Turbine Controllers

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Turbine controllers

Turbines often rely upon control systems to regulate their speed and the power they
generate. Control systems are supported in an OrcaFlex turbine model through external
This document introduces the types of turbine control system that can be modelled and
discusses several example external functions written in Python. A more general
discussion concerning the modelling of wind turbines can be found on the website:
Note, these examples are written to work with OrcaFlex v11.0a and later.

External functions
External functions, and the API, are documented in detail in the OrcFxAPI reference
documentation, which can be found on the website:
A general guide to using external functions, with a non-turbine specific example set, is
also available through the website:
The below guide assumes your setup meets the minimum requirements to run a Python
external function and you have a basic knowledge of working with them. If this is not the
case, then you might like to review the above resources.

Types of turbine control

Pitch control
A pitch-regulated turbine varies the blade pitch angle to alter the aerodynamic torque on
the rotor and thus control its speed and power. In an OrcaFlex turbine model, the pitch
degree of freedom is the angle between the blade fitting frame, which is fixed relative to
the hub, and its root frame.

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Turbine controllers

Note the sign convention for blade pitch, for which a positive value defines an
anticlockwise rotation about the blade z-axis, looking from root to tip, is contrary to the
usual OrcaFlex convention.
OrcaFlex supports two Pitch control modes: Common and Individual. When operating
in common mode, all blades share the same pitch value. In Individual mode, each blade
has a unique pitch value.
To control the pitch degree of freedom, an external function is specified as the Pitch
controller on the Blades page of the Turbine data form.
Common control mode
In common mode, each call to the specified external function should return the pitch
value in radians, and its first two derivatives, that are to be used for all blades.
For a Python external function, this is done by assigning the pitch motion to the
info.StructValue attribute in the external function’s Calculate method, for
def Calculate(self, info):
if info.NewTimeStep:
info.StructValue.Value = pitch
info.StructValue.Velocity = pitchDot
info.StructValue.Acceleration = pitchDotDot

Individual control mode

In individual mode, each call to the specified external function should return the pitch
value in radians, and its first two derivatives, for each blade separately.
For a Python external function, this is done by assigning each blade’s pitch motion to an
element of the list contained in the info.StructValue attribute, in the external
function’s Calculate method. The first blade’s motions should be assigned to the first
element (i.e. index 0) and so forth. For example, if the desired blade pitch values were
contained in a list called pitch, and their derivatives in pitchDot and pitchDotDot, the
external function might look like this:
def Calculate(self, info):
if info.NewTimeStep:
for i in range(info.ModelObject.BladeCount):
info.StructValue[i].Value = pitch[i]
info.StructValue[i].Velocity = pitchDot[i]
info.StructValue[i].Acceleration = pitchDotDot[i]

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Turbine controllers

A trivial common control mode example: Ramp pitch

In this example, a very simple turbine is subjected to constant wind and no generator
torque is applied (i.e. the rotor is initially allowed to freely accelerate). A Python external
function is used to smoothly ramp the blade pitch, for all blades, up to 90 degrees. This
reduces the aerodynamic torque on the rotor and eventually slows it almost to a stop.
Open RampPitch.dat in OrcaFlex, on the Variable data form there is a single external
function named RampPitch. The data for this external function specifies: RampPitch.py
as the File name, this is the name of the Python module containing the external function
class definition; and PitchController as the Function name, this is the external
function Python class name.

On the Blades page of the Turbine data form, the external function name is specified as
the Pitch controller and Common is selected as the Pitch control mode.

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Open RampPitch.py in a text editor, it contains the Python class which defines our
external function. Because this is a very simple example, it only includes the Calculate
method. This method is implemented to: check if it is being called at the beginning of a
time step using info.NewTimeStep; calculate the pitch value, and its first two
derivatives, assuming the form of a logistic curve; and return these values in the
info.StructValue attribute. The logistic curve has the form of an "S" shape, which can
be used as a simple ramping function, with equation:
𝑓(𝑡) =
1 + 𝑒 −(𝑡−𝑡0 )
Back in OrcaFlex, run the simulation and open the associated default workspace
(Workspace>Use file default). As expected, the turbine’s main shaft angular velocity initially
increases until the controller pitches the blade sufficiently to slow the rotor down.

