. In Chapter 8, a two-

dimensional finite element model for the heat transfer problem was accomplished.

The verification of its performance was carried out by means of a practical

example: namely a composite concrete/ steel deck slab exposed to fire using data

from tests conducted by other researchers. An excellent agreement was obtained

between the computational results(which incorporated the proposed model for

moisture effects) and the experimental measurements.

In Chapter 9, the general issues about the role of experimental and computational

approaches in fire safety study and design were highlighted.

The following main conclusions can be drawn from this work:

1. In order to address the fire resistance problem effectively, the optimal

approach is the combination of experimental and computational schemes.

2. Due to the aforementioned advantages of numerical modelling, the

Chapter 10 Summary and Conclusions 162

influence of each parameter on heat transmission can be more readily

assessed by computer. This enables both the controlling authorities and

designers to arrive at solutions which represent the optimum level of

protection commensurate with the risk.

3. The discussion about the relative merits of computational analysis and

experimental investigation is not aimed at recommending computation to

the exclusion of experiment. Both of them have their own place. The

sequence of fire testing should be in an ordered progression leading from

small scale laboratory testing, then gradually increasing in scale and


4. In the development of the computational models, it should be born in mind

that they should easy to apply. The simplest model can be accepted which

has the ability to predict the thermal behaviour with an acceptable

accuracy and which minimizes the number of variables in the model.

5. With the provision of the requisite parameters, it is possible to provide an

accurate temperature distribution for elements of construction subjected

to a specified fire environment. The thermal properties of insulating

materials can be evaluated by comparisons with the results obtained from

the necessary fire tests and computer simulations. Once confidence is

obtained, the computational programme can analyse and optimise the

passive fire protection of any profile for any boundary condition and fire

exposure. It can also assist and guide the experimental work.

Chapter 10 Summary and Conclusions 163

6. The explicit finite difference method was proven to be a simple and

effective method to solve the heat conduction problem in elements of

construction .

7. A number of successful comparisons between numerical analysis and test

results have been obtained in this study, and additional insight into the

heat transmission mechanism on a variety of elements of construction has

been offered. Based on the results of this thesis, two scientific papers

have been presented in distinguished international forums[5.19,10.1], and

a further three papers are going to be published[10.2-4].

8. With the consideration of the moisture content, although the presence of

moisture will raise the apparent thermal conductivity of the material, the

energy needed to drive off the water, which could be either physically or

chemically trapped in the material, is of considerable significance. Then

the time needed to elevate the temperature on the unexposed side of a

component heated until the insulation criterion is exceeded is extended

significantly and this is of great benefit for its fire resistance.

9. Although the delamination in woven roving glass-fibre/phenolic laminate

at high temperature will be beneficial for heat insulation, it may be

unwelcome since it will wreck the structural integrity and reduce the

mechanical strength. In order to avoid this, some property improvements

should be made for phenolic resin to relieve this effect.

10. Whereas the development of scaled down bench mark tests will not totally
Chapter 10 Somoza?), and Conclusions 164

eliminate the need for full scale testing, it will allow quick and low cost

screening of candidate materials. The laboratory-scale technique which

was employed in this study is suitable for calibrating the theoretical models.

11. Most previous tests were not initially designed to provide an analytical

basis for computing, and consequently difficulties have been experienced

in completely correlating the calculated and the experimentally obtained

performance. The standard fire test methods should be improved by

establishing the precise properties of the materials being subjected to the

test and by applying additional data to the mathematical model, which will

then facilitate interpolation and extrapolation of these data. It will also

be of great help for the wide acceptability of the analytical approach[10.5].

12. With the advent of computers in design offices and their use for normal

design purposes, it is inevitable that similar techniques should be

considered for fire design. The completion of this thesis is expected to

form a necessary step towards this end. The computation of the fire

resistance of some types of elements of construction has become a reality

and it is only a matter of time before these methods will be widely used by

the industry.

