At the Hospital

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Тема. В лікарні.
Мета: оволодіти медичною термінологією, яка відноситься до теми «В
лікарні»; розвинути вміння вести діалог професійного характеру англійською
мовою; пробудити в пізнавальній діяльності студентів прагнення до вивчення
англійської мови з метою кращого оволодіння професією.

1. Read the following terms and phrases paying attention to their pronunciation.
Try to memorize them:
health care system – система охорони здоров’я
medical institution – медичний заклад
health care institution – заклад охорони здоров’я
treatment – лікування
medical equipment – медичне обладнання
general hospital – лікарня загального типу
specialized hospital – спеціалізована лікарня
illness – захворювання
department – відділення
outpatient department – амбулаторне відділення
inpatient department – стаціонарне відділення
accident and emergency department – відділення надзвичайних ситуацій
intensive care unit – відділення інтенсивної терапії
ward – палата
medical staff – медичний персонал
surgical department – хірургічне відділення
therapeutic department – терапевтичне відділення
cardiology department – кардіологічне відділення
neurological department – неврологічне відділення
outpatients – пацієнти амбулаторного відділення
inpatients – пацієнти стаціонарного відділення

2. Read and translate the following text:

The public health system includes a variety of medical institutions. There are
polyclinics, hospitals and other curative and preventive institutions.
A hospital is a health care institution providing patient treatment with
specialized medical and nursing staff and medical equipment. There are general
hospitals and specialized hospitals. A general hospital is dealing with all types of
patients and illnesses, except pediatrics. There are specialized hospitals for it. For
example, in Edinburg there is “Hospital for Sick Children”. In each hospital you can
see some of the departments: outpatient department; inpatient department; accident
and emergency department; intensive care unit.
Each general hospital has several departments. There are surgical, therapeutic,
cardiac, neurological, and other departments. Medical staff of the hospital consists of
a head doctor, therapeautists, surgeons, neurologists, ENT-specialists, cardiologists,
gynecologists, psychiatrics, oncologists and other specialists. Nursing staff consists
of doctors’ assistants and nurses.
Every hospital has its laboratory for performing analyses. Laboratory assistants
take blood, urine and other analyses.
Outpatients are the people who come to hospital to attend a clinic or to have
tests or treatment and then return home on the same day. Modern outpatient
departments offer a wide range of treatment services, diagnostic tests and minor
surgical procedures.
Inpatients stay in the hospital for one or more days.
The rooms where patients stay are called wards.
The Accident and Emergency Department is a department where the patients,
who are acutely ill, are treated. At this department you can see the doctor on duty
working at that time.
Larger hospitals may have an assessment unit where patients can be admitted
temporarily while their condition is assessed.

3. Answer the following questions:

1) What are the duties of a chemist?
2) What departments are there at a large chemist’s?
3) What kinds of medicines do you know?
4) What information is indicated on labels of medicines?
5) What can you buy at the chemist’s shop except medicines?
6) What is the difference between a chemist’s shop and a pharmacy?

4. Read a dialogue between a patient and a doctor:

Patient: Good evening doctor.
Doctor: Good evening. You look pale and your voice is out of tune.
Patient: Yes doctor. I’m running a temperature and have a sore throat.
Doctor: Let me see.
(He touches the forehead to feel the temperature.)
Doctor: You’ve moderate fever.
(He then whips out a thermometer.)
Patient: This thermometer is very different from the one you used the last time.
(Unlike the earlier one which was placed below the tongue, this one snapped
around one of the fingers.)
Doctor: Yes, this is a new introduction by medical equipment companies. It’s
much more convenient, as it doesn’t require cleaning after every use.
Patient: That’s awesome.
Doctor: Yes it is.
(He removes the thermometer and looks at the reading.)
Doctor: Not too high – 37.50.
(He then proceeds with measuring blood pressure.)
Doctor: Your blood pressure is fine.
(He then checks the throat.)
Doctor: It looks bit scruffy. Not good.
Patient: Yes, it has been quite bad.
Doctor: Do you get sweating and shivering?
Patient: Not sweating, but I feel somewhat cold when I sit under a fan.
Doctor: OK. You’ve few symptoms of malaria. I would suggest you undergo
blood test. Nothing to worry about. In most cases, the test come out to be negative.
It’s just precautionary, as there have been spurt in malaria cases in the last month
or so.
(He then proceeds to write the prescription.)
Doctor: I’m prescribing three medicines and a syrup. The number of dots in front
of each tells you how many times in the day you’ve to take them. For example, the
two dots here mean you’ve to take the medicine twice in the day, once in the
morning and once after dinner.
Doctor: Do you’ve any other questions?
Patient: No, doctor. Thank you.

5. Choose one situation and compose a dialogue:

Situation 1: You are feeling sick and would like to make a doctor’s appointment
for this morning.
Situation 2: Your child is really sick and needs to see a doctor right away.

6. What do you think about the following quotes?

 “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”.

 “God heals, and the doctor takes the fees”.
 “A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor’s book”.

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