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Project Name: Online Doctor Consultation Platform

Test Case Template

Test Case ID: DOC-01
Test Priority (Low/Medium/High): Medium
Test Case Template
Module Name: User Login Screen
Test Designed by: OMKAR BONDA
Test Title: Verify login with valid username Test Designed Date: 05/11/2024
and password Test Executed by: OMKAR BONDA
Test Execution Date: 05/11/2024
Description: Test if the user can successfully
log in to the platform with valid credentials.


 User has a registered account on the Doctor Consultation Platform.

 Active internet connection is available.


 The login functionality must be fully implemented and operational.

 The user account with valid credentials must already exist in the database.

Step Test Steps Test Data Expected Actual Status

Result Result (Pass/Fail)

1 Navigate to N/A Login page Login page Pass

the login is displayed displayed
screen. correctly. as

2 Enter a [email protected] Username Input Pass

valid m field accepted in
username. accepts the username
input. field.

3 Enter a password123 Password Input Pass

valid field accepted in
password. accepts the password
input. field.

4 Click on the N/A User is Redirected Pass

'Login' redirected to
button. to the dashboard.

Postconditions: The user gains access to their account dashboard after a successful login.
Project Name: Online Doctor Consultation Platform

Test Case Template

Test Case ID: DOC-01
Test Priority (Low/Medium/High): High
Test Case Template
Module Name: User Login Screen
Test Designed by: OMKAR BONDA
Test Title: Verify login with an invalid Test Designed Date: 05/11/2024
password Test Executed by: OMKAR BONDA
Test Execution Date: 05/11/2024
Description: Test if the user receives an error
when attempting to log in with an incorrect


 User has a registered account. Active internet connection is available.


 The login functionality should have validation checks for incorrect credentials.
 The error messaging system should be configured to display messages for invalid login

Step Test Steps Test Data Expected Actual Status

Result Result (Pass/Fail)

Navigate to N/A Login page Login page Pass

the login is displayed displayed
screen. correctly. as

2 Enter a [email protected] Username Input Pass

valid field accepted
username. accepts the in
input. username

3 Enter an wrongpassword Error Error Pass

invalid message message
password. 'Invalid displayed.
is displayed.
Postconditions: User remains on the login screen without access to the dashboard.

Project Name: Online Doctor Consultation Platform

Test Case Template

Test Case ID: DOC-01

Test Priority (Low/Medium/High): Medium
Test Case Template
Module Name: User Login Screen
Test Designed by: OMKAR BONDA
Test Title: Verify login attempt with empty Test Designed Date: 05/11/2024
username and password fields Test Executed by: OMKAR BONDA
Test Execution Date: 05/11/2024
Description: Test if the user receives an
appropriate error when attempting to log in
without filling in any fields.


 Active internet connection is available.


 The login form should enforce validation checks for empty fields.

 The "Login" button should either be disabled for empty fields or trigger a prompt/error

Step Test Steps Test Data Expected Actual Result Status

Result (Pass/Fail)

1 Navigate to N/A Login page is Login page Pass

the login displayed displayed as
screen. correctly. expected.

2 Leave N/A Login button Error Pass

username is disabled or message
and an error displayed.
password 'Fields
fields empty. cannot be
empty' is

3 Attempt to N/A No login No login Pass

click on the attempt is attempt
'Login' made; user made.
button. stays on the
login screen.
Postconditions: User is prompted to enter both username and password fields.

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