A trivial individual control mode example: Individual pitch

In this example, the turbine does not rotate and a Python external function is used to
impose harmonic blade pitch motion, with each blade being given unique amplitude.
Open IndividualControl.dat in OrcaFlex, on the Variable data form there is a single
external function named IndividualControl. The data for this external function
specifies: IndividualControl.py as the File name and PitchController as the
Function name. On the Blades page of the Turbine data form, the external function
name is specified as the Pitch controller and Individual is selected as the Pitch
control mode.
Open IndividualControl.py in a text editor, it contains the Python class which defines
our external function. Again, it only includes the Calculate method. This method is
implemented to: check if it is being called at the beginning of a time step using
info.NewTimeStep; calculate pitch values for each blade, and the first two derivatives,
assuming harmonic form with an amplitude scaling factor unique to each blade; and
return these values in the elements info.StructValue attribute.
Back in OrcaFlex, run the simulation and open the associated default workspace
(Workspace>Use file default). Each blade pitches harmonically, with amplitude determined
by the blade’s unique scaling factor.

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Turbine controllers

Generator torque control

Turbines also control the rotor speed by varying the torque applied by the generator. To
control the applied torque, an external function can be specified as the Generator
controller on the Generator page of the Turbine data form.
Unlike the pitch controller, the generator controller can operate in two modes:
specified torque and specified rotation. To control the applied torque, the
specified torque mode should be selected.
Each call to the specified external function should return the generator torque value. In
a Python external function, this is done by assigning the torque to the info.Value
attribute in the external function’s Calculate method, for example:
def Calculate(self, info):
if info.NewTimeStep:
info.Value = torque

A trivial example: Ramp torque

In this example, a very simple turbine is subjected to no wind. A Python external function
is used to smoothly ramp the generator torque up to 100 kN.m, accelerating the rotor as
it does.
Open RampTorque.dat in OrcaFlex. On the Variable data form there is a single external
function named RampTorque. The data for the external function specifies
RampTorque.py as the File name and TorqueController as the Function name. On
the Generator page of the Turbine data form, Specified torque is selected as the
Generator mode and the external function name is specified as the Generator torque

Open RampTorque.py in a text editor, it contains the Python class which defines our
external function. Again, it only includes the Calculate method. This method is

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implemented to: check if it is being called at the beginning of a time step; calculate the
torque value assuming the form of a logistic curve; and return this value in the
info.Value attribute.
Note in this example, we have used the OrcaFlexObject.UnitsConversionFactor
method to ensure the torque is returned in the unit system consistent with the model.
Multiplying by this conversion factor converts a value from SI units into model units. The
possible values for the base unit passed into it are detailed in the OrcFxAPI
Back in OrcaFlex, run the simulation and open the associated default workspace. As
expected the generator torque is smoothly ramped up to 100 kN.m and the rotor

Applying generator torque

Generator rotor

Iz, Gen

High speed shaft Main shaft

Generator torque

The controller’s torque is applied to the generator rotor using the standard OrcaFlex
convention, i.e. clockwise when looking along the axis of rotation (or when viewing the
turbine face-on). As is depicted above, the controller’s torque is applied before the
generator’s rotational inertia, i.e. if the system is accelerating, and the generator’s
rotational inertia is non-zero, then the high speed shaft torque will not equal the applied
If the gear ratio is positive, the main shaft will spin in the same direction as the generator.
In this example the gear ratio is positive. So to make the rotor spin in the conventional
clockwise turbine direction, the controller is setup to apply a positive torque, i.e. to put
energy into the system. In a more realistic turbine model, if the gear ratio was also
positive, the generator torque controller would apply a negative torque and take energy
out of the system.

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Turbine controllers

Generator motion control

The generator can also operate in the Specified rotation mode. This control mode
is primarily used for testing and model verification. If you would like to use it, on the
Generator page of the Turbine data form, Specified motion should be selected as the
Generator mode and the external function name specified as the Generator motion
controller. At each call of the specified external function, it should return the generator
angle and its first two derivatives. This is done following the same pattern used for a
common control mode pitch controller:
def Calculate(self, info):
if info.NewTimeStep:
info.StructValue.Value = angle
info.StructValue.Velocity = angleVel
info.StructValue.Acceleration = angleAccel

