Amendments TPS Executive committee_Corringendum
Amendments TPS Executive committee_Corringendum
Amendments TPS Executive committee_Corringendum
sub: l't Amendment to Model rrlparute Agreement under 2"d Round of empanel,ent by
Dear sir,
This is to inform that at clause No. 5.9(f) under penalty sLabs ofthe l"t Amendments to Model Tripartite
Agreement under 2"d Round of empaneknent by pFcL, there seems to be inadvertent
In view of ttle above, the signed copy of the corrigendum with regard to tJle aforesaid clause is being
sent herewith for your further needful.
Encl.: As Above
You rs (Sincerely
J,e '\>-r."1,e
Chief Manager (M&S/QC)
Copv for kind information to