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Digital Documentation (Advanced)

Create and apply styles

What is a Document?
A paper with written content is known as document and the
process of creating a document is called documentation.
A document can be anything like book, report card, bills, Notice,
letter, article, newspapaer, marksheet etc.

Advantages of Documentation
• It can be used for recording data and information for future
• It can be used for evidence in future.
• It is used to record data in a proper format and style.
• No more dependency on handwriting.

A Style is a pre-defined combination of fonts and styles that can
be applied to any text in a document.
When we apply a style, we are applying a whole group of formats
at once.
Like bold, italic, underline, various fonts etc.
OpenOffice Text document has five pre defiend styles.
1. Paragraph Style – Text alignments, borders, font face, font
size etc.
2. Character Style - Text within a paragraph like spacing
styles etc.
3. Frame Style – Text wrapping, borders, backgrounds and
4. Page Style – Header and footer, borders, margins and
5. List Style – Numered or bulleted list.

Opening Style and formatting window

We can open Styles and Formatting window by click on format
menu or press Shortcut ke F11.

Steps of apply a style

Step 1: Select the text.
Step 2: Open Style and Formatting window.
Step 3: Double click on the desired style.
Step to create a new style
Step 1: Select the text.
Step 2: Click on New Style from Selection option in Style and

formatting window.
Step 3: Write name of new style and click on Ok Button.
Steps to update a style
Step 1: Select the text.
Step 2: Click on Update Style option in Style and formatting
Note: - We can also use drag and drop option. Select the text and
drag the text inside style and formatting window and type the new
style name and press ok.
Applying style using Fill Format mode
Step 1: Click on desired style on Style and Formatting window.
Step 2: Click on Fill Format Mode. (Mouse cursor will change to
fill format mode).
Step 3: Click and drag the cursor over the text.

1. What are styles.
2. ________ key is used to open styles and formatting window.
3. Write steps to create a new style.
4. Write any three pre defined styles in open office writer.
5. What is paragraph style.
6. What is the use of style.

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