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Turbine controllers

Python controller
This is a more realistic example of a conventional variable-speed, variable blade-pitch-to-
feather controller, supported purely with a Python module. Contained within
PythonController.py is a Python implementation of the NREL OC3 baseline controller
(J. Jonkman, 2009), with the flexibility to optionally apply the OC3 Phase IV modifications
(Jonkman, 2010).
The 5MWBaseline.dat OrcaFlex data file is an example of the NREL OC3 5-MW baseline
wind turbine in the fixed bottom configuration (J. Jonkman, 2009). This model uses the
PythonController.py Python module to provide the generator torque and pitch
OrcaFlex model
Open 5MWBaseline.dat in OrcaFlex. The model has an external function, Controller
It specifies PythonController.py as the Python module containing the class that
defines it. From this module, the PythonController Python class is selected. The NREL-
5MW turbine object data sets this external function to provide the generator torque and
pitch control. Setting the external function and turbine data is discussed in the previous
To include this controller in a turbine model, the above is the minimum data that would
need to be set. However, unless user specified object tags are optionally included, which
are discussed below, the controller will, by default, not apply OC3 Phase IV modifications.
Nor will the actuator model be used. If you are modelling a floating system, the OC3 Phase
IV modifications are appropriate and the FloatingSystem object tag should be given.
Run the simulation and open the associated default workspace. The turbine is subjected
to an incident wind that increases from zero to a constant value of 13 m/s over the build-
up period. This wind speed is above the rated wind speed for this turbine and the pitch
control system is thus required to maintain the rated rotor speed of 12.1 rpm (1.267
rad/s). Initially the rotor accelerates, exceeding the rated rotor speed, and the controllers
then operate to correct it back to the rated value.
Note: the achieved generator power must be scaled by the turbine efficiency (94.4%) to
recover the rated 5MW.

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Turbine controllers

Modifying the behaviour with object tags

Objects in an OrcaFlex model maintain a set of name/value pairs known as tags. The
external functions in the PythonController.py module are written to accept the
following model tags from the object that calls them:
• FloatingSystem: if True the OC3 Phase IV modifications are made
• UseActuator: if True the blade pitch actuator model is enabled
• ActuatorOmega: the actuator’s natural angular frequency (rad/sec)
• ActuatorGamma: the actuator’s damping ratio
If the object tags are not specified, those that are interpreted as a Boolean are treated as
being False. The actuator model is discussed in the below Actuator section.
This data is set on the Tags page of the Turbine data form, in this example it is set as:

Here neither the OC3 Phase IV modifications nor the actuator model are enabled.
Python module
The PythonController.py module contains the class that defines both the pitch and
generator torque control. If you open it in a text editor, the PytonController class can
be found at the bottom of the module. The Calculate method of the this class is
responsible for calling the update method of the ControllerEngine class. Depending
on the controller type, it returns the associated control values through the correct info
The ControllerEngine class contains the implementation of the NREL controllers. Its
update method is responsible for updating state and calculating all the controller values
once per time step. The NREL OC3 baseline torque and pitch controllers share state and
so their control values are calculated in a single instance of the ControllerEngine class,
which is stored in their controller attributes.
The single ControllerEngine instance is shared between the PitchController and
TorqueController instances using the info.Workspace attribute. This is a Python
dictionary that is shared model wide. They access it using a key which is unique to the
calling turbine object. This is done in the Initialise method of the parent class:
def Initialise(self, info):
key = info.ModelObject.handle.value
controller = info.Workspace.get(key, None)

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Turbine controllers

if controller is None:
controller = ControllerEngine(info)
info.Workspace[key] = controller
self.controller = controller

Capabilities and Limitations

The BaseController parent class includes a StoreState method. This calls the
storeState method of the ControllerEngine, which preserves the working state in
the info.StateData attribute. It is called whenever a simulation is saved. Because the
state is captured, and restored the next time the class is instantiated, part run simulation
files can safely be continued and completed simulation files can safely be extended.
The external function uses the OrcaFlexObject.UnitsConversionFactor method to
ensure the control values are returned consistently with the model unit system.
The NREL OC3 baseline controller expects the initial blade pitch to be zero. As such, the
external function has the same requirement.
The external function is not written to work with the implicit variable time step integration
It is safe for multi-threading and models using it can be run in batch.

