1.How Ornithopters Fly Calculation Tools

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19/09/2016 How Ornithopters Fly ­ Calculation Tools

Calculation tools
for ornithopter models
There is no common calculation method for flapping wings. In
every source of information different methods are being
All Orni calculation tools given below are based on the
calculation method specified in the handbook „How
Ornithopters Fly“. Particularly, the power and the twisting of
the wing at stationary flight situations can determinate with it.
Furthermore, the calculation method permits an approximate
quantitative specification of dynamics and aerodynamics of
profiled flapping wings, at least. Primarily, the numerical
comparison of various factors influencing of flapping wings.
Profiled flapping wings and quasi­stationary flow conditions are Cover picture of the handbook
presumed. Therefore, calculations only lead to useful results for
a fast forward flight with a relatively low flapping frequency (large birds, flying with lift).
The mathematical models are only executable with the respective software applications.

„Orni 1“
Simple calculation tool
to describe the wing twisting
The equations of the handbook are used in a small MS­EXCEL calculation tool:
Download Orni 1 (format xls, with a short instruction in English rel. 3.4, 0.2 MB)
Download Orni 1 (format xlsx, with a short instruction in English rel. 3.4, 0.1 MB)
This tool primarily allows the calculation of wing twisting at given wing data.
The additional calculation of data of the
flying model is highly simplified. The
detailed calculation of the force progression
during a flapping cycle has been replaced
by assuming a sinusoidal progression of the
force. Thereby coupling of stroke motion
and twisting remains unconsidered. Only
the reference line (as gliding flight) and the
Force progression
in principle amplitude of the sine half­wave (in the
center of each wing stroke) are calculated.
With that, the area under the curve progression or the size of a force is Force calculation scheme for
flapping wings

„Orni 2“
Calculation method for ornithopter models
The basic calculation method of the handbook „How Ornithopters Fly“ is reconstructed step by step.
Many of the itemised equations are generated with accompanying text, diagrams and pictures.
The abidance of the operational range of the lift coefficient of the used airfoil is automatically warranted
in the calculation tool. Also, the setting of balance of forces during flight happens in a simple way.
Therefore, one can certainly achieve the flight data of the chosen model configuration.
For the construction of a flapping wing model the calculation method describes various force and
moment developments at the wing. Furthermore, the required power and ­ above all ­ the wing twisting
along the span are being calculated.

http://www.ornithopter.de/english/calculation.htm 1/2
19/09/2016 How Ornithopters Fly ­ Calculation Tools

The calculation tool was written (in German) with the software „Mathcad“.
Because of the volume of data and pages it requires a little familiarisation.

Web Page PDF file Spreadsheet

for taking a look for printing for Mathcad­user

Orni2 orni2.htm orni2.pdf orni2.xmcdz

rel. 3.3 1.7 MB 317 KB 1.8 MB

Airfoil CLARK­Y clark_y.htm clark_y.pdf clark_y.xmcdz

rel. 1.2 270 KB 56 KB 257 KB

Airfoil SD7062­PT sd7062pt.htm sd7062pt.pdf sd7062pt.xmcdz

320 KB 60 KB 320 KB

Crank drive k_antrieb.htm k_antrieb.pdf k_antrieb.xmcdz

450 KB 110 KB 500 KB

„Orni 3“
Mathematical model for ornithopters
This tool is based on the calculation tool Orni 2. Here, gliding and power flights of a flapping wing
model can be analysed singly and in series.
To calculate an ornithopter model it is specified by diverse input parameters at first. One of these is
defined as an area variable. In the chosen data area one then receives the data of flight and drive, while
automatically keeping the data of the airfoil and the balance of forces.
Since there are only a few specifications included, the calculation tool Orni 2 beforehand should be
The calculation tool was written with the software „Mathcad“ (in German).

Web Page PDF file Spreadsheet

for taking a look for printing for Mathcad­user

Orni3 orni3.htm orni3.pdf orni3.xmcdz

rel. 1.3 665 KB 130 KB 667 KB
(use airfoil programs above­
The here listed calculation tools are too understood as open source software.
Therefore, everybody is enabled to take an insight look in the calculation method.
Everyone has the permission to relay, vary and particularly to correct and improve
this source code.

Comparison of the transport performance of a

with flying models
The flight performance of a mute swan is compared with the performances of a propeller and a flapping
wing model.
Download comparison.xlsx (Excel table, 28 kB)
The mute swan consume the most energy. Particularly, this is due to the small efficiency of the muscles.
Instead, the swan has the advantage that his body fat provides a relatively high density of energy storage.
In the calculation tools flapping wing models are a little bit more effective than propeller models.
Also the flapping wing model of the handbook is compared with an according propeller model.

http://www.ornithopter.de/english/calculation.htm 2/2

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