10.2 Future Development

CV% trA k)Orka,rvk

Standard fire resistance tests and their computational simulation play sole
Chapter 10 Summary and Conclusions 165

in fire engineering. Both the temperature of a fire and its heat flux should be

considered before making a fire safety judgment because there is no accepted

correlation existing between the temperature of a fire and its heat flux falling on

the surface of a structure. Unfortunately, the existing inventory of various fire

resistance standards have a serious deficiency at this point. The temperature in

a fire testing furnace is usually controlled in accordance with these standards.

However, defining temperature-time characteristics is necessary but not sufficient

as the sole characteristic for determining the thermal loading for a construction

element exposed to a fire, as shown in Eq.(2.5). For a prescribed temperature-

time curve, the convection and radiation heat transfer from the fire to a specimen

can vary considerable from one furnace to another[10.5,10.6]. Ideally, it would

be preferable to control furnaces to regulate the total heat irradiation received at

the surface of the test specimen. Unfortunately, there are serious instrumental

difficulties inherent in such a scheme.

Accordingly, an important development will be concerned with the instrument

improvement which can precisely measure of heat flux received by the structural

element under test. If this does not work, alternatively, the following proposal

might be worth exploring. The idea is that with the use of numerical techniques

and the measurement of the temperature profile on a thermally stable sample

whose properties are well known, the irradiation provided by the furnace might

be computed by the methods described in this thesis. The main advantage of

such data is to enable an accurate assessment to be made of heat transmission

from the fire to the construction. This would allow furnace test results to be

correlated to a standard heat impingement. In the long term, uniformity in the

method of controlling exposure conditions for different fire test environments

Chapter 10 Sum:my and Conclusions 166

needs to be pursued.

Other further subjects could be:

1). Additional experimental verification of pipe modelling. Tests on more

pipes and their joints are needed to check the numerical programme.

These should also include two-dimensional heat loading and pipes filled

with stagnant and flowing water.

2). Extra verification of moisture modelling with large hygroscopic panels with

impervious skins. The interrelation between bench-scale and full-scale fire

test methods is also needed to be further investigated.

3). The assumption of perfect contact between the interface of two material

layers may cause some errors, as shown in Specimen 7 in Chapter 6.

Although considerable amounts of theoretical and experimental work have

been done on the prediction thermal contact resistance, it appears that

the reliable results for practical use are still those that have been

determined experimentally[5.19]. Based on experimental results, an

empirical formula might be added to the existing numerical modelling.

4). Continued development work on the three-dimensional model and

programme will permit the analysis of the problems with more complicated

configurations, such as joints and concrete with spalling. Identifying the

most effective numerical procedure to solve the corresponding nonlinear

equations is also demanded.

Chapter 10 Summary and Conclusions 167

5). More accurate thermophysical properties of various materials are required.

The nonlinear regression method might be useful to tune these properties

from experimental data[10.7-8]. Some data, for the instance heat release

rate of combustible materials, might be procured through some special

instruments, such as the cone calorimeter[10.9].

6). For decomposing materials, a study of the effects of the assumption of

local-thermal equilibrium and internal convection on the overall response

might be needed. More work could be carried out to verify the extended

model for other materials, such as timber.

7). As was outlined previously, one main drawback in the all existing fire

resistance standards is that all of them specified the severity of fire in

terms of temperature. Actually, the fire severity does not solely depend

on the temperature of the fire. The more important parameter is how

much heat flux is irradiated onto the surface of the structure. The

determination of the emissivity and heat transfer coefficients for standard

and actual fire environments should be further explored.

9). The determination of the mechanical responses of structural element under

fire impingement is also very important in many situations. The

interrelated influence of thermal and mechanical behaviours should be

considered at this stage. As the temperature field and the mechanical

properties of the material at elevated temperature are known, the

mechanical behaviour of the structure can be determined by using

commercially available finite element packages.

Chapter 10 Summary and Conclusions 168

List of Main References

[1.1] BS476:Part 20: Fire Tests on Building Materials and Structures.