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Bladed controller wrapper

Often a control’s source code will not be made available and instead is compiled as a
dynamic link library (DLL). In this example, we use an external function as a wrapper for
the NREL OC3 baseline controller, bladed style, DLLs compiled by NREL. Two versions of
the example are provided, covering both Python and native external functions.
Obtaining the DLLs
The DLLs, distributed by NREL, are available from:
1. Scroll down to OpenFAST v2.0.0 and expand Assets
2. Download and open windows_openfast_v2.0.0.zip
3. Navigate to the openfast_v2.0.0_binaries\DISCON_DLLS folder
4. Depending on the bitness of your OrcaFlex, open either the 64bit or Win32 folder
and copy the DLLs from within
5. Paste these into either the Python controller or Native controller
wrapper folders of this Bladed controller example
OrcaFlex model
The 5MWBaselineWrapper.dat model is very similar to the previous example. Now
specifying either the Python module, BladedControllerWrapper.py, or the native
DLL, BladedControllerWrapper.dll, as the external files containing the
BladedController external function.
Unlike the previous example, one object tag, ControllerDLL, must be specified,
because this is used to tell the external function the filename of the target controller DLL.
Because the DLL is a complied version of the NREL OC3 baseline controller, when the
simulation is run, the behaviour is almost identical to that of the previous example.
Modifying the behaviour with object tags
The external functions in the BladedControllerWrapper.py module are written to
accept the following model tags from the object that calls them:
• ControllerDLL: filename of target DLL, given as a relative path
• DLLCanBeShared: if True then DLL is assumed safe for multi-threading
• UseActuator: if True the blade pitch actuator model is enabled
• ActuatorOmega: the actuator’s natural angular frequency (rad/sec)
• ActuatorGamma: the actuator’s actuator damping ratio
• InputFile: filename of input file passed to DLL, given as a relative path
• AccelRefPosRrtTurbine: optional, specifies the reference position at which the
turbine’s acceleration, passed in the swap array, is calculated. It should be a JSON
string, from which json.loads will return a Python array-like object, e.g. [-3.0,

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Turbine controllers

0.0, 5.0]. It represents a position vector, expressed relative and with respect to
the turbine frame. If not given, the turbine origin is used.
If the object tags are not specified, those that are interpreted as a Boolean are treated as
being False.
Unlike the pure Python controller, the OC3 Phase IV modifications cannot be enabled by
specifying an object tag. Instead, you must tell the external function to target a DLL which
has been compiled from a source in which the modifications have already been made. To
change this example to use the modifications, the ControllerDLL tag can be set to
DISCON_OC3Hywind.dll, depending on the bitness of your OrcaFlex.
In this example, InputFile is not used.
Python module
The Python controller example includes the BladedControllerWrapper.py module,
which contains the BladedController class that defines both the pitch and generator
torque control. The pitch and generator torque controllers will each have separate
instances of this class. The behaviour switches on info.DataName. Their controller
attribute contain an instance of the Controller class.
The Controller class contains the implementation of the wrapper. Its update method
is responsible for calling the DLL, using the callDLL method, once per time step. When
called, the DLL updates its state and calculates all the controller values.
The avrSwap swap array is used to communicate between the Python module and the
DLL. Before the DLL is called, the appropriate elements in the swap array are populated
with the values that are to be input to the calculation. This is then passed into the DLL
when it is called. After it has been called, the DLL will have calculated the control values
which are then read out of the swap array and returned through the external function.
Swap array
In this example, the avrSwap swap array is used to communicate with the DLL. The NREL
DLL is written in the Bladed-style as documented in Appendix A of the Bladed User's
Guide Version 3.51. The following elements are set by the wrapper before the DLL is
• Record 1: flag set to: 0 at first call; 1 for subsequent calls; -1 on final call
• Record 2: time since simulation started (s)
• Record 3: model time step (2)
• Record 4: current blade 1 pitch angle (rad)
• Record 15: generator power (W)
• Record 20: current generator angular velocity (rad/s)
• Record 21: current main shaft angular velocity (rad/s)
• Record 23: generator torque (Nm)*
• Record 24: yaw error (rad)* *

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• Record 27: current hub wind speed (m/s)*

• Record 28: flag set to: 0 common pitch mode; 1 individual pitch mode
• Record 30: current blade 1 root connection Ey moment (Nm)*
• Record 31: current blade 2 root connection Ey moment (Nm) *
• Record 32: current blade 3 root connection Ey moment (Nm) *
• Record 33: current pitch angle, blade 2 (blade 1 if common pitch mode) (rad)
• Record 34: current pitch angle, blade 3 (blade if common pitch mode) (rad)
• Record 37: nacelle yaw angle from North (rad)* *
• Record 49: max number of characters of avcMsg, set to 1024
• Record 50: number of characters of accInfile, set to 1024 if no InputFile tag
• Record 51: max number of characters of avcOutname
• Record 53: turbine z acceleration (m/s2)*†
• Record 60: current rotor angle (rad)
• Record 61: turbine blade count
• Record 83: turbine ry angular acceleration (rad/s2) *
The following elements are set by the DLL and read by the wrapper:
• Record 42: blade 1 pitch demand (individual pitch mode) (rad)
• Record 43: blade 2 pitch demand (individual pitch mode) (rad)
• Record 44: blade 3 pitch demand (individual pitch mode) (rad)
• Record 45: blade pitch demand (common pitch mode) (rad)
• Record 47: generator torque (Nm)*
When read/written converted to/from the OrcaFlex sign convention and the model’s unit