British Standards Institution, 1987 and AMD 6487, April 1990.

[1.2] International Organization for Standardization: International

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[1.3] Babrauskas, V., and Williamson, R.B.: The Historical Basis of Fire
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[1.4] Babrauskas, V., and Williamson: The Historical Basis of Fire

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All the fire resistance tests (except those described in Chapter 8) included in this thesis
were carried out using the No.1 (small) and No.2 (large) furnaces, in the Fire Research
Laboratory, University of Salford. Both of these furnaces are natural gas-fired and are
controlled by a computer programme[S.1,6.1]. During the tests, the furnace temperature
and the output from the thermocouples on the samples were displayed on the computer
screen in different colours. The temperature measurements were also logged onto the
hard disc of the computer.

A continuous PID (Proportional, Integral and Derivative) three term closed control loop
system was used to control the furnaces[S.1]. The Proportional control simply multiplies
the error signal E(t) by a constant I(P. The Integral control multiplies the integral of the
error signal by KT, and the Derivative control generates a signal which is proportional to
the time derivative of the error signal. The function of the integral control is to provide
action to reduce the steady-state error, whereas the derivative control provides an
anticipatory action to reduce the overshoots in the response.

The values of the three control constants 1(13, I(D, and KI determine the behaviour of
the controlled system. Because the furnace system is difficult to model, appropriate
values of these constants were found experimentally. By changing these constants finer
tuning of the system can be achieved.

No.1 Furnace

The No.1 furnace has an active volume of approximately 1.0 m 3 and is lined with
insulating firebrick [S.1]. The furnace has a heavy door hinged on the left-hand side.
SUPPLEMENT Fire Test Facilities 177

Gudgeon pins were welded onto the right-hand side of the door opening and an open
rectangular metal frame fitted. This frame could accommodate test pieces up to 0.9 x
1.2 m2 with an exposed hot face area of 0.7 x 0.9 m 2. For the reduced scale tests, the
door can alternatively has small "window" opening (250 x 250 mm 2). The test pieces
measuring 300 x 300 to 350 x 350 mm 2 were mounted over the "window" and the test
run in the normal way (Fig.S.1). The test panels were supported at the bottom by a strip
of insulating material and clamped near the top by two small pieces of calcium silicate
and a bar (Fig.S.1). For measuring the temperature of the unexposed surface of the test
specimens, one or two disc thermocouples have been used in the middle area of
unexposed face, covered with a 2 mm x 30 mm x 30 mm insulating pad according to the
specification of BS476: Part 20.


Fig.S.1 Schematic Review of No.1 Furnace and the Test Arrangement

SUPPLEMENT Fire Test Facilities 178

Four furnace control thermocouples were set up in the furnace adjacent to the opening
100 mm clear of the hot face of the test panel. These were bare wire K type
thermocouples meeting the BS 476 specification. The furnace has two burners with
sufficient power to achieve the standard cellulosic time-temperature relationship given
in BS 476: Part 20, but it had proved impossible to achieve the high initial rate of
temperature increase needed for hydrocarbon fire simulation.

Pre-heating trials were carried out and eventually an acceptable procedure was devised
if the hydrocarbon fire test was demanded. The procedure was that the furnace was first
preheated to around 900°C and then switched off. During this heating period, a blanking
panel was in place with a dummy piece of insulating material covering the window
opening. Immediately after switching off the furnace, the dummy piece of material was
removed and replaced by the test piece and the furnace was then switched on again.
This does not create a true hydrocarbon test since, for about the first 40 seconds, the
sample is subjected to a higher temperature than it specified in the standard. However,
from the 40 second stage onwards, a good hydrocarbon simulation can be obtained
(Fig.6.18). Since this modified test is more severe than the true test conditions it was
considered to be acceptable.