When the AccelRefPosRrtTurbine tag is given, the acceleration at the specified reference
position is passed in this record.
Range jumped suppressed.
Note: different control DLLs, written in same Bladed-style as this example, might need
different elements to be populated or read by the wrapper. DLLs written to conform to
later versions of Bladed use an extended swap array, with a different specification, and
the wrapper code will need to be modified to be compatible with them.
Native wrapper
The native controller example contains the BladedControllerWrapper.dll, a
compiled, 64 bit, native external function DLL. This is can be used in exactly the same way
as the Python module and the above documentation is just as relevant in this case.
The advantage of the native wrapper is that it is not subject to the Python Global
Interpreter Lock (GIL). The GIL can significantly impede performance with when using
multi-threading to run models in parallel, e.g. when using OrcaFlex batch processing.

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The disadvantage is the source code is harder to read, edit, and needs to be complied
before it can be used. The source code is distributed with the example in the scr folder.
To help compile the DLL, the build folder contains both a Microsoft Visual Studio project
and a MSYS2 makefile.
Capabilities and Limitations
Unlike the pure Python controller, the wrapper example does not capture state when the
model is saved. This means if you continue, extend or restart a simulation file, it will do
so with fresh controller state.
The external function uses the OrcaFlexObject.UnitsConversionFactor method to
ensure the control values are returned consistently with the model unit system.
The NREL OC3 baseline controller expects the initial blade pitch to be zero. As such, the
external function has the same requirements.
The external function is not written to work with the implicit variable time step integration
The wrapper is written to support the OC3 DLLs compiled by NREL. Other DLLs, written
to a consistent specification, might need extra elements of the swap array to be
populated or read from.
The wrapper is intended to support a Bladed-style DLL as documented in Appendix A of
the Bladed User's Guide Version 3.51. It will need to be modified to support later
It is safe for multi-threading and models using it can be run in batch. However, the
DLLCanBeShared object tag must be set correctly. If DLLCanBeShared is False then for
each model in the batch, a distinct copy of the DLL, with a unique name, is created which
means that each of those DLLs have their own private global variables.
The bitness of the target DLL must match that of your OrcaFlex.
Using the Bladed controller wrapper with the NREL ROSCO control DLL
The external function in this example can be used as a wrapper for the NREL ROSCO
control DLL.
To use it, the InputFile object tag should now be specified. The InputFile tag should
give the path, relative to the model directory, of the DLL’s input file.
Please note, the wrapper populates the swap array sufficiently to support the control
modes used in the examples available on the Orcina website. If other controller modes
are required, the wrapper might need to be further extended. The control modes, which
are enabled in the controller input file, known not to be supported include: Flp_Mode
and OL_Mode.

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Debugging the NREL ROSCO control DLL

Unfortunately, if there is an error in the ROSCO DLL it can sometimes lead to OrcaFlex
terminating without displaying an error message. For example, this can happen when
the ROSCO DLL is unable to locate a required dependency (e.g. the input file or perf.
file) or there is bitness mismatch between the ROSCO DLL and OrcaFlex. If this happens,
a simple way to debug the issue it to run the OrcaFlex model through the API using a
very simple Python script containing the below code snippet:
import OrcFxAPI
model = OrcFxAPI.Model('MyFile.dat')

If this script is run from the command line, then you should recover an error message
detailing the issue and allowing you to resolve it.

Python actuator class

The PythonController.py and the Python/native wrappers contain an Actuator
class. This class can optionally be used to include blade pitch actuator dynamics.
It is enabled by including the UseActuator object tag, with the value set to True, on the
tags page of the turbine data form. If it is enabled, the ActuatorOmega and
ActuatorGamma object tags, which specify the actuator natural frequency and damping
ratio, must also be included.
The model approximates the actuator dynamics as a second order system:
𝑥̈ + 2𝜔𝛾𝑥̇ + 𝜔2 𝑥 = 𝜔2 𝑢
Where 𝑢 is the input blade pitch demand, 𝑥 is the output blade pitch angle, 𝜔 is the
actuator natural frequency and 𝑥 is the actuator damping ratio. At each time step, this
system is analytically solved assuming the input blade pitch demand changes linearly
over the time step.
The actuator model has the advantage of turning a blade pitch demand (i.e. angle only)
into the blade pitch motion (i.e. include the first two derivatives).

J. Jonkman, S. B. (2009). Definition of a 5-MW Reference Wind Turbine for Offshore System
Development .
Jonkman, J. (2010). Definition of the Floating System for Phase IV of OC3.

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