No.2 Furnace

The No.2 furnace was based on a steel-frame box, clad with steel sheet and insulated
with a 250 mm thickness of stack-bonded ceramic fibre(Fig.S.2,Fig.S.3)[6.1]. Lining the
furnace with high quality insulation in this way allowed very rapid rates of heating to be
achieved thus satisfying the hydrocarbon time-temperature requirement. Figure S.2 is a
photograph of the furnace box and burner unit and Figure S.3 shows the working volume
with the door open. Externally the furnace box measured 2.0m x 2.0m x 2.0m, giving
an internal active volume of 1.5m x 1.5m x 1.5m (Fig.S.4 and Fig.S.5). A hinged door
could be swung back through 90° to allow the testing of vertical panels in the door
opening. With the door closed, pipes and other components could be tested in a fully
SUPPLEMENT Fire Test Facilities 179

Fig.S.2 The No.2 Furnace Box and Burner Unit

Fig.S.3 Working Volume with the Door Open of the No.2 Furnace
SUPPLEMENT Fire Test Facilities 180

—4 250 250 --1 I--


Fig.S.4 Schematic Elevation of the No.2 Furnace



800 r 5
FURNACE 3 2000

A— —1
— 2000 —

Fig.S.5 Schematic Plan of the No.2 Furnace

SUPPLEMENT Fire Test Facilities 181

enclosed environment. Firing was from the side using a powerful single 15 therm burner.
The flue exit was located just above the floor level, and measured 300mm x 300mm.
Figure S.4 is a schematic diagram of the furnace box arrangement and Figure S.5 shows
the laboratory layout which includes a separate control and viewing room. Figure S.6
shows an Ameron pipe with reinforced Pitt-Char within the furnace after an 8 minutes
hydrocarbon fire test.

Fig.S.6 Ameron Pipe Coated with Pitt-Char after Hydrocarbon Fire Test
SUPPLEMENT Fire Test Facilities 182

Haar's Experiment Arrangement

A schematic review of the test arrangement of Harr's experiments which were quoted in
Chapter 8 is given in Fig.S.7 [8.3]. For each test, six unloaded test deck slabs were laid
upon furnace using a temporary support in the centre of the fire compartment. The
gaps between the test specimens were sealed with strips of ceramic blanket (thickness

The slabs were not protected by means of any insulation or suspended ceiling. To ensure
that the specimens would not fail during testing, additional reinforcement (08 and 06)
was included(Fig.S.8).

About 35 temperature measuring points were provided per specimen, spread over 3
sections: I, II and III (Fig.S.8). The thermocouples in sections I and III were used to
check the longitudinal symmetry of the thermal behaviour. The thermocouples in the
mid span section II were used to check the transverse symmetry of the thermal
behaviour. The thermocouples were positioned with care, a supporting frame being
applied to ensure that the thermocouples would not change position during pouring of
of the concrete. Nevertheless, small differences between these planned positions and
actual positions were observed after manufacturing of the specimens. The actual
positions were used in the numerical modelling in this thesis.

SUPPLEMENT Fire Test Facilities 183

0 wall of 'aerated concrete blocks in the

centre of the fire compartment.

0 concrete wall closing the fire compartment

0 concrete slabs on furnace walls

@ layer of 25 mm ceramic fibre banket at
vertical concrete planes.

osition burner

I ..„.. --- 1 1
. 1
1 1 1 6 test specimen;
1I 1
1 I
1 i
1 .--;
........ ..--
, , .......
, 1
L-_-_ -_- • _ 1. :- _--.-.. ,.4 __,I.

300 1350
250 1350
135 -04,
135 (mm)
1600 1600

Fig.S.7 Schematic Review of the Harr's Test Arrangement [8.3]

SUPPLEMENT Fire Test Facilities 184

0 ® ©

06 _ 06
L.1 06

0 0 .1


500 500

450 350 450


104 tan WI NM


10 2833
11. 19 • .27 ff
12. 14. 20. 21 .26 .34
13 g"' A
le. 25 V .30
17. 2 • •31

16 32



Fig.S.8 The Cross-Sections of Deck Slab and the Positions of Thermocouples

(specimen 6: Prins PSV73/Hb=70mm) [8.